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Posts posted by OCruisers

  1. 53 minutes ago, 2012_Alaska_bound said:

    Cruised on Mickey's line in November, and part of their policy is for Covid recovered from 11-90 days. Requirements are proof of original positive test (in last 11-90 days) and recovery letter from your doctor (fit to travel). Then not required to take port boarding test.


    It would be nice for Regent to create a policy.

    Yes!  We need to know what their firm policy is!  

    • Like 2
  2. On 12/6/2021 at 4:44 AM, tbmrt said:

    Do they have music and fun games like shots, etc?  I remember being at Tropicante years ago and seeing a fun place close to that.


    Also hate Tropicante is closed after going there for many years.  

    Now will give Krazy Lobster a try!  

  3. 13 hours ago, jwattle said:

    Ummm...no, but thank you. I was raised with Southern etiquette. I'll accept it, and either drink it, or give it to someone who will (most likely the first, as I don't like to waste things, and I'm not a champagne snob, look down on me if you will from your "Oceania cruiser" viewpoint)


    FYI ....  The O in OCruisers stands for O in Ocean not Oceania.  

    In fact we've never been on a Oceania cruise.   We mostly cruise on Princess.  

  4. 42 minutes ago, CruisinFinsUp said:

    Minisuites receive a welcome glass of champagne for sailaway.   Its a minisuite perk.   


    Sometimes if the Stewards have extra, or folks decline, they'll give the bottle to whomever takes it.  

    The what they call  "champagne" they give mini suites is really AWFUL!  😝

    Do yourself a favor and tell your steward "No Thanks".    

    • Haha 1
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