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Just off Dawn 10/11 Ghost Story


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I have another story although it is not related to a cruise ship I will share it since so many of us are interested in this subject. Again, This is a true story. It took place about 5 years ago. My Grandmother had been sick for quite a while. My parents house is a two family. My Grandmother lived in the upstairs apartment but moved with my parents downstairs because she could no longer take care of herself.


My Grandmother had to go to the hospital and we knew she was quite sick. My sister and her family came up from Kentucky to NJ to stay in my Grandmothers appartment while they were in town. When my Mother would visit my Grandmother in the hospital, my grandmother would ask her if she saw the children that were coming to visit her in her room. My mother did not know what she was talking about. Day after day she said the same thing. She said there was a little boy and a little girl that would both come to her room and visit with her. When my Mom told me about this, I told her maybe its Angels coming to comfort her or to prepare her for her passing. So when my Grandmother would say it again, My mom would say Yes, they are beautiful little children and how nice it is that they come to visit her.


The next evening my Grandmother passed in the hospital. My Mother went to the upstairs apartment to tell my sister what had happened. My sister was awake and before my Mom could tell her what happened, my sister said, I know what your going to say.....Grandma died. My Mom said how did you know. My sister said she was here. She was standing in front of the bed. She was also holding a little girls hand in one hand and a little boys hand in the other. They were all smiling. Grandma said, I am not in pain anymore and I am going to be OK... then they turned and walked away and disappeared.


We all felt comfort in knowing that she was prepared to move on and she was being taken care of. This is not the only story my family has had but I thought I would share this one with you.



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I have another story although it is not related to a cruise ship I will share it since so many of us are interested in this subject. Again, This is a true story. It took place about 5 years ago. My Grandmother had been sick for quite a while. My parents house is a two family. My Grandmother lived in the upstairs apartment but moved with my parents downstairs because she could no longer take care of herself.


My Grandmother had to go to the hospital and we knew she was quite sick. My sister and her family came up from Kentucky to NJ to stay in my Grandmothers appartment while they were in town. When my Mother would visit my Grandmother in the hospital, my grandmother would ask her if she saw the children that were coming to visit her in her room. My mother did not know what she was talking about. Day after day she said the same thing. She said there was a little boy and a little girl that would both come to her room and visit with her. When my Mom told me about this, I told her maybe its Angels coming to comfort her or to prepare her for her passing. So when my Grandmother would say it again, My mom would say Yes, they are beautiful little children and how nice it is that they come to visit her.


The next evening my Grandmother passed in the hospital. My Mother went to the upstairs apartment to tell my sister what had happened. My sister was awake and before my Mom could tell her what happened, my sister said, I know what your going to say.....Grandma died. My Mom said how did you know. My sister said she was here. She was standing in front of the bed. She was also holding a little girls hand in one hand and a little boys hand in the other. They were all smiling. Grandma said, I am not in pain anymore and I am going to be OK... then they turned and walked away and disappeared.


We all felt comfort in knowing that she was prepared to move on and she was being taken care of. This is not the only story my family has had but I thought I would share this one with you.




goose-frickin-BUMPS! :D


I love it!!

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I actually started to fill up when I read your post....


I thought it was a beautiful story and must have been so comforting for you and your family.... thank you for sharing....



Your welcome.... I truly believe that we do have Spirit Guides and Angels that help us. There are so many signs....just need to be aware of them.



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Kevin, I do believe; especially in spiritual guides/angels, but ghosts as well. It's apparent you are quite serious. My apologies for poking a little fun.


I will share though if we happen to have a visitor while on the repo.

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OP - it's really a strange story. I often feel my deceased father and grandmother near me but have never seen their spirit.

I don't remember the story of how this poor woman died and don't have time to U-Tube.

Please don't think I am a wet blanket but don't you think we should all say a small prayer for this disturbed woman that she might find peace at last. Just imagine what her family would feel if they knew she was still not resting and wandering around looking for something/someone.

If it was some relative/friend I would be deeply saddened.

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Please don't think I am a wet blanket but don't you think we should all say a small prayer for this disturbed woman that she might find peace at last. Just imagine what her family would feel if they knew she was still not resting and wandering around looking for something/someone. If it was some relative/friend I would be deeply saddened.


I feel quite certain her family would expect unrest, considering they feel her husband was responsible, despite it being ruled an accident. Perhaps she won't rest until justice is served.

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We just stayed there this past June. I didn't realize how "haunted" it was. I could tell you, my dd and I were creeped out by the hallways.





