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Perfection! Absolute Perfection!


I echo Anita's thoughts; I am looking forward to seeing those dresses on you!


Such chic and elegance. Wow. It really makes a difference when you take the time to do the necessary shopping and planning. It's interesting to be a part of the lead up to the perfect outfit; so much fun. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Pam, thank you! And thank you for calling me exotic before, I have always struggled against the brunette girl-next-door thing and it's nice to know I have a cooler vibe than that.:) Not that there's anything wrong with it.


Anita, our news was all about Atlanta today (instead of our own weather woes, for once) and I'm happy to hear that you are all safe and sound.


Swimsuits! A happy topic, because they mean water fun! I found two today at Marshalls. More to add to the list of pictures I should be taking. One is purple, and one is a kind of multi with navy blue/turquoise/white/green. It would be easy to think I only shop at Marshalls, but... it's right next to my supermarket, so it's an easy stop for me.


I started thinking about how many evening outfits to bring, and I basically want six: first night specialty dining dress (already have a red one on deck for that), two formals, three resort casual. The final night of course everyone is pretty casual, so I will probably re-wear something from our two days in Houston. So, I went through my dresses yesterday and I have everything I’ll need, since I bought a few casual dresses in the last few months on sale that I’ll fit into soon. Well, technically I fit into them now but they’re just a bit too snug. Losing the next five pounds will be crucial, but I’ve already lost the two I gained over Christmas and I’m working hard on the rest. I’ll post pics when we get some sunshine around here!

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I was very brave and I tried on my dresses! :eek:


This may be a lengthy post...warning...warning...it just helps me to write things out...it organizes my thoughts...and here's what I've been doing...


I seem to have issues with figuring out my own style. I'd love to have one...even if it was "weird"...I admire people who have figured out a look that works for them, in whatever way it works and gives them satisfaction and in the end can be described as a definite style. And some things that I have realized about having "style"...I think you look the same a lot. Same silhouette or same colors...or almost the exact same clothes in different colors, etc. There's a bit of sameness that comes with having something that could be labeled "MY STYLE."


And I think I have fought that...somehow, I've thought that I should dress in different and unique ways...and yet, somehow, this should all come together under an umbrella of description that could be called my style. And thus, I haven't ever achieved the elusive STYLE. :p


So I did a personal exercise where I was remembering favorite clothes and shoes from childhood forward. It's almost comical how the clothes have been the same over the years. I was talking to Mom and I couldn't really see too much pattern...except that I LOVE halter tops...and they look great on me...for example...my hot red, take me salsa dancing dress. HALTER. Not much else fell into any pattern honestly...


But here's the funny thing...


Even though I have gained weight...*sigh*...and there's no way that I could squeeze my bulbous behind into the size 4 swim bottoms that I bought last summer before my cruise...(hence, the need to purchase more swimwear)...the really wonderful pieces of clothing that I would pray to fit ACTUALLY sit fit!


The red dress looks great! So flattering still! My best is highlighted by the dress and what I hope would fade into the background literally does. Will it look better with some weight loss. Probably. But not significantly. So yay!


Many of my clothes look just fine...for which I am so glad. I will have an issue with shorts...potentially. But I have skirts and dresses aplenty...so this gives me some motivation to try to fit into a few of my shorts...but it won't be devastating if it doesn't happen. YAY!


Margaret...I do not think you are the girl next door at all. I mentioned before, in reference to a specific photo, that you had a lovely retro vibe...something that the ankle strap shoes totally reflect to my eye...they are such a modern retro look to me. I think you are going to be STUNNING in your dresses and shoes. You remind me of a pin up girl! ;) And there's nothing girl next door about that...


You've inspired me to be more concerned with accessories and shoes and having fun with planning that for our cruise! So I'm anxiously awaiting my shoe order...

Edited by Anita Latte
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First things first....I'm glad you are safe, Anita. I found myself giggling a little at first over how devastating an inch or two of snow is some areas, until I reminded myself that these places do not have snow normally, and that it is very difficult and dangerous for you. So, I took back my giggles. I'm glad your husband is safe also!


Margaret, I adore those shoe/dress combinations immensely. I am feeling very inclined to try to find new shoes or sandals. I really need to do that, and I will. I am just hoping that I don't have a nightmare with the fit. Zappos has free shipping, free returns, and a a good selection, even when it comes to wide width. I have seriously thought of ordering all $650.00 (gasp!) of shoes that I'm looking at, knowing that $400.00 or more will go back. A few pair are desperately needed work shoes, that don't work with dresses but are good for my work attire. Do I give this a try??


Swim suits are quite a reality check. I was very happy to get my new tankini, and to realize that it didn't look all that bad. It has one of those halter straps, and I do wish it was thicker. However, it isn't adjustable so I'm going to sew it in place exactly where I want it, so that it supplies a bit more support. I was trying to think if there were any other tricks I could try to give it more support. I sew, and if it was something complex, I do have a tailor I like to use.


Anita and Margaret, when do you cruise again? I only remember that it is before me.


And I'm definitely going to hem the coral dress. I think it is flattering overall, but the hemline will make a huge difference. Curt also told me about aiming for the slimmest part of your leg. If you go above the knee, aim for the slimmest part of your thigh. If you go below, then you want the slimmest part of your lower leg.


Anita, it's funny what you say about trying to determine your style. I can't quite pinpoint my own style....I love jewelry, but it's all over the place in style. There are so many different factors that determine what I wear at times. I am noticing that I am drawn to dresses that are fitted, without being clingy. No gathers or fullness. That's about all I've been able to figure out, lol.


I still find that a picture makes all the difference it what I can see in an outfit. I knew right off something was wrong with the coral dress, and I started to look at the picture and go through some of the dos and don'ts I've been learning. My eyes went right to the hemline.


I love the gold full length dress a lot and don't want to lose the scalloped hem. I"m not sure about wearing flats though? I'm trying to picture that, and I'm struggling. I can just imagine what my jewelry would be though.


Isn't this stuff fun?

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Laurie...I totally relate to the giggles over the 2.5 official inches of snow and what it did to our metro area...but there are so many more factors that enter into the situation. The roads here are TERRIBLE...and what I mean by that is that there are literally so FEW roads that everyone drives to get where they are going. The rush hours around here are literally HOURS long. Each commuter "hour" lasts anywhere between 3 and 4 hours...so the morning commute that started at 6 lasted until 10...and then the highways had only about one hour where there was slightly less traffic before everyone hit the road again...


So there was literally no time for the roads to be prepared...even if they could have been prepared.


And then you have the non-highway roads.


DH doesn't have to drive on any highway to get to work. And all the roads around here are 2 lane roads. For serious, main roads that thousands of people travel to get to and from anywhere...are only 2 lanes. And the hills. OMG. It's insane. And the stop lights. I just can't say enough how ridiculous the civil planning was...or rather, non-existent.


My friend had to pick her child up at the high school on the day of the storm. The high school sits on a 2 lane road. It has an attendance somewhere between 2 and 3 thousand, plus staff. The grid lock that happens everyone morning as this number of people converges on this 2 lane road is insane. The grid lock and traffic that happened as a result of the snow...it took her 2 hours to drive the 3 miles to the high school and back home.


Because all these roads can not possibly be serviced by any road prep. And these are the roads that everyone drives, everyday...it's like a spider web...but there are no main arteries of traffic to really help anyone get anywhere and thus, to treat and help in times of severe weather....


And since it all hit much earlier than expected...and then everyone got on the roads at the same time when it did it...my SIL spent 3 hours trying to get to the elementary school where her daughter attends. She was stuck on one of those 2 lane roads for hours because it is rather steep and the cars couldn't get up it. Seriously...we are rural enough that there are tons of trucks and SUVs with rear wheel drive and they caused some serious issues for everyone because they didn't prepare themselves with sand bags or anything else to help them have traction on the road...


I have some feelings about all this...especially about this area in general because this is an issue for me...there are times when I decide to not do things simply because I do take into account the time of day...whether the high school is getting out...or commuter times...and how many cycles will I have to sit at the numerous lights between me and my destination on the 2 lane roads that I have to drive...and I decide that it will take me 45 minutes to drive 10 miles to get to that store and so I opt to not to that.


Sorry for the rant...but there's no way this area could EVER be prepared for weather like this. Seriously. It's just the nature of the area. This is what will always happen...the only preparation that works is for everyone to stay home before it starts.


End of rant.

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I'm cruising the first week of April...it nicks the end of March. We fly out March 29 and get on the ship on March 31 for 5 nights.


I'm pretty sure that Margaret cruises the week before that, March 22? We will wave at each other virtually as she gets off her ship and Mom and I get on ours.


Laurie...you said gold? Did you mean white?

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Personal style... such a serious question for me. I think that style is something that one exhibits and emanates as well as just being a physical "look." For example, people will say, "oh, that's just her style"... when they make observations, as in how you've set a table or decorated for an event. I had someone say that about me because I had decorated with a lot of flower arrangements for a coffee luncheon that I hosted. I think that's one of the first memories that I have when the comment was what I would consider more positive; I've been told I have a certain "style" when the comment was very negative. Like, I've been told that I'm "stubborn" as that's my "style" of behavior or "thick headed" or, the dreaded, "know it all." And, for me, the equally dreaded "cute." Something about being told that I am "cute" or what I'm doing is "cute" is extremely, extremely negative for me. I have to admit that it instantly makes me kind of angry, so I know that there's a moment in time where being "cute" was given to me as a negative label. I've worked on becoming de-sensitized to that particular word. And, Anita! She LOVES to be cute! She often says, "I was very cute in that outfit." So, I know that the "cute" is just something that rings in my own ears in a negative voice....


Wow, where did that come from? See, this is what happens to me whenever I try to do the exercises in the Style Statement book! I never know where my thoughts are going to take me and, oftentimes, I don't like where I am going so I put the book aside and go about other business... and, then, never get down to the nitty gritty of what I would like to achieve with finding my particular style. <sigh>


So, I took a HUGE gulp and ordered an outrageous pair of heels from Zappos! Laurie, I have to admit that I knew that I could return them if my conscience required it when they arrived, but I don't even have to go through the exercise of guilt and justification because, as it turns out, I don't love them. As it turns out... the heel height is way too high for me. The answer to "will 1/2-inch higher make much difference?" is YES! A 4-inch heel is way, way too high when a 3-1/2-inch heel is on the borderline of being too high! Wow, Margaret, how do you do it?!? And, also.... I didn't like the pointed toe of the shoe. I realize that I really am way more fond of a rounded toe, or what is the description, an almond shaped toe. Something about the pointed toe just screamed ELF! to me. Other than that, the shoe was beautiful. LOL. Back it goes...


But, it made me think about the style of heel that I think is attractive on my foot. And, that is, obviously, a more rounded toe. But, here's the thing... I was reading Zappos reviews and the comment... "this rounded toe will make you feel like you're wearing old lady shoes"... OMG... I can't win! Really?!? So, for someone else, a rounded toe = old lady footwear. I guess that's just her memories, observations, and style...



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Anita, I do feel bad for you guys. It is amazing how much things change from area to area. For example, even though we are 4 hours away from NYC, the last thing we want to do is drive. And it's not about parking either. When we went to Garden City not too long ago, it was amazing how short the trip was to get to a certain point, and then how traffic hardly moved for I don't know how many miles. It drove us completely batty. When you have a situation like you do and then throw in a weather issue, that is just awful.


I admit to being a reluctant driver. I am very close to work, so driving to and from each day is not a problem. If I go any place else, I see if my husband wants to go so he can drive! I can't stand traffic.


Shoes....ah. I stopped at Marshalls this morning with my daughter, because they always have all these deals on fancy designer shoes. I figured it would be good to go before ordering that boatload of shoes from Zappos. Guess what? No sandals. I haven't been in there since before Christmas even though it's just down the street, and all the things I love to go to Marshall for weren't there. I'm hoping it was low stock, that they aren't changing what they sell too much.


Anita, tell us about all your cruise outfits! And Margaret, what are your choices for the other nights? I think you mentioned a red dress previously.

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Not that this has much to do with anything, but...




Yes, I've been a Syracuse fan all my life. It may have something to do with living here, and having a daughter attend there and having my husband work there!

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I had this nice long post and I accidently closed it out. Oops!


Well, I decided to bite the bullet and place my Zappos order. I know most will go back, so I didn't freak out over the amount being spent. I love the free shipping there.


I had trouble finding shoes to go with my cruise dresses. I really didn't want to only be able to wear them with one dress, I wanted to see what would work with different things.


I came across a bronze sandal that I can envision with a number of my dresses, such as the brown cocktail, my brown full length, and my teal lace dress. I think it could work with the purple dress as well, but I lean towards gold with that. The purple is warm and muted, but not as much as I would like it to be.


Here is a picture:




The heel looks reasonable, and the style is one that usually works well with my wide foot. I have a really rough time with T-straps. They hurt my feet a lot. So, this is the pair that I really hope pulls through. Can you also envision this bronzy color with some of my dresses?


Here is the most iffy pair. They look quite light in color, almost an ivory. I think most of the colors are too saturated in my dresses for these to work the way I want them to. I originally thought the rhinestones would be great with the brown cocktail dress, but I'm not sure. I think the strappy ivory ones showing in my earlier picture worked because there wasn't a whole lot of shoe. I guess I won't know until they come in. If I wanted to dress up the coral dress a bit, they may look good with that one.




I ordered them yesterday, and they've already shipped. This is going to be fun!! There are some brown work shoes in there too - pumps that go with all sorts of boring office clothes. :D I chose a few that had a bit more spunk to them as well.

