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As a refresher, these are the formal night dresses:




I'm bringing this for our night at Chops:




So, teal lace, orangy v neck, high/low, other print dress, two formals....


I think the main runners for the last dress are the red dress and purple dress. I have that beautiful coral dress also, which I plan to wear to a wedding in June as well. I could also add the gold/ivory. From a style perspective, I think they are all different. If I really want to bring something a completely different color, those options all work.


I should find pictures of some of those other dresses and re-post them for you. I will save that for another night. :-) It's kind of cold and rainy this evening. I think the temp is 45? It's better than snow, anyway! We are getting there!


On a completely different note, we picked my 2015 birthday cruise. It's on Adventure of the Seas from San Juan. We will fly to San Juan on my birthday, then board the day after for 7 days. It goes to Curacao, Aruba, St. Kitts and St. Thomas. When I was originally looking at rates, they seemed similar until I looked at pricing for balcony rooms and suites. Adventure was much cheaper than Independence, and the air fare was very similar. We are talking about either another cruise or some sort of shorter trip in the fall of 2015. We may opt for NYC, or maybe even Enchantment because we can throw in an extra day for Kennedy Space Center.


2016 will include Alaska, likely in August.

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Hello! Hope everyone is doing well. I've been thinking about your dad, Margaret.


I'm about to hit a pretty busy month. This weekend, we are visiting my daughter and bringing back anything she isn't using at her apartment. Next weekend is her graduation, and there are ceremonies both days. The following weekend we move my daughter back to Syracuse. The weekend after that is our cruise!! So, I've made a list of odds and ends I need to do, and I will work on these during the week so I don't get behind.


I figured out my dress dilemma. Since I'm not bringing the coral dress, I'm wearing the necklace I planned to wear with that with my orange dress. it looks really fun with it. As to what the last dress should be, it was interesting.


I asked my older daughter what she thought, and she said the purple dress, hands down. I asked my husband as well, and he picked the purple dress as well. I asked them individually, without the other present. I think I know what dress to bring, lol.

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Hey Laurie! I feel like I haven't been too communicative regarding all the fun that you are having with your wardrobe planning! But I have had fun reading along. I just haven't made the time to type any kind of response. :o


My mind is completely consumed with my own personal current events...not the least of which is the sale of our house in Texas! Woot Woot!! We finally closed last Tuesday...it was an extremely frustrating course of events...especially since we were supposed to close the Friday before...no matter...alls well that ends well. :D


So, Laurie, when is your bday? Your San Juan cruise sounds like a great itinerary. I think we had something similar planned for Spring Break in 2013? On the Brilliance of the Seas. Then that cruise became a chartered cruise and we switched it to a different ship in that same class for the summer...but then something else happened...IDK...and we couldn't do that cruise either. That Eastern/Southern Caribbean port schedule is something that I would still like to do.


I've been to St. Thomas before...except that we took the ferry over to St. John and spent the day there at the most lovely beach. And Mom has great stories about St. Kitts, I think...and Curacao. I'm very interested in all those ports.


Margaret...I've been thinking about you and your family as well. I can't even imagine...and that's about all I can say on that. I'm hoping and praying for you and your family.


On a different note. I'm going to the opera for the first time on Friday night! We are going to see the Barber of Seville. I've heard that this is a very good first opera. It's date night for my DS and myself. There were two seats in the front row of a less expensive tier...and I grabbed them. DS had played a medley of Les Miz in honor band and he was hooked on it. He sings bass (can you imagine? My DS13 is a TRUE bass?) and he was singing "Stars" in the shower for weeks. They call Les Miz a modern day opera and so I decided that it was time to go to a real opera and 'lo and behold, Barber of Seville was on the schedule in Atlanta. Sweet!


I plan on wearing Margaret's dress...and I know that I shouldn't call it that...but I can't help it...and I love it all the more for calling it that. So there. And my sweet new shoes. DS will wear one his awesome ties. We are going to have a great night.

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I love all your dresses and so either of them would be a good choice. I especially liked the dress with the high/low length. I love the color! I think the starfish necklace and earrings works well with the red dress.



Sounds like you have a full schedule! I've been reading your "Connie" review and I'm enjoying it very much.



