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What does THIS cruise means to you???


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I just started typing a response to another thread and thought about how there are so many reasons that THIS cruise might be important. So many weddings, anniversaries, proposals and different celebrations..


This cruise to me will be one to remember because my father has moderate alzhiemers. When we booked the cruise he wasn't even included. But we all really needed a vacation because he was very sick this summer. Heart Attack, Stomach cancer and three week hospital stay. But he came through it all and was even better physically than before. But after we booked he was diagnosed with Alzhiemers and we knew we couldn't leave him behind - but we still needed a vacation.


So this will most likely be our last vacation together (at least one that he knows who we are). I hope to take a million pictures. I hope I can see him enjoy just one or two things. I hope to see him enjoy his youngest (and probably last) grandchild. I hope to get a great picture on formal night of my parents together. I hope the sea calms his jitters and he sleeps well. I hope he remembers the dozen or so other cruise he has taken with my mother. I hope he hits a Royal Flush while playing video poker (that would make him so happy!)


It's not JUST a cruise. It's a chance to stop time and enjoy what we have even if it's only for 7 days.


I'm sure there are alot of other people planning a very special cruise! Why is this special for you?

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Holy Cow!! My eyes are brimming with tears as I read this! I am so thankful that you will have this opportunity. The pictures and memories I have of my mother-in-law are so cherished. I pray that everything you hope for will come true!


This cruise is a celebration of graduates! We are on child #3 and #4 graduating. We started a tradition with our oldest that we took a larger "senior" vacation and are continuing it. This was even more special for me because I am a senior, too, and am graduating from college the day before my daughters graduate from high school. This kind of trip is all about them!

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Oh, I like the potential for this thread!


This cruise is special to us first, because it's Dan's first cruise ever. Second, it's our first cruise together, and really our first vacation together. A little back story about us...we met when we were 11 and 12 years old, and were friends for years, and best friends in High School. I went off to college, and hit a pretty tough personal time. I moved back a year later, and though Dan and I tried dating for a month, but I just wasn't ready to see him that way. Then 12 years ago this month I up and moved away, without a word to him. I got married, lived some life, had my son, and almost two years ago my now ex-husband and I separated, and eventually divorced.


Then last January, on the 8th (10 months tomorrow!) Dan sent me a message and friend request on Facebook. Our relationship has been the most amazing experience of my life, next to having my son. He still lives back in VA, and I live in MN, so it is a long-distance gig right now, so we just go back and forth every few months. He has taught me what love is all about. He is my best friend, and the love of my life. We have not vacationed together, other than going back and forth to VA and MN to see each other. This is a long, long time coming, and it's basically the culmination of our first year together. I have a feeling it will be really, really special.


And, between you and me...I think he might be planning for it to sparkle.

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Holy Cow!! My eyes are brimming with tears as I read this! I am so thankful that you will have this opportunity. The pictures and memories I have of my mother-in-law are so cherished. I pray that everything you hope for will come true!


This cruise is a celebration of graduates! We are on child #3 and #4 graduating. We started a tradition with our oldest that we took a larger "senior" vacation and are continuing it. This was even more special for me because I am a senior, too, and am graduating from college the day before my daughters graduate from high school. This kind of trip is all about them!


WOW congradulations on YOUR achievment! Both in graduating yourself and coaching your children through it!


Job well done!

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Oh, I like the potential for this thread!


This cruise is special to us first, because it's Dan's first cruise ever. Second, it's our first cruise together, and really our first vacation together. A little back story about us...we met when we were 11 and 12 years old, and were friends for years, and best friends in High School. I went off to college, and hit a pretty tough personal time. I moved back a year later, and though Dan and I tried dating for a month, but I just wasn't ready to see him that way. Then 12 years ago this month I up and moved away, without a word to him. I got married, lived some life, had my son, and almost two years ago my now ex-husband and I separated, and eventually divorced.


Then last January, on the 8th (10 months tomorrow!) Dan sent me a message and friend request on Facebook. Our relationship has been the most amazing experience of my life, next to having my son. He still lives back in VA, and I live in MN, so it is a long-distance gig right now, so we just go back and forth every few months. He has taught me what love is all about. He is my best friend, and the love of my life. We have not vacationed together, other than going back and forth to VA and MN to see each other. This is a long, long time coming, and it's basically the culmination of our first year together. I have a feeling it will be really, really special.


And, between you and me...I think he might be planning for it to sparkle.


That is cool.. Ya know -- it is so much better to be friends before anything else. And who knows you better than the kid you played baseball with at 12!!!

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dannymissy - congrats on the new relationship!!! :) Sounds like you are both going to have a very happy future together.


