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pet peeves

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My pet peeve is people who complain and whine about the behavior of their fellow passengers, like the guy who started this thread. If people want to hang out in the Windjammer, that is their option. It's their vacation -- don't try to tell fellow cruisers what they should or shouldn't do. I have found in cruising for some time now that too many people onboard are worried about what other people on board are doing. Common courtesy is nice, I agree, but if you can't relax on a cruise and enjoy yourself around hundreds of others, then maybe crusing isn't for you.


Wow - consider yourself flamed, on so many levels. Please stay off my cruises.

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My pet peeve is also the elevator situation.......being confined totally to a wheelchair, I cannot take stairs at all....I really wish I could as I would take them 100 percent of the time......It really ticks me off that there are so many rude people that will rush in front of me and fill up the elevator after Ive likely been waiting for 10 minutes or so and have had to pass up numerous elevators as they were already full.


I have ran into this problem every cruise I have been on. I learned on the Radiance to use the forward elevators and navigate the ship best I could using the outside walking areas or the hallways.


The midship elevators where all the glass is were always really crowded it seems.


I agree with everyone's comments about the elevators and people rushing on as if the ship is sinking and not even allowing other passengers the chance to get off the thing first. We gave up trying to catch an elevator on our first cruise and since then we always take the stairs. DW lost weight on our first cruise from just going up and down the stairs all of the time :D

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Eating around pool area, and leaving dishes around. When done, put things back or in trash cans. This is not a pig pen.


Disagree with this part. When I'm on vacation...I eat where ever I fell like it. And I don't put my plate away as soon as I'm done :eek: I will when I get back up...it could be 5 minutes, it could be an hour.

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My pet peeve is able-bodied people taking the elevator down one floor.


ITA and I'll add going up one floor also. In college, my dorm had 7 floors and one very slow elevator. The unwritten rule was, if you are an able-bodied person, you better not use the elevator to get to the 2nd or 3rd floor for any reason and 4th floor unless you were carrying a big load. I tend to use this guidline in my daily life.


Now before anyone jumps on me, I don't judge anyone who takes the elevator for 1 or 2 floors, since, even if they look capable, they may have other issues that aren't visible. Well, I do judge DH, since I know he's just being lazy. :p I just think it would be nice for people to use the stairs more often so elevators would be more readily available for those who need to use them. It's usually faster and you get some bonus exercise.


Also, really can't stand the people who get on the elevators before giving people a chance to get off. There's no excuse for that.

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Jack, agree with your peeve and will add mine. On our Enchantment cruise the majority of the cruise population was the "nearly dead". They spent all their time sleeping in any open space-all day! There were few spots that did not have a snoozing soul in it, mouth hanging open and loud snoring. If you need sleep that badly, go to your cabin, do not settle in public areas and park your scooter,walker or cane in the passageway blocking the the open areas for walking.


Blocking a path is one thing, but calling someone the "nearly dead"? None of us are guaranteed our next breath. As my late DFIL whos was 87 was fond of saying about those who could sleep all day, " It's a good past time if you can do it".:)

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:cool:Just read a review of an Enchantment sailing, and a point was brought up that is a sore spot with me, especially with the Enchantment having been stretched, and not making some public rooms larger. The point brought out was the Windjammer on sailing day. Every one rushes onboard and heads to the Windjammer for lunch. Great, I do also. BUT, eat and then get out. The reviewer pointed out that there was people hanging out at tables just waiting for their rooms to be ready. People even playing cards. Folks---eat, and get out. That room is for eating. There are plenty of other places available to hang out. Eat and leave. Other pet peeves come to mind---Elevators for instance. When the door opens, don't rush in. Let folks get off before you charge in. Chair hogs in theather and pool. Kids in hot tubs spending hours. Eating around pool area, and leaving dishes around. When done, put things back or in trash cans. This is not a pig pen. Folks pushing ahead of you in line in Windjammer. These are some of things which bother me. How about you??:cool:JACK IS SAILING AGAIN


My 'pet peeve' is people who start moaning and complaining as soon as they board!:eek: You've boarded a beautiful ship for a fantastic vacation that you've paid for!! Why are you whining??:mad:

But of course I just laugh this off and continue to enjoy myself - without complaining.:p:D

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Jack, agree with your peeve and will add mine. On our Enchantment cruise the majority of the cruise population was the "nearly dead". They spent all their time sleeping in any open space-all day! There were few spots that did not have a snoozing soul in it, mouth hanging open and loud snoring. If you need sleep that badly, go to your cabin, do not settle in public areas and park your scooter,walker or cane in the passageway blocking the the open areas for walking.


