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Murder on NCL Jade?


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While in Naples we were at a pizzeria and met a few couples sailing on the Jade. They told us that there had been a murder on the ship prior to arriving in Naples on 6/24/2010. The rumor was that a husband may have murdered his wife. I have been unable to verify this through news or other sources and was wondering if anyone on this board has heard anything. The same people also said that after departing Barcelona the ship had to turn around due to the death of a female bartender who died of natural causes. It all sounded like a very morbid cruise although the couples we talked to were enjoying the cruise.

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MrPete, love your response. This is the second or third time stories have come out in the past 6 months about murders on NCL. Never has there been one word in the media. I find that a little strange. These stories remind me of a few we heard years ago: the guy got a deep fried rat at KFC and the little boy who got castrated in the restroom at a near by restaurant..Of course none of these stories were true, but many, to this day, still believe them. I am guessing this one is a fake as well.



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MrPete, love your response. This is the second or third time stories have come out in the past 6 months about murders on NCL. Never has there been one word in the media. I find that a little strange. These stories remind me of a few we heard years ago: the guy got a deep fried rat at KFC and the little boy who got castrated in the restroom at a near by restaurant..Of course none of these stories were true, but many, to this day, still believe them. I am guessing this one is a fake as well.




I've read these stories on http://www.snopes.com as well. Unfortunately, I think some of the people who read that website think everything on it is true...

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I've read these stories on http://www.snopes.com as well. Unfortunately, I think some of the people who read that website think everything on it is true...


The issue I raised was not taken from a story found on Snopes. It was based on two actual conversations I had last week with passengers on the Jade, and related to an incident they had apparent contemporaneous first hand knowledge of. One of these passengers commented that the incident occurred on their floor and that the stateroom where the incident occurred was sealed off with crime scene type tape.


I am also surprised that I did not read anything in the press given the apparent sincerity of those I talked with. In fact, this was my point in posting this information on this message board. The stories simply raised my curiousity. Perhaps the cruise line is good at preventing such issues from reaching the press.


I can't, however, imagine why two seperate couples would relate the same story unless there was some foundation for it. Hopefully, someone who was on that cruise will chime in and add further details. Until then, please don't try and dismiss my inquiry as something read on the internet since this is not the case.

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The issue I raised was not taken from a story found on Snopes. It was based on two actual conversations I had last week with passengers on the Jade, and related to an incident they had apparent contemporaneous first hand knowledge of. One of these passengers commented that the incident occurred on their floor and that the stateroom where the incident occurred was sealed off with crime scene type tape.


I am also surprised that I did not read anything in the press given the apparent sincerity of those I talked with. In fact, this was my point in posting this information on this message board. The stories simply raised my curiousity. Perhaps the cruise line is good at preventing such issues from reaching the press.


I can't, however, imagine why two seperate couples would relate the same story unless there was some foundation for it. Hopefully, someone who was on that cruise will chime in and add further details. Until then, please don't try and dismiss my inquiry as something read on the internet since this is not the case.


I was speaking to Nita, not to you, hence the quote.

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I am also surprised that I did not read anything in the press given the apparent sincerity of those I talked with. In fact, this was my point in posting this information on this message board. The stories simply raised my curiousity. Perhaps the cruise line is good at preventing such issues from reaching the press.


Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?


A healthy dose of skepticism is de rigueur for the successful practice of law, BTW.

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I've read these stories on http://www.snopes.com as well. Unfortunately, I think some of the people who read that website think everything on it is true...


I agree, snopes was probably the place to go, at one time for the truth, but like anything else, it isn't always acurate and can be very slanted. I just sound like a skeptic (which I am) but most of these things we hear are baseless and if true we will soon know. These things never remain quiet.



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The issue I raised was not taken from a story found on Snopes. It was based on two actual conversations I had last week with passengers on the Jade, and related to an incident they had apparent contemporaneous first hand knowledge of. One of these passengers commented that the incident occurred on their floor and that the stateroom where the incident occurred was sealed off with crime scene type tape.


I am also surprised that I did not read anything in the press given the apparent sincerity of those I talked with. In fact, this was my point in posting this information on this message board. The stories simply raised my curiousity. Perhaps the cruise line is good at preventing such issues from reaching the press.


I can't, however, imagine why two seperate couples would relate the same story unless there was some foundation for it. Hopefully, someone who was on that cruise will chime in and add further details. Until then, please don't try and dismiss my inquiry as something read on the internet since this is not the case.