I don't have one planned right now - hoping to go last minute just as a vacation for hubby and me. 6 years ago we finally got my father in law on a cruise with us and I took tons of pictures!!! Was such an incredible vacation to have with him. We lost him 3 years later and feel very blessed for all the time we had with him. I still look at the cruise pictures and can't believe we got him to go!!! :)


Enjoy each and every minute!

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Just over two years ago, in October 2008, my mom died rather suddenly. We were truly best friends, and I missed her terribly.


A few months later, two girlfriends and I planned a cruise---the first for all of us. It was something I'd always wanted to do but couldn't convince husband.

Booking that cruise in early 2009 for early 2010 gave me something to look forward to...something to be excited about...literally a reason to get out of bed some days. It got me through 2009.


I came home from that cruise in January in LOVE with cruising and convinced husband he and I should go. We booked the Legend for December and having that cruise to look forward to has been a blast for us! It's made the year fly by quickly, and now we're nearing the 30-day mark until we leave.


Enjoy your cruise, OP. Life is indeed short, and we should cherish every moment.


Mom...miss you still...

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you guys have the best reasons for a cruise and such good family memories to be had im feeling a bit selfish for my reason. im a single mom for 14 years , raised 3 kids alone, the oldest is out on his own doing his thing, but the other two and i are very close. i asked my youngest soon to be 18 what he wanted for graduation, his sister to swim with the dolphins, he wanted a cruise. so i worked tons of extra hours and got enough to take us on a cruise, i had to invite his sister i sometimes get panic attacks when out of my comfort zone and didnt want that to hinder his cruise. its going to be a great time for us, he is graduation and leaving in june for the military,my daughter will be moving in feb or march with her dh and my dgd, the joy of my life, to their first duty station. when planning this i realized a side reason for me to do it, i will be alone for the first time in my life in a matter of months and i want this memory something special for all of us.

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you guys have the best reasons for a cruise and such good family memories to be had im feeling a bit selfish for my reason. im a single mom for 14 years , raised 3 kids alone, the oldest is out on his own doing his thing, but the other two and i are very close. i asked my youngest soon to be 18 what he wanted for graduation, his sister to swim with the dolphins, he wanted a cruise. so i worked tons of extra hours and got enough to take us on a cruise, i had to invite his sister i sometimes get panic attacks when out of my comfort zone and didnt want that to hinder his cruise. its going to be a great time for us, he is graduation and leaving in june for the military,my daughter will be moving in feb or march with her dh and my dgd, the joy of my life, to their first duty station. when planning this i realized a side reason for me to do it, i will be alone for the first time in my life in a matter of months and i want this memory something special for all of us.


That is exactly what I feel.. STOP time for just a moment and let me get a snapshot of life now!!


You'll be fine and your children will do well.. ENJOY every second of your cruise!

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I think I know why and where this thread was thought of but I'll share my story again and why THIS cruise will be so special to us.


This cruise will be special to my husband and I because it will be a celebration sorta, to the end of follow-ups and the beginning of a new journey.

We were suppose to go in Feb. 2010 but was cancelled abruptly to emergency surgery I had to have Jan 25th and we were unsure of how long I'd be in the hospital recovering many miles away in Ohio.


Here's the story if you care to read.....


Fortunately, the outcome was the best of all possibilities.


I will share my story since everyone else has, but I apologize if I bore anyone.


I was born a 24 week preemie, weighing 1lb 12oz, so I had my share of medical conditions, dr. visitis and pokes, prods and pricked. When I was a baby/child I had my airway rebuilt so that I could live without having a trach for the rest of my life (had one the first 3 years of my life before getting it permanently taken out). I had check-ups from the time I had it rebuilt to until I was about 10 years old. My airway had stopped growing granulation, which is a good thing, so we didn't have to come back, unless we felt we needed to.

Fast forward 15 years, October 2009, I came down with bronchitis and started choking, so I instantly knew something was wrong and not right. Before I got bronchitis my husband thought maybe I had asthma, only to have a 2nd opinion (a better doctor IMO) and be told it wasn't asthma at all, it was my airway. He said I needed to go to Gainesville or Cinci.

This past January we went to Ohio (thankfully my pediatric otolaryngologist was still practicing and agreed to see me), thinking it'd be a quick fix but we were told we weren't leaving until it was fixed. Once we were told that, we made arrangements for everything, including canceling our cruise for Feb 2010. We got all our money back except our deposit. We ended up being there for 4 weeks.

I had a tracheal resection done on my airway (cut out the very narrowed part and sewed the 2 good half's back together) as an end result. I have had 5 follow-ups since that surgery and this last one, there was no build-up/granulation/scar tissue growing.

We were free to go and have a family!


My husband and I wanted to start trying this past March to have a family but that caught us by surprise in January, which now that we look back, is a blessing in disguise! That is why this cruise is going to be so special to us!


