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Pinnacle Grill with Children


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On my last HAL cruise in Oct. my table mates were quite annoyed by the many babies (with parents) at the table below us in the dining room every night. They thought it was quite noisy and it was a little noticable but not out of control by any means. I've had way worse experiences in Calgary. I guess some people are more intolerent then others. I'd be happy if a day went by without someone posting something over the top:D.


Some people seem to have a stick stuck in an inconvenient spot....:D

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Thank you to the parents that have spoken up in this thread....it's just not us meanies that don't like kids:D. I don't think anyone would mind kids in the Lido or even the MDR but the Pinnacle is different.


Should I be thankful that we have somewhat been given permission that it would be acceptable for us to dine in the Lido or maybe even the MDR?

When HAL makes the PG an adult only dining experience- then yes it will be unacceptable for children to dine in the PG but as of now each of us are entitled to our opinion as to where each of us should or should not be allowed.


We by no means have perfect children but we also do not have tyrants. We set limits, rules and boundaries and if those are not followed there are consequences. We are not the parents at the playground that tell Little Johnnie 20 times-- don't do that, if you do it again we are going to leave....... We actually don't even stay at the park if another kid is acting inappropriately as I don't want my children listening to the parent who has no control over their child or being around the tyrant. We let them know what they are doing is not acceptable & why, give them a warning and the next time if we say this is last chance-- we actually mean it & will leave the park. Do we leave the park very often after a warning? no since our kids know we are serious & no really does mean NO!

I have a girlfriend that admits that she does not dine out or go to the theatre with her children as they are nightmares. BUT as for now this is not our family situation. Our kids love going to plays, dance recitals, etc and although the PG experience might not be fun for them it is still a lesson in life of discipline and manners just as they experience in the MDR. We have had memorable dining experiences both on land & at sea dining out with & without our children. We have also had meals that ended early and that is ok with us.

We do not prefer to dine in the Lido-- buffet type dining actually makes it more of a challenge for us w/ the kids. When we get up & down going after things it makes them want to get up & down out of their highchairs and that likewise is unacceptable in our home. THey get in their highchairs & remain there until the meal is complete- not up & down & running around in between bites of food. I also find it obnoxious to have the person in front of me licking their fingers & sampling their food while in the Lido buffet line --(which by the way would not be my kid or someone elses kid-- well actually yes they are someones kids ;) but they are grown adults). We also could not get highchairs easily in the Lido so another reason the Lido has not worked for us but that is another thread......


PS- I would love to see a post as well-- I am a crabby human being who constantly complains about everything once on the ship, my DH also repeatedly uses foul language in public areas and degrades the staff on board and we smuggle alcohol on board-- do you think HAL would prefer to have us as cruising guests or our kind hearted, honest, well mannered neighbors


I totally understand this thread has started from someone putting the ? out there & you get what you ask for--> peoples opinions ;), which obviously we are not shy about.

The thing I find amusing is that there are threads about how HAL should not be responsible for entertaining our children & that we should enjoy quality family time and the focus on Club HAL & the ship itself for entertainment of our children is ridiculous for us parents. Which I do agree w/ you on this subject-- our 6yo read 9 100+ page Hardy Boy books last month when we were in Hawaii for 2 wks. I don't expect HAL to entertain myself or my kids


I myself would consider a nice memorable evening in the PG quality family time.

Happy cruising to all with or without kids!:)

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Should I be thankful that we have somewhat been given permission that it would be acceptable for us to dine in the Lido or maybe even the MDR?

When HAL makes the PG an adult only dining experience- then yes it will be unacceptable for children to dine in the PG but as of now each of us are entitled to our opinion as to where each of us should or should not be allowed.

Well said...I comment on these treads to give first hand evidence that kids can be well mannered and behaved. But I honestly am not that concerned about whether people or comfortable with the presence of my family. If I was, I would not go anywhere! I focus on my family during my cruises. We are open and friendly but will not let one's personal issues become ours.

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We by no means have perfect children but we also do not have tyrants. We set limits, rules and boundaries and if those are not followed there are consequences.