Beleive me, it can happen. The stories I just referred to about KFC and the other one, were years ago and were flying all over the place. Everyone repeating them thought they were very acurate...



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Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?


A healthy dose of skepticism is de rigueur for the successful practice of law, BTW.


Although I am familiar with Occam's Razor, it is entirely irrelevant to this post. I am not trying to prove any theory here, I am simply seeking further information to verify a set of facts that were presented to me. I am not suporting the truth of what was told to me, but simply asking if anyone has any additional information. If you are suggesting that i should conclude the stories are false then you inference that i lack skepticism is a non sequitor.


As for being skeptical, why do you think I am asking for additional verification in the first place? If you are suggesting that i should simply discredit what I was told and forget about it, you simply have no concept of how a "legal mind" works. I am not only skeptical about what I was told, but I am also skeptical that a cruise line could not control the dessimation of information such as this to the press. In fact, my curiousity is mainly spurred by the fact that I was unable to find any further information in the press, despite the sincerity of the people who spoke to me about the supposed incident.


If you have no information to add regarding my original question, then I would ask that you not respond, or at least save your pompousity for someone who cares.

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I was aboard the Norwegian Jade this past week, and heard the same rumors of a crew member dying of a heart attack and a man slitting his pregnant wife's throat on deck 9 from other guests. I cannot confirm either of them, but I can tell you that we did turn around for Barcelona, shortly after leaving port for what crew members called a medical emergency. Also, in Rome we were delayed from going ashore for several hours, waiting for an "official" to arrive from Rome. When I returned from my excursion, there were two vehicles by the ship: one was Polizia and the other was a van marked Polizia Mortuaria. Those are the only facts I can provide. I can certainly understand why they would suppress that information...it would have definitely changed the tone of my trip!

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Although I am familiar with Occam's Razor, it is entirely irrelevant to this post.


Indeed it is not, so let me break it down for you: loosely paraphrased, Occam's Razor means that the simplest explanation is usually the accurate one.


Which explanation is simpler?


1) In contravention of international law, maritime law and/or the laws of the country in which the alleged murder took place if not in international waters (and in direct contrast to both the legal and typical social ramifications of similar incidents on other ships, i.e., the Royal Caribbean "honeymoon disappearance" of a few years back), the cruise line manages to avoid all investigation of the alleged murder and resultant press coverage.


Meanwhile, although multiple passengers claim to have firsthand and/or secondhand knowledge of the alleged murder, and such a murder and subsequent coverup could not have occurred without numerous crew members being aware of it and sharing information with other people both on and off the ship (absent a wholesale terrorizing or successful bribery of large numbers of passengers and crew by the cruise line), absolutely no media can be found to take an interest in their stories.


2) It didn't happen.


On the other hand, someone quite possibly died on the cruise, providing the kernel of truth from which most of these stories tend to spin wildly out of control and rationality. But that's hardly as thrilling, is it?

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While in Naples we were at a pizzeria and met a few couples sailing on the Jade. They told us that there had been a murder on the ship prior to arriving in Naples on 6/24/2010. The rumor was that a husband may have murdered his wife. I have been unable to verify this through news or other sources and was wondering if anyone on this board has heard anything. The same people also said that after departing Barcelona the ship had to turn around due to the death of a female bartender who died of natural causes. It all sounded like a very morbid cruise although the couples we talked to were enjoying the cruise.


Were you spending some time in Naples after your cruise or was it while you were in port on your cruise?

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While in Naples we were at a pizzeria and met a few couples sailing on the Jade. They told us that there had been a murder on the ship prior to arriving in Naples on 6/24/2010. The rumor was that a husband may have murdered his wife. I have been unable to verify this through news or other sources and was wondering if anyone on this board has heard anything. The same people also said that after departing Barcelona the ship had to turn around due to the death of a female bartender who died of natural causes. It all sounded like a very morbid cruise although the couples we talked to were enjoying the cruise.


I just returned from this cruise. Most passengers were totally in the dark about what was going on during this cruise.


We departed from Barcelona on June 20. Shortly after departure the captain announced that we were returning to port because of a medical emergency. I was in the gift shop and asked why the helicopter didn't come to the ship and was told that there wasn't one available. We returned ended up about 2 hours off schedule.