So was I. But, I was even more creeped out when I went near what used to be the pool. It's a beautiful ship, though. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

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OP - it's really a strange story. I often feel my deceased father and grandmother near me but have never seen their spirit.

I don't remember the story of how this poor woman died and don't have time to U-Tube.

Please don't think I am a wet blanket but don't you think we should all say a small prayer for this disturbed woman that she might find peace at last. Just imagine what her family would feel if they knew she was still not resting and wandering around looking for something/someone.

If it was some relative/friend I would be deeply saddened.




I understand what you are saying but remember one thing. When Rob saw her, she was smiling. Not sad or mad. Maybe she is at peace but just likes to go back to her favorite cruise ship every now and then.



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OP - it's really a strange story. I often feel my deceased father and grandmother near me but have never seen their spirit.

I don't remember the story of how this poor woman died and don't have time to U-Tube.

Please don't think I am a wet blanket but don't you think we should all say a small prayer for this disturbed woman that she might find peace at last. Just imagine what her family would feel if they knew she was still not resting and wandering around looking for something/someone.

If it was some relative/friend I would be deeply saddened.


She was climbing from one balcony to another in very rough, high seas and fell.

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So I was sitting here enjoying this thread and wondering if I should post one of the many stories about my deceased sister and the time she "visited" me after her death.


I do believe in angels/ghosts/spirit guides and my userid is homage to that. 444cruiser - 444 is the number my angels(?) have used for years to give me message. Look for yourself and you will see it everywhere - licenses plates, time, etc. When you see it, "listen" to your inner voice to see if there is meaning there. Anyway...


So I was reading the posts (thinking of my sister)and happen to look up at the posters name and it was AUNTIE BARB - the name my son called my sister.

OMG I got chills! Our loved ones are with us always!

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So I was sitting here enjoying this thread and wondering if I should post one of the many stories about my deceased sister and the time she "visited" me after her death.


I do believe in angels/ghosts/spirit guides and my userid is homage to that. 444cruiser - 444 is the number my angels(?) have used for years to give me message. Look for yourself and you will see it everywhere - licenses plates, time, etc. When you see it, "listen" to your inner voice to see if there is meaning there. Anyway...


So I was reading the posts (thinking of my sister)and happen to look up at the posters name and it was AUNTIE BARB - the name my son called my sister.

OMG I got chills! Our loved ones are with us always!


I am glad my User ID helped serve your memories of her. :)


We have numbers in our immediate family and often marvel at how/when they appear.


Tell us about one of your visits.

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I understand what you are saying but remember one thing. When Rob saw her, she was smiling. Not sad or mad. Maybe she is at peace but just likes to go back to her favorite cruise ship every now and then.




I will warn ya'll now. When I die, I will be doing just that...hanging out on cruise ships. Look for me on any of them.


I plan to hang out in the Garden Villas though :D

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This is a story that I have never really shared before. First, I'm a true skeptic, or rather I used to be. I've heard people tell these sort of stories my entire life and I just listen. Yes, I'm fascinated but not really a believer. I guess I'm just too practical in my thinking and can always come up with a "reason" for these visions.


Well, I didn't have a vision, but something occurred, with 6 other people in the room (as witnesses) that has made me truly believe that there are definitely ways that those who have passed can communicate if they desire to do so.


My mom was a very practical person. When discussions ever came up about funerals, she would always say how ridiculous it was for people to spend a fortune on a funeral. She could understand why the families wanted it to be nice, but not extravagant. In particular, when friends or family members passed away and spent a lot of money on a casket, she would always say how better spent the money would be if given to other living family members instead of spending it on something that would be put in the ground never to be seen again.


My mom passed away very suddenly leaving all of us in shock 2 years ago. When we went to make arrangements, my 3 brothers, myself and my dad were sitting in the room where they have 1/2 sizes of caskets for you to look at when choosing. They are samples of course (not full size) and are placed around the walls. Each has a large, bright, spotlight above it so you can see the casket well. When it came time to choose the casket, my dad told us kids to just look at them and pick the one we liked best. So my brothers and I were looking at all of them and narrowed it down to two. One nice one that was just a basic, bronze colored casket and one that was more intricate with delicate flowers etched into it etc. We kept going back to the flower one as it was just so beautiful. Of course the one with the flowers was twice as expensive as the other one. We were trying to decide and the director told us that we could think it over, discuss it and get back to him later in the day as to which one we wanted. So we sat back down at the table in the front of the room to finish the arrangements and not 3 minutes later, we heard a loud "pop" sound...like a small explosion, and a flash of light. It had come from the back of the room. The director even said "what the hell was that?" and all of us got up to go see what had happened. When we walked into the back of the room, it was immediately obvious that the light over the cheaper casket that we had been considering had blown. It hadn't just went out like most light bulbs do, it had exploded for some reason. The director was totally baffled as to why this had happened. There was no one else in that room and no explanation whatsoever for why that bulb had exploded. My brothes and I stood there staring at one another not believing what had happened. The director hadn't been in the room when we were looking at the caskets so he didn't know why all of us were acting as if we'd seen a ghost when it was just a broken light bulb. When we explained, he simply said "well that makes your decision for you doesn't it...your mom has told you which casket she wants".