Unfortunately there are way too many parents out there who DO allow their kids to be tyrants and who don't expect or enforce any kind of discipline. They are completely in the thrall of their little "angels" and expect everyone else to be too. There seems to be a trend now where people expect their children to be accepted and welcomed everywhere but the truth is that many adults, especially parents (myself included), actually enjoy NOT having the ankle biters with them 24/7 and that includes having a 'grown up' dinner with other grown ups once in a blue moon.

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Unfortunately there are way too many parents out there who DO allow their kids to be tyrants and who don't expect or enforce any kind of discipline. They are completely in the thrall of their little "angels" and expect everyone else to be too. There seems to be a trend now where people expect their children to be accepted and welcomed everywhere but the truth is that many adults, especially parents (myself included), actually enjoy NOT having the ankle biters with them 24/7 and that includes having a 'grown up' dinner with other grown ups once in a blue moon.


So true. I work in a restraunt and last week these two mothers allowed their two 5 or 6 years olds to RUN aound all the table and chiars screaming at each other, jumping up on chairs while they just sat there and chatted. A couple tables just got up and left.

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Having not sailed HAL in a while and not been to the PG, I am not going to weigh in on that one!


However, as the mom of a well-behaved child, I do wish people would withhold judgement of a child on a cruise ship (or other appropriate public place) until that child actually does something they shouldn't (and/or the parents do not appropriately remove said child or take other action). I do get tired of the dirty looks when my child is not doing anything in the least wrong.


I'll share just one story -- on our Princess Baltics cruise when DS had just turned 13, we were seated at a table with an older British couple. DS was no stranger to cruising, having cruised since age 5. He was dressed appropriately, quiet, respectful, and otherwise well behaved. But the woman was just beside herself that he was actually AT THE TABLE. She made sotto voce comments to her husband throughout the meal, some of which were audible to me and to my son.


After dessert, DS asked to be excused to go to the teen program. As he got up to leave, she actually said to him "I hope you won't be here tomorrow night -- surely it would be more appropriate for you to dine at the buffet with others your age." :eek::eek: Then, after he left, she proceeded to lecture me about how "children" don't belong at the "grownup dinner table" and should be "seen but not heard." This, after he pretty much only opened his mouth to answer questions when asked.... :rolleyes:


I was polite to her but boiling inside, and I felt worse for my son. Do people think children (or teens) don't have feelings? He was mortified and -- needless to say -- he did NOT want to go back and sit at that table again. Long story short, we were able to change tables, and later in the cruise one of the other couples from that table stopped me to say that they were terribly sorry DS was treated so badly.


I read a lot of negative posts toward children on both the Princess and HAL boards, and it just makes me sad. Yes, there are badly behaved children. But there are also well-behaved children. (And there are badly behaved adults.)


BTW, my parents and grandparents took me cruising from the age of 7, and never seemed to feel there was anything inappropriate about bringing a child on a cruise ship, so I never had that feeling about bringing my own until I started reading Cruise Critic. After reading some of the opinions expressed here, I have to say I feel very distressed and often wonder if people are shooting daggers at our backs or thinking mean thoughts even when they are polite to our faces.....:(

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cruisemom42 -


There is a clear and distinct difference between a 13 year old and a toddler (at least, you hope there is!)


Of course; you never hear any stories on these boards about teens behaving badly, roaming the ship, or getting in trouble. :rolleyes:

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cruisemom42 -


There is a clear and distinct difference between a 13 year old and a toddler (at least, you hope there is!)


:D I'm sure there is. Or at least I also truly hope so (as I have a 21 month old myself at the moment). :D


I don't know if I will get flamed on saying this but here it goes... IMHO when you get children your tolerence level towards a childs behaviour (and I mean specifically yours) changes. You know the huge amount of parenting you have done to get your little angel to behave at the dinner table (or where ever) very nicely if you compare what it used to be. You know all the other parenting stuff you have done successfully (and some unsuccessfully). You are most likely used to a lot of noise at home if you have small children because (at least most of us) do not consider "children should be seen not heard" the proper way of raise a child nowadays. So you get accustomed to a somewhat higher noise level. Then you go to a restaurant with your young child who (you think) is behaving very well. Well...perhaps and most likely others do not see it always quite that way.


