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Another froufie esp review of my double date with destiny-feb 3 & 7, 2011


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Day 9 - Thursday Feb 10 - HMC (which is not to be!)


No big rush to get off the ship to tender to HMC (after all I am platinum now and get priority tendering which I am dying to try out – esp on the way back to the ship!) so Ray and I decide to have breakfast in the MDR before getting off the ship. We are seated at a large table with others- and we order - eating light of course due to last night’s feasting - waiter comes by I order fruit and oatmeal and the funniest is he is still standing there with pen/paper in hand waiting for more and was quite shocked when I said that’s it! Ha ha ha


We are anchored now close to HMC and the sun is shining and water is a bright blue. About 10 minutes into breakfast (and my 2nd cup of coffee) the captain comes on over the PA system - now remember of course he is Italian with a very heavy accent - but I happen to make out what he is saying - while many are not paying attention or listening.....I start shrieking at the table ‘no, no, no, no - this is not happening....!!!”- this gets me a lot of attention from everyone else at the table who think I have just lost it. Ray looks at me realizing he also heard what I did - sorry but due to the high winds? (What high winds?) we will not be able to tender into HMC so we will be pulling up anchor and leaving momentarily! Is this for real?


People are now looking at each other and whispering - moments later captain comes on again to repeat the announcement - now everyone is paying attention and getting upset of course. Right after that the CD gets on to repeat this (in english?) for those that might still not be getting it? I know I know it is possible to miss ports and lord knows it has happened to me before but of course I had my heart set on visiting HMC having been there once before and knowing how beautiful it was and what a relaxing day lay ahead! Poor Ray was also going to miss his much anticipated horse back riding excursion!


It was now another ‘fun day at sea’ and a new fun times was quickly printed and available and posted all over - lots more trivia games and events allowing me to get yet another medal to add to my collection.


Can't really complain about a day at sea can we?



Well I still wanted to be outside in the fresh air but knew that sun was now my enemy and I better stay in the shade if I knew what was good for me - and yes I was still in pain despite the gel and aspirin. Off I went to scout out some shade on decks 10 or 11 - good luck to me as the chair hogs were out in full force and in any case not too many shady spots? Hmmm - what to do? Then I remembered deck 3! Of course - why didn’t I think of that before - lovely SHADED areas on both sides of lobby deck to relax on.


The beautiful blue horizon



View from my lounger on deck 3




And I was right - there were all the quiet ‘intellectuals’ reading, doing puzzles and just plain relaxing on loungers on deck 3 - beautiful view and ocean breezes - and the sound of the waves. Sat there for a while - went off for lunch and came back again - eventually did switch sides of the ship to avoid sunshine but it was all good (and I almost nodded off a couple of times).




The other opportunity as depressing as it was was to begin packing - we would be in Nassau the next day and getting off the day after that so no real ‘sea day’ between port and Miami so packing would be a bit challenging so I started throwing in the things I knew I was not going to need or wear for the last 2 days. It was very handy having my suitcase out/open on the couch and being able to put things in as required.

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We went to see the comedy show (Joe Wiley @ 7:15) - pretty good - then to a very yummy dinner.



In the lounge waiting for the show to begin







Great menu tonight - Ray ordered his usual 2 escargots appetizers....we both had the chateaubriand which was excellent. Lots of great dancing by the waiters tonight as well.




Nyoman dances up a storm:




Video of the Dancing Machine:




Ray was off to bed and I decided to visit with my lambie friends in the casino and they rewarded me with another $75!



Tomorrow Nassau!


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Day 10 - Friday - Feb 10th - Nassau


We of course had been to Nassau many times before and I know it gets a bad rap but the trick is not to just stay in Nassau but venture out and visit some other spots. Our plan was to a) visit the Straw Market to get a purse for my daughter and b) head over to the British Colonial Hilton to get a day pass and enjoy their facilities (we chose this over the Wyndham or Sheraton beach pass due to proximity and a more quiet atmosphere).



Destiny docked in Nassau




...right next to the new Disney Dream




It was a beautiful warm and sunny day as we headed out and I could feel the hot sun thru my shirt and on my sunburned back! Ouch! As we approached the straw market I pulled out the sheet of paper my daughter had provided me with - okay now memorize these pictures and see if we can find one of these purses or wallet! This was our mission!


In we go - and anyone that has been here realizes it is place where negotiation and nerves of steel are required. As soon as I started ‘looking’ everyone wanted to show me purses, how much did I want to spend?, ‘come here pretty lady’ - ‘first sale of the day very special’ - etc, etc. I wandered around trying to avoid too much interaction as I was looking for something very specific.


