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TA....Expecting Too Much??

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Nancy I know what you mean-

I have been cruising since I was 15 with my family and I have now been on 11 cruises total and 4 more booked. I have used the same TA that my family has used for years. DH and I now go on at least 2 cruises a year. The only time that we receive a gift from the TA is if we travel with our parents. I have refered quite a few people to him that have booked cruises through him and to top it off, 2 years ago our friends got married on a cruise. They booked the whole trip through the TA for the 6 of us (totaling around $13,000 as there were 4 cabins) and the TA didn't even send them a bottle of champagene for their wedding. I was really taken back.


Now when I call to book, I feel I know as much as them, if not more and that I am bothering them if I ask questions. We were considering a Mexican cruise on Carnival and I asked some questions about the ship & line (having only sailed on RCL & Celebrity) and they were just like "it is like apples to oranges". I was like hello....aren't you supposed to be trying to sell me on this cruise??????


So now I have begun booking directly through RCL. I can call and ask as many questions as I want and make any changes anytime of the day(not restricted to the TA's hours) without any hassle.

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Nancy-I live in KC and I too feel my agent is less that great and seems to get worse with each cruise. Could you please email me your agents name so I make sure I don't sign up with them? mutgr96@everestkc.net


She gives us no guidance or advice..she simply tells me to pick the cruise and she will book it. So I do all the research and then book it with her just to get the published rate.:(

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To paraphrase Rod Steiger, "What we have here is a failure to provide good customer service . . ". Certainly not limited to travel agents - had similar experiences with Real Estate agents who simply told me to "find some houses on the net" and we'll go look at them. Huh?? Isn't that your job to find houses that meet my criteria?


Same goes for TA - they should be offering you a service that you can't get anywhere else. Otherwise why use them? I could care less about amenities or bottles of champagne waiting in your room. Get me the accomodations I ask for, make sure all issues are resolved and be available should a "situation" arise.


You can do as good or better on the internet or by dealing directly with the providers. In the "old days", it used to be more compicated booking travel. Not the case anymore. I find it much less stressful to handle the transaction myself.

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For many years our TA sent a gift to the cabin and that was nice but no big deal. When the small agency was bought out by a large national group she let me know that she was no longer going to be able to that.

But she does handle lots of details, she knows what we like and makes sure those arrangements are in place. The cabin is midship & lowest deck for the type chosen, my dining choices are always correct, pre and/or post cruise arrangements are taken care of. She watches the prices so if they go down I automaticaly get the difference credited to my credit card.

I do usually find an email waiting for me when I return asking me to call when I have time & let me know how it went.

This is more important to me than the small gift she might send. I've used her for years and will continue to do so. Sure I could do it myself on line but what's the advantage?



Norma, you make good points: the details are what make a cruise special and I would rather have an agent that meets my needs, will go the extra mile and will do the research rather than expect me to do it and call her/him. That isn't doing anything. That being said, the little gift or ship credit can also add to the pleasure and separate the average agent from the one that is just a step above. I am sorry to hear your agent no longer sends little gifts, It sounds like the old company paid for them, not your agent and the larger company doesn't want to do that. We had the same thing happen when I was an agent in Dallas. I just sent something anyway and paid for it myself. That is also what I do today. NMnita

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I guess the problem I think I'm having with the TA I'm currently using is that she doesn't get back to me. It may be minor to her, but it's a big deal to me. And I guess if she is too busy then, I may as well book the next one myself. At least then I'll know things have been done. You'd think after so many trips (cruises and land) that I'd be a little higher on her radar.

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I guess the problem I think I'm having with the TA I'm currently using is that she doesn't get back to me. It may be minor to her, but it's a big deal to me. And I guess if she is too busy then, I may as well book the next one myself. At least then I'll know things have been done. You'd think after so many trips (cruises and land) that I'd be a little higher on her radar.


you do have reason to be a bit upset and I beleive that is the complaint I hear the most: she doesn't get back to me! Now, we all know some cliants are pains in the #$%%, yet they are still cliants. I can't say I always get back on the day I get the message, but if I don't get back within 24 hours unless something unforeen has happened I would expect my cliants to take their business elsewhere. NMnita

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I posted a similiar question on another board. I am old school. I believe that if you are a repeat customer and spend a good amount of money each year with a ta - it should mean something.




I don't expect a bottle of wine. I expect a f/u call after returning. Giving special prices. I am in sales myself and firmly believe that customer service goes along way. I don't think I should have to haggle with a ta that I have used alot.


I am hesitant about using online companies but after this year, I am going to change.




If my cruise price is no lower than the ta, then why book.




I guess it was the comfort factor. I really think the days are gone of personal service from a ta....in my opinion. It is more like order taking.




Anyway.....just my two cents.

