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Zaandam 11-20 Hawaii Review w/Pics by a Carnival Platinum Cruiser


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Thanks, folks. I know when I'm waiting for a cruise, I just love to read other's reviews. And I love seeing photos of the ship and port excursions. I try to be objective and post things that may be helpful to others.


At the end of all this, I'll post my overall thoughts and a little comparison of the two cruiselines as well as post a link to my Webshots album.


Just stopped reading the review long enough to say thank you and to tell you I think you are doing a great job. I am riveted:D Now back to your review:D



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NCTribeFan - On the day that you left on your cruise, my husband and I departed the Zaandam after our two week cruise to Hawaii. We were the two fans in the Pub at the Holiday Inn waving our "stupid Steeler towels". Those "stupid Steeler towels" have raised millions of dollars for a Pittsburgh care facility for children and adults with disabilities that require full-time care. The towel was "invented" by Myron Cope, the deceased long-time radio announcer for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Myron's child was born with severe disabilities and is a full-time resident of the care facility. When he introduced the Terrible Towel in the 70's, he decided that any funds made from the sale of the towels would be donated to charity. Little did Myron realize that the towels would become a world-wide phenomenon and raise millions of dollars for charity.

Like many long-time Steeler fans, both my husband and I would have been very happy if our "redneck quarterback" had been released by the Steelers after his bad behaviour earlier this year. Fortunately a team is comprised of more than one player. The Steelers also include Max Starks who has several charitable foundations and is a Director of the Pittsburgh Foundation and Charlie Batch who was recognized in 2009 by the NFL for his non-profit involvement.

It doesn't matter to me if you are or are not a "Steeler Fan". Those of us who are, appreciate all that the Steelers have done over the years both on the field, and in our community. I believe that many people don't like the Steelers because they have been very successful over the years. The Rooney Family has worked hard to field a competitive team every year and to encourage the team to support the community. It's too bad that you can't enjoy our enthusiasm for a team that we enjoy watching. Since we were only drinking ice tea that day at the Pub, I don't believe that we were particularly rowdy. We were just celebrating the success of a very successful team.

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Wow--thanks for the wonderful review. I'm booked on this same cruise leaving in less than a week. Woo hoo!


Your comments validated what I've been thinking all along--that the weather will be cold and windy with some rain/misty weather in Hawaii. Most people have been telling me to pack shorts and T-shirts. I suppose if they live in the north, then temps in the 60s and 70s might not feel cold, but I live in Las Vegas and temps in the 60s and 70s feels cold to me, so I'm packing long sleeves and sweaters (I don't usually wear shorts till temps are in the high 90s/100s and I doubt that will be the case :D) .


I've really been enjoying your review. This is my very first cruise ever and I'm travelling solo, so it does help to know what to expect. Thanks!

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Thank you for such an in depth review of what sounds like a wonderful Hawaiian cruise.


I echo QueenGlassHalfFull's sentiments regarding the Terrible Towels. It's something near and dear to us from "the Burgh", and is a proud and philanthropic tradition.



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I, too, enjoyed reading your review, which allowed me to remember our cruise on the Zaandam in October (Vancouver-Hawaii-San Diego). We had a wonderful trip and wonderful weather. Also, because we sailed from Vancouver, we had five island port days, including Kona. I hope you enjoyed the great crew in the Lido (Harry, Andi, Ella, Nancy), who really made our experience more special.

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Here's another shout out from a Vancouver-Seattle Circle Hawaii sailor last May. I'm jonesing for the Zaandam, having just booked a 14-day Sydney/NZ cruise on her in November 2011, and have enjoyed your review immensely. It's so nice to hear about crew members we got to know, like Jay. He was in the Crow's Nest when we were aboard, and I think it was Jay who fashioned flowers and little statues out of paper napkins for some of the ladies (including me). Zaandam's crew is about the best we've encountered in six HAL cruises (2 aboard Zaandam so far).


Mrs M

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I'm afraid it's going to take me a little while yet to get the rest written. I've been under the weather and just have a ton of things to do at home.


As for the Steelers fans, sorry, but wave your towels in Pittsburgh or at home. What can I say? I grew up in Cleveland. It's required that we hate the Steelers. And the Yankees. Nothing personal. And it has nothing to do with philanthropy or the Rooney's. I just didn't go to San Diego to be surrounded by Steelers fans. Do what you want on your own turf. It just wasn't how I wanted to start my vacation. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? This is MY review and I'm simply posting MY thoughts. I'm not going to argue with anyone about anything.


I have my photos uploaded, but still want to scan the daily Explorer papers. I may be able to get to that tomorrow. I'll post a link when everything's there.


Of course, I kept thinking of things I wanted to add while I was at work, and now they've departed my brain. I do have tons of comments to make about the ship, the food, the crew, the passengers, etc.

