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Another froufie esp review of my double date with destiny-feb 3 & 7, 2011


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It was kinda cool walking down the hallways seeing all the luggage out and ready to go and knowing that I had one more cruise to enjoy! :D:D



The best part about back-to-backing cruises is hanging over the railing in the atrium on departure day, one deck up from the departure point, and waving at all the folks trooping off - and knowing that you don't have to do ANYTHING!


The only bummer is that the post cruise blues hit twice as hard after leg number two is finished...


Great review, and great photos, Froufie. Thoroughly enjoying your good time :-)




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The best part about back-to-backing cruises is hanging over the railing in the atrium on departure day, one deck up from the departure point, and waving at all the folks trooping off - and knowing that you don't have to do ANYTHING!


The only bummer is that the post cruise blues hit twice as hard after leg number two is finished...


Great review, and great photos, Froufie. Thoroughly enjoying your good time :-)





Glad you're enjoying it - and yes definitely some post-cruise depression but having other cruises already booked sure helped! :D:D

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Day 6 - Monday, Feb 7th - Start of a new cruise!!!


Had room service breakfast (which they delivered early cuz they WRONGLY assumed I was getting off the ship)......then headed out to Palladium lounge with passport/custom form in hand. We were handed an envelope with our new S&S cards and told we would later have to activate them onboard. The lounge seemed FULL of people to me - wow. But in the end when we were ‘separated’ there were only 12 back to back cruisers (4 more canadians!) while the rest were crew finishing their contracts and getting off the ship (yes we saw the 2 comedians there hoping they were getting off as well and we would have some new blood - but no such luck - they were back again on the next cruise).


We sat in a row chatting for a while and this is when I met up with boop76 (betty and bob) from our roll call - also doing the same 2 cruises we were. They, like us, were really looking forward to HMC as they had a cabana booked (which they were now able to do online - and Betty was determined and successful in being able to pick out the one she wanted!).


Around 10 am some officers from purser’s desk showed up and escorted us off the ship - last ‘ding’ with the old S&S card - down the gangway - into the terminal building - down to the lone customs officer standing there (the place was EMPTY no cruisers, luggage, etc).....he glanced at the passports, took our forms, said have a nice cruise - and back we all went. This whole process took maybe 15 minutes and we were back on an empty ship! Ray went off to take pics of some of the suites/aft wrap cabins (as they were open for cleaning). I was out on deck 11 - which was DESERTED- wow! Walked the track for about 45 mins. Snapped some pics of Miami and empty decks and the Imagination parked right behind of us. Again because it was a Monday not many ships in port that day.


Back in Miami



Empty pool area



Imagination parked behind us




Empty decks....



...and not a chair hog in sight!!!



And having the whole track to myself!



Ray finally found me and we chatted up there for a while. Headed down to Lido around 11:30 am to find people on the ship! When did that happen? Not too many big lines yet tho. At 1 pm I visited the CONCIERGE LINE at the purser’s desk to get my extra special silvery platinum card. I was told I would get an info package delivered to my cabin (but it did not arrive so I was back there a couple days later and they gave it to me).

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Back in the cabin - LOTS OF PRESENTS (froufies love presents!). First comes a lovely chocolate cake from Ray - inscribed “Platinum at Last’ - so cute - we devoured about half of it and left the rest for my room stewards. Moments later another delivery comes - this time from the Hotel Director (seems this is given to all b2b cruisers) - a HUGE fruit basket (like there’s not enuf to eat on the ship?) And a bottle of champagne! Now what really puzzled me was that both Ray’s and my name were on the card, but the gift only delivered to my cabin (I had checked with Ray) - well I thought this was really weird and unacceptable.....we were travelling as solos in different cabins - both doing b2b cruises so why did I get this gift and he did not? So I decided to visit the purser’s desk CONCIERGE line to have a chat about this. The young lady that assisted me wasn’t too swift - but finally told her that the Hotel Director really should be sending Ray his own ‘gifts’ - not sure just cuz we were travelling friends we were supposed to share? I think she finally got it!






