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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Hi AnitasMom,


thanks for the info.

Actually I have a heart rate monitor somewhere but never was comfy with it.


Anyways, I´ve been to Zumba again tonight :-) What shall I say? I´m tired, sore and happy. We did a slight variation of what we did yesterday and some technic again, too. So I already know that I will feel a lot of muscles tomorrow, that I usually don´t feel that much.

But to be honest. Zumba 3 days without break is a bit much for me. There were some dance moves I had trouble doing today as my legs were so tired. So I think I´ll stay at 3 times a week and add and additional night if work is really stressful or I just feel like it.


Hope you enjoy your Zumba workout tonight. I´ll read some more and than head off to bed.


Donna, please tell us more about your upcoming cruise.


Take care.



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Hi Ladies, hope you're all well?


Firstly in relation to my hating yoga/pilates - I just don't feel like it's exercise (I know the benefits are all well documented etc) - for me, I feel good when I've really sweated and feel slightly out of breath. I love things like boxercise, body combat etc so thinking I might try to add in a body pump (with weights for strength training) and a body combat (which includes stretching/sit ups etc) to see if that makes a difference? I have quite a stressful job so guess I just feel better after doing exercise that makes me relieve some of that? Anita, I'm not into to tennis or team sports and would prefer a class rather than to work alone.


My cruise is still 17 weeks away but starting to get the excitement now, we're on the Grand which is due to go in to drydock in April for extensive refurbishment. Our ports are as Anita's Mom said and I've only been to Rome before so all the others are new to me - particularly looking forward to Monte Carlo and Gibraltar. Any tips for Barcelona welcome too?? It's getting better now the Roll Call has finally got going?!:)


Kasi, I find 3 nights zumba quite hard too but feel great when I've done them all.


Thanks for all the words of wisdom folks and I'd welcome your thoughts on any exercise you think might help me.


High 5!;)

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Ladies...I hope that everyone else has been able to go their Zumba classes! I have not been able to go at all this week...:( DH has had late meetings that have run long and so I have stayed home with DS. If this is to persist, then I will need a different plan, but I'm pretty sure it is deadline driven...there is a major milestone in the current project happening now.


I have to admit that I have enjoyed the evening break though...I realized last week as I saw DH pass me on the homeward bound side of the road as I was driving to my evening classes that I was missing some evening family time. The break has been a nice one...I'm just going to chalk it up to my birthday week and get back into the evening class routine next week. I still plan on attending the makeup classes on Saturday, doing Sunday morning, and then back to the evening classes next week.


I admit also that I have just been taking a bit of vacation from all kitchen duty this week, eating lunches with DH or DS (I love that I can visit him at school and have lunch with him), and being super lazy about dinners! Ah well. The funny thing about things like "spring break" for the kids is that the week AFTER spring break is more like the vacation week for the Moms...:rolleyes::cool:...and this combined with my birthday?


It's like I'm on vacation this week...


Tomorrow is my birthday! I've been bumming around the mall for the past couple days...found a beautiful brithday dress on sale...so I'm looking forward to dressing in a lovely way tomorrow...it's a maxi style dress that is super comfy...the fabric is a beautiful print. I was excited that I could have probably gotten a medium BUT since it was a major clearance and the last one in the store, I didn't have a chance to try a medium but the large wasn't bad...but there's a bit more fabric there than is the most flattering...but that's okay.


Hope everyone is doing well!


WhoDat...I have never tried the Wii Zumba game. Glad to hear it is so fun! Maybe I should have that for my backup plan when DH's work runs late...

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Went to Zumba class tonight and had a small frustration in that the instructor got stuck in rush hour traffic and arrived 15 minutes late! Still managed to burn 644 calories in 48 minutes (she stretched the class as long as she could before the people for the next class stormed the doors!). Anyway, it was interesting that just about everyone patiently waited for her to arrive. I really gave it a bunch of effort tonight because I knew that the class was going to be short. So, maybe I do believe my calorie burn on my heart rate monitor? I told Anita that I didn't believe the calorie burn because it came in at 921 for 62 minutes!!!


I felt good in class tonight, even though I thought it might not be the case... because I had a bigger lunch than normal! I'm absolutely not hungry tonight... even after class. I can imagine that I'm going to wake up starving tomorrow morning! I just drank a recovery shake tonight (whey protein and water). We'll see...


I had a bunch of fun shopping today. Spring colors are in the store; the weather is warming up; it was the "perfect storm" for having a leisurely day and a complete blast doing what I was doing! The only thing that could have made it better was if Anita could have been with me ;).

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Hi Anitas Mom (do you have a first name?),

glad you still enjoyed your Zumba workout even if that was cut short.

And shopping sounds great, I would certainly enjoy that. We had a few days of sunshine here, so we are really looking forward to summer.


My last few days were mixed.

Wednesday I went to a restaurant with a good friend of mine, lots of talking, laughing and generally a nice time. I got home really late, had a short-message from my cruise friend and we talked on the phone a bit.

We have narrowed down our choice for a cruise in june, however my friend needs to clear a few dates before we can book our cruise.

Right now our favorite cruise would be:

7 nights Voyager of the Seas in the Adriatic Sea.

I´m leaning towards a balcony stateroom as that is just an added 150 euro p.p. instead of an inside.


After a nice and relaxing wednesday, my thursday was far worse.

Lots of work, some personal issues, as small accident with my car, noone hurt, but stressful none the less.

