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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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ICE/Winter cannot combine with AIR/Summer and FIRE/Spring cannot combine with EARTH/Autumn. It isn't that way in nature and it just won't work here. Here's the wheel in the 12 color order:


Deep Winter -- True Winter -- Bright Winter -- Bright Spring -- True Spring-- Light Spring -- Light Summer -- True Summer -- Soft Summer -- Soft Autumn -- True Autumn -- Deep Autumn and back to Deep Winter for the full circle.


Would it be appropriate to use this information to figure out where you'd land on the spectrum?


For example, if I think that I might be a Bright Spring, and I'm confused as to whether I am or not (true story!), then… if I experimented with Bright Winter and it just doesn't work for me… which I think I already know that Bright Winter doesn't work for me because I can't wear black… does that mean that I'd more than likely be a True Spring? Which would mean that I could fall forward into Light Spring and back into Bright Spring…. Oh, I get it!… True Spring doesn't have anywhere to go other than Spring! Right?


Am I onto something? Or, am I over thinking?

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OK, Debbie. Talk me off the ledge!


I can't believe I'm doing this, but I need it to make a point.




I have studied and studied these pictures! If I hadn't taken them myself, I wouldn't believe them. The After picture absolutely looks like I'm wearing mascara and lipstick. I don't even know how that's remotely possible, because I wasn't.


I, literally, put on the white shirt and took my picture. Then, I went to the salon. When I came back, I put on the green top and had my DH take my picture. No makeup. Same camera. About 3 hours later, one picture to the next, so the sunlight was different, obviously. The picture is taken with my back to the East, in my back yard.




The point that I want to discuss is the green top. As it turns out, that green top is NOT Fire; it's Air. It even has a silver lining at the neckline. It had way more blue in the green… than yellow. Do you think this is a Light Summer top? It didn't survive Kon Mari.


If I have to take pictures with Light Summer options, that is going to be a bit difficult unless I go to some stores and use dressing rooms.


I don't think I should base my opinion on just one top, right? Or, is that OK, do you think? The point is… I know that I look better in more of a True Fire top, way more of a yellow-green than this blue-green one. I just don't think that I look bad?!? Just not optimal. Is that what leaning forward or backward does? You still look OK? just not your Optimal Best?


I might have to make a salad for lunch… with the can of worms I may have just opened. Ewww. Pasta might be better. More blend-y.

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Yes, Pam, continuing our coffee break (I just got back from lunch!)--


No black in True Spring. Black is small doses in BRIGHT Spring. I'll try to find a picture or two I remember seeing. If I can, I will post them for reference. OR, again with the Pinterest reference. I'm a stuck record about that I'm afraid. If you search each of the Spring divisions, you'll get many, many pictures. Some aren't always exactly right, at least the Light Spring pins could sometimes look more Light Summer to me, but it will train your eye to learn the difference. If you look at everything you can find in one division and then later look at everything in another division, I think you will soon determine the difference between the two divisions which should make looking objectively at your own closet a whole lot easier.


http://12blueprints.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/CE-BSp-forweb.jpg Here's one of the pictures I was thinking about. Think about this as top, bottom and smallest color as shoes & bag, jewelry, or scarf accessories or simply a belt. If you want, think of each long rectangle as the proportions of color in the outfit too.






If you can see yourself wearing the combos above, you may look further at Bright Spring. The second set looks more like FIRE/Spring to me but the first one has too much black near my face for me to ever consider it.



I don't think looking at the second next best division (Bright Winter or Light Summer) would do a thing to help. We already know what black does to us! Maybe not the first drapes (if I remember correctly) but the second set of drapes (maybe) my analyst used was silver and gold. Neither really did a thing for me that I could see, but then again, I can't see this stuff anyway. Maybe part of the reason that neither gold nor silver was good or bad for me was because I can wear both gold and silver jewelry supposedly. Of course, I gave away all my silver jewelry when I was told I should wear gold only. I still prefer gold and always have, but real silver is cheaper than real gold, so that made it easy to purchase back in the day. I will admit if I am going to wear silver, it needs to be with the cooler end of my Light Spring spectrum. KWIM?