To this day I truly believe that my mom was communicating to all of us which casket to pick...and it wasn't the expensive one! :) And of course, she got her wish. None of us would ever go against what mom said! LOL



Edited by CruisnGram
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This is a story that I have never really shared before. First, I'm a true skeptic, or rather I used to be. I've heard people tell these sort of stories my entire life and I just listen. Yes, I'm fascinated but not really a believer. I guess I'm just too practical in my thinking and can always come up with a "reason" for these visions.


Well, I didn't have a vision, but something occurred, with 6 other people in the room (as witnesses) that has made me truly believe that there are definitely ways that those who have passed can communicate if they desire to do so.


My mom was a very practical person. When discussions ever came up about funerals, she would always say how ridiculous it was for people to spend a fortune on a funeral. She could understand why the families wanted it to be nice, but not extravagant. In particular, when friends or family members passed away and spent a lot of money on a casket, she would always say how better spent the money would be if given to other living family members instead of spending it on something that would be put in the ground never to be seen again.


My mom passed away very suddenly leaving all of us in shock 2 years ago. When we went to make arrangements, my 3 brothers, myself and my dad were sitting in the room where they have 1/2 sizes of caskets for you to look at when choosing. They are samples of course (not full size) and are placed around the walls. Each has a large, bright, spotlight above it so you can see the casket well. When it came time to choose the casket, my dad told us kids to just look at them and pick the one we liked best. So my brothers and I were looking at all of them and narrowed it down to two. One nice one that was just a basic, bronze colored casket and one that was more intricate with delicate flowers etched into it etc. We kept going back to the flower one as it was just so beautiful. Of course the one with the flowers was twice as expensive as the other one. We were trying to decide and the director told us that we could think it over, discuss it and get back to him later in the day as to which one we wanted. So we sat back down at the table in the front of the room to finish the arrangements and not 3 minutes later, we heard a loud "pop" sound...like a small explosion, and a flash of light. It had come from the back of the room. The director even said "what the hell was that?" and all of us got up to go see what had happened. When we walked into the back of the room, it was immediately obvious that the light over the cheaper casket that we had been considering had blown. It hadn't just went out like most light bulbs do, it had exploded for some reason. The director was totally baffled as to why this had happened. There was no one else in that room and no explanation whatsoever for why that bulb had exploded. My brothes and I stood there staring at one another not believing what had happened. The director hadn't been in the room when we were looking at the caskets so he didn't know why all of us were acting as if we'd seen a ghost when it was just a broken light bulb. When we explained, he simply said "well that makes your decision for you doesn't it...your mom has told you which casket she wants".


To this day I truly believe that my mom was communicating to all of us which casket to pick...and it wasn't the expensive one! :) And of course, she got her wish. None of us would ever go against what mom said! LOL





More goosebumps and a HUGE smile :D

Bless you all for honoring that sign from your Mother....it certainly was a BIG one!!!

You must feel so honored to have experienced that. I think it's huge :)

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This is a story that I have never really shared before. First, I'm a true skeptic, or rather I used to be. I've heard people tell these sort of stories my entire life and I just listen. Yes, I'm fascinated but not really a believer. I guess I'm just too practical in my thinking and can always come up with a "reason" for these visions.


Well, I didn't have a vision, but something occurred, with 6 other people in the room (as witnesses) that has made me truly believe that there are definitely ways that those who have passed can communicate if they desire to do so.


My mom was a very practical person. When discussions ever came up about funerals, she would always say how ridiculous it was for people to spend a fortune on a funeral. She could understand why the families wanted it to be nice, but not extravagant. In particular, when friends or family members passed away and spent a lot of money on a casket, she would always say how better spent the money would be if given to other living family members instead of spending it on something that would be put in the ground never to be seen again.