And little sleep, as I´m hurting all over as I got too cold during our Yoga class last night.


Ok, enough wining.


Today is Friday :) my favorite day in the working week. Tonight is another Zumba Class, in the new studio rooms. Did I tell you, that my dancing studio moved to a new location? Tonight is grand opening with a Zumba class *yeah*.

My plans for the weekend are quite unimpressive.

Tomorrow morning a stop at the hardware store, and we have musical tickets for tomorrow night. They are performing the Broadway version of Evita.

Sunday will be some work around the house, Zumba, and maybe some reading...


Anita, enjoy your Birthday.

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Well I had a great birthday! The day was rather boring...since it was a school/work day...but the evening was super fun! It was nerve wracking to play tennis after not having played for so long...and having played ONE MATCH previously in my ENTIRE life...and that about 25 years ago...I was feeling a bit pressured to not embarass myself and also not frustrate any other real players that were participating.


The organizers did a good job of setting it up and dividing the group into two different groups to play a round robin...I was able to hold my own and that was beyond cool...good fun.


And having the break all week long was great...I feel renewed to hit the ground running again...


So getting up this morning for Pilates and Zumba was a bit rough after the Ritas the night before, just a bit...:o:p...it felt GREAT to sweat and work hard. Kelly went in a new direction with the Pilates class...and it was challenging, especially after a 10-day break...Zumba was just as fun as always...


Got a new song to share:


Rabiosa by Shakira



New Cool Down Song: I guess Chris Medina was a contestant on American Idol. I don't know that whole story because I don't watch the show, but he has a girlfriend? or fiancee? that had a horrible accident and may even be paralyzed now? or something equally sad and tragic...and he wrote this song for her:


What Are Words by Chris Medina


Totally looking forward to class tomorrow and even on Monday. It's a great kickoff to me new year.


Kasi...hope your class went well...I hope getting warmed up during the class helped relieve the pain from yoga...I think going to a musical sounds fun!...keep us posted on the cruise plans!...I love having a trip planned on the horizon.


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Hi everybody,

it´s Sunday and tonight I lost one hour of sleep due to Germany switching to Daylight saving time this weekend.

Anyways, I made it to my Zumba class and we did a new song, a swing. According to youtube it´s this song: Don't Let Me Down - Swing (Zumba).

Man, that´s fast.


DH is just making our lunch and when we´ve eaten, I´m haeding out into our garden. I purchased some new plants yesterday, that need to go into the earth. Strawberries, a rose, and some others.

As it´s sunny even if it´s not warm, I´m looking forward to being outside.


I made the mistake of weighing today, now I need something to take my mind in another direction.

Yeah, I know, it needs time to loose weight.

I know I need to exercise and keep cutting out the sweets.

Anyways, it´s so frustrating to look at the numbers and ask yourself why the h... is it not getting less?

I will continue on my way.

We are going on an "excursion" tomorrow from the office and will be away til tuesday evening. I so hope we get back in time so that I will make it to class on tuesday. I miss something when there ought to be Zumba but for whatever reason I cannot go...


Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.


Take care.

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Hi ladies and happy belated birthday Anita, glad you had a great time. Well done for the tennis too, sounds great fun as well as being good for you.


Kasi, we have also lost an hour today, puts me all wrong but I look forward to the lighter nights now! It's nice and sunny here today too so I plan on doing a big spring clean with all the doors and windows open.


I am so busy at work at the moment and struggling to make 2 classes a week so really need to get more organised. I also haven't been too well the last couple of days so have been sleeping more than normal. However, this had one good outcome - no wine! I can't remember the last weekend I had no wine and I feel so much better for it so thinking about giving it up for a few weeks and see how I get on. :)


This week I am going away on Tuesday until Sunday for work and to visit my parents. My Dad is a member of the gym so I plan to fit in some classes when I'm away. On Saturday I'm going to try a new class called Thumpboxing? Anyone heard of this? I don't know if they do it here in Inverness but will give it a try and see how it goes. Also, I hope to get some swimming in. I hope that will get me back focussed so when I come back I will make sure I don't miss classes regardless of what's going on at work.


Anyway, hope you're all well and speak soon.........

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Kasi, Anita's Mom (Pam) here! Your day sounds lovely! Especially the strawberries which are among my favorite summer fruits. I have a great shortcake recipe, if you'd like that... or just strawberries and cream are wonderful.


So, here's a story for you to help with the idea that the scale hasn't moved much.


You know that I've been doing Zumba just a short time, really. Anita took me to my first class around mid-December of last year. We went a few times, and I really enjoyed myself. Then, when I came home, I tried to find a Zumba instructor that I liked. I had a lot of difficulty doing that. The first class, I had to whine that the instructor was too fast and too hard! Then, I found a class on Saturday morning that I really liked, so that began my going to Zumba... one time a week.


Then, I tried Zumba on Thursday morning. Wow, that instructor was intimidating! wow! But, as it turns out, she was leaving to go to Singapore, so I decided that I would go on Thursday morning, just to get my body used to the schedule. So, now it becomes Zumba... two times a week.


Then, I added some strength training back into my routine, and I was really, really good for the month of January heading into February. Zumba 2x a week, strength training 3x a week, yoga 1x a week, rest day. Then, we went on a trip and my schedule (and motivation) got completely wrecked! The only thing that I maintained was the Zumba! So, I've been off of weights and yoga for a month... and counting...


