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Long splendor review with pictures. 9/27-10-04


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We are to be on the Splendor in 65 days so your review is killing me and my DH...

I cant wait to see more LOL


Oh I know what you mean. I sat here and read reviews for a couple months before we left. just wait the last 30 days just seem to stand still. I am leaving to board the pride the day after christmas, so I am once again playing the waiting game

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Were your parents in the balcony cabin next door - did you arrange to have the divider opened up (if so how long did it take them to open it?)?


Enjoying your review and the pictures.


Even had to go back and look at the "ghost"!!

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Were your parents in the balcony cabin next door - did you arrange to have the divider opened up (if so how long did it take them to open it?)?


Enjoying your review and the pictures.


Even had to go back and look at the "ghost"!!


No we actually just got one room together. Not my ideal living quarters but I figured that I would not be in the room enough to really justify getting a whole other room. Which in our case was pretty true. The only time all four of us were in the room at the same time was when we were sleeping

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Excellent review!!! Love the pics!! DH and I will be on Splendor Nov 15 :D


We will be on that cruise too!!! A girl cruise (no husbands this time). My two best friends and I will be there - fun, fun, fun!!

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We just back from Alaska and I'm ready for the Mexican Riviera. We've cruised a bit more than you but it's easy to see you're loving it!

I'm not so sure I'd be anxious to share a cabin or hotel room with my Mom & Dad or inlaws, as a matter of fact, I know I wouldn't. That was very brave of both of you. Sometimes it's the only way one can afford these types of vacations and patience is certainly a virtue in these cases.

I love your pictures of the SHIP! You refer to the Splendor as a boat.....not a big deal but there is a big difference.

Please send more pictures.....they're fun to watch.

Enjoy your family....the years will fly by and your little one will be as big as you, before you know it.

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We just back from Alaska and I'm ready for the Mexican Riviera. We've cruised a bit more than you but it's easy to see you're loving it!


I'm not so sure I'd be anxious to share a cabin or hotel room with my Mom & Dad or inlaws, as a matter of fact, I know I wouldn't. That was very brave of both of you. Sometimes it's the only way one can afford these types of vacations and patience is certainly a virtue in these cases.


I love your pictures of the SHIP! You refer to the Splendor as a boat.....not a big deal but there is a big difference.


Please send more pictures.....they're fun to watch.


Enjoy your family....the years will fly by and your little one will be as big as you, before you know it.


ahhhhh alaska. I can't wait for my trip there. where are the pictures?


Like I said the sharing the room thing wasn't the most ideal of situations, but for me a hotel room or cabin on a ship is ONLY a place for me to sleep. It wasn't the only way I could afford the trip, but I would rather spend my money on other things. Like DODs lol.


Lol...I know a boat is the thing you get on when the ship is sinking. As you saw above I have a two year old who is learning his words, so everything on water is a boat. I haven't really tought him "ship" yet cuz I know what it sounds like....could end very badly. lol

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We are staying at the Hilton pre cruise too. Are there any restaurants/diners in the immediate area to grab a bite to eat? How about a starbucks? Thanks in advance.......waiting for more pics too.:)


The hotel actually has a restaurant in it but I never did go check out what they had. The "pike" which is the pier area right across from the queen mary has tons of restaurants. As for starbucks, this is all we are talking about, I'm sure there is one on every corner. lol. Seriously though I never even looked for one so I really couldn't tell you how close one is....sorry

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Lol...I know a boat is the thing you get on when the ship is sinking. As you saw above I have a two year old who is learning his words, so everything on water is a boat. I haven't really tought him "ship" yet cuz I know what it sounds like....could end very badly. lol



trust me it does end badly. I just let my daughter call it the big boat.

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Still waiting for the rest of the review and pictures.


I know, I know....I am so sorry. i have been really side tracked the last couple of days. I promise that i will have it finished in the next couple of days. and to those of you that have already left for your trip, i'm sorry I didn't get it done in time.

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Ok first off, let me just say once again…I am sorry for taking so long on this. I just have not been able to find the time to sit down and write. Well I promise that I will have it finished here soon…Thanks for hanging in there.



Port day. PV


This morning I woke up about 7 cuz I really wanted to watch the ship pull into port. I swear it said we were supposed to get there at 9 but by the time I woke up we were just pulling in.


It is amazing to me how the captain can turn that huge boat around in such a tiny space.



I guess I didn’t take any pics of us pulling in. I’m not really sure what was going on. It seemed that I was taking a picture every 3 minutes yet I don’t seem to really have that many. I just went though all of them and I only have a couple of the inside of the boat. Weird. I guess I had a case of vacation brain going on.


Usually I would be the first person in line to get off the boat and start exploring the new place, but our excursion didn’t meet until 12:15 so we just took our time getting ready and had a nice slow breakfast, while everyone else rushed around to get off. It was nice.