We love cruising and hope to introduce our children to it, haha!

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I just started typing a response to another thread and thought about how there are so many reasons that THIS cruise might be important. So many weddings, anniversaries, proposals and different celebrations..


This cruise to me will be one to remember because my father has moderate alzhiemers. When we booked the cruise he wasn't even included. But we all really needed a vacation because he was very sick this summer. Heart Attack, Stomach cancer and three week hospital stay. But he came through it all and was even better physically than before. But after we booked he was diagnosed with Alzhiemers and we knew we couldn't leave him behind - but we still needed a vacation.


So this will most likely be our last vacation together (at least one that he knows who we are). I hope to take a million pictures. I hope I can see him enjoy just one or two things. I hope to see him enjoy his youngest (and probably last) grandchild. I hope to get a great picture on formal night of my parents together. I hope the sea calms his jitters and he sleeps well. I hope he remembers the dozen or so other cruise he has taken with my mother. I hope he hits a Royal Flush while playing video poker (that would make him so happy!)


It's not JUST a cruise. It's a chance to stop time and enjoy what we have even if it's only for 7 days.


I'm sure there are alot of other people planning a very special cruise! Why is this special for you?


This is why I love family cruises/trips, the memories last a lifetime!!!!! I pray you get to do all the things you want to with your Dad and he enjoy it.

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Ok you guys are making me cry.


I hope each and everyone of you have wonderful cruises.



I also suffer panic attacks when i am out of my comfort zone-which is home and my familiar surroundings. I am fine when I am home. I love to travel, but I never travel without my klonapin. I have gotten where I don't have to take it as often now as I used to, but it helps knowing I have it if I get that feeling.

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I think I know why and where this thread was thought of but I'll share my story again and why THIS cruise will be so special to us.


This cruise will be special to my husband and I because it will be a celebration sorta, to the end of follow-ups and the beginning of a new journey.

We were suppose to go in Feb. 2010 but was cancelled abruptly to emergency surgery I had to have Jan 25th and we were unsure of how long I'd be in the hospital recovering many miles away in Ohio.


Here's the story if you care to read.....


Fortunately, the outcome was the best of all possibilities.


I will share my story since everyone else has, but I apologize if I bore anyone.


I was born a 24 week preemie, weighing 1lb 12oz, so I had my share of medical conditions, dr. visitis and pokes, prods and pricked. When I was a baby/child I had my airway rebuilt so that I could live without having a trach for the rest of my life (had one the first 3 years of my life before getting it permanently taken out). I had check-ups from the time I had it rebuilt to until I was about 10 years old. My airway had stopped growing granulation, which is a good thing, so we didn't have to come back, unless we felt we needed to.

Fast forward 15 years, October 2009, I came down with bronchitis and started choking, so I instantly knew something was wrong and not right. Before I got bronchitis my husband thought maybe I had asthma, only to have a 2nd opinion (a better doctor IMO) and be told it wasn't asthma at all, it was my airway. He said I needed to go to Gainesville or Cinci.

This past January we went to Ohio (thankfully my pediatric otolaryngologist was still practicing and agreed to see me), thinking it'd be a quick fix but we were told we weren't leaving until it was fixed. Once we were told that, we made arrangements for everything, including canceling our cruise for Feb 2010. We got all our money back except our deposit. We ended up being there for 4 weeks.

I had a tracheal resection done on my airway (cut out the very narrowed part and sewed the 2 good half's back together) as an end result. I have had 5 follow-ups since that surgery and this last one, there was no build-up/granulation/scar tissue growing.

We were free to go and have a family!


My husband and I wanted to start trying this past March to have a family but that caught us by surprise in January, which now that we look back, is a blessing in disguise! That is why this cruise is going to be so special to us!


We love cruising and hope to introduce our children to it, haha!


I think congradulations are in order!! Best wishes to you and your growing family!!

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Wow! What amazing stories! I loved reading each and every one and I hope that all of you get exactly what your hearts desire!


"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"


May you all have a lot "breathless" moments!

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This cruise 5 weeks from today is very special for my husband and I. It will be for our 10 year anniversary and we are calling it our hell and back 1st ten years together cruise. We never had a honeymoon after our wedding in Dec 2000. I even spent the morning of my wedding in the hospital ER due to me having a severe allergic reaction to some medicines that I was taking. Totally not a way to start out your wedding day!! On top of that (we live in AL) it decided to SNOW!! Us Southern folk don't know how to handle snow and everything closes down. We were getting married in Atlanta and my husband was 2 hours late and I finally made it there with my family very much red, itchy, no hair done, but I had my dress and that was the important part. I was only 3 hours late for my own wedding and I wasn't having second thoughts :-)

Not many people were able to come to our reception since all the roads were being iced over and more snow was on the way. We did have a honeymoon planned but with school and work we didn't want to get stuck somewhere and not be able to get home, so we decided to cancel our honeymoon.