More presents from the "Hotel Director"



Another muster drill, another meet and greet (sat with Betty and Bob this time) and a slice of pizza and a ‘kiss on the lips’ drink and we were happy campers (I mean cruisers!).



One of my favorite drinks! (won in a bet with Ray - thanks Ray!)





At 6:30 pm we participated in the ‘music trivia’ run by Sarah (canadian!!!) at the Casino bar. It was very well attended and I ended up winning my second ship on a stick in a 3 way tie for 1st place (17/20). Then off to 7:30 invisible movie clip trivia - I found this a bit hard - they show you pics from movies with head/faces ‘deleted’ and you have to guess the movie. Then with the answers the faces are filled in.



One more ship on a stick to add to my collection!



The trophy 'shelf' expands!



Then off to dinner and luckily we had the same table/wait staff. What a reunion that was (Ray thinks Nyoman was flirting with me a lot!). Lots of hugs and kisses with Nyoman and Paul Michael who seemed very happy to see us - of course the 2 other couples at the table were quite confused and not sure what was going on!


I immediately recognize from our roll call and past Destiny Review Gary (aka cruisin USA) and his lovely wife Mary Ann. How cool is that???!!! I was so excited to meet and chat with them and we really had a great time. The other couple, Diane and Allen from Washington DC (lawyer and doctor) were 1st time cruisers and so had a vast amount of cruising information provided to them on a daily basis. We enjoyed their company as well - altho Diane missed her dogs a lot! I have a suspicion they will be cruising again!


Old man Ray gone back to his cabin to bed and I am off to the casino to lose some more money (wondering if my butterfly luck has run out?) and another try at the Welcome Aboard show - cruise director jokes pretty much the same - but a much more responsive and wilder crowd this time. Same comedians but still kinda funny.


Back to my cabin with my cup of tea to find a note under my door - Ray got his own fruit basket, champagne (in an ice bucket w/2 glasses no less). I am glad that happened - I know Ray was a bit disappointed but wasn’t going to say anything about it. So we chilled both bottles of champagne with the intent of sharing them with our tablemates the next evening on elegant night!




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Day 7 - Tuesday, Feb 8th - day at sea


Gotta love those relaxing days at sea - when you can SLEEP IN.... (and then eat the fruit from your fruit basket for breakfast cuz you are late!)....okay not really late but I wanted to attend the 10:15 am gaming lessons - yes getting brave and branching out. So off I go to the casino to get educated. First up -craps - not a game to learn when you haven’t had any major breakfast. Okay I finally get some of it? 7/11 good, 2, 3-12 bad - then the point thing, then betting on or off and the field......all this to say I wasn’t really planning to play craps - but it was interesting to understand some of it.


Onto the blackjack tables - where of course with ‘free’ games I was doing great (even hitting a 21 once).....but tales were circulating about the ‘real’ gamblers who became impatient with us newbies at the tables and would get upset if we made a wrong move or choice - cuz it AFFECTS EVERYONE! My response - chill out - it’s only a game - and so what? You were once a beginner too! Really now....


Finally off to the roulette wheel and table (always wanted to try this) - I could tell the casino lady teaching us was not that interested in roulette - said it was just a ‘lottery’.....we were given chips and shown how to place our bets......and then it was over and we all got a $5 Matchplay coupon to use in the casino (okay I was a big chicken and still have mine - maybe on the next cruise?)


Off to get my ‘free entry’ to the slot tournament and sign up for my spot (12:10 pm, lucky machine #7). Ray was signed up at 12 noon. If you want to pay to play its $25 to get in with the winner getting $500.


Went to Lido to get an early lunch - at the deli - they make the BEST tuna salad sandwiches on board (I think it’s cuz they use real mayo and not the low fat or fat free kind!)....also got some fries at the grill to go with it. Then down to play the slots!


