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Cruisin Christi

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How do I get my DH, BIL and SIL as excited as I am???


DH makes fun of me, says it is till over 200 days away and I am a nut...and SIL just acts like it is no big deal, this is her first cruise and she has no idea what it is gonna be like. She thought the cabin would be exactly like a hotel room, when I told her there were no coffee makers in the cabin I thought I she was going to cry! I have tried to get her to do some research, or at least listen to my tips, but she just doesn't seem as excited as I am.


I told her there was an elegant night and was trying to explain dress codes and such and she simply said, "I am not wearing a formal" and changed the subject without letting me explain anything to her!


I guess I will just go and be super prepared and let them all look like nutjobs.


What upsets me the most is I will tell them all what they need to know now and they will have not listened and when we are 2 weeks out they will want to know if they need a birth certif and end up not having one:eek:


Listen now! Be excited with me! Lets learn together!

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I am also an overly excited-uber planner. But what I've learned is not to push people because then it bites you on the rear and sours them towards the whole experience. Give them a list, attempt to help them be prepared. But after that, they're adults and having someone bug them and nag only causes issues.

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The best thing to do is act disinterested. Smile all the time and be really happy....when they ask whats up, just say "oh nothing that you would be interested in" :). They will come around when it gets closer. Who knows, maybe they are closet CC'ers??

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Y'all are probably right.


I just hate that no one else is as happy as I am about it. I wanna gab and plan with someone.


I even have a roll call up in hopes someone like me would let me know they were going and we could chit chat..nothing. Oh well, I will try to be patient.

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Bless your heart! I cruised with some friends this past November, and hit the same wall with them. And sure enough, when we got on the cruise they acted like they didn't know half of what I had told them beforehand. And get this, they got aggrivated with me over it. LOL


I'm doing things different now. If I see something that I think is really important, I'll forward it to them in an email and let them decide if they care or not.


As far as getting others excited. My DH rolls his eyes at me for being excited....So now, I wait until he's just dozing off for the night, then I wake him up to tell him just how many more times he has to fall asleep before we leave! "Wake up, Babe. Just 122 more nights, then we'll be on the ship!" LOL Sooner or later, I'm hoping he'll catch on and start showing some excitement.

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Bless your heart! I cruised with some friends this past November, and hit the same wall with them. And sure enough, when we got on the cruise they acted like they didn't know half of what I had told them beforehand. And get this, they got aggrivated with me over it. LOL


I'm doing things different now. If I see something that I think is really important, I'll forward it to them in an email and let them decide if they care or not.


As far as getting others excited. My DH rolls his eyes at me for being excited....So now, I wait until he's just dozing off for the night, then I wake him up to tell him just how many more times he has to fall asleep before we leave! "Wake up, Babe. Just 122 more nights, then we'll be on the ship!" LOL Sooner or later, I'm hoping he'll catch on and start showing some excitement.


Well you made me smile...at least I am not alone.


I tried to tell him I found a deal on taking the kids 'next time' last night as we were going to bed and he said "you don't even know if you will like cruising and you want to take the kids?!' I KNOW I will love it and the kids have watched the travel channel show with Samantha Brown Great Cruises 6 or 8 times, and once today, it is was on @ 11am. They want to go so bad!

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I'm there too. DH knows any cruise will be awesome.. He's satisfied when I give him a date. He needs no more details than that. I've given up trying to pull him into my plans. I forward him picture of the latest fun times and excursions. he never looks, but he can't say i didn't include him


My 6 year old is about to do her first cruise... I try to get her excited (why??? you'd think I didnt' learn anything from Christmas), but her summary is "we're going on a boat ride"


Thank goodness for CC

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I'm there too. DH knows any cruise will be awesome.. He's satisfied when I give him a date. He needs no more details than that. I've given up trying to pull him into my plans. I forward him picture of the latest fun times and excursions. he never looks, but he can't say i didn't include him


My 6 year old is about to do her first cruise... I try to get her excited (why??? you'd think I didnt' learn anything from Christmas), but her summary is "we're going on a boat ride"


Thank goodness for CC



Mine are 7, 6 and 3..2 oldest home sick today :( so they watched the Great Cruise show and all three of them were glued to the tv for the umteenth time. My 3 year old hadn't seen it, that I recall, and she ran to me when she saw the flowrider and proclaimed "I gonna do dat" LOL. Little does she know we wont be able to afford a ship that fancy. I think they will love any ship.

