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Warning! Royal caribbean

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...... Obviously you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and equally things will go wrong - ......



.... There we were in mid Pacific cruising through some of the most untouched and pristine islands in the world and .....


.... Don’t let it unfairly shape your perceptions or expectations.


....... get back to enjoying your cruise.


Great post Dingoboy! I also take everything I read with a grain of salt. I must add that many times I have been entertained by some of the posts here, but for the most part I have learned a lot in Cruise Critic.


Your cruise sounds fantastic! I've always dreamed of visiting the South Pacific islands, may be this cruise will be the way to go. I'm not getting any younger and there is so many places in this world I would like to see!

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Great post and oh so true. At first when I saw the "thumbs down" I thought, "someone else complaining about something trivial" but it was a great post!:D



I wouldn't pick on any state other than my own. :)


And I'm with you, struther1!! Take me out of Ohio in the winter!!

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Great post and oh so true. At first when I saw the "thumbs down" I thought, "someone else complaining about something trivial" but it was a great post!:D





And I'm with you, struther1!! Take me out of Ohio in the winter!!

Amen Carol . By the end of February, I need to head south to thaw. I see your from Miamisburg, I'm from Fairborn so I know we see the same weather.

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Great post. Love that down under humor..


As a bit of a forum addict myself on various venues from motorcycles to cruising, it's quite apparent that the negative types seem to predominate. If the bad reviews were all taken as gospel, it would be easy to conclude that nothing was any good. But as you say, it all comes down to attitude.


We are on a Transatlantic next month and I'm positive that, barring a sinking ( without a timely rescue) that we will have a fine time despite any minor annoyances. After all it can only improve on a November in Seattle..

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Dingoboy, Great post and I agree with you. Enjoyed also all of your answers to other posters.


I posted my review of our Summit Med cruise in June, 2009. Everything onboard was just wonderful; food, staff, condition of ship, etc. I met a woman on board who said she was not having a good cruise; bad cabin, bad staff, bad food, etc. After I posted my review, she also posted her review with all the negative things that happened to her. I wonder how things on the same cruise be so different for the two of us? Were they truely so different or could it be expectations and/or ones view of the world in general being more positive/negative? I generally go thru life enjoying things and have good expectations when I travel. While not everything on every cruise has been perfect, I do not sweat the small stuff and emphasize the positive. Works for me!:)

margeecruiser, Another great post agree with you whole heartedly. It's amazing that it happens but it does. My wife and I have hired outfitters in the U.S. and it's the same thing. We're come to the conclusion that the people that enjoy everthing about their cruise or excursion just go with the flow. The ones that don't enjoy or complain are the ones that are tring to squeeze 5 bucks out of the 1 buck that they've spent. Wasting too much time doing it and wind up not enjoying there trip. Guess there are also other reasons but a vacation is what you make of it.

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I am compelled to write this because of some of the reviews I have read here at Cruise Critic. I’m sure I’ll get slammed by some for doing so - but so be it. I have broad shoulders.


I have become an avid Cruise Critic user. It is as many of us know highly addictive. Perhaps one day soon Betty Ford will offer a course to help us poor sods who plod away at our keyboards day and night - especially as our sail away date approaches.


Our first big cruise was earlier this year, from Sydney to Hawaii via Bora Bora Tahiti.


Naturally this was when I first started extensively researching the ship and reading all the reviews. What struck me then was how greatly the reviews differed not just for the same ship, but also often for the same cruise. Where these people on the same planet, let alone the same ship?


I read with absolute horror about appalling service, hideous food, lame entertainment and Gulag like cabins. Some of the more negative ones gave me more than a few restless nights and I’m sure for some people the more negative reviews could easily be enough to either not book in the first place, or to even consider canceling existing bookings.


Therefore I was more than pleasantly surprised by the very high standard of service, food and facilities we encountered on Rhapsody of the Seas. Despite what I had read, Royal Caribbean did an outstanding job on so many levels and it was very hard to fault anything in the entire 16 night crossing.


So how can one equate or make sense of reviews that are so different to our own experiences? I should add that we had a large and extremely proactive cruise critic group on this cruise and although I can’t speak for everyone - of those I became close to, virtually without exception, (even the very experienced cruisers amongst us), everyone seemed to have glowing compliments of the ship and her crew, and all aspects of life on board.


