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Warning! Royal caribbean

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We've been cruising almost yearly for 20 years or more and my DH's has always said that we've had good cruises and we've had great cruises but we've never had a bad cruise. They are what you make of them, so make them happy and get the best out of your time at sea.

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Hi,, While I agree with most of your post,, I do have an think, that well, frankly, some of you seem to have pretty low standards or expectations. . I do realize one has to be realistic,, cruises can be pretty cheap,, so don't expect haute cusine and luxury suites on a budget or mass market line.. but ,, note, cruise ship brochures do not say " come for some luke warm banquet food and surly staff delights".. now do they??


I read the linked review posted,, and while the poster used a very overly dramatic title,, I felt he was entirely in the right to be so upset.. RCCL were absolutely customer service twits,, and I really do not see how anyone can defend RCCL in THAT particular review. I too would be furious if after purchasing something special,, and a surprise, , that I would have to return THREE OR FOUR times to get it acknowledged,, and they THEY screw up the surprise. Sorry that some of you figure thats how to treat customers,, but I do not.

The poster really had some legitimite complaints.. and I don't think its fair to put him down because of it.


First up some valid points there - as pervious stated of course there will be loads of legitimate complaints and even very serious service failures - not just in relation to cruises but other customer service industries. I just find that there are occasions where small things can very quickly snowball into something much bigger, they take on a life of their own and then get quickly out of control. Sure there were major stuff ups for that family onboard - but to read the headline it's as if they were boarded by pirates and held in prison and it's the very worst experience of their entire lives.



False imprisonment? As we all know in any retail environment such a store, a hotel ect they won't left you leave until you have paid or settled you bill in full - doesn't matter if it's $3 or $300. (and it is a condition of travel too.)


And the bottom line here for me, more often than not it is how you handle a complaint in the first instance. I've stood in many a line at airports and even at reception onboard a ship and watched in horror as people have literally 'gone off' as in insane - at front line service staff or managers.


Once or twice I have actually intervened and come to the defence of staff - with words to the effect - you are a very rude person. No matter what your complaint there is never an excuse to be rude or verbally abusive.


It all depends how you handle it, what outcome you get - those that scream blue murder and rant and rave - get nothing, absolutely zip.


They will be talked to politely and professionally but almost with exception a note will be made in their booking along the lines of 'excessively rude - unreasonable' and then with any future incident these notes are referred to and added to along the way. Therefore if the complaint ever makes it in writing to head office - the staff simply refer to 'notes of interaction' - little wonder that the overly aggressive - verbally abusive customer will get little joy from the complaints department either. And to me that is the way it should be.


Finally a little story that sums up the above.


A major argument broke out between two passengers on board an aircraft - over something fairly insignificant - one was a frequent flyer throwing his weight around saying words to the effect "Do you know who I am?. The other a first time traveller who was very polite, rational and embarrassed by the commotion. The 'screamer' went up the chain of command on board 'DEMANDING' a resolution. The manager onboard listened to both sides and said 'Certainly Sir, I can fix this problem for you' .... and proceeded to take to sane and reasonable passenger up to first class.


To much applause from passengers surrounding the 'incident'.


What's that old adage never be rude to the people who serve you your food ;)

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On our cruise, not at our table luckily, we had a similar grand dame who had her mind set to mumble and grumble about everything presented before her at dinner. To the point that other people at her table either asked to be moved, or they failed to show for dinner with increasing frequency - and if they were brave enough to do so, she let fly a spray at them for ruining her cruise! It was very uncomfortable for all concern. And then she let fly at the head waiter for allowing people to change tables.


pergaps for some people you can't make them happy any of the time.

Very well said.

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:D Gidday James..


What have you done here!! A very young thread and already over 3,000 views !!!:eek:


good to see you here, and look forward to the full review of the way you saw our Rhapsody Trans Pacific..


I know that a lot of our friends on the other side of the pond are interested to know more details of the experience.


Concur with you re whingers you can encounter if life, and also must say that we have never had a "bad" cruise... Its more of what one makes for oneself. Its a fact of life that some people expect that the world revolves around them, --- they will not do anything for themselves..


Enjoyed your "antics" on our cruise, you were out to have a good time, and had many others join you in "making" a better time..


