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Has Cunard really gone downhill?


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I wonder how many people have you on ignore Salacia? I'd hazard a guess it would be a good many more than have Keithm on ignore.


When it comes to being disagreeable, moralistic, over-opininated and pompous.....well you know what I'm going to say. We're all thinking it.


One of the helpful tools the admins have given us is the option to "ignore' a poster whose posts annoy and irritate us. It does help to keep the irritability factor down and make the forum a more enjoyable place to interact when one can easily ignore the irritants with a click of a button.


I've been on this forum for several years and have seen posters who seem determined to cause discord by repeatedly posting in an inflammatory manner. Or those who are new who post on every conceivable topic to up their post count, presumably so as to appear more knowledgeable and thus gain a 'standing" of sorts....when in fact, all they do with long term members is appear "over-opinionated" as you say and annoying.


The "ignore" feature lets us eliminate these people and enjoy what the others have to say. I didn't learn of this feature for some time and when I did it allowed me to remove a couple of big irritants who really had little of substance to contribute....many others did the same...thus making this a far nicer place to hang around in from time to time. So I would suggest to those who have found certain people "pompous" that they do the same and use the tools that are offered by the site.


I agree with you margatebne....pontificating on a forum is truly annoying and generally serves no purpose beyond feeding someone's ego.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


July 30, 2009....transatlantic again...some “Affairs” just get better


August 7, 2009....the “Affair” goes on...this time “home” to Norway


Feb. 7, 2010....the “Affair” takes a sunny detour when Penny meets a Princess


Aug 14, 2010....the “Affair” returns to Norway, all the way to the top!

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One of the helpful tools the admins have given us is the option to "ignore' a poster whose posts annoy and irritate us. It does help to keep the irritability factor down and make the forum a more enjoyable place to interact when one can easily ignore the irritants with a click of a button.


Thank you for explaining this; I didn't know what people who wrote about "ignoring" were referring to. (I'm going to resist the urge to use it for now, but it's good to know there is such an option.)

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I wonder how many people have you on ignore Salacia? I'd hazard a guess it would be a good many more than have Keithm on ignore.


When it comes to being disagreeable, moralistic, over-opininated and pompous.....well you know what I'm going to say. We're all thinking it.



Martgatebne, thank you for letting me know how you all think. I appreciate your comments.:)




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Martgatebne, thank you for letting me know how you all think. I appreciate your comments.:)




Now now,folks let's not get too testy. Afterall we do have the common affection for Cunard. To explain myself a little better..I just feel(and have seen)that if you ignore bad behavior,it always seems to get worse. As I stated before in that "What Would You Do"show, you see an amazing amount of people ignore such things as(now these ARE staged)women having "something" added to drinks, people cutting in line, spousal abuse etc. I have always commented on bad behavior..When you see someone throw trash on the ground(I've see it)do you ignore it?? I don't, I tell them pick it up & toss into the nearby trash barrel. I've had babies & dogs removed out of cars on hot days. If you totally ignore bad(and stupid)behavior people & animals could suffer & die. I mean the newsheadlines are full of it. How many times in this heatwave have clueless people left their pets or worse, their children in locked cars with the engine/AC off??

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I wonder how many people have you on ignore Salacia? I'd hazard a guess it would be a good many more than have Keithm on ignore.


When it comes to being disagreeable, moralistic, over-opininated and pompous.....well you know what I'm going to say. We're all thinking it.


I for one am not thinking it- whatever that maybe. What I am thinking is that you are perhaps mixing two posters up here but I have to say I am at a loss because I have no idea what you are thinking. This all seems very odd and quite sad.


I have really appreciated Salacia's input re Brooklyn and NY. I am quite astounded at this- that's why I am back editing (adding really rather than editing).

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Now now,folks let's not get too testy. Afterall we do have the common affection for Cunard. To explain myself a little better..I just feel(and have seen)that if you ignore bad behavior,it always seems to get worse. As I stated before in that "What Would You Do"show, you see an amazing amount of people ignore such things as(now these ARE staged)women having "something" added to drinks, people cutting in line, spousal abuse etc. I have always commented on bad behavior..When you see someone throw trash on the ground(I've see it)do you ignore it?? I don't, I tell them pick it up & toss into the nearby trash barrel. I've had babies & dogs removed out of cars on hot days. If you totally ignore bad(and stupid)behavior people & animals could suffer & die. I mean the newsheadlines are full of it. How many times in this heatwave have clueless people left their pets or worse, their children in locked cars with the engine/AC off??


