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Norovirus why do I always get it?


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Well, to kill noro you have to use bleach. I think the purell is for other bugs like the flu. The cruiseline probably don't want cruisers spraying bleach everywhere damaging the ships property and other cruisers' property. Bleach can make a real mess.


Hand washing for 1 minute will wash off noro. But the minute your hands touch anything else such as the back of a dining room chair, silverware, breadbasket.... they can be contaminated again. Then all you need to do is transfer what is on your hand to your mouth and you are infected.


The other problem that makes noro so hard to control, is it takes very little of the virus to make you sick.


Just do the best you can, I don't think there is a magic bullet if many folks are infected including crewmembers.

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Besides washing hands which is the most important, start taking Airborne a few days before the cruise to boost the immune system. My DH flies a lot due to work and he has not had a cold in years. We love the product. There are others that compete with it and probably work as well.


There is no scientific evidence that airborne "boosts your immune system" or prevents colds. In fact, Airborne, due to a lawsuit, has been forced to remove claims that it had any effect on preventing or "curing" a cold from their labeling.


The placebo effect is powerful.




Take it if you like, but don't kid yourself that it's anything more than an expensive vitamin.

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Here's my two cents worth. Wash your hands frequently. I must use hand rails and yep, I'm an elevator button pusher. I also eat in the Windjammer, but make sure I arrive just as its opening, so we are the first to handle the serving utensils, as much as possible.

I also agree we're all becoming germophobic..

I go about my life normally, and haven't "picked up" anything yet. (I probably just jinxed my next cruise)..


I also try not to eat in restaurants the week prior to my cruise, and I stay away from kids aboard too. For many reasons lol


I do wash my hands when I get to my stateroom and just before I leave it. No reason except I'm old and tinkle alot..lol


No assumptions here, but some folks inbibe copious amounts of alchol while onboard. Sometimes this has the same results as "tummy" troubles. I once nearly killed my liver with tiquila shots and was very ill for several days. That would seem like Noro to some people, I'd think.

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The argument that we disinfect too much as a society does not hold water. Sure, if you disinfect your kid from birth on, every day and keep them in a bubble, they may develop problems. But each of us is exposed to billions of bacteria every day as we cannot possibly avoid them all unless we live in a bio hazard suit.


Purell does kill Noro and other bacteria and viruses. It does so by actually KILLING it on the spot like bleach. IF it is 60 percent alcohol or over. There are no alcohol resistant germs. If there were, many more people would die in surgery. It has been used for centuries along with other preps such as iodine. There are bacterial soap and wipe resistant bugs, however. That's because they kill by weakening the germs slowly, but do not kill at once. They do not kill on contact. You need alcohol or bleach or iodine to kill on contact.


There is nothing wrong with protecting your vacation by wiping, washing and sanitizing like a madperson. It takes little time and works if you do it right and keeps you healthy so you can enjoy that expensive fun you just paid for. It also works when you live with a sick person. I can't tell you how many time I've avoided hubby's ailments by wiping, washing and sanitizing until he is well. Yes, it's a pain, but it's better than getting sick!


The rest of the time, I, and I would hope others, do not take precautions except to sanitize after touching shopping carts, doctor's office surfaces, etc. There is no risk of becoming immune to germs this way. Now, indiscriminate use of antibiotics for bacterial infections, use of antibacterial soap and use of wipes without scrubbing well? Different story.

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People are becoming a bunch of germaphobics. You cant avoid it forever unless you live in a vacuum. You have probably built up an immunity from having it. The Chinese wore masks to prevent themselves from getting hog virus and they didnt know they were actually protecting everyone else by preventing their germs from escaping not germs from gettin in. You're gonna get near a kid or someone somewhere. It makes me laugh.:D:D:D


Personally, I expose myself to every germ possible.


I do not wash my hands, I touch doorknobs, I slide my hands down every inch of every handrail, I eat food past expiration dates, and do other things that I won't mention.


I have never been sick. I truly believe my system has an immunity to most germs.

