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Will you cruise less due to more stringent flying rules?


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Firefly, I was in your same position waiting for Southwest airfares to post,for a trip I need to take in May to Maryland.

I wanted to see their non stop price from SAN to BWI.

I used the previous month as a guide.

Guess what happened??

When the fares came out they were HIGH!

Delta had a flight that would get me there for $100 LESS.

In the end , since I am only going for a weekend(wedding)I took the Southwest flight cause it gets me in the earliest.

With Delta I would have had to fly in the day before and pay for a hotel an extra night so it same out nearly the same.

Flight price-$444!!EEEK NOT so low cost!!

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Not true. People are randomly selected to go in the body scanner, which BTW, isn't a big deal either.


From someone who flies every week, I think that the check in kiosks and automated services actually make flying "friendlier" these days. I believe that the "hassle" at security checkpoints and counters are caused by the passengers who don't educate themselves on current rules and policies.


I see people at the check in counters who are "surprised" that their 100 lb suitcase is too big to be considered a carry on, and on top of that, they are "shocked" that they need to check it and pay for it. If they actually took a moment when they purchased their airline ticket, read the policies, pre-pay for their luggage, they would breeze through that part of their trip.


Almost every single time I'm going through security, I see someone holding back the line because they are dumbfounded that they need ID. Or because they brought their gallon sized shampoo and conditioner in they carry on, or are wearing their "metal detector unfriendly" jewelry and accessories, or forgot to get their laptop out of their bag, or are refusing to take their shoes or jacket off, or are trying to stuff their oversized carry on through the X-ray machine.

Really? At FLL Airport at the Delta terminal, it was only if you set off the metal detector :confused: Hmm...

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Firefly have you tried Jet Blue? Also clear you cashe before you go and look again and wait a day. )


I dont think they fly from Dallas, Id have to drive to Houston, 4 hours away. I just tried again and Im redirected to spirit. Im guessing Im redirected because they dont fly from Dallas?


I have been looking every day and I dont know what to do, jump on spirit when the times are awful, or pay more or what... its 1200 miles to drive each way. too far.

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I want to cruise; therefore, I have no choice whatsoever but to fly. I am Canadian and a 8-10 hour fligt away from Miami/FLL and a 3.5 hour nonstop ad 4-7 hour connecting flight away from LAX.


If you want to know about ridiculous restrictions then you need to know all about what Canadians had to endure in late Dec 2009 to late January 2010. If you remember, this is about the time of the idiot who decided to blow up a plane using liquids tied to his legs/in his underwear......


The US TSA imposed the most stringent and ridiculous rules for anyone flying into/through/over the US. No one was allowed carry on luggage other than ONE limited size of some very specific items like expensive electronics/computers (with battiers), personal items (purse, wallet, documentation), baby diaper bag, medical necessities, and a few other items that were very specific. Everything I was to take as a carry on (video camera, two digita camera, Nintendo DS, wallet, bag of liquid/gel, cruise documents, money) all had to fit in one medium sized purse and it was bulging it was so full (and it was a bitch to completely repack after the CATSA screeners completely unpacked it all and nicely tossed it all back in to where it all didn't fit).


I arrived at the airport before 4:30am for a 6:45 flight and by the time I had gotten US customs preclearance it was after 6am. Everyone for the Denver flight was pulled out of the line at 6:45am and screened as quickly as possible. Needless to say, by the time the CATSA had checked everything and did the pat down (everyone got a pat down as they left) it was 7am and my name was being called as the LAST passenger to board the plane........


Now, the strange twist is that ANYONE flying in the US or out of the US wasn't required to go through these extremes and were allowed two carry on items. Why is it that the TSA seems to forget that terrorism via planes can happen within the US as well.


It was super annoying because the airlines were not being forgiving and waiving some or all of the baggage fees. United, despite the fact that I couldn't bring my rolling carry on, still charged me for both suitcases.

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People are randomly selected to go in the body scanner, which BTW, isn't a big deal either.


Not true. These scanners have not been proven safe. They use ionizing radiation which IS known to cause cancer.


See the following: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/ucsf-jph-letter.pdf


Note especially the danger to those (who like me) are susceptible to skin and eye cancers.


I don't mind a pat-down, but with my medical history, I can't risk the body scanner.


The scanners are there because the companies that make these multi-million dollar pieces of equipment, hired high-priced lobbyists to get the scanners installed at airports. It's already been shown that it's easy to smuggle weapons through these scans. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2013733774_scanners22.html


The scanners are there for theatrics and for financial reasons, not for security. The only way to stop terrorism, is to not let terrorists get anywhere near an airport. You can't just check someone 5 minutes before they board a plane. Security needs to start with background checks when the ticket is purchased or even before.