Good luck, and keep having a great time cruising..:D


Sue and Phil.



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Great post by the original poster and could not agree more with most other posters here.


I have had my share of rude passengers that can just never be pleased. My wife and I are very hesitant to sit at a table with others due too many dinners being ruined by the pathetic rude complaints from people who just cant be pleased. The worst of which caused me to get up from a table in the middle of a meal because I could no longer listen to the way a diner was speaking to the staff. The staff were horrified and wanted to do anything to please me. It wasn't their fault that this person was rude and I made that clear. Without asking, the next night we were moved to a quiet table, by a window and enjoyed every meal there after.


As my name says I am only a baby at this cruising business compared to some of you I have read about on these forums but, for all the cruises I have had I have never met a staff member who didn't try their best to make me feel welcome or try to meet my every need. I remember one morning very early meeting an engineer on the upper deck who was just taking a cigarette break. He took time to talk me and smiled constantly. He then shook my hand when he had to go back to work. I always try to speak to them with a smile on my face and they have always returned it. If they make mistakes they do their best to fix the problem and make sure you are happy with the out come. I am addicted to cruising and I feel it is the last place where you can get great service for a small price, its a pity some just dont know how to say Thank you.


If you dont have a good time on a cruise ship I suggest you stay at home because there is no where you can go and have a good holiday and be happy.:)

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:D Gidday James..


What have you done here!! A very young thread and already over 3,000 views !!!:eek:


good to see you here, and look forward to the full review of the way you saw our Rhapsody Trans Pacific..


I know that a lot of our friends on the other side of the pond are interested to know more details of the experience.


Concur with you re whingers you can encounter if life, and also must say that we have never had a "bad" cruise... Its more of what one makes for oneself. Its a fact of life that some people expect that the world revolves around them, --- they will not do anything for themselves..


Enjoyed your "antics" on our cruise, you were out to have a good time, and had many others join you in "making" a better time..


Good luck, and keep having a great time cruising..:D


Sue and Phil.




Didn't we have a ball - one of the best cruises you could ever hope to do.


That was in part what prompted me to write this - when I'd read all those horrible things people had written about 'our ship'. And could any one ever hate Bora Bora? Sure the prices were steep but paradise never comes cheap. those sunset, passing through the reef channel and the spinner dolphins in our wake.



Sometimes I think people fail to simply do their research ... Rhapsody is not the Queen Mary, and RC have never made any claims to this effect - but what they do do, they do, with a few exceptions, exceedingly well.


There obviously is a market for grand old dames, those beautiful six star liners of Cunard and the like, and hopefully I'll get to experience a TA with a black tie dinner every night ..... sooner rather than later - but again from my point of view who'd want to be in a monkey suit every night with those sublime romantic balmy nights drifting across the Pacific. Two or three formal nights on that crossing were just about right for us.


For sheer romance, sun and sand that Pacific Crossing is going to be very hard to beat. Will be posting my videos of it all on you tube in coming days.



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I couldn't agree more....after my 1st cruise, my hubby and I were flying back home. The woman sitting next to me on the flight back home had just finished her 1st cruise also. She was nothing but negative, now she was on a Carnival cruise and we were on a Royal Caribbean cruise, but really what on earth was this woman expecting???? My hubby and I were shocked at her response, we however hated leaving the ship and wish we could have stayed forever!

But like you said, everyone has their own expectations, ours was to have fun... eat, drink and be merry, and that's exactly what we did and continue to do.

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I couldn't agree more....after my 1st cruise, my hubby and I were flying back home. The woman sitting next to me on the flight back home had just finished her 1st cruise also. She was nothing but negative, now she was on a Carnival cruise and we were on a Royal Caribbean cruise, but really what on earth was this woman expecting???? My hubby and I were shocked at her response, we however hated leaving the ship and wish we could have stayed forever!

But like you said, everyone has their own expectations, ours was to have fun... eat, drink and be merry, and that's exactly what we did and continue to do.


Totally unrelated to the topic - but I saw this was your first post - welcome aboard to the boards. :D

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My Husband & I regardless of a cruise or other forms of travel, daily happenings in our own home, take each day at a time, and enjoy what we are able to do, rather then what we are not able to. Life is to short to worry about the little things that might go wrong with a Cruise etc. Something I learned from our father and carry it with me now, & that is " Why worry about things that have happened and we have no control over". We make the best of it.