So there I go hitting that button over and over again for 5 minutes - the wheels are spinning and you can see your score but don’t really know/see what’s going on but a few shrieks and squeals from the others indicate something good is happening? I am able to glance at my neighbour’s machines and scores and we are all doing about the same 1500 or so after a minute or 2. Then something happens (I guess?) I look down at my score and it’s like 5000? When did that happen? When time up is called (machines are programmed for 5 mins and stop automatically) I have racked up 6045 points and I’m in FIRST PLACE on the leader board. Of course the games continue on 2:45 pm and then you have to check back to see if you are still on the leader board (top 8 scores) and in the finals!



That's me at the top of the list!!!





Well that was fun. Off I go for another 35 mins on the track outside - then get ready for our 2nd meet and greet 2:30 pm near the Cheers wine bar. Gary and Mary Ann are there, Ray and I of course.....and one more You Wonder/Tara shows up! We had a nice chat but I had to leave at 2:45 to check my status and lo and behold I was still up there so was in the finals! What a hoot - I didn’t win coming in 3rd but was thrilled just to get the free t-shirt.


I then hustled off to tea time where Ray was saving a seat for me. He even got me the last smoked salmon sandwich and I enjoyed some goodies from the cart as well.


Went outside to watch the waves and sun til around 5:30 pm when it started getting a bit windy and chilly – got some nice sunset shots and then headed inside to use the internet.









Forgot to mention my internet problems! So I bought the ‘shorter’ package for the 1st 4 day cruise - used it up. Then had to buy a 2nd package for my 2nd cruise - I tried logging on as a ‘new user’ - well that didn’t work - said I already had an account. So I logged on as a ‘returning’ user’ and told me I had no account? What’s up with that? So I showed up when the IT guy was there and it took him a few minutes to figure it out - I can’t imagine I am the 1st person doing a b2b cruise who purchased internet time so why the confusion and problems setting this up? Anyhow he finally got it to work - but the next time I tried to log in....you guessed it same problem. Left him a note - he had to fix it again. It never really worked perfectly - the 1st time I would log in I would get the error message - but 2nd time it would work - very weird!


Another cruise elegant night for me - off to get pretty and ready early cuz we were going to the comedy show before dinner (7:30 pm) with Smiley Joe in the punch liner club. So they have these fancy new ‘comedy’ drinks now and I ordered the jokester martini which was really yummy. The show was not that well attended but it was pretty funny. We then headed down to dinner anticipating the lobster, shrimp, prime rib etc and the two bottles of champagne which we shared with our table mates. Suffice it to say that after one martini and several glasses of champagne that dining room was tilting and not due to the waves - ha ha ha.



Anyone for more champagne?



Sure I'll have some more please!



Ray all dolled up!



We also had a visit from the Chef as we are signed up for the Chef’s table (tomorrow evening) and he wants to ask about allergies, likes/dislikes. I tell him about my nut/peanut allergy and Ray mentions he is not big on seafood - so allowances will be made!

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Need to take a bathroom break - not far from the door - think I can make it? Tell the others to send out a search party if I’m not back in a few minutes. I am able to look somewhat dignified and make it to the washroom (where there is a woman in worst condition than me bending over the bowl!!!) and back only to find out while I was gone the ‘entertainment’ had begun - it was Amore night (when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie....)...the waiters are all lined up singing and as I walk by our waiter Nyoman trying to get back to my seat he grabs me and starts dancing with me - not a good idea Nyoman - then he starts that spinning thing! Wow - I was already spinning without his help!!! Anyhow I make it thru the dance without falling over and Ray was ‘kind’ enuf to grab my camera and snap some pics (what a guy!)


A very impromptu dance with Nyoman




I may be smiling - but I'm thinking 'please don't spin me around anymore!"




Don't we all look gorgeous?