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Knowing your position on cruise ships and respecting that authority, I accept what you say to be true. But I don't understand why the cruise lines put Purell dispensers all over the place if they give false sense of cleanliness and, if what you say is true, actually make the spread of virus more likely given many guests REASONABLY expect the Purell is providing protection. Why would the cruise line require their use before entry to the dining room? Why put them in all public areas if they are ineffective?


As an American who cruises frequently, I wash my hands well and often but also make use of the Purell at entrance dining areas. Should I stop using them? :confused:




The CDC has strongly recomended that cruise lines stop placing Purell Dispensers all over the place, giving people a false sense of security and possibly increasing the risk of infection.

Many cruise lines have followed that recommendation.

Every cruise line that has reduced or eliminated the Purell dispensers has seen a marked decrease in NLV infection and outbreaks.


Unfortunately,the removal of Purell dispensers is only a recomendation - not a requirement.


Should you stop using them?? Of course not - so long as you do not consider the hand sanitizer as a substitute for hand washing.

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The CDC has strongly recomended that cruise lines stop placing Purell Dispensers all over the place, giving people a false sense of security and possibly increasing the risk of infection.

Many cruise lines have followed that recommendation.

Every cruise line that has reduced or eliminated the Purell dispensers has seen a marked decrease in NLV infection and outbreaks.


Unfortunately,the removal of Purell dispensers is only a recomendation - not a requirement.


Should you stop using them?? Of course not - so long as you do not consider the hand sanitizer as a substitute for hand washing.



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The CDC has strongly recomended that cruise lines stop placing Purell Dispensers all over the place, giving people a false sense of security and possibly increasing the risk of infection.

Many cruise lines have followed that recommendation.

Every cruise line that has reduced or eliminated the Purell dispensers has seen a marked decrease in NLV infection and outbreaks.


Unfortunately,the removal of Purell dispensers is only a recomendation - not a requirement.


Should you stop using them?? Of course not - so long as you do not consider the hand sanitizer as a substitute for hand washing.


When I stated earlier we were very proactive in using the germ killer wipes and liquid even after going thru the buffet line, that was in addition to constant hand washing. We never put food in our mouth with our hands nor bring our hands to our mouth. So with this much action of trying to keep Norovirus at bay, the only logical conclusion we could come up with as to why I got it and my sister didn't was one of the crew members cooking got it in the food and I directly ingested it.


While some claim the sanitizers do not kill the Norovirus, they do kill many other germs that cause illness to people so I do not agree with your statement that the ships should take them out. That would mean all the stores that have them at the front entrances also. I do believe the swine flu was kept at bay by consistently using the sanitizers. When people see the dispensers, I don't believe they think Norovirus, but an added precaution to other germs that would invade their vacation.


Since I had to follow up with my doctor upon my return of having the Norovirus I will follow those instructions and to continue my use of 30 second hand washing, using something other than fingers for elevator buttons and doors, and using the added precaution of the sanitizers. I cannot prevent an employee in the food preparation of giving me the Norovirus.

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Some people just have super senstive systems and get sick. Just like some people never catch a cold, others always are fighting it.


The only sure way to not get something is to not be crowded togather with thousands of people who have just passed contact with tens of thousands or hundred thousands of other individuals from all over the world. On a ship you can be sure you will be exposed to lots of things regardless of whether you wipe everything before you touch it. You share the same elevator, hallways, dining room, air gets recirculated and many nasties float. That will always be the case with these crowded places, if you already have a long history then all you can do is prepare and be ready that it will happen and have all the right treatments.


Good luck!


Please help!!


Why do I keep getting Norovirus when we cruise?

I wipe down the cabin with bleach wipes I also buy liquid bleach and disinfect the bathroom.

I have no health issues. I just don't want to see the "hit" squard in white full body bio-hazard looking suits this cruise.

We will be on a 29 day cruise Sydney to LA.


Thanks for any information you can give me so I can have a save cruise.



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How true. I just came off the Grand today and saw a number of men use the bathroom facilities, then leave without washing their hands. But my favorite was the guy who lifted the plastic dome, grabbed 2 rolls barehanded, coughed on the remaining food, and then replaced the dome. I told a passing steward about it and he took away the food, but who knows if it reappeared in a few minutes?


