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Do you Pre Tan at a booth before you cruise?


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Now I know someone will want to give advice on why sun is bad....keep it.


I ask because I am getting a base tan. So is my girl and because in a lot of the pictures here everyone looks white as a ghost on their cruise.


My girl says it's inevitable you will see people fried like lobsters though from being sensetive to the sun and out too long.


Do you tan before you go?


Yes, you should pre-tan before going on a cruise if you are living in a "winter climate" such as the Northern parts of the USA or Europe. In laymens terms, every cell has Vitamin D & UV receptors. They become hyper-sensitive when they do not receive regular UV light. Which is why you turn "red" so quickly on your initial dose of sunlight, the receptors get "overloaded". The more UV light you get, the less receptive they become, it is the bodies natural sunscreen.


You should start at least 60 days prior to the cruise. Start slow, every 3rd day and don't go cheap at the tanning booths. The cheaper booths use lower quality bulbs which "cause" more problems than they help, plus you will look "splootchy". With a couple weeks til you go start going everyday and your body will be ready for the "harshest sunlight". You will also be able to use sunscreen at any SPF level to maintain what ever level of "bronze" you are at. You will also be able to visit "au natural" beaches and not worry about burning your "privates!"


As for "spray on" tans. They don't protect you from UV very well and will give you whatever "bronzing" color you want. However, often times the color looks "orange" because your skin is not the best "canvas" to be painting on. Your body will still react poorly when UV rays start hitting it. Hence, you will go from orange to "red-orange" immediatly. Spray on tans are designed for one-time usage only, not recommended for short-term exposure to UV.


Once done with your cruise, you should reduce or stop tanning til the next winter season. While it has its benifits (anti-depressant, vitamin D, psychological, etc.) long term consistent exposure is not good for most "fair-skinned" people.


Hope that helps you out.

See ya,


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I used to do the tanning bed before cruising for all the aforementioned reasons, plus it feels really good when the temps are way below freezing!!


Don't do them anymore though, over 50 now, figure all my years of sun worship should be behind me. I still lay out on the beaches, cause it feels amazing, when on vacation, using sunscreen (spf30) and still get nice color w/o burning.


Did find a great self tanner, made by Kate Somerville, they are huge towelettes, one per time all over face and body. Most natural yet:D

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Nope - never even thought about it honestly. Of course, this will be my first cruise, so I'm sure there's a lot I haven't thought of :D I live in Texas and get some color just by being outside, but I'm still very, very, very pale. I'll be using Nicole Miller self-tanning towelettes on my legs, arms & face. I won't be out in the sun at all without a high-SPF sunscreen and probably a wide-brimmed hat.

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I am a redhead with very fair skin. The ONE TIME I did not pretan in a tanning bed, I burned to a crisp on the second day of the cruise and was miserable for the rest of the time. This was only with about half an hour laying in the sun. I would do anything to take back those thirty minutes, because I have permanent huge freckles on my chest and shoulders from this burn. So, even though tanning is bad for skin, I do tan in a tanning bed 3-4 times the week prior to cruising and then I do a VersaSpa spray tan for purely cosmetic reasons. :)

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I come in red or white. Pain or no pain. When out I have SPF on wear a long sleeve shirt and wide brimmed hat. I try to limit the amount of exposure from 10 AM to 4 PM. If people don't like to see my white white skin I am sorry for them. I will do what needs to be done to avoid painful burns. My advice is to also marry someone in your skin tone range then the burner and the tanner will not have to find a solution:) My experience is that I don't tan-- base or not and even if slightly brown I can be burned badly unless I am very deligent. I don't worry about skin cancer -- immediate pain is my worry.

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Bowie MeMe, we're on the same June 3rd cruise and I don't tan either, and don't bother trying. Too many painful burns with blisters in the past. How I envy people with tans. Until one of my sun lover friends comments on how young I look ;)


I too have skin cancer in my family and am fair skinned. You'll see me on the ship, in the shade LOL.


I love the spray tans but they can get expensive.

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Getting them tested? Why haven't you "had" them tested or looked at. A doctor can tell by looking at it if it is a melanoma by the shape when loked at under a eyepiece.


Good luck to you.


I had a feeling this thread would turn into a sun is bad for you deals. :rolleyes:


Umm.. you can't tell if something is cancerous without doing a biopsy, looking at it will just give you more of an idea, but ultimately, a biopsy is the only solution. My dad had malignant melanoma which actually looked normal to him when he looked at it grossly, but removed it anyway because my mom said it had been growing. Turns out it was melanoma, and now he has a nasty scar from that surgery, looks like someone took a bite out of his back.


