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Curt Jerome! Need advice o' wise one :)


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Hey Curt!


I've been trying to figure out a way to private message you on this board, to no avail - I hope you don't mind me asking a question here.


A while back, you accurately described me as a winter color palette and I am considering making a drastic change to my hair color and I would love your advice / opinion on whether you think this is a good idea. I'm a tad nervous about it but have been thinking about doing this for over a year.


I have had the same hair color for years. I am turning 38 in March and feel that I need to liven things up a bit. My friends tell me to go for it, but I'd much rather have the opinion of a professional in this field. I do not know if I can carry this off.


This is me with my current hair color and the hair color I have had for years and years.




The following pics represent the shade of red I am considering.





Big mistake? Can a winter pull this off - can I pull this off?


Thank you so much in advance, for any advice you can offer me!


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Hey Curt!

I've been trying to figure out a way to private message you on this board, to no avail - I hope you don't mind me asking a question here.

Great timing Jules!

You caught me on a day where I'm not working this weekend (thanks sinus infection!), so I just logged on, and here you are asking for me...


I don't have direct contact info here, but you can always leave me messages on my thread in the Floataway Lounge, as I'll see that first...

If you leave an email there on my thread, I can contact you directly.

But in the meantime, I'll answer here:

A while back, you accurately described me as a winter color palette and I am considering making a drastic change to my hair color and I would love your advice / opinion on whether you think this is a good idea. I'm a tad nervous about it but have been thinking about doing this for over a year.

I have had the same hair color for years. I am turning 38 in March and feel that I need to liven things up a bit. My friends tell me to go for it, but I'd much rather have the opinion of a professional in this field. I do not know if I can carry this off.


This is me with my current hair color and the hair color I have had for years and years.


The following pics represent the shade of red I am considering.

All of the shades of red that you are picturing, are for Autumns - and they are really the only ones that can pull those off and look great...

You are a stunning Winter as you are, and those reds will just be a huge mistake on you (then take years to really ever get out)...

Big mistake? Can a winter pull this off - can I pull this off?

Thank you so much in advance, for any advice you can offer me!

So, yes, it would be a HUGE mistake for you. Don't do it.

If you can wait and be patient, and you'd like me to put a little time into it...

I'll get back to you later tonight with some other specific options and ideas that will work for you...


Let me know if you'd like me to do that.;)

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Great timing Jules!

You caught me on a day where I'm not working this weekend (thanks sinus infection!), so I just logged on, and here you are asking for me...


I don't have direct contact info here, but you can always leave me messages on my thread in the Floataway Lounge, as I'll see that first...

If you leave an email there on my thread, I can contact you directly.

But in the meantime, I'll answer here:

All of the shades of red that you are picturing, are for Autumns - and they are really the only ones that can pull those off and look great...

You are a stunning Winter as you are, and those reds will just be a huge mistake on you (then take years to really ever get out)...

So, yes, it would be a HUGE mistake for you. Don't do it.

If you can wait and be patient, and you'd like me to put a little time into it...

I'll get back to you later tonight with some other specific options and ideas that will work for you...


Let me know if you'd like me to do that.;)



Thank you EVER so much for taking the time to respond - I am so thankful I reached out to you for advice before doing something drastic I might regret.


I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on what might work for me. You are ever so sweet for helping out. I am open to changing my hair to any color and would love to hear from you, as to what you think will look good!


Feel free to answer directly in here or you can email me at spesh37@gmail.com.


Thank you ever so much!! I hope you feel better soon!

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Thank you EVER so much for taking the time to respond - I am so thankful I reached out to you for advice before doing something drastic I might regret.


I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on what might work for me. You are ever so sweet for helping out. I am open to changing my hair to any color and would love to hear from you, as to what you think will look good!


Feel free to answer directly in here or you can email me at spesh37@gmail.com.


Thank you ever so much!! I hope you feel better soon!

I'm running out to the store with MCJW, so I'll find some examples of what will work for you when I get back. But in the meantime, let me know...