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I just want to say...I hope my process here doesn't drive everyone crazy!! :o:D


Let the serious planning begin!!


I have a couple of issues...the main issue is the fact that I don't really want to buy more clothes just to cruise. I feel the need to just plan my wardrobe around what I currently own and can actually wear RIGHT NOW. The other issue relates to accessories and make up and other extras that can transform clothes into an OUTFIT.


I'm so glad that I wrote this particular post below after our last spring break cruise...so helpful for my current planning...




I wore 6 different tops...I had also packed 2 other shirts that I didn't wear.


I obviously prefer a semi-fitted shirt in the evening to a fitted shirt. I could have easily repeated the shirts I did wear, if needed, because I only repeated the Avocado Green at the end.


I don't know how many tops I will try to bring because I have an issue with bottoms. Coming back here after writing more...


To do: plan shirts with my one skirt...which may also coordinate with a pair of shorts. To Do: how many shirts, really?




Two. Yellow Hoodie and Purple Cover Up.


The hoodie was essential. I wore it more often than I thought I would, and I never wished I had more than the one. The cover up was essential. Didn't wish I had more. Only wished it matched my swim suit better. Fast drying fabric in the cover up was probably the key to being able to have one.


I still own the yellow hoodie and the purple cover up.


I don't know that this purple cover up will match the swim suits that I ordered much better...at least the new suits are solids, so that will probably look better together to me. Definitely bringing the purple cover up again. Will definitely wear to Nochi Cocum again...I see that I wore shorts and this cover up on the last cruise.


To do: plan the Nochi Cocum outfit...do the swim shorts I ordered work in place of shorts over a one piece swim suit?


For the hoodie. Apparently, I DO need a overlayer of some sort. I do recall wearing it first thing in the mornings...an easy thing to do...like at home...I was wearing a tank top and the hoodie to head to breakfast and morning coffee.


To do: plan the easy-on, first thing in the morning outfit, likely based on the skirt/shorts and make sure that the hoodie coordinates or that another overlayer does.




Two Formals. Loved having two. Will definitely repeat.


I'm pretty sure there is only one formal night on a 5 night cruise. I will be debating my long brown formal and my red cocktail dress for formal night...I think we have a fancy dinner planned in Ft. Lauderdale before embarkation...I could wear my red dress then...and save the brown for formal night? Or I could skip the brown one altogether, this time around...because the red dress is just so fabulous. Opinions?


To do: Plan my formal dress/outfit!


One Wet Dress. Or at least, one quick drying dress. ESSENTIAL. The pockets made it perfect for when I wanted/needed to wear something that could withstand getting wet. Will definitely repeat. Will definitely watch this style for more Earth colors.


I still own this dress. It is workable at this point. The bodice of the dress isn't the best...and the dress could not be worn alone...but it could be worn over a swim suit. I'm not sure that this idea is necessary for this cruise though. But this could be what works to wear to Nochi Cocum over a swim suit...and just pack my other cover-up in my tote, if I feel the need to wear one.


One Casual Sundress. Last minute pack that I was SO GLAD I packed. Sometimes, you just want to put on ONE item of clothing.


It's nice to change clothes for dinner, especially if you've been active during the day...walking around port or at the beach or whatever...putting on something different is a good call. And I vividly remember how comfortable it was to wear this dress, and how easy it was to change into it for dinner, so I'm planning on dresses every evening...as I said before.


To do: pick out 4 dresses!




One Capris. Could have skipped. Only wore these to the ship because of the cooler weather, and a concern that I should have longer bottoms in case the air conditioning made dinner uncomfortably cool. I need to remember that my legs don't really get too cool. If I feel cool, then layering my tops generally works for me.


The only capri bottoms that currently fit me are exercise related...so will not be planning on any capris on this trip.


One Shorts. ESSENTIAL. Single pair did the trick for the week. Never wished I had a different pair. LOVED the zippered pocket.


I'm somewhat worried reading this, because I don't fit into these particular shorts right now.


To do: see what shorts I DO fit into and if they would work as well for travel.


Skirts. Packed 3. Wore 2. One casual (pockets!) and One Dressy (pockets!).


LOVED the All Terrain Skirt for the ship...the one zippered pocket was perfect for the sea pass card. The pencil skirt was perfect with whatever shirt I wanted to wear. I did not need to take the animal print skirt; it was not appealing to wear because it didn't have pockets and the coordinating shirts were more fitted. Also, it was the skirt that was more fun in these planned outfits...and that didn't seem as fun to wear to the dining room as having a more fun SHIRT.