Hope things get better really soon.


I've just spent the last two days trying to dry out the first floor of my house. My washing machine's water hose came loose somehow and I didn't know it. It ended up causing most of the first floor of my house to flood. I came down and saw about 1 1/2 to 2 inches of water everywhere. Ugh! What a hassle to get all the water out. But the DH and I did it and all I can say is that thank goodness the floor is all tile. Except for the DH's office which is carpeted and what a nightmare that's been. We had to call professionals in for that today. Also the flooding caused our land phone line and the DH's business lines to go out so I had to get someone in today to fix that too. It's been a challenge with the DH being in San Diego today on business. But we did it! It's all taken care of. But yikes what a hassle!:eek:

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Hello all! My "busyness" has begun. Yesterday, we attended a retirement party for my sister. She has worked in a state group home for 35 years, and has decided it's time for an early retirement. Right now, she is just going to enjoy the downtime, and then pick up something part time to keep herself busy.


Her party was at a local pizza restaurant, so it was very casual. Remember that peach floral printed lace shirt with the layers? I wore that with a 3/4 length sleeve jacket that was a great milk chocolate color. I wore it with jeans. I confess to being lazy - I had only a few quick minutes at home before going to the party, so I just changed from my work dress pants to the jeans and left the rest the same as I wore to work!


Today, I did all sorts of errands, and tomorrow I get to visit my daughter in Albany. I look forward to seeing her.


My birthday is May 16th. I'm not a big birthday person, but I figured that turning 50 in 2015 is something worth celebrating. We went ahead and booked today, because Royal Caribbean is having a BOGO sale, and the price was great. The pricing had really started to fluctuate, and I had some concerns about waiting until we were onboard to book. They give some really nice onboard credits when you do that, but if the price increases, that OBC isn't necessarily worth it.


Going to the opera sounds like so much fun! I'll bet that dress will look great for an event such as that.


Mousey, sorry to hear about your house being flooded! Calling in a professional is always a good idea, because they can get things dried properly, so you don't develop any mold or mildew. A friend of mine had a puppy who chewed through the water line attached to the bathroom toilet. By the time he came home, his house was pretty well flooded too, and some of the ceramic tile even began to come up too! :eek::eek:


I'm praying for Margaret and her father. I hope everything is okay.

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Wow, so much to say. Laurie, I've really enjoyed your packing posts. Isn't fun to have so many fun choices, instead of "making do?" I'm sure you're going to have an awesome cruise. How is your finger? We're fellow Tauruses - my birthay is next week. :) On my birthday I'm going to the chiropractor and then DH is taking me out to a new steakhouse in midtown. I'm buying him a kayak for his birthday (we have the same birthday). :D


Anita - congrats on the house sale! And how fun to be going to an opera? Les Miz is one of the first shows I saw when I moved to NYC, so it holds a special place for me, I would LOVE it if someone sang it around my house all the time.


Mousey - been there, done that with the flood thing. My sympathies. What a lot of work.


So, Dad is coming along ok. Some worries about his short-term memory issues. He starts cardio rehab next week. I'm going to talk to his cardiologist Monday because I think his situation is more complicated than I originally thought based on the summary we got in the mail yesterday which mentioned some congestive heart failure and severe atherosclerosis. Got me worried enough that I snuck out yesterday for "coffee" and visited an assisted living facility. Too soon to know what to do, but I want to be prepared.


Because they sleep late I was able to go to the local roller disco zumba class again today. I have to say, it was the first time I ever did a warmup to Bon Jovi. :) There was a bit of heavy metal involved too! It was a fun break and certainly lifted my spirits.


Thank you all for thinking of us. I'm certainly racking up the frequent flyer miles on Delta.

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Margaret, I'm praying for your dad.


Anita, kudos on the sale of your house. I bet that's taken a load off your mind.


Laurie...loving your clothing choices!


We got all the flooding taken care of!:D

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Margaret, I really do love that I have choices. I don't believe in waste, so I'm not one of those people who wears something and then gives it away. The two more casual dresses and the two formal dresses have all been worn before. I already have places to wear the other dresses to as well. I love that I am getting use out of them.