So, back to Zumba. I didn't like the instructor that replaced the one on Thursday morning! So, I went back to that instructor that I had first tried when I came back from the visit with Anita... the one that I complained so bitterly about... and I LIKED HER! I was amazed; she wasn't any different, but my ability to keep up with her absolutely amazed me! So, then I decided to try out a class on Tuesday evening that I didn't think that I would like because the instructor is known for being really difficult. LOVED IT!


So, now here's my schedule: Zumba on Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings, Saturday morning. 3x a week. I'm really trying to motivate myself to get back into the gym for the weights. It'll come. I'm dealing with a few "issues," like knee stiffness, etc.


I had to tell you all of that so I could give you the background for what I really wanted to tell you! LOL!


I have undergone the most amazing ability change! I'm not like Anita; she has a natural capability that is incredible, for rhythm and dance and movement. She's a lot of fun to watch during Zumba, actually, because she's one of those people who can wiggle her hips and do the movements in a way that looks like FUN and makes you want to do it like she does. So, when I first started Zumba, I could barely move my feet in the dance steps. Don't even get me started with trying to make any arm movements, to speak of. I won't bore you with the detail of my progress, but let me tell you that I can do the routines now! I can hang in there with the instructor and move my arms above my head (at mostly the appropriate times!.. LOL).. and I really feel like I'm moving with the music. Very, very different than when I started. So, I'm really going for it! My calorie burn has gone from the 600's to the mid-800's in calories... so I've really improved!


Has the scale budged? Not so much!.... in fact... just about 2 lbs from December. Can you believe it? 2 lbs... in what?... 3 months?!?...


BUT, the other day I was shopping and found a fabulous sleeveless top. I loved the color; loved the style. So, into the dressing room I went. I was so disappointed in the fit! The neckline wasn't right; the arm openings weren't right. I was puzzled because I've always had a great fit from this particular designer. So, I put the top back and walked around the store. Then, the light dawned.... wait a minute!... I went back to the rack and got a smaller size and... you guessed it!... fit perfectly! I'd just been so conditioned to trying on "my" size, and the scale hadn't budged, so I didn't even THINK about the fact that I'd lost some fat and changed proportions. I bought the smaller size and got home to my measuring tape!


Measuring tape... wow... I've lost around my ribcage tremendously. I've lost in the hips and the waist. I can't tell you why the scale hasn't budged much... I think that I'm just in some kind of plateau and that the scale weight will make a significant movement at some point in time. But, even if it doesn't, I'm so happy with the firming up of the area in my middle... you have no idea!... especially with the removal of the back fat around the bra strap, the muffin top on my waist!.. the buddha belly of my abdomen area (not fully gone, but smaller!)...




Moral of the story: don't put a lot of emphasis on the scale.

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Donna (and Kasi and Anita),


I'm so IMPRESSED with you ladies, juggling your schedule and all your responsibilities and getting your exercise in! What an achievement!


I don't say that lightly. It's difficult for me to motivate myself to do the activity that I know is proper for me to attain my goals: which, at this point, is just having mobility and flexibility as I move further into retirement. I'm trying so hard not to use those words; you know, like "age," or "old," or "senior." <ugh>:p


Right now, I'm just wanting desperately to avoid those surgeries that so many women my age (there I said one of the forbidden words!) are just taking for granted: hip replacements and knee replacements. I shudder to even think! There's my motivation: to keep mobile and to be healthy. There's some vanity involved; I won't lie. I do like the fact that I'm getting trimmer in my midsection, no doubt. But, the true fact of the matter is.... health and mobility.


Ladies, do it now! Don't wait! As you get slimmer, stronger, healthier... your "golden" years won't be tarnished.


Just my thoughts to you for this day, as you all putter around doing wonderful weekend activities and loving life! :D

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Hey everyone!


This morning was ROUGH! I stayed up too late last night...and when I woke up this morning...I just couldn't face food...so I didn't...I had no caffeine...and on the way to class...rumble rumble...I was getting hungry...so by the time I was finally done with class...I was STARVING! :p And class hit my a bit harder...


Part of it was where I was put in class...several more people came...and so some people were moved out of their territories...and people were getting cramped...so Kelly pretty much directed me into a spot which helped everything...but just so you understand...the room is a wide rectangle...and so it can be hard to see Kelly from the far sides...and she pushed me up on level with her on the far side...at times I was even in front of her in terms of a line across the mirror...LOL. It was a bit of a taste of what it would be like to be THE front runner...LOL.


And talk about a boost to the ego...since we didn't have class last Sunday due to Kelly's training schedule...it's been two weeks since I have seen some of these ladies...and several people asked how much I had lost in the past two weeks! LOL...which helped me feel good because you know, I've been SLACKING last week long in terms of food and activity...


Donna, Kasi...I totally understand about the time change...I HATE the spring time change...I miss that hour!...it always takes a while to feel like the change is normal.


I've been dreaming about getting some plants for our yard...trying to figure out a price point that I'd be willing to invest in this rental...I would love to have strawberries! Those are perennials right? I seem to recall picking strawberries from the neighbor at my Great-Grandma's and she had a nice sized patch. And the way produce prices have risen recently...I've been seriously contemplating how I can do some supplementation to the grocery store...you sound like you enjoy gardening...ever seen those planters that grow tomatoes upside down?...I saw someone who had made an inexpensive homemade version of one from a popular Gardener's Supply catalog...they used 5-gallon buckets...drilled a hole in the bottom of the bucket...when the tomatoe plant got to a certain size...they thread the stalk of the plant through the hole...fill with more soil...and add soil as needed...basically you can hang the bucket by the handle on something...water from the top direct into the roots and the plant grows downward toward the ground...I can't remember while this is so great...except that it takes up very little space and also makes picking easier...you can put the tomatoes where they will get sun if you are shade challenged, etc...I'm thinking about doing this year...among other things...do you grow anything else?


