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Yes CCL you are the ultimate funship but here is what we expect!!!


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maybe instead of a jazz band, or calypso, country, etc..... they could find some more versatile bands maybe? I understand everyone has a different taste so you have to cater to many people.


i think some could easily be crossover types too. a jazz/rock/blues type band.


maybe even a salsa/calypso/??? band too. i dunno, just some ideas anyway ;)



Your idea sounds like a winner to me!

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Many have mentioned a wish for change in the way the photography service is handled.


I would LOVE to see a system where, when your photo is taken, the photographer or assistant records your S & S number. Your photos then are displayed (like your S & S account info) on your in-cabin TV on a dedicated channel, and you order what you want...no more unsold printed photos that needlessly consume paper, toner, and fuel, not to mention the garbage those unwanted pics generate.


I understand that Carnival contracts their photo service out, but they could insist that whatever company wins the contract follow their guidelines. Their pocket$ are deep enough for that.


I know...it's too much like right to happen. :rolleyes:


Patty in Houston

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I beg to differ. I have more sense that to think CCL is perfect or if any cruise line is perfect. But I would like carnival cruise line to cater to everyone's taste. CCL has enough clubs and bars to 'go around the world' in music. I would be nice if they had a simple cover band. I am a loyal Carnival Cruise passenger and the one event I used to look forward to after dinner is my going down to the jazz lounge, smoke a cigar with a glass of Martell, and listen to the trio/band. I simply have nothing to do after dinner now but to go back to the gym ( I cant go get in the hot tub, it closes to early) or go to my room and watch television?


Now lets look at what you pointed out 'those folks in Miami know what makes money and it's not jazz... not on Carnival. The jazz trios have been replaced, pretty much, by salsa trios'.

Why can't we compromise...why cant we have a Latin jazz band, to include some salsa. Problem solved.


You said the key word and that is '...not on Carnival' Yes ma'am you are right Jazz lounges are not a selling point for Carnival but for other cruise, YES! And I am kicking myself in the a** for not doing my homework. I have never ever thought of doing Norwegian Cruise Line, but I found out today after listening their adverstisement, they have a jazz/blues lounge featured on the EPIC. And as I was just minutes away from becoming a platinum member, I guess I will never know. Because Carnival just confirmed they are more interested in catering to a specific group to make money. Well you have to go where the money is...


BTW, the red fruit punch saying..... was a joke.



The problem is capacity... There's a VERY limited number of cabins available for crew/staff. If you bring in more musicians you have to cut back somewhere simply to have a cabin for them to stay in...

Like I said, I'd LOVE to have jazz back especially in the cigar bar but the physical limitations and marketing/profitability just doesn't make it practical...


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^ if that's the case, then a more versatile band would be great idea it looks like.


our forst cruise in '07 on the elation in november i think had a reggae band, can't remember the name. but they played on the lido during the day, deck parties and at half moon cay i think too. Total eclipse i think it was??

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....and on the Freedom a couple of years ago they had one nightly in the cigar bar (met John Heald there; he was preparing to return to work for the NEXT cruise; very gracious guy..but I digress). However, I believe they were just a breakout trio from the larger

ship orchestra; so I'm not sure there was any extra cost to CCL.


On our last cruise on the Fantasy; they had a jazz trio just outside the casino but only a couple of times for the 5 niter, and again I'm sure they were part of the ship show band.


I am dipping back into the RCCL pool for my first European cruise this Summer on the Independence OTS and I would be suprised if they don't have nightly jazz.


Jazz or no Jazz is not a deal breaker, but my impression was always that CCL didn't hire

a special Jazz trio; but used versatile talented regular "show orchestra" musicians.



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Print all photos in 5 x 7 and you can order larger sizes if you want. Who has a place to put that many 8 x 10. I never buy more that one photo per cruise because they are almost all too large and would buy many more if they were offered in 5 x 7.


Live music all over they ship is also very important.

I am also a fan of being able to get more pictures in varying sizes, Our last couple cruises I wanted so many of the pictures but they were almost entirely 8 x 10's I don't have the money or the room to display that many 8 x 10's so I ended up without several of the pictures I wanted : o( Here's to a revamp of the photo selections!!!!!!

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Another vote for the Calypso band...must have steel drums! Haven't seen that since the Celebration in 2004:( Nothing says "The Islands" like a steel drum!

Great ideas about the photos...and so much better than all those wasted pics that end up as garbage!