James you made an excellant point, your enjoyment came from the places you were seeing, people you met, despite the fact your ship was older, smaller didn't have all the bells & whistles the newer ones did. We find the same enjoyment with our cruises.



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Very well said and written......

I think that some people are never happy no matter where they are or what they are doing, I try to avoid those sort of people, life is toooooo short, and I always try and make the best of a bad situation, have been on 5 cruises and have had the time of my life every time and met some fantastic people.

Hope you keep cruising :)


The opposite is true of people who have low expectations and easily satified because they see a cruise as good as life will ever get. The key is to find a balance between the two groups to learn enough to make your vacation better. I smile at the post, at least you are on a cruise. Not so for me because there are other vacations I enjoy even more and even my home sometimes. For me staying home is not a punishment. I don't go on vacation to make lemon out of lemonade because I would rather take lime with salt and Tequila. Who said life is short, I have a good 45 years already, nothing short about that;) People going on cruises sometimes have unrealistic expectation because the cruise line and even these board market luxury that rarely exist on mass market line. I went on Princess looking for a "Complete Escape" but was forced to watch movies on a giant TV on one of the better viewing deck to see the glaciers. Where was the Escape they marketed and from what? Cruising has change but not the marketing or the high expecations....JMOP

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1/ This was a repositioning cruise from Australia to North America. A some point across the Pacific the ship ran out VB (a local aussie brew). Well the angst this caused was simply ridiculous and the poor old cruise director and the hotel manager coped much verbal abuse over this - Surely cruising and travel is about experiencing new things, well at least to me it is - I’m of the opinion that if you can’t leave home without your favorite beer, well perhaps you shouldn’t leave home.


Running out of VB...that would be a capital offence. My all time favorite beer...and I can't even find it here in Texas. Have to drink as much as I can when I am down under...

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Then there are the people who want to know if they have a certain tea/sweetener/cereal/ onboard!! If that's all you have to worry about when on holiday - well - I'd love to have your problems ;)


Stop worrying about trivial things...


Gee... sorry you find this kind of thing "trivial". Some people are just asking questions and most of the time, that type of thread doesn't bother anyone. They're excited about their cruise and just want to know a few things. Yikes. We were all cruise-newbies once. :rolleyes:


And to the OP of this thread, the thumbs down and "WARNING" were really unnecessary and inappropriate. Glad you had a good cruise and an attitude to match, but the approach to your thread was really disheartening. Did you do that just to get views? I still would have opened this thread had you posted with a "thumbs up" and a jubilant thread title.

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Gee... sorry you find this kind of thing "trivial". Some people are just asking questions and most of the time, that type of thread doesn't bother anyone. They're excited about their cruise and just want to know a few things. Yikes. We were all cruise-newbies once. :rolleyes:


And to the OP of this thread, the thumbs down and "WARNING" were really unnecessary and inappropriate. Glad you had a good cruise and an attitude to match, but the approach to your thread was really disheartening. Did you do that just to get views? I still would have opened this thread had you posted with a "thumbs up" and a jubilant thread title.


I think the OP was going for the humor element. Why do you think it was inappropriate? Perhaps not funny to you, but he seems to be the sort to have gotten a good chuckle out of writing it.


As far as Irish Colleen - I posted agreeing with her previously. There are quite a few whole hearted discussions and concerns on the boards about the availablity of certain artificial sweetners and if they should bring it from home. The same with some people and their brand of soft drinks. I can understand asking about the brand and types of soft drinks out of curiosity - but to make plans to bring my own on board because they don't serve Diet Guacamole in the can is a little beyond me.


It is part of the experiencing new things. We get little of that as it is, and very little on a modern cruise ship and most of the ports we go to. So to not have the Diet Guacamole for a few days should not be a hardship for anyone.