I can testify that my attitude towards what I consider "good behaviour for a small child" has changed profoundly after having my own child. No I still do not consider running around, screaming etc at a restaurant to be of good behaviour but I do understand that for a small child to behave well does not mean s/he can behave just like we adults do when we are behaving at our best (and don't let me even start with the discussion about missbehaving adults at a restaurant/public area :rolleyes:). Still - and because of this - I truly do believe that there are places where young children should not be taken. And an upscale restaurant like PG is one of them.

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:D I'm sure there is. Or at least I also truly hope so (as I have a 21 month old myself at the moment). :D


I don't know if I will get flamed on saying this but here it goes... IMHO when you get children your tolerence level towards a childs behaviour (and I mean specifically yours) changes. You know the huge amount of parenting you have done to get your little angel to behave at the dinner table (or where ever) very nicely if you compare what it used to be. You know all the other parenting stuff you have done successfully (and some unsuccessfully). You are most likely used to a lot of noise at home if you have small children because (at least most of us) do not consider "children should be seen not heard" the proper way of raise a child nowadays. So you get accustomed to a somewhat higher noise level. Then you go to a restaurant with your young child who (you think) is behaving very well. Well...perhaps and most likely others do not see it always quite that way.


I can testify that my attitude towards what I consider "good behaviour for a small child" has changed profoundly after having my own child. No I still do not consider running around, screaming etc at a restaurant to be of good behaviour but I do understand that for a small child to behave well does not mean s/he can behave just like we adults do when we are behaving at our best (and don't let me even start with the discussion about missbehaving adults at a restaurant/public area :rolleyes:). Still - and because of this - I truly do believe that there are places where young children should not be taken. And an upscale restaurant like PG is one of them.



Bless your heart; well said and so true. You won't get flamed from me. :)

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Cruisemom42, that is such a shame that happened to you. I have cruised with my daughter when she was a young teenager and we have been seated with couples who were in there late twenties and they were always nice to my daughter and engaged her in conversation. I would have been livid if someone had said something so rude to her if she had done nothing to warrant those comments.

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We will be sailing on the Oosterdam on 5/30 to Alaska with our 11 month old grandson. We would like to have a nice family dinner at the Pinnacle Grill, but I'm a little nervous about taking our grandson. He is very well behaved, but he is only 11 months old. We would definetly take him out if he was making any noise. Should I make the reservation?


I have chosen not to read all the other posters, but my vote is no. I have a 3 year old, so I can remember the baby days. Even when they are good, they are still babies. They drop things, they squeek in high voices, they giggle and play. LOVE IT! Just NOT next to me when I am trying to have a very nice dinner that I spent extra money to enjoy.


If I was near you, even though my DH would hate me, I would ask for another table. I hope you would not be offended, just understand that not everyone may want dinner with a toddler. The DR, I understand, it is where dinner is served, and toddlers have a right to be on the ship. Perhaps you could look into a sitter for the night.

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Having not sailed HAL in a while and not been to the PG, I am not going to weigh in on that one!


However, as the mom of a well-behaved child, I do wish people would withhold judgement of a child on a cruise ship (or other appropriate public place) until that child actually does something they shouldn't (and/or the parents do not appropriately remove said child or take other action). I do get tired of the dirty looks when my child is not doing anything in the least wrong.


I'll share just one story -- on our Princess Baltics cruise when DS had just turned 13, we were seated at a table with an older British couple. DS was no stranger to cruising, having cruised since age 5. He was dressed appropriately, quiet, respectful, and otherwise well behaved. But the woman was just beside herself that he was actually AT THE TABLE. She made sotto voce comments to her husband throughout the meal, some of which were audible to me and to my son.


After dessert, DS asked to be excused to go to the teen program. As he got up to leave, she actually said to him "I hope you won't be here tomorrow night -- surely it would be more appropriate for you to dine at the buffet with others your age." :eek::eek: Then, after he left, she proceeded to lecture me about how "children" don't belong at the "grownup dinner table" and should be "seen but not heard." This, after he pretty much only opened his mouth to answer questions when asked.... :rolleyes:


I was polite to her but boiling inside, and I felt worse for my son. Do people think children (or teens) don't have feelings? He was mortified and -- needless to say -- he did NOT want to go back and sit at that table again. Long story short, we were able to change tables, and later in the cruise one of the other couples from that table stopped me to say that they were terribly sorry DS was treated so badly.