I'm afraid that I don't know how to tell you about figuring this out for yourself. That's why I had to see an expert. I knew I couldn't. I read for literally MONTHS, and I had decided that I must be Bright Spring. Boy-howdy! I couldn't have been more wrong.


I think it is very appropriate to look at the 12 color wheel to figure out where you land. I'm going out on a limb and will say that I think True Spring will be a good fit for you. I think you are medium contrast and I trust that CJW knew what he was talking about and was/is very good at what he does. I am still grateful for his help starting me on this journey. Since he said FIRE, I'd stay within that parameter and focus on the three FIRE/Springs.


Aw-oh! Hold up a minute, Pam. I posted and noticed you had posted again and gone off to eat worms before I could get the above posted. Since that is your natural color and the top has silver accents, I think I may need to retract my True Spring prediction. Look at True Spring and Light Spring AND Bright Spring. True Spring is considered total warm colors. Light Spring and Bright Spring are both considered warm neutrals. They both have cooler tones added to some degree. Either a drop of white (so lighter contrast) or ??? (I didn't research this part) for more contrast. VERY INTERESTING can of worms.

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Continuation of convo.
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OK, Debbie. Talk me off the ledge!

The point that I want to discuss is the green top. As it turns out, that green top is NOT Fire; it's Air. It even has a silver lining at the neckline. It had way more blue in the green… than yellow. Do you think this is a Light Summer top? It didn't survive Kon Mari.


I don't think I should base my opinion on just one top, right? Or, is that OK, do you think? The point is… I know that I look better in more of a True Fire top, way more of a yellow-green than this blue-green one. I just don't think that I look bad?!? Just not optimal. Is that what leaning forward or backward does? You still look OK? just not your Optimal Best?


Wowsers, Pam. This top looks a lot like a green top that I used way-back-when we were grouping and posting all our color tops (is that the Color Party you mentioned?). I loved that blue-green top. Got many compliments about that top, but everyone decided that it didn't fit my FIRE colors. I lost weight (which I have since found again) and it went away. It would work more or less kinda now.


Sooo, I see your point. If that top looks that good for your skin, could you be Light Spring? I found that I really like my colors in nature. Some of the roses I have seen, sunrises and sunsets, palamino ponies...all wonderful Light Spring colors. Try looking for pictures in nature for all three Spring divisions and see if you are naturally drawn there. I knew I loved purple, but didn't really care for our FIRE purple. I really like Light Spring's purple. I had a lavender bedroom as a teenager and three different dresses with lavender/purple combinations. One dress was purple with white dotted swiss, one had a lavender background with small white and purple flower combo bouquet pattern, and the third dress was what I see as my light spring purple. More confirmation.


I love the look, sounds and feelings I get from seeing a waterfall. The sun playing on the rocks, wet and dry and the water cascading down is very special to me. All those gray-brown and brown-gray colors are in my special colors. Go figure. Look around at what speaks to you. Once I knew where to look, it felt just right. I hope it does for you too.

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Wanted to edit to add but I timed out again: Please don't think for a minute that I don't want to discuss this here. I was afraid maybe it sounded that way because I keep pushing Pinterest to you. NOT at ALL do I want anyone to think I don't want to discuss this. I love talking about it. It's just that the Pinterest pictures helped me so much to train my eye to see what I couldn't see by putting clothes on myself. I just can't see it on myself, but I can see the colors for themselves and can tell the difference once I know what I'm looking for.


Does that make sense?

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Just wanted to take a quick moment and tell you how much I appreciate this conversation and advice. Fascinating.


But…. a LOT to read and to consider. So, I'll be back with more thoughts after I absorb some of this information and maybe have a few pictures to share.


BTW. Anita says she thinks I'm warm all the way. So your first instinct is probably going to be correct for me. I didn't really care for those Bright Fire colors, if I'm being totally honest. I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable in such high contrast, but then (again) I didn't think I'd ever feel comfortable in our bright, clear colors. Off to do more reading.


Oh. snap. I forgot to say what I came back to say! I wonder if that green top just looks better on me as a direct comparison to the white top? And, if it's just a step up from the drab picture Pre-Salon. And, if it's just such an overwhelming improvement because of the hair color… that, more or less, the cool nature of the green top is just "forgiven" in the light of improvement.