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I too was on this ROS cruise having been on 3 other cruises in my life. The service and staff were exceptional. Having travelled with Royal Carribean they will now be my preferred cruise line. If the Company is good why change it as they are obviously doing something correct in my eyes. working in the travel industry for 29 years plus now I feel I know good service (and bad manners) when I see it. I have actually booked on Oasis of the Seas for my birthday in May. Sorry to all the retired Americans, young, old, overweight, senile here, but I found the majority ofAmericans on board greedy and rude to the point of ridiculous. Pushing into food lines for their 3rd course, putting 25 towels on seats to save a spot for sunbaking in 3 hours time. this is primarily for the Americans who pushed in to see the Equator crossing and took places in front of people who waited with chairs and positions for over 2 hours....You know who I mean if your reading this.....I agree totally with Dingo Boy as he is in the travel industry too. Some people are just whingers and complain all the time about the slightest inconveniences....Perhaps a holiday alone might be better for them next time? Dont spoil the vacation for those on the cruise who are enjoying it by saying, the destinations werent great, the food was better last cruise, they run out of VB, the entertainment lacked etc. Have to say our cruise critic team members, and new friends we met were truly fabulous....We had a top time thanks to Captain Stubing and Julie McCoy (for those who get it). Hope those going on Oasis in April take note of these comments. Enjoy each day as a new day....Cheers and Happy tidings to all. Gayleforce

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I am compelled to write this because of some of the reviews I have read here at Cruise Critic. I’m sure I’ll get slammed by some for doing so - but so be it. I have broad shoulders.


I have become an avid Cruise Critic user. It is as many of us know highly addictive. Perhaps one day soon Betty Ford will offer a course to help us poor sods who plod away at our keyboards day and night - especially as our sail away date approaches.


Our first big cruise was earlier this year, from Sydney to Hawaii via Bora Bora Tahiti.


Naturally this was when I first started extensively researching the ship and reading all the reviews. What struck me then was how greatly the reviews differed not just for the same ship, but also often for the same cruise. Where these people on the same planet, let alone the same ship?


I read with absolute horror about appalling service, hideous food, lame entertainment and Gulag like cabins. Some of the more negative ones gave me more than a few restless nights and I’m sure for some people the more negative reviews could easily be enough to either not book in the first place, or to even consider canceling existing bookings.


Therefore I was more than pleasantly surprised by the very high standard of service, food and facilities we encountered on Rhapsody of the Seas. Despite what I had read, Royal Caribbean did an outstanding job on so many levels and it was very hard to fault anything in the entire 16 night crossing.


So how can one equate or make sense of reviews that are so different to our own experiences? I should add that we had a large and extremely proactive cruise critic group on this cruise and although I can’t speak for everyone - of those I became close to, virtually without exception, (even the very experienced cruisers amongst us), everyone seemed to have glowing compliments of the ship and her crew, and all aspects of life on board.


Obviously you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and equally things will go wrong - but there does seem to be a certain type of person that seems to find fault more easily, and by reading some of the reviews here often over very trifling matters indeed.


I can’t begin to imagine how they might react if something serious had actually happened.


A couple of examples from our own cruise:


1/ This was a repositioning cruise from Australia to North America. A some point across the Pacific the ship ran out VB (a local aussie brew). Well the angst this caused was simply ridiculous and the poor old cruise director and the hotel manager coped much verbal abuse over this - Surely cruising and travel is about experiencing new things, well at least to me it is - I’m of the opinion that if you can’t leave home without your favorite beer, well perhaps you shouldn’t leave home.


2/ There we were in mid Pacific cruising through some of the most untouched and pristine islands in the world and one ignoramus was heard to say ‘It aren’t the Bahamas or Mexico’. Now that to me is precisely the point! If it was Iike Cancun I wouldn’t want to go in the first place - not that I don’t want to go to Cancun, but rather I don’t want Cancun in the South Pacific.


And so all of the above is why I’m writing this post as a warning to new cruise critic users. Beware of the overly negative review. Don’t let it unfairly shape your perceptions or expectations.


Naturally with this being an open forum, there is, and there should be freedom of speech, and if you have a gripe or a complaint this is obviously the place that everyone should feel free enough to be able to share it with others. It’s just from my own experience some of the very worst reviews had no co-relation to my own experience onboard.


My advice don’t read them isolation, don’t take them as gospel, and the bottom line seek and you shall find ... meaning if you start your cruise and each day thinking I’m going to have a great time - you generally will.


