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Ooops I've only just started to post on the forum and I'm insulting people!

Hubby is called Ste and I'm Sue.

Our last cruise was fantastic. We went to Jordan and visited Petra, rode around across the desert in a jeep. We then went to the Cairo museum, saw the Spinx and pyramids and then finally went to the Valley of the Kings. It was a very busy week and we needed a holiday to get over it.

I'm not sure what trips to do on this cruise yet but I'm open to suggestions.


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Hi everyone.


We are a family of 4 who would like to add our names to the roll call. We'll be on the Week Fantastic on the 9th and would love to meet other families. Our kids are 12 years (boy) and 9 years old (girl). We're looking forward to our first Australian cruise. our last cruise was on the Red Sea.




Welcome aboard Tammy and family. My son Kyle just turned 13 so I am sure he will get along with your son. Just a small word of wisdom -anything that Sarah has said about me just very well may be true!


Oh my, oh my another cruise family Welcome to our (speed) roll call. Cassie's (my 8YO daughter) is glad to hear about your daughter coming along. Are you flying in from the UK ?

We only have 20 days to go so please feel free to divulge any personal information freely ....the more sinister the better (eg heavy drinking habits, bingo fetishes etc). Also if you have any questions I'm sure Deano75 the old fart :p will oblige if you bribe him with a foofy !

Are you well acquainted with Aussies and their rather strange sense of humour ? I'm not quite sure whether to joke about you guys being Pommies or not as I would hate to offend :eek:. If you want to join in the juvenile banter please throw an insult my way and then it will be considered a free for all. Otherwise there are sensible people in our group, like my husband for instance :) to mingle with.

Looking forward to meeting you TammyJ :)


I go away for a few bloody days and look what happens...... you drag my name in the mud...."Old fart".. How many foofies now????


Anal calculation time. With the addition of TammyJ's family, we have just increased our CC numbers by 28.57 % and there has almost been a 3-fold increase in numbers since Dean started this thread........LOL


This is another mathematical cryptic to keep Deano75 confused !!



you need to end with a cryptic....... good ya!

BTW guys I just got off the Pacific Sun this morning. Beers $5.50 and foofies start @$7.45-$9.94............ start the conga line:D

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Sorry to butt in on your post, but a bus company did take AUD in Noumea on our last cruise a few months ago. I can't remember the name of the company, but we only took AUD because we weren't expecting to spend anything in Noumea that time...the BIL and SIL decided they wanted to do a bus tour so we went to keep them company since they had never been to Noumea before. ;):)

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@Deano As they say :Snooze, you lose".

You crack me up :D

Just remember if you pass out from too many foofies, Darren has an electric shaver to reshape your eyebrows. So if you lose, you lose and if you win you also lose . How was the bucks night ? I hope you warned him how wicked we women get after married...in the best possible way


Bucks was a blast! Was the third time on the Sun and must say she is a little warn out even after 3 weeks in dry dock. Staff not as friendly either including the service but that did not damper our fabulous time parting and dancing until god knows what hour in the morning and enjoying the wonderful company of our own entertainment.


@TammyJ are you guys into dancing much ? I'm looking for bopping buddies (keep it clean, keep it clean) and though I love him dearly, Darren, how can I put this diplomatically.... ummmm doesn't look very "comfortable" on the dance floor. He does sing well though (he sang a ballad at our wedding in preference to doing a bridal waltz) so karaoke night is definitely there somewhere on the itinerary. Reminds me, gotta go learn some of the latest La Gaga so I can be up with it....lol.


Went shopping with a girlfriend today and sorted my cocktail dresses. I just recently chopped off my long locks and my old dresses didn't look quite right without the Addams Family 'Cousin It' hair. Unfortunately my chest hair just wasn't adequate to recreate the look, so I had to spend Darren's hard earned money :) to buy two new dresses :) :) I've decided I'm gonna look *hawt*. Are you dressing up for formal nights or doing something more casual ?

