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What does THIS cruise means to you???


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Do cherish the little moments though. One of the most wonderful things that I treasure about my grandmother is something she said when she couldn't remember who I was anymore.


I walked in one day, and she gave me a big hug and a kiss. I asked her: "Do you know who I am?". She paused for a second, smiled and said: "I don't know who you are. But I know that I love you...."[/size]


I have smiled on some stories and teared up on the rest. I LOVE this thread and all the stories so far I have read, I will be keeping up with this one.


Tapi OMG this statement really had me what a beatiful thing to hear from a woman you love who can't remember you.... Awesome!


Java1234 I'm so sorry for your loss, I have lost both my parents mom was 50 and dad was 63 still young and even though it hurt especially my mom she was my best friend I am sure it's much harder to lose a child. May God bless you and your family and everyone else on this thread.


My 1st cruise on the Tropicale in 1995 was only 4 weeks after I lost my mother I know she would have loved cruising. :-)

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First of all, thanks to all the stories. They are uplifting in their own way.


This is kind of long winded but since you asked.... My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer about five years ago. Her and my father were about to head off on a Panama Canal cruise when she got the news. They were to leave in a week, but the Dr wanted to take out part of her lung immediately. They had to cancel the cruise (thankfully they had insurance). The operation went well and they removed all tumors. She was clear after that.


My partner and I were doing the Freedom cruise to Panama and Costa Rica last year and thought it would be great to take my parents as a gift. I sat everything up and we were all ready to go. Unfortunately, the cancer came back and it was time for another operation. Once again they had to cancel while my partner and I did the cruise without them. The tumors are spread out now so they could only get the major ones. Aside from that they could only take out so much more of her lung. The operation went well so they decided to go to Alaska with us last May before she was to start more chemo. The trip was fantastic and my mother started her treatments the day after we got home.


She spent the whole summer doing chemo treatments and they have done a good job. Her tumor growths have been minimal so the DR gave her a break in treatments. I was about to leave on a solo cruise in August when she found out she was getting a break. I told her to pack her bags and come with me. She did and we had a great cruise. We spent a lot of time together and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. She was so happy to be out at sea. She was thinking she had a few more rounds of chemo to go before it really took a turn for the worse.


However, her tumors still remain largely unchanged. Her doctor is still holding back on further treatments. She has no chance of being cured, but she is still thriving. Her doctor is amazed. I am booked on Liberty of the Seas for another solo cruise at the end of this month. My mother called with the news from her doctor and asked if she could come along again. I put her on the reservation as soon as we got off the phone. She called me today to talk about how excited she is to get another chance at being on the sea.


Yes, that was long but I guess my point is that we never know what is going to happen. I thought for sure Alaska would be my last trip with my mother. Now six months later we will be doing our third cruise together. As long as her doctor will let her, then we will keep making memories.


This is my mom on the Imagination slide in August. She looks pretty happy for a 73 year old woman with stage four cancer!



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Wow, this thread has me crying me eyes out. So glad I didn't read it while at work.


My next cruise- well, it's a gift for me, from me, to celebrate me. It's all about me.


Why? I'm living in the year of me, this year started May 1 2010 when my mum and I went on the Crown Princess, because our prior year and a half was spent taking care of my dad and being stressed.


Long winded, but I want to type it out, hopefully some of you will want to read it.


December 2008 dad took his yearly 'lay off' and was going for knee surgery in the spring.

Pre-op- heart murmur found

June 2009- find out he was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, and it's now almost completely calcified (around 94%) he needs surgery as soon as possible.


That summer were lots of tests and appointments, surgery scheduled for Aug 24, but about 4 days before that there was a major storm, our dogs are small and afraid of storms, got under my dad's foot he fell and shattered his knee cap.


other issues there, but basically the hospital pushes his surgery to Sept 3- (recovering from a valve replacement is hard, but he did awesome and with a still shattered knee cap)


Oct 3- knee surgery (huge issues here) he ended up with an infection,


We had 2 cruises scheduled for December, we went because we would have lost all the money, no insurance, had a good time, wheelchair on Liberty, RCi Majesty was a pain (lots of stairs, broken wheelchair)


THe kicker though, before we left he was told his first heart surgery didn't work, and he had to have another one done- soon.


