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Anyone have this happen to them?


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[quote name='trustee55']Hi!On a Canada-New England cruise last fall on the Constellation as soon as we sat down the other couple asked what religion we were. Cheers,Carol Ann[/quote];

A "certain glare" as you're getting up to leave sometimes works better than any spoken word. :D

[quote name='sandancer']... but the mother suggested that it would be a good idea if we asked to move to another table.[/quote]

Gladly. ;)

[quote name='Cruisenewbie85'] I spent time in Minnesota and found them to be extremely bizzare and strange. Just very bizzare. They had something there called "Minnesota Nice", which was laughable.:confused:[/quote]

Wow. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='happy cruzer']Yep, it happens. We sat down in a situation just like OP described. The two other couples were enjoying meeting each other and no intention of meeting us. So I knew we would change tables if this continued however after about 15 minutes I was finally able to break in with an observation, ice broken, we had a great table. So it can turn around. I but it down to people who have no interest in social skills or manners at all they think it is all artificial.[/QUOTE]

No one really knows if the foursome is a group of close friends who want to just enjoy one another's company and were placed at a table for more than that. I am a firm believer of relocating if there is any undue stress. That is not what you are there for and that is not what they are there for.

Its not that big of a deal. Harping on people being rude is not productive, finding the right table so that there is no aura of tension in anyway for anyone is the resolution. Not everyone is there to be social with strangers or to make friends either. Socialization in the MDR is not everyone's idea of a great vacation. It may be more of a 'norm' on a cruise ship, but its not a requirement.

(Happycruiser, I am not commenting on your post specifically, just expanding on my opinion of the ideas that you conveyed as similar to the op's)
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On my first cruise my parents and I were seated at a table for 4 in the Grand Epernay dining room. The fourth person with us was a single cruiser who was very easy to get along with and we had a lot of great conversation together. His name was Jamie and he was a teacher in the Tampa city schools.

The table near us had a couple that was there every night sitting by the window face to face. Every night we noticed they never talked and were silent. They didn't even look at each other. Finally on the 6th night we noticed them say something and were astonished at the miracle!

I prefer to be in vacation mode and try to steer conversations away from matters of a personal nature and towards everything going on in the cruise experience. And if tablemates don't want to talk much, I'll pick up on it and just talk with my party. You've got thousands of people on a ship and there are some you will click with and some you won't.
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We had a funny thing happen when sitting at a table for eight, the waiter and head waiter thought it was strange that we tablemates weren't talking much over dinner.

As it was, we enjoyed each other's company so much during the day and all through the cruise, that the eight of us were happy to just sit down and quietly eat our meal.

Another cruise, the tablemates were so congenial that we were invited to have cocktails and dine with the captain though we had one couple that preferred not to talk.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']No one really knows if the foursome is a group of close friends who want to just enjoy one another's company and were placed at a table for more than that.

[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]I understand you're scenario and this may very well happen. But I just don't see why it's necessary to be rude and freeze newcomers out.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080]Yes, arrangement for new tables is warranted. But why be offensive.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='dmk'][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]I understand you're scenario and this may very well happen. But I just don't see why it's necessary to be rude and freeze newcomers out.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080]Yes, arrangement for new tables is warranted. But why be offensive.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

Why have an expectational demand to be inclusive. If you sit next to someone at the pool deck does that mean you need to be in their business? What about on the airplane that got you to a destination?

Say hello and stop being all touchy and calling others rude because they are not falling all over you and inviting you into their circle that you know nothing about.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']Why have an expectational demand to be inclusive. If you sit next to someone at the pool deck does that mean you need to be in their business? What about on the airplane that got you to a destination?

Say hello and stop being all touchy and calling others rude because they are not falling all over you and inviting you into their circle that you know nothing about.[/quote]

[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Do you really think that sitting next to someone at the pool or next to them on an airplane is the same as sitting with people at a dining room table. Oh, my.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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A few years ago we were on the Constellation at a table for 6. Interestingly enough, one couple was from the same town as we are. However, that bit of congeniality ended quickly as they (she, actually) arrived drunk every night. She would ask the same questions over and over and over. Incidentally, we adored the other couple!