I will not be bringing a dressy skirt because I'm going to wear dresses this time around. I still own this All Terrain Skirt...and it fits. Will need to figure out underpants. Here, I've worn a pair of undershorts that are meant to be worn under a tennis skirt. They work well...my only issue is that they are white...and I think I would prefer a more neutral color or at least a color that didn't call to mind underwear.


To do: plan undershorts for this skirt.




Swimming Suit. Packed 2, wore 1. One fit better than the other, and since we didn't swim much, I never faced the dreaded trying to put on a wet suit...so I always chose the better fitting suit. I do wish that my suit went with my cover up more...but the suit that I really wanted to buy would not ship in time for the cruise...but this is on my shopping list because this swim suit works, but is literally too big...not easy to see in photos because the style, one piece with a high neck and still good elastic at the legs and arms isn't revealing even though the suit billows around me when it gets wet.


I do wish that I had a 2-piece suit.


To do: try on the swim suits I ordered after they arrive!


AND I wish that I had swim suit bottoms (or other meant to be seen bottoms) to wear under the All Terrain Skirt because I flashed the ship one day going up an outside stair case in the wind.


There was more to my wardrobe report...but it isn't relevant at this stage of planning. So I have a bit of a to do list for myself. Awesome.


Breaking down for additional help...


Day 1...Travel day. Mom and Dad arrive later.

Day 2...Ft. Lauderdale. Fancy dinner.

Day 3...Embarkation.

Day 4...Sea day. Likely formal night.

Day 5...Nochi Cocum in Cozumel.

Day 6...Sea Day.

Day 7...Key West, Florida. Packing.

Day 8...Disembark. Travel home.


OMG. It's going to be so much fun!!!

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Nice shoes Laurie!


It'll be interesting to see the IRL color of what you are calling bronze. They have that copper look to me...which could be great if it is more orange in an undertone! The danger would be if that color goes more pink IRL. The style looks good...it has the effect of looking strappy but not really being strappy the way that the holes are in that wide strap at the foot. I hope they work for you!


For the ivory shoes...I wonder if they will look nude? It's a very pretty shoe and it looks very stable with the way the sides of the shoe are...it has some substance without being heavy in the look. That ivory looks very creamy/tan like so it might be work better than you imagine.


It'll be fun to see!


The gold shoes I ordered should be here Monday or Tuesday. My packages have been sitting in Atlanta for several days and were delayed with the weather. Zappos is so great. I order from them all the time...I like their boxes too! LOL. They are great for packing! :o

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Sometimes, I have so many thoughts that I can't get them typed fast enough.


Anita, your planning process sounds very "you". You don't want to overcomplicate things, but you know exactly what you need and want to do. That is very good thinking. You are thinking about what you have, and how to use it on a cruise. My daytime attire is all things I already have - it isn't special cruise clothing. The one thing I tend to do is that I will often go for something a little nicer shirt wise and sandal wise when I want to somehow look better, more pulled together. But, it's all things I already have and wear on a regular basis.


The dresses are a mix. Formal night dresses really only get worn on a cruise, so I've been very selective about the fit, color and style being just right. I don't plan to keep buying more long dresses. My goal was four of them so that I could rotate from cruise to cruise, and not feel like I was wearing the same dress every formal night.


The cocktail dresses and casual dresses get other use. Weddings and Christmas parties come to mind. All of my jewelry gets worn all the time. I must think I'm naked if I don't wear a necklace, lol. Truthfully though, I wear them and I don't spend very much on them at all.


That is why I am thinking the way I do with shoes. Those gold Anne Klein sandals have been worn almost every single night for the last 3 cruises, and they have been worn to the past two Christmas parties as well.


I try also to get the best deal I can. The teal lace dress I got on clearance for around $23.00, I think. the red cocktail dress I love so much I got when my daughter worked at Dress Barn. With her discount, I think I paid around $39.00? I can't remember exactly, but I think it was less than that. The coral dress was a Macy's clearance item for around $30.00.


I really want to get my money's worth. I think you do too, and you are a very smart shopper. Thinking about your question on whether to bring both the long brown dress and the red cocktail dress....I would bring both! I say that because a 5 night has one formal night. If you should happen to get something on the red dress, you would already have something else to wear. Then, you can just choose according to your mood.


Here is a thought I'm having. Since our accessories affect our outfits so much, I find that if my dress has some detail to it, I really want to downplay the shoes and jewelry a bit. If the dress is plainer, I find the need to add something more to the outfit. Since I have such a limited shoe selection, that is probably why I am drawn to necklaces so much.