Feb 3- valve replacement take 2


Comes home, massive infection in a wound, back to hospital for another week, iv antibiotics for 3 more weeks at home, wound being cleaned by nurses for 2 more weeks on top of that.


End of April 2010, finally feeling better, mum and I can cruise.


During that time I took care of my dad, and my mum (while she worked crazy hours) I worked as a supply teacher too. I cooked, cleaned, went to doctors appointments, hospitals, pushed my dad around in a wheelchair everywhere, and got very frustrated with the health care system.


I barely saw my friends, never went out on dates, because I was needed.


Came home from my cruise in May, (dad is doing well now, his knee is still messed up and his ribcage still isn't fully healed but he's good) started applying on jobs, got a teaching job in China, full time Dramatic Art, took it and we were given a 3 week holiday, so I decided to book a cruise.


So yeah, I'm living in the year of me.... (my goodness I'm sorry that was so long, but it feels good to get it out)

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I grew up on the east coast and every year we went to the beach for vacation. My dad and I had a ritual of running down to the water to stick our toes in, even before checking in to the condo. (My mom used to get so mad at us.)

My dad, who had Parkinson's Disease, lived with me and my family for 10 years. The last trip to the ocean with my family, I knew would be his very last. But we still walked very slowly down to the water and we all put our toes in the water. I cried. My dad died in 06 after a very long, happy life.

This cruise is for our 20th Anniversary. We have raised two beautiful girls, took care of my two parents, survived everything a 20 year marriage survives. And we are only 40ish! Yeah for us!! Time to celebrate!!

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This has turned out to be an awesome thread. It does open my eyes as well to my fellow cruisers. In light of that - when I was in Nassau Bahamas in 2008 a large local "insisted" to put a local bead necklace on me and demand money. When I didn't he took it off my neck. It was so rude that I got more mad the more I walked. I walked back by him and started yelling at him that he was ruining people's lifetime vacations that they have saved and worked very hard for. When I was done he was apologizing and trying to give my the necklace for free as I walked away. I didn't take it but I think I left him with a different view of the visitors to his island.

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This cruise is special to me because I finally booked that holiday cruise I've been talking about for years. Every other year my son is with his dad on Thanksgiving and I go see friends, which is fine b/c he and I have our own Thanksgiving before or afterwards. However, I always have all this time to myself and always say that I should just take off somewhere fun. This year I'm gone for 8 sweet days to my favorite destination-a cruise ship. 10 DAYS TO GO!

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I am looking for a cruise to book with my parents right now! LoL They are in their late 60's and have never been on a cruise. That is something that I want to share and enjoy with them. My love of cruising.


Thank you all for your stories.

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Wow! What a GREAT Thread. Cudos to the original poster for this one.


Well, to the original poster......I work with the elderly population everyday and previously was a recreational therapist specializing in Alzheimer's disease, I will tell you it was the most enriching job to have working with this population and more importantly working with the families that were affected. God Bless your family and your Dad.......what a GREAT idea to take him on this cruise and create awesome memories! Have the most wonderful cruise!!!



Now, why is this and so many past cruises so important to us ....hmm where to begin. Well this will be my DH and my 20th cruise comming up so we have lots and lots of awesome memories .......his mother passed away 3 years ago now but prior to that she went on two cruises with us (had never been on a cruise her whole life) , we have the most outragous fun pictures and memories of her on those cruises-priceless! We have celebrated college graduations......engagements.......anniversaries ......birthdays

on a number of our cruises! The past 5 years we decided that since the kids were all older now we would offer them a cruise around christmas time instead of "presents under the tree" , well needless to say it was a HIT with the kids and we have been doing it every year now. We have 8 kids , now 20 to 32 and not all of them can join us on every cruise each year but some years we get lucky and get most of them......again PRICELESS memories. The cruise is our treat each year and I take loads of pics durring our cruise, we get home always before Christmas eve, I run out to the photo mart and have all the pics made up and get copies made for each kid and put them in individual photo albums and wrap them up and give it to them on Christmas morning along witih some goodies in their stockings. They LOVE it and look forward to their photo albums every year! Now and then we take them all out and have hours of fun laughing at past Christmas time cruises!!! I hope we continue to do our Christmas Holiday cruises EVERY Year for the rest of our lives!! We just LOVE it!