My mom passed away very suddenly leaving all of us in shock 2 years ago. When we went to make arrangements, my 3 brothers, myself and my dad were sitting in the room where they have 1/2 sizes of caskets for you to look at when choosing. They are samples of course (not full size) and are placed around the walls. Each has a large, bright, spotlight above it so you can see the casket well. When it came time to choose the casket, my dad told us kids to just look at them and pick the one we liked best. So my brothers and I were looking at all of them and narrowed it down to two. One nice one that was just a basic, bronze colored casket and one that was more intricate with delicate flowers etched into it etc. We kept going back to the flower one as it was just so beautiful. Of course the one with the flowers was twice as expensive as the other one. We were trying to decide and the director told us that we could think it over, discuss it and get back to him later in the day as to which one we wanted. So we sat back down at the table in the front of the room to finish the arrangements and not 3 minutes later, we heard a loud "pop" sound...like a small explosion, and a flash of light. It had come from the back of the room. The director even said "what the hell was that?" and all of us got up to go see what had happened. When we walked into the back of the room, it was immediately obvious that the light over the cheaper casket that we had been considering had blown. It hadn't just went out like most light bulbs do, it had exploded for some reason. The director was totally baffled as to why this had happened. There was no one else in that room and no explanation whatsoever for why that bulb had exploded. My brothes and I stood there staring at one another not believing what had happened. The director hadn't been in the room when we were looking at the caskets so he didn't know why all of us were acting as if we'd seen a ghost when it was just a broken light bulb. When we explained, he simply said "well that makes your decision for you doesn't it...your mom has told you which casket she wants".


To this day I truly believe that my mom was communicating to all of us which casket to pick...and it wasn't the expensive one! :) And of course, she got her wish. None of us would ever go against what mom said! LOL




Great Story! Funerals can be so expensive. I believe your Mom was right. We should not spend crazy amounts of money on funerals. I was one that would never consider cremation. I always thought the traditional in the ground was the way to get buried. But then when my Father In Law passed, I thought different. My Father In Law took many cruises with my family. We always had a great time. His last cruise with us was on the Dawn. He always looked forward to go and every year asked me if I made the plans for our annual cruise.


Anyway after he passed, he was cremated. We kept some of his ashes that we keep in a small fancy jar with his picture on it. He still cruises with us. Every cruise after his passing, we bring him with us. We have been on 4 cruises since his passing and the jar comes with us. Even he is at our table when we have the first lunch before our room is ready. We always toast him.... Enjoy the Cruise Poppy!


We just sailed the Dawn on 10/4. A week before the cruise, my wife and I won tickets to see Medium Psychic John Edward. We were fortunate enough to get picked for a reading. Sure enough my Father In Law came through along with other family members. He said how much My Father In Law loved playing Craps with me. This was something we always did on the cruises. After Dinner, my Father in Law and I would hit the casino and play craps. Well, on this cruise I took some of his ashes in a small plastic case. Actually it was a plastic case from a large memory card for a camera. I kept his ashes in my pocket and went to the casino. What a week I had. I won enough at craps that week to pay for my entire cruise plus pay my bill at the end of the week. Poppy was truly with me "rolling the bones."


The other day I took my daughter out to dinner and a movie. I told her I would not mind getting cremated as long as they take me places with them like I do with Poppy. She said absolutely....... so a cremation casket is all I need. I rather be remembered like that then have no one go to the cemetary and visit. Plus I want to be in happy places. And we all know cruises are very happy places !! :D

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That is a GREAT story. I have had a few odd things happen in my life as well, so I do believe it...I have no doubts about stuff like that happening.

I'd be one of the wackos that would book that cabin. If I'd have known ahead of time before booking the Nov 1st sailing, I'd be in there. ;)

Not that it matters. Obviously she wanders. She just must have liked your SIL and her BF :)



I would prefer she not wander into our cabin. :eek:



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Great Story! Funerals can be so expensive. I believe your Mom was right. We should not spend crazy amounts of money on funerals. I was one that would never consider cremation. I always thought the traditional in the ground was the way to get buried. But then when my Father In Law passed, I thought different. My Father In Law took many cruises with my family. We always had a great time. His last cruise with us was on the Dawn. He always looked forward to go and every year asked me if I made the plans for our annual cruise.


Anyway after he passed, he was cremated. We kept some of his ashes that we keep in a small fancy jar with his picture on it. He still cruises with us. Every cruise after his passing, we bring him with us. We have been on 4 cruises since his passing and the jar comes with us. Even he is at our table when we have the first lunch before our room is ready. We always toast him.... Enjoy the Cruise Poppy!