And if things go wrong - big or small - take a big breath - build a bridge and get over as quickly as possible so that you can get back to enjoying your cruise.


Thank you for your comments. I have been on 16 RCCL cruises and loved each and every cruise. Always very happy. Is everything absolutely perfect - No but life is not perfect either. You can't expect 100% perfection so that might be why people have things to complain about.

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I am compelled to write this because of some of the reviews I have read here at Cruise Critic. I’m sure I’ll get slammed by some for doing so - but so be it. I have broad shoulders.


I have become an avid Cruise Critic user. It is as many of us know highly addictive. Perhaps one day soon Betty Ford will offer a course to help us poor sods who plod away at our keyboards day and night - especially as our sail away date approaches.


Our first big cruise was earlier this year, from Sydney to Hawaii via Bora Bora Tahiti.


Naturally this was when I first started extensively researching the ship and reading all the reviews. What struck me then was how greatly the reviews differed not just for the same ship, but also often for the same cruise. Where these people on the same planet, let alone the same ship?


I read with absolute horror about appalling service, hideous food, lame entertainment and Gulag like cabins. Some of the more negative ones gave me more than a few restless nights and I’m sure for some people the more negative reviews could easily be enough to either not book in the first place, or to even consider canceling existing bookings.


Therefore I was more than pleasantly surprised by the very high standard of service, food and facilities we encountered on Rhapsody of the Seas. Despite what I had read, Royal Caribbean did an outstanding job on so many levels and it was very hard to fault anything in the entire 16 night crossing.


So how can one equate or make sense of reviews that are so different to our own experiences? I should add that we had a large and extremely proactive cruise critic group on this cruise and although I can’t speak for everyone - of those I became close to, virtually without exception, (even the very experienced cruisers amongst us), everyone seemed to have glowing compliments of the ship and her crew, and all aspects of life on board.


Obviously you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and equally things will go wrong - but there does seem to be a certain type of person that seems to find fault more easily, and by reading some of the reviews here often over very trifling matters indeed.


I can’t begin to imagine how they might react if something serious had actually happened.


A couple of examples from our own cruise:


1/ This was a repositioning cruise from Australia to North America. A some point across the Pacific the ship ran out VB (a local aussie brew). Well the angst this caused was simply ridiculous and the poor old cruise director and the hotel manager coped much verbal abuse over this - Surely cruising and travel is about experiencing new things, well at least to me it is - I’m of the opinion that if you can’t leave home without your favorite beer, well perhaps you shouldn’t leave home.


2/ There we were in mid Pacific cruising through some of the most untouched and pristine islands in the world and one ignoramus was heard to say ‘It aren’t the Bahamas or Mexico’. Now that to me is precisely the point! If it was Iike Cancun I wouldn’t want to go in the first place - not that I don’t want to go to Cancun, but rather I don’t want Cancun in the South Pacific.


And so all of the above is why I’m writing this post as a warning to new cruise critic users. Beware of the overly negative review. Don’t let it unfairly shape your perceptions or expectations.


Naturally with this being an open forum, there is, and there should be freedom of speech, and if you have a gripe or a complaint this is obviously the place that everyone should feel free enough to be able to share it with others. It’s just from my own experience some of the very worst reviews had no co-relation to my own experience onboard.


My advice don’t read them isolation, don’t take them as gospel, and the bottom line seek and you shall find ... meaning if you start your cruise and each day thinking I’m going to have a great time - you generally will.


And if things go wrong - big or small - take a big breath - build a bridge and get over as quickly as possible so that you can get back to enjoying your cruise.



Well said!

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Didn't we have a ball - one of the best cruises you could ever hope to do.


That was in part what prompted me to write this - when I'd read all those horrible things people had written about 'our ship'. And could any one ever hate Bora Bora? Sure the prices were steep but paradise never comes cheap. those sunset, passing through the reef channel and the spinner dolphins in our wake.



Sometimes I think people fail to simply do their research ... Rhapsody is not the Queen Mary, and RC have never made any claims to this effect - but what they do do, they do, with a few exceptions, exceedingly well.


