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Voyager - Fog - Galveston

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Well, I thought I'd go ahead and air my frustration with the RCI Voyager "cruise". We aren't wealthy people and have never taken a cruise before. Our two youngest kids still at home are 19 and 20. We realize how fast time flies and wanted to do something really special while they were still at home, so we had been saving up for this cruise for a while. Since we live in Oklahoma, we were able to save some costs by driving to Galveston opting for additional hotel nights to and from instead of flights for four. We had read the forums quite a bit and did research on what it would be like, the excursions to take, etc. To keep costs under control I had booked our own excursions based on recommendations from the boards. Needless to say we were all very excited.


To start off with, I _could_ _not_ believe the line that was formed outside the terminal. We got there about 1:30 and stood in the line until about 5:30 when we finally reached a desk. It was bad enough for our family, but, I was simply disgusted by the lack of compassion a huge company could have for its customers - ESPECIALLY the older ones there in line for so many hours. Regardless of the cause, this IS a corporation that specializes in cruises. They should be reasonably prepared for any of several "customs" or "weather" issues that come up, shouldn't they? Given the # of cruises they've managed around the globe, had they never counted on a customs hold-up and thought how they could prepare for such an event? Maybe because I've worked in the IT industry for years and have to always think of a contingency/backup/disaster-recovery plan, I'm surprised when other industries seemingly have none at all.


We finally got onto the Voyager and the line/waiting was all but forgotten as we discovered the ship. I didn't see any of the ice-sculptures that we had read about and the communication was scarce about the sailing. The ship is amazing. It was the first big-ship any of my family had been on so we were really excited to walk around and see everything. I hate to be one of the "constantly negative" people, but, I was pretty disappointed that the 'Greek oriented' hot tub/pool area at the fore of the ship was totally closed off. The 'pool' was totally drained and roped off - as was the outdoor hot tub in this area. The next day (Monday), we decided to get into one of the other hot-tubs that we had seen in the mid of the ship, but, half of those were roped off! I was really disappointed in this. I thought a cruise was supposed to feel more lavish and things were supposed to have been all setup/prepared/thought-out for you. Instead, I felt like were were just doing a ship walk-through during a maintenance period or something... as if they weren't really expecting all these people to come aboard while they were fixing/setting up for the next real cruise.


Of course I kept my mouth shut in front of my family as I didn't want my dissented feelings to be bestowed upon them :) I tried to play things up and we made the best of it (which is all you can do anyhow).


To make a longer story short, we opted for the voucher. One of the excursions we had planned was on Roatan. An island tour and lunch with a local family. I had communicated with Ivan (I know many here had talked highly of him) and found out that the family we were to visit had young children, so my family went and picked out some gifts to take the local family we'd be visiting. Since that was off the schedule - and the traditional "send off" just didn't seem like it was going to happen, we thought we'd try coming back and giving it a 2nd shot.


THEN (I should've known), there were the 2nd AND 3RD LINES in order to sign up for the voucher and disembark - finally putting us on the street in dark, foggy Galveston at about 11pm. I just couldn't believe a cruise ship (an arena that advertises itself as an opportunity for relaxation & pampering) seemed to have zero concern for all its customers. We felt really sorry for the younger parents with infants and the older people with no help at all. I thought this was very tasteless and tacky of RCI and showed a painfully obvious mentality of "the bottom line profit".


I hate to be a big whining complainer here, but, some situations warrant it. There were definitely positives. The cruise director who pulled out a replacement for bingo and hosted an entertaining mock of Jeopardy. The welcome aboard show Sunday night was great. The food was excellent, our cabin attendant and wait staff were superb. Of course we were very friendly to them and felt sorry for them knowing several of their tips were walking off the ship that night - so we went ahead and tipped them even though we were leaving.


We're now looking for another date that will work for our family. Our daughter is in college and, like many, I have a limited amount of vacation days to use. In the end, we realize RCI obviously can't control the weather, but, I would think they had faced this situation in the past and had some contingency plan for their customers.


Here's looking to a future cruise and better weather :) (BTW - both Island Marketing and The Native Choice both promptly refunded 100% of our money without question and even apologized for our experience.)