Are you flying up Qantas ? Hope the volcanic ash problem clears by the time we fly. We are based in Melbourne too


Lets get this straight now girls..... I own the dance floor.......... as for karaoke - well I will clap along but cant sing for foofies!



Sorry to butt in on your post, but a bus company did take AUD in Noumea on our last cruise a few months ago. I can't remember the name of the company, but we only took AUD because we weren't expecting to spend anything in Noumea that time...the BIL and SIL decided they wanted to do a bus tour so we went to keep them company since they had never been to Noumea before. ;):)


Thanks for the tip.... where did the bus leave and did u just book this off the ship?

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No organised trip deano, we just bought our tickets downstairs at the international cruise terminal after looking through the market stalls...from memory they were about $10 per person I think...don't quote me on that though! All I know for absolute sure is, I didn't have any foreign currency on me. ;):D

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I do enjoy dancing. So does my other half but people don't enjoy wathchin him. I've not done much shopping yet. Works been a bit busy recently so I'll probably end up getting things last minute. We didn't do any formal night on our last cruise. Ste prefers casual but I could probably persuade him.

As for flying up, we'll be flying up a few days early and having a look around. We will be relocating to Brisbane next year with Ste's work so we will be exploring suburbs. I can't remember who we are flying with but I don't think it's Quantas.


Hannah is looking forward to the trip. She's a real social butterfly and loves making new friends. She's into anything girly, pink or sparkly. ( very easy to shop for at Christmas).

What's Cassie in to?


@TammyJ are you guys into dancing much ? I'm looking for bopping buddies (keep it clean, keep it clean) and though I love him dearly, Darren, how can I put this diplomatically.... ummmm doesn't look very "comfortable" on the dance floor. He does sing well though (he sang a ballad at our wedding in preference to doing a bridal waltz) so karaoke night is definitely there somewhere on the itinerary. Reminds me, gotta go learn some of the latest La Gaga so I can be up with it....lol.


Went shopping with a girlfriend today and sorted my cocktail dresses. I just recently chopped off my long locks and my old dresses didn't look quite right without the Addams Family 'Cousin It' hair. Unfortunately my chest hair just wasn't adequate to recreate the look, so I had to spend Darren's hard earned money :) to buy two new dresses :) :) I've decided I'm gonna look *hawt*. Are you dressing up for formal nights or doing something more casual ?

Are you flying up Qantas ? Hope the volcanic ash problem clears by the time we fly. We are based in Melbourne too :)

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I think we have a stow-away:eek:. Earlier on I did collectively insult all the Rhapsodieeeees though so I guess you are considered a friend and can stay provided you supply useful information and don't drink too many of our foofies ;)


Would I reeeeally want to drink a "foofie" anyway?!? :eek: Sounds a bit naughty!! :D Lucky for you I'm also a "Dawnie" so the Rhapsody insults don't stick. :p


Speaking of which, I'll be hopping on that ship a week or so after you lot get back so look after it for me please. ;)

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Question about dress at Sailaway Party. Is it anything goes like thongs and shorts, casual with proper shoes or dressier (ie high heels) ? We're flying in from Melbourne so I'm wondering if I have to hand-luggage another outfit. Preferably I'd like not to change and just wear dining room type attire just in case luggage doesn't arrive before dinner.


Also, dress in the Dome nightclub.

People have to get really dressed up in Melbourne if they want to get in the door. Is it OK to wear more comfortable flat shoes like on deck ?




Hi there,


I can answer some of your questions. We have been on Horny Dawny :p

3 times....

Re sailaway party, you can wear whatever, usually very casual, like shorts, tshirts, thongs whatever you like...no need to change from whatever you where wearing onto ship.Main thing is that you are comfy..