We watched the crew do the life boat test. That alone is pretty cool to see. Everyone on board has a job to do from checking the room to make sure everyone is off, to manning the life boats and they run the whole test. Its good to know that they practice this stuff every week so just in case of an emergency they know what to do.


At about 11 we decided to get off the ship and grab a margarita while we waited for our excursion to start.


If you want a good strong drink, get one here at the port. WOW. I don’t think any of us actually finished it. Nothing like having a buzz at 11 in the morning in 90% humidity. Good times.



By the time we got done with our drinks it was just about time to meet up for our excursion. So off we went.


Our transport bus was pretty nice. Well compared to the bus we had in ensanada on our last trip. So on the bus we went and we were on our way. It was about a 25min drive from the port. In just that 25min span of time we almost got in 3 wreaks. I guess just part of the mexico adventure right?



And we were there. I was starting to get really excited at this point. This is something that I have always wanted to do. What is it you were going to do you ask?

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Ok first off, let me just say once again…I am sorry for taking so long on this. I just have not been able to find the time to sit down and write. Well I promise that I will have it finished here soon…Thanks for hanging in there.



Port day. PV


This morning I woke up about 7 cuz I really wanted to watch the ship pull into port. I swear it said we were supposed to get there at 9 but by the time I woke up we were just pulling in.


It is amazing to me how the captain can turn that huge boat around in such a tiny space.



I guess I didn’t take any pics of us pulling in. I’m not really sure what was going on. It seemed that I was taking a picture every 3 minutes yet I don’t seem to really have that many. I just went though all of them and I only have a couple of the inside of the boat. Weird. I guess I had a case of vacation brain going on.


Usually I would be the first person in line to get off the boat and start exploring the new place, but our excursion didn’t meet until 12:15 so we just took our time getting ready and had a nice slow breakfast, while everyone else rushed around to get off. It was nice.




We watched the crew do the life boat test. That alone is pretty cool to see. Everyone on board has a job to do from checking the room to make sure everyone is off, to manning the life boats and they run the whole test. Its good to know that they practice this stuff every week so just in case of an emergency they know what to do.


At about 11 we decided to get off the ship and grab a margarita while we waited for our excursion to start.


If you want a good strong drink, get one here at the port. WOW. I don’t think any of us actually finished it. Nothing like having a buzz at 11 in the morning in 90% humidity. Good times.



By the time we got done with our drinks it was just about time to meet up for our excursion. So off we went.


Our transport bus was pretty nice. Well compared to the bus we had in ensanada on our last trip. So on the bus we went and we were on our way. It was about a 25min drive from the port. In just that 25min span of time we almost got in 3 wreaks. I guess just part of the mexico adventure right?



And we were there. I was starting to get really excited at this point. This is something that I have always wanted to do. What is it you were going to do you ask?


So what did you think of the Wal-Mart and Sam's Club there. I honestly thought that the PV Wal-Mart is larger then any I have seen in the states.

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Well there is a little clue….



Yup, we were swimming with the dolphins. I think this had to be one of the best things I have ever done. I don’t know why but I have always thought of dolphins to be just a little bit smaller. THEY WEREN’T… They were huge.


So we got into our life vest and jumped in..




There just really isn’t any words to describe this, so I will just let the pictures speak for themselves. Speaking of pictures. WOW. This is where they get you. You are allowed to bring your own camera, but you have to have someone that is not doing the excursion in order to get your own pictures. So if you don’t have an observer you are forced to either not have any pictures or pay their price for them. If you just get a couple pictures they are $25 a piece, or you can get a cd with 8 pics for $100 or you can get all the pics of your group for $299. Like I said WOW. We decided to get the cd with 8 pictures only because I couldn’t bare to not be able to show off. Lol.




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Once out of the water they have a nice little buffet are set up in a little hut type building.




The food wasn’t the best I have ever had but it was good enuf to get me through untill dinner. You have just enough time to eat then they rush you back onto the bus and your off. Back to port.


Once we got back to port mom and dad got back on the boat…..Sorry ship….and Tasha and I decided to go look around the shop area right there. We found a really cool shot glass that we were going to buy but decided to search the rest of the shops first. DUMB IDEA. None of the other shops had this exact shot glass and every single shop looks exactly the same. It took us another hour walking around in circles trying to find this shot glass again. Well we found it and decided that we would go check out the wal-mart. I know, I know. We were on vacation, out off all the stuff to go see, why would we want to go to “wal-mart” well the only answer I have for you is “I have no idea.”


We got maybe half way there and started talking about how hungry we were, so I looked at my watch and realized that if we wanted to eat in the MDR then we should probably get back to the ship and start getting ready. So we turned around and walked back.


After dinner we all went back to the room to try and plan the rest of our night. Mom was a little upset that since we were in port so late that the casino wouldn’t be open until way later. So she just stayed in the room and rented a movie. $8.99 a movie. I guess that isn’t too bad.