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Just wanted to take a quick moment and tell you how much I appreciate this conversation and advice. Fascinating.


But…. a LOT to read and to consider. So, I'll be back with more thoughts after I absorb some of this information and maybe have a few pictures to share.


I look forward to the conversation. I have opened my own can of worms and considering whether to make a salad or soup of them. Just wait, Pam. Color analysis is only the beginning. LOL


Now I'm trying to determine if I'm Yang Natural, Yin Natural or Yang Classic that leans Natural. This refers to the type/style of clothes are best for me. So much to learn. Fascinating stuff. It will involve trying on and taking pictures to see what proportions looks best. I know what I'm not. I'm not girly-girly and I have no waist to speak of, so I know I'm NOT predominately Yin! Don't want to confuse the issues here. This will save for a much later day. Just saying, don't 'ya know. If you read that part during your journey, file it back for later and maybe we can discuss it at some point too.


Someone earlier, Granny maybe, said what I thought for years and years. Jeans and a Tshirt of some kind was good enough for me and I wore whatever inexpensive clothes appropriate for church that I could find at the time. No matter what the colors, as long as they clothed my body and weren't skin tight, I was a happy camper. Literally! LOL I was sooo very late to the fashion scene. I still wear jeans and Ts, but now the color, shape, length, neckline and quality are more important than they used to be. It pays, or rather saves, my purse and my closet to be able to be much pickier now. It will save my arms, shoulders and back too when it's time to lug those suitcases around because I really, really want that curated wardrobe where everything works together and plays nicely with each other.

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Do you have David Kibbe's book?!? :eek:


I was just trying to find it in my library (various ones) and can't find it anywhere!


Did you BUY IT?!?


Are you surprised I stumbled into this?!?


AND…is this what you're talking about? LOL.



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I'm giggling hysterically over here. No, I only know about Kibbe from what I've read on other sites. I'll dig and try to find something for you though. It is my understanding that Kibbe's book was done in the late 70's-maybe 80s. Anyway, it's very dated for today's fashion styles. Think shoulder pads. Remember those!?! Oh my didn't they make my broad shoulders look even more like a football player. But everyone did back then. Never occurred to me to just take the blamed things out of those blazers.


Not surprised by the question. Not one little bit.

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I have stared and stared at these color palettes to determine the differences that I might be able to use to do a similar study to Anita's:



Please take a look at this and tell me what I might not be seeing. From what I can tell, the variances in the palettes have to do with some specific colors that are included (or excluded) from the array of available colors, but not the nature of the color. All colors seem to be clear, bright….


This is going to be a bit difficult.


Debbie. In the Light Spring palette, is that color placed in the 3rd row, 5th position reflected in the Chico's Chocolate Chip? It appears to be the same color as True Spring, 3rd or 4th row, 5th position. That color doesn't seem to appear in Bright Spring.


It seems that just about every color that I study appears in one other palette. Plus, it's so difficult to determine the exact color (of course!) on the monitor trying to transfer it to my closet.


Anita… what should I do? I've gotten myself a bit stumped.


Should I sort through my closet and try to arrange the colors in an array of light to dark? Then go through again and arrange the colors in degrees of bright? By taking a multitude of pictures with the variance of lightness and brightness… maybe a comparison decision could emerge? What do you think?


If I do this, then I'd like to post pictures of my different arrays before I take facial pics… and get opinions on my decisions regarding the lightness and brightness factors.


I'm asking for input on this thought pattern.


It's OK to spend some time doing this. It might help me with my wardrobe selection for the Panama Canal cruise.

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It's too hard...


I can't do it by looking at the color palettes. Never could. I ALWAYS have to compare...it's the only way that I can see whatever I'm supposed to see to place colors wherever they are supposed to be.


I like these color palettes because they have the sliders on the bottom they show the differences:




It can get crazy clicking around on this page...but you can make these thumbnails HUGE.


Here there is Light, Bright, and True.


Light: Can have a slightly cool edge to it and has a white-ish overcast to it. (I started thinking of my "soft" as smoky or ashy...so think of the non-muted (graying) version of smoky or ashy...white-y?).


True: Has no edge of cool. NONE. All warm, all the time. Has no element of "haze" to it. Is brighter than Light.


Bright: Can have a cool edge. Has no element of haze...is blindingly, reaching for your sunglasses BRIGHT.


Looking at photos of your recent clothes. You wore a coral swim dress (I think) and your coral rashguard on the Helipad. The skirt that shows in my pictures looks LIGHT...the rashguard looks TRUE.


Because of what happened in the thalassotherapy pool...I now would call your Hibiscus swimsuit LIGHT and the "matching" skirt/dress cover-up BRIGHT (because it has that edge of cool and no haze...KWIM?).


Your ombre purple cami (worn on Allure embarkation) is BRIGHT...edge of cool, no haze.


I'm torn between True and Bright for the blue dress you wore on the first Allure formal night.


Your aqua cardigan is LIGHT.


Your long-sleeved red-purple Athleta thumb-shirt is LIGHT...edge of cool and some haze. I think it walks the line between light Spring/Summer.


I'm voting for Chico's Chocolate Chip to be TRUE. I think if it were BRIGHT, it would have a bit more black in it. Instead...it is brown, brown, brown...and no hint of cool in the photos.


I would look at what I tried to point out here...see if you can see it IRL and then go from there.


I can say quite honestly that I decided to say forget it to the whole idea of trying to sort through my colors before I took pictures. I just grabbed and grabbed and took photos and looked at the effects and the way that the colors photographed because everything else was equal in the photos (as much as possible) and I could start to put together an overall trend based on the colors and the effects in the photos.


And then I could see it better IRL.


Does that help?

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Yes, this helps.


Take the pictures.


Let the pictures speak for themselves.


Determine if the top in the pictures has Light, Bright, or True elements.


Classify the pictures and Compare.


This is a bit easier than trying to figure out the nature of the clothes beforehand.


So, if I've got this procedure right, from your description….


…. I'll be back later with some facial pics.


Now I have errands to run.

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Ok, Pam. Bear with me on this as I type on paper what I'm thinking. Always a dangerous thing for me to try to do two things at once! Here goes.


It's been really difficult for me (how many times is she going to say that, for Pete's sake?!) to get even Light Spring in my head, but here's how I've done it. I don't, can't in fact, worry about individual colors being or not being on the next closest palette. It's more of a general feeling, if you will, of the colors. What I've been told is that there is no possible way to put each and every color that will be available to us in our lifetime on a handy-dandy take-it-with-you cheat sheet (my new color fan/the sheet you referenced/our CJW cards). The fashion world changes what our eyes become accustomed to seeing every so often that it's hopeless to expect that kind of simplicity. BUT if you take your cheat sheet or what you keep in your brain as reference and compare, it will work. I can spread out my color fan on an item and know for certain that it is good or bad for me. It's more the feeling, if you will. Is is light, warm and clear? OR, I can pick up several different shades of the same color in the store and compare. Which one is the most light, warm and clear? Take it home. Does it play well with my bestest peach scarf? If I pull out 3-4 tops that I know that I know are good, does it naturally blend right in? This I can do.


Look at it this way. Take a look at all three color cards you posted. To begin with, just like we have witnessed time and time again, it is very difficult to get on paper what we see IRL. Very difficult. On paper, the cards look like there's more blues to blacks in Bright Spring overall, maybe? My Light Spring looks like just a lighter version of True Spring in some ways, and yet there are more grayish browns. See that?


Second full row down where the green dots start in the middle of the page for all three Springs. Can you see that True Spring is medium contrast even though the last five dots go from lighter to darker green? Now look at the Bright Spring card. Those same five dots are deeper saturation so more contrast until it looks almost green-black on my screen. Look at the Light Spring card. Those same five green dots are still warm and clear. Not muted at all on my screen, but they look like just a drop of white has been added to each of the True Spring green dots. Lighter saturation.


I'm not good enough at this yet to advise anyone else. I can only speak what works for me. Most of the time, I can't use my entire fan to compare. If I'm working on deciding about a grayish brown color, for instance, I pull out the three or four strips that have those grayish brown, brown and whipped cream color neutrals and see if they play well. If I'm looking at something with a pattern or an item I know I plan to wear with a different color as topper or bottom, I use the colors closest to representing what I'm working with. Does that make sense?


So whether one color is represented in one, two or all three of our Spring variation, the key is to find what is TMIT, the most important thing. I researched so specifically about Light Spring that I'm not exactly sure what the buzz words would be for the other two. My TMIT is Light. Warm and Clear, for sure, but it must be Light. If I'm going to cheat or lean even a tiny bit toward the cooler side of warm colors, it must be light.


Edited to add: Was interrupted before I could get the above posted and noticed Anita chimed in first. Soooo, helpful Anita. To both me and Pam. Thanks. I agree 100% and am AMAZED that I actually understood and agreed with what you said. Soooo very amazed. By jove, I think she's got it. Smiling here to beat the sunshine today!!!!!

Edited by aoknkentucky
Additional info at bottom---
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This is the most exhilarating and…at the same time… stomach wrenching exercise that I've done since I took my first "What Season Am I?" pictures.


Looking at these different pictures, I swear… some of them have me questioning whether I am even in the right color temperature. The difference between the pictures is so In.Your.Face that you don't even have to question the order of preference.


The only thing that I have to question is where in the color palette spectrum the various items may live.


Some of these pictures are terrible! Ugh. I guess I'll post them anyway so that we can have a meaningful discussion.


Here's the deal. Taking the pictures was such an eye opening experience that it got to the point where all I was doing was whipping off one top and putting on another. Quick! Take the picture! Didn't care what my hair looked like and didn't care about the facial expression. Just wanted the picture!


And, there really isn't a good place to take pictures in my house right now. The best pictures I got were in my foyer looking out my North facing front door. So, that's what we've got to work with.


I'll be back soon. Now I have to go mess with my computer and trying to get these pictures loaded in a meaningful way. Just couldn't wait to share.

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I have 7 pictures to share. The only reason I'm posting some of these (horrible) pictures is so we can have conversation. No pain = No gain, right?!?


Ok. Here's my grumpy face. Voila.




Left: Athleta rash guard in Coral Sunset. IMO: True Spring


Right: Athleta swim dress in Light Coral Sunset. IMO: Light Spring (maybe Bright Spring?)




Left: Tommy Bahama coral sundress. IMO: True Spring


Right: Athleta rash guard in Saffron Red. IMO: Bright Spring




Left: Cache coral dress. IMO: True Spring


Right: Chico's top; can't remember the color name. IRL, it sits just a bit lighter than the Athleta coral rash guard in Coral Sunset. The colors are close, maybe I need a control picture of those two? I can't figure out this color's palette.




This is the dress from Desigual. IMO: True Spring. There's no coolness in this color, at all.


Whew. Tough pics. Tough exercise.


Again, talk me off of the ledge! LOL.


BTW: So glad that we're doing this! I tell you. In the meantime, I think I'll go fling myself onto one of those couches in the background! I hope the background of these pics isn't too distracting.

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Hey...I have to go deal with the "shakers" for band (what they call their special chin strap, plumed hats).


I tried to play with your photos from here...but lost the quality of the photo messing with it.




The Saffron Red Athleta, the Orange Chicos, and the Athleta swim dress photograph the same. Your hair color looks the same...you have the same skin tone. Based on what I could see when I grouped them together...I saw BRIGHT.


The Coral Cache dress photographs differently from anything else. You are paler, for lack of a better word in that photo than in any other...and again, based on what I can see and make comparisons with (using the color palettes open in another window), I'm going to guess LIGHT...because there happens to be a kind of frost look coming across in the photo.


The Coral Rashguard, the Desigual, and the Tommy Bahama sundress...TRUE.


And I believe that you look best in TRUE.


Bright seems a little harsh. Light seems a little too little. True is Just Right.




Based on these.

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I could see Anita's difference so clearly, but I think I may have overextended myself by thinking I understand more than I actually understand. I just have observations and more questions. Maybe Anita or some of the other ladies will chime in with their thoughts...