What are you trying to achieve though?

Just a change for fun?

Really dramatic?


Do you have a job that requires you to be conservative, or can you be a little more creative?


I'll check back here when I return in a while, then when I know the answers to those questions I can give you some specific examples of what will work great on you...


PS How was your first cruise? The Honeymoon?

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I'm running out to the store with MCJW, so I'll find some examples of what will work for you when I get back. But in the meantime, let me know...


What are you trying to achieve though?

Just a change for fun?

Really dramatic?


Do you have a job that requires you to be conservative, or can you be a little more creative?


I'll check back here when I return in a while, then when I know the answers to those questions I can give you some specific examples of what will work great on you...


PS How was your first cruise? The Honeymoon?


The cruise was incredible! Thank you so much for asking. We had a blast - I have cruise fever now:D I will be going on a cruise to Alaska in May with one of my girlfriends, and hubby and I are considering a new years cruise for 2010 with some friends. Can't wait!


As far as my hair is concerned and what I am looking for - I have long hair and don't want to lose much length, so a play up of color would be perfect. I feel that my hair is dulling down my complexion and I also heard that as one ages, a few shades lighter can be more flattering. I've just been stuck in the same rut for a while to be honest and I am ready for a dramatic change of color.


I'd like to share with you some pics of me of when I was younger - these pics are about 6 years old. I experimented with red hair and light brown/blonde hair. The red wasn't the right hue as you can see in this picture. It wasn't a disaster but not the best color for me



The light brown/blonde look wasn't too bad (pic below)- but I needed a tan to carry it off. I don't cook myself in the sun anymore and I prefer to stay pale! I don't know if I can carry off something like that without a tan? I'd be open to doing it again if you thought something in a similar shade would be most flattering for me.



I guess I am really looking for something bold and dramatic. I feel it is time for a change. I am fortunate in that I do not have to be conservative with regard to work. (I work in the computer software industry where anything goes:D I'm really looking for some advice on what may be the best hair color options for my coloring/complexion. Something to liven up my face and bring out my eyes:D


Again, thank you ever so much for your time Curt - you are ever so sweet to help me out!

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Curt, one important thing I forgot to mention - whatever color I go with, I do want it to look natural. A great example of what I mean is Dita Von Teese who is actually a natural blonde. You'd never know it - as far as I am concerned she could have been worn with that mane of raven locks!


Thought I should point that out as I didn't want an obvious dye job going on LOL!

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As far as my hair is concerned and what I am looking for - I have long hair and don't want to lose much length, so a play up of color would be perfect.

Okay, but you are a very dramatic Winter already, so you need to stick with your natural attributes, and work within that context.

It gives you options, but automatically any "medium" or "warm" tones are just going to make you lose your natural Winter Dramatic coloring - and make you look more dull than you have any need to be...

I feel that my hair is dulling down my complexion and I also heard that as one ages, a few shades lighter can be more flattering. I've just been stuck in the same rut for a while to be honest and I am ready for a dramatic change of color.

It sounds like you are more bored, than your hair "dulling down" your complexion - but I can understand that mindset...

You just want a change.

The thing with the concept of going lighter as you get older, only applies as your hair is naturally going gray...

Not making it lighter prematurely, just for the sake of going lighter...

When you get to your 60s and 70s, then that concept is appropriate - but not for you in that context yet...

I'd like to share with you some pics of me of when I was younger - these pics are about 6 years old. I experimented with red hair and light brown/blonde hair. The red wasn't the right hue as you can see in this picture. It wasn't a disaster but not the best color for me


I'm not a big fan of red hair for you, as you can tell from your own experience. It's "okay", but it's just not "the best"...

I'll give you some very rare exceptions in later posts.

As you can tell from my other comments in other threads, there are other people who I am trying to convince to go to various shades or red or strawberry blonde (but they are Springs and Autumns) - it's just not great for you personally.

The light brown/blonde look wasn't too bad (pic below)- but I needed a tan to carry it off. I don't cook myself in the sun anymore and I prefer to stay pale! I don't know if I can carry off something like that without a tan? I'd be open to doing it again if you thought something in a similar shade would be most flattering for me.


You are a very beautiful woman, as is, with your natural coloring. So to me, this is just dulling you out, and making you "average".

If you NEED a tan to look good in certain clothing colors, and especially certain hair colors; then that color is absolutely not for you.

Putting it bluntly, you just looked washed out in this hair tone.

I guess I am really looking for something bold and dramatic. I feel it is time for a change. I am fortunate in that I do not have to be conservative with regard to work. (I work in the computer software industry where anything goes:D I'm really looking for some advice on what may be the best hair color options for my coloring/complexion. Something to liven up my face and bring out my eyes:D

Again, thank you ever so much for your time Curt - you are ever so sweet to help me out!

Okay, bold and dramatic is good - because with your natural Winter coloring - you have to be bold and dramatic.

You can't go medium, kind-of, or in-between on you.


I'm getting ready with some pics, to start explaining...


In the meantime, doublecheck on this thread/link here:

Hair Color!


Since so many people are mentioning this, I thought I'd put together a definitive list for you all.


First click here and save or download this chart:


These numbers and letters are going to be the same basic system that your professional hairstylist will use - so you can tell them with specifics and your own personal knowledge!


For Winters = anything that ends in "D". You can go really dark to really light - if you are going blond, then you want these Platinum tones.

Blue, Blue Violet, Violet, Green columns.


For Summers = you want anything that ends in "D", but can go "N".

Don't go too dark, stay in the medium to light range.

Blue, Blue Violet, Violet, Green, Neutral columns.


For Autumns = you want anything that ends in "R", but can use some of the Yellow Orange "G" for highlights.

Red, Red Orange. I would personally stay away from the Red Violets - as I don't think they are good for anybody (unless you are in a creative field).


For Springs - you want anything that ends in "G", but can go up to the Orange and Red Orange that ends in "R". Nothing in the pure Red though.

Yellow, Yellow Orange, Orange, Red Orange.


If you just want something to cover grays, then always go one or two shades lighter than your natural color, don't go darker. Something that is more of a semi-permanent "gloss" that won't leave a demarkation line when your hair grows.

As you mature, and your hair get's lighter naturally - you will want to all move down the color charts to the lighter colors in each column.

This will look more flattering and natural. Some of you may find that these lighter shades are the same colors your hair was when you were a child between 3 and 10 years old. Those lighter childhood shades are what you want to shoot for again, as you mature.


Once you know your season, and your color columns here - then you can pretty much have fun with it. Each tone in your zone will work perfectly for your skin!




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Okay, so first we're going to start with your celebrity look-alike

Katherine McPhee



A Dramatic Winter with very similar coloring and looks...

I'll present some other Dramatic Winters as starting examples after this - so we can all be on the same page on what we're starting with...;)

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I just looked into this thread.


While I have good visuals for what people should wear in terms of fashion and makeup, I'm not great at hair color changes. That said, I can see easily that you're not a redhead, and it wouldn't work with your coloring. So I agree with Curt 100%. It's just not you!


Once Curt comes up with some color suggestions, my suggestion would go to a really good salon here in NY to have it done. I'd be happy to recommend a few for you. Once you have it done the first time, and like it, you can probably find a local place to follow what was done.


With your coloring, you have some nice options.


I'm a natural red head, though at my age (over 40) it does fade and I color it to bring back it's zing. I love being a red head, but sometimes wonder what it would be like to be a brunette or a blonde, but my coloring is soooo much of a true redhead, that it would never work. I bought a dark brown "china chop" style wig and sometimes wear it for fun, but the truth is, it takes all the color out of my already pale skin, and I look kind of goth in it. Fun for a night, but that's all.


I'm anxious to see Curt's suggestions for you when he has time.


I'm glad you ignored people that told you to "go for it". I think they were thinking more about their own fun of seeing a change on you, rather than how you'd really look.

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I'm anxious to see Curt's suggestions for you when he has time.

Waving "Hi" to Jane coast to coast!:D


Yes, sometimes you want to be something different than what you are...

But it just isn't your best...

I'm a natural Spring Light Golden Blond...

And there were times in high school and college, where I desperately wished I had natural dark black or brown hair - but it wasn't and never will be me, so been there, done that, learned the lesson.

As a Light Spring, I can do Golden Blond, Strawberry Red, or Light Warm Brown - but that's it - no dark, no auburn red, no cool tones - they all drain the life out of me.


So, all of those that look good on me, will drain the life out of you - and vice/versa...


We're going to stick with what is going to be equally fantastic and dramatic with your natural skin tone and coloring...


Continuing with a couple of more examples of people with your natural starting colors of Dramatic Winters:



Madonna (one of the ultra rare pictures of her with her natural hair color), and Angelina Jolie, with her natural hair color...


Options and ideas coming next...

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(Sorry I did not respond last night, I went to bed early with a too-much-red-wine-headache!:D


Curt, thank you so much for your insight - you are right, I am utterly bored with my hair and I am looking for something different!


Angelina's hairstyle in the pic you posted was me for a long time - except that my bangs were a lot shorter - here is a picture of me with NO tan and my dark locks and short bangs..(this is my natural skin tone and natural hair color)



Loved this look, but as I got older, I felt a longer, swept-to-the-side bang was better for me which I have had for a few years now.


I love the richness of Katherine's McPhee's hair - it almost pops and really complements her skin tone beautifully. Looks like she has some highlights or low-lights in her hair?


As you correctly stated, any hair color that requires me to have a tan is out. I want to keep my pale skin. As I have gotten older, my skin isn't as clear as it once was (age spots!) so a color to compliment my skin and not point attention to flaws would help immensely lol


I may very well be fretting over nothing and you may feel my current hair color is the best option for me - I will listen to your professional advice! It just feels blah to me and yes, I am bored with it, truth be told. It really does need livening up.


Jane, I would LOVE some hairdresser recommendations from you. That would be super helpful!!


Thank you ever so much Curt - I can't wait to see what you think will work for me!! I just really would love your advice on the best color option to compliment my skin and coloring. I am one of the only women I know who does not color her hair - or should I say - has not colored it for years!


PS: I hope your sinus infection is getting better!

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Oh wow..your cruise was last month! How was everything?

Hoping wonderful:D

I remember when you were asking questions beforehand!


I see you said you are going to Alaska? I just returned home from

my 3rd time there and it was FABULOUS:).....if you go to Ketchikan

I highly, highly recommend Michelle with ISLAND WINGS....she

has a floatplane tour and it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Totally oustanding.

If you want to click on Flickr in my signature you can find the

album "MERCURY ALASKA SEPT 2009" and take a look at some



Oh....about your hair, I am no fashionista but Curt and Jane

know of what they speak.....I would go with their advice:)


Do you have any photos of your cruise? Would love to see them:)

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Curt, thank you so much for your insight - you are right, I am utterly bored with my hair and I am looking for something different!

so a color to compliment my skin and not point attention to flaws would help immensely lol

Thank you ever so much Curt - I can't wait to see what you think will work for me!! I just really would love your advice on the best color option to compliment my skin and coloring. I am one of the only women I know who does not color her hair - or should I say - has not colored it for years!

Are you ready Jules?

So, I'm going to give you a couple of options here to start.

I will only give you things that will compliment your skin and coloring - so they'll all work in different ways.


The key here, is that you are the Dramatic Winter with your natural coloring, so anything that is muted or medium in tone or intensity is just not going to work on you (great for a Summer, not for you)...


That being said, the options that are best for you are more fun and dramatic - so, because of your job, and what I can tell of your personality - you really can have fun with this...



Here we go...

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This is the first option, which I like because it is Semi-Permanent.

The color will last for a while, but it won't show any demarkation lines when it grows in (super bonus), and will also allow you to have fun changing this to different colors I give you below every 4 to 6 months or so...


Remember how you liked the depth of Katherine McPhee's hair?

I may very well be fretting over nothing and you may feel my current hair color is the best option for me - I will listen to your professional advice! It just feels blah to me and yes, I am bored with it, truth be told. It really does need livening up.

I love the richness of Katherine's McPhee's hair - it almost pops and really complements her skin tone beautifully. Looks like she has some highlights or low-lights in her hair?

It's not actually highlights and lowlights in her hair.

What it is is a Semi-Permanent Color Gloss.

So first look up at her hair again in the above pics...

Now look here:



I'm making the pictures big so that you can really look.

Penelope Cruz has a subtle gloss on her hair in this picture on the left.

The model in the middle has the most dramatic Color Gloss, and the model on the left is midway between the two...

Now don't necessarily look at their specific colors, as they're not the exact right ones for you - but I just want you to see the look and effect of the Color Gloss.


Now, if you decide to do this, you have to listen to me and only have the stylist use the exact brand and colors I'm recommending.

Exact. Otherwise, I can't tell you it's going to work.


What you need to get the Hair Colorist to do is use Redken Shades EQ.

And, the only ones that are the best for your skin and hair are these:




Now, remember these are colors that are just going to put a gloss over your natural hair color, so it won't look as intense as the color swatches.

But, here's the combos I'd do for you...

01b ONYX with a Blue Kicker or Violet Kicker

03v ORCHID alone, or with a Blue Kicker or Violet Kicker

03rv MERLOT with a Blue Kicker

05rv SANGRIA with a Blue Kicker


That gives you lots of various combinations to play with, and make changes to keep it fun. You can have new hair every 4 to 6 months, with no damage and some good hair protection.

Only stick with the colors and combos I'm suggesting though, they are all still cool tones, in blue and purple/violet - no actual red or orange.

You personally want to stay away from those, as well as any of the neutrals - as they'll just wash you out and make you "need a tan".

These are little creative and Rock and Roll, but you can be more subtle (with the Onyx alone) or kick it up, which for you I'd totally recommend.

Less subtle will totally work for you.


So there is option #1.

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Oh wow..your cruise was last month! How was everything?

Hoping wonderful:D

I remember when you were asking questions beforehand!


I see you said you are going to Alaska? I just returned home from

my 3rd time there and it was FABULOUS:).....if you go to Ketchikan

I highly, highly recommend Michelle with ISLAND WINGS....she

has a floatplane tour and it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Totally oustanding.

If you want to click on Flickr in my signature you can find the

album "MERCURY ALASKA SEPT 2009" and take a look at some



Do you have any photos of your cruise? Would love to see them:)


Lois, we had the most AMAZING time on the cruise. I cannot wait to do it all again:D Your Alaska cruise photos are just lovely. I am so excited about Alaska - I am going with a girlfriend of mine and we are both fans of hiking, nature and wildlife. This is going to be a holiday of a lifetime for the both of us!


I did indeed take some photos of our honeymoon - unfortunately my digital camera took a fall just before we left, so I ended up buying one of those disposable cameras. I have yet to take myself to target to get them printed. As soon as I get them back, I'll send you a link to our photographs:)


Hubby and I are considering a New Year's cruise Dec. 2010 - any suggestions?:D

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Semi Permanent color gloss! What a great idea - I think that is the perfect solution for me and I won't be 'stuck' with a color. I like the idea of changing it up every few months.


So I'm really digging the color 'Sangria' - if I went with sangria with the blue kicker - am I right in stating I would have a mane of glossy hair with hints of red (Sangria) and raven (blue kicker)? What happens when you mix them up?


So Redken Shades EQ. I will remember that! You stated that was option 1, so is there more to come? lol This is fun, like having my own personal stylist!!:D I can't thank you enough!

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If you are ready for more, or want a really dramatic option that will actually work great on you - then here's another one...

Remember all of our beautiful Dark Winter ladies above?

Where medium toned hair really doesn't work (on you either) - well what does work great on your skin tone is PLATINUM!

Look at Katherine McPhee's new look:




Madonna is always at her best in Platinum Blonde:



I especially like the last one on the right...


Look at how great Angelina looks in pure Platinum:




Now the key here, is that it has to be cool platinum, no yellows or gold allowed. Leave that to the Springs.

Cool, Platinum, Blue-ish...


It might take more than one session to get there, depending on how your hair reacts - but that' why the other blonde didn't work on you - it was too medium yellow. You need to go all the way further, like the examples above, then it will work.


Another cool option, is to do this kind of thing:



Where it's super super light Ashy Cool Blonde, but kind of "weaved" to the natural dark hair. This way it just looks cool and Rock and Roll as it grows in...

Then you can just weave a little more Light Cool Ash into the new growth...

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Semi Permanent color gloss! What a great idea - I think that is the perfect solution for me and I won't be 'stuck' with a color. I like the idea of changing it up every few months.

See? You can try them all!;)

So I'm really digging the color 'Sangria' - if I went with sangria with the blue kicker - am I right in stating I would have a mane of glossy hair with hints of red (Sangria) and raven (blue kicker)? What happens when you mix them up?

I can't tell you 100%, as I'd have to be there mixing it myself, but with the colors I have hand chosen for you - you can't go wrong.

None of them are actually "Red" as in Red or Orange undertones, which is what didn't quite work on you before (and the original picture examples up top)...

They really are purple/violet, the blue kicker is going to add more cool tones to the hair (both cool as in "not warm", and cool as in "yeah, I know people"). I don't want it to end up too red, so the blue kicker is just adding to insure both "cool" factors...:cool:

So Redken Shades EQ. I will remember that! You stated that was option 1, so is there more to come? lol This is fun, like having my own personal stylist!!:D I can't thank you enough!

You should print out the chart and take it with you, if you go with the Color Gloss.;)

Check all of these out for now, let me know what you think...


PS I'm feeling better, now I got MCJW sick; so I'm playing doctor.:)

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The platinum is HOT but if I am being honest, I do not have the balls to do that LOL!

You'd actually look incredible, but the good thing about it...

You can always save that look for later on in life, then you can be a hot mature lady like Helen Mirren (my fave 60 year old classy but still sexy woman;))...

Your husband will appreciate it!

You can just keep that in your "look bank" for later.:D

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Lois, we had the most AMAZING time on the cruise. I cannot wait to do it all again:D Your Alaska cruise photos are just lovely. I am so excited about Alaska - I am going with a girlfriend of mine and we are both fans of hiking, nature and wildlife. This is going to be a holiday of a lifetime for the both of us!


I did indeed take some photos of our honeymoon - unfortunately my digital camera took a fall just before we left, so I ended up buying one of those disposable cameras. I have yet to take myself to target to get them printed. As soon as I get them back, I'll send you a link to our photographs:)


Hubby and I are considering a New Year's cruise Dec. 2010 - any suggestions?:D


A cruise for New Year's? Sounds lovely although I can never

sail at that time of any month due to work:rolleyes:

Suggestions? Oh anything would be fun for New Year's on a


And I cannot wait to see your pictures!!!

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You'd actually look incredible, but the good thing about it...

You can always save that look for later on in life, then you can be a hot mature lady like Helen Mirren (my fave 60 year old classy but still sexy woman;))...

Your husband will appreciate it!

You can just keep that in your "look bank" for later.:D


I think I will definately rock the platinum look later in life...and I ADORE Helen Mirren - I think she is beautiful.


Curt, I can't thank you enough for your input and feedback - this is super helpful! I am going to get my hair done in a couple of weeks and when I do, I will make sure I go with the Redken semi permanent. I'll take pics for ya!


Thanks again!!!:D

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