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Marriage License Carnival's Response

Warm Breezes

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It's not confusing. It's very plain and simple. The only time a photo ID is acceptable without a BC is an "enhanced" ID. There are additional requirements for an ID to be considered enhanced. Don't ask me what that is because most states do not have them. You can google search it I'm sure and it will explain it in more detail. They have never allowed a "normal" state issued photo ID as the only verification, NEVER.

Again have people sailed with two different names on an ID and BC without bringing the marraige licenese, sure. But could the gate agent enforce the need to bridge those two documents, YEP. I know she said she is bringing it and it's the best thing to do. I am simply trying to point out that Carnival is not giving her two conflicting stories but that she is simply not understanding what is on Carnival's website.

Let me just make this crystal clear. The "technical" requirements from Carnival to sail closed loop without a passport is:

One of the following:
Enhanced photo ID
Birth Certificate
Also a photo ID with matching name to the BC. If names do not match then a document supporting the name change is required.

Will gate agent enforce??? Who knows, maybe not. Would I take that chance of missing my cruise? Heck NO!!! It don't get any clearer than that.
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[quote name='MpwdMom']We sailed a few months ago...we had certified BCs and our DLs. No problem. And by the way, my maiden name is not on my DL.[/quote]

Good, congrats to you. But this is not the information people need to know about. This just makes it more confusing. I guarantee somewhere, someplace there is someone who has been denied boarding because they didn't bring the marraige license. Carnival has every right to request it at check in because it is posted on their website. Don't bring it and in my opinion your taking a big chance on an expensive cruise.
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[quote name='Warm Breezes']The WHTI documents do not mention needing a marriage license and no one has mentioned customs asking for marriage licenses. The issue seems to come when embarking. Therefore Carnival is the right people to ask since it is their employees processing you at embarkation and it is their document rules that allow you on their ship. WHTI rules allow you into the country...Carnival's rules get you on the ship. Just trying to make sure everyone has the proper documentation to get them on the ship.[/quote]

Sorry but I respectfully disagree. Do you think Carnival cares if you sail with more then a valid credit card?

The requirements are there for 2 reasons:

[*]Homeland security can verify the identity of anyone travelling on the ship.
[*]ICE can verify your citizenship when you return.
Failure on Carnival's part would result in heavy sanctions from either of the above 2 agencies. So if Carnival says you need a certain document it is because one of the 2 above has stated it is necessary.

The only requirement Carnival itself has for a marriage license is to confirm that 2 persons under 21 are in fact married and therefore can stay in a cabin without a 25 year old being present.
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[quote name='jmorgania']It's not confusing. It's very plain and simple. The only time a photo ID is acceptable without a BC is an "enhanced" ID. There are additional requirements for an ID to be considered enhanced. Don't ask me what that is because most states do not have them. You can google search it I'm sure and it will explain it in more detail. They have never allowed a "normal" state issued photo ID as the only verification, NEVER.

Again have people sailed with two different names on an ID and BC without bringing the marraige licenese, sure. But could the gate agent enforce the need to bridge those two documents, YEP. I know she said she is bringing it and it's the best thing to do. I am simply trying to point out that Carnival is not giving her two conflicting stories but that she is simply not understanding what is on Carnival's website.

[COLOR=red]Let me just make this crystal clear. The "technical" requirements from Carnival to sail closed loop without a passport is:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]One of the following:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Enhanced photo ID[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Birth Certificate[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Also a photo ID with matching name to the BC. If names do not match then a document supporting the name change is required.[/COLOR]

Will gate agent enforce??? Who knows, maybe not. Would I take that chance of missing my cruise? Heck NO!!! It don't get any clearer than that.[/quote]

And I'm supposed to just take your word on this? This is NOT what the Carnival Documentation states, nor what the WHTI states. It is your interpretation that you have not proven to me with written documentation. Please point out where what I have highlighted above is documented anywhere. I need to see to believe or I will keep questioning.
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[quote name='jmorgania']It's not confusing. It's very plain and simple. The only time a photo ID is acceptable without a BC is an "enhanced" ID. There are additional requirements for an ID to be considered enhanced. Don't ask me what that is because most states do not have them. You can google search it I'm sure and it will explain it in more detail. They have never allowed a "normal" state issued photo ID as the only verification, NEVER.

Again have people sailed with two different names on an ID and BC without bringing the marraige licenese, sure. But could the gate agent enforce the need to bridge those two documents, YEP. I know she said she is bringing it and it's the best thing to do. I am simply trying to point out that Carnival is not giving her two conflicting stories but that she is simply not understanding what is on Carnival's website.