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Wow, what a terrible way to get yourself branded with a cruise line, but I tell you truly, I wouldn't cruise with anyone else (unless it was free;)) After 10 cruises with RCCL I could not be more pleased with a cruise line. We have experienced bad weather on two of our cruises and both times, the pools were closed on the way down to Mexico so that is kind of normal in bad weather. Too bad the fog made it necessary for RCCL to vere from its normal course of great service, but in this case, I think that is what happened, although I agree with some on these boards that the Captain should have been giving more frequent updates and been more apologetic and friendly. He could've made it a real party:( But please choose another sailing date, maybe in March before Vger leaves to try again. Roatan is wonderful and I would've vouched out as well because you paid for a full cruise and you deserve one. The inconvenience of the drive and hotel time is bad but I'm sure if your family will give RCCL one more chance, you will be more than pleased. We have never been disappointed. Can't wait until February to get on her again. She's a grand old lady and you would've enjoyed the shows especially the skating show. Trust me, you'll love Voyager after experiencing the whole cruise.

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I do feel badly for all who were on that cruise. However, I don't see what you expected RCI to do about bad weather. The communication would be limited due to the crew and captain not knowing anything concrete about when they would be able to sail. I thought it was great that RCI allowed those who wanted to, to take vouchers and leave the ship. I do hope you will enjoy your next attempt. By the way, here's a tip from experienced cruisers. Boarding on the first cruise after a trans-Atlantic cruise is usually delayed due to ship inspections that are madatory.

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You were able to board and see the ship ... eat, even if the swimming and hot tubs isnt opened until after the ship sets sail ... get a 100% voucher .. and complaining because it was dark and foggy when you got off the ship...?? wow. I do think you got a lot and didnt even have to pay for it ... can cruise free in the future.

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You were able to board and see the ship ... eat, even if the swimming and hot tubs isnt opened until after the ship sets sail ... get a 100% voucher .. and complaining because it was dark and foggy when you got off the ship...?? wow. I do think you got a lot and didnt even have to pay for it ... can cruise free in the future.


I don't think you can exactly call it "free" unless RCI "vouchered" the gas and wear on the car and the hotel rooms needed. Or vouchered the airline tickets for those that flew. Vacation from work may not have been able to be rebooked (I know in my work it could not be changed at the last minute)


I am not saying what RCI did was right or wrong - but just pointing out that passengers were very much inconvenienced in non-compensated ways......

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How long was your drive from Oklahoma to Galveston? I'm guessing around 7 hours.:confused: Personally, I would not have taken the voucher just to turn around and drive another 7 hours home. You said everyone in your party enjoyed the food, the welcome aboard show, the jeopardy show, the staff, the cabin (all within 24 hours of boarding) and yet you still decided to take the voucher and get off just when the ship would soon be sailing. Makes no sense to me.


Regarding the solarium pool and some of the hot tubs. If I'm not mistaken, the water used to fill those is usually filted ocean water and I'd much rather wait until I was at sea to get into a pool...especially if the water was going to be from the port of Galveston.


I hope your family can find another date that will work where you can all still cruise together and includes all the ports you want. :)

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Well, we'll certainly be doing another shot at a cruise since they were good enough to provide a 100% voucher. We recognize that they fed us for 1-1/2 days and put us up for a night at no additional cost to us. Contractually I'm sure they didn't even have to do that. Contractually I'm sure we could have sat there at the Galveston port for 7 days.


I guess I was just surprised by the extremely long lines and things that were not open while we all sat in limbo. Sorry if I sounded too harsh. We absolutely did still enjoy ourselves and it was an experience that we'll remember and laugh about for a long time. Its all a matter of perspective :D

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Sounds like a Princess cruise we did 4 years ago out of Galveston...however, it wasn't the fog that was the problem, it was the fact that Hurricane Katrina screwed things up in New Orleans and so there were extra ships placed into Galveston...and we had to go through a check-in line that literally had 2500 people in it going through a hotel lobby...and the ship got away late and therefore got into Costa Maya late and no excursions could be had....but we all got $50 each for our troubles....consider yourself extremely fortunate that you got a voucher for 100%....you could have gotten nothing or next to it

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but to ask RCI to cover hotels, gas, other off-ship expenses due to the weather is out of control!


I realize we are living in a nanny society today, but asking for the gas money would be a bit much!


As for the OP, what a disaster for their first cruise. Again, it comes down to communication....explain why the hot tubs are closed, why the pools are drained.

Information cuts off frustration!


Truly hope you get another shot at cruising!

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Yeah, I actually did ask 1 employee why the Solarium pool was shutdown (a sign said "for maintenance") and was told "not sure - ask a pool attendant". I then asked two different pool attendants why that pool was shutdown and why half of the hot-tubs in the main area were roped off, (even though the water in them was nice and toasty), and nobody had an answer. PLEASE don't get me wrong here... I sure don't mean to come across as a whine-bag! I'm just sharing my experience and think I've also pointed out multiple positive things as well.