Off to the show - Nightclub Express - which I have seen several times before - but this time is if revamped - very fancy with the videos and stuff and some new songs/dances - very excellent singers and dancers this cruise. Not ready to call it a night when it’s over I head up to the casino (Ray of course is off to bed). I find my lucky lemmings machine and ‘feed’ it $30 - it REWARDS me with a payoff of $188 - wow. I immediately cash out and put my money in my safe. Thank you Lemmings. Cup of tea and off to my cabin where I find my pin, past guest party invite (tomorrow) and my special carnival platinum gift - one of those collapsible cooler bags - very nice!






Time for bed and looking forward to Grand Turk the next day!

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Day 8 - Wednesday, Feb 9 - Grand Turk.


After a great room service breakfast, pack up and head out to Grand Turk - off the ship around 9 am. Have been here twice before but this time we are heading out to Jack’s Shack to check out the atmosphere there and avoid the crowds (and Ray wants to meet Topher, Jack and Janet’s dog).


Arrival in Grand Turk:



Looks like the beach at the port is ready for the cruiser invasion!





Love the color of the water




Off we go trekking thru the hot sand carrying heavy beach bags...we come across loungers/umbrellas but realize we are not yet at Jack’s Shack so we continue along a while and there it is (about a 10 walk from the pier - you can see it in the distance - near the diving flag and what looks like a pier and a water tower). No sooner do we arrive than a young man appears offering chairs ($5 each) and umbrella ($10) which we accept and we are set up for now.


Walking down the beach





Ships look so close!



And we have 'arrived'!



I head immediately into the water with my snorkel and underwater video camera determined to get some good fishie videos. Not much to see until I finally found a big patch of undersea grass/rocks and lots of fish. But of course I still can’t handle the camera well - esp when the mask fogs up and I can’t see what I’m doing (yes the videos are very funny - even shot some of myself underwater).



More youtube videos:


Intro to Grand Turk:


Some fish:


Underwater in GT


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Ray is comfortably seated in the shade the whole time I am splashing about. I finally get tired and come out to relax.


Ray relaxing in the shade




But then head back out in the water- young gentleman there complaining it’s a bitcold - I don’t think so - I start chatting with him. His mom (and turns out brother and father also around) joins us and we start chatting - they are on the Miracle (parked right next to the Destiny) and were on the Destiny about a year ago (when they were having the propulsion problems). We continue chatting - I forget who - but one of us mentions Cruise Critic - the other says really? Me too - what is your screen name? What is your screen name - ohmygoodness we seem to ‘recognize’ each other! How cool is that? Well my new friend buddylover/Diane (from Chicago) and I become instant ‘beach’ friends and compare notes and cruise stuff (turns out she is an avid researcher like I am) - we talk about our travel experiences, cruise info, kids, etc. So much fun (so much fun that I have forgotten to reapply my sunscreen despite being reminded to by Ray and this small detail will affect the remainder of my cruise). After a while they are back to their jeep (Nathan ran out of golf carts) to do more exploring and we promise to try and stay in touch!



New friend Diane and her son:




My plan is to say hi to Janet (an ex-nurse from Canada) and getting something cold and pink. I find her and we chat for a bit - she makes me a very yummy pink flamingo and off I go to do a bit more exploring and relaxing. Ray is hungry so while I take a break he is off to the jerk chicken shack for some lunch ($10 for chicken and fries - said they were very good). He even made friends with a kitten and ‘shared’ some chicken with it. And yes forgot to mention Topher was out and about - so cute - running thru the waves and digging in the sand - a real ‘beach’ dog!


Enjoying my pink flamingo drink!



Topher having fun





Jerk chicken hut:


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More Jack's Shack pics:










Ship is leaving at 3 pm so not much time left so we decide to visit the Margaritaville pool (not that crowded now). Very easy to find loungers - get Ray set up in the shade and I swim around for a while watching the Flowrider show! Then it’s time to head back to the ship. We had the past guest party at 5:15 and Chef’s table at 6:30 and canapes/desserts being delivered as well (like we need more food!).