If norovirus hits a ship, the crew ends up with a lot of extra cleaning. Neither the crew nor the cruise line want to go to the trouble and expense of cleaning just for the minor cost of a plate of food.


Personally, I expose myself to every germ possible.


I do not wash my hands, I touch doorknobs, I slide my hands down every inch of every handrail, I eat food past expiration dates, and do other things that I won't mention.


I have never been sick. I truly believe my system has an immunity to most germs.


You are the guy passing it around to everyone!

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People are becoming a bunch of germaphobics. You cant avoid it forever unless you live in a vacuum. You have probably built up an immunity from having it. The Chinese wore masks to prevent themselves from getting hog virus and they didnt know they were actually protecting everyone else by preventing their germs from escaping not germs from gettin in. You're gonna get near a kid or someone somewhere. It makes me laugh.:D:D:D


Sure you can avoid it, I have and I just got back from my 21st cruise. I'm not a germaphobe but I an concientious about washing my hands when I've been in public places and useing hand sanatizing wipes after I've gone through the buffet.


My sister and I police each other about touching our faces. If I catch her she has to give me $5 of her gambling money and same if she catches me.


After I leave the casino I go straight to the BR to wash my hands, then when I get to the bar and before I squeeze my lime into my bloody mary I use a hand wipe.

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There is no way to guarantee, but like others said, wash, wash wash. Don't touch the hand rails and hit the elevator button with the back knuckle of your hand not the tip of your finger. When you go to the buffet, pick up your food, then don't touch your silverware until you have washed you hands with hand sanitiser.

Zinc is a great immune booster, airborne has a lot of differnt things that boost immunity. But some people are just more prone to catching everything that comes along. My daughter and I got it one time, my husband got it 4 days after us, and my son never did catch it. That year I worked in a hospital that was overun with Noro, I didn't get it until 1 1/2 weeks into my vacation, too late to have brought it with me. But somehow I survived 4 months of it at work just fine.

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To be healthy, you need a strong immune system. To have a strong immune system, it needs to be exposed to germs frequently.


By bleaching everything in your environment, you are weakening your immune system.


Tips to avoid the virus....strengthen your immune system year-round through exposure to germs.


Take vitamin D supplements.

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The argument that we disinfect too much as a society does not hold water. Sure, if you disinfect your kid from birth on, every day and keep them in a bubble, they may develop problems. But each of us is exposed to billions of bacteria every day as we cannot possibly avoid them all unless we live in a bio hazard suit.


Purell does kill Noro and other bacteria and viruses. It does so by actually KILLING it on the spot like bleach. IF it is 60 percent alcohol or over. There are no alcohol resistant germs. If there were, many more people would die in surgery. It has been used for centuries along with other preps such as iodine. There are bacterial soap and wipe resistant bugs, however. That's because they kill by weakening the germs slowly, but do not kill at once. They do not kill on contact. You need alcohol or bleach or iodine to kill on contact.


There is nothing wrong with protecting your vacation by wiping, washing and sanitizing like a madperson. It takes little time and works if you do it right and keeps you healthy so you can enjoy that expensive fun you just paid for. It also works when you live with a sick person. I can't tell you how many time I've avoided hubby's ailments by wiping, washing and sanitizing until he is well. Yes, it's a pain, but it's better than getting sick!


The rest of the time, I, and I would hope others, do not take precautions except to sanitize after touching shopping carts, doctor's office surfaces, etc. There is no risk of becoming immune to germs this way. Now, indiscriminate use of antibiotics for bacterial infections, use of antibacterial soap and use of wipes without scrubbing well? Different story.


If you dig deeply into all the studies that have been done with alcohol based sanitizers, you will discover that those with 60% or higher alcohol concentrations can kill viruses IF - and it is a VERY BIG IF - the alcohol stays LIQUID, and in contact with the virus spores, for at least 2 minutes.


Most dosages of sanitizer from the dispensers do not deliver enough of the liquid to adequately remain on the hands long enough to do any serious sanitizing before evaporating.