While I did not find what my daughter wanted I did see a nice black Coach knockoff which I’m sure she would like. Of course looking at it for more than 1.5 seconds brought it down off the wall and into my hands to inspect. I decided the ‘larger’ one was more her style (I always joke about her ‘carrying a piece of luggage’ as a purse)....and the ‘negotiations’ began. Did you ever notice that as the prices got lower the seller’s voice got quieter? 1st price was a very loud $65.....2nd price was a quieter $55....I started to walk away - 3rd price was a very low $45 whispered into my ear - I responded with $40 and a deal was made!


Straw market pic (okay not mine I 'borrowed' it from someone else!)




Poor Ray was starting to look faint - feeling claustrophobic so we had to put him outside for a few minutes for some fresh air. Continued to hunt around and lo and behold there was the white and black chanel wallet that was actually on my daughter’s printout - some quick negotiations got it down to $15 and we were done. Hot and sweating we exited the market and made our way around the corner to the BCH.


Very very impressive as we entered and limos and other fancy cars were pulling up with some very well dressed individuals. Lobby all cool with marble/granite and the front desk lady was very nice. We asked for the day pass - paid and were provided with 2 vouchers - one to be presented at the towel hut (so happy not to have to bring our carnival towels with us as they can get pretty heavy), and another for food/drinks at the pool restaurant/bar. (Cost for the daypass if $55 per person which includes a $30 food/drink credit).




We exit the lobby to a gorgeously landscaped area and walkway to the pool and beach. Hammocks hanging and a nice patio area and gorgeous plants and trees. We get our towels and walk down to the beach to grab some loungers (and they do have some of those thatched small ‘palapas’ for shade). We find chairs/shade and settle in. It is very peaceful and quiet - just what we were looking for.







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While the beach is small it is very nice with a pier on the right side with lots of bird friends and a view of the ships at the dock. We even got to see the Sensation pulling in right in front of us - very cool.



View from the beach




You can see the ships docked from the beach



Next to Senor Frogs



Birdie friends like to hang out on the cement pier





Here comes the Sensation pulling into port (we were so close we could hear the onboard announcements!)




Videos of Sensation and seagull friends: http://travel.webshots.com/video/3064847120059010061YohDxR



So into the water I go (with my swim shirt on this time of course) to explore. Find some fishies near the cement wall on the left and decide to go get my super duper underwater video camera only to discover I left it on the ship!!! How poopy is that? I had the case in there and assumed the camera was inside but of course did not check before I left the ship- oh well. I was able to snap some pics and get some video with my regular camera.


Thirsty by now - so I decided 11:30 was not to early for my 1st strawberry daiquiri so off to the bar I went to get one and a diet coke for Ray. Around 1:30 we decided it was lunchtime and the place was getting busy so we got a nice table at the restaurant area. The menu is not that big, and most ‘entrees’ were around $15 but there was something for everyone. I ordered the grouper fingers w/fries ($15) and a diet coke ($3) and Ray had the tropical salad with chicken ($16) and diet coke as well. They also had burgers, wraps, club sandwiches and a few other things on the menu. With a couple more diet cokes our ‘total’ racked up to $60.38 (gratuity is added in) so we had to add 38 cents to our voucher and we were done.



Back to the beach for Ray and I checked out the pool which was very nice - lots of available loungers all around and pretty quiet despite a few kids in attendance. While the beach is very quiet the restaurant/bar area has music piped in.



Doesn't someone look comfy?


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We had to be back onboard by 4:30 pm (and the Fun farewell party with free drinks was at 5) so around 3:30 pm we packed up and headed back to the ship. The streets were now very busy with people and it took awhile to get across all the roads due to lots of cars and traffic.


On the way back to the ship we had to stop and ‘visit’ with a horsie friend!



Posing for a picture:



Ray says hello






Showered, changed and running a bit late we made it to the fun farewell party around 5:15 pm - to find yet again it was not well attended (or well advertised). Maybe about 40 people total? With lots of waiters standing around with trays and trays of drinks! I had about 3 rum punches and could have had even more had I asked.... The band and singer were very good and the singer was out into the ‘audience’ with a mike encouraging ‘audience participation’ and even got someone up on stage to dance. It was lots of fun.


Before dinner I wanted to say hi to Desmond - maitre d of the Galaxy dining room who had asked to meet me as I had emailed him a few times prior to my cruise - it took a while (like right before 2nd seating) but I finally got to shake his hand and thank him and let him know how much we appreciated his help.