Donna...I've never heard of Thumpboxing...I've have to google that...tell us how it goes!


Mom you are so encouraging! Thanks!


So I admit that I listen to the Spanish music stations every once in a while since starting Zumba...and especially now that I'm going to be licensed...and I heard this song today on the radio...does anyone recognize this song?...do you think it would be a good Zumba song?...can I pick everyone's brain?...this is a reaggaton beat but a rather slower beat...I think it would be a good "intro" song pace-wise kind of like Zumbalicious...


Te Amo by Makano


Ah man...could have been this version...I hope no one is offended by the title here:


Edited by Anita Latte
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I really love Kelly...and I know she loves me too because she has given me the BLUE band TWICE now...:p...we have been doing our "side series" with the addition of the band that you wrap around your legs, just above your knees?...different colored bands have different tensions and resistances...blue is the hardest one...the thing is so resistant, it is a PITA to even get it around both my legs, let alone pull the thing apart to do an exercise...or resist the band on the way down so it doesn't snap your knees together...


I am SORE!!!


Ten days away from classes...and my brilliance plans for tennis, then Pilates/Zumba, then Zumba/yard work, then Pilates/Zumba...OMG...today I am FEELING it!! It's like the beginning all over again between the break and Kelly deciding that we've been doing this for so long we need to add a level of difficulty...


Did I mention how much I love Kelly? I think of her with every step up the stairs in my AWESOME two-story house...especially today when I'm doing laundry...:D


I went to the grocery store today for the first time in...I can't even remember how long...I've had to clean out the fridge...and feel the guilt and shame of trashing the majority of the produce drawers...and especially with the price of produce these days...resolve to do better. Mom and I were discussing the cost of fresh v. frozen...and considering how much produce just gets cooked anyway...we talked about how we are going to be experimenting with using more frozen.


It's time to get back into the kitchen...


It was so bad this morning that I had to send DS to school with no lunch and the promise that I would drop it off before his lunch time...we've been here before...but it still feels like a "bad momma" moment to me in the morning...in thinking over the things that we have eaten so much of over the past week where I basically took a hiatus from my responsibilities in the kitchen...we are entering the new phase for lunch...TACOS anyone?


I particularly like this for DS because it's chicken breast for the protein, which beats the heck out of pepperoni on the nutrition scale...LOL...little bit of calcium (cheese)...the spice in the chicken makes him actually eat the grapes in his lunch...it works out well...and it's easy. I use an online recipe for "fajita seasoning" that I tweak...google "fajita seasoning recipe" and go the link on food.com that has 119 reviews (it should be the first hit)...I omit the chicken boullion and the sugar...I do use the corn starch, which is weird, but it actually helps to seal the chicken breasts on the grill, and keep them juicy...I just sprinkle that seasoning on the chicken...kind of pat it into chicken with the palm of my hand...grill...slice into tortillas and top with favorites...I grilled several pounds (family pack) this morning...it's great having the leftovers for future lunches...


Sometimes this is the way I have to get back into the kitchen when I have been out of it for a while...I have to start by just cooking what I would eat out...like tacos, hamburgers, whatever, wherever...


I will have to 'fess up though and share that I didn't eat horribly on my restaurant binge...I've made a kind of commitment to myself that says that if I am going to choose to eat out...I'm going to eat in a non-franchise restaurant...preferably a Mom and Pop kind of place...preferably a place I haven't tried before...and also food that I would have a hard time recreating...I didn't always follow all these because that could get very expensive...but I'll share that the highlights were a Sushi & Stirfry place (I took home the menu because the stirfry ideas were PHENOMINAL) and a Lebanese and Greek Cafe...SO GOOD.


I'm all jazzed to get back to it though...so the "vacation" was a good one...it's hard to be the one that is in charge of food...even on vacation, it's rare that you get a break...and I think I had hit my limit on thinking about food all the time...


There is a concept that I read somewhere called the "nutritional gatekeeper"...I don't know if I've mentioned this on this thread before...if I have, forgive the repeat, but the info is always good to have a refresher on...because the deal is that SOMEONE in your house is the nutritional gatekeeper...they are the one that meal plans and buys the food at the store...OR...they are the one that DOESN'T and drives through the drive throughs...as in...if they don't do it, no one else will, and because no one has taken the reins to do...it doesn't get done...


I AM the nutritional gatekeeper of our house...it's a big responsibility...and to think of yourself as such is to recognize the responsibility involved in meal planning for the family...it's more than satisfying hunger to eat...SO MUCH more...it literally can be the source of health or tragedy...meals can be refreshing for spirit and soul with the family connecting over conversation...or not...when I think of myself in this way...it boosts up the pressure a bit, but also the satisfaction to a job well done.


Since I'm all about getting going again...I'll be focused on food again...if anyone else has any recipes to share...please do...

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I'm just sitting here, on a beautiful Spring day, patiently awaiting my Zumba class this evening! I'm so looking forward to going. It feels like the perfect thing to do this evening.