I read a lot of negative posts toward children on both the Princess and HAL boards, and it just makes me sad. Yes, there are badly behaved children. But there are also well-behaved children. (And there are badly behaved adults.)


BTW, my parents and grandparents took me cruising from the age of 7, and never seemed to feel there was anything inappropriate about bringing a child on a cruise ship, so I never had that feeling about bringing my own until I started reading Cruise Critic. After reading some of the opinions expressed here, I have to say I feel very distressed and often wonder if people are shooting daggers at our backs or thinking mean thoughts even when they are polite to our faces.....:(


Well,I hope you put her on her place:mad:???I would .Thats why I never sit with other pople but my family.

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Please do not bring your child to the Pinnacle. While she/he may seem well behaved to you, she may not be by my standards. I don't spend the extra money for the Pinnacle to hear a child. Believe me if I were in the Pinnacle and you brought your child in, I would immediately complain. IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.

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OP, You seem to have a good idea of what typical behavior is like in Pinnacle, and a decent idea of how your child acts. If you think those two things will work, go for it. I have a 4 month old who will be silent and coo for 6 hours at a time, but the moment we need to step into a church, it's screamin' time!


If I thought I could find a babysitter on board, I'd do it in a minute. If I couldn't (and I wanted to eat in the Pinnacle), I'd take baby along and hope for the best, with a solid concept (that you seem to have) that there is some chance I'd have to get up and leave halfway through.


Also, be aware that the old fuddy-duddy factor on this board is about 100x that of real life on-board (reference: smoking, tipping, drinking, gambling, children), and that in real life, I have never seen anyone either bothered or actually complain about any of these things.


So true. I work in a restraunt and last week these two mothers allowed their two 5 or 6 years olds to RUN aound all the table and chiars screaming at each other, jumping up on chairs while they just sat there and chatted. A couple tables just got up and left.

Two people allowed this:


1) The parents


2) The restaurant manager


IMHO, half of the problem in this world is that some parents have no regard for their child's behavior. The other half is the notion that no one is ever allowed to say something to someone else about child rearing, because "everyone is different" and "whatever works best for your family, mama!".

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There are just some places I would not take a baby, toddler, or young child and I think that the fine dining restraunts is one of those places. As a parent, I might have to give up some things that I would like to do just because it is not in my childs best interest.

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May I suggest that you make the reservation for your family in the Pinnacle on the night you want and then, if, after you are onboard, find you would rather not go you can cancel it? At least if you make the reservation you will have the option. I am in the minority posting that would rather be seated in the Pinnacle near a giggling 11 month old than a drunk, rude, adult. Not all children and adults can be pre-judged. Have a great vacation with your family!!!! Cherie

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Please do not bring your child to the Pinnacle. While she/he may seem well behaved to you, she may not be by my standards. I don't spend the extra money for the Pinnacle to hear a child. Believe me if I were in the Pinnacle and you brought your child in, I would immediately complain. IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.

What would the basis of your complaint be? Until the PG is adults only, children can be in there.

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Please do not bring your child to the Pinnacle. While she/he may seem well behaved to you, she may not be by my standards. I don't spend the extra money for the Pinnacle to hear a child. Believe me if I were in the Pinnacle and you brought your child in, I would immediately complain. IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.


To make your dining experience in the Pinnacle what you want you might ask that your table be as far away as possible from children, and anyone else you might have a problem with. Possibly you can provide the staff with a list of things that will annoy you and it will make their job a bit easier. I don't know that they take these requests but I am sure they would try to accommodate you. Cherie

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Please do not bring your child to the Pinnacle. While she/he may seem well behaved to you, she may not be by my standards. I don't spend the extra money for the Pinnacle to hear a child. Believe me if I were in the Pinnacle and you brought your child in, I would immediately complain. IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.


I am the one that originally posted this question and I really appreciate all of the responses. We will not be bringing our 11 month old grandson into the Pinnacle Grill because we would not want to spoil anyone's dinner. But, we will NOT get a stranger on the ship to babysit for us. We would never leave him with someone that we don't know anything about. We will take turns dining so that way everyone can have a nice dinner, especially my son and daughter-in-law (his parents).