On the flip side, I recently had a mole removed that was about 3 different colors, it was itchy and bleeding. Turns out it was completely benign. So you can't tell what something is by looking at it, you need a piece of tissue.


I never go to a tanning salon, and I never tan on a cruise. I have white skin that turns red, I don't get tan. Before a vacation, I go to my dermatologist and he loads me up with free samples of Neutrogena sunscreen, usually SPF70. If I'm out in the sun, I'm usually covered up. If some people don't like it, too bad.

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Due to the fact that I don't want to look like a maggot when I get off the plane in hotter climes ( I live in London so looking pale and awful is easy) I use a moisturing body lotion which builds up into a lovely glowing tan. There are many well-known products, Johnson, Dove, etc. easy to apply and the tan starts to develop after 3-4 days. Stop using when you have reached the desired depth of colour. Tanning salons and sunbeds have such awful press here in the UK where most of them have now closed down.

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I know this is such a debatable topic- but I love tanning. I am allergic to the sun and it was suggested that I tan by my doctor (maybe not the best advice I know) but since I started tanning I built up more resistance. I no longer break out in hives when I'm out in the sun or itch like crazy. Plus I am among those who feels better when I have some color.

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I have always tanned before going on any vacation where I know there is going to be a lot of harsh rays. I'm naturally dark complected, so I only go for a week and I'll be dark as can be.


I know that whenever I've been on a cruise in the carribean, people are completely frying themselves in the sun and wanting to get that dark golden carribean tan. It just didn't happen for them. They were burnt and miserable the entire cruise.


I ended up getting a nice golden tan since I had already had a base tan.


So, I plan on doing it again this cruise. I'm 43 and have only tanned a handful of times in my life (2 cruises, my wedding and 1 vacation to the south). So, I don't think I'm frying my body.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what the US Government & American Cancer Society have to say about it-




Incase you didn't want to read the whole article- basically it says tanning beds have been proven to cause cancer, proven to raise risks of melanoma to persons who begin use under the age of 30 to over 75% AND proven that UVA is also a culprit!


Personally, I have light brown/dirty blonde hair and green eyes- I'm part Cuban but I am still a pale Betty. I used to tan- when I was 16-20 (i.e. my young and stupid years) only for special occasions- prom, cruises ect. When I was 21, my mom was diagnosed with Basal cell. Whenever someone in your immediate family is diagnosed with skin cancer, you are at a higher risk, so I went for my first dermatologist visit. I now have two scars on my back- one of which is pretty nasty looking. Lucky for me, mine were non-cancerous- but, a Dermatologist can't diagnose melanoma by "just looking at it".


Enjoy soaking up that man-made UVA/UVB:rolleyes:

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My DH & I are preparing for our 02-21-10 cruise. Niether of us have ever used a tanning bed unti this past Monday. Tonight is our 2nd time getting in one. We figured on 10 sessions each, going every other day until we set sail should be enough to prep our skin so that we will not burn to a crisp our 1st day out in the Bahama Sunshine. I hope we are right.

So far I am a very rich shade of pink!!!

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Now I know someone will want to give advice on why sun is bad....keep it.


I ask because I am getting a base tan. So is my girl and because in a lot of the pictures here everyone looks white as a ghost on their cruise.


My girl says it's inevitable you will see people fried like lobsters though from being sensetive to the sun and out too long.


Do you tan before you go?

I am so white the suns rays bounce off me...:eek:

I don't pre sun. Not because it's bad for me LOTS of things are bad for me (I think I read somewhere that breathing causes something that will kill me). HOWEVER I do use jegens body lotion the one with the self tanner in it. If a tanning bed would work I'd do it but I walk out a few bucks poorer and just as white. So I go for the chemical approach. I'm with you though I Do Not want to put on my shorts and glow in the dark!!!:D

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My DH & I are preparing for our 02-21-10 cruise. Niether of us have ever used a tanning bed unti this past Monday. Tonight is our 2nd time getting in one. We figured on 10 sessions each, going every other day until we set sail should be enough to prep our skin so that we will not burn to a crisp our 1st day out in the Bahama Sunshine. I hope we are right.

So far I am a very rich shade of pink!!!



You are not pink, you are burned. Do not go back in the tanning booth until the burn goes all the way away and then cut your time way back. You should not be burning.

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You are not pink, you are burned. Do not go back in the tanning booth until the burn goes all the way away and then cut your time way back. You should not be burning.


