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Caribbean-Cruising Fashonista


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A small CCF victory to report... this weekend my DH, (who teases me for my spreadsheet and all my planning, remember?), came and asked me "Do we have someplace where we are collecting stuff we need for the cruise?" And of course I was able to say "Why of course! I have a box in the closet, the leopard print one." He wanted to be sure our SW free drink tickets and Celebrity luggage tags didn't get lost. He saw that I had quite a few things in there and actually said "That's a good idea!" :D


THEN, miracle of miracles, this man, who normally packs by tossing things in the suitcase the night before we leave, (and nearly giving me an anurism every time), actually suggested that we pack this upcoming weekend. (One WEEK before the cruise)! :eek:


One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!

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I'll add to your 'leap', CactusGirl.


Like many of us, I have taken over a closet in an extra bedroom for our cruising stuff. We are also currently doing some major remodeling in the house. While cleaning out the next space to deconstruct, my DH asked where he should put a particular item. I said in DS's old bedroom. He looked confused for a minute, then said, "Oh, you mean the cruise room!" :D He's hooked!

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CactusGirly and Li'lImp: Yay for the men in your lives!! They might not want to admit it, but most DHs are pleased/relieved that CCFs are organized and start well in advance:)!

...Now if I can only gently persuade MY DH to choose some shorts and golf-type shirts...

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DH gave me a fabulous Valentine gift! He got up early and selected ALL his Shorts and Shirts, and put them in the Cruise Room! When I got up he showed me the piles of clothes:)!

NOW packing can truly begin!!:cool:


Yay!! I got roses, a card and a new suitcase I have been lusting after. Friday can't get here soon enough!

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DH gave me a fabulous Valentine gift! He got up early and selected ALL his Shorts and Shirts, and put them in the Cruise Room! When I got up he showed me the piles of clothes:)!


Yay!! I got roses, a card and a new suitcase I have been lusting after.


Happy Valentine's Day, Fashionistas! Since DH is still in NC, he sent me flowers this weekend as a Welcome Home / Happy Valentine's Day surprise. Hopefully he'll be home sometime next week, I think I'm going to plan something nice for when he gets home.

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My DH came home last week and gave me a folder and told me to look inside it. He said this was my Valentines Day present.

What a surprise when I opened it and it was tickets for a cruise that I didn't even know he had been looking at.:D It is for this Fri thru Mon.

Gotta love a man that surprises you with a cruise!!!;)

So we only have 2 days until we leave for the port in Long Beach, can't wait!

Edited by TNGALOHA
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My DH came home last week and gave me a folder and told me to look inside it. He said this was my Valentines Day present.

What a surprise when I opened it and it was tickets for a cruise that I didn't even know he had been looking at.:D It is for this Fri thru Mon.

Gotta love a man that surprises you with a cruise!!!;)

So we only have 2 days until we leave for the port in Long Beach, can't wait!


How romantic!! :)

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My DH came home last week and gave me a folder and told me to look inside it. He said this was my Valentines Day present.

What a surprise when I opened it and it was tickets for a cruise that I didn't even know he had been looking at.:D It is for this Fri thru Mon.

Gotta love a man that surprises you with a cruise!!!;)

So we only have 2 days until we leave for the port in Long Beach, can't wait!


Awesome present! :)

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A few years ago I also started packaging outfits together in their own ziploc bags. Everything for the outfit, except for the bra and shoes goes into the bag.


I either roll the items, or I fold them to a little smaller than the measurments of the bag I am using - squish all the air out - and into the bag it goes.


A few years ago I had a bag get randomly searched at San Francisco Airport, and this made it so easy to repack my bag - and my undies weren't on display for the 1500 people in line at the security gate! :eek:


I use ziplocs for almost anything smallish as well - charging cables, batteries, medication, etc - everything goes into a bag with like items - makes for easy double checking of the packing list and super easy unpacking at the destination.



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GRRRR, I started at the gym and went on a diet a month ago... since I quit smoking at the same time, everything I'm doing to be healthy is only MAINTAINING my weight and keeping me from gaining. If I hadn't started working out and eating better when I quit smoking, I'd be gaining weight, so I'm not losing anything because my metabolism slowed down. SO frustrating; I wanted to rock a bikini and am now worried that even my tankinis won't look good on me. :( I just have to remember someone will always look worse than me, right??

Edited by RazorbackBelle08
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A few years ago I also started packaging outfits together in their own ziploc bags. Everything for the outfit, except for the bra and shoes goes into the bag.


I either roll the items, or I fold them to a little smaller than the measurments of the bag I am using - squish all the air out - and into the bag it goes.