Dome also is casual,no dress code as such, in there it can range from dressy dresses etc... to shorts and tops/thongs... Actually there isnt really a dress code anywhere on the ship except in the dining room, even then you can still wear things like three quarter trousers and flats or dress thongs. On formal nights its dressier. Even the casino/theatre there is no dress code, shorts and tshirts fine as well.

Hope this has helped..

Fiona :)

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Which cabin are you in ? Perhaps I'll leave a present for you............in the bathroom that is :p. *really diiiiirty*.

Seriously though, is your cruise the Week Fantastique too or do you have a different itinerary ? And are you still in contact with any of the Rhapsodieeeeeeeeees (that's 10 e's) ? I think I read part of the roll call thread and sounded like you guys had fun and got really 'rooted' :rolleyes:. I'm wondering whether I'll transform into a cruise junkie like half the people on these cruise boards after my maiden voyage. I promise I'll try my best :D !

PS Like your muscles but hate golf.

Ummmm, yeeeeeah...my cabin no. is 1234 on the 16th Deck! :p


Seriously now - no, we did the 7 night Week Fantastique on our last voyage a few months ago...this time it's the 11 night Island Gems...wooohooo!!


Unless you are an utter nitwit, or just a stuffy, white gloved, stuck-up person, you will enjoy yourself cruising - even some of these people enjoy themselves by the sounds of it! :D


I still email a couple of our dinner companions from our Rhapsody cruise. Our last voyage was just family so I didn't meet any new people as such. This trip will be just family too so I'll probably be under strict instructions from Mrs Golfer not to bring any strays back to our cabin. :D

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Hi Fiona. OMG was that nickname inspired by the rather adults only tone of this thread or from a previous cruise? (I do see on your profile you have 2 kids......:rolleyes: ;))


Thanks for the info. Melbs is pretty cold at the moment so I guess layers are best. What's your favourite thing about the Pacific Dawn ?


I'm hoping to become a cruise junkie too :) so might see you around.

Thanks again.


It was actually my DH that christened her "Horny Dawny"(before our first cruise on her quite few years ago) he was so used to saying that, that when he rang P&O once re organising something (we renewed vows on there with the captain.) he said " we are booked on Horny Dawny and have a querie" lol....

Favourite thing is prob the dome and now it has the Salt Grill that is great too. We recently went on her and it was great to see a lot of the staff from previous cruises and they remembered us, we actually built up a friendship with one of the security guys and we now keep in touch by email. We have cruised P&O, Princess and RCCL and we love P&O for the friendly staff and how casual it is and all the great activities they have. Dont get me wrong we love all the cruise lines (cruising on Diamond Princess later in the year) but we have found that P&O attract a younger ( and younger minded) passengers, not a lot of "the grey brigade" :D We went on Pearl at Easter and loved that too..bars and coffee places on top deck stayed open till 1am so it was great to sit up there chatting etc....you wouldnt find that on Princess or RCCL..(theres would be shut by about 7pm) But as we say any cruise is a fantastic cruise. You meet the nicest people and if you have kids they have the best time and meet so many friends.. Fiona:)

p.s... If you have any questions...fire away.... :)

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You guys are so romantic *sigh*. How hilarious about the faux pas on the telephone! We'll need to bring one of those little bottles of champagne with us, tie a piece of string to it, bash it against the side of the ship before sailaway and rechristen the ship. Your DH will of course have to do the honours :).

I've heard so many nice things about the staff. Can you give me an idea how much we should tip someone for exceptional service for a 7 day cruise say for the cabin attendant or diningroom waiter/tress. When I did a dance certificate 3 years ago (I was the granny of the class) I met quite a few students/teachers who then worked for P&O as dancers. Will be interesting to see if I can spot any on the cruise. Dancers are a fun and crazy bunch.:D.

Sounds like you've got a lot of experience with different ships. If we like this cruise we'll have to speak further about the other ships.

I'm just about packed. I'm thinking of posting a photo of everything all laid out and people can tell me what to get rid of or what I've missed.