I was so tired from being itchy and red and being up most of the night, the next day I feel asleep and slept for the next 20 hours. My poor new husband really didn't know what to do with a wife who didn't do anything but sleep.

That was the start of our exciting 10 years of marriage. We have had many ups and downs. Our first son was born 10 months and a day after we were married. Benjamin only stayed with us for 20 hours and I now have an angel in heaven. We have since welcomed 1 furbaby, Nutmeg, and 3 beautiful girls into our family. We have had 14 addresses in 10 years, moved across the country 4 times, i put my husband through college and now he is returning the favor, gone through 2 layoffs with work, had to short sale our home, learned to live life with a commission only job, and still made it though. Much stronger and I would not have done it with anyone else.

That is why I am so excited to get on a boat and finally celebrate with my best friend! and of course say cheers and I wonder what the next 10 years will bring us?!?!?!

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This will in part be celebrating our 36th anniversary. But it is also a cruise for me to look forward to. For the last 3 years have been horrible. I spent a year helping to look after my parents and watching my Mum die a horrible death of cancer. Then another year of watching my Dad die and my best friend. My father in law also died. Then I ended up with pnumonia 4 times in a year along with the H1N1 flu. That combined with pnumonia really did a number on me. As well I had bronchitis and a bad rash and a foot that was fractured. I am ready for a rest and relaxation as well as time alone with my husband.


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We started planning a Spring Break cruise with our kids while we were still on the Valor during Spring Break this past April. Our youngest daughter will be graduating from HS in 2011, and heading off to college. It began as a trip for hubby, daughter, and youngest son, and now includes 4 of our daughter's friends, another of our daughters and my mother. Having the opportunity to see our daughter really enjoy a last hurrah with her best friends before leaving the nest is reason enough to celebrate. Then, about a month after our last cruise, I was in a minor car accident. A few broken bones, but no injuries I thought were too serious at the time. Truly things are not always what they seem. After months of physical therapy I've had to have surgery, another month of PT and now a diagnosis of other trauma related problems that are considered chronic and potentially debilitating. I can honestly say anticipating our April cruise on the Dream, including reading the boards on CC has been a major stress reliever. My family will definitely need the cruise as much as I do, as I suspect living with someone who is largely confined to the house and not greatly mobile is stressful:( April can't come fast enough for this cruising family!

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Love reading the stories. Mine not so interesting, but special nonetheless:


This cruise, Feb 2011 - DB and SIL's 39th anniversary


Next cruise, May 2011 - DS's 21st bday present

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My husband and I are renewing our Vows in Cozumel on our 20th anniversary. When we were first married we went to the marriage commissioner on a Friday afternoon, and our family was not with us. It was my second marriage and I didn't want the hoopla that goes with a wedding.


For years I have said that my perfect wedding would be on a beach, and I even hoped that my daughter would choose a destination wedding. Well after my father was diagnosed with terminal primary liver cancer, and my aunt unexpectedly died, I decided that life is short and we never know what the future holds, and instead of hoping someone else will live my dream, I decided to live it. We are having a casual, but hopefully intimate and meaningful ceremony at Nachi CoCom, and some of our closest friends and family decided to come and celebrate this moment in our lives as well.


The best part is that even if we were to wind up in a lifeboat, next to a freak iceberg off of the Coast of South America we would be better than okay because after 20 years we know that life isn't easy, but together we can weather anything.

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This cruise is for my husband, a man who has sat by my bedside for the last two years wishing me well. Fighting against all odds, praying constant. I had a heart attack when I 40 he was told I might not survive. I did WooHoo. Then was struck with a pulminary embli, he was told I might not survive, I did WooHoo, only to find out I had an 11cm tumor. Once again he waited I survived. WooHoo. I am doing extremly well and my docs say I am all good to go. I am going to make sure he knows what a wonderfull man he is while we are on this cruise. WOOHOO.:D

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I hope all of you have an enjoyable and pleasantly memorable cruise. While you are with loved ones be sure to tell them everyday that you love them and then continue after you return. When said from the heart it can never be said too much.


I lost my parents to senile dementia and alzheimers. I never failed to let them know that i loved them everytime we were together and was fortunate that on occasion they would recognize me and understand.


My wife and I will soon be taking a cruise as we start our retirement. With whatever time we have to enjoy our later years together I will be sure to start and end my day with those same words.



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one thing i know for sure all of us will be having the time of our lives not finding negatives for anything on our cruises when we all get back we should start a thread about how joyful they were how thankful we are and how excited we are to live and love

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