Our next one is comming up December 13th!!! We all can't wait!



Thanks for sharing all your stories......awesome!

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This cruise is special because: we can, & we deserve it! Have survived over 30 yrs of married life, 2 kids & taking care of fil for 10 years. My younger son & I had a tradition of taking a long weekend at the beach in October. It was special mom & son time, a break from the school year. Prices were cheap and the ocean was still warm. I got a break from house work & caring for elderly fil. For some reason, my husband re-arranged his work schedule & wanted to come along with his father. I wasn't really pleased, as this was a break for me! I felt I was just taking all the work & responsibilities with me. Dad had a good time; really appreciated the bikini clad roller bladers! (he was old, not dead). Every time one skated by his wheelchair, he would look styward as though thanking the lord for the view. We had a pretty good time; he only wandered off once & the hotel staff helped find him (of course, we were the ones who were lost!). We had time to take pictures & one was of him, looking whistfully out the car window. It was the last picture of him ever. He died in his sleep about 4 mos. later & I am glad my husband "imposed" this vacation & memories on us.

We have cruised now & again for over 20 years. Since grandpa's death, we do it at least once a year with a special group of friends. Life is too short not to enjoy what & when you can!

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First of all, thanks to all the stories. They are uplifting in their own way.


This is kind of long winded but since you asked.... My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer about five years ago. Her and my father were about to head off on a Panama Canal cruise when she got the news. They were to leave in a week, but the Dr wanted to take out part of her lung immediately. They had to cancel the cruise (thankfully they had insurance). The operation went well and they removed all tumors. She was clear after that.


My partner and I were doing the Freedom cruise to Panama and Costa Rica last year and thought it would be great to take my parents as a gift. I sat everything up and we were all ready to go. Unfortunately, the cancer came back and it was time for another operation. Once again they had to cancel while my partner and I did the cruise without them. The tumors are spread out now so they could only get the major ones. Aside from that they could only take out so much more of her lung. The operation went well so they decided to go to Alaska with us last May before she was to start more chemo. The trip was fantastic and my mother started her treatments the day after we got home.


She spent the whole summer doing chemo treatments and they have done a good job. Her tumor growths have been minimal so the DR gave her a break in treatments. I was about to leave on a solo cruise in August when she found out she was getting a break. I told her to pack her bags and come with me. She did and we had a great cruise. We spent a lot of time together and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. She was so happy to be out at sea. She was thinking she had a few more rounds of chemo to go before it really took a turn for the worse.


However, her tumors still remain largely unchanged. Her doctor is still holding back on further treatments. She has no chance of being cured, but she is still thriving. Her doctor is amazed. I am booked on Liberty of the Seas for another solo cruise at the end of this month. My mother called with the news from her doctor and asked if she could come along again. I put her on the reservation as soon as we got off the phone. She called me today to talk about how excited she is to get another chance at being on the sea.


Yes, that was long but I guess my point is that we never know what is going to happen. I thought for sure Alaska would be my last trip with my mother. Now six months later we will be doing our third cruise together. As long as her doctor will let her, then we will keep making memories.


This is my mom on the Imagination slide in August. She looks pretty happy for a 73 year old woman with stage four cancer!




AWESOME PICTURE! Enjoy every minute you have!! Thanks for sharing with us!

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WOW! You got me hook, line and sinker with this thread!


Here's my story.


The last cruise I went on was in November, 2008, on Fantasy out of NO to Progreso/Cozumel. I took my mom for her 75th birthday.


Ironically, her birthday is November 8th, today.


She passed away in Feb of 2009. It was her last birthday and her last cruise.

I am SOOOOOO thankful we went and made so many memories.


We were in Cozumel the day of her BD. We all ate lunch at Margaritaville. They made such a time of her BD, putting a balloon hat on her, singing to her and yelling and all. It was great!!


This cruise (January 15, Elation!) is in remembrance of mom. We will go to the same places. I can't wait to visit the beach where she sat and enjoyed the sunny day on her last BD. It will be bitter sweet to eat at Margaritaville and remember her laughing on her last BD.


But every place we visit on this cruise will bring back a wonderful memory! It is so much more than "cruising" and the memories made will last.


I can't wait. Happy Birthday, mom.


Wishing your Mom a belated Happy Birthday. Enjoy your cruise and your memories!

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My last cruise was special because it was the first time that I have taken a vacation will ALL of my siblings and my mother. My two oldest sisters were out of the house by the time I was born so they never took vacations with us. I am now 34 years old and we finally all got together! We had all 5 of us kids in the family, our mother, a niece and a nephew and other friends. The only missing piece was my father who passed away a couple years ago. We had tried getting a family vacation together several years ago when he was still alive, but it never came to pass. So that made this vacation extra special. I know that my dad was with us in spirit and that he would have been so happy to see us all together enjoying life!



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Dear OP - so sorry you have to go through this. I lost my dad to Alzheimers in 2003 - it is one of the most devastating illnesses out there. I will never forget the time when he stop remembering his children and grand children - devastating to the family. I wish you all a fantastic cruise. To have gone through this with my dad only made my resolve that much deaper to enjoy life....my kids, now 19 and 15 have been travelling with us since 2001!! we are blessed to financially be able to experience these travels as a family! we are going on the Dream on Feb. 26th, the four of us.......these are memory making moments for sure......enjoy it! Joanne

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When we booked the cruise it wasn't for a special reason, we just watned to take a cruise! I am a first year teacher and it has been a crazy year! My cruise has become something to look forward to and will be a reward to myself for not pulling all my hair out....hopefully! :D

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This cruise is my "getaway" from the world right now. My son was in an accident 6months ago yesterday. He's with the angels now. He LOVED travelling and the first big trip I took my kids on was the Big Red Boat. He tried everything different on the menu-a 8 year old who LOVED escargot, sushi, anything and everything different. He never met a stranger and loved meeting new people and going new places. The last 6 months have been so rough. There is something healing about the ocean. I will think about all the trips we shared as a family; wishing there would be more. The last trip we took as a family was on the Conquest 8 years ago. We were all disappointed that we didn't get to do the "discover scuba" trip as the winds were too high in Cozumel. After that, he never got the chance to go again-off to college-then to the working world. This trip means stepping out of the "have-to-dos" and just "be" for a week.

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This cruise is my "getaway" from the world right now. My son was in an accident 6months ago yesterday. He's with the angels now. He LOVED travelling and the first big trip I took my kids on was the Big Red Boat. He tried everything different on the menu-a 8 year old who LOVED escargot, sushi, anything and everything different. He never met a stranger and loved meeting new people and going new places. The last 6 months have been so rough. There is something healing about the ocean. I will think about all the trips we shared as a family; wishing there would be more. The last trip we took as a family was on the Conquest 8 years ago. We were all disappointed that we didn't get to do the "discover scuba" trip as the winds were too high in Cozumel. After that, he never got the chance to go again-off to college-then to the working world. This trip means stepping out of the "have-to-dos" and just "be" for a week.


So so sorry to hear about your son! We are taking the same cruise. I hope we meet next week.. Ops I mean in 4 days! I know we are all going to have a great time!

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This cruise is sort of a make up trip for husband... we planned to go away to Cuba at xmas and then other family members joined in on that trip... so I booked this cruise for just hubby and I.

We both work long hours and usually 6 days a week for him and I work a full time and a part time job 7 days per week.

This trip is all about us, no phone, no big truck, no other family, just us.. I planned every detail, taking care of everything, all he knows is we are going away on a cruise and he better be home to pack. He does not know about the excursions, the reservation for the chefs dinner, the dinner plans with the roll call group, the up coming reservation at the spa for shave, the 3 bottles of liquor that will be in our room when we board... heck he does not even know what room we are in .... Lido balcony. He only cares that i am there and I only care that he has a great time. It has been a really tough couple of years for him, prostrate cancer, heart condition, lung condition, loss of a job. Things are good now for him and I love that man and just want him to know even after 32 years if he would ask me to marry him again i would answer the first time with a yes, instead of the hell i put him through the first seven times he asked and I said said yeas on the seventh


he is a very good man and just want him to know it.

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Wow, this thread has me crying me eyes out. So glad I didn't read it while at work.


My next cruise- well, it's a gift for me, from me, to celebrate me. It's all about me.