Thanks for your views and info :)


Hi again,

Tipping is a very personal thing I think. Since the auto tip has been removed there are a few different ways I guess to look at it. Quite a few people dont tip at all, some still do as if the tipping was never removed, I guess it depends on what your thoughts are. My personal opinion (and it is only mine, so please everyone dont growl at me :D) is: if someone does more than expected and is genuinly great with us and we click with them we usually tip. We usually tip our cabin steward on the first day (only about $20 or there abouts) then you usually find they will do whatever possible to keep you happy for the remaining cruise as I guess they are hoping you will tip more, probably a bit naughty but actually got that tip from here :p and then at end of cruise or mid way another $20-$50..(if they have been a great cabin steward to us. In the past we have had fantastic room stewards that have done more than they needed to and the kids get on really well with them. Some of them just love kids and the kids love them and actually miss them when cruise is over. We have also had a couple cruises where we tipped a little at the beginning and we didnt really see them and when we did, they were friendly but, only doing job, no real connection so we didnt tip again..On our Pearl cruise we had the best waiters at dining, had the same table and staff each night, they were just fantastic, so genuine and just lovely,(girls are now face book friends with them..lol) we had a table of 6 adults and 2 kids so we all decided to put in $20 for each adult and let the kids give it to them on the last night. Actually I think the kids got more pleasure out of doing that than anything..

So I guess to answer your question (sorry, I kind of got off the track..lol) whatever you are comfy with, if at all. If you dont that is fine as well.

Re- packing, whatever you have clothes wise out to pack, put half of it back and whatever money you have out to spend, double it..lol

Just make sure you take: powerboard, coins (for laundry, if you intend to wash) and for the islands for the kids. Also if you have room it is great to take few things for the island kids. Last time we took a big pack of tennis balls and gave out, the kids were so excited and played with for so long. Others with us took lollies etc...

Cant remember if you have kids, but if you do they get so much pleasure out of giving out these sorts of things (so do adults) also if you have kids its handy to take on softdrinks to pop in the fridge as well and ask your room steward to fill ice bucket each day.

Well, I have prattled on enough for one night.


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wow - I go off line for a few days and now there is too many posts to reply to them all - unless I have the typing speed of sunset waves.... by the way Rhapsodeeeees rule - so putting **** on them and put your money where your mouth is....... with foofies that is:p

Thanks to all that have answered many valued questions. We have cruised other ships including P&O but are a Dawn virgins so we are looking forward to this one - especially knowing that sunset waves will be foofy'n it up:D Well not long to go now......... start the conga line:)

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'Cause my wife & I are doing our first ever cruise straight afterwards.


In fact, as you disembark, we'll be nervously pacing, checking the last minute packing, and all that stuff!


Just letting you know that lurkers are here, stealing all your hints and tips :-)


Graham C

(who, with Shirley, is doing W125)

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'Cause my wife & I are doing our first ever cruise straight afterwards.


In fact, as you disembark, we'll be nervously pacing, checking the last minute packing, and all that stuff!


Just letting you know that lurkers are here, stealing all your hints and tips :-)


Graham C

(who, with Shirley, is doing W125)



haha Graham you are lucky that the ship re-stocks the bars back in Brisneyland:) As for steeling our tips.... steel away and enjoy loosing your cruise virginity:D

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'Cause my wife & I are doing our first ever cruise straight afterwards.


In fact, as you disembark, we'll be nervously pacing, checking the last minute packing, and all that stuff!


Just letting you know that lurkers are here, stealing all your hints and tips :-)


Graham C

(who, with Shirley, is doing W125)


My tip for you Graham is that I advise you not to do the particular cruise numbered W125...it's terrible!! I will go out of my way and do you a favour by taking those tickets off you...you can thank me later. ;):D

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My tip for you Graham is that I advise you not to do the particular cruise numbered W125...it's terrible!! I will go out of my way and do you a favour by taking those tickets off you...you can thank me later. ;):D


Oh, thank you so very much.