On Wednesday the ship was supposed to be cleared in Rome in time for our 8:00 excursion. We were told that we hadn't been given clearance and were waiting for officials to arrive from Rome (it is about 1.5 hours away from the port). It wasn't clear how long that was going to take. We finally got clearance after 9:15. When we returned from the excursion I personally saw a coroner's van leave followed by a police car with flashing lights.


I was told by a passenger on the 9th deck that a man strangled his wife or girlfriend which was why we were delayed. The person I spoke with said that their room was close to the cabin where the strangulation occurred and that the hall had been taped off and people were being directed around the other side of the ship.


We were never given any explanation whatsoever by NCL. I didn't know if this was being reported in the USA, so I googled when I got home (which lead me here). I didn't know about the bartender. I guessed that someone had a heart attack or something pretty serious. I didn't actually see the crime scene tape on the 9th deck, but did see the coroner's van. I was talking to a crew member and asked him why we weren't told anything. He said that NCL felt that the passengers were on vacation and nothing should make the passengers feel unsafe.


Maybe someone else can provide an eye witness report, but I can verify that something was going on!

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While in Naples we were at a pizzeria and met a few couples sailing on the Jade. They told us that there had been a murder on the ship prior to arriving in Naples on 6/24/2010. The rumor was that a husband may have murdered his wife. I have been unable to verify this through news or other sources and was wondering if anyone on this board has heard anything. The same people also said that after departing Barcelona the ship had to turn around due to the death of a female bartender who died of natural causes. It all sounded like a very morbid cruise although the couples we talked to were enjoying the cruise.


I honestly believe that any cruise line has enough money and pull to ensure that things they don't want the public to hear about, are not heard about. It happens all over. It would be nice to assume that some media would get a hold of the story but it would be naive to think that that is absolutely true. I know first hand of a couple incidents that I was shocked never made it to the media, until I found out why. Not cruise related but both major corporation related. Just life experiences for me, I am not a detective or anything...just old enough to have seen a few things :( I believe it could happen and few would know the story.

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I honestly believe that any cruise line has enough money and pull to ensure that things they don't want the public to hear about, are not heard about. It happens all over. It would be nice to assume that some media would get a hold of the story but it would be naive to think that that is absolutely true. I know first hand of a couple incidents that I was shocked never made it to the media, until I found out why. Not cruise related but both major corporation related. Just life experiences for me, I am not a detective or anything...just old enough to have seen a few things :( I believe it could happen and few would know the story.


Along the same lines, I was amazed to find out that for many years, until legal action was threatened, no one had ever died at Walt Disney World. The way they achieved this was that the coroner was not allowed to pronounce anyone as dead until they left Disney property. This went on for well over 20 years before anyone questioned it.


I agree that the cruise lines probably have enough power and money to keep certain things out of the news.


Someone was killed a while back, I believe it was on a RCCL ship, and only one small newspaper from the town where the ship docked covered it. Again, it was domestic violence, so nothing that was the cruise line's fault. That is probably why you don't hear as much about these.

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I honestly believe that any cruise line has enough money and pull to ensure that things they don't want the public to hear about, are not heard about. It happens all over. It would be nice to assume that some media would get a hold of the story but it would be naive to think that that is absolutely true. I know first hand of a couple incidents that I was shocked never made it to the media, until I found out why. Not cruise related but both major corporation related. Just life experiences for me, I am not a detective or anything...just old enough to have seen a few things :( I believe it could happen and few would know the story.


Many types of corporate and financial malfeasance are successfully covered up. Murder on a crowded ship -- not so much.


I am cracking up at the *two* posters who *just happened by* CruiseCritic today and created twin accounts for the sole purpose of "verifying" the OP's story. We are now being asked to believe that despite the Italian police and coroner being involved, NCL managed to keep all mention of this "murder" out of the international press. Right.


If the new poster is telling the truth, then someone died on the ship. That does, in fact, happen not infrequently. Jumping from that fact to a passenger murdering his wife...slitting her throat...AND she was pregnant...oh, my! Her ghost will be walking the ship next. In fact, I'm a passenger on this week's cruise and I can personally verify that I hear her wailing down the corridors of my deck at 3 in the morning.

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Along the same lines, I was amazed to find out that for many years, until legal action was threatened, no one had ever died at Walt Disney World. The way they achieved this was that the coroner was not allowed to pronounce anyone as dead until they left Disney property. This went on for well over 20 years before anyone questioned it.


We've come full circle. http://www.snopes.com/disney/parks/declare.asp

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