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Final Thoughts




I loved the layout of this ship. I didn’t really see the signs of wear that others have commented on, but then I expect a 10-year-old ship to show some wear. Again, I didn’t care for the carpet, but that’s really a minor thing. There were always people cleaning. The crew was fantastic. Every crew member you pass smiles and greets you. I loved the wrap-around Promenade Deck. I just wish it had been warm enough to have gotten more use from it. I wasn’t crazy about the Lido pool area. It felt very crowded most of the time. It was often difficult to find a seat and I had to go into the main buffet seating area to have lunch that I had gotten at the Lido Bistro. The tables were often being used by people who weren’t there to eat.


But my only real complaint about the ship, which I thought was lovely, was well laid-out and easy to navigate, was the temperature. Or, should I say, the temperatureS. You could walk along Deck 5 and go from very warm in the theatre to very cool in the Ocean Bar area (especially out in the seating area around the area the atrium), to very warm in the casino, to freezing in the Explorer’s Lounge, to spotty warm or very cold in the dining room. And the ladies room between Explorer’s Lounge and the dining room? It was about 15 degrees hotter than in the hallway. It’s a huge, very nice ladies’ room with several seats and individual lighted mirrors, but those lights can’t explain the temperature difference. Normally, I’ve very cold in the dining rooms, but our table, against the back window, was in a warm spot. Just a couple of tables toward the center of the room, at the rail, and it was freezing.




Our cabin was also too warm, and that has never happened before. I even went to the service desk to ask that someone check the temp. The blue light on the control was all the way at the bottom. But at night, there was no light on at all. I would get up and push the down arrow, and nothing happened. I wonder if, because it was quite cool outside, they were turning off the a/c completely at night to save energy. And let me assure you that I’m one of those who is usually too cold when everyone else is comfortable, so if I was too warm, then I can only guess that others were really, really warm!


The bathroom was nice. The towels were huge and very soft. And I absolutely LOVED the Elemis Body Lotion! Fantastic stuff. But I do like that Carnival provides toothpaste, razors and assorted other goodies.


As far as noise, there really wasn’t any. We had a connecting cabin, but the only sound we ever heard was occasional sneezing from next door.


I asked for an ice bucket for the champagne I brought on and it was there quickly. Our steward replenished the ice daily, since we didn’t get around to drinking it until Thanksgiving night in the dining room. But then the empty bucket sat there full of water for a couple more days. I finally poured the water down the sink and set the bucket on the floor. It vanished after that.


The bed was comfortable, but not as great as Carnival beds. Carnival has these plush, fluffy comforters that HAL didn’t have. Of course, given the temperature in our cabin, I would’ve roasted had that been on the bed! The mattress was firm but still managed to sag a bit.




The dining room food was excellent, for the most part. There were a couple of entrees that were just “good” but that certainly was good enough. I tend to not go through the regular buffet line at lunch but usually go to the deli (until I started stuffing myself with cheeseburgers). Loved the bread pudding for dessert. The ice cream was very good. I missed having lemonade available at the drink stations in the buffet. Phillip would come along with a tray down on the Promenade Deck, but when I asked Gede about getting lemonade in the buffet (he worked the starboard drink station at breakfast and lunch), he said it wasn’t available. HAL’s iced tea is infinitely better than Carnival’s. I have to mix it 50/50 with lemonade to make it palatable, but HAL’s was fine with just a couple of slices of lemon.


I also LOVED that smoked salmon was available at the breakfast buffet. And a variety of juices.


My cabinmates had breakfast and lunch in the dining room on several occasions, but I stuck to the buffet.


I also really liked that afternoon tea was served every day. I prefer Carnival’s scones. It was nice that HAL puts milk and not cream on the tables.

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Final Thoughts (continued)





I knew that the demographics on this cruise would be different from what I usually see on Carnival, but I was surprised that so many passengers were so old. We’re talking a whole lot of very old folks. I’ll tell you what, though. It was good for my ego. I felt like the proverbial spring chicken!


Of course, there were lots and lots of canes and walkers and scooters. I took the stairs the entire cruise (and only gained two pounds, thank you very much!). I bet I didn’t see more than a dozen people on the stairs the entire cruise, other than the very few who used them when disembarking in port. I know people get all offended when anyone mentions physical activity and/or weight, but I have to wonder which comes first? People never make any effort to move, so they gain more weight, so they have less energy, which makes them less inclined to move, so they gain more weight, so they have less energy, and the downward spiral to immobility continues. Hey, I have bad knees, but I still take the stairs! The more I can keep from gaining weight, the less my knees will hurt. Exercise is good for you, people! You should think about giving it a try.