Let me just make this crystal clear. The "technical" requirements from Carnival to sail closed loop without a passport is:

One of the following:
Enhanced photo I
Birth Certificate
Also a photo ID with matching name to the BC. If names do not match then a document supporting the name change is required.

Will gate agent enforce??? Who knows, maybe not. Would I take that chance of missing my cruise? Heck NO!!! It don't get any clearer than that.[/quote]

LMAO!!! Now people are going to be freaking out because they do not have an "enhanced DL" OMG! This is hilarious!!!
I am crystal clear in what is needed and it is a certified B.C. and gov. issued photo id...(drivers license)
The most important thing that people are missing is that the boarding pass and photo id MUST MATCH........
You don't need a mairriage cert to get a freakin passport why in the world would you need one to board a cruise ship:confused: Unless of course your boarding pass has your maiden name and your photo id has your married name...... and what Duck said regarding underage cruisers....that's it period! Good grief:rolleyes:
If it makes you feel better bring it.......just like if it makes you feel safer in port.....then take your passport....... but both are not required...
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[quote name='jmorgania']Good, congrats to you. But this is not the information people need to know about. This just makes it more confusing. [B]I guarantee somewhere, someplace there is someone who has been denied boarding because they didn't bring the marraige license[/B]. Carnival has every right to request it at check in because it is posted on their website. Don't bring it and in my opinion your taking a big chance on an expensive cruise.[/quote]

Really you can guarantee this:confused:
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[quote name='big_duck']Sorry but I respectfully disagree. Do you think Carnival cares if you sail with more then a valid credit card?

The requirements are there for 2 reasons:

[*]Homeland security can verify the identity of anyone travelling on the ship.
[*]ICE can verify your citizenship when you return.
[/LIST]Failure on Carnival's part would result in heavy sanctions from either of the above 2 agencies. So if Carnival says you need a certain document it is because one of the 2 above has stated it is necessary[COLOR=red] And do one of the 2 above say a marriage license is necessary? If so please link it for me.[/COLOR].

The only requirement Carnival itself has for a marriage license is to confirm that 2 persons under 21 are in fact married and therefore can stay in a cabin without a 25 year old being present.[/quote]

This is what I thought... but the Carnival Rep told me otherwise. So if Carnival can stop me for embarking for a requirement they don't have documented, I'd kind of like to know about it.
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[quote name='jmorgania']Good, congrats to you. But this is not the information people need to know about. This just makes it more confusing. I guarantee somewhere, someplace there is someone who has been denied boarding because they didn't bring the marraige license. [COLOR=red]Carnival has every right to request it at check in because it is posted on their website[/COLOR]. Don't bring it and in my opinion your taking a big chance on an expensive cruise.[/quote]

You have yet to show me where it is posted on their website. I sure can't find it.
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[quote name='jkbec1']Why are so many people against getting a passport? Their value over the long run far exceed the initial cost. Plus its the only documentation you will ever need when traveling, not to mention it makes getting on the ship faster.

The only reason that I could see not getting a passport is that you have a criminal record that prevents you from getting one.:eek:[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I totally agree!! I guess some folks just like drama in their lives:rolleyes: @ OP...yes I am bring up the passport issue because this is a OPEN board and I chose to reply to this post!!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='zqvol']While I understand that you do not want to turn this into a passport thread, the real truth is that[B][COLOR=Red] IF you have a passport you do not have any of these issues[/COLOR][/B].[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Do I hear an AMEN!!!!!;)[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='makeup face'][COLOR=darkorchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I totally agree!! I guess some folks just like drama in their lives:rolleyes: @ OP...yes I am bring up the passport issue because this is a OPEN board and I chose to reply to this post!!!![/FONT][/COLOR][/quote]

And I will choose to no longer respond to replies that are not dealing with question this thread is trying to get answered.:rolleyes:
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[quote name='jmorgania']Good, congrats to you. But this is not the information people need to know about. This just makes it more confusing. I guarantee somewhere, someplace there is someone who has been denied boarding because they didn't bring the marraige license. Carnival has every right to request it at check in because it is posted on their website. Don't bring it and in my opinion your taking a big chance on an expensive cruise.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I like you:D But no matter how hard you try to reason with folks......some of them just won't get it....but you tried:)[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Warm Breezes']And I will choose to no longer respond to replies that are not dealing with question this thread is trying to get answered.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I believe that's a wonderful idea....[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='cb at sea']......no married woman's BC and DL will have "matched" names....[/quote]

What? Of course they will!

If you've been married 10 times and kept the surname you were born with rather than change your surname to your husbands', your surname will never change. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='cb at sea']I've NEVER brought a Marriage lic/cert......no married woman's BC and DL will have "matched" names....it's the birth date they;re looking at...
It's really not needed.[/QUOTE]

Friends who were traveling with us (married 40+ years) were detained because she did not have a marriage license with her and her name was not the same on "all" documents. She had her birth certificate and DL. So I recommend having it!
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[quote name='brcris75']Friends who were traveling with us (married 40+ years) were detained because she did not have a marriage license with her and her name was not the same on "all" documents. She had her birth certificate and DL. So I recommend having it![/quote]

Was she denied boarding:confused:
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[quote name='makeup face'][COLOR=darkorchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I like you:D But no matter how hard you try to reason with folks......some of them just won't get it....but you tried:)[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote]

Reasoning:confused: Looking for cold hard facts baby:D
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[quote name='Kurbanfan']Was she denied boarding:confused:[/QUOTE]

Luckily it was a week day and we live in a small town or this might not have been possible, but they called our local court house and had a copy faxed. They were allowed to board after being detained for an hour while waiting for it.
Thing is.... there were 4 couple of us, 2 of us couples had passports. The other couple were not questioned about a marriage license!! The guy who was checking in the couple who did have a problem was young and cocky. I feel he was just trying to throw his so called authority around! And sadly it I guess he was able to! But, bottom line is.... you really need to take it just incase!!!!
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Warm is taking hers.... just in case. I took mine after we got married, but never needed it. My DL matched my booking. Of course, my BC did not.... but.... My DL shows that my middle name is also my maiden name (confusing I know... lol), so that could be why I didn't have to show my ML. I don't know....

I just know this is another thread that has gotten out of hand........... and off topic.
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I just went back and read your initial post. You said your driver's license has your current (married) name on it. Does your current DL ALSO have your maiden name on it, too? Here in Texas, women have to put their maiden name (as the middle name) on the DL.

MY DL has my first name, maiden name, and my married name. Before I got my passport, I only had to bring my birth certificate and my DL. My maiden name was on both so no marriage cert. was needed for any of my cruises.

My passport is set up the same way. All three names are on it. Makes it much easier.

If this was discussed in a previous post, I apologize, I must have missed it.
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[quote name='brcris75']Luckily it was a week day and we live in a small town or this might not have been possible, but they called our local court house and had a copy faxed. They were allowed to board after being detained for an hour while waiting for it.
Thing is.... there were 4 couple of us, 2 of us couples had passports. The other couple were not questioned about a marriage license!! The guy who was checking in the couple who did have a problem was young and cocky. I feel he was just trying to throw his so called authority around! And sadly it I guess he was able to! But, bottom line is.... you really need to take it just incase!!!![/quote]

Had a copy of a certified cert faxed:confused: Something does not add up......
Did anyone happen to tell him the other couples did not have a marriage cert:confused: Did anyone call a supervisor:confused: And we still don't know if she would have been denied boarding if she couldn't have one faxed....
People get detained all the time for mistakes......but there has never been any reports of anyone being denied boarding because they did not have a marriage cert.......now there have been reports that some have been denied because they didn't have the proper birth certificate.....
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I believe the point here is if your drivers license has your maiden name and married name on it, then no need for a marriage cert. If your license doesn't have your maiden name on it, then you need a copy of your marriage license. Makes total sense to me. It's as simple as that.
Carnival wants to see the maiden name on your birth certificate either on your DL or on a marriage certificate.
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[quote name='ChrissyBTX']I believe the point here is if your drivers license has your maiden name and married name on it, then no need for a marriage cert. If your license doesn't have your maiden name on it, then you need a copy of your marriage license. Makes total sense to me. It's as simple as that.
Carnival wants to see the maiden name on your birth certificate either on your DL or on a marriage certificate.[/quote]

Where does it say that:confused:
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[quote name='Kurbanfan']Where does it say that:confused:[/quote]

[COLOR=#ff0000]Names on Travel Documentation
It is important that guest names on travel documents (passport, birth certificate,
etc) and Government-Issued Photo I.D be identical to those on the cruise and airline
tickets. In the event of a different name (name change), documentation supporting
this change is required. [/COLOR]

My maiden name is on all three (passport, birth cert, & DL). Yes, if you're married you have a new last name, but if your maiden name is on both, then that should work. It's always worked for me.

If the OP does NOT have her maiden name on her DL, then I totally understand why she would need a marriage cert.
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