Here's the deal Keith.... There is a broad spectrum of options between doing nothing and grabbing someone's nose. You have no right to touch another human being regardless of what they might be doing to tangible property. The fact that you think this man having a large nose makes what you did more justifiable is bizarre, and your multiple references to New Yorkers is bordering on offensive to me as a lifetime resident of NY.


Besides, for all you knew at the time his guy could have been an off-duty crew member or a retired elevator repair man who knew what he was doing. If that turned out not to be the case, a verbal confrontation and an incident report to the pursers would have been sufficient. Me, I'd have taken a picture with my phone and reported him, rather than risking a physical altercation. I am guessing that type of method would have robbed you of some personal glory, however it would have been no less noble.

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From what I've noticed, the staff is very hesitant to ever, ever contradict passengers no matter how much they push and shove, take food from the buffet with their hands, stick their fingers in their ears, play with their nose, then pick up tongs. And my all time favorite, young people sitting in KC, playing with their bare feet that are on the chairs and then touching everything on the table. The next person sits down and assumes everything is clean for their use. ICK


I, for one, would never correct anyones behavior because for me that kind of thing backfires 100% of the time...plus I'm short. :)

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Here's the deal Keith.... There is a broad spectrum of options between doing nothing and grabbing someone's nose. You have no right to touch another human being regardless of what they might be doing to tangible property. The fact that you think this man having a large nose makes what you did more justifiable is bizarre, and your multiple references to New Yorkers is bordering on offensive to me as a lifetime resident of NY.


Can I also, please, caution anyone arriving in UK who is unfamiliar with the situation prevailing in our large cities that any attempt, be it ever so noble, to challenge or verbally reprimand any of our "yoof" for anti-social behaviour is likely to end up, at best, with you lying in A&E with sundry tubes up your nose surrounded by machines that (hopefully) go beep while surgeons address the problem of multiple stab wounds. At worst it could end up with you quite seriously dead!



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I can't say I've seen anything written on here by anyone over-opinionated - on the contrary, I would rather have Salacia's opinion that disagreed with me or anyone else than some bland love-in. I had it drilled into me for years not to bother joining in a conversation unless I had an opinion on the subject, but if it was a valid opinion then so be it.


I can't say I agree completely with Keith's actions, but I also can't say I'm surprised that he felt the need to take them. However, Crauchan's point is definitely a valid one in the UK - dealing with things yourself can easily get you into trouble, if not with the perpetrator then probably with the police :eek:


I think much of the things that happen onboard merely reflect society in general - not necessarily gone downhill, but changed. Some things have got better, some worse - I feel that people just tend to ignore the things that are better and focus on the negatives a bit too much.

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Now now,folks let's not get too testy. Afterall we do have the common affection for Cunard. To explain myself a little better..I just feel(and have seen)that if you ignore bad behavior,it always seems to get worse. As I stated before in that "What Would You Do"show, you see an amazing amount of people ignore such things as(now these ARE staged)women having "something" added to drinks, people cutting in line, spousal abuse etc. I have always commented on bad behavior..When you see someone throw trash on the ground(I've see it)do you ignore it?? I don't, I tell them pick it up & toss into the nearby trash barrel. I've had babies & dogs removed out of cars on hot days. If you totally ignore bad(and stupid)behavior people & animals could suffer & die. I mean the newsheadlines are full of it. How many times in this heatwave have clueless people left their pets or worse, their children in locked cars with the engine/AC off??



Good lord above dear. Are you Superman!

If l were in your shoes l would take note of Ginny and Mr C's comments here.

One can't be everyone's keeper and l suggest to you that you calm down a wee bit before you find yourself in deep trouble whichever side of the Atlantic you find yourself on.

Your actions...if they are to be believed are quite disturbing and l for one would not care to be on board any ship that you are on.



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Good lord above dear. Are you Superman!

If l were in your shoes l would take note of Ginny and Mr C's comments here.

One can't be everyone's keeper and l suggest to you that you calm down a wee bit before you find yourself in deep trouble whichever side of the Atlantic you find yourself on.

Your actions...if they are to be believed are quite disturbing and l for one would not care to be on board any ship that you are on.



Oh please don't blow it out of proportion. The incidents I've mentioned are few & far.

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Oh please don't blow it out of proportion. The incidents I've mentioned are few & far.


Thank heavens for that. I've never heard such rubbish....... Can we please close this thread, it's drifted off far enough in the realms of fantasy.......

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Every one of us at one time or another have taken our turn at being a bit obnoxious, opinionated and pompous, I am quite sure . We are a group of members that come from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of opinions about the one thing we are here to discuss and that is the love and sometimes the aggravation of the Cunard line. We share our personal views of our good times and our bad times. And sometimes we include things that others do not approve of.

