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Passenger killed in Gangway collapse


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Another one for MSC, the fantasia had the same problem in spain..but not with a finger bridge IIRC.


Indeed and on both occasions it was the responsibility of (or said to be the responsibility of) the port authorities. Either way really awful news. I feel for the relatives of the bereaved and also for the crew who tried to rescus them.


Ships have to undergo safety and sanitation checks, what safety checks apply to port, does anyone know?


I'm sure MSC will be extremely concerned about this latest one and given the port grief over it as this is the home port for a lot of their ships.

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This is indeed a very sad tragedy and my heart goes out to the affected people.

I have to wonder is MSC the only cruise line that this type of accident has occurred to though:confused::confused:. It would be interesting to know the full facts and statistics for ALL lines. As Amomondo said it is a fault with the port not the shipping line. Please don't let this become another "slate MSC" post.

It worries me that nervous newcomers to cruising might be scarred away from such a wonderful pasttime:mad:. I see no need for alarm when you calculate what the odds of this happening to you would be. More chance of being run over by a bus I think.

On a brighter note we are in the throes of booking on Opera to the Baltic Capitals next May, whoopee.


Cheers, Misty

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Blaming the port authorities is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! That's like blaming an airport for a negligent airliner crash on take off... because they provided the runway!


As I understand it, this port is pretty much exclusively used by MSC among large ship carriers. So what if the gangway is technically the property of the port authority. It is almost certainly the line's crewman that secure it to the ship. The ship is always under the Captains authority. It is EXCLUSIVELY the cruise line that determines that the gangway is safe for appropriate use by its passengers, and only the line that gives its passengers the 'green line' to proceed in using it.


I'd rather the line just say they are investigating than to idiotically try to 'pass the buck' to the port authority. It almost makes you appreciate why this is a repeat 'problem' (or catastrophe).

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I for one am very nervous after reading this especially if this is a repeat problem, I didn't know that MSC had safety issues and we are about to go on our first cruise on Aug 8th. I was already reeling from all the bad reviews about MSC that I have only just discovered and am now wondering if I've made a huge mistake booking this cruise.


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Out of all the cruise lines calling to the med its a very rare thing that happens. Ive been sailing 14-15 years and never had a problem. Im sure there will be lots of italians running round sweating making sure this doesnt happen again and doing urgent safety checks.

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Woodofpine: The gangway belonged to the Genoa Port Authority and was used by many cruise lines, not just MSC. According to the Italian press the judiciary has opened an inquiry but it looks like there will be no fault on the part of MSC or the captain. If that airliner crashed because it hit a hole in the runway then whose fault would it be?

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Woodofpine: The gangway belonged to the Genoa Port Authority and was used by many cruise lines, not just MSC. According to the Italian press the judiciary has opened an inquiry but it looks like there will be no fault on the part of MSC or the captain. If that airliner crashed because it hit a hole in the runway then whose fault would it be?


You sound blindly pro-MSC. I can readily see that this incident involves joint liability of the line and the port authority. But having been over a few gangways, I can not believe that the cruise line's personnel are not direct participants in the ganway's (secure or insecure) attachment to the ship. In the end, it is ship personnel that verify that a ship attached passenger carrying structure is suitable for use by ship passengers.


How is it that MSC alone among big ship lines has had two serious gangway incidents in a year? Lightning hitting twice?


If an investigation has only just been initiated how can anyone conclude 'it looks like there will be no fault on the part of MSC'? I'm sure the line's insurers haven't jumped to that conclusion. Italian law must (appropriately) have some version of 'non-delegable duty' to passengers in authorizing the gangway's use by them. Whether the line can secondarily demand contribution from a port authority that will be hit directly too is another matter.


Personally, I'd not let this incident change my personal travel plans. Other lines have f*'d up too resulting in serious injuries. But the 'MSC has no fault', I take umbrage to... Not the case.

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I am not surprised at all that something like this would happen with MSC, all they are interested in is piling the tourists in as fast as possible and processing them like stock in a butchers shop.

We have just done this cruise and never ever again with MSC, they do not give a stuff , all they want is the money , money money. (Plus 15%)

The Spendida and The Magnifica are just Factories processing people as fast as possble so they can earn a fast buck .

I think it is high time that MSC are taken to task over their attitude , they are Arrogant, ignorant and plain rude .


Never again...................Kevin and Sandra Stent ...New Zealand

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Woodofpine: The gangway belonged to the Genoa Port Authority and was used by many cruise lines, not just MSC. According to the Italian press the judiciary has opened an inquiry but it looks like there will be no fault on the part of MSC or the captain. If that airliner crashed because it hit a hole in the runway then whose fault would it be?


You cant possibly be Pro MSC ? they are dreadfull !!!

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Blaming the port authorities is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! That's like blaming an airport for a negligent airliner crash on take off... because they provided the runway!