Obviously you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and equally things will go wrong - but there does seem to be a certain type of person that seems to find fault more easily, and by reading some of the reviews here often over very trifling matters indeed.


I can’t begin to imagine how they might react if something serious had actually happened.


A couple of examples from our own cruise:


1/ This was a repositioning cruise from Australia to North America. A some point across the Pacific the ship ran out VB (a local aussie brew). Well the angst this caused was simply ridiculous and the poor old cruise director and the hotel manager coped much verbal abuse over this - Surely cruising and travel is about experiencing new things, well at least to me it is - I’m of the opinion that if you can’t leave home without your favorite beer, well perhaps you shouldn’t leave home.


2/ There we were in mid Pacific cruising through some of the most untouched and pristine islands in the world and one ignoramus was heard to say ‘It aren’t the Bahamas or Mexico’. Now that to me is precisely the point! If it was Iike Cancun I wouldn’t want to go in the first place - not that I don’t want to go to Cancun, but rather I don’t want Cancun in the South Pacific.


And so all of the above is why I’m writing this post as a warning to new cruise critic users. Beware of the overly negative review. Don’t let it unfairly shape your perceptions or expectations.


Naturally with this being an open forum, there is, and there should be freedom of speech, and if you have a gripe or a complaint this is obviously the place that everyone should feel free enough to be able to share it with others. It’s just from my own experience some of the very worst reviews had no co-relation to my own experience onboard.


My advice don’t read them isolation, don’t take them as gospel, and the bottom line seek and you shall find ... meaning if you start your cruise and each day thinking I’m going to have a great time - you generally will.


And if things go wrong - big or small - take a big breath - build a bridge and get over as quickly as possible so that you can get back to enjoying your cruise.

I enjoyed your post,thank you,I have been on 9 cruises and every time read bad reviews.Its true most of the info we get from others is very usefull &a big help,I consider myself to be a seasoned cruiser but often find myself asking a question.One thing I have noticed over the years is this,some of these bad reviews are people complaining about the food {the sevice}and make it sound like the food ruined there holiday,but then you find out this is there 3rd or 4th cruise with RCCL or whatever line and there booked to go again in 6 months.That blows me away.If I ever went to a restraunt and thought the food was lousy surely I wouldnt go back 3 or 4 more times.One time on the Mariner we were sat with a snob and stuck with her for the whole weekat dinner.The very first night she started already and this dictated the dinner mood for the rest of the week.Her big complaint on the first night was that the butter was in foil packs,reg old foil packs,she was appauled that they didnt have butterfly shaped butter pats,I can tell you I have eaten in some of the finest restraunts and never ever had butterfly shapped butter pats,The second night she was banging on about the waiters not waring white gloves to serve with,this lady was bitter all week and you have to realize that no vacation would keep this person happy.We suggested she eat at one of the pay restraunts but she was appalled by that idea as well she banged on all week about the slop she thought we were eating,but much to my shock on the last night they announced to the table they had just book a 2 week on the Freedom so go figure.My sypathy went out to her table mates on that ship because Im sure her complaints were as many.I think people have to be sensible and realize the situation that they are in on a ship.They are not eating at Gordon Ramsays {THe London in NY}there on a ship that is cooking for thousands of people,We have always been very happy and never disappointed because we realize they are not cooking for 60 people.

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I'd suggest you flick through our extensive thread - it's still going today! Lots of useful advice.


I know that the big transatlantic cruises get lost of attention, but in my opinion you really can't beat a Pacific crossing though the most beautiful islands in the world.


Bora Bora is beyond words beyond dreams.



Thank you..will bookmark it for reference and look forward to your full review.:)

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Perhaps from an educational point of view along with some obvious entertainment value we could start a list of the most over the top reviews and call for comments in the court of public opinion.


Here for starters is one:


Hell on High Seas.

“This review contains detailed descriptions of deception, violence, false imprisonment and many more real life stories that if I did not witness myself I would never believe it was possible”.




Hi,, While I agree with most of your post,, I do have an think, that well, frankly, some of you seem to have pretty low standards or expectations. . I do realize one has to be realistic,, cruises can be pretty cheap,, so don't expect haute cusine and luxury suites on a budget or mass market line.. but ,, note, cruise ship brochures do not say " come for some luke warm banquet food and surly staff delights".. now do they??