I'm also debating what to wear next week to my daughter's college graduation. It's supposed to be mid 60s but rainy. For this time of the year in our area, that will mean I'm going to be somewhat cold. I also have to figure out what shoes to wear, as Syracuse University holds the commencement and convocation both in the Dome, on two separate days. It will mean a lot of walking for us. I don't relish wearing strappy high heeled sandals, so I'm trying to figure out what will look nice, but still be comfortable enough to wear. Not only is there a lot of walking to get to and from the Dome, there are a ton of stairs inside too!


My thumb is healing up just great. without sounding too gruesome, it's healing from the inside out, which is a good thing. I can't believe the progress in just 2 weeks' time. I think I will be able to go bandaid free in about a week.


Anita, I'm so glad you closed on the house. I work directly with loan closings, and it's amazing how easily the slightest detail can delay a closing. It must be a relief for you to finally be able to put this all behind you.


How was the opera?? That sounds like so much fun!


We went to visit my daughter yesterday in Albany, and had a great time. We visited the New York State Museum there, and it was really amazing. I still get very, very emotional about September 11th, and they had a whole section on it that included a fire truck that was damaged, and some of the twisted beams from the Twin Towers.


Margaret, please keep us posted on your dad. It can be hard sometimes as they get older.

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Our night at the opera definitely primed us to want to experience more opera.


I didn't wear Margaret's dress because it was too cold. I don't own anything that would be appropriate to wear with it or any of my other dresses to help battle being cold. It's been years since I've owned fancy clothing that is appropriate for anything but warm weather.


I've identified this as a major failing in my wardrobe. When I have time to work on wardrobe issues, I'll be addressing this. Fancy dress for temperatures under 80.


I wore a fancy ankle length skirt and a simple long sleeved shirt. DS wore his dress slacks and what he wore to school, which was a long sleeved, button down skirt with his dress shoes. We were middle of the road people.


Observing the dress of all the people was very interesting. Thinking about a night at the opera...definitely, some ladies went all out. Right behind me was a floor length gown...with beads or other sparkles on it and a beautiful neckline and draping that reminded me of Indian dress for some reason. It was an absolutely gorgeous EARTH yellow. OMG. Stunning.


I saw a lot of younger ladies, high school aged and maybe college aged, wearing very fun party dresses. But they were wearing these fancy dresses with the most casual shoes. Those Toms shoes. One girl was wearing something that reminded me of Superga shoes (a kind of classic sneaker). It was cute altogether on these younger girls.


I overheard many ladies talking about how the weather had thrown off their dress plans for the evening...it really was much cooler than it has been.


I'll remind everyone that I was prompted to go to the opera in the first place because of DS' interest in Les Miz and music in general. I took a look at what was available here...The Barber of Seville is a comedy opera...something I thought and had read would make a great first opera. So I looked at the dates that we could go and within my budget which night at the best seats IMO. We were in the Grand Tier (the highest level) but we were on the front row. We were also off to the side so we were a bit closer to the stage.


Yes. They sing in Italian. The stage is equipped through its set with a kind of bulkhead across the stage at the highest part where they project the English translation of the opera. So the live performance has subtitles so that you can follow along and appreciate the humor of the lines and the story.


What I found to be most the most amazing aspect of the opera was the fact that there is no amplification for the performance. Naturally, you hear the symphonic orchestra and there is no amplification for the instruments...but the singers. The singers are projecting their voices into the crowd and you are simply hearing their voice without any electronic assistance.


It was much easier to hear the higher pitch of the ladies. Sometimes, when the men were low in their register is was really difficult to hear. Still. We were amazed at it all.


DS and I are ready to go to another one. We want to go to a more dramatic one next. The Atlanta Opera has some great productions next year. If we are still in Atlanta area, we will definitely go.


And that's the big up in the air right now. What the heck is going on with DH's job. No matter what...we are moving this summer. Our landlord has informed us that for financial reasons, he needs to move back into his house. We have located another home on our same street that we can move into this summer but the big question is whether or not we will still be in this area. Things are happening at DH's work...


Laurie! You are really in the home stretch. And you sound very busy. But a good busy.


Mousey, been there done that on flooding too. Our dishwasher had a leak. It didn't hit the whole first floor but it was significant enