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Are you as mad as me about the price gouging?


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Excellent post.


I would also suggest to the OP, in the future VOTE with your WALLET, the real arbiter in a Capitalistic environment. Take your 25% discount on a Carnival cruise and then move on to another cruiseline if you feel you were wronged.


FWIW, I booked a cruise (a very generous gift from my son's girlfriend) 2 days ago for 7 of us on the MIRACLE Dec. 5th. While I was talking to a Carnival rep to get 1 suite and 3 balcony cabins, she said she had to wait for some of the SPLENDOR "holds" to release. She said its never been done before, but anyone that was cancelled on the SPLENDOR got the ADDED BENEFIT of a one hour hold on their inquiry to decide what to do and one of the balconies was "on hold for an hour". The wait for that balcony caused us to have to book 2 suites and 2 oceanviews to make this cruise, which was date sensitive for us.


I'm not griping, I was impressed that Carnival would show this extra consideration for their guests who had been inconvenienced by the SPLENDOR incident. And I didn't get the added suite either, was bumped to an oceanview. :(


Hey Glrounds,


You say your cruise is date sensitive so a different date would not work for you. I believe the OP is in the same boat. (no pun intended)


Since there is not much availability for her date from the west coast and CCL has not refunded her money yet she is kinda stuck the way i see it, but I seem to be in the minority here.






I can sympathize with the OP's plight, Bill. We (actually Melissa) paid an outrageous price for these cabins from a Carnival PVP (seldom have used them in the past for this reason) compared with other quotes I got less than 3 weeks ago from my online sources.

We (Melissa) paid MUCH MORE for 2 junior suites and 2 oceanviews than we would have paid for 1 grand suite and 3 great balconies ! ! We coulda shoulda purchased 3 weeks ago, but that's life. We (Melissa) just bit the bullet and we moved on.

(Also got "nailed" big time on the airfare) :eek:

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There are a lot of people on here not being so understanding for others. Give them a break. I have read how people get all pissy about how Carnival served them tea with too little ice. These aren't outlandish requests from passangers that got a big inconvenience placed on them.


Be a little bit more understanding, and offer some advice. There are some mean people in here.

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If you are as mad as I am about the price gouging and the way Carnival is handling canceled guest then you should do what I did and contact Good Morning America.



here is the link, and I used "submit a news item" in the drop down menu


This link should work. But if it doesn't

1. search "good morning America"

2. click on Consumer

3. scroll to the bottom of the page (blue section)

4. click on Contact us

5. Click on Contact Good Morning America

6. Fill in the form.


I am not mad at Carnival for canceling the cruises on the Splendor. It had to be done. But they way they handled it was wrong!

Not allowing us to cancel and transfer the booking to another ship without penalty and then 5 days later, they cancel our cruises and that same minute the prices double and triple on the other sailings! That is price gouging at it's finest. I know all about supply and demand and the computers probably reacting to a sudden onset of cruises getting rebooked, but when we called in, we should have been allowed to rebook at the price the cruise was the day before!

I am not aking for anything for free. Just fair!



I real all 8, mostly hateful, pages of this and I still agree with the OP. I am not affected by any of this, but yes, I would be upset about Carnival not being willing to transfer my booking at the Splendor price that was cancelled, especially if I were willing to forego the 25% future discount in order to cruise now during my vacation when I have flights paid for. Yes, I also think Carnival would be more cooperative if a big media voice like GMA got on them for it. Hope it works out Janet. Why be so condemning on here, people? Can't you just say, "No, I don't agree" without being nasty?

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OP - sorry you have such a problem - with both your cruise and a bunch of keyboard cowboys with nothing better to do than revel in other's misfortunes. Don't let 'em get you down. Karma will take care of them sooner or later.

Hope your situation works out.

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You keep repeating this. WHO CARES that you knew passengers that "didn't complain?"(I find this hard to believe, btw.)


Your friends or family might be the most laid-back people in the universe, but I guarantee they're part of a minority.


I for one would be very upset if my vacation turned into a nightmarish ordeal filled with cold showers and "hot dog salads". I think most would. Sounds worse than water boarding, to me.


And you act like going to GMA is some petty crime against humanity. This is a pretty big deal, effecting lots of people. I am interested to hear about the problems. I like to know my cruise lines, and who I'm giving my money to. Have I lost some respect for CCL? Yes. Will I still book with them? Yes.