I read the linked review posted,, and while the poster used a very overly dramatic title,, I felt he was entirely in the right to be so upset.. RCCL were absolutely customer service twits,, and I really do not see how anyone can defend RCCL in THAT particular review. I too would be furious if after purchasing something special,, and a surprise, , that I would have to return THREE OR FOUR times to get it acknowledged,, and they THEY screw up the surprise. Sorry that some of you figure thats how to treat customers,, but I do not.

The poster really had some legitimite complaints.. and I don't think its fair to put him down because of it.

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A perfect example is the tread detailing a lady stuck in a lift


Here is a perfect example of a case of something going wrong - nothing major - no one injured, but yet it has created some what of a 'sensation' here at CC. with nearly 300 posts and it has been viewed by nearly 10,000 people.


'Me thinks' things do indeed get a bit overcooked.


Personally I'd rather spend my time cruising.



DB, you have to realize that many of the drama queens on that thread are the same ones that complain that they no longer get the Ritz treatment with their Wal-Mart prices. They think that the cruise lines are charities that just give it away. Heck they even get upset at the ones that are positive and have a great outlook in life. They call those people cheerleaders, Royal Champions, cruise line employee's and the list goes on and on. But you know what's funny? They continue to book with Royal Caribbean. I guess things aren't so bad. Well until they get on the ship and then start hunting for the free stuff that their owed.:rolleyes:

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It kind of irritates me too, when I read reviews where one or two less than optimal situations RUIN thier whole cruise experience and they then feel compelled to write a scathing review that you have to take with a grain of salt.


On the other hand, I do appreciate negative reviews that are even handed, while some seem to view anything negative as a shocking betrayal of their beloved favorite cruise line.


And when you sailed on the same cruise, it may seem odd that you had the best service and vacation experience of your life while someone else had surly service, bad food, etc. BUT, here's the thing. If you are objective about it, you realise that there are probably a hundred or more waiters, and fifty or sixty bartenders and who knows how many room stewards on a given cruise.


While the overall level of service is very high, you've got to know that one of those guys is the absolute worst waiter/bartender/purser/room steward on the ship. Somebody gets that guy. You can't blame them for getting irritated and stating their viewpoint.


I know that we have had surly bartenders and inattentive waiters on occasion. But, and here's where I totally agree with you, every experience is what you make of it. If I don't care for a bartender, I go to a different one. If something is really wrong and the level of service is just not acceptable, then I do something. I report the problem to someone who can do something about it. And I do it, not in a whiny or aggressive way, but in a way that conveys reasonableness. Fortunately, in several cruises (5 or 6, I forget) I've only had to do that a couple of times. And then, I went about my business, and enjoyed the heck out of my cruise! Because overall, I only wish I could get service on land that's half as good as the average onboard a Royal Caribbean ship! :)


Lemons vs. lemonade.

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DB, you have to realize that many of the drama queens on that thread are the same ones that complain that they no longer get the Ritz treatment with their Wal-Mart prices. They think that the cruise lines are charities that just give it away. Heck they even get upset at the ones that are positive and have a great outlook in life. They call those people cheerleaders, Royal Champions, cruise line employee's and the list goes on and on. But you know what's funny? They continue to book with Royal Caribbean. I guess things aren't so bad. Well until they get on the ship and then start hunting for the free stuff that their owed.:rolleyes:


You sound like a Drama Queen


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Me too but not in a stuck elevator.Her case was anything but minor.BTW I agreed with you up until this off the wall post



I move we not bring that thread to this thread. There is already dissagreement in that one as to whether it was minor or not. It does not need to be continued in this thoroughly excellent thread.

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I move we not bring that thread to this thread. There is already dissagreement in that one as to whether it was minor or not. It does not need to be continued in this thoroughly excellent thread.

I second that.

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Seriously, if you can't go a week, ten days, whatever, without your favorite beer, soda, pizza etc. you've got bigger problems. And I don't want "sameness" everywhere I go. If I wanted "sameness", I'd stay at home.



What I find hilarious is the whole coupon thing! You spend hundreds of euro/dollars on a cruise and there are people looking for a coupon for a free milkshake/coffee/ice cream.