Another thought....I think I've figured out why taking and posting pictures is so important to me. First, the feedback I get from all of you is imperative. You see things I don't. And finally, I found out why it helps me. Every time I get dressed, I look in the mirror and stare right at my chest and say "do my boobs look big?" Then, if I can get past that, I ask if I look big around the middle. I'm not seeing the hem length, how something fits in shoulders and so forth. When I have a picture, all that is looking back at me. Someday, I will start looking at things automatically instead of needing a picture.


I think bringing a lot of mix and match items is a great idea. If you re-wear some of the bottoms, then you have different tops that still work with them.


I have a very limited selection of bottoms. Now that I understand more about the ideal fit and style, it makes it easier to shop. However, I just haven't gotten any. I like that you have that go-to hoodie to wear. I'm always struggling to find that type of item. You know, the color and style go with all my stuff and I can just grab it. I don't really wear hoodies, and with my style of dressing, they aren't the best thing. So, I struggle. I aim for a light weight sweater in a casual style. I don't have the right thing at the moment, so I'm going to have to think a bit for my May cruise.


You are really thinking things out so well, Anita. Do you actually put all the items out and pair up the shoes and tops to make sure you've covered everything? I did for the February cruise, and it worked great. I was a bit under the weather for the mini cruise in November, so I wasn't quite as well planned. I'm glad I packed a few extra things because it helped a lot.


Swimsuits have always been my short fall. I have that much better planned out for this cruise. I don't have a choice. We are going on a dolphin excursion, and we will be swimming with the sting rays. I'm glad you mentioned your cover ups, because you know what? I completely have forgotten about those.

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Laurie...I don't know that I'm a smart shopper at all! I look at some of the things that I have bought and the fact that I can't seem to put some of these things together into an outfit that I like and think to myself that it was such a stupid purchase! :o


I don't want to over complicate things! I want to bring exactly what I need and too much else. Partly because I don't want to have to unpack and repack more than what is absolutely necessary! Especially since I am the packer of the family...and I will pack not only my own clothing, but also DH's and DS's.


I do go through a process of laying everything out on the bed...I do this partly to visualize all the clothing and the best way to pack it...but this time I'm going to try to do this in more stages so that I can have more fun with accessories. I do recall that I didn't seem to wear much jewelry that I thought I might last time...but then I hadn't really concentrated on that aspect and when I tried to wear things...it all felt like too much to me...and I would end up wearing my simple gold hoops instead of other choices I had packed. I don't want to do that again...that is, I want to wear what I pack...I want to understand myself better so that I can invest and/or bring more simple jewelry if I am a more simple jewelry person!


Mom said something about the effect of the earrings on this one lady's appearance in a video on the Lisa Eldridge site. I need to check that again...and really think about that. Mom said that the earrings really brightened the lady's eyes...and the effect was so simple but effective. I want to study that a bit. I think that might be more in my own style. I really am a hoodie kind of girl...:D and most jewelry looks a bit weird to me with a hoodie! Which could by why I have jewelry/accessory issues!


Anyway...I went through my shorts drawer and found a pair that would totally work for the cruise. They are technically golf shorts. Technical fabric. Bermuda length. Long pockets with one zippered pocket in addition to the long pockets and the back pockets. And everyone knows how much I love my pockets! I own two different colors in the All Terrain Skirt...a khaki/tan color and that cargo color. The shorts are a khaki/tan. I think the cargo skirt is slightly tighter than the tan one...but we are talking about neutrals...and everything I own goes well with all these. I should be able to bring a variety of shirts and have it all work with any of these potential bottoms. YAY!


A brief search of potential undershorts for my skirt unearthed shorts in colors I'm not interested in purchasing. I have black ones that would work, in addition to the white...so I'll be watching a couple styles I liked to see if there is a new release in better colors, otherwise...I'll just deal with the white or black. I don't mind this purchase because I could use this in my "normal" life. But it won't be upsetting if I can't find anything new...I just didn't think to pack these things on the last trip.


Laurie...I think I might end up taking both formals. Mom and I were talking about the weather in Ft. Lauderdale...and there is the possibility that I would appreciate having the longer dress for our fancy dinner even. That brown dress of mine isn't so very formal...it's more like a blank slate...I could dress it up to formal or dress it up to "cocktail".


It's great to find shoes like those Anne Klein shoes. When you find a shoe that you wear so much...if you can figure out WHY it works so well...then it can help with the search for another pair. In reading my summary post...I did cut off the shoe analysis...but I don't have the walking friendly, supportive tan (go with everything) sandals in leather that are a nicer casual shoe. Those Merrells were the best...and I haven't replaced those yet. So the search is on for something like that.

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All my purchases came today...


The shoes didn't fit well. The strap across my left foot cut into my foot in a bad way. The shoes are going back. It did make me think about shoe styles and how my feet always swell when I travel... So I'm rethinking shoes...