TSA agents receive less training than mall security guards. They are not trained in national security...they are trained on how to snap a picture with the scanner.

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What they should be doing is trained security personnel interviewing passengers before allowing them to fly paying special attention to groups who are most likely to be terrorists.


Generally little old ladies do not plan on blowing up airplanes.


However that might offend some people so we cannot do this.


PC will be the death of us.

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We have always flown to Florida for our cruises, but may not this time. Fares are higher and there will be 3 of us. We can buy a lot of gas & 2 hotel nights for less. I have been doing more driving instead of flying in the past year because the airports have become so aggravating. I don't mind scanners etc. but the rest of it is so frustrating. By time I drive to the airport, park, get a shuttle, stand in line to check in and to check bags, stand in line for security, and wait forever in their sticky chairs before boarding, wait for people to find somewhere to put their oversized carryons, wait again for them to retrieve said carryons, wait for my luggage at the carousel, wait again at the carousel they were really sent to . . . I arrive at my destination pretty grumpy. I'd rather drive 10 hours, get there only maybe 2 hours later than if I flew, and be in a happier mood.

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Its 2 days for me to get to FL or Id drive. Last time I drove, the higher prices of hotels along the coast surprised me. I had the bright idea of staying in Biloxi the first night. I did it with a car that ate gas, now I have a more economical car (thanks to my Ike Conquest cruise!!). But it cost me $600 in gas and hotels and food 2 days each way.


The furthest I can drive in one day is to Mobile .. which btw, I do plan on doing twice, Feb and May of this year, and its a good 12 hours from Dallas. But thats as far of a port as I can drive to in one day.


Im just cruising solo the next few times, so its just my own airfare.


We drive. That $600 covers the cost of getting all five of us from MN to FL. It makes a big difference when it comes to the size of your party. If it were just DH or just me, we would fly but when the kids go, it's always in the car. We enjoy the drive and the time together. We have done this drive so often that we have favorite landmarks along the way.


I also have a special needs kid and would be really hesitant to fly. If he was selected for a pat down, it would not go well.


I think the random checks are completely insane. My daughter was flagged going out to CA a few years ago. Her carryon was searched, she was wanded up and down etc. She was 5. Really? Profiling is prejudicial, I get that, but could we at least use some common sense?

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We have always flown to Florida for our cruises, but may not this time. Fares are higher and there will be 3 of us. We can buy a lot of gas & 2 hotel nights for less. I have been doing more driving instead of flying in the past year because the airports have become so aggravating. I don't mind scanners etc. but the rest of it is so frustrating. By time I drive to the airport, park, get a shuttle, stand in line to check in and to check bags, stand in line for security, and wait forever in their sticky chairs before boarding, wait for people to find somewhere to put their oversized carryons, wait again for them to retrieve said carryons, wait for my luggage at the carousel, wait again at the carousel they were really sent to . . . I arrive at my destination pretty grumpy. I'd rather drive 10 hours, get there only maybe 2 hours later than if I flew, and be in a happier mood.


This, exactly!


I'm in Ohio, and in my car, it would cost about $300 in gas roundtrip, and my airline ticket alone was $275. My travel companion could split it with me and drive halfway, and it would get our travel cost down to $150 each. If we needed to stay overnight somewhere, I'm completely fine with $60 Super 8's. Not sure how much parking at the pier is, but I'm sure it would be less than the $200 total that the both of us are paying to check bags!

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This, exactly!


I'm in Ohio, and in my car, it would cost about $300 in gas roundtrip, and my airline ticket alone was $275. My travel companion could split it with me and drive halfway, and it would get our travel cost down to $150 each. If we needed to stay overnight somewhere, I'm completely fine with $60 Super 8's. Not sure how much parking at the pier is, but I'm sure it would be less than the $200 total that the both of us are paying to check bags!


And don't forget that if you drive to the airport, you have to pay parking there which I know in our case would be more than it is to park at the pier.

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Flying while can be stressful at times, is still my choice of travel if a drive is in excess of 6-8 hours......Just a rule of thumb I have always used and the minimal stress I have had flying over the years far outweighs the aggravation of driving when not necessary. EVeryone has their own comfort level with flying and tolerance level of stress.....TSA while being a pain in the butt now more than in the past is not worth the hype it receives. Go thru the scanner or get patted down.....I can deal with either.

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Two days before Halloween, we flew from ABE to MCO the day before we boarded the Dream. We live in central NJ and ABE (Lehigh Valley Ariport, PA) has become our airport of choice. Way better than Newark and, as it turned out, much cheaper, too.