I got myself busy and made some stuffed bell peppers that are sitting in the frig, plastic wrapped, and my DH has instructions to get them finished while I'm on the way home. Just heat the oven to 350, pull off the cling wrap from the container, pop in the peppers, and they'll be ready for me to eat when I get home! Have a nice glass of wine a bit later and I think I'll fall into bed feeling pretty satisfied with this day.


The stuffing for the bell peppers is very easy. Saute some chopped onions and a few chopped garlic gloves. Brown some turkey meat that you season with ancho chili powder (1-1/2 Tbsp), some cinnamon (1/4 tsp), a pinch of cloves, some Italian seasonings (1/4 tsp) or fresh oregano if available. When the turkey meat has browned, just add a can of fire-roasted tomatoes. I usually have some leftover brown rice, and I add that as well. Then, you just cut off the tops of the bell peppers, pull out the inner veins and the seeds and stuff the turkey meat mixture into the shells. I usually add a very little amount of shredded sharp cheddar to the tops. Good to go. They need to bake in the 350 oven about 30 minutes to soften up the peppers and make sure the stuffing is warmed throughout. A great, simple meal. I usually have enough stuffing to make about 6 peppers, which is more than a couple of meals for us.

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Hi, ladies...


So last night was different at Zumba. We didn't do the Latin music; there was something about Zumba Theme Month? Apparently (I did not know this), my area is a HUGE Zumba Party. On Saturday there was an "event," where a lot of instructors from the area came to a club and were spotlighted doing 2 or 3 songs apiece. It would probably have been a lot of fun to go to, but I was a bit intimidated by the idea. It lasted for 4 hours!!!


As part of the Theme Party, the instructor last night said that he was going to do something called DJ Jukebox, something like that. All the songs were popular and on the radio so it was an opportunity for us to sing along. When he said that I thought that I probably wouldn't know a single song and I was just hoping that it wouldn't be a night of hip-hop (which along with rap is my least favorite music).


I was pleasantly surprised! I did know most of the songs....


Here's a sampling of the playlist. Of course, I can't remember them all:







Lady Gaga, J Lo, Beyonce. I don't know the last song's artist, but it was our cool down song and I thought it was very funny and very cute.


What I was amazed at was the calorie burn! 833 calories. I was sweating almost immediately. It was a good workout. I didn't realize, until I saw the video, that our instructor was just doing the music video choreography. It was great fun. For the life of me, I don't know why I even knew this music! Except for Beyonce... that came straight from being a Sex and the City fan.


Back to the Latin music tomorrow! The break was fun, but I'm glad for the Latin rhythms.... LOVE them.

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I only have time for a quick post tonight...


I have never heard of ANY of those songs! I could see how doing the one song's video routine would be fun...a bit confusing in the beginning I'm sure...but totally fun.


Classes tonight was a mixed bag...I wasn't able to do Pilates but I did Zumba...and I had a very long conversation (50 minutes) with Kelly and another attendee afterward...I know that I am going to really enjoy being able to teach Zumba...I'm very excited for training one week from tomorrow!!


Super duper late dinner tonight...well, late for us...pan seared chicken, quinoa speghetti with Classico brand Spicy Tomato and Basil sauce side dish, and broiled asparagus for DH and I (DS had raw cauliflower and ranch dip)...fairly quick...especially good since I didn't get started cooking until after 8:00 PM...


Hope everyone is able to get to their own classes! :)

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Hi Pam,

thanks for the info about your Zumba class, I´m not sure if I would have liked it, somewhere in my mind Zumba is linked to latin music ;)


I did not make it to any class this week.


Monday was our "excursion" with the whole it department of the company, and on tuesday we were doing our "outdoor-event", which consisted of cutting trees and bushes and stacking the wood into piles, and planting a new hedge. And I was one of the lucky ones, others had to shovel small stones to fasten the railway track. Let´s put it this way, it needed an extra day, but my back can tell you exactly which muscles were needed in this...


So, no Zumba on Monday and Tuesday, but lots of food.


Wednesday is my sport-free night, which I spent on the road alternating between my home and my mom´s. My sister is finishing an important work for her university career and my mom was correcting the proofs. As she had some technical difficulties it was up to us, to help.


Tonight would be my Yoga class, but I´m not feeling like it. Actually I´m thinking about ditching and just relaxing on my couch with a nice book. Or maybe even in the bath.


But I promise, tomorrow I´ll be back on track for my Zumba night, and I have to remember that we are doing our Sunday class on saturday of this week, as Annie has a training on sunday. So, it´s another 34 hours til Zumba and I am looking forward to it.


Oh, and I have to tell you:

I´m booked on my next cruise :)


It´s our girls cruise. We are flying down to Venice on May 28th, there we board Voyager of the Seas for a week trip through the Adriatic Sea. Ok, my boss still has to approve my vacation time, but I believe that should be no problem.

Here is our cruise schedule

28th May - Venice, Italy

29th May - Koper - Slovenia

30th May - Ravenna - Itlay

31th May - Bari - Italy

1st June - Dubrovnic, Croatia

2nd June - Day at Sea

3rd June - Venice

4th June - Venice


We are absolutely looking forward to this trip. We´ve been to Venice once before, and sailing onboard such a big ship through the channels of Venice is an experience. So, it would be good, to reduce some weight before than, so that I might be able to wear my cocktaildress...


So, how are you? What are you doing?


Greetings from Germany, where the weather forecast says saturday is going to be a summer day...