For some reason they were at another table one night and raved about the waiter they had and how they didn't like our waiter because he wasn't "fun." About this time I had enough of her and said, "He isn't here to entertain; he's an excellent waiter and performs his job very well." Right over her head!

Now we only have open seating.
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Hi, that's really unfortunate that happened to you and you probably did the right thing. I've had a few similiar situations at other social events and sometimes the old "I couldn't help but overhear" line is still a great ice-breaker followed up with an introduction. But I only do it if I'm feeling gutsee enough, otherwise just walk away and enjoy better company. Who knows, maybe they feel pretty bad that they snubbed you. Don't let it bug-ya too much. :):):)
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[quote name='dmk'][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Do you really think that sitting next to someone at the pool or next to them on an airplane is the same as sitting with people at a dining room table. Oh, my.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

My, oh my...I think some people are more open to socializing and conversing than others are no matter where they are, add elevators to that list too. I think that there is a sort of unwritten rule that socializing must occur in the MDR at a table of strangers, but clearly it does not occur with certainty any more than where written rules on board are followed.

I would never let any of it ruin my cruise or call any stranger who did not subscribe to me on an extended basis rude though.
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I've been away from the boards for several years but cruising on The Eclipse 10/31 so I'm back to see what's new with Celebrity. I just have to add some comments on this one. In 2001 we were on the Millennium transatlantic and seated at a table for 8 or 10. Most were CELEBRITY EMPLOYEES, worked in the spa, etc. and they would not speak to us. There was another regular couple at the other end of the table but too far away for us to try to talk. The Celebrity people had a very animated conversation, lots of other employees stopping by but would not even look at us. We moved the next night to a different table and even though some of our tablemates were a Chinese family who spoke very very little English we had a wonderful time with them and the other couple at the table. I could not have faced 2 weeks with those Celebrity people.
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[quote name='cage keeper']On our first cruise we had requested a large table and were seated at a table for 6. We were 3 and the other family of three was seated when we arrived. The woman proceded to inform us in a not so nice manner that the seats they were in would be their's for the duration of the cruise. They were not very friendly and it kind of turned us off. We have had the best table mates for the rest of our cruises. Although our last cruise we were the only two at a table for 10.[/quote]
It's this kind of "first impression" that might entice me to make doubly sure to arrive early for dinner the next night and sit in the nice lady's chair. I would just love to see the look on her face. :D
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[quote name='Bruin Steve']I've done a lot of cruising...
We always request a large table...
So, I've had just about every imaginable table situation...
We had one cruise where we were seated at a table for 10 but the other 8 were all in the same family--grandparents, two grown kids with spouses and two grandchildren...
The second night they didn't show, so we sat at a table for ten by ourselves...the third night, we found out that THEY asked for another table...The never said anything to us about it...We talked to the Maitre d' and he found us another table and moved us that night...
We thought that was strange and likely would never happen again...but it did! ...but even stranger...
This past January on Mariner of the Seas, we showed up at our table for 8, but found there were 10 of us...The other 8 were all members of the same family...So, when the dust settled, they seated us at another table--the next table over...also a table for 8...BUT, nobody else showed up that first night...or the second night...They CLAIMED there were six others assigned to this table...by the third night, we demanded to be moved to another table...and were accommodated...

:eek: Lol did you pack your deodorant? :D
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[quote name='trustee55']Hi!

On a Canada-New England cruise last fall on the Constellation as soon as we sat down the other couple asked what religion we were. When we told them Roman Catholic, the gentleman immediately tried to convert us to their "Born Again" Christian religion. And he was just vehement about it. It was most uncomfortable to say the least.
Carol Ann[/quote]

Oh dear, my "Thank God I am an atheist" T shirt would have come out for an airing lol :D I'm such a bad person lol.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']No one really knows if the foursome is a group of close friends who want to just enjoy one another's company and were placed at a table for more than that. I am a firm believer of relocating if there is any undue stress. That is not what you are there for and that is not what they are there for.