Oh please don't.

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Many of the replies on this thread are so typical of a thousand others where someone criticizes a cruise line.

Where is the line for 'elite members' ?:rolleyes:


Carnival offered three choices for those that had cruises booked that had to be cancelled plus a 25% discount. One option included a full refund plus 25% off future cruise in 24 mos.


The OP is getting bashed because of the way she handled being thrown a curveball especially when she went screaming and hollering about price gauging and went to GMA for attention. She is all over various threads with her rantings. So, because people don't agree with her actions you, her and her "Matey's" attack those that voice their disagreement. Little double standard going on there don't you think! Attack those that disagree with her!


I think everyone understands OP and others disappointment at having a cruise cancelled and having to reschedule one. OP was offered options and as OP's stated when in similar situations they rebooked a cruise months after their original one was scheduled. I, too, was in that situation and booked mine 8 months after the original one was cancelled. It cost me a little more than the original one but I didn't go ranting and raving like a spoiled child that can't have what they want when they want it, etc.


What happened to the Splendor was unfortunate especially for the passengers, Crew and Captain (and, of course, Carnival). It was unfortunate for the passengers who had cruises booked on her. If you want to bash my opinion stating it is "typical where someone bashes a cruiseline", enjoy yourself!

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Wrong. There is a difference between attacking and showing my disdain for the elitist attitudes displayed here. OP made it clear her options were limited and was flamed by anonymous bullies, one of which acknowledged that he couldn't relate to her problem. Just because you choose to accept their efforts as acceptable doesn't mean everyone has to. She simply asked if anyone else was as angry as she. She couldn't have trolled the topic and gotten more predictable responses.

Walk a mile in her shoes and then talk.

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Gawd, some people whine like they expect everything in life to come up roses!


I can't tell you how many times I travelled to baseball stadiums across the country, or even Nascar races only to have the event rained out. It's quite a letdown after spending lots of money traveling to these sites, dining, hotels, etc. only to have the weather destroy the weekend plans. Alot of times, you can't make it back for the rain date and even if you do, the prices for lodging, etc. will probably be higher than the original date.


How about the time we traveled to see Harry Chapin in concert and he was killed the day before. Should I have asked his estate to reimburse me for my troubles?


For gosh sakes, the ship had a fire. It's not like they planned it just to make money off the re-scheduled cruises. S happens folks!


Deal with it!!! Or, keep coming on Cruise Critic and whine some more. :p

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One last thought and I'll get off a foundering horse. It seems to me that many of the critics are flaming the OP for a) what she did, and then, in turn, b) not doing it the way they would have. People ! Please stop and think for a minute. Instead of being a fpita, why not, as some did, simply offer a suggestion and back off?


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I can sympathize with the OP's plight, Bill. We (actually Melissa) paid an outrageous price for these cabins from a Carnival PVP (seldom have used them in the past for this reason) compared with other quotes I got less than 3 weeks ago from my online sources.

We (Melissa) paid MUCH MORE for 2 junior suites and 2 oceanviews than we would have paid for 1 grand suite and 3 great balconies ! ! We coulda shoulda purchased 3 weeks ago, but that's life. We (Melissa) just bit the bullet and we moved on.

](Also got "nailed" big time on the airfare) :eek:[/color]


OUCH! I hope you have an extra special cruise.


I found a nice cruise in March and the airfare is almost as much as the cruise.:(



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They didn't keep thier funds. What are you talking about.


To the 2-3 people who referenced my comment about "keeping their funds", I am well aware that Carnival is going to refund folks their money. I was speaking generally to the fact that the poster said Carnival can do whatever they want to. So I was asking a general question, for example, if you booked a cruise and they kept your funds, would that be ok too?


Sorry the way I worded it confused several of you.

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How in the heck did I even get in the conversation? Even when I'm not posting folks still like to poke me.


Let's see if I can help.


alwayshappytocruise quoted a post by boaterette to which the JAMESH posted back to alwayshappytocruise saying he wasn't payiung attention.


alwayshappytocruise replied back that he was a she and that she was responding to Picklebongo but had quoted boaterette.


So that's how you got involved. :D



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Very well put and I do agree. I agree that Carnival should have re booked the canceled cruisers on a comparable cruise and cabin at the same price. The Spirit often runs 8 night cruises so maybe pay a little more if it is one of the longer cruises. This is more complicated than basic supply and demand. I was impressed with the way Carnival handled everything and so I was really surprised that Carnival did not do this. There have been multiple posts from people who have tracked the pricing and have posted prices went up as soon as the announcement was made. Carnival knew there would be increased demand because of the announcement coming so it raised the prices to take advantage of those cruisers who would re book to keep the same or similar dates. OP has a right to be upset. Obviously everyone could not have been moved in to existing West Coast space but the least Carnival could have done was book those that they could in existing space.


Jen in SoCal


Interesting post, thank you. But your example of purchasing the airline ticket reminded me of why I actually agree with the OP that they should be reaccomodated (if space is available) at their original price. If you purchase an airline ticket, and your flight is cancelled last minute, the airline will work to rebook you an available seat on other flights, even on other airlines if necessary. They do NOT expect you to rebuy the ticket at the going rate. Why then, would this be different?


If space were not available, the situation would be different. No one should be displaced by the passengers with cancelled cruises. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. I fully understand supply and demand. But a large part of this demand was caused by a Carnival issue. Would you feel the same way if your airline cancelled several flights between point A and point B due to mechanical issues, then offered to take you on the last flight of the day IF you paid 2-4 times your original fare because of demand?


Although this opinion is unpopular here, I think Carnival is really handling this part of the Splendor incident very badly. It's a shame, because they seemed to be doing a great job up to this point. Perhaps a better offer would have been to reaccomodate cancelled cruisers within 2 weeks of their original departure date (if space available) at the original fare paid -OR- 25% off a future cruise outside of that timeframe.

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Very well put and I do agree. I agree that Carnival should have re booked the canceled cruisers on a comparable cruise and cabin at the same price. The Spirit often runs 8 night cruises so maybe pay a little more if it is one of the longer cruises. This is more complicated than basic supply and demand. I was impressed with the way Carnival handled everything and so I was really surprised that Carnival did not do this. There have been multiple posts from people who have tracked the pricing and have posted prices went up as soon as the announcement was made. Carnival knew there would be increased demand because of the announcement coming so it raised the prices to take advantage of those cruisers who would re book to keep the same or similar dates. OP has a right to be upset. Obviously everyone could not have been moved in to existing West Coast space but the least Carnival could have done was book those that they could in existing space.


Jen in SoCal


Thank you! It seems the flamers are missing the whole meaning of the post and concentrating on the Splendor "restitution". They obviously were not checking west coast sailing prices and saw what we saw. Oh well.


To the OP - I hope you get some answers from Carnival's guest relations. I have written my letters, and expressed my displeasure to my PVP.

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I can't believe you're saying this, Carnival has the right to do whatever they want. Are you telling me it's ok with you that you book and pay for a cruise with your hard earned money, they decide to cancel the cruise and keep your funds and you're ok with that? Do whatever they want, eh?



How can you add one + one and get seven.

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Yes, I would be happy at that point. That is all I want.



You don't want just your price protected. You want your price and your week. With a limited supply that is not possible.


To completely protect your price you would have to have the same cabin on the same ship for the exact same week. Impossible.

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I too notice that prices have dropped. I guess with many complaining, Carnival got the hint. I re-booked at a higher price then I wanted to(but still not extra money leaving our pockets) and ended up calling back less then 24 hours later and getting the price drop. It just seems odd that the give us 25% off our next cruise and then HIKE the prices up.


I think you are giving Carnival too much credit and too much blame. The prices are likely set and adjusted automatically by computer up to four times a day. As bookings increase and decrease the computers make the adjustments. The big hit at the time of the announcement caused the spike and as people slowed down and weighed their options the computers made adjustments because bookings slowed.


But of course it is all a price gouging conspiracy.

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I agree that Carnival has done a much better job than just about everyone who has faced this type of situation recently. An opportunity for improvement would be expediting the the damage assesment and refund process.


Planning a vacation at the last minute is hard enough. Its even harder when you don't have your money.


As my employer as a "use it or loose it" vacation policy - I certainly can understand why OP would be frustrated to be relgated to a "staycation" when there are things Carnival could have done more quickly.


Its nice that OP might be able to take a vactaion at a discount next year - but thats next year and next years vacation time. A vacation in 2010 is this year's vacation. A vacation a few months from now is next month's vacation - It's not rocket science.

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