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I may be repeating some stuff but here's my 2cents...we just returned from our first cruise last week, so I'm still mourning for the loss of things I like and fuming about what we didn't like...


1. How about another pool?? We were on sensation and the one small-ish pool on lido was overcrowded with spring breakers... not even room to lay out let alone swim....

2. Keep at least one hottub open on the adults-only deck all the time! After dinner and shows, we wanted to hottub before bed and it was closed!! Lido was open until midnight, but once again, 15 spring breakers in one hot tub does not equal relaxation!

3. Cut the picture prices..We bought 2 because it was the first time I got DH in a suit, but would have bought more if they weren't 20 bucks a pop! Crazy!

4. Even though I never had the fruit punch, it would have been nice to have something besides lemonade and milk...The coffee was terrible and the ice tea was unsweetened and gross...Being southern, sweet tea is a way of life so I was very disappointed that I couldn't have any....And 2 dollars for a can of coke is just too much...Alcohol was expensive, but we expected that and planned for it...It would be nice to have cheaper drinks, but I understand they have to make money...

5. Get some entertainment we want to see! The bands they had were terrible cover bands and there's only so much karaoke I can take! The "vegas-style" shows weren't much better...We had fun making fun of the entertainment, but still.... A blues band, calypso band, steel drum..anything! would have been better than the oldies/classic rock being butchered in the lounge. And the DJ on lido- ugh! I'm not a hiphop fan, but even that would have been bearable if he had just shut up and let it play! After the first day, we pretty much avoided that whole deck because of him...



That said, I loved my cruise...honestly...I know it sounds bad, but we really had a great time! If they had better entertainment we would have been sold completely on Carnival...:D

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I keep hearing that this is gone and that is gone it is very disappointing. Even the chocolates on the pillows are missing that is irritating to me and my husband. Little things make people happy as well as the big things, and I bet CCL does have someone check the message boards of websites like this. I work for a large corp. and they are always monitoring what the world has to say especially when it comes to customer satisfaction. It won't change their minds or the direction they are going, but they get a sense of how their customers are trending. We’ll keep cruisin with or without the treats on the pillows but they do make your day a bit sweeter LOL:) Savor the sea and all it's wonder.

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I'd like the return of chocolates on the pillow, the Welcome Aboard Rum Swizzle party (who even remembers what a Rum Swizzle is?), and fercryinoutloud, bring back Kathy Lee singing "If They Could See Us Now" at sailaway!!! Now THAT'S a woooo hoooo!!


Its not the expense, its the damage to our sea's.


Even the EPA has guideline's and request's....






  • shipdock-4.jpgReview the cruise ship company's environmental policies before booking a cruise.
  • Do not pour inappropriate wastes into sinks or toilets.
  • Do not toss litter overboard.
  • Minimize your use of water.
  • Participate in the cruise ship's recycling program (if available).
  • Conserve energy by reducing unnecessary use of lights and appliances


For an environmentalist, you sure seem to have been on a lot of ships that were dumping whatever overboard at all hours.... ;)


Seriously, I think the lines are getting a lot better at this - I remember when the 3 a.m. food dump was a spectator sport for the passengers, those who were still up would gather to watch the ship dump all the uneaten food from the previous day into the water for the nourishment :confused: of the sea life - never mind that not everything in there might have been edible or even food.


I'm fine with you not wearing your robe. I hope you're fine with me wearing mine.

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I'd like the return of chocolates on the pillow, the Welcome Aboard Rum Swizzle party (who even remembers what a Rum Swizzle is?), and fercryinoutloud, bring back Kathy Lee singing "If They Could See Us Now" at sailaway!!! Now THAT'S a woooo hoooo!!




For an environmentalist, you sure seem to have been on a lot of ships that were dumping whatever overboard at all hours.... ;)


Seriously, I think the lines are getting a lot better at this - I remember when the 3 a.m. food dump was a spectator sport for the passengers, those who were still up would gather to watch the ship dump all the uneaten food from the previous day into the water for the nourishment :confused: of the sea life - never mind that not everything in there might have been edible or even food.


I'm fine with you not wearing your robe. I hope you're fine with me wearing mine.


I remember that as well.That was wild.:eek::D


I have no problem with you wearing the robe, since you are going to wear it.If you were to leave it in the closet all week and it get washed again for no reason, thats what irks me.




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Seriously, I think the lines are getting a lot better at this - I remember when the 3 a.m. food dump was a spectator sport for the passengers, those who were still up would gather to watch the ship dump all the uneaten food from the previous day into the water for the nourishment :confused: of the sea life - never mind that not everything in there might have been edible or even food.