Margaritaville pool



Miracle and Destiny parked next to each other:


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Back we go to the ship to shower and change - this is when I notice the bright red color on my chest and back! YIKES - what has happened? I am usually pretty diligent and careful in the sun (wearing a 30 or 45 spf) but obviously was not paying attention. For those of you who have tried to shower with a bad sunburn you can understand the challenge....and I am not one to be able to go braless so that was pretty painful as well.


Of course I don’t have any solarcaine or anything like that with me (despite travelling with a semi-pharmacy in a bag!) so off to the gift shop to spend big bucks on some relief. Believe it or not they had nothing really ‘medicinal’ so we decided to visit the infirmerary which was luckily still open. Nice nurse ladies at the desk - I explained my problem and they said they had some aloe vera gel with lidocaine in it - yes please! Only $8.50 and back to my cabin to apply some of it.

I am usually a pretty happy person but I am now VERY CRANKY AND IN PAIN and not much fun. Take some tylenol and off to the past guest party - maybe the drinks will numb some of the pain? (Had to take my bracelets, watch off due to burns nears my hands/wrist). Party was fun - lots of drinks and hors d’ouevres being passed around (the chicken salad is good the weird tomatoey stuff was icky). Had a blue margarita followed by a sunbird and started to feel a bit better.


Once that was done back to my cabin cuz I was having my canapes/petits fours (part of the platinum package) delivered at 5:30 pm - and had asked our tablemates Diane and Allen if they would like them. So I called their cabin and delivery boy Ray was kind enuf to bring that up to them (and Dr Allen advised aspirin for the burn instead of advil or tylenol and luckily Ray had some to share with me!).

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Now it was time to meet up for the Chef’s Table - 13 of us tonight. We met in the Atrium and were then escorted into the Universe galley for the 1st part of the event which included champagne and appetizers in the galley (not the best set up in my opinion as we had champagne in one hand, plate in other - no way to eat our appetizers!), followed by the making of our special chocolate melting cake (which would be served with our dessert) and included ‘participation’ from one of the guests (and she got to keep her chef’s hat and apron!).


After that it was up to a special secret room - off to the side of the Onyx Lounge where a table was set up for us and lots of servers there and bottles of wine/water/soft drinks etc. Now my 1st impression of the CT was not that good and these were later confirmed by Ray who has attended the CT on 2 previous cruises (Paradise, Imagination) and said they were way better than this one and could not even compare! What a bummer.


Getting ready to enjoy our meal!




The table... (check out all the wine glasses!)



So after chatting with Ray - here are some of the noted differences/issues with the Chef’s table on the Destiny:



As mentioned when we 1st entered the galley we were assembled in a small group - the kitchen was in full swing so waiters were sometimes needing to pass by us (not much room).


There were champagne glasses passed around - then small square plates with tiny forks - picture this - holding the champagne glass in one hand, the plate in the other (balancing the fork) and then 4 different appetizers placed on your tiny plate - so how are you supposed to eat this? My fork fell as did those of others and they had a fresh supply ready so I guess this happens often? There is no way to 'eat' the stuff on the plate when both hands are busy holding things....it would have been nice to have an area/table or somewhere to put something down. (I was assuming we would have a chance to put something down and enjoy the food so I wasn't eating what was on my plate but Ray told me you better eat up - we will be moving on and leaving this stuff here!!!).


He also told me on the other ships they had the 'appetizers' along a stainless steel counter/table in the galley - you could rest your stuff there. Also on the other ships each appetizer was presented individually and explained by the chef - you then tasted/ate it and you moved on to the next one - sounds way more comfortable and civil. (I have since read on the boards that on some ships the appetizers are eaten in a lounge and not in the galley).


Dinner time - while the chef did 'talk' a bit about the courses no real explanation of the food/ingredients/preparation was provided. Ray told me that on the other ships it was MUCH more interactive - the chef would explain ingredients - tell everyone he had omitted one ingredient from the list - could they sample the food and guess what it was? Lots of questions and information was provided about the food and preparation. This did not happen on the Destiny.


Presentation - the meal was VERY VERY LONG - only because of the long breaks between courses (started at 6:30 pm and we left around 10 pm!) At the back wall of the room there was a table set up with about 4 'chefs/helpers' with what I call the 'paint bottles' doing arts and crafts. So the 13 plates were laid out and the staff would go from plate to plate doing the decorations/swirls, adding the sauces, sprinkles etc. This took several minutes to 'create'. Ray said that on the other ships the plates arrived 'fully decorated' and there was no one in the room doing the final prep of the dishes and adding the 'flourishes'. (This may have moved the meal along a bit faster with less huge breaks between courses).


Because we did not know what was on our plates half the time (either we could not hear or understand the chef or he did not really provide a good explanation) we started 'testing' stuff and sharing information (what is that white ribbon? I don't know I didn't like it - I tried it - I didn't like it either! What about that pink dot on top of one of the desserts - I tried it and quickly warned the others! It was a pink peppercorn - quite unexpected and could be a surprise to some "Then there were the colored splotches - the yellow 'splotch' is yummy - don't eat the green one - it tastes weird!"). It was actually pretty funny especially as the wine glasses kept getting refilled a lot! :D


The finale - For the $75 pp price we were to get the meal of course, all the wine we wanted, soft drinks were provided to those who wanted them instead. We were to also get a copy of the group picture taken at the beginning of the meal. Everyone was to get a signed cookbook BUT at our meal only the WOMEN were given a cookbook? When Ray asked why they said that's how it was done? How can that be? I am travelling as a solo as was Ray (a repeat of the b2b gift scenario?) - I got a cookbook and he didn't? (Again they were well aware we were not a couple due to separate reservations, cabins, S&S cards, etc).... I would think if you were a couple they might ask if you wanted one or two cookbooks (after all they are included in the price) and you could decide to only take one?


Now while Ray already has 2 cookbooks he didn't really want another one (altho I think it might make a good gift?) - but was not impressed with the fact that they had decided that only the women should have one!


So the next night he took one of the assistant maitre'ds aside (I think her name was Katarina) and gave her the feedback - saying while the menu was identical it would be nice if Carnival could somehow standardize the actual 'meal' and presentation and that his experiences on the other ships were much better than this one!


Some food pics:


Beef Carpaccio appetizer (not that great)



Fried Calamari with charred lime and lemon preserves (pretty good)



Ray's 'non-seafood' cheese sticks?


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More Food Porn:


The 'beginning' of the Fire Roasted Tomato and Poblano chili bisque



The 'pour': (pretty spicy soup but tasty)




Chopped Mediterranian salad w/shaved pumpkin and feta crumble (nothing special)



Fillet of Chilean Sea Bass with wine stewed shallots, chives, leek emulson and peas risotto





Ray gets a lamb chop instead




Filet mignon w/onion streusel, whipped potatoes and garlic brocolli (this was excellent!)





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We were able to ‘scoot’ down to our cabins (before 1:30) and asked if we could leave our carryons - which we could and off we went to explore the ship and take pics of the public spaces while they were still empty. Eventually ended up on Lido for some lunch - and I honestly can’t remember what I had? But I think I visited the Happy Valley (chinese) food window and it was all good!


Headed down to our cabins after that - I was able to unpack my carryon (which was stuffed) and left a note for my steward for more hangers, and some wine glasses. I stored the soft drinks/water in the cabinet underneath in preparation for my own stash/bar.


I had my very favorite solo cabin for both cruises - 2334 - the infamous 1A with 2 windows:


Long hallway as you enter



Single bed, couch (another bed stored in ceiling), 2 windows



Dresser/Vanity and TV








Sink area



And for those interested here is a video tour of the cabin: http://travel.webshots.com/video/3032979850059010061ODByKs


I was in that very same cabin on my January 20 cruise. It's my favorite 1A cabin (on those ships that have it) also. I've it on 4 of my previous cruises - on the Triumph, Valor, Victory and Destiny. Alhough on the Valor it had been reconfigured to include a double bed and converted to a category 6B after I booked it as a 1A.

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...and finally dessert:




To be quite honest - while most of the food was very good (the filet mignon was exceptional) I would not rush to recommend this....it was a fun night - mainly because of the company...not so much the presentation of the event. Unless the menu was changed and I was on a ship where I had read a VERY favourable review of the meal and chef's capability to 'present' I would not sign up for it.


....and yes of course Ray did get another cookbook delivered to his cabin the next day - even tho he did say he didn't really want another one!


Group pic






Signed by chef Gama:


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So after all that food we ‘rolled’ out of there.....no way could you actually sit or lie down now so back to the casino to check on my Lemmings machine - but wait - someone is using it! The nerve! And she has lots of credits left? I’ll come back later - off to the internet café - use the computers, listen to La Banda (great latin music band) then back to the casino - now some other woman is playing the Lemmings machine? Not good - and I am getting tired so I am on the hunt for another ‘suitable’ machine - I wander about looking for something that might grab my attention and there it is: Lambies! “It’s a blast” slot machine with lambs flying around on rockets and dynamite sticks exploding - looks like it’s worth a try.


So I put some $$ in and things are happening and then I guess I hit what seemed to be the ‘lambies’ bonus round - the screen turns dark except for center button - flashing yellow button and it’s says ‘don’t hit this button’....hmm - I think I’m supposed to hit the button! So I do - and rockets are exploding and multipliers and numbers and sticks of dynamite start appearing all over the place - then it says I get 10 free spins - but that is handled by the machine and I have to do nothing but sit there and watch.....so after all is said and one - I am rewarded with $272.00 - wow I like the lambies even better than the lemmings now.


Check out the 'lambie' demo... http://travel.webshots.com/video/3099805060059010061nyBcNr


I cash out, get my tea and back to my cabin which is a rocking and a-rolling tonight - lots of vibrations/rattling and we seem to be in a rush to get to Half Moon Cay for tomorrow morning.



So is this supposed to be a bunny? or a dog?


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I was in that very same cabin on my January 20 cruise. It's my favorite 1A cabin (on those ships that have it) also. I've it on 4 of my previous cruises - on the Triumph, Valor, Victory and Destiny. Alhough on the Valor it had been reconfigured to include a double bed and converted to a category 6B after I booked it as a 1A.


I have been in that 'cabin' as well on the Valor, Triumph, Glory and LIberty (which had a double bed)...too bad that's it's now a 6B on most ships :(

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did you say you went to the muster drill for your second leg of your b2b? that is one of the things i enjoyed on our b2b..........that you don't have to attend the muster drill for the second cruise..........you just have to stay in your cabin..............

sounds like you had a great time.......we are going on the destiny next month and are looking forward to it..........your review is a wonderful way to add to the excitement......


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did you say you went to the muster drill for your second leg of your b2b? that is one of the things i enjoyed on our b2b..........that you don't have to attend the muster drill for the second cruise..........you just have to stay in your cabin..............

sounds like you had a great time.......we are going on the destiny next month and are looking forward to it..........your review is a wonderful way to add to the excitement......



Actually it never occurred to me not to go to the 2nd muster drill? But to be quite honest it was quite painless and took only a few minutes.


I am excited for you - you will love the ship and the crew and the ports and the food and the fun....:D

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All I can say is WOW!!!..I love your review and looked at all the attached clips. I've been on the Destiny twice but you showed a whole other side of this ship. Thank you


You are probably more of a Destiny 'expert' than I am!!! Glad you are enjoying the videos and the review!;)

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