Its not that big of a deal. Harping on people being rude is not productive, finding the right table so that there is no aura of tension in anyway for anyone is the resolution. Not everyone is there to be social with strangers or to make friends either. Socialization in the MDR is not everyone's idea of a great vacation. It may be more of a 'norm' on a cruise ship, but its not a requirement.

(Happycruiser, I am not commenting on your post specifically, just expanding on my opinion of the ideas that you conveyed as similar to the op's)[/quote]

yes, I do know; as I stated in my first post. They were just meeting each other. Sharing hometowns, professions, details about children, etc. I had missed the name exchange but all the usual pleasantries where going on between them. As I said after a while I threw in an observation and introduced ourselves. We had a great time. With one funny event on about the 5th night, one of the ladies asked my why I was calling her by her daughters name. Well, I never was formally introduced to anyone so somehow in the discussions, I got her daughters name as her name; very embarassing.

As I say, I put in down to nice people who are just not interested in manners or social skills. Perhaps a sign of the times.
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[quote name='happy cruzer']As I say, I put in down to nice people who are just not interested in manners or [B]social skills. Perhaps a sign of the times[/B].[/quote]
Interesting theory. Perhaps you should have inquired about being able to text them. :D
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When you're a group and another couple joins your table it can be awkward. You naturally tend to talk about people you know and events that you all know about.
We were a group of eight and another couple was put on our table. We went out of our way to be friendly and tried to include the couple in our conversation. When we started talking amongst each other one of us would realise and speak to this couple. Even though they were much older then the rest of us we did our best not to exclude them.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']My, oh my...I think some people are more open to socializing and conversing than others are no matter where they are, add elevators to that list too. I think that there is a sort of unwritten rule that socializing must occur in the MDR at a table of strangers, but clearly it does not occur with certainty any more than where written rules on board are followed.

I would never let any of it ruin my cruise or call any stranger who did not subscribe to me on an extended basis rude though.[/quote]

[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Thank goodness, there is now a solution for people who would rather converse amongst themselves and not socialize with strangers. The Select Dining is a great option.:) You just appear at the dining room as a group and ask for the table size of your group. That way, no strangers will join your table.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]p.s. I don't believe that I said that the situation I found myself ruined my cruise.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I don't see why anyone has to argue about this. It is obvious that the experience was very unpleasant for DMK. We were not there. We did not hear the tone of voice. We did not see the body language. I can accept her report at face value. There is no need to "read into it" and interpret it.
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[quote name='dmk'][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Thank goodness, there is now a solution for people who would rather converse amongst themselves and not socialize with strangers. The Select Dining is a great option.:) You just appear at the dining room as a group and ask for the table size of your group. That way, no strangers will join your table.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]p.s. I don't believe that I said that the situation I found myself ruined my cruise.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

I agree, Select is an amazing opportunity to have the best of both worlds. We have enjoyed great times at traditional tables with people we did not know and we have enjoyed great times in Select Dining just as much. In fact in Select since the tables are so close and the same people can be in the DR each time you are, one can get to be friendly with one another by choice rather than by the force of a grouping that may be troubling to many.

BTW I didn't say you said anything about having a cruise ruined, but with all the comments here about this, and strong terms being used by those who have offended others by being unfriendly, it seems to have seriously impacted a few guests by what has been mentioned here by them.

Again, it would not have been such a significant issue for me to have started a thread about it, but that's just me. I have a bit more of an open minded approach about lack the lack of interaction among tables mates. In addition, I think overall X does a really good job matching table mates. It's still a mystery to me how they do it, but its been more of a hit than a miss for as long as I can recall.
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