I am shocked at the one poster who said that children belong only on Disney cruises. My husband and I have been on 4 Holland America cruises without our children or grandchild and it was always a treat to see the children on the ships. I guess you want HAL to become an adult only cruise line. I just hope that you will not be sailing with us on our upcoming cruise as our adorable, well behaved 11 month old grandson will be enjoying his first of many cruises on HAL with his family!

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Please do not bring your child to the Pinnacle. While she/he may seem well behaved to you, she may not be by my standards. I don't spend the extra money for the Pinnacle to hear a child. Believe me if I were in the Pinnacle and you brought your child in, I would immediately complain. IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.


I have been on many cruises and NEVER have I had a child spoil an evening or make my cruise less enjoyable. Many times I have been annoyed/outraged by adults who are drunk, rude or both and behaving much worse than any child on board. I applaud parents for taking their young ones on family vacations and exposing them to the world. I am sorry that you have the negative attitude toward children that you seem to have and only hope that while I dine I am seated next to a child and not someone such as yourself.

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I am the one that originally posted this question and I really appreciate all of the responses. We will not be bringing our 11 month old grandson into the Pinnacle Grill because we would not want to spoil anyone's dinner. But, we will NOT get a stranger on the ship to babysit for us. We would never leave him with someone that we don't know anything about. We will take turns dining so that way everyone can have a nice dinner, especially my son and daughter-in-law (his parents).


I am shocked at the one poster who said that children belong only on Disney cruises. My husband and I have been on 4 Holland America cruises without our children or grandchild and it was always a treat to see the children on the ships. I guess you want HAL to become an adult only cruise line. I just hope that you will not be sailing with us on our upcoming cruise as our adorable, well behaved 11 month old grandson will be enjoying his first of many cruises on HAL with his family!


It's truly unfortunate that you've been subjected to some nasty remarks in response to your question. I'm sure you know that the vast majority of the people you'll encounter on your cruise will have much better manners. If I was eating in the PG next to your grandson, I'd probably be smiling ear-to-ear while watching him and his family enjoy themselves.


Have a fabulous cruise and don't let the naysayers on an internet board sway how your family decides to dine or otherwise enjoy themselves. I don't think some of these people are human. ;)

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............ IMO if you want to take a child on a cruise, go Disney.



And you are entitled to that bad boy! Unfortunately for you Holland America Line doesn't share it. They are actively recruiting families:cool:


..................I am shocked at the one poster who said that children belong only on Disney cruises. My husband and I have been on 4 Holland America cruises without our children or grandchild and it was always a treat to see the children on the ships. I guess you want HAL to become an adult only cruise line. I just hope that you will not be sailing with us on our upcoming cruise as our adorable, well behaved 11 month old grandson will be enjoying his first of many cruises on HAL with his family


Enjoy your cruise! Wait until you see how the crew will interact with your grandson:)

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I have been on many cruises and NEVER have I had a child spoil an evening or make my cruise less enjoyable. Many times I have been annoyed/outraged by adults who are drunk, rude or both and behaving much worse than any child on board. I applaud parents for taking their young ones on family vacations and exposing them to the world. I am sorry that you have the negative attitude toward children that you seem to have and only hope that while I dine I am seated next to a child and not someone such as yourself.

Was the drunk adult on a HAL cruise? I don't think I've ever seen anyone drunk and rude....rude yes, but not both. Maybe I don't stay up late enough:D.

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Well,I hope you put her on her place:mad:???I would .Thats why I never sit with other pople but my family.


I did not say anything to the woman; my parents taught me better manners than that, although I was plenty angry. Saying something would only have made the dinner even more unpleasant for the other diners and would have done nothing to change that woman's mind, I'm quite sure.


I truly enjoy meeting and sitting with other diners. On all my cruises, that woman and one other memorable woman (who harangued a nice Jewish couple at our table about why they deprived their children of the joy of celebrating Christmas and having a Christmas tree......:eek::confused:) have been the only two "unpleasant" diners I've come across.

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