But I couldn't possibly take advantage of you that way - so I guess we'll just have to tough it out :-)


Now - Git you varmint - you ain't gettin' my cruise tickets!




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I think I'm going into semi-retirement now. There are people on the dance floor, my job is done....for the present:o.



Rhapsodieeeeeeeeees rule ? You're gonna walk the Horny Dawny's plank at Sailaway, with no foofies with an attitude like that ! N.B. Pretty sure my cruise budget doesn't extend far enough to cover my mouth's verbal diarrhea. Not Paris Hilton yet, but I'm working on it ;)



The time is flying....:D......joining the conga.


Surely your not that old for retirement. I warned you before about cryptic clues:confused:


You just take those foofies away and see who walks the plank first.... or shall we stand on it together and let Horny Dawny decide:eek:



as for that conga line......take the lead I'm getting a foofy:D

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Surely your not that old for retirement. I warned you before about cryptic clues

I meant semi-retirement from this thread ! But look here I am again...lol Waiting for my daughter to get out of the shower so I can serve up dinner. Gotta do something to kill time :D

You just take those foofies away and see who walks the plank first.... or shall we stand on it together and let Horny Dawny decide
I'd rather do the Titanic thing with you at the stern of the ship like Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winset with the wind blowing through my hair :rolleyes:;).... Then Robyn and Darren can jump on too:eek:. What the heck the whole ship can stack on and see if we can break the railing..:D

as for that conga line......take the lead I'm getting a foofy

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah :D

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I meant semi-retirement from this thread ! But look here I am again...lol Waiting for my daughter to get out of the shower so I can serve up dinner. Gotta do something to kill time

I'd rather do the Titanic thing with you at the stern of the ship like Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winset with the wind blowing through my hair ;).... Then Robyn and Darren can jump on too. What the heck the whole ship can stack on and see if we can break the railing..:D

as for that conga line......take the lead I'm getting a foofy

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah :D


You can't do the romantic Titanic moment on the Dawn:(...not unless you want to lean against the glass window in the Dome nightclub!! :p


Now if you were on the Rhapsody, you could lean against the railing at the bow till your heart's content. :D

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Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah :D


You can't do the romantic Titanic moment on the Dawn:(...not unless you want to lean against the glass window in the Dome nightclub!! :p


Now if you were on the Rhapsody, you could lean against the railing at the bow till your heart's content. :D



OK I concede. Rhaposodieeeeeeeeees 1 point :o

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You can't do the romantic Titanic moment on the Dawn:(...not unless you want to lean against the glass window in the Dome nightclub!! :p


Now if you were on the Rhapsody, you could lean against the railing at the bow till your heart's content. :D


OK I concede. Rhaposodieeeeeeeeees 1 point :o

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Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-dah :D


You can't do the romantic Titanic moment on the Dawn:(...not unless you want to lean against the glass window in the Dome nightclub!! :p


Now if you were on the Rhapsody, you could lean against the railing at the bow till your heart's content. :D


Oops you mentioned the "R" word again... someone wont be happy:mad:...... start the conga line:D

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OK I concede. Rhaposodieeeeeeeeees 1 point :o


So your allowing the "R" word now.... double standards:confused:


ANYONE : How do I delete a post? I press the supposed Edit/Delete button and it takes me to a screen where I only seem to be able to edit. Oh..oh the nitwit side of me is raising it's ugly head once more....


The ugly head may just need those rose coloured glasses to be put on:p Sorry cant delete:eek:

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You can't do the romantic Titanic moment on the Dawn...not unless you want to lean against the glass window in the Dome nightclub!!


Now if you were on the Rhapsody, you could lean against the railing at the bow till your heart's content.


Oops you mentioned the "R" word again... someone wont be happy...... start the conga line

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: (That's my angry conga line).

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