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but to ask RCI to cover hotels, gas, other off-ship expenses due to the weather is out of control!


I realize we are living in a nanny society today, but asking for the gas money would be a bit much!


As for the OP, what a disaster for their first cruise. Again, it comes down to communication....explain why the hot tubs are closed, why the pools are drained.

Information cuts off frustration!


Truly hope you get another shot at cruising!


I don't think RCI should have covered hotels or gas, etc. I was just pointing out that getting food for 24 hours and a nights lodging on the ship was not all "for free" (as one poster stated) - that OP had invested significant time and money for that 24 hours on board the ship......:)

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I am just tired of all of the complaining, some people aren't happy no matter what happens. RCCL isn't responsible for gas and hotel...just the cruise, if you got compensated for that then be grateful, they didn't have to do that as the weather is not under their control. I was supposed to be on the Voyager right now, but I was put in the hospital for about a week and after almost dying the doctor said no way. We have rescheduled for next Christmas and we are going on the Oasis in June, but after looking forward to it for so long and not being able to go..it really irritates me to see people gripe when they were able to go. Afterall, it is what you make of it and I have to trust that God has a reason that we couldn't go this time.

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I got off the Voyager as well that night. I was going insane with not knowing what was going to happen and not getting any information. I dont think bushwack was whining at all. You had to be there to experience the frustration of having no communication on what was going on. They had to call galveston cops in to calm some passengers who were getting irate. The cruise started off HORRIBLY with the whole check in process and went downhill from there. I do not blame RCL for the weather and I never will, but the very least they could have done is offered discounted drinks or a Happy Hour or something to appease people. Everything was screwed up. No one was talking. If there had been more communication as to what was going on I truly think folks would have been ok with the situation. NO ONE wants to leave their week of vacation cruise--but at that point there was no end to the fog and who knew whether or not we would have gotten out the next day either--why take that chance? Would you want to pay to sit in Port for days on end waiting for fog to clear? For me it was truly how they handled the situation that really bites.....I would never ask any cruiseline to pay for hotel, flights,etc due to weather..you take that chance any time you travel no matter what the method of transportation. I figure it cost me $600 driving from Oklahoma to get on the ship and driving back. That was no fun 9 hours worth let me tell you....but its the price I paid for making the decision to try it again at a later date.

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First, let me apologize for some of the postings here - many seem to have forgotten what it's like to be a newbie. We normally have better manners here.


I sympathize with you. We almost missed our first cruise when spring thundershowers delayed our passage thru Dallas...no one had told us not to fly in on the day of boarding. It was only the fact that many Princess passengers were on late flights from Dallas that they held the ship a few hours for us.


You have basically run up against the law of averages - sometimes there are problems and sometimes you are there. I've seen lots of complaints about Galveston and fog, but the conditions that day and the next were rather rare. Similarly, a few years ago people who drove and parked for their cruise returned a day late to find the parking log swept clean by a hurricane. Just a few days ago, a blizzard hit New Jersey, hundreds of people failed to make their cruise (Explorer? I don't remember). Stuff happens. That's why it helps to take out the cruise insurance (although I'm guilty of not doing it for every cruise, like next month when we drive from KC to Florida).


I hope you don't stop cruising because of this. I discovered cruising on my 20th anniversary in 2000 and haven't stopped since. I've been quite a few places, had an amazing time despite the occasional setback, and will continue until I can't afford to cruise any more.

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I see the RCI cheerleaders are here in full force. The OP was not complaining about the weather. His complaints were driven at RCI's lack of contingecies for slow customs, long lines, lack of information, etc. which RCI is in control of. I think the OP's complaints are very valid ones. I know I would be very upset standing in line for over 4 hours with or without children or elderly folks.


Also, I didn't read anything that said the OP was asking for gas and hotel money. He simply responded to a statement made by someone else concerning cruising for "free" at a later date.

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I am just tired of all of the complaining, some people aren't happy no matter what happens. RCCL isn't responsible for gas and hotel...just the cruise, if you got compensated for that then be grateful, they didn't have to do that as the weather is not under their control. I was supposed to be on the Voyager right now, but I was put in the hospital for about a week and after almost dying the doctor said no way. We have rescheduled for next Christmas and we are going on the Oasis in June, but after looking forward to it for so long and not being able to go..it really irritates me to see people gripe when they were able to go. Afterall, it is what you make of it and I have to trust that God has a reason that we couldn't go this time.