There obviously is a market for grand old dames, those beautiful six star liners of Cunard and the like, and hopefully I'll get to experience a TA with a black tie dinner every night ..... sooner rather than later - but again from my point of view who'd want to be in a monkey suit every night with those sublime romantic balmy nights drifting across the Pacific. Two or three formal nights on that crossing were just about right for us.


For sheer romance, sun and sand that Pacific Crossing is going to be very hard to beat. Will be posting my videos of it all on you tube in coming days.




Hello James. Thanks for posting....great, two thumbs up for you! Since we are doing the same cruise on the same ship this coming April I can't wait to see all your videos on you tube so I can share them with our friends that are not on facebook and couldn't view them! And, I don't drink any beer so if they run out that's OK with me ;) Just hope they don't run out of FOO FOO. :)


Dreaming about Bora Bora and all the rest and I can't wait for those georgeous sunsets and lunch in the water on a private motu.


You have the same whiners and complainers on all cruise lines. Been on 5 of the major lines. Can't say a bad word about any of them but there were people that you couldn't have pleased if you stood on your head and spit wooden nickels. Oh yeah, there were small/trival things that maybe I wasn't the happiest with and in my reviews I tell the truth...good or bad. But nothing has been so bad that "it ruined" any of my cruises. Better than being home and having to go to work.


My motto, when on vacation leave the frown at home!

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Gee... sorry you find this kind of thing "trivial". Some people are just asking questions and most of the time, that type of thread doesn't bother anyone. They're excited about their cruise and just want to know a few things. Yikes. We were all cruise-newbies once. :rolleyes:


And to the OP of this thread, the thumbs down and "WARNING" were really unnecessary and inappropriate. Glad you had a good cruise and an attitude to match, but the approach to your thread was really disheartening. Did you do that just to get views? I still would have opened this thread had you posted with a "thumbs up" and a jubilant thread title.


Interesting - Not sure you have read what I have written or caught my intent. I'm not for one moment having 'a go' at people asking questions. Even silly ones - I think I've asked more of those on here than most. Not sure where you got that from - there's simply no correlation between asking questions about 'sweeteners' .... and having a massive hissy fit if you don't get a sweetener of your choice onboard. To the point that it stuffs up just one day at sea, let alone a whole cruise. That to me is absurd and that is what we are talking about here.


As for the warning - Although I'd admit a small element of tongue in check there - at the same time I think it is totally appropriate to warn people about some of the pitfalls relying too heavily on this and other forums, especially for newbies who are 'excited' about their pending cruise.


The thumbs down was for the people who spoil cruising for themselves and others.


I have spoken to several people who have considered not booking a cruise on the basis of some very negative reviews they have read - some are factual, some over cooked - all I'm suggesting is to read none of them in isolation.

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Dingoboy what a great post! I am going on Rhapsody for the first time (first cruise) in January and you have made my day!!!!!


I've just posted my review which is not up yet, but you can find it under the thread for our cruise.



Lots of stuff there about the ship in particular and RC service in general.


You'll have a ball.

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My advice don’t read them isolation, don’t take them as gospel, and the bottom line seek and you shall find ... meaning if you start your cruise and each day thinking I’m going to have a great time - you generally will.


And if things go wrong - big or small - take a big breath - build a bridge and get over as quickly as possible so that you can get back to enjoying your cruise.


I enjoyed reading your post, as I came to the same conclusion several years ago that some - not all - people just enjoy seeking out faults and then writing about them. To place things in perspective, I'm 33 and consider myself a pretty frequent cruiser. I've sailed 20+ cruises and I can honestly say that I have had an absolute blast and met some great people on every cruise listed in my signature. Was everything perfect? No. But, who's perfect? I'm certainly not and I don't hold these cruiselines to be, either.


I've only had one cruise that was "under par" and that was last December on the Norwegian Jewel and it really wasn't NCL's fault; we just wanted to try out NCL and realized, once aboard, that it just wasn't in line with what we usually enjoy. However, did we have fun? Sure. Would we sail on NCL again. No.


Keep things in perspective, that's all.