On the Inspiration we were told on the Behind the Fun tour they still throw ground waste out. I was surprised.

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How about lowering the price of the pictures? Or not printing everything in the 8x10 size? I can assure you I'd buy twice as many pictures at 10.00 than I will at 19.95.



this is sooooo true...just ask my wife

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You guys keeping coming!! This is the stuff they need to hear. I have an email adress and on Friday COB, I will print this off, scan it in and send it to them. I love CCL, but they have to start listening the people. If I was not in the penalty stages of my cruise I would cancel and send them my paid receipt for NCL Epic.

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I remember that as well.That was wild.:eek::D


I have no problem with you wearing the robe, since you are going to wear it.If you were to leave it in the closet all week and it get washed again for no reason, thats what irks me.





Entertainment comes in many forms. How do you measure the excitement and satisfaction folks and kids receive from the towel animals? We could take that away to make sure the smokers can foul up the ships environment to their satisfaction instead. We could load extra food on the ship for the heavy eaters and drinkers. We could load extra supplies to handle the sports folks and their activities. We can drain the pools 5 times a day to clean out the childrens messes. Bottom line is there no easy or fare answer to stopping things some foks don't think pay their way on a ship for guests fun and comfort. I tnknk too many people overthink this issue. Let the cruise line figure it out. THe rest of us should concentrate on having a good time.

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Each person could enter their cabin number or something and view only their pictures if that is all they have time for. Who wants to hunt for 30 minutes to find your pictures among 3,000 other guests or have your embarrassing photos shown to the entire ship by default?

At the same time give you lots of purchasing options and print only the digitals that are desired and paid for.





RCL does this. Everytime you get your picture done you hand them your S&S card. They have kiosks that you put your card in and can view all your pictures you have taken. You can then order whatever sizes and pics you want :)

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Bring back the fruit punch.


Keep the robes - one less thing to pack.


Offer some type of unlimited premium prepaid package (drinks, supper club, soda, coffee, etc)



Lower the price of pictures. I agree lower the price and I buy more.

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We would buy more pictures, too, if they weren't all 8 x 10. A kiosk would be great to look at all of your pictures and decide. Maybe even sell them on a CD (ex: 8 pictures for $100, all printing rights). We would totally buy one of these at the higher price where normally we buy 1 or 2 pictures and the rest are thrown in the trash.

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Instead of printing and hanging all those pictures (many of which are wasted), how about viewing stations so you can find your photos and then purchase with a swipe of your card?


This definitley a Great Idea!:D The only thing I would change is every passenger has access to the TV, use that to prevent lines at a veiwing station! Just use the Cabin number and other nomenclature (stth for st thomas, ar for Aruba like that.....just like the excursions)and let them order it from the TV



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You guys keeping coming!! This is the stuff they need to hear. I have an email adress and on Friday COB, I will print this off, scan it in and send it to them. I love CCL, but they have to start listening the people. If I was not in the penalty stages of my cruise I would cancel and send them my paid receipt for NCL Epic.


I agree with you. After discovering cruising and having cruised 12 times in 6 years, I'm afraid until things start changing back for the better, this years May cruise will be our last.

Yes cruising still beats a day at the office, however so do many other vacation opportunies.

By the time you put in the cruise, the way overpriced drinks, the excursions, the pictures, etc. etc. etc., cruising is no longer the bargain it used to be.

...and no, I don't have to buy drinks or any of the others, but I prefer to and that adds to my vacation costs. I have been to many all-inclusives which don't nickle and dime you to death and offer many of the same "to-do" things thru out the day and evening.

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They should not discount the pricing for certian groups of people.People choose their ocupations and they are paid accordingly.




Carnival decides who they give discounts to. You are right, people do chose their occupations, but I doubt they chose it to get a discount on a cruise. If it is that big of a deal to you, why don't you change your occupation to one of those that gets a discount...just sayin...

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Definitely bring back the calypso bands on Lido deck playing real music for more than one hr.....I don't go on cruises to watch a big screen t.v..:rolleyes:


I agree with you, but it's not going to happen. Carnival has already invested big money in those giant TV screens. They aren't going to just turn them off after spending the money. The only hope is that they don't put screens on future ships and have live bands instead, but I wouldn't bet on that either. The big screens seem to be their thing now.


Though I admit I haven't been on a ship with the big screen yet, so I should at least give it a chance I guess. But I'm not too optimistic I'll like it better than a calypso band.

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