One thing I'm thinking about...even though it wouldn't be very formal in style...in to get simple T-strap shoes. Yes, flats...but that style would still be wearable if my feet swelled a lot...AND I have actually had that happen to me before. Another thing that I've been thinking about...ballroom dance shoes. Unfortunately...they all seem to have suede soles. I wonder if I could find a pair that would have street soles...or at least a similar style...because I think that would work well for my foot...AND...I think the style would be really appropriate with my red dress. Anyone know anything about ballroom shoes?


Major success with the one piece swim suit! It's a bit more low cut than I am used to...BUT...it's very flattering. I did order two different sizes...so the size of the tankini top didn't work. And that same top isn't available in the other size...SO...need to do some thinking if I do want to have two wearable suits. The swim shorts are handy. I like them. The waist folds over and that feels a bit bulky...I don't know that I love that. And the regular swim bottoms are cut lower than the picture indicated...so I don't know if I like them for real. Decisions to be made...


And a NEW development! One of the skirts that I purchased at Goodwill a while back looks fantastic over the one piece swim suit. Really fantastic. It's a flowy kind of skirt...full...almost maxi length...perfect with a tight swim suit on top. Fun stuff...

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Trying on the swim suits again...I have decided that I can work with the tankini. Even though the other size would better...the one is good enough...and since it isn't/wasn't available in the other size...I'm just going to keep all that I got and work with it!


The brown (OTTER color by Athleta) looks good with my purple/orange tunic style cover up. The one piece (CARGO color) looks great with the skirt that I mentioned before. I want to make one edit to the skirt. It's not imperative, BUT the skirt is fulled lined with a second layer of fabric that isn't attached at the hem. It's like a 2-layer skirt. I think I'm going to shorten that lining layer to knee length/slightly above...I debated removing it altogether, but I like the idea of having more coverage for my rear :o...and I think this is a current look to have that sheer over layer be longer over a shorter underskirt.


I'm pretty well covered then for swimming/beach/poolside clothing. I could use a pair of sandals that would be good wet sandals. I have a pair of Tevas that I could use...but they were my son's...and now they are mine...and they totally don't GO...but they could work. But I think I'd like something else...but the budget is real so this again, isn't absolutely necessary.


Here's a question...do you accessorize when you wear your swim suit?


I'm looking at the deep neckline on my new suits (the tankini top is exactly like the one piece) and I'm thinking that I need a little something. I have a necklace that I wear to work out (believe it or not) and even designated Zumba logo earrings...but I haven't thought before about wet friendly necklaces, etc. Anyone else do this? What would work? My workout necklace is an adjustable cord with a simple pendant. I wonder about something that would be like that? With a fun swim friendly pendant? Hmmm.

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Anita, planning outfits and accessories for a cruise and filling in the little squares on my spreadsheet is a large part of the fun for me. I got home from the cruise and a catalog in my mail made me immediately think of you. I don't remember you mentioning it before and you may already know about this company since it's been around since 1972, but it was new to me. Sahalie offers clothes and shoes similar to some you've shown on this thread. I know nothing about their quality but you may want to check them out. They may have something to offer.

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Thanks Debbie! Thanks a fun site. I briefly checked in out and saw many things that could be winners for me for sure. My biggest complaint right now is shoes. I just need to stay on track with eating well and keeping up with my exercise...water...sleep and get more and more comfortable in the clothes I have...and try to get the things that will complement my current wardrobe...


SO. DH thinks those gold shoes are something else...but he understands that I must take them back. I'm in a debate with myself right now about how to take them back...do I really need to go to the mall? Sounds like such a pain...simply because of traffic. Still thinking about it...tomorrow could be a good day to do that...maybe.


Meanwhile...I've ordered sandals that I hope will function as a comfortable shoe for general purposes (to function as my tan Merrell's did) and also work for wearing to the pool and beach (to function as my Teva's did). I took a look at Jambu, which is a great brand IMO...good for me anyway...I own one pair of Jambus but I have tried on several different styles and in general...I like them. So I've ordered these two:






And we'll see how it goes!


I've also been looking at pendants for my idea of swimwear accessorizing. Something along the idea of these on a cord:






Fun fun fun!

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Reading all your posts on the thread this weekend was a balm during another traumatizing weekend in Florida with my parents. I was delayed coming home, and missed some days at work again, and now have a wicked cold, so I'll catch up with you all later in the week.


Lovely shoes, Laurie. :) I'm the opposite, I love T-straps, and I can't wear sling-backs at all.

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I started a post on my laptop when my battery went dead. Boo! I'm just getting back here for a few minutes now.