Just a note: most motion sickness meds make you sleepy, and with elderly people, can also interact with their other meds. They might not realize it, or if it's early in the cruise, their body hasn't adjusted to the dosage yet.

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My pet peeve is able-bodied people taking the elevator down one floor.


Hard to tell what "able bodied" is sometimes. My husband has a harder time going DOWN stairs than up, because he's had heel surgery on both feet. The downward motion is hard on his feet.

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It may not help anyone, but I've been doing this cruise thing for almost 40 years, and the behavior hasn't changed!!


We didn't used to have wheelchairs and scooters, but I'm happy those people can now enjoy cruising.


You gotta go with the flow when you're in a crowd of people.........anywhere.

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My pet peeve is also the elevator situation.......being confined totally to a wheelchair, I cannot take stairs at all....I really wish I could as I would take them 100 percent of the time......It really ticks me off that there are so many rude people that will rush in front of me and fill up the elevator after Ive likely been waiting for 10 minutes or so and have had to pass up numerous elevators as they were already full.


I have ran into this problem every cruise I have been on. I learned on the Radiance to use the forward elevators and navigate the ship best I could using the outside walking areas or the hallways.


The midship elevators where all the glass is were always really crowded it seems.


I'm so sorry to hear that Ryano. When I'm waiting for an elevator, I would never even think about going in front of a disabled person, and I would always let them on first, no matter how long or how many more elevator rides I'd have to wait for. (and, no matter how rude they may be, Texancruzer).


People who don't have disabilities just don't appreciate how fortunate they are to not be disabled. I was on crutches for 3 months a few years back, so I got a tiny little glimpse of how hard it can be, but lucky for me, it was only temporary. I can't even imagine what you must go through. If I was ever a witness to that happening, I would definitely have some words for that person.


In my book, you have the most valid pet peeve of them all.

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Hard to tell what "able bodied" is sometimes. My husband has a harder time going DOWN stairs than up, because he's had heel surgery on both feet. The downward motion is hard on his feet.

Oh I completely understand, and I would certainly not judge anybody based on whether they "look" able-bodied or not. But I'm sure there are those that can easily walk down (or up!) a flight of stairs that don't do so for whatever reasons. Those are the ones I was referring to.:)

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Yea that elevator one is a tough one , I may take it up one floor you will look at me and roll your eyes , I try to take the steps as much as my legs will allow. I had colon cancer and all of the radiation and chemo took most of the feeling out of my legs. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to be alive and kicking so to speak lol. and I have good days where i can walk a lot and some days not so much. But i will agree I hate when I go to get off and get knocked down by people rushing on. :(

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Yea that elevator one is a tough one , I may take it up one floor you will look at me and roll your eyes , I try to take the steps as much as my legs will allow. I had colon cancer and all of the radiation and chemo took most of the feeling out of my legs. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to be alive and kicking so to speak lol. and I have good days where i can walk a lot and some days not so much. But i will agree I hate when I go to get off and get knocked down by people rushing on. :(


Please believe me when I say I would not roll my eyes. My peeve is more aimed at the general population rather than individuals. I saw very few people taking the stairs and lots of people waiting for the elevators. I doubt 90% of the people onboard were unable to take the stairs. I really just want the elevators to be more available for people who need to take them (for whatever reason), like you. I hope I didn't offend you. :o

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People who try to stuff themselves in an elevator even though it is obviously full. Sometimes a whole group of them trying to stuff in. Folks, this isn't the last chopper out of Saigon, there will be another elevator by, probably within 20 seconds.

Very funny. Nice job.

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I agree .. that's why I enjoy clipping my toenails on the table inbetween courses while dining in Chops :eek:


If it's anything like our recent experience at Portofino's, you'll have enough time between your starter and your main to have a manicure and a pedicure and still have enough time to get your hair cut, colored and styled. :rolleyes:

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We traveled as a large family for many years on cruises. The last few years, my Dad was very ill and Mom had problems with her knees and hip. We encountered so many people that saw my parents and got off the elevator to make room for them. We would make sure they were safely inside, then we would take the stairs and meet them, always thanking the people who were gracious enough to let them take their place. To add to this, the people getting off were often teenagers. I wanted to add this, since there are so many negative comments about them on some of the Boards. I now have a severe heart condition and although I look healthy, I can no longer walk very far and stairs are not possible. I too used to look at the healthy people getting into the elevators and wonder why they couldn't let my parents go, while they took the stairs. I now feel very foolish because I now know that you can't tell which passengers are healthy and which are not, just be looking at them. Also, some of those passengers sleeping on the deck may looked forward to taking a nap with the breeze blowing across them. My Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle spent many hours on the deck napping in a lounge. Every night at dinner, they would be all smiles as they talked to each other about how wonderful it was to nap on the deck. My daughter once asked everyone what their favorite part of a cruise was, and we had all four of them piping up to say it was taking a nap on the lounges, under the shade, by the pool deck. My Mom said, "my favorite bartender watches out for us. As soon as he sees any of us waking up, he comes over to get our drink order." We have the photos of them sleeping the day away, and now those are some of our most favorite memories. I think one of the best things to take on a cruise is patience.