As I understand it, this port is pretty much exclusively used by MSC among large ship carriers. So what if the gangway is technically the property of the port authority. It is almost certainly the line's crewman that secure it to the ship. The ship is always under the Captains authority. It is EXCLUSIVELY the cruise line that determines that the gangway is safe for appropriate use by its passengers, and only the line that gives its passengers the 'green line' to proceed in using it.


I'd rather the line just say they are investigating than to idiotically try to 'pass the buck' to the port authority. It almost makes you appreciate why this is a repeat 'problem' (or catastrophe).


Typical Italian Arrogance !!!

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Blaming the port authorities is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! That's like blaming an airport for a negligent airliner crash on take off... because they provided the runway!


As I understand it, this port is pretty much exclusively used by MSC among large ship carriers. So what if the gangway is technically the property of the port authority. It is almost certainly the line's crewman that secure it to the ship. The ship is always under the Captains authority. It is EXCLUSIVELY the cruise line that determines that the gangway is safe for appropriate use by its passengers, and only the line that gives its passengers the 'green line' to proceed in using it.


I'd rather the line just say they are investigating than to idiotically try to 'pass the buck' to the port authority. It almost makes you appreciate why this is a repeat 'problem' (or catastrophe).


I did not come to that conclusion because I'm pro MSC (although I am but not blind to their shortcomings) but drew that conclusion form1, the way the various articles were worded appeared to indicate that it was the port authority at fault and

2 having traaipsed over those gangways at genoa a few times, I know they are not the small portable type gangways that you see at some ports but fairly substantial structures.


Guess we will all just have to wait for the results of the inquiry by the authorities for the definitve answer on what really happened. The other incident with the Fantasia was caused by strong wind and the whatever they call them thingy that the lines were secured to giving way in the port at Palma de Mallorca.


I think if you are due to sail from genoa soon, then there will never be a safer time to walk over a gangplank as everyone will be on their toes. Just like there is never a safer time to fly from an airport after a severe security scare.

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Unfortunate and heart wrenching...what was to be a memorable experience for these two somewhat elderly couple, turned into a tragedy many of us hopefully never need to comprehend.


With that said, it is disturbing that posters that dislike this line are taking advantage to discredit its offerings. Some to the extent of branding all italians as arrogant and ignorant and money hungry.


Scearch cruise bruise, that clarify some official statement from various official sources, one of which confirms the high gust of wind scenario.


The other adressing the premise that only MSC has had misfortunate accidents, it appears that these incidents including death are a reality of the industry.

cruise bruise cruise ship deaths

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This is indeed a very sad tragedy and my heart goes out to the affected people.

I have to wonder is MSC the only cruise line that this type of accident has occurred to though:confused::confused:. It would be interesting to know the full facts and statistics for ALL lines. As Amomondo said it is a fault with the port not the shipping line. Please don't let this become another "slate MSC" post.

It worries me that nervous newcomers to cruising might be scarred away from such a wonderful pasttime:mad:. I see no need for alarm when you calculate what the odds of this happening to you would be. More chance of being run over by a bus I think.

On a brighter note we are in the throes of booking on Opera to the Baltic Capitals next May, whoopee.


Cheers, Misty



MSC is not the only company to have these kinds of accidents. They could potentially happen to any ship in any port, but luckily they don't happen often:










And here is a website you can check, to compare many different types of things that have happened on different lines/ships:



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I for one am very nervous after reading this especially if this is a repeat problem, I didn't know that MSC had safety issues and we are about to go on our first cruise on Aug 8th. I was already reeling from all the bad reviews about MSC that I have only just discovered and am now wondering if I've made a huge mistake booking this cruise.



Hi Lisa,


Try not to worry too much. It is truly very, very tragic, but these kinds of accidents are so rare. And my personal perception is that MSC is actually one of the better lines for safety.


Your cruise will actually probably turn out to be a really fun one, with no major events. Everyone has a slightly different experience, so don't let the negative reviews scare you.


I hope you will have an amazing first cruise :)

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Hi Satincruz,

Thanks so much for your reply and the information you posted. I do tend to be a bit of a worrier but have been looking forward so much to our first cruise, it really is something very different for us and I really want my two girls to have a good time so the negative reviews were something of a disappointment, perhaps sometimes too much information is not a good thing! However, I realise that travel is never without some risk and although this incident was undoubtedly a huge tragedy for the family involved, I need to put this in proportion and just go and enjoy myself. I'm not expecting perfection and although I have gleaned some useful info, I think in some reviews people have gotten too hung up on the small stuff, I am going to go with an open mind and make the most of it, I will post back an honest review from a first time cruiser when we get back from The Baltic!



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I just returned from the Splendida and was there the day that this happened. It was such a tragedy :(

It was very upsetting to hear and crazy to think that I went on the same gangway just about an hour earlier as did most of my family.

The next day, we were all scared to get off and back on the boat but, I also believe it was extra safe after that happened.