Why? I'm living in the year of me, this year started May 1 2010 when my mum and I went on the Crown Princess, because our prior year and a half was spent taking care of my dad and being stressed.


Long winded, but I want to type it out, hopefully some of you will want to read it.


December 2008 dad took his yearly 'lay off' and was going for knee surgery in the spring.

Pre-op- heart murmur found

June 2009- find out he was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, and it's now almost completely calcified (around 94%) he needs surgery as soon as possible.


That summer were lots of tests and appointments, surgery scheduled for Aug 24, but about 4 days before that there was a major storm, our dogs are small and afraid of storms, got under my dad's foot he fell and shattered his knee cap.


other issues there, but basically the hospital pushes his surgery to Sept 3- (recovering from a valve replacement is hard, but he did awesome and with a still shattered knee cap)


Oct 3- knee surgery (huge issues here) he ended up with an infection,


We had 2 cruises scheduled for December, we went because we would have lost all the money, no insurance, had a good time, wheelchair on Liberty, RCi Majesty was a pain (lots of stairs, broken wheelchair)


THe kicker though, before we left he was told his first heart surgery didn't work, and he had to have another one done- soon.


Feb 3- valve replacement take 2


Comes home, massive infection in a wound, back to hospital for another week, iv antibiotics for 3 more weeks at home, wound being cleaned by nurses for 2 more weeks on top of that.


End of April 2010, finally feeling better, mum and I can cruise.


During that time I took care of my dad, and my mum (while she worked crazy hours) I worked as a supply teacher too. I cooked, cleaned, went to doctors appointments, hospitals, pushed my dad around in a wheelchair everywhere, and got very frustrated with the health care system.


I barely saw my friends, never went out on dates, because I was needed.


Came home from my cruise in May, (dad is doing well now, his knee is still messed up and his ribcage still isn't fully healed but he's good) started applying on jobs, got a teaching job in China, full time Dramatic Art, took it and we were given a 3 week holiday, so I decided to book a cruise.


So yeah, I'm living in the year of me.... (my goodness I'm sorry that was so long, but it feels good to get it out)


This post made me chuckle..(EDIT - ONLY BECAUSE I CAN RELATE) It started out as I NEED A VACATION. (that's the ME ME part). Long version would bore everyone.. but get this.. Mom in hospital getting hip replacement.. House Under contructions all ceilings getting replaced. Dad confined to about 3 rooms at a time.. Construction behind schedule. Sister lives across the street. We are trying to get house in shape. Check on Dad.. Need to rush to ER.. They find stomach cancer.. He has heart attack.. Get home at 3am locked out.. Hang out across street zombie like.. Parents in two different hospitals.. Go to Mother's hospital (sister gonna do talking LOL she breaks down) tell Mom - she wants to leave. Drive to Dad's hospital.. Yeah cancer, he's not a canidate for surgery. Brothers drive 1300 miles down. Decision time. Cardiologist calls "YOU NEED TO DO THE SURGERY.. LET ME WORRY ABOUT HEART.." (second time this man saves my father's life - 10 years ago 6 way bypass no one else would do).. Surgery.. looks good.. brothers drive 1300 miles home. Looks bad.. Can't get him off respirator.. day after day after day.. Then he gets off. Fathers day he comes home. Doing great.. OK cool. Let's take that vacation. Book cruise.. (again ME) Three weeks later.. He has alzhiemers.. (not that we didn't suspect.. but his PC Dr. kinda brushed that off till the day he went to see my father in the hospital and my dad didn't know who he was.. (LOL!!)) But it's still a ME vacation.. ME and Dad and Mom and Sis and Nephew! LIFE IS GOOD!!! (oh yeah and 4 days)

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What does this cruise mean to me? This is a hard question b/c I absolutely love to cruise. My husband & I have been married for over 9 years now & have been very fortunate to go on a lot of really wonderful vacations. Why? Because we don't have any children. Not that we don't want any, we have been trying to have a baby for 7 years. I had to use injectible fertility meds which were emotionally grueling & very expensive. The 1st time I finaly got pregnant was in 2007, only to miscarry at 11 weeks. That was very devistating & scary at the same time b/c I had to have a D&C & never had surgery before. We went on a cruise shortly after to get away from everything & spend alone time together. Since then I have had 2 other early miscarriages but no cruise in between. This past June I suffered a 2nd trimester loss. My water broke way too early,I was on bed rest in the hospital for several days & on June 16,2010, our son Colin Drew was born sleeping. That was & always will be one of the most difficult days of our lives.


So not that I don't want to go on this cruise but I wish I couldn't have.


This will most likely be our last crusie for quite a while b/c right after we get back from this fabulous vacation we are going to go on the fertility rollercoaster once again. If it turns out badly just like everytime in the past we are going to adopt and therefore will probably not be able to afford to go for at least 10 years which would be ok if I have a beautiful baby to snuggle & bond with.


So in all this cruise to me means the end of one chapter in my life & the opening of another much more wonderful time in our lives.

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OP - Thank you for this thread!


I asked her: "Do you know who I am?". She paused for a second, smiled and said: "I don't know who you are. But I know that I love you...."


Tapi - that brought back a flood of memories of my own Grandmother. It's good to be reminded of that kind of pure love, even though it makes me cry. Thank you for sharing.


This cruise means so much to me, because I have made both my mother come to tears. My mother, and mother in-law were both celebrating big milestone birthdays this year. So we bought them a cruise. Sure it's a cheap, short cruise, but my mother is disabled, and wouldn't be able to do this financially herself, and DMIL was overwhelmed by the gift, that she also was in tears.


The motivation behind booking this cruise is cancer. We are traveling with someone currently battling brain cancer. They removed my cancer last year, and this year's check gives me the all clear, but my Aunt was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer that had already spread to other organs by the time they found it. This is my favorite Aunt, and my Mother's closest sister. The doc's gave my Aunt 2 months to live, and we knew it was not going to be good. That put her dying right around the holidays. We decided my mom would need the distraction of a cruise this year, being the first year without her best friend and sister. So we booked for both our moms. Aunt Sandy past away last week, the night after my mom's birthday. Thank goodness for the distraction of Carnival to ease the pain of heartbreak.


Thank all of you wonderful people living through the pain of life, and looking forward to the celebration, and sharing your stories. May your travels be blessed.

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What does this cruise mean to me? This is a hard question b/c I absolutely love to cruise. My husband & I have been married for over 9 years now & have been very fortunate to go on a lot of really wonderful vacations. Why? Because we don't have any children. Not that we don't want any, we have been trying to have a baby for 7 years. I had to use injectible fertility meds which were emotionally grueling & very expensive. The 1st time I finaly got pregnant was in 2007, only to miscarry at 11 weeks. That was very devistating & scary at the same time b/c I had to have a D&C & never had surgery before. We went on a cruise shortly after to get away from everything & spend alone time together. Since then I have had 2 other early miscarriages but no cruise in between. This past June I suffered a 2nd trimester loss. My water broke way too early,I was on bed rest in the hospital for several days & on June 16,2010, our son Colin Drew was born sleeping. That was & always will be one of the most difficult days of our lives.


So not that I don't want to go on this cruise but I wish I couldn't have.


This will most likely be our last crusie for quite a while b/c right after we get back from this fabulous vacation we are going to go on the fertility rollercoaster once again. If it turns out badly just like everytime in the past we are going to adopt and therefore will probably not be able to afford to go for at least 10 years which would be ok if I have a beautiful baby to snuggle & bond with.


So in all this cruise to me means the end of one chapter in my life & the opening of another much more wonderful time in our lives.


Hopes and prayers for you-being a mom is the most wonderful thing! I wouldn't have traded it for anything

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This really takes me back a ways. I planned a group cruise on board Carnival Destiny in November 2008. We had approximately 60 folks to sail with my group. I started planning in 2007 and started gathering up all of my friends and family members to sail, had sign-up parties, etc. My mom came to all of my planning events but I couldn’t convince her to go. She was then diagnosed with cancer February 2008 and passed away two months before the cruise. It’s almost as if she knew she wouldn’t be around to go. She would have had a great time. My dad came with me and while we had a nice time I really wanted her there.

I’m cruising next month on Serenade of the Seas with my honey just to hang out and have a good time and I know my mother will be there with me in spirit as always.

I miss her dearly and wish I still had her in my life. RIP Ma.

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