Then dashed off to my cabin to grab the last of my red wine and the tip envelopes for the wait staff as this was the last night and headed to our dining room table a few minutes late to find not only everyone seated there -but also one additional couple! And they were from Canada! So where are you from I ask? Ottawa they say? What? I am from Ottawa too? Where do you live? We now realize we live about 10 mins apart from each other! Greg and Ashley - and Ashley keeps saying I look familiar and she is sure she has seen me somewhere before! Greg is also a public servant (with a different department) so we do some ‘government lingo’ stuff and then talk about high schools (I have 3 kids altho my eldest would be younger than Greg). Then somehow we talk about neighborhood haunts and Greg mentions the local Y - he is there quite a bit as is Ashley. Well I kinda freak out saying I go to the same Y - usually there Monday and wed after work - Ashley then shrieks out -‘that’s where I’ve seen you! Walking the track!” Can we say ‘small world’? How weird is that. Anyhow while it was a bit sad we had a great dinner and I tried not to cry when the waiters sang the ‘leaving on a fun ship’ song! (I am such a wuss).



And my very last warm chocolate melting cake :(



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Took lots of pics of everyone including the great wait staff (Nyoman insisted on a very close up picture ‘to make your husband jealous’) and our tablemates, handed out tips, hugs and off we went. I did some last minute shopping for gifts to bring home, then had to finish my packing and get my luggage out. Oh yes and I fed the lambies another $20.....guess they were hungry on the last night?


Bye to Diane and Allen from Washington, D.C.



Bye to Gary and Mary Ann - my cruise critic buddies!



(Hello and) good bye to new friends Greg and Ashley also from Ottawa!




Bye to our great wait staff Nyoman and Paul Michael



And of course my extra special pic with Nyoman:



Now I am notorious for overpacking and overweight luggage so I tried to get all the heavier stuff in my carryon but obviously did not do a good job as when I weighed my large suitcase (Ray kindly gifted me with a digital portable luggage scale after witnessing one of my many luggage meltdowns) it came in at 54 lbs! NOT GOOD. More unpacking/repacking and decided to use my beach bag as my purse for the plane as it held more than my dinky travel purse. Once that was done luggage was down to 49 lbs so I was able to drag it out to the hall (around midnight) and hoped the airport scales were properly calibrated.




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It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for posting all of the pix...I wish that I was back on board, but this 2 months since my cruise has flown by. I'm glad that you also got to see your roaming chickens in Key West.

Thanks for the review!!!:D

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It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for posting all of the pix...I wish that I was back on board, but this 2 months since my cruise has flown by. I'm glad that you also got to see your roaming chickens in Key West.

Thanks for the review!!!:D


You're very welcome - glad you enjoyed it! :D (...and I just loved seeing the 'gypsy' chickens - made my day!)

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Thanks so much for the awesome review and pictures. I am going to go back and read your Valor review! We are going back to Nassau in May and was thinking of going to the British Colonial Hilton. I guess you would recommend it? BTW, my grandmother has a camp on a tiny lake, Long Lake, in a tiny town of Buckingham, QU. We also have a ton of friends up there. One lives in Ottawa. I think on Sudbury Lane...don't know if it rings a bell. Happy cruising to you!

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Thanks so much for the awesome review and pictures. I am going to go back and read your Valor review! We are going back to Nassau in May and was thinking of going to the British Colonial Hilton. I guess you would recommend it? BTW, my grandmother has a camp on a tiny lake, Long Lake, in a tiny town of Buckingham, QU. We also have a ton of friends up there. One lives in Ottawa. I think on Sudbury Lane...don't know if it rings a bell. Happy cruising to you!


You are very welcome - hope you like the Valor review as well!


I would definitely recommend the BCH - but only if you want a very quiet and laid back experience - not a big beach and no 'action' to speak of....most people sitting and reading or just relaxing.....


I have been to Buckingham a couple of times but not familiar w/Sudbury Lane (but then again Ottawa is not that huge!!! - I live in the west end/Nepean)

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Sudbury Lane is in Ottawa. Buckingham is where my grandma has a cabin, on Long Lake which is a teeny tiny little thing! Thanks for the advice about BCH. Not sure what we will do because we like "action" but we'll see what the weather is like and all that. I like how you can just walk there and back from the ship.

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Loving your review. My DH and I are doing our first B2B in December/January. I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you give me some suggestions on tipping the room steward/wait staff. Do you tip at the end of each cruise or when the cruise is finished? Thanks

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Sudbury Lane is in Ottawa. Buckingham is where my grandma has a cabin, on Long Lake which is a teeny tiny little thing! Thanks for the advice about BCH. Not sure what we will do because we like "action" but we'll see what the weather is like and all that. I like how you can just walk there and back from the ship.


If you want more action I would suggest heading to Wyndham/Sheraton and getting a day pass there - lots of pools, oceans, water toys, etc.... You can take the #10 jitney bus or grab a cab!