I had always heard that you start with just a few minutes in a tanning bed and then work your way up in time. The lady at the salon KNEW it was my 1st time and told me I should start with 10 minutes. Which I did. When DH got off work that night he had a different lady and was put in the bed for 7 minutes. He too turned pink. We waited 2 days and went at together as the pink had gone away and went in for the same amount of time. ( Me for 10 & him for 7) This time I turned red. I am still pink 3 days later.

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These threads about pre-cruise tanning pop up every few months or so. Most people know the facts; getting a tan does not protect you, it's just a sign of skin damage. There is no "safe" tan. You can "protect" your skin by using an appropriate amount of sunscreen and wearing a hat. There is no need to ever get a bad sunburn, even if your skin is very white.


Those who use tanning beds now are going to be sorry when they get older. It's just a fact. I am now older and have friends who tanned quite a bit when younger. The damage, especially on their faces, necks and chest is pretty apparent.


But, everyone makes their own choices. Just don't kid yourself that it's healthy or necessary.

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I had always heard that you start with just a few minutes in a tanning bed and then work your way up in time. The lady at the salon KNEW it was my 1st time and told me I should start with 10 minutes. Which I did. When DH got off work that night he had a different lady and was put in the bed for 7 minutes. He too turned pink. We waited 2 days and went at together as the pink had gone away and went in for the same amount of time. ( Me for 10 & him for 7) This time I turned red. I am still pink 3 days later.


This is bad; ten minutes was way too long. You have a sunburn. I do not think many people who work at tanning salons have any type of training at all.

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I remember the days when I would lie in sun for hours, but not anymore. Before our last cruise, I decided to try a tanning bed. They started me off with 2 minutes and then very gradually built up the time. It really didn't do much for me, plus I decided having good skin was more important than being dark. So, having said that, for my upcoming cruise I am going to try a self-tanner lotion in hopes that I don't streak or turn orange. I'm going to use a product by Neutrogena that's more like a body lotion but has a teensy bit of self tanner in it. Has anyone used this before? If you have, let me know how it worked for you.


I strongly with other posters, tanning beds can cause cancer and, yes, they will damage your skin. I don't know how old you are, but trust me, even if you're in your 20's, by the time you get into your middle 40's or older, you won't be happy with the way your skin looks.

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The Irish are notoriously pasty folk. Many of us don't tan, we turn pink, freckle, and pretty much stay that way when exposed to the sun for any length of time. So for me it's sunblock spf 70, sunglasses, and a hat. I don't tan, I accessorize. :D



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I had always heard that you start with just a few minutes in a tanning bed and then work your way up in time. The lady at the salon KNEW it was my 1st time and told me I should start with 10 minutes. Which I did. When DH got off work that night he had a different lady and was put in the bed for 7 minutes. He too turned pink. We waited 2 days and went at together as the pink had gone away and went in for the same amount of time. ( Me for 10 & him for 7) This time I turned red. I am still pink 3 days later.


And now, you will probably peel.

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I would drop the time down to 4 or 5 minutes until your not turning pink the next day, then gradually go to 6 minutes on up. It also depends on the bed your using and when the bulbs were changed last.


I always start gradually and build up to a base tan. Right now I'm on 8 minutes (4th tan) in a wicked old bed with weak lamps at my gym. I also try to give it at least a day in between, and I use an indoor tanning lotion. (my favorite being swedish beauty ameretto, but I can't seem to locate my bottle so I just bought a cheap brand at Sally Beauty Supply)


I feel like I need to pre-tan before I vacation, otherwise I would never get that golden look I love. I would go from white to lobster red and that's not fun at all.


I'm also big into applying aloe lotion after being in the real sun. This helps cool my skin and prevent any future burning. I can't leave home without a good bottle of aloe gel!

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The Irish are notoriously pasty folk. Many of us don't tan, we turn pink, freckle, and pretty much stay that way when exposed to the sun for any length of time. So for me it's sunblock spf 70, sunglasses, and a hat. I don't tan, I accessorize. :D





Well said! I don't care if I am pale. My dad is a melanoma survivor, and I would much rather have people tease me for being white and live to have them tease me again in thirty years! Some of the people I've known that tanned a lot in their youth now look like sticks of beef jerky, and my skin is still wrinkle free in my fifties. And you can still get a bad burn with a base tan.


I know people will always want to tan, and that is their choice. It's just a bad choice for this Pasty White Irish Girl! :rolleyes:

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