And, please try to refrain from shuffling along 4 abreast and blocking the entire hallway. Slower traffic keep right! :p


I also realize that many are hard of hearing, if not downright deaf. I’m already starting to lose my hearing and I’m not even 60 yet. But please stop bellowing! And it isn’t just the hard-of-hearing. It’s the general public, I’m afraid. Like the woman on the plane, too many people just TALK AT THE TOP OF THEIR VOICES AT ALL TIME!!!! Talking loudly doesn’t make what you have to say important. It just makes you rude and inconsiderate. Here’s an idea – use your “inside” voice when you’re inside. Better yet, just make some slight effort to be aware of your surroundings and realize that you aren’t the only people around. You can enjoy yourselves without disturbing everyone else’s conversations!


Speaking of rude! I was appalled at some of the behaviour of these people! You hear the old folks talking about the younger generation and their lack of manners, but, let me tell you, I’ve never seen so many aged people who seem to lack just basic manners. You don’t walk up to the omelet bar and bellow GIMME HAM, CHEESE, AND PEPPERS, AND THROW SOME BACON ON THE PLATE. No “please.” No “may I have….” No “thank you.” I heard yelling at the service desk while the lovely young lady stood behind it and smiled and politely tried to explain the issue. I heard yelling at my wonderful Gede because the coffee was brewing. I mean, it does have to brew at times, yes? Heaven forbid someone walk the 30 steps over to the other machine. Oh, no! It’s HIS FAULT that the coffee isn’t ready when SHE WALKS UP!!!


The staff and crew are not your servants. They certainly aren’t your slaves. Shame on you for treating them so abysmally. :mad:


I thought you were supposed to mellow as you age! Apparently, too many people just become totally self-centered and think the world should revolve around them and their outrageous demands.


There. Got that off my chest!


We did meet many older folks who were very pleasant and very polite. So, of course, my comments above don't apply to everyone, but do, sadly, apply to too many.


To those of you who think it’s just younger people who have no manners, think again. If the parents and grandparents behave the way many of these people did, then the youngsters probably learned their selfish, inconsiderate behaviour from them!




As I’ve already noted, I don’t go to many shows. We did watch the show after the Captain’s reception. The one young male singer was quite good. And for some reason, I found myself watching the ventriloquist. He was really very funny.


The Neptunes were quite good, if you like that sort of thing. I’m not into jazz, or jazzed-up classics. I’ve commented on Cass and the HALCats. I thought the guy in the Piano Bar was pretty bad. Again, if you’re going to sing for a living, I just think you should be a pretty decent singer and he wasn’t. Stephanie, who sang and played acoustic guitar, was actually quite good. She reminded me a lot of Tracy Chapman. But I really enjoyed the Adagio Strings. Unfortunately, they were usually playing while we were at dinner (only from 9-11 nightly in the Explorer’s Lounge). But that is much more my kind of thing. I didn’t go to karaoke.


These days, most people who want to listen to music have an ipod or other mp3 player. It is totally unnecessary to have the bad pop music blaring at the aft pool. I was out there one day trying to read and it was blasting. Being that it was too cold for there to be much activity poolside, they could at least have turned the volume down. I had to go inside. It truly was awful. And I’m a fan of pop music!




I thought the crew was fantastic. They were so very pleasant and helpful. The staff behind the service desk were also great (despite the not-so-accurate tender info I was given). I thought the people in the shops were pretty snotty. And several of the casino staff were just downright unpleasant. Yes, I realize that the personnel in these two areas (and the spa) are not HAL employees.


Initial HAL Experience


Honestly, besides the age thing, I didn’t find it to be that vastly different from other cruises. It was a different experience in that it was much longer than I’d ever sailed, and the ship was different, and the itinerary was very different. Overall, it was about what I expected. I had worried that I’d get bored with so many sea days, but that never happened. It would’ve been nice to have been able to spend some time in the sun by the aft pool, but, oh well!


The service was good, but I’ve had good service on Carnival. Now, I wouldn’t compare it to a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas, but it wasn’t that different from my 8-day last December on Miracle.

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And Finally…


The comparison between Carnival and Holland America


Ship Layout and Appearance – Zaandam wins this one over Carnival. Joe Farcus is a bit of a wacko, imho. Even when you understand what his “theme” is for a given ship, he way over does the things that he uses to illustrate that theme. Not all of Carnival's ships are loud, bright colors, but they are over-decorated. Other than her carpet, Zaandam was lovely.


Food – the beef was better on Zaandam than on my past several Carnival cruises. Starting about three years ago, the beef just was pretty much inedible for me. HAL wins with more options in the Lido, although the food quality was about the same.