Tasha and I were hooked so we went to the karaoke bar “the cool”, we stayed there for maybe 30mins but for some reason it just was not any fun tonight. I guess everyone was tired from the long night. Everyone was just sitting there, nobody was getting into it at all.


We got up and went to the folkloric show in the spactacular room. I thought it was pretty cool. But it got really good when they called up a couple people from the audience to get up and dance. There was one guy that got up that just stole the show. He was much better then any of the dancers there.


Once the show was over we had just enough time to get to the room, pour a glass of wine and get to the balcony and watch the sail away. Its funny, we were talking about people getting left on shore and I was just saying that I thought it would be cool to see a boat pull up to us and do a boat to ship transfer, and right as I said that the pilot boat come up to us and the harbor master jumped on. That was really cool to watch. I always said that I didn’t care if I had a balcony room or not as long as I was on the ship it didn’t matter. Well now I think this trip has changed my mind. There is just so much that you see from there. Any way, we sat out there and watched the lights from town fade for the next hour then went to bed. Next up Mazatlan…

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Once out of the water they have a nice little buffet are set up in a little hut type building.




The food wasn’t the best I have ever had but it was good enough to get me through until dinner. You have just enough time to eat then they rush you back onto the bus and your off. Back to port.


Once we got back to port mom and dad got back on the boat…..Sorry ship….and Tasha and I decided to go look around the shop area right there. We found a really cool shot glass that we were going to buy but decided to search the rest of the shops first. DUMB IDEA. None of the other shops had this exact shot glass and every single shop looks exactly the same. It took us another hour walking around in circles trying to find this shot glass again. Well we found it and decided that we would go check out the wal-mart. I know, I know. We were on vacation, out off all the stuff to go see, why would we want to go to “wal-mart” well the only answer I have for you is “I have no idea.”


We got maybe half way there and started talking about how hungry we were, so I looked at my watch and realized that if we wanted to eat in the MDR then we should probably get back to the ship and start getting ready. So we turned around and walked back.


After dinner we all went back to the room to try and plan the rest of our night. Mom was a little upset that since we were in port so late that the casino wouldn’t be open until way later. So she just stayed in the room and rented a movie. $8.99 a movie. I guess that isn’t too bad.


Tasha and I were hooked so we went to the karaoke bar “the cool”, we stayed there for maybe 30mins but for some reason it just was not any fun tonight. I guess everyone was tired from the long night. Everyone was just sitting there, nobody was getting into it at all.


We got up and went to the folkloric show in the spectacular room. I thought it was pretty cool. But it got really good when they called up a couple people from the audience to get up and dance. There was one guy that got up that just stole the show. He was much better then any of the dancers there.


Once the show was over we had just enough time to get to the room, pour a glass of wine and get to the balcony and watch the sail away. Its funny, we were talking about people getting left on shore and I was just saying that I thought it would be cool to see a boat pull up to us and do a boat to ship transfer, and right as I said that the pilot boat come up to us and the harbor master jumped on. That was really cool to watch. I always said that I didn’t care if I had a balcony room or not as long as I was on the ship it didn’t matter. Well now I think this trip has changed my mind. There is just so much that you see from there. Any way, we sat out there and watched the lights from town fade for the next hour then went to bed. Next up Mazatlan…


I did this same excursion when I was in PV. It is awesome and I am going to do it again in January. I collect dolphin figurines (have just over 300 of them) and have been doing it since 1974 when I lived in Long Beach and volunteered my time at Marineland. That is where I got my first experience with these affectionate and very intelligent animals. I recommend this excursion to anyone who loves Dolphins.


Photoman100169, would you do this excursion again?

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I did this same excursion when I was in PV. It is awesome and I am going to do it again in January. I collect dolphin figurines (have just over 300 of them) and have been doing it since 1974 when I lived in Long Beach and volunteered my time at Marineland. That is where I got my first experience with these affectionate and very intelligent animals. I recommend this excursion to anyone who loves Dolphins.


Photoman100169, would you do this excursion again?



can you tell me how much this excursion costed you per person? Do you remember the location name where you same with the Dolphins. Thank you for posting pics and review....




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can you tell me how much this excursion costed you per person? Do you remember the location name where you same with the Dolphins. Thank you for posting pics and review....





Yeah it was $175 a person...and worth every cent...It was one of the best things I have ever done. I believe the place was called vallarta adventures. I could be wrong though

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I have been enjoying reading your review and seeing all your pictures.

When you swam with the Dolphins did you book independantly or through CCL? If you did it independantly who did you use. It looked thrilling.

Precious little guy you have, also.


No we just booked through carnival. We probably could have booked it else where but just decided to play it safe and book right through them..And thank you, I think he is kindda cute myself...

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