Golden Princess -January 2003 - 7 Night Eastern Carribean

Holland America Zuiderdam, September 2003 -7 Night Eastern Carribean

Celebrity Constellation, March 2004 -7 Night Southern Carribean

Celebrity Infinity, May 2004 -3 Night Memorial Day Weekend Vancouver

Celebrity Constellation, September 2004 -13 Night Transatlantic

Celebrity Millennium, February 2005 -7 Night Southern Caribbean

Celebrity Summit, September 2005 -2 Night Pacific Coastal Cruise

Celebrity Infinity, October 2005 -7 Night Mexican Riviera

Celebrity Summit, December 2005 -7 Night Southern Carribean

Royal Carribean Enchantment of the Seas, October 2006 -5 Night Western Carribean

Celebrity Infinity, April 2007 -14 Night Hawaii Cruise

Royal Carribean Explorer of the Seas, September 2007 -5 Night Bermuda from NYC

Celebrity Mercury, January 2008 -14 Night Australlia and New Zealand

Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas, April 2008 -7 Day Southern Caribbean

Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas, October 2008 -7 Day Mediterranean

Celebrity Solstice, November 2008 -7 Night Eastern Caribbean

Norwegian Jewel, December 2008 -5 Night Western Caribbean

Holland America Statendam, May 2009 -4 Night Pacific Coastal

Celebrity Summit, August 2009 -12 Night Mediterranean

Royal Caribbean Mariner of the Seas, 7 Night Mexican Riviera -Dec 2009

Royal Caribbean Radiance of the Seas, 9 Night Mexican Riviera -Jan 2009

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I enjoyed reading your post, as I came to the same conclusion several years ago that some - not all - people just enjoy seeking out faults and then writing about them. To place things in perspective, I'm 33 and consider myself a pretty frequent cruiser. I've sailed 20+ cruises and I can honestly say that I have had an absolute blast and met some great people on every cruise listed in my signature. Was everything perfect? No. But, who's perfect? I'm certainly not and I don't hold these cruiselines to be, either.


I've only had one cruise that was "under par" and that was last December on the Norwegian Jewel and it really wasn't NCL's fault; we just wanted to try out NCL and realized, once aboard, that it just wasn't in line with what we usually enjoy. However, did we have fun? Sure. Would we sail on NCL again. No.


Keep things in perspective, that's all.


Isn't that the beauty about cruising - there are soooooo many ships that cater for sooooooo many different type of people that there really is a ship and cruise line out there for what ever you prefer. Just takes a bit of research sometimes to find out exactly what it is that you want.


And that is why this bloody cruise critic thingee is so addictive. For me it's like being a kid let loose in a candy store, or perhaps others might describe me more accurately me as a bull in a china shop!


Either way I think it's a better addiction than most.

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I also want to do this cruise in 2011 or 2012. Any info on traverling from US to AG to the cruise would be helpfull. How many day for this cruise and what ports do you stop at.


If you get the chance to cruise across the Pacific - jump at it. Some pictures of out trip can be found below.


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I too was on this ROS cruise having been on 3 other cruises in my life. The service and staff were exceptional. Having travelled with Royal Carribean they will now be my preferred cruise line. If the Company is good why change it as they are obviously doing something correct in my eyes. working in the travel industry for 29 years plus now I feel I know good service (and bad manners) when I see it. I have actually booked on Oasis of the Seas for my birthday in May. Sorry to all the retired Americans, young, old, overweight, senile here, but I found the majority ofAmericans on board greedy and rude to the point of ridiculous. Pushing into food lines for their 3rd course, putting 25 towels on seats to save a spot for sunbaking in 3 hours time. this is primarily for the Americans who pushed in to see the Equator crossing and took places in front of people who waited with chairs and positions for over 2 hours....You know who I mean if your reading this.....I agree totally with Dingo Boy as he is in the travel industry too. Some people are just whingers and complain all the time about the slightest inconveniences....Perhaps a holiday alone might be better for them next time? Dont spoil the vacation for those on the cruise who are enjoying it by saying, the destinations werent great, the food was better last cruise, they run out of VB, the entertainment lacked etc. Have to say our cruise critic team members, and new friends we met were truly fabulous....We had a top time thanks to Captain Stubing and Julie McCoy (for those who get it). Hope those going on Oasis in April take note of these comments. Enjoy each day as a new day....Cheers and Happy tidings to all. Gayleforce


Hi Gayle


One word Jeanette :eek:


Hope you are well

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