Margaret, I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry your weekend trip to Florida didn't go well. I find the pressure from family relationships to be very difficult at times.


My shoes arrived from Zappos!!! They are so incredibly fast. It only takes about 2 to 3 days for them to arrive, which is fantastic.


I did way better than I thought. I ordered a whopping 10 pairs of shoes. 3 were keepers right off. The rest are going back, but there are a few I want to try in a different size.


It is amazing how your favorites online are not your favorite on, and then the opposite...the ones you order but are pretty sure will never work, are great.


I got a few pictures with my phone, which I will post later. I still don't have batteries for my camera, as I keep forgetting. If I pick some up today, I will take pictures with my camera because they will be so much better.


The bronze sandals are keepers. They are wonderful! The gold satin are not too light, as I was thinking at the time I ordered them. They are actually too yellow. They are beautiful and comfortable, but honestly don't look right with a thing I have.


I am sending back the ones that turned out to be my absolute favorite, but I'm going to try a different size. I think they are going to be a fun addition to my cruise wardrobe, and to any special functions I have. I can't wait!


Anita, those sandals/shoes you posted sure look comfortable. Remember when we were talking about styles? In casual wear, I would definitely refer to you as sporty. From what I've seen of your evening wear, the word fun comes to mind. Really, I remember that picture of you in your orangey-red halter dress, and I can envision it with those shoes you ordered (I think you said you were sending them back) and it is just so "you".


I love that we all show our personality through so many things, including clothing and accessories. Fun!!!

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Well, 10 degrees is a bit too cold for me. Brrrr! We are going to turn on the fireplace shortly.


So, I got batteries for the camera, but haven't taken pictures of shoes yet. I will post a few thoughts here though.






I really want to keep these shoes, because I think they will look great with both dresses. I was a bit hesitant, and then my husband saw them and said "those would look great with your brown dresses!" so they're keepers. I plan to wear the same jewelry with the long brown dress that I have on in the picture, but I may change it up a bit. With the short brown dress, I have something different in mind than the pearls. Those were not working for me at all. Charming Charlie's website makes it hard to post a picture, but I can post a link:




What do you think?


Now with this dress here, I was debating about a necklace but I'm not good at NOT wearing a necklace, so here goes my thoughts:





I love this necklace idea, especially for something a little more fun:




If this looks too heavy with the dress' neckline, I can try something else. They have a cute single strand version of this, but it doesn't quite thrill me the same way and it is a longer necklace and won't work with the neckline. I think you get the idea though.

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I just want to say...I hope my process here doesn't drive everyone crazy!! :o:D


Let the serious planning begin!!



I'm so glad that I wrote this particular post below after our last spring break cruise...so helpful for my current planning...



OMG. It's going to be so much fun!!!


Anita, I'm so glad you shared this. It mirrors the process I've been going through in my head, dividing the days into similar activities and figuring out what I have, what I need, etc. At this point I'm down to needing an evening bag and that's pretty much it, I think.


You've seen my formals and their shoes... now it's the swimsuits (sans me, of course). So, only the purple one is truly EARTH, but I'm partial to turquoise and blue because they go with my stick (my waterski) and my boat. :) They are easy to find so tend to be my default choice. I have a simple blue/turquoise/black tank that I'll wear snorkeling, and my rash guard and board shorts go without matching perfectly. Generally I like good, functional suits for sports, so the two bandeau top suits are a departure for me (but they both have straps for swimming, yay). Four suits seems like overkill, but hey... it's vacation!


This isn't exactly my suit, since mine is a more EARTH purple, but the style is just like this:




This will be my lounging at Nachi Cocum suit:




And the other one I can't find a picture of the right colors, but it's this one in blue and green, with a bit of purple and pink:




The basic tank I can't find a photo of, but I'm happy with it for $30 at SteinMart!


I have a beautiful floral pareo from Tahiti that has mostly these colors on a turquoise background, so I'll be mixing patterns with abandon. :)

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Margaret, your bathing suit choices are great! It doesn't hurt to bring extras - they take up so little space. Now, as much as I make every effort to buy earth tones, I tend to ease up on swimwear because earth colors are hard to find. My new tankini is a little more fire than earth, although I flip back and forth on that. The key is, it's not black. :D


We are thinking a lot about what our plans are for each day and choosing our outfits accordingly. One thought I had was good walking sandals. I have one pair that would be really good if any of my ports involve a lot of walking. I will go back through my pictures to show you, as I am pretty sure I have one on Photobucket.


Anita, the two pair you posted earlier look like they would be so good for walking.


I admit, I'm a bit more matchy matchy with things. It's hard for me to get away from that, as much as I try.

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