Cabin – about equal. Loved the Elemis items on HAL but like the other things in the goodie basket on Carnival. Cabin was virtually identical to the standard 185 sq ft cabin on Carnival. Décor was nicer on Zaandam, though.


Bed – Carnival wins this one.


Service – I guess I’ll give this one to HAL, mostly because it was a smaller ship and a longer cruise, so you get to know the crew and staff, which makes it all seem more personal. But, again, I’ve always had very good service on Carnival.


Library – Definitely give this one to HAL. Carnival’s ships have a very limited selection of books, and I’ve never, ever seen anyone in the library to unlock the bookcase and check one out for you.


Entertainment – This one goes to HAL although I think there’s room for improvement on both lines.


Value – I was very surprised that this cruise didn’t cost more than it did. I’m all about cruising as inexpensively as possible so I can cruise more often. I think this was a very good value. The reason I’ve cruised on Carnival so often is because I believe it’s a great vacation for the cost. As long as the per day cost is within my budget, I’ll definitely have HAL on my list when I research future cruises. I just wish they sailed to the Caribbean until later in the spring. With my work schedule, I can’t cruise from January thru mid-April. By then, HAL has already moved their ships.


I didn’t use the laundry service, internet café, technology classes, eat at the Pinnacle Grill or Canaletto, use the gym, play any of the trivia or games (other than the one bingo), so can’t really comment on any of those aspects of the cruise.


Overall, I had a great cruise and would very much like to do the same cruise again. As soon as the calendar is open for fall 2012, I think I’ll try to round up some friends and have a 60th Birthday Hawaiian Cruise. That would be fun!


Here’s the link to my Webshots album. Feel free to browse the photos and look through those from my prior cruises, if you're interested. Feel free to ask any questions.


Thanks for reading!



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Sorry you missed the Canaletto. Harry and his staff are wonderful and created a great environment for wonderful dinner. We enjoyed it so much, we made additional reservations.


Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with all of us. I relived our recent cruise while reading of yours.

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I also relived our April cruise on the Zaandam...good review. I think the Zaandam even though she is an old and smaller ship is a happy ship...the crew- both management and service were the best we've ever had on a cruise.


I would love to redo this cruise..but the weather was a major disappointment especially for dh..he is a hot weather person and he did not like the cool temps at all:eek: And I had to hear about it for 15 days:D


I also hear you about the older demographic on the ship...but like the little flaws with the Zaandam which I just really didn't notice we did not notice any major rudeness toward the staff...but there were plenty of walkers, scooters and wheelchairs. I'm amazed at the stamina of some travelers...not sure I will be traveling when I'm no longer mobile..but I admire the heck out of the ones that do:):)

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Took this cruise two years ago and loved it. Would do it again in a heartbeat.


Took a cruise on Carnival Spirit in October. Really enjoyed the cruise and the ship.


Have to say though that I did not like the bed on Carnival as well as on Holland. I guess that is one of those subjective opinions. Also, we did not get a goodie basket in the bathroom - I thought maybe they are discontinuing them?

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Maybe we just didn't get the good beds and duvets. But, like I said, it was too warm anyway.


Yes, there were 4 formal nights: two on the way to Hawaii (Captain's Party & Thanksgiving), and two returning. I have the Explorer sheets at work, so can't give you the days other than the Thursday before we arrived in Hilo.


It would be helpful if you could see the dining-room menus for the future so you could make a decision as to dining at Canaletto. I really, really wanted to do that. There was one evening as we were leaving the dining room that I thought, "tonight would've been the night to eat at Canaletto" but I didn't know ahead of time.


I definitely give the Ageds credit for being out there and going places! I can only hope to be like our dining friends when I am their age!


I keep thinking of things I meant to write but by the time I get home, I've forgotten!


Oh! I remember one of them! BATHROBES! I've only ever seen a couple of people on Carnival ships wearing bathrobes in public, but they were everywhere! People, a bathrobe is NOT a swimsuit coverup. They are intended to be worn in your cabin or in the changing room at the spa. I saw several people, daily, strolling around the pool area in their robes. I do not approve.


And guys! Please! When you stand up, please pull up your trunks! Seeing some old guy's butt cleavage right in front of your lunch table is enough to put anyone off their food! :eek:

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OMG...you are so totally right about the bathrobes..and somewhere here on the Hal Board is the bathrobe thread to end all bathrobe threads....and Carnival continues to be bashed:D Sorry...just could not resist this:eek:


Uh..and for some reason there do seem to be a few more speedo type bathing suits on Hal...but that being said I still love Hal:)

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Joan I hope you're still checking in here. I wondered if you saw me sail away that night? And I an honored that you had the champagne on Thanksgiving. I've wondered what the weather was like on the cruise to Hawaii. On my TA i'm April it was windy and cool also. Great insights as always.

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