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While I agree that hand washing is the best defense. The main thing is using my own personal sanitizer after handling the menu in the dining rooms. All those menu's get stacked together, reused, then used some more. While I agree with a lot that has been said, that you have to have a certain amount of contact with germs to get your immunity up. I still take precautions such as washing my hands often, keeping a towel to open the door when leaving then throwing out on deck.


So far these have worked for me. Have your next trip is illness free.

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If you dig deeply into all the studies that have been done with alcohol based sanitizers, you will discover that those with 60% or higher alcohol concentrations can kill viruses IF - and it is a VERY BIG IF - the alcohol stays LIQUID, and in contact with the virus spores, for at least 2 minutes.


Most dosages of sanitizer from the dispensers do not deliver enough of the liquid to adequately remain on the hands long enough to do any serious sanitizing before evaporating.


Which is why you should not trust those stupid dispensers they put in the dining rooms and around the ship and use your own. You don't what percentage of alcohol the ships use. I use Purex I think it is, from Walmart. It's cheap for a huge bottle that you can refill you tiny pocket bottle from. You put a bunch of the stuff on you hands, enough to stay wet for a couple of minutes. Even though it's alchohol, they put something else in it and makes your hands really soft! It's no trouble at all to massage it into you hands for a couple of minutes AFTER you touch something, not before you enter the dining room.

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Wash, wash, wash and don't touch! Don't touch the handrails, door knobs, anything other people touch. Of course it is inevitable that you will touch surfaces other people touch so when you do be sure to go in the bathroom and wash your hands for the length of happy birthday. Personally I do not trust the hand sanitizers, I am old fashioned and like soap and water best. I would also suggest you talk to your doctor to see what would help improve your immune system. Be sure to practice all this on the way to the ship, overnight at the hotel, etc.


So very true. When I'm on board I don't touch ANYTHING with my hands. I feel like a crazy germophobe using my elbow to push elevator buttons or to hit the handicapped door opener on the ladies' room entrance door, but it seems to work. Heck, I'd wear gloves if it wasn't so horribly obvious (and really - I've never found a pair that matched my swimsuit LOL)! I wash my hands constantly and keep a small hand sanitizer bottle with me when I'm out on excursions.

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When you remove that bottle of sanitizer from your purse, you are doing so with 'dirty hands'. When you finish using it and return it to your purse after 'cleaning your hands', you touch the dirty bottle and your hands are now unclean again.


How do you manage your dirty bottle, zipper/closure on your purse, purse straps etc with your clean hands? Among the dirtiest things we touch are our pocketbooks/backpacks/totes.



Also, when we come back to the ship, everything we are carrying gets placed on the x-ray conveyor for security to inspect. Everyone else's dirty bags, totes, diaper bags that were dropped on the sidewalk, placed on the floor in the restaurant, brushed against the dirty wall etc were put on that same conveyor.

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When you remove that bottle of sanitizer from your purse, you are doing so with 'dirty hands'. When you finish using it and return it to your purse after 'cleaning your hands', you touch the dirty bottle and your hands are now unclean again.



:eek:Maybe if you got another bottle of sanitizer to sanitize the other bottle?:eek:












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Purell has not been proven to be that effective on Noro, but it kills most other bacteria and viruses. You can, however, purchase a non alcohol based sanitizer with benzalkonium chloride in it which does. You can get a 2 oz size on Amazon for 6 bucks. Easy!


Also, is it not assumed that people know to wash their hands as often as possible? Alcohol has trouble killing germs on hands soiled with fat or proteins from food, for instance. It is unwise to sanitize hands that are visibly soiled. If your hands are that dirty, then you need to wash them first.


Sanitizers are for those times between hand washings.

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Please help!!


Why do I keep getting Norovirus when we cruise?

I wipe down the cabin with bleach wipes I also buy liquid bleach and disinfect the bathroom.

I have no health issues. I just don't want to see the "hit" squard in white full body bio-hazard looking suits this cruise.

We will be on a 29 day cruise Sydney to LA.


Thanks for any information you can give me so I can have a save cruise.




Are you sure its NOROvirus or is it just a plain, simple but very miserable virus from getting overtired and eating too much?

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