We had been speaking to a family who saw it all happen and they were horrified, as anyone would be.

Most of the crew knew what happened but, would not give out much information so, there was much speculation going on around the boat and people were getting very nervous about it.

We left Genoa 4 hours late that night and unless you asked someone directly, the only announcement they made was that we'd be leaving late due to "bureaucratic reasons"


All in all it was very sad and scary but, for anyone who's concerned about going anytime soon, it will probably be the safest time because they will be triple checking everything now....


My prayers go out to the husband and family of the woman.... :(

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Hi Satincruz,

Thanks so much for your reply and the information you posted. I do tend to be a bit of a worrier but have been looking forward so much to our first cruise, it really is something very different for us and I really want my two girls to have a good time so the negative reviews were something of a disappointment, perhaps sometimes too much information is not a good thing! However, I realise that travel is never without some risk and although this incident was undoubtedly a huge tragedy for the family involved, I need to put this in proportion and just go and enjoy myself. I'm not expecting perfection and although I have gleaned some useful info, I think in some reviews people have gotten too hung up on the small stuff, I am going to go with an open mind and make the most of it, I will post back an honest review from a first time cruiser when we get back from The Baltic!




Hi Lisa,


That's the perfect attitude to go with!


I think that before going on your first cruise might be one of the only times it's better not to have "TMI". Before my first one I didn't know what to expect at all, and it turned out amazing. That's the thing--if you find that you like cruising in general (the sea, the wind, the weather)--then you'll end up taking many more cruises over the years. So you don't have to worry about (not) knowing everything yet.


One thing to do right after you get on board is to walk around the whole ship deck by deck, and that way you'll discover everything right away. Your ship is really, really special in the way it has all of these stern open decks--good places to be going in and out of ports, and also just anytime at all, since they break the wind well:


Cruise with MSC Opera april 2008


It has a couple bow open deck areas, too, that many people never realize (sometimes you have to go out through doors that say "Emergency Exit", but it's ok):


Die MSC Opera verlässt Kiel


Extra things to bring along--walkie talkies, or a dry erase board, or a pack of post-its to split up among the 4 of you. These will help you keep in touch/leave messages for each other on the room door, since teens often like to explore on their own. If your daughters have favorite things (Ipods, etc), let them bring them along just in case they ever get bored. And if everyone brings along a favorite book or 2, sometimes it is just nice to relax and read up on deck. The last first-time tip is if any of you have any very favorite sodas or snacks or chocolates, pack some of them. These come in handy at times when the dining rooms aren't open, and are also good to have with you for long walks out in port. And if you end up not eating them, they make nice small gifts for your stewards or waiters or any crew that you get to know (it may be difficult for them to buy English candies and snacks).


I think you'll have a great time :)

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I just returned from the Splendida and was there the day that this happened. It was such a tragedy :(

It was very upsetting to hear and crazy to think that I went on the same gangway just about an hour earlier as did most of my family.

The next day, we were all scared to get off and back on the boat but, I also believe it was extra safe after that happened.

We had been speaking to a family who saw it all happen and they were horrified, as anyone would be.

Most of the crew knew what happened but, would not give out much information so, there was much speculation going on around the boat and people were getting very nervous about it.

We left Genoa 4 hours late that night and unless you asked someone directly, the only announcement they made was that we'd be leaving late due to "bureaucratic reasons"


All in all it was very sad and scary but, for anyone who's concerned about going anytime soon, it will probably be the safest time because they will be triple checking everything now....


My prayers go out to the husband and family of the woman.... :(



Hi Lori,


Wow--that must have been so hard to go on a cruise under such sad circumstances.


I'm surprised that the gangway accident happened "mid-boarding". For some reason, I had been thinking that the Spanish couple were among the first passengers boarding that day.


My condolences to all affected by this tragedy.

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Blaming the port authorities is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! That's like blaming an airport for a negligent airliner crash on take off... because they provided the runway!



As i recall, when Concorde crashed a few years ago it was the fault of the airport who had not maintained the runway properly.

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As i recall, when Concorde crashed a few years ago it was the fault of the airport who had not maintained the runway properly.


OK - the absurdity of (my or any one else) drawing too heavily on analogies is highlighted by Garyorient...;)


I agree the best thing is to allow the accident investigators to conduct their investigation and issue their report - rather to just accept those of corporate PR people and the media.


I'll be surprised though if the engineering re-constructionist conclude that this disaster is solely attributable to one party. The 'best' ones rarely are...


I'd be completely shocked if the applicable legal systems do not place liability on the cruise line whose passengers were merely following its directions, under its contract for passage, for 'safe' entry onto its vessel. Phrased like that makes the point, eh(?), if you're an executor/plaintiff or survivor of the deceased... Regardless of whether the line can turn around and make demand for (legal monetary) contribution from Genoa, MSC is going to be a defendant in the claims process and it (or it's insurer) will almost certainly be writing a check (together with Genoa). That's my wager...

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