Then there are the people who want to know if they have a certain tea/sweetener/cereal/ onboard!! If that's all you have to worry about when on holiday - well - I'd love to have your problems ;)


Stop worrying about trivial things and spare a thought for all those who cannot possibly afford a cruise. We are far too spoiled and dont even attempt to argue with that !

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What I find hilarious is the whole coupon thing! You spend hundreds of euro/dollars on a cruise and there are people looking for a coupon for a free milkshake/coffee/ice cream.

Then there are the people who want to know if they have a certain tea/sweetener/cereal/ onboard!! If that's all you have to worry about when on holiday - well - I'd love to have your problems ;)


Stop worrying about trivial things and spare a thought for all those who cannot possibly afford a cruise. We are far too spoiled and dont even attempt to argue with that !


The Dog is spoiled ,Not Me


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Yep, its all about attitude. I agree with Chad, how are ya Chad?! Lemonade is so much better going down, eh? And just add a little rum and its even better. Life is too short to crab about the little things.


I hope I meet you someday Dingoboy. We are kindred spirits.

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Then there are the people who want to know if they have a certain tea/sweetener/cereal/ onboard!! If that's all you have to worry about when on holiday - well - I'd love to have your problems ;)



Those posts drive me absolutely INSANE when I open a topic and they are asking about the Blue Stuff vs the Pink Stuff and if they have diet whatever on board :eek: I can't run away from it fast enough.

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We have friends who cruise way more than we do and when we did a cruise with them to the Med, they complained a great deal. I had the cruise of a lifetime. But what I think is that some people become jaded and spoiled after awhile. To me a vacation is to have fun and I manage to do that even under adverse conditions.On one trio to Orlando there were teens vandalizing the pool area and waking us up a few nights. It was annoying, but did not ruin our trip, nor did we blame the resort. We were angry at the time, but in the sceme of things it was a minor issue.

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Great post Dingoboy! I also take everything I read with a grain of salt. I must add that many times I have been entertained by some of the posts here, but for the most part I have learned a lot in Cruise Critic.


Your cruise sounds fantastic! I've always dreamed of visiting the South Pacific islands, may be this cruise will be the way to go. I'm not getting any younger and there is so many places in this world I would like to see!


I think from memory that you two are on a little transatlantic leaving malaga 9 Nov - if so we'll see you on board soon!



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I enjoyed your post,thank you,I have been on 9 cruises and every time read bad reviews.Its true most of the info we get from others is very usefull &a big help,I consider myself to be a seasoned cruiser but often find myself asking a question.One thing I have noticed over the years is this,some of these bad reviews are people complaining about the food {the sevice}and make it sound like the food ruined there holiday,but then you find out this is there 3rd or 4th cruise with RCCL or whatever line and there booked to go again in 6 months.That blows me away.If I ever went to a restraunt and thought the food was lousy surely I wouldnt go back 3 or 4 more times.One time on the Mariner we were sat with a snob and stuck with her for the whole weekat dinner.The very first night she started already and this dictated the dinner mood for the rest of the week.Her big complaint on the first night was that the butter was in foil packs,reg old foil packs,she was appauled that they didnt have butterfly shaped butter pats,I can tell you I have eaten in some of the finest restraunts and never ever had butterfly shapped butter pats,The second night she was banging on about the waiters not waring white gloves to serve with,this lady was bitter all week and you have to realize that no vacation would keep this person happy.We suggested she eat at one of the pay restraunts but she was appalled by that idea as well she banged on all week about the slop she thought we were eating,but much to my shock on the last night they announced to the table they had just book a 2 week on the Freedom so go figure.My sypathy went out to her table mates on that ship because Im sure her complaints were as many.I think people have to be sensible and realize the situation that they are in on a ship.They are not eating at Gordon Ramsays {THe London in NY}there on a ship that is cooking for thousands of people,We have always been very happy and never disappointed because we realize they are not cooking for 60 people.


On our cruise, not at our table luckily, we had a similar grand dame who had her mind set to mumble and grumble about everything presented before her at dinner. To the point that other people at her table either asked to be moved, or they failed to show for dinner with increasing frequency - and if they were brave enough to do so, she let fly a spray at them for ruining her cruise! It was very uncomfortable for all concern. And then she let fly at the head waiter for allowing people to change tables.


pergaps for some people you can't make them happy any of the time.

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