I do agree there is the “Ignore Button” to click that occasionally may be of use if someone gets on your nerves and keeps you from enjoying the CC Cunard forum fully. It is your prerogative to use the “Ignore” button. What I find absolutely uncalled for is to tell the world that you have used that “Ignore button. It seems to me that when a person uses the Ignore Button, then can’t wait to and tell the other members about it, there is more involved than ignoring that person. It is to make that member look substandard in front of the entire forum. To me that is very spiteful. Furthermore, we all have half-way intelligent minds and are quite capable of making up our own minds about other members.

One last thing, once when I was very new on this board, that very thing happened to me. It was a very obnoxious, rude and yes spiteful gentleman who told the entire Cunard Board that he had placed me on his “Ignore List”. It made me feel just dreadful. It was uncalled for then and it is uncalled for now. If you have an ax to grind, let the moderators know and let them decide,-- and please don’t try to divide and conquer!

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Every one of us at one time or another have taken our turn at being a bit obnoxious, opinionated and pompous, I am quite sure . We are a group of members that come from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of opinions about the one thing we are here to discuss and that is the love and sometimes the aggravation of the Cunard line. We share our personal views of our good times and our bad times. And sometimes we include things that others do not approve of.

I do agree there is the “Ignore Button” to click that occasionally may be of use if someone gets on your nerves and keeps you from enjoying the CC Cunard forum fully. It is your prerogative to use the “Ignore” button. What I find absolutely uncalled for is to tell the world that you have used that “Ignore button. It seems to me that when a person uses the Ignore Button, then can’t wait to and tell the other members about it, there is more involved than ignoring that person. It is to make that member look substandard in front of the entire forum. To me that is very spiteful. Furthermore, we all have half-way intelligent minds and are quite capable of making up our own minds about other members.

One last thing, once when I was very new on this board, that very thing happened to me. It was a very obnoxious, rude and yes spiteful gentleman who told the entire Cunard Board that he had placed me on his “Ignore List”. It made me feel just dreadful. It was uncalled for then and it is uncalled for now. If you have an ax to grind, let the moderators know and let them decide,-- and please don’t try to divide and conquer!


I agree - I was going to cut the quote down to the bit I agreed with - then realised it was with all of it - but, unfortunately, that is the way this board goes every so often - hopefully everyone will now calm down & 'play nicely' for a few days :D


by the way - that comment about the moderators is very pertinent - if anyone ever as any doubt about a post or thread - just use the report button - the mods will make the decision - its kept me sane on more than one occasion :D :p.


if all else fails, repeat after me - "its just a message board - it is not real life" - that's how I cope when it all goes XXXs up:p

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if all else fails, repeat after me - "its just a message board - it is not real life" - that's how I cope when it all goes XXXs up:p


I agree with most of your statement Karen (but have cut down the quote :))


The problem is that when it is committed to text it is 'real life' and when the test is insulting it is harder to deal with.

I didn't know anything about the 'ignore' button until this thread and therefore didn't understand the implications of telling someone that they were being ignored.

I became involved because someone who had been very helpful to me and other posters was, it seemed, being severely criticised and insulted.

It is ironic that what began as a query about standards developed into reports of inappropriate and debatable behaviour both onboard and in this thread.

As you say, let's hope it becomes calmer but I fear the damage has been done.

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It is your prerogative to use the “Ignore” button. What I find absolutely uncalled for is to tell the world that you have used that “Ignore button. It seems to me that when a person uses the Ignore Button, then can’t wait to and tell the other members about it, there is more involved than ignoring that person. It is to make that member look substandard in front of the entire forum. To me that is very spiteful.


Well said. What an insightful post. :)

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Look, I don't know if I'd do the same as Keithm or not. But I thought he had every right to tell us about his experience and the action he took. He wasn't being rude or putting anyone down. Isn't that the general idea of these forums - exchanging ideas, experiences and sharing tips? If we ignore every poster who posts something we disagree with it would probably be quite a boring forum.

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Hot damn! Now I understand why nobody speaks to me :eek:




Now then J, Please don't be so self-critical.

We all (the collective we ... please note) love to read your valued comments and wait for your contributions with great anticipation. ;)

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Curses Dr Mad! I was naïve enough to flatter myself that you actually read my stuff now and then. :(





I haven't got you on 'ignore', honest :D


Maybe I just have a large 'opinionated' tolerance - even Savoia does not cross into the 'over-opinionated' realm for me - life's too short and I might learn something interesting, a philosophy I apply to those on board as well! :D

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