I am sorry you are in the hospital and wish you a quick recovery so you can go on that cruise. However, if you are so tired of the complaining, then don't read it. I thought this was a discussion board where one can write about their good or bad experiences, or both. I think that one could tell from the title of this thread that it wasn't going to be all good. What were you expecting to read under a thread called "Voyager-Fog-Galveston"?




Get well

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First off, the Captain should of kept the passengers up to date about what was going on, even if nothing had changed since the last time. I really feel sorry for those folks that had to go through this ordeal on both the Voyager and Carnival Conquest.


To the OP - truly hope that when you do your make up cruise you have much better luck. And you experience all the wonderful service, shows, facilities, and food for the full 7 days. It is a wonderful vacation when all (or most all) goes great. Also, many times pools and hot tubs are closed when in port. Not always but more likely when the weather in departure port isn't optimal for sunbathing. Best wishes on your next attempt.

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I was on the Conquest at the same time you were sitting on the Voyager. Our boarding process went well, and everyone was in good humor. Yes, we were aggravated with the fog, but our cruise director, Chris, handled it with humor, which kept everyone calm. I think our captain was the most frustrated of us all. He would come on the speaker every few hours to give us an update, which helped make us feel like we were all in it together. We were all a bit apprehensive when we actually pulled away from the dock and could see nothing, not even your big ship behind us. We, too, lost a port - Freeport, but nobody really complained. Key West was really windy and hard to dock in - right before the big flood hit. We were all drenched, but we were laughing, comparing our vacation to the Griswold's. Bottom line: We had a good time, in spite of Mother Nature, and Carnival did their very best to entertain us, during the whole process. Honestly, I didn't hear one person complain. :)

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Yeah, I actually did ask 1 employee why the Solarium pool was shutdown (a sign said "for maintenance") and was told "not sure - ask a pool attendant". I then asked two different pool attendants why that pool was shutdown and why half of the hot-tubs in the main area were roped off, (even though the water in them was nice and toasty), and nobody had an answer. PLEASE don't get me wrong here... I sure don't mean to come across as a whine-bag! I'm just sharing my experience and think I've also pointed out multiple positive things as well.


The reason the pool was shut down was due to USPH regulations. We are not allowed to fill our pools within 3 miles of land and can only hold water in the pools and jacuzzi's for a certian period of time.


Again this is all USPH and we follow strict regulations which is why we just scored 98 on our inspection this past Sunday, while USCG was doing an inspection at the same time..... kudos to the crew!


We look forward to having you back and showing you what a full 7 day run is like for your first cruise.


Welcome to Cruise Critic, there are some really nice people who post here and can help you get ready for your next cruise vacation.





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The reason the pool was shut down was due to USPH regulations. We are not allowed to fill our pools within 3 miles of land and can only hold water in the pools and jacuzzi's for a certian period of time.


Again this is all USPH and we follow strict regulations which is why we just scored 98 on our inspection this past Sunday, while USCG was doing an inspection at the same time..... kudos to the crew!


We look forward to having you back and showing you what a full 7 day run is like for your first cruise.


Welcome to Cruise Critic, there are some really nice people who post here and can help you get ready for your next cruise vacation.







I've enjoyed reading your informative posts. It's great to hear the ship side of the story. Please keep up the good work! Will you be on board Voyager for the March 21 cruise?



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Over the past few weeks I've been following the various Voyager-Fog-Galveston-12/13 threads and have found them to be quite entertaining.


Hey... weather happens. What can you do?


All in all, though... I don't think I would've taken the voucher. My vacation time is important to me, as it is for everyone, and I can't take it easily. We've encountered vacations where the weather was... not so great.


Can't predict hurricanes when booking a cruise, you know? I guess I could do a better job of NOT booking my vacations the first week of November (when the kids have a convenient week off from school)... and go for the more expensive "Presidents Week" vacations... but it's nice to get a Suite for CHEAP! (cheap is nice)


Still... weather be damned... 7-days aboard a cruise ship is 1000% better than 7-days at home cooking and cleaning (or 7-days of trying to avoid the phone because the job KNOWS you're around) :D


Bushwack, I know you'll have better luck with your next "first cruise" ;)

I truly believe it's still the best type of vacation available. I mean... don't have to LOOK for food, you can eat anytime you like, the food is better than Club Med or Sandals, and the ships are so diverse today - there's always something to do. It's also nice to be able to go to bed at night, and wake up the next day in an entirely new country with new adventures to explore.


While things certainly have changed in the cruise industry (as I'm sure a lot of older cruisers have been talking about), this is the BEST time for new cruisers to experience what these cruise lines have to offer.

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