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Loving your review. My DH and I are doing our first B2B in December/January. I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you give me some suggestions on tipping the room steward/wait staff. Do you tip at the end of each cruise or when the cruise is finished? Thanks


Tipping is of course a very personal choice and it does depend on the service you receive esp if you have asked for some 'extras'....


I barely remember (and in hopes of not sounding too cheap??) I believe I gave the room steward $50 and assistant $30. Wait staff I think was $40 for 1st cruise and $60 for 2nd..... total of about $180 in extra tips! But I did have excellent service and was well looked after :D (and I did make some extra requests.....)

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Thanks for a fantastic review and pics! I really enjoyed it. I've already been on the Destiny twice and booked to go on her again in May. I'm so sorry you missed HMC. That makes me really nervous! I'm looking forward to that port more than anyother, as I've never been and we booked the Private Oasis for our group. We missed Roatan and Costa Maya in January due to windy conditions, and while it was very disappointing we did understand that CCL can't control mother nature. Somewhere in your review you mentioned that your friend had took pics of the aft wraps while they were empty. Are you able to post any of those. We have 8328 booked for May and I'd love to see some pics. Thanks!

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Thanks for a fantastic review and pics! I really enjoyed it. I've already been on the Destiny twice and booked to go on her again in May. I'm so sorry you missed HMC. That makes me really nervous! I'm looking forward to that port more than anyother, as I've never been and we booked the Private Oasis for our group. We missed Roatan and Costa Maya in January due to windy conditions, and while it was very disappointing we did understand that CCL can't control mother nature. Somewhere in your review you mentioned that your friend had took pics of the aft wraps while they were empty. Are you able to post any of those. We have 8328 booked for May and I'd love to see some pics. Thanks!


We also missed Roatan on our hopefully 1st visit due to 'civil unrest'!!!:eek: Hoping to make it to HMC next January on my Liberty cruise :)


Just checked Ray's pics and only one pic of inside of cabin and a couple of balcony pics.....if you want to see better pics I would suggest having a look at cruisin usa's (Gary) recent review as he was in an aft wrap and posted some pics! Here's the link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1365916

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Hey Froufie sorry you didn't enjoy the Chef's Table, but sounds like your Chef does not have his act together. Chris and I did it on our B2B on the Liberty in January and had an experience similar to Ray's with over the top service and food. I think you'll have to try it one more time on a ship that has good reviews for it.


BTW I was on the Spirit recently and posted some whale and dolphin pictures on my Face Book page. Check them out.

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Also, about the Farewell Party, I almost forgot to attend on the Spirit for the same reasons, very under advertised. Think about all the money CCL is saving with this format, even with all the wasted drinks, they are saving a ton. Pretty much everyone went to the Captain's reception where they served drinks and snacks. Now it's just drinks, no snacks, and no CD or anything. Just the band.


I think my timing is right having bought a vacation home in Cabo. I'm about cruised out and with all the recent changes, others may start to feel the same.

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Also, about the Farewell Party, I almost forgot to attend on the Spirit for the same reasons, very under advertised. Think about all the money CCL is saving with this format, even with all the wasted drinks, they are saving a ton. Pretty much everyone went to the Captain's reception where they served drinks and snacks. Now it's just drinks, no snacks, and no CD or anything. Just the band.


I think my timing is right having bought a vacation home in Cabo. I'm about cruised out and with all the recent changes, others may start to feel the same.

We cruised on the Spirit from San Diego in 2007. I FELL IN LOVE with SD, so much so that we booked the exact same cruise for 2008 just so I could go back to SD. We spent 4 days pre and a day post cruise there. If I lived in SD I would never go ANYWHERE! :cool::);):D:p

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Hey Froufie sorry you didn't enjoy the Chef's Table, but sounds like your Chef does not have his act together. Chris and I did it on our B2B on the Liberty in January and had an experience similar to Ray's with over the top service and food. I think you'll have to try it one more time on a ship that has good reviews for it.


BTW I was on the Spirit recently and posted some whale and dolphin pictures on my Face Book page. Check them out.


Hey Wendy!!! Wish I had had a similar CT experience as you and Chris (and Ray) had.....not that the food wasn't good - I just had such high expectations (and my only other comparison was the very fancy Alex restaurant at the Wynn where I sampled an amazing 7 course tasting menu complete with wine.... quite an experience).


Guess I may give it a try? (maybe next January on the Liberty if you are personally recommending it? :D:D).


And I agree on the whole Farewell party thing - shame on Carnival for making it sound like they are doing some amazing for their guests - yet keeping it quiet and hidden so few people know about it! It's supposed to be a farewell and THANK YOU to the cruisers.....not much gratitude in my opinion just trying to save some bucks! :(


Will be going to check out your FB pics!

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