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Very interesting topic here.....makes me think, what am I doing wrong? We always book our next cruise while we are on board. We always stay in nice cabins...this time an Owners Suite. As soon as I get back I transfer the booking to my TA. Then I get several other families to join us in comparable suites using this same TA. The ONLY thing I have asked her to do for me is see if we could upgrade to the Royal Suite. I have never received anything from her. Hmmmmmm.....am I wrong to feel a bit under appreciated? It really wouldn't take much to show me that she appreciated my business. I guess times have changed...



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The last time we were in Grand Cayman we did one of those swim with the stingrays tours with a private company. It was about $30/per person. After we returned we got a "thank you for your business and hope you had a good time " e-mail from them. Great customer service.



I don't think my TA has ever thanked me for using her. hmmm?

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The last time we were in Grand Cayman we did one of those swim with the stingrays tours with a private company. It was about $30/per person. After we returned we got a "thank you for your business and hope you had a good time " e-mail from them. Great customer service.



I don't think my TA has ever thanked me for using her. hmmm?



I know what you mean about the thank you. We got a wonderful book about Barbados from our tour guide a few years ago. He even autographed it. Sure it was a book with lots of ads and very commucialized but I can assure you I would use that company again and I recommend them from time to time. customer service still goes along way. I am amazed at what some of you are saying about your TAs. No wonder so many of you book over the net!! I will, however, assure you good TAs are still out there. NMNita

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and we certainly do appreciate them. I don't think either of us really wanted a bottle of wine OR anything else of value, including on-board credits, but I had gone out of my way to e-mail AND call her and wish HER happy cruising BEFORE she took out on the Grand from Galveston. And I made sure I had an e-mail waiting for her when she returned asking how it went and wanted full details. So, basically all either of us wanted was some kind of response from her, preferably before the cruise to let us know, at least, she still remembered we were going. I know for a fact that she was not over-whelmed with customers, as this is a fairly small agency. What we got was "Can I book another cruise for you now, and oh, btw, how'd the cruise go?" Kind of felt like chewed gum. However, I did break down and contact another TA and told him exactly what happened and exactly how I felt and what I expected. Gave him a few iteneraries I wanted to look into, so we'll see where this goes. May do like most of you seem to be leaning towards, and that's just booking thru RCI, or any other cruise line. Seem to get the same price.

ADDICTED2TRAVELING.........I don't think it would be proper etiquette to name this agent or the agency, even by e-mail. I hope you understand.


Thanks, all, for all the great responses. Hope we get tons more.


Mike!! :D

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If you've found a good TA that gets back to you, even with silly little questions. Then I think I would go with that. But if they seem to busy to be bothered, or seem a little stuck up, then find someone else. I've contacted the TA I've had 3 times since booking last June, and each time it was just to find out if she had setup the stateroom decorations yet. It just seems like she dropped the ball. I'll have to make sure that I just deal with our original TA from now on. (same TA office).

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I know there are some goods travel agents out there but I haven't found them..

I wish the Cruise Lines would just credit me the commission they are paying the agent who did my up coming cruise... he did nothing more than a little keyboard work (much less than I do on these boards).


I left a message for him two weeks ago.. he hasn't called me yet. I made my final payment with a Customer Sevice person. ML

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Boy, after reading the "Is customer service a thing of the past" thread, I can't believe I had the nerve to ever say anything. Whew!! I justed wanted to say thanks for all the opinions. I get the feeling I'm expecting too much, and will lighten up. I guess I'm "old school" too, and will learn to live with it. It's just that she didn't do much for us...she booked it. Period. I guess I could understand it a little better if this was just a 3-4 day, first timer, etc. Or, if we got a great price...which we didn't. I guess I'm just "old school" too. I thought an email "Have a nice time" would've been appropriate. Or, if she would've checked to see if we recieved our docs from RCCL...anything to make me at least feel like I was a mole hill in a mountain. It just upset me not to hear anything, then get hit with "Do you still want me to explore options we were talking about"? Guess I need to go practice getting over it now. That sorta sucks. :D


Feel free to keep them coming.



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I have booked cruises online through discount firms. Booked 1 directly with the cruise line and booked all the rest with my travel agent. She is worth her weight in gold. When I call her with a question i always get a response back the same day (Even if it's just still checking ,talk to ya tomorrow). Are the prices cheaper ...no... but they don't seem more expensive... I check pricing constantly and when I stop by to reserve I already know the line and dates I want to cruise....


Decided 2 weeks ago I wanted to get passports for the family...Called her and told her I was stopping by for pics.... She had the forms printed out and took our pics for the passports... Told my DW how to fill out the forms... where to go locally for processing and the best time to go.....


Always get a card thanking me for booking... she drops off my cruise documents to my work.... and sends an email upon my return asking about the cruise......last cruise had choc covered strawberries and asti delivered to the cabin during sailaway (love my balcony during sailaway)


I guess i am lucky to have found someone who cares about my business.....

As long as she treats me properly I will continue to use her services...

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You know what's even worse, Nancy? And what sort of soured us on the whole TA system?