There were 3 of us flying coach RT on Airtran. The fare was much cheaper, nealry 40% cheaper compared to Continental on the same days, nearly same hours.)We selected our seats (extra-$36.00 total). We kept our 3 pieces of checked-in luggage under fifty pounds each (45.00 total). We valet parked our car for 10 days (130.00 total) We avoided a car and driver doing this (Necessary if we had flown out of EWR and that would have cost us 245.00, plus tips). Scanning was no different than had we flown out of EWR, except the line was five minutes instead of fifty-five minutes). Total cost savings by changing airports? $620. It was actually a pleasure.


Is flying a pain? Well, let me just say the glamour I experienced as as teen is gone! There are good deals to be found if you shop around and follow the rules.


And Aritran has been purchased by SW.

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Most airlines in the United States are horrible. They charge for extra bags and have way too many delays and cancellations.


I don't mind flying at all! Actually I enjoy it most of the time. I don't pay for my checked bags and rarely have had delays or cancellations. If we do get them here in Canada it's usually weather related. I have found Canadian airlines MUCH better than the US airlines. The US airlines also have horrible customer service from my experiences with Continental, AA and United before they merged.




The only thing that might keep me from cruising in the future is all the extra fees and cutbacks on CRUISE LINES, not airlines.



While I have not flown a major US carrier ever, I have read and heard from friends that Delta is the lesser of the collective evils, where US carriers are concerned.


For both of our cruises, we have flown Air Canada, and have been very happy with their service. We were delayed by an hour on our first trip to Miami, but had nothing to do with AC. The downside: fares are more expensive, but no fees for checked or carryone luggage. We booked a "bargain" for our November cruise ($465.00 pp) which was cheaper than our 2008 airfare ($515 pp).


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems cheaper to fly from one US city to another, because it's a domestic flight. Montreal to Miami is an international flight, which appears to incur more charges.


We are looking at flying Spirit, Allegiant, or Jet Blue for the next trip. But as others have said, the flight times are awful - but worth it save $1000.00!!! Driving is simply not an option for us.

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. . .


I believe that the "hassle" at security checkpoints and counters are caused by the passengers who don't educate themselves on current rules and policies.


I see people at the check in counters who are "surprised" that their 100 lb suitcase is too big to be considered a carry on, and on top of that, they are "shocked" that they need to check it and pay for it. If they actually took a moment when they purchased their airline ticket, read the policies, pre-pay for their luggage, they would breeze through that part of their trip.


Almost every single time I'm going through security, I see someone holding back the line because they are dumbfounded that they need ID. Or because they brought their gallon sized shampoo and conditioner in they carry on, or are wearing their "metal detector unfriendly" jewelry and accessories, or forgot to get their laptop out of their bag, or are refusing to take their shoes or jacket off, or are trying to stuff their oversized carry on through the X-ray machine.


I would much rather fly at 8:00 a.m. Monday than any time on Saturday or Sunday. At least business travelers know the routine. I can get through a security liine of 50 business travelers faster than I can being behind a family of five on vacation.

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My question is with the price of oil rising .. would you take spirit with horrible times???




Yes - we have and we will again. Buck up and join the $9 fare club - if you fly Spirit twice a year, you'll make up the savings really fast. I'm flying Spirit at least 3 more times this year - once in Feb, once in May, and once in Sept - in Sept, I am getting a $59 base price Chicago to FLL and then $29 base price FLL to Puerto Rico - we're doing a cruise out of FLL and then a modified B2B out of Puerto Rico on Victory - and the flight home from Puerto Rico is only $79 base price - to do the same thing on another airline would be over $600 each (base price - not including taxes). So, yes, I'll fly them and to heck with the time - and the checked bag fee is nothing in comparison to the fees to board the other airlines - their service is fine, they're mostly on time, and if I can fly them cheap, I'll do it!


Flying used to be fun - it used to be the 'start of the vacation' - but not anymore. Since it basically sucks no matter what airline I'm on, I'm willing to give up the little perks to get a way cheaper fare - especially if it means I can afford another cruise or two each year!

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The cruise ports of Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are just a few minutes away....no need to cut back on cruising. We'll probably cut back on flying, but that won't impact our cruising.


Same here. Cruises no problem here yet.


But, we stopped our yearly Las Vegas fly/drive vacations. Not just because

of TSA surcharges, but flight costs, casino room rates and car rental add-ons have gone nuts.



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We will not cruise less, we just won't fly. We don't love the drive, but we hate to fly more than we dislike the drive. We love to vacay out of FL (cruise or Disney)...would like to live there someday...but meantime we drive from the Baltimore area every time(@14 hours to Disney, 11-12 to Jax). I haven't flown since 1998. I hated flying then and I assume I'd hate it even more now as it has become such a hassle and, of course, an expense. Plus, we like to have our car and somewhat have control of timing. So, for our cruise next month, this is the plan: load up the car on the afternoon of the 9th, hop in car and head out around 3:00, drive as far south as we can...somewhere between Santee, SC and Savannah, GA, stay overnight in a hotel, get up early and get back on the road, get to port between 10-11AM. Then, after the cruise we'll just drive straight home without a hotel stay. IMO, it beats buying plane tickets and making hotel ressie(to get in the night before the cruise), getting a ride to airport, going through security and then waiting around for flight, packing the right weight suitcase and checking it at the airport, flying (anxiously), getting to Jax airport, getting luggage, taxi to hotel, take all luggage into hotel, sleep, get up, take all luggage out to taxi and head to port.