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Kasi...I hear you on heavy duty yard work...it is a different kind of physical activity...so straining, so repetitive...and usually short lived, related to getting a project done...so you push it big time and end up very sore...the bright side is that can be a real shock to your system!...in a very good way...


Taking a break from class is not a big deal...I took my break...it was the first time that I seriously just did NOT even WANT to go...I don't know...I wanted to just stay home with my family...I sat on my bum and played computer games!...and I was thinking to myself...uh oh...I don't want to lose momentum...


And going to the makeup classes as the first classes on the day following so much tennis and, ah hem, RITAS...it was a bit of a struggle there...but as soon as I was back...I was all good to go again...the break was refreshing, re-energizing...you'll get back into the swing of Zumba on Saturday, I just know it.


I know what you mean about the Latin music...there are a few songs that we do that aren't Latin...and I like them...they are fun in some way...but I must prefer the Latin sound for Zumba...


Yay for picking a cruise! It sounds WONDERFUL! I've seen all the pictures my parents took on their last vacation, which included Venice...I could look at them all day...so the big ship is actually going to go into the channels? OMG...I can only imagine what that would be like from the ship AND from the city itself...the nearest port to me is Galveston...and once when we were down at the beach, we were driving home...the highway runs parallel to the ships docking...we could look down the street and see the ship...and see it again at the next city block...and the next one...and STILL the next one...I can't remember how many it was, but I can only imagine the feeling of that in a town like Venice!


I think Voyager is the same class of ship that we are taking in March 2012. Take lots of pictures!


So you have roughly 8 weeks til cruise time...plenty of time to make some changes...


I'm getting all jazzed up for my instructor training in one week...Kelly and a good friend of hers are doing a master class in late June...a master class is longer than an hour and has more than one instructor...she says that other Zumba instructors help out as "facilitators"...which I supposed to mean that they are spread out in the class to be someone in the group that others can see and follow...a kind of "plant" that knows what to do to encourage others and help out...Kelly said it's a great way to meet other instructors too, to do stuff like this...


I think it's a great idea...the more people I meet the more chance I might have to be a substitute for someone...since I am so close to training, I started looking to see if there were any instructors wanted postings around here...there aren't...but there were in San Antonio, but I saw that both listings wanted 1 year of experience teaching...I'm thinking that it could be difficult to get a job in a gym or other place since there are so many instructors nowadays...I'm thinking that I'll need to show a history of regular subbing in addition to maybe figuring out some other way to teach...I just don't want to have to spend to much teach...like having to rent out a place or something...but that's where my thoughts have been recently.


Also...I have family coming into town Saturday through Wednesday...haven't seen my SIL in over a year...I know I look very different and I'm wondering if she'll say anything about that...I've heard that she has gained in the past year so I don't know that she would...and DH's family is not really the kind to volunteer information like "wow...you look great!"...so I'm also trying to not get my hopes up...it's unfortunate because these family are the people that would be able to recognize the greatest change...and could help with a nice motivating ego boost (I fully admit to it) but I don't think it'll be coming...and the last time I was in this situation with my MIL, my feelings were hurt a bit...so I'm going through some mental/emotional exercises to try to tell myself that it doesn't matter if I hear positive commentary or not...


And it shouldn't because the ladies in my classes are so supportive...I hope everyone has been able to find a buddy of some sort...anyone that also regularly attends class...just someone to talk to...it can really make a difference in how much fun the whole thing is...


In my family...as crazy as it may seem...with all the talking that I am obviously capable of...I am NOT the ice breaker...DH is the ice breaker...once the conversation gets started, I'm all over it...but I have been so out of practice with having to meet new people...it has taken a while for me to get to the point of being able to really chit chat with the ladies in the class...there have been about two that I regularly talk to...but only recently has that expanded...there is a definite social aspect to the classes that I think increases the fun of it all...especially if your classes are populated with regulars...


Part of my parking lot conversation last night was the one lady (Brenda) saying how much she loved walking into the class and how everyone says HEY! and smiles at her when she comes walking in...because of her work schedule, she is always about two songs late...I think she needed to take a session off...so when she came back...I know Kelly took the break between songs to run back and give her a big ole hug...


I think our class is very unique in some of its comradery...


But it didn't start that way...


Last night Kelly was just saying how serious it all was when they first got started...I guess she started teaching in May 2010...but everyone was stony faced and not too social...but overtime, the class has evolved into what it is...


If you are a Socialite exercise like me...then you love that aspect of class...and if your class isn't at the level that you wish it were...do something about it...start talking to the other people that come regularly...leave class leisurely (if you can)...get there early (if you can)...and strike up a conversation...HAVE FUN...


I hope everyone is rediscovering the FUN that Zumba is...

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I'm bringing the Voyager to you! We're boarding the Voyager in Barcelona on the 15th of May and sailing her to Venice! I'll arrive on the 21st of May, and stay until the 24th of May. I can't believe that I missed you.... by.... that much!.... I know that the Voyager is chartered for the week after we sail on her; there were a number of people who were trying to do a B2B from Barcelona, staying on and sailing thru the Adriatic. So, they were extremely disappointed; their frustration is the only reason that I know about that situation. I know you will love the Voyager. What stateroom are you in?