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Well you made me smile...at least I am not alone.


I tried to tell him I found a deal on taking the kids 'next time' last night as we were going to bed and he said "you don't even know if you will like cruising and you want to take the kids?!' I KNOW I will love it and the kids have watched the travel channel show with Samantha Brown Great Cruises 6 or 8 times, and once today, it is was on @ 11am. They want to go so bad!

Nope, you're definitely not alone!!! And actually, I only have 116 days to go! WOOHOO!


Kill some time by making yourself a fun countdown calendar for your fridge. Get some tropical stickers and stuff that you can add to it. Mark special dates, like when you can print out your passes, etc. Do what I do.....If nobody else will play along, have fun without them! Meanwhile, I'll be excited for you.....There's nothing like your first cruise!

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Oh I will have to try that calendar idea. I have my cruise ringtones (that I send all over to anyone who wants them) and I had a really cool countdown screensaver on my phone but I didn't realize the app was just a trial and I haven't gone to purchase it yet.


I spend hours on CC and researching all over the web. I visit Carnival to check prices at least once a day. I am obsessed, I guess that is why the family thinks I am nuts :p

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I am the same way....I went to school and studied travel, I wanted to be a travel agent, so this is my kind of thing!!


Our cruise in Sept, I found myself constantly saying "well, they say....." It got to the point that I could tell I was annoying everyone else. So I tried to shut up about what I knew! But it was HARD!!

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I too know how you feel. My hubby just leaves it all up to me to research everything & he just sits back & enjoys the ride! Just make sure everyone has the right docs to get onboard. After that, they're on their own LOL. At least I'm down under double digits now.

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If you try to get others as "excited as you are", then you risk them being "let down" if things don't work out exactly as they think it will or as described.....so just wait, and let them find out about cruising on their own!


Go ahead and be excited, but stop trying to get them to join in. After this cruise, they'll be all excited about their next one!

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My hubby is the same way! I was so excited when I found out we were going to be able to book a cruise in December, that I booked it that day! Yup! I booked a 4 day cruise 335+ days out. I'm excited about researching the ports and the ship, but my hubby doesn't want to hear any of it, since it's so far out. It's hard to contain my excitement!

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We have two other families travelling with us on our cruise in March that WON'T do any research. They had asked me a few questions here and there, but neither family would go online and look into anything. I was afraid they were going to miss out on some stuff.


So, I invited both families over for New Year's Eve and I made a PowerPoint presentation that was fun. We did the presentation on the big screen in our living room, made a lot of jokes and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I gave each of them a printed copy of the presentation so that they would have any information that they needed. That way they couldn't say that I didn't tell them. I figure my job is now done.


Since the presentation, my husband has gotten really excited and is FINALLY starting to look around on Cruise Critic. He keeps sending me links to stuff that I've already seen and tried to tell him about (not that he listened to any of it). Oh well, at least he's excited now.

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If you try to get others as "excited as you are", then you risk them being "let down" if things don't work out exactly as they think it will or as described.....so just wait, and let them find out about cruising on their own!


Go ahead and be excited, but stop trying to get them to join in. After this cruise, they'll be all excited about their next one!


I know what you mean. I did pretty much all the planning, then cried the last night cause I thought no one had a good time. After reading these boards, I discovered it was probably the depression, that a lot of people go thru on their last day onboard, it got the best of me!

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we have two other families travelling with us on our cruise in march that won't do any research. They had asked me a few questions here and there, but neither family would go online and look into anything. I was afraid they were going to miss out on some stuff.