A few years ago I had a bag get randomly searched at San Francisco Airport, and this made it so easy to repack my bag - and my undies weren't on display for the 1500 people in line at the security gate! :eek:


I use ziplocs for almost anything smallish as well - charging cables, batteries, medication, etc - everything goes into a bag with like items - makes for easy double checking of the packing list and super easy unpacking at the destination.



ziplock bags are my friend! Like you I pack all the incidentals in them. I should try packing my clothes. I never thought about that. I bet it does make unpacking a breeze!

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RazorbackBelle08 I can sympathize! My pounds haven't come off as easily as I'd hoped. But if you are working out it's quite possible you are gaining muscle so won't see the results on the scale. You may notice body circumference changes before the scales move ! Congrats on your healthier life style - your metabolism will reward you eventually - stick with it!


With embarkation day fast approaching - (one week to go!) - I'm adopting the attitude that at least I'm healthier now than I was a few months ago even though I didn't quite reach the weight goal I was targeting. I'm going to have fun - cruise in style - and pack my spanks as back up! And I'll rock my new tankini if only in my own mind! ;)


TNGALOHA - lucky you - what a wonderful DH you have!! Enjoy your surprise cruise!:D


Anthomaniac - I'm seriously considering zip locks - don't want my unmentionables on display should my suitcase be inspected! Now just have to track some down - haven't seen the bigger sizes in stories here - just the food storage ones.

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RazorbackBelle08 I can sympathize! My pounds haven't come off as easily as I'd hoped. But if you are working out it's quite possible you are gaining muscle so won't see the results on the scale. You may notice body circumference changes before the scales move ! Congrats on your healthier life style - your metabolism will reward you eventually - stick with it!


With embarkation day fast approaching - (one week to go!) - I'm adopting the attitude that at least I'm healthier now than I was a few months ago even though I didn't quite reach the weight goal I was targeting. I'm going to have fun - cruise in style - and pack my spanks as back up! And I'll rock my new tankini if only in my own mind! ;)


TNGALOHA - lucky you - what a wonderful DH you have!! Enjoy your surprise cruise!:D


Anthomaniac - I'm seriously considering zip locks - don't want my unmentionables on display should my suitcase be inspected! Now just have to track some down - haven't seen the bigger sizes in stories here - just the food storage ones.


I found the large to xxlarge bags at the dollar store here. I love the xx large for putting things in.


Thank you everyone and yes I will enjoy the cruise. We decided today to book our Christmas cruise since we are getting such a great deal on it, so I will be on the MSC Poesia again this year for Christmas. Can't wait, hopefully we can get our kids and grandkids to join us!

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I'm seriously considering zip locks - don't want my unmentionables on display should my suitcase be inspected! Now just have to track some down - haven't seen the bigger sizes in stories here - just the food storage ones.


Our local grocer stocks the L-XXL ziplocs with the laundry supplies. Maybe yours does, too.

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TNGALOHA: What a WONDERFUL Valentine gift!! Get out the luggage and start packing:)! As a CCF, you probably have a handle on what to take.

ZipLocs: So many of you love packing in ZipLocs...I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not convinced that it saves time.

I've been packing today and shorts w/ tops are packed together so when onboard, I take them out and in the drawer or on the shelf they go. I don't know how a ZipLoc would make it any faster...please convince me!

RazorbackBelle08: Don't give up on the scale!! You took a HUGE step to better health when you quit smoking. Going to the gym and watching what you eat are 2 more steps that will eventually get you to where you want to be.

DH & I have been working out at the YMCA 5 days a week for 2 months and my scale hasn't budged even a tiny bit. (I still hope to lose those 3-5 holiday pounds.) As far as "building muscle" and "losing inches" - I haven't seen that either but I feel great and expect to climb from Deck 3 to Deck 11 without even breathing hard!

Stick with it!! You WILL see/feel the difference:)!

Packing Process Update: DH got out his dinner shirts today. He's on a roll and I'm so pleased that he's much earlier than usual:).

We have 2 garment bags for this 11-night cruise and so my dresses and some pants/Capris will go in one. The other will hold DHs sport coats, pants, dinner shirts. That should make unpacking faster since all items will be on hangers.

The WallyBag has a feature that locks the hangers in place so they don't slide down inside.

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I don't use ziplocs for speed, but instead for organization and protection. I used to travel for business and had my belongings manhandled by security. Bags help me be less stressed about that possibility. And after having my favorite white blouse turn pink when my red suitcase was left on the top of the cart on the tarmac in the rain, the bags earned a spot on my must-have list.

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The ziplocs save me time because on a trip I don't have to try to remember what shirt went with what pants...I pull out the ziplocs, hang each days outfit in one hanger (including socks/undies/bra/jewelry) and I am done!


The smaller ziplocs go into the drawers as is...much quicker to find things over the course of the trip.