Anita, Yes! The Voyager of the Seas is a sister ship to the Mariner of the Seas. Danger Alert! There are fresh chocolate chip cookies baked on the Promenade every single day! Kasi, you know about the parades on the Promenade, right? Be sure that you find out when the parade starts and grab a good viewing position. It's a fun way to kick off the cruise. Crew and dance members and sometimes some of the entertainers on board dress in costume and parade through the Promenade. It's just fun. And, I'm pretty sure that they'll have some sort of Dance Night on the Promenade, as well. Usually (at least in the past for me) it's a Disco 70's night, something like that. There is a "bridge" that is over the Promenade and whenever they have an event, there will be someone coming onto that bridge; i.e., this is where the Captain will probably stand to deliver his speech before the Captain's Reception. Anyway, the "Village People" will probably be on that bridge on Disco Night, just so you're aware of where to be during that event... if that's something that you would enjoy. I LOVE that night... dancing in the street type of thing.


Anita, where did you take that exercise quiz that told you the type of exerciser that you are?... Socialite, etc.?


OK. Zumba-related.


I'm so excited! I got Jazz Aerobics shoes yesterday and they are so comfortable. I get to try them out tonight for the first time.


Donna, didn't you get some dance shoes in the mail? Did you like them?


So, I'm having a conversation with the owner of the dancewear shop. Very interesting. I was told to go to this specific dancewear shop by a clerk in an UnderArmour store. I'm so glad that we got into a conversation! The dancewear shop is attached to a dance studio and I found out that the teacher of the studio is only 1-year younger than I am. The thing that she has to be the most concerned with is her knees! The man said to me, "you are NOT trying to dance in athletic shoes, are you?" Uh-oh. So he told me that would wreak havoc with my knees because of the inability to slide on the floor. He said just don't do it! He also said that trying to dance on carpet was a recipe for disaster, as well.


Aside: when I got home and told my DH what the man said I was informed that football players usually get their knee injuries because they've planted a foot that doesn't move from the spot when they get hit and, therefore, the knee absorbs too much of the shock for the body. Wow, thank you so much for not sharing your wisdom earlier!


Back to my story. The man has a daughter who qualified for an MTV reality series called something like The Next Dance Crew... something like that. Her dance crew is called Jagged. It begins to air on MTV sometime next week. He blushed (such a charming man) when he was talking about his daughter and her dancing abilities. We had a great conversation comparing how wonderful our respective daughters are! Just a fun stop in my day.


And I'm excited to report how I do with my new shoes! Capezio, by the way.

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Hi Pam,

so great you are returning to the Med, even though it´s a shame that you leave a few days earlier than my arrival. If you need any tipps for your ports, feel free to ask.

We´ve been aboard Voyager ots two years ago but didn´t get to enjoy the ship as my friend was walking on crutches back than.

I´m starting to evaluate if we will make any excursions with RCCL and what other options there are.

Pam, would it be ok for you if you kept an eye open for the onboard sports acitivities? I´m really interested in what they will offer. Sure, my swimsuit gets packed and propably my workout clothes, too. But knowing what to expect would help.

I´m not to fond of the chocolate chip cookies, but loved the coconut one. And sushi in the afternoon... Isn´t it time to get to the airport yet?


Ok, it´s friday afternoon, the forecast promises wonderful weather for tomorrow, so this will be just a quick note before I head downstairs to clean up the kitchen so I can start cooking right away upon entering the house after my ZUMBA class tonight. DH wanted something "real" to be cooked, means no junf or convinience food. I plan to make some asparagus, au gratin potatoes and some ham.


Tomorrow will be the start of our barbecue season, so after class tomorrow I´m heading to a store to get some stuffed veggies to grill.


Ok, works not getting itself done, see you later ladies.

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Here are those exercise personality quizes again...


There are two links for you to check out to think about this:


1. What is your exercise personality? This link details four different personality types...and offers suggestions as to what fitness activities are likely to be motivating for you...



2. An exercise personality quiz...this one categorizes an exercise personality based on 3 characteristics...1. who you exercise with (if anyone); 2. the type of activity you prefer; 3. your competitive nature.



I am trying to get some rooms that have never been quite settled more organized today...one includes DS's room...which is too sad...but since I have kept rearranging furniture in other rooms...there are finally bookcases to put in his room...and we can get his stuff settled in...we've only been living here for what, 8 months? :o:p


Thought of the day...


Life has been a bit busy lately...I realize that I haven't taken the time to really reflect like I had been in the earlier days of this thread...here's the funny thing about that...


Lately, I've also been feeling a bit "off"...Mom was questioning me with some concern as to whether or not I've been backsliding because my attitude reflects the fact that I feel "off"...


I think this is totally related...


I think that the time that I would purposefully take to find motivation, or inspiration kept my "brain in the game," so to speak...the thread is a bit like a journal for me...and when I take the time to write about something that was motivating or inspiring to me...hoping that reading it would also help everyone else...when I take the time to put into words an event that has helps me stay positive, the effect for myself is magnified...and I end up all pumped up about this whole process of getting fit even more...


And I have been missing that...


Which leads into today's thought...


If you aren't journaling...I recommend it! You don't need to write such novel-ishous entries as I seem to always do...LOL...write how you are feeling...the good, the bad, the ugly...there's something that happens there...as time passes...the effect of being able to express yourself is really wonderful...


So here's the meat of today's entry...


I don't recall if it was Monday or Wednesday...but Kelly put together a playlist that included "oldies but goodies"...basically, a bunch of songs that we hadn't done in a very long time...MONTHS...and the funniest thing happened during the song "Salsa"...the lyrics are fun..."I like the way the salsa moves...I like the way the salsa grooves...over and over and over again..."