When we started booking expensive cruises onboard and then immediately transfering them to our previous TA. We had already booked our ship, our sailing, our cabin. No work for the receiving TA, yet their company received the commission. We then proceeded to have major disagreements with the TA about receiving full value for the crown and anchor coupons and the platinum balcony discount. They only wanted to give us a percentage of the discount off the price, for a commission that essentially fell into their lap.

And there was never a "thanks for booking with us again", one time she actually said, "Oh did you have a cruise booking sent here?...Oh, yeah here it is. "

And we are not difficult customers who make any changes. We just sort of gave up. :)
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I think I need to give up too. Either you get a good one or you don't. I would think the repeat service would be worth the weight in gold, but what do I know? I keep hearing about all these good TA's...all I'm really after is "Thanks for the business..have a good time".

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Do any of you ever get the impression that some TAs expect YOU to thank THEM. I do.

Sometimes after I've made booking there's a little silence on the phone, so I've said "thank you" and the TA says "you're welcome." :rolleyes: I would have expected a NO, thank YOU.

I remember our first cruise, a 4-dayer that I booked with a local, storefront agency (and paid full price for too). During our booking people were coming in with shopping bags full of gifts for the TA. She said lots of her customers bring her back something from their cruises because of her good service.

Anyway by our second cruise I had discovered Cruise Critic. We were still doing insides then and I found something on cruise critic that referred to a deal RCI had where you booked and inside and got an outside. I really had a hard time getting her to book this (she said she couldn't find it), but then when I told her another local agency had found it on RCI's website and I would have to cancel, she did find it. I was so happy to get the outside and I said to her, you should tell your other customers about it, too. She answered "All of my customers, except you, book balconies." :eek:

The funny thing is that we became addicted cruisers and now we do book balconies, or maybe minis. She lost us as potential customers due to her attitude. And I don't think I was being picky.
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I appreciate my cliants, their referrals and try to do whatever I can, within reason, to keep them happy. As for getting gifts from cliants, I have gotten a few things, sometimes flowers, little things like ear rings or T shirts from the islands and pictures of the cruisers. The pictures are priceless, the other gifts appreciated, but I own you a thank you, all you owe me is a few comments about your trip so I can be better informed.

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A few things I must clarify. as a travel agent for over 11 years I can tell you this. In the past we were able to discount all cruises. Now the cruise lines have restricted us from discounting any cruise. If we do, out agency will be "fined" by The Cruise Line. The only way for us to give you a better rate is if we have "group space" on that sailing. The larger agencies do have group space on so many sailings, but you as the customer must be flexable with your vacation week if you want the better price. Group space is not available on every ship of every week in all categories.

As far as gifts, our agency requires that we send a bottle of wine to each guest, or something else at the individual agents choice. It is a long time tradition to send a Bon Voyage gift.
We rely on our service and pride ourselves on "Simply exceptional service" regardless of what we actually make in profit.

If you are dealing with someone whose heart isn't into it, then find somone who will take care of you. Your friends, families and coworkers recommendations are your best bet.

Happy sailings &:D Bon Voyage!!
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I love my TA, but she usually doesn't call to wish us a good trip, but she always calls us to see if all went well when we get home. While I know she doesn't always have the very lowest price, she has been a great help with lots of other stuff and has to put up with both my husband calling to try to set up something to surprise me and visa versa! She's helped us plan our vow renewal, a balloon ride (which ended up not being available, but she worked her a** off investigating it for DH), and has been great finding unique excursions for us and helps find pre and post cruise hotels that meet our requirements. As long as the trip is at least 7 nights, she sends us something on ship...wine, cabin decorations for our anniversary, champagne, etc. It means a lot to us and I keep using her and sending people to her.

After all the hurricanes last fall, I was talking to her about any clients she might have had to reschedule airfare (which I often book on my own). She told me she would always help me reschedule air if I needed it, even if she hadn't booked the airfare herself, and I believe her! That's what I"m paying a TA for, and will continue to do so, until the cruiselines force them out as the airlines have.
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Not that we are looking for anything, but our group just booked a cruise for March 06 and between all of us we are spending OVER $25,000 in just the cruise alone. So far we have 11 cabins booked and most of those are balconies, plus we are going at spring break so it is at preium prices. This is the first time we have used a local agency and so far the customer service hasn't been all that great....hope it gets better!!! We have spent a lot of money and I'm sure she is making a nice check for this.
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As a follow up to my previous post, received an email from my TA yesterday. My docs are in for April, she has checked them for accuracy and wants to meet for lunch so she can give them to me & share pics from her trip to Egypt.
This is the kind of service I appreciate since she doesn't live in my town. It's better than a small gift in my cabin, it's a personal touch.
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Our TA takes care of all details for us and always sends us a bottle of wine or champagne on the cruise, some cookies or other treats for our daughters. Of course, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and I was in hers, so she has to deal with me in real life, so she knows she can't escape me! Seriously, she has always done a great job for us and we have sent a whole lot of dollars in her direction. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. And I don't care if the wine is cheap, I just like having a freebie that I can dive into after having dealt with the stress of boarding!
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