It also saves me time as I pack my suitcase...things won't unfold as I shift things to get my "optimal tetris" - everything fitting in with no open spaces.


I usually fold my dirty clothes back up at the end of each day or two and they go back in the ziploc and back in my suitcase...when the last day of the trip comes, I am already 3/4 packed:D

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All ZipLoc CCFs: I can't argue with your logic! Anthomaniac: Your reason "things won't unfold as I shift things to get my "optimal tetris" - everything fitting in with no open spaces. " I can relate to that! Try as I might to pack efficiently and compactly, there's always shifting:confused:!

TANNING QUESTION: Did someone say Mystic Tan is the best alternative to tanning beds? There's a tanning salon in my little town that offers Mystic...if there are some positive posts, I think I'll give it a try:cool:.




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Hi Indiana71. I've been reading this thread since it began one year ago and love it. I feel like I know you, because I'm from Latrobe/Greensburg (Unity Twp.)--just down the road from you and my DD (also a fashionista cruiser) goes to college at IUP. I'm always in Indiana and I'm always looking around for you when I'm there, most recently Valentine's Day when my mother and I came to take my daughter to Cozumel for dinner. I was looking all around for you--so funny. One day, I know I'll spot you and introduce myself--my DH and I are always in Indiana, as we bought a house for DD to live in and always have some home improvement project going on. So happy that there is a local cruising fashionista and, Love Love Love it that TJ Maxx is in town now. Sorry I went off topic, but I had to get that in. Thanks everyone.

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GRRRR, I started at the gym and went on a diet a month ago... since I quit smoking at the same time, everything I'm doing to be healthy is only MAINTAINING my weight and keeping me from gaining. If I hadn't started working out and eating better when I quit smoking, I'd be gaining weight, so I'm not losing anything because my metabolism slowed down. SO frustrating; I wanted to rock a bikini and am now worried that even my tankinis won't look good on me. :( I just have to remember someone will always look worse than me, right??


I am right there with you RazorbackBelle08, I am struggling with my weight loss (or lack thereof) as well. Although I lost 25 pounds last year I have not had much luck since :(. I thought for sure I would be down to my goal weight by the time we leave on our cruise but I am not so sure about that now. It is frustrating when you work so hard watching what you eat and exercising and you don't see results on the scale or in your clothing :confused: I tried on some of my bathing suits and shorts/capri's today and was thoroughly frustrated!!! I can only hope that if I keep it up they will all look better on me in 6 weeks when we leave. Even if I can't get down to what I used to be pre-menapause I will at least be healthier with all the changes I have made in my diet :) Keep up the good work...you WILL see a difference, even if it isn't evident on the scale right away...remember muscle weighs MORE than fat and the more muscle you build the more fat you will burn.

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I am right there with you RazorbackBelle08, I am struggling with my weight loss (or lack thereof) as well. Although I lost 25 pounds last year I have not had much luck since :(. I thought for sure I would be down to my goal weight by the time we leave on our cruise but I am not so sure about that now. It is frustrating when you work so hard watching what you eat and exercising and you don't see results on the scale or in your clothing :confused: I tried on some of my bathing suits and shorts/capri's today and was thoroughly frustrated!!! I can only hope that if I keep it up they will all look better on me in 6 weeks when we leave. Even if I can't get down to what I used to be pre-menapause I will at least be healthier with all the changes I have made in my diet :) Keep up the good work...you WILL see a difference, even if it isn't evident on the scale right away...remember muscle weighs MORE than fat and the more muscle you build the more fat you will burn.


try changing up what you are doing, your exercises, what you are eating, etc - the smallest change can make a big difference!

How many calories are you eating a day? 2 years ago i lost 50 pounds in around 3 months and what helped me was keeping a low cal diet (1200-1400 cal/day) for 6 days each week and having one "off-day" each week where i could eat up to 2400 calories. It helps your body understand that you are not starving so it will not conserve calories.

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You are so right about not cutting back too much. It's amazing how the body compensates and goes into "starvation mode" finding the extra calories somewhere else in your body to maintain it's equilibrium if it gets too deprived. I'm trying to stick to Weight Watchers which is more of a life style change than a diet. Slower progress in terms of weight loss I find - but it does raise awareness of the choices you make.


Found the zip lock bags today at Zellers - including the XX large ones! Thanks for all the shopping guides - now I can start to pack! I'm getting scared looking at all the clothes I've assembled and then assessing the size of the suitcase. :eek:

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There is a greet website called fatsecret great for help with weight loss...I always try to talk people out of the starvation - 500 cal a day kind of things...so unhealthy for you...do you lose weight? Yes, but in one of the worst possible ways for your health! I am losing weight to get healthy, not skinny...the two things do NOT mean the same thing!

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