So, i invited both families over for new year's eve and i made a powerpoint presentation that was fun. We did the presentation on the big screen in our living room, made a lot of jokes and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, i gave each of them a printed copy of the presentation so that they would have any information that they needed. That way they couldn't say that i didn't tell them. I figure my job is now done.


Since the presentation, my husband has gotten really excited and is finally starting to look around on cruise critic. He keeps sending me links to stuff that i've already seen and tried to tell him about (not that he listened to any of it). Oh well, at least he's excited now.


love it! :d

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We have two other families travelling with us on our cruise in March that WON'T do any research. They had asked me a few questions here and there, but neither family would go online and look into anything. I was afraid they were going to miss out on some stuff.


So, I invited both families over for New Year's Eve and I made a PowerPoint presentation that was fun. We did the presentation on the big screen in our living room, made a lot of jokes and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I gave each of them a printed copy of the presentation so that they would have any information that they needed. That way they couldn't say that I didn't tell them. I figure my job is now done.


Since the presentation, my husband has gotten really excited and is FINALLY starting to look around on Cruise Critic. He keeps sending me links to stuff that I've already seen and tried to tell him about (not that he listened to any of it). Oh well, at least he's excited now.


That is a cute idea!


Too bad I live so far away from my SIL and BIL, lol and I don't think I could get my DH to sit through one on his own.

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My family has learned to deal with my excitedness over planning and such. They at least tell me how much they appreciate everything and yet I know that I will be the only one looking into things ahead of time. My almost sister in law (who we always cruise with) says she doesn't even care to know where the ship is headed, as long as she has a room on board!

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You are soooooo not alone. I have a hard time getting DH excited. We booked our next cruise this weekend for March 1. Thank goodness it is only 35 days away. I have already gone through my wardrobe, starting pulling summer clothes out, put together my cruise only gear and such.


He won't pack or do anything until the weekend before.


It is so hard to want to talk about it and get that glazed over look. So I come here for my cruise lovers fix. Everyone here is excited about cruising and it don't get much better than that.


I want to book another one just so when we get back I will have that one to look forward to.

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My family has learned to deal with my excitedness over planning and such. They at least tell me how much they appreciate everything and yet I know that I will be the only one looking into things ahead of time. My almost sister in law (who we always cruise with) says she doesn't even care to know where the ship is headed, as long as she has a room on board!



That is soooo funny. 3 days after my SIL booked she had her husband call my husband to see where we were going to be stopping! They didn't know how to log into carnival dot com or anything. So BIL gets on the phone with DH and I hear DH say ' I am not sure let me find Christi's book, she keeps everything in there'...the whole convo I was in the background telling him to hand me the phone. I guess he told him what he wanted, he never put me on the phone.

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You are soooooo not alone. I have a hard time getting DH excited. We booked our next cruise this weekend for March 1. Thank goodness it is only 35 days away. I have already gone through my wardrobe, starting pulling summer clothes out, put together my cruise only gear and such.


He won't pack or do anything until the weekend before.


It is so hard to want to talk about it and get that glazed over look. So I come here for my cruise lovers fix. Everyone here is excited about cruising and it don't get much better than that.


I want to book another one just so when we get back I will have that one to look forward to.



I am praying to book another while on board. If finances are in order. I really want to take the kids...of course DH thinks I will hate cruisin'...but I will love it!

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My hubby is the same way! I was so excited when I found out we were going to be able to book a cruise in December, that I booked it that day! Yup! I booked a 4 day cruise 335+ days out. I'm excited about researching the ports and the ship, but my hubby doesn't want to hear any of it, since it's so far out. It's hard to contain my excitement!



If I am to be honest here I started doing this obsessing over a year ago. We were originally planned to sail this past Oct. so I started Dec. 09...that is if I am to be honest.

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You may have the last laugh on your SIL. She may become a cruise addict. Then you can give her a BIG " I told you so!"


LOL, I'd rather tell DH that honestly. He said last night I may not like cruising..I tell y'all what; if after all this excitement, positive attitude and planning I come home and hate cruising I will never EVER tell him!

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