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scooter annoys ablebodied

Ians Grandma

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SHAME ON ME! I have a disability that isn’t visible to the naked eye.


SHAME ON ME! I appear "able" to the general population.


SHAME ON ME! I appear much too young to need a scooter.


SHAME ON ME! I didn't read the how to act handicapped manual.


SHAME ON ME! I have the ability to be mobile - for short distances.


SHAME ON ME! I don’t always show the pain I feel.


SHAME ON ME! I try to help myself when others do not.


SHAME ON ME! I can do something you think I shouldn’t..


SHAME ON ME! I'm having seconds and a desert.


SHAME ON ME! I appear much too jovial to be disabled.


SHAME ON ME! I have a disability that isn’t visible to the naked eye.


Well said

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Last year my son and I were on a cruise to the South Pacific which we throughly enjoyed. My son is confined to a wheelchair. We wanted to see a crossing the equator event on deck so we got there over an hour before the event to get a front row seat as it is the only way that he could see. We have found that people always stand in front of him if we don't get a spot in the very front and he has no way to see around them. I was saddened to later read online that someone was angry because his scooter blocked people who wanted to go up front and take photos. If they wanted to be up front they could have sat in the sun for an hour, as we did. It is hard live with a disability but also hard to have to fight all of the time for basic acceptance in a group. I am just venting but do other cruisers who cannot walk at all find the same thing? We do try to blend in as much as possible and not be demanding. We are going on a cruise again soon and I feel a bit worried.


I have been wheelchair/scooter bound for almost ten years. On my first cruise, I didn't know that I could rent a scooter and so my poor, loving husband had to push me around the ship. The carpeting inside the ship is horrible to wheel a wheelchair over and he suffered greatly for his kindness. Now, I rent a scooter and cruising is a joy. The way I handle the AB is with humor. When I get into an elevator I always make a joke about them watching their toes, because I don't want to take them with me. If I am in a crowd and my scooter horn isn't loud enough to be heard, I just simply start beeping at them, myself. Most people react very positively.


I may appear to just be an overweight lady, who is too lazy to walk. That isn't the case. Much of my weight problem is because I can no longer exercise. In fact, exercise would have a very negative effect on me. I am dealing with the late in life repercussions from having struggled to be "normal", all of my life. I had polio at age nine months but wouldn't let it stop me. I did everything I wanted to do, when I could walk, and I am not going to let my need for wheels stop me now and you shouldn't allow the attitudes of others stop your son. He has every right to travel and enjoy his life, whether he is in a wheelchair or not. You two have paid the same price for the tickets and deserve to have a positive experience, when you cruise. Don't be intimidated by the rude and crude people in this world, they are the ones who are the truly disabled.


Joanne in Tel Aviv

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So if you're jumping in front of people on their scooters and get your toes run over or your ankles hit , or see her backing up and you can't step backward a couple of feet(i.e.; assaulted), then it's your own fault.


Yup, we took a cruise on Princess to HI last March & a woman in her 60's jumped out in front of my hubby's scooter, trying to beat him on to the elevator. The other folks on the elevator were kinda laughing at her as she glared at him. She told him that he ran into her, he replied that she shouldn't have jumped out in front of him!

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Yes there are plenty of rude and inconsiderate people in this world and that includes scooter riders!!! They can be just as rude as the rest of us. Some have the attitude of "I'm in a scooter so get out of my way or I'm running you over." And then they wonder why some people have issues with scooter riders. I've been almost run over many times by scooter riders.

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Yes there are plenty of rude and inconsiderate people in this world and that includes scooter riders!!! They can be just as rude as the rest of us. Some have the attitude of "I'm in a scooter so get out of my way or I'm running you over." And then they wonder why some people have issues with scooter riders. I've been almost run over many times by scooter riders.


Since you're new here, I'm guessing that you probably didn't bother to read this thread, but are just blowing hot air??


Thanks for your insensitive remarks. It verifies what we have to put up with on a daily basis.

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Since you're new here, I'm guessing that you probably didn't bother to read this thread, but are just blowing hot air??


Thanks for your insensitive remarks. It verifies what we have to put up with on a daily basis.


I'll bet they have also been run over by wheelchair users too. The fact that they most likely stopped short in front of them has nothing to do with it.

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I just read the OP's comment and it made me sad and upset for her son and brought back a memory for me. A few years ago my son was confined to a wheelchair for a brief illness. We had a trip to Disney World planned and paid for . He really wanted to go, so we did. We were watching the parade on Main Street in the WHEELCHAIR designated area I might add, when some very rude people ( who BTW were not is wheel chairs or with anyone else that was) stepped in front of him thus blocking his view. How rude and inconsiderate of others, I was so upset that my young child who waited in the hot sun for an hour, could not see the parade. I politly asked for them to move and got an earfull. The wheelchair was only temporary for him but it did make me more aware of others and their handicaps. My heart goes out to all that have experienced such ignorance.

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Being a wheelchair user, I have run over peoples toes,arches, and smashed into the backs of the heels. Not once was it on purpose. Many people are in such a rush & they do not see what is around them. I have been to concerts where people have stood on my leg rest to get a better view. Afterwards they hit the ground as they magically lost their balance and were shoved to the ground. I respect others as long as they repect me

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Yes there are plenty of rude and inconsiderate people in this world and that includes scooter riders!!! They can be just as rude as the rest of us. Some have the attitude of "I'm in a scooter so get out of my way or I'm running you over." And then they wonder why some people have issues with scooter riders. I've been almost run over many times by scooter riders.


Thank you; this is my Dh; he and his scooter!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Of course I realize that many handicaps are not visible. I just think you should have some sort of prescription, medical form etc. to use a scooter, the same as you need to get a parking permit. What I meant about dropping my son off at the door was that we do not need one. The doctor was willing to give us one, but I feel those spaces should be left for the people that truly need them. If someone truly needs it then they should not have a problem with a doctor verifying it. My nephew is handicapped and his mother parks in the handicap spots even when he is not with her, so I know for a fact people take advantage. Luckily my son's situation is temporary. I was not trying to offend anyone.



Hi everyone! This is my first post, although I've been a lurker for years. I'm an 18 year old disabled high school senior. I can walk for short distances most of the time, but I have periods of time when I am confined to a wheelchair or scooter for safety reasons (I suffer frequent fainting episodes and my dear mother is worried about concussions), so I definitely know what everyone is saying about how many inconsiderate people there are!


In our defense, when inexperienced wheelchair pushers (lol! you all know who I am talking about...and think about it, I'm usually being pushed around by my teenage friends which can be a DISASTER! :eek: ;)) are navigating us around, sometimes they can't see over the foot rest and are not aware of how much space we actually take up, so I've hit quite a few people through no fault of my own or on total accident. I would just always push myself in order to minimize this, but I have a genetic connective tissue/joint disorder that causes daily dislocations, and oftentimes, pushing the wheels causes my fingers or wrists to dislocate, sometimes even my shoulders, and it's very difficult for me to do that. I feel AWFUL when I run into people and I apologize profusely. I can definitely say that some of the disabled people that I know DO act rudely when they hit someone...but I find it better to just apologize and move on, you know!


The reason I quoted the above post though, is because, although I know a lot of you disagree with me, I do think that having "proof" from a doctor should be needed to take advantage of in-store scooters or wheelchairs. It shouldn't be difficult to get if you have a condition; a simple doctors visit should get you everything you need. That way, the few people who take advantage of the system would be weeded out and we who really do need the assistance will be able to receive it more efficiently.


Thanks for your time everyone! :D

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Hello Friends:


I am about to go on my first cruise in May with my scooter and I'm really nervous! I know what kind of looks I get at "home" like in the grocery store, mall, etc. So I'm nervous about the reaction I will get on the cruise. I am only 44-yrs old and not obese (could stand to lose about 10 lb.) so I don't look like the "typical" scooter rider.


My handicap has to do with my muscles. I can walk but only very short distances. I can stand but only for short bits. So when I'm at the grocery store and I stand up from my scooter to get something on a higher shelf does not mean I'm a faker.


I was in Las Vegas recently and I was going through a walkway/aisle in the casino by the blackjack tables. A lady backed up into me. I had already passed her but her foot backed up between my front wheel and the back wheel and I went over her foot with my right back tire. Because of the sudden jolt upwards my scooter and I landed on two wheels and almost bit it. Of course there was no apologies and she actually said to me " oh, its okay, I'm not hurt"


I am traveling with my mother (a very young looking 65 yr old). That even gets more looks because she has to load and unload my scooter, load the groceries at the store, etc. I would rather be taking care of her instead of the other way around.


I'm really concerned about the stops on the cruise. Can I take my scooter off the boat so I can use it shopping in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Grand Turk, etc? How about the stop in Half Moon Bay that is tendered? Can you please share with me your experiences with that.

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Hello Friends:


I am about to go on my first cruise in May with my scooter and I'm really nervous! I know what kind of looks I get at "home" like in the grocery store, mall, etc. So I'm nervous about the reaction I will get on the cruise. I am only 44-yrs old and not obese (could stand to lose about 10 lb.) so I don't look like the "typical" scooter rider.


My handicap has to do with my muscles. I can walk but only very short distances. I can stand but only for short bits. So when I'm at the grocery store and I stand up from my scooter to get something on a higher shelf does not mean I'm a faker.


I was in Las Vegas recently and I was going through a walkway/aisle in the casino by the blackjack tables. A lady backed up into me. I had already passed her but her foot backed up between my front wheel and the back wheel and I went over her foot with my right back tire. Because of the sudden jolt upwards my scooter and I landed on two wheels and almost bit it. Of course there was no apologies and she actually said to me " oh, its okay, I'm not hurt"


I am traveling with my mother (a very young looking 65 yr old). That even gets more looks because she has to load and unload my scooter, load the groceries at the store, etc. I would rather be taking care of her instead of the other way around.


I'm really concerned about the stops on the cruise. Can I take my scooter off the boat so I can use it shopping in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Grand Turk, etc? How about the stop in Half Moon Bay that is tendered? Can you please share with me your experiences with that.


I cruise with my mom who uses a scooter. You should have no trouble getting your scooter off the ship if your port isnt a tender port. Sometimes the walkway down to the pier is a little steep and rough but cruise line employees will help you. My mom had trouble in all ports with her scooter because of the lack of curb cut outs. Some entrances into shops required a step so were inaccessible. Others were too small to allow room for a scooter to maneuver. We were always able to find other shops though.


If you want to venture into old San Juan in Puerto Rico it has cobblestones. So, it will be a very bumpy ride. This area also has a few hills. Again lack of curb cut outs were a problem in the old town area.


If any of your ports are tender ports you need to check with your cruise line. I know Princess and NCL are not allowing scooters on tenders anymore. They are too heavy for employees to carry on the tender. Weather conditions are also an issue. I don't know anything about Half Moon Bay as I have never been. Again, I would suggest checking with the cruise line.


Let me warn you that elevator use on cruise ships is difficult for scooter and wheelchair users. Able bodied people practically try to crawl over my mom to get in the elevator before her. We wait in line like everyone else but once it was our turn I had to be quite assertive to get my mom in the elevator before able bodied (who arrived after us) would push in front of her.


As you know, you have to be careful of able bodied who step out or rush in front of you or back into you on a moments notice. They think scooters can stop on a dime. Once my mom was parked on her scooter and someone stepped back right into her and then turned to her and said "you hit me". She was parked and wasn't moving at the time. :confused: I think alot of it has to do with the line of vision. Scooters are in a lower field of vision and sometimes I think people just don't see my mom.


Don't be nervous. Just be careful, and go slow. It sounds like you know your scooter and have driven it for some time. You have every right to enjoy your cruise and go everywhere just like everyone else. You will encounter some very nice, helpful people who will bend over backwards to help you. Others, just don't understand.


My mom gets looks too. We just smile at the people who stare or look.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Please come back and tell us how it went. :D

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One thing I found on our last cruise was if we tried to use one bank of elevators (the ones that went to all the lower floors and some other ones), we couldn't get on, they were always full. We always had more luck with the glass elevators in the main atrium. We had very few issues getting one of those. The other ones we waited for no less than 10 elevators and still could not get on when we tried the other ones with great success.

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Thank you so much for responding to my post. Your advice is VERY helpful and helps my nerves settle down a bit!


Has anyone been to Half Moon Bay? I've read that there are about 13 steps down to the tender but once you get on shore, how far is it to the beach? How far down the beach is the BBQ?


I appreciate all of you!

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