We just sailed the Dawn on 10/4. A week before the cruise, my wife and I won tickets to see Medium Psychic John Edward. We were fortunate enough to get picked for a reading. Sure enough my Father In Law came through along with other family members. He said how much My Father In Law loved playing Craps with me. This was something we always did on the cruises. After Dinner, my Father in Law and I would hit the casino and play craps. Well, on this cruise I took some of his ashes in a small plastic case. Actually it was a plastic case from a large memory card for a camera. I kept his ashes in my pocket and went to the casino. What a week I had. I won enough at craps that week to pay for my entire cruise plus pay my bill at the end of the week. Poppy was truly with me "rolling the bones."


The other day I took my daughter out to dinner and a movie. I told her I would not mind getting cremated as long as they take me places with them like I do with Poppy. She said absolutely....... so a cremation casket is all I need. I rather be remembered like that then have no one go to the cemetary and visit. Plus I want to be in happy places. And we all know cruises are very happy places !! :D


I love John Edward and see him every chance I get. I actually have tickets to see him on Feb 7th! :D


Speaking of cremation...I saw this on the Discovery Channel and KNEW that this is what I wanted done with my remains after I die....

Like your dad, I had told my girls that I wanted to be cremated and taken with them when they traveled. I said, "Put me in a nice Gucci bag and pack me in the suitcase!!"

THEN, I saw on this TV program how you can take cremated remains of your loved ones (even pets) and they can literally process the ash into gem stones...like manufactured diamonds :)

WELL...that puts a whole new twist on what I want done. There is enough of me that my 2 girls could likely have a couple carats each!! :) Then they can wear me everywhere!!


I would prefer she not wander into our cabin. :eek:




LOL...scardy cat

Edited by halos
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I love John Edward and see him every chance I get. I actually have tickets to see him on Feb 7th! :D


Speaking of cremation...I saw this on the Discovery Channel and KNEW that this is what I wanted done with my remains after I die....

Like your dad, I had told my girls that I wanted to be cremated and taken with them when they traveled. I said, "Put me in a nice Gucci bag and pack me in the suitcase!!"

THEN, I saw on this TV program how you can take cremated remains of your loved ones (even pets) and they can literally process the ash into gem stones...like manufactured diamonds :)

WELL...that puts a whole new twist on what I want done. There is enough of me that my 2 girls could likely have a couple carats each!! :) Then they can wear me everywhere!!





LOL...scardy cat



Thinking the same here but a little different. I am looking for some crematory jewlery for my wife for Christmas. This way we can put some of her Dad's ashes in the jewlery and he can be with her always. Found a few websites but nothing that really says.....Thats the one! Maybe I will find something that reminds us of a cruise! :D


Last year when we sailed the Dawn and went to Bermuda, we were at Horseshoe Bay. My wife and I swam out to the rock formation out there. My wife wanted to hang out there for a while and talk to her parents ( that passed) I took some pictures of her there from the beach with her sitting on that rock formation. Without her knowing I had an artist paint a picture of her sitting on the formation. Then the artist added a picture of her Mom and Dad's face in the clouds, smiling looking at her. It was awesome. I wish I could somehow post a picture of it here. I gave it to her last year for Christmas. She cried. Loved it! So this last cruise on the Dawn (10/4) we swam out to that rock again. The water was very rough but we still made it. There we sprinkled some of their ashes at that rock. Now that picture and horseshoe bay will always be something special to us. :o

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Thinking the same here but a little different. I am looking for some crematory jewlery for my wife for Christmas. This way we can put some of her Dad's ashes in the jewlery and he can be with her always. Found a few websites but nothing that really says.....Thats the one! Maybe I will find something that reminds us of a cruise! :D


Last year when we sailed the Dawn and went to Bermuda, we were at Horseshoe Bay. My wife and I swam out to the rock formation out there. My wife wanted to hang out there for a while and talk to her parents ( that passed) I took some pictures of her there from the beach with her sitting on that rock formation. Without her knowing I had an artist paint a picture of her sitting on the formation. Then the artist added a picture of her Mom and Dad's face in the clouds, smiling looking at her. It was awesome. I wish I could somehow post a picture of it here. I gave it to her last year for Christmas. She cried. Loved it! So this last cruise on the Dawn (10/4) we swam out to that rock again. The water was very rough but we still made it. There we sprinkled some of their ashes at that rock. Now that picture and horseshoe bay will always be something special to us. :o

What a lovely story! (Now I'm all verklempt.)

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