First, on my screen, I think the only Light Spring top MAY BE the Athleta swim dress in Light Coral Sunset and I'm not absolutely sure about it. It looks like is has white added but is still so dark. My wheel has colors that dark on it, but would probably be on the bottom end of dark for Light. On my screen, I think that your hair color looks lighter in True Spring than the other designations. I think your lip color changes to meet the color in every picture I see on my screen. Soooo, my questions are: (1) which is correct IRL - the lighter or darker version of your hair. It looks like your face looks more muted somehow in what you are calling Bright Spring? Is that what you see or am I way off base? I've looked very intently and still am not sure. (2) is it just me or does it look like your lip color changes in each picture to match your top color? I remember reading somewhere that one of the things they noted about a person being color analyzed was that her face was so highly reflective. I didn't understand then, but the lightbulb went off and I remembered when I saw your lips in each picture.


Again, I've written a book and Anita will be able to explain in a couple of sentences the same thing I was attempting to say. Come on, Anita. Put dear ole Mom out of her misery and tell me about my faulty logic. This is so fun. I am learning so much finally.


AHH, you posted at the same time as me again. Off to read what Anita had to say!


Edited again to say: I was chicken to put it out there. No confidence, I guess, but I agree with Anita. You look best in True Spring, IMHO.

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I did a study of various colors--purple, aqua, peach, orange/red, yellow, brown, green and some of my DH's shirts--black, white, sky blue, winter red, gray. I'm not sure if I have the right color variations/saturations/etc.


Also, I have on make-up because I had a doctor's appointment today and didn't want to wash my face for the study.


I will post them as a group. Before I post the next group, please let me know if this is going to work for the study.


Oh, Lordy, is all I can say.









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Kim, you know I can't answer about the picture size being ok for the study. We will need to wait for Anita for that, but I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks about these purples. I bought a few of the same colors a while back and have never been confident that they were good FIRE colors. I know they aren't LIGHT by any stretch of the imagination and maybe that's the reason I wasn't happy with the way they looked on me.


I just wanted to say how envious I am of your gorgeous hair! What I would give for just a smidge of that curl. I know--the straight always want curly and the curly always want straight. But, you're looking GOOD, girlfriend.

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Kim, so glad you've come to the party! Isn't this intense?


Debbie, I think Kim was wondering more about having on the makeup than the picture sizes. I don't think that having makeup on throws off this attempt to find out whether we're better in Light, True, or Bright as much as it does when you're trying to find out the Main Season. Just MHO.


Anita said that what was most distracting about my pics was the hair color! Yes, I am way overdue at the salon… to look my best. i tend to wait until the last moment when I'm going on a cruise because the fade for red is so fast! I just try to get as much mileage out of the salon appointment as I can when I go on vacation.


I don't think that analyzing one color is going to be sufficient to make an informed judgment. I tell you; I was seeing so much information in the pics that I was taking that I just started whipping off tops and putting on tops. I realize that I need to take a little bit of time to get my hair tucked behind my ears, etc to allow for better study of the comparison/contrast of the pictures.


Kim, do you have an opinion on where these purple colors lie in the palette of Bright, True, or Light? I like the first and the third the best, followed by the second and the fourth. That is my order based upon what I see in skin tone.

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Debbie, I think Kim was wondering more about having on the makeup than the picture sizes. I don't think that having makeup on throws off this attempt to find out whether we're better in Light, True, or Bright as much as it does when you're trying to find out the Main Season. Just MHO.


As Roseanne Rosananadana used to say, "Neee-ver-mind." LOL


I'm still taking baby steps with this, but believe it or not, Pam, I didn't even pay attention to your hair other than to notice the overall color looked lighter/brighter in True Spring and darker overall in Not True Spring and I noticed your changing lip color. I was just that intent in looking for changes in your skin. Isn't it funny what we notice about ourselves. My daughter notices things about me too though. Sometimes, before I notice.

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Debbie. Help with placing these purples into the respective categories. Anita has the opinion that the color on the farthest right is LIGHT. She thinks the 3rd one from the left is BRIGHT. If that's the case wouldn't you think the 4th one would be BRIGHT as well?


I wonder if the pictures will tell the same story?


So, in order of appearance, it might be True, True, Bright, Bright, True, Light. On the other hand, it might be Light, True, Bright, Bright, Light, Light… because there is a sense of haziness or fogginess to those couple of colors.


Is this too hard? Should I just post the pics and let them tell the story? I just want to make sure the story is being told in an understandable way! :eek:


Kim, is more coming?


This is probably my last set of pictures for today; the light has changed dramatically in the house so I don't think it makes for a great comparison study.

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