The song is a slower song for sure...but I remember how the beginning was...keeping up with Kelly was WAY more difficult...moving arms and legs was strenuous...the whole thing was "kicking my you-know-what" BIG TIME and I was rather upset that I had let myself go to this point where dancing was exhausting...


This time...THIS time...I felt like I was moving is SLOW motion...I CAN move so much faster now...my cardio ability has improved so much...doing this song was such a gift to be able to recognize forward progress in ability and stamina...very exciting actually!


If you aren't there yet...if you are just starting Zumba...or getting back into doing it...keep after it...EVERYONE has a hard time at the beginning...EVERYONE...it's ALL new and so there is a LOT to pick up...but it is repetitive, and you WILL catch on...so stick with it...don't get frustrated...time will pass and you will see huge improvements in your abilities.


Time for lunch!


Keep dancing!

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Kasi, the Voyager cruise that I'll be on is only a 6-day repositioning, but I'll be happy to let you know any sports related daily activities that come out in the Planner. I'm in touch with Anita while I'm gone (through that slow, slow internet connection onboard), and I know that she'll be fine with posting information that I can send her way!


Donna, thinking of you and hoping your work went well and your visit with your parents has been a lot of fun. Remembering that tomorrow is your Thumpboxing class. So interested in hearing what that is all about as I've never heard of anything like it.


Re: the exercise personality test. Hmmm. A bit of a puzzle for me. Quick Question: if I have written exercise routines that I used to do circa 1993, and I have measurements that also include my ankle circumference, and I love... love... love... to enter data regarding my weight training as well as my average heart rate... peak heart rate... duration of exercise. and I love to CHART the data?... Does that mean?... possibility? that I "could" be a Fitness Perfectionist? I'm just wondering....:p:rolleyes:

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COULD be a Fitness Perfectionist? Sounds like a DEFINITION to me! LOL :D


Oh yes! Donna tell us all about Thumpboxing! Sounds like a great frustration reliever! Bad day at the office? Try THUMPBOXING...picture your boss...that never-satisfied, ultra-demading client...your solitaire playing co-workers...and any one else that annoyed you today and give 'em a THUMP! You'll FEEL better and LOOK better too! :)

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My experience with the "new" (to me) jazz aerobics sneaker.


Here's the deal.


When you stand on a wooden floor in athletic shoes... I was weearing Asics for example, cross-trainers... or any shoe that has a significant tred on the sole, you really don't have to engage your muscles much to just stand there. In fact, glance around class... you might find that you see quite a bit of locking of knees... in other words, people are standing either with one leg planted and a hip thrust so that the straight leg has a locked knee... or standing with both legs planted and both knees locked.


Having locked knees and doing zumba is not a good idea... you don't want your knee joint to be a shock absorber when you hit a pivot point or do a hip wiggle...


OK.. back to standing...


When you stand on a wooden floor in slippery shoes... shoes with no significant tred on the sole... guess what?... you slide all over! The only way to keep from sliding is... <drumroll> ... to engage your glutes and quads. I began analyzing this when I realized that I had begun with my knees at shoulder width apart and I was slowly going to a place where my knees were hip distance apart. So I experimented a bit with body mechanics...


During the class... it was so much easier to do the cumbia steps... I can't even describe... and every time that we would pivot... holy cow... i actually MOVED... which was a new sensation for me... My Asics totally grabbed the wooden floor... when I did a cumbia step... I really had to actually STEP through the movement as opposed to sliding through the movement...


SO... the result...


a workout for my inner thigh and quads and glutes that I felt the next day like nobody's business.


I've gone to only 2 classes in the new shoes. I was much better in the 2nd class, but I did slip a bit when I planted my foot and slid... but absolutely no knee involvement... my body just tightened my glutes and quads as a reflex to keep me from sliding...


My advice is to look at the soles of the shoes that you're wearing to Zumba. Make sure that you can actually slide across the floor and pivot easily in any shoes that you're wearing. For me, it made a huge difference in how my knees feel after class... and the next day.


I'm very pleased...




But my butt hurts....




But that's a good thing.

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Ladies! I live!


Just a quick post tonight...we've had family in town this weekend...will probably see them again tomorrow night...it's been rough...it's amazing what changes a year can bring...whereas our family has been making positive strides on the road to health and fitness...life has thrown some curves to my SIL's family...it would be fair to say that for every pound I lost, I think my SIL might have gained...it's quite a shocking difference in the different direction.


It has provided me with what I am terming "negative motivation"...Kelly provides me with positive motivation...I want to be LIKE her...my SIL, however...I definitely do NOT want to head back in that direction...


Seeing her...it's made me think a lot...because I am careful with my words...I need to carefully select the words to express my thoughts...


I definitely want to express this tonight though...


It doesn't take much to get started...one class...one day...once a week...know what you CAN do...and at least do that...


I helped my SIL locate a class that is so close to her using the official Zumba website...I encouraged her to try it...today, just to see...I put in my zip code and a 25 mile radius...there are 452 classes within that radius of my zip code every week.


EVERYONE should make their health a priority...it isn't about weight...it's about HEALTH...I just encourage everyone to get started...start as small as you need to start...but start...achieve...and go from there...I know I've had a fortune cookie that says "Even the longest journey begins with one step..."


I hope everyone that reads that hasn't taken the first step WILL...and for those of us that are on the journey...I sincerely send out encouragement and congratulations for doing so...it isn't easy...or everyone would be fit and healthy...just stick with it...the results are SO worth the effort...you will never regret the work involved...

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