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I have to admit. I am one of those embarkation day table hoggers. We find a table and will probably stay there until we can get into a cabin to drop off our stuff. I don’t want to drag it all over so we find a table and will take turns getting our food. Most of the time we find a table by the pool though but if the first one we find is in the windjammer so be it. I also love to at a table and enjoy a view and read with a drink. My favorite places are out doors if it is not hot.

My pet peeve is not being able to get into a cabin when I check in.


Uh, has it occurred to you that you CAN board a couple of hours later? The WJ will still be open and you could stash your carry-ons in your cabin before going there. Even though we are only 20 minutes from Cape Liberty from which we often cruise, DH flatly refuses to get there before the cabins are ready anymore after having endured the crowds and table hogs from prior cruises. Just not worth the hassle, especially if all you are going to do upon boarding is eat and then sit there until your cabin is ready.

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One of my peeves is people who don't know how to say 'excuse me.' They'll knock you over and not even look you in the eye because they either don't care or know they're wrong for doing that. Look, we're all trying to get somewhere, so just be nice. It only takes a second to say it. :confused:


Bingo, That is one of mine, and it has become the norm at any place crowds gather these days

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Every one rushes onboard and heads to the Windjammer for lunch. Great, I do also.
I don't rush to the Windjammer ...... in fact, I don't rush to get on board!!!


But, while we are on the subject ..... you've hit my pet peeve on the head ....... THE FIRSTERS!! Those that believe that the ONLY way to cruise is to get to the port at some rediculous time in the morning, just to manage one more "free meal". Then, complain about other FIRSTERS being more FIRST than they were and hogging space in the Windjammer! :D


Why does it bother me? It scares the newbies into thinking this is the ONLY way to do things. I recently saw a newbie post a question ..... "Our flight doesn't land until 10:00, are we going to be late?" Of course you're NOT going to be late!

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My pet peeve is about anyone that looks at an elevator, sees a crowd and starts thinking who is worthy of using it and who is not. It’s an elevator, put there for anyone and everyone to use. Now if you are talking about those that aren’t courteous to the elderly, the disabled and those that were obviously there first . . . then, a pox on them.

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:cool:Just read a review of an Enchantment sailing, and a point was brought up that is a sore spot with me, especially with the Enchantment having been stretched, and not making some public rooms larger. The point brought out was the Windjammer on sailing day. Every one rushes onboard and heads to the Windjammer for lunch. Great, I do also. BUT, eat and then get out. The reviewer pointed out that there was people hanging out at tables just waiting for their rooms to be ready. People even playing cards. Folks---eat, and get out. That room is for eating. There are plenty of other places available to hang out. Eat and leave. Other pet peeves come to mind---Elevators for instance. When the door opens, don't rush in. Let folks get off before you charge in. Chair hogs in theather and pool. Kids in hot tubs spending hours. Eating around pool area, and leaving dishes around. When done, put things back or in trash cans. This is not a pig pen. Folks pushing ahead of you in line in Windjammer. These are some of things which bother me. How about you??:cool:JACK IS SAILING AGAIN


Each of your pet peeves make sense to me, and I agree wholeheartedly -- with one exception, kids in the hot tubs. Frankly, as long as they -- and I'll add ADULTS to the mix as well -- are acting within the norms of accepted social graces, they can spend the entire cruise in the hot tub.



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Please believe me when I say I would not roll my eyes. My peeve is more aimed at the general population rather than individuals. I saw very few people taking the stairs and lots of people waiting for the elevators. I doubt 90% of the people onboard were unable to take the stairs. I really just want the elevators to be more available for people who need to take them (for whatever reason), like you. I hope I didn't offend you. :o


:D:D No none taken that was my point sometimes looks can be so deceiving though. I even have a handicap thing for the car so when we are in those huge parking lots and kind find a place to park sometimes we have to use it , not all of the time , I feel guilty taking those places when there are elderly people that need them worse than I do.

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I am so happy when I am on a cruise - not much bothers me. People pay to be there and they should be able to do what ever they want to as long as it does not cause harm or discomfort to others. Handicap people should be first as they are special. No I am not handicaped. I just feel lucky I'm not and feel for those who are. If I had to come up with a pet peve it would be those people who cannot hold their booze.

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