We also have a port close to us, Balt, but are not fans of the itins or all the sea days. NY and NJ isn't too far away either, but has the same problems as Balt. So, we just drive.

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We will not cruise less, we just won't fly. We don't love the drive, but we hate to fly more than we dislike the drive. We love to vacay out of FL (cruise or Disney)...would like to live there someday...but meantime we drive from the Baltimore area every time(@14 hours to Disney, 11-12 to Jax). I haven't flown since 1998. I hated flying then and I assume I'd hate it even more now as it has become such a hassle and, of course, an expense. Plus, we like to have our car and somewhat have control of timing. So, for our cruise next month, this is the plan: load up the car on the afternoon of the 9th, hop in car and head out around 3:00, drive as far south as we can...somewhere between Santee, SC and Savannah, GA, stay overnight in a hotel, get up early and get back on the road, get to port between 10-11AM. Then, after the cruise we'll just drive straight home without a hotel stay. IMO, it beats buying plane tickets and making hotel ressie(to get in the night before the cruise), getting a ride to airport, going through security and then waiting around for flight, packing the right weight suitcase and checking it at the airport, flying (anxiously), getting to Jax airport, getting luggage, taxi to hotel, take all luggage into hotel, sleep, get up, take all luggage out to taxi and head to port.

We also have a port close to us, Balt, but are not fans of the itins or all the sea days. NY and NJ isn't too far away either, but has the same problems as Balt. So, we just drive.

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I would much rather fly at 8:00 a.m. Monday than any time on Saturday or Sunday. At least business travelers know the routine. I can get through a security liine of 50 business travelers faster than I can being behind a family of five on vacation.
It doesn't make any difference to me. It is not as though my plane will leave sooner if I get through the security line faster. ;)
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I never used to mind flying, but with prices for flying two costing as much or more then the cruise I'm done with flying to a port. When you throw in the bag fees, flight cancellations, overall lack of service, and security, it's just not worth the cost or trouble for us.


The only time we'll fly for a cruise is for something like a Alaska or mediterranean cruise. We can reach at least two ports by car within eight hours. I don't care that much about the ports, I'm just glad to be cruising and not at work.

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The new x-rated TSA stuff really irks me because, like the exploding toothpaste rule, it doesn't work. It's all for "show" & doesn't make you any safer than you were before. Realize they still don't screen the majority of the cargo going onto the plane with you & then tell me why I'm not supposed to be peeved at having to take off my shoes. :mad:


I flew out of 2 major airports this past Christmas season & despite security levels being "heightened," at neither airport did I have to go through a porno scanner or get molested.


Having said that, what really ticks me off now are all the added fees, especially for checking one bag. It is currently way cheaper for me to book SW, even though that entails getting myself to a town 2 hours away (the bus, btw, is a great option). Bus fare + taxi (if I can't find a friend there to drive me to the airport) is *STILL* over $200 cheaper than flying out of my local airport & being charged for breathing on the plane.


Regarding the bus: if you live fairly close to the port you're sailing from, why not take the bus? For me, it's great for short trips---free bag check, no hassles with traffic, plus if you plan it right, the bus fare + taxi (if needed) is cheaper than what you spend on gas & parking. :D

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Flying really isn't that bad, and you only go in the body scanner if you set off the metal detector. (A little known fact)


Not quite true. I fly two round trips a week for my company and can share that it's a virtual random event for the scanners. In Harlingen, Texas everyone is going through the scanner, and that's independent from the occasional secondary screening from the US Border Patrol agents.


The scanner in Hobby at Houston is used as fast as they can get people in it, and if you are there when it's time, even flying Business Select, you are getting scanned.




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And don't forget that if you drive to the airport, you have to pay parking there which I know in our case would be more than it is to park at the pier.


This is the opposite for me. I can find discount parking at the airport but some ports its getting to be too much. FLL and MIA especially hard to park. Most ports I get a hotel to get parking, but I pay more for that hotel than I would if I didnt need parking.


If I can drive for what the airfare is, I drive. .. even for driving, I add in an extra $100 to get a hotel and gas to New Orleans over Galveston when I compare cruise prices. This will be my first time driving to Mobile. I was surprised how much the hotels charge extra for their cruise and park packages. (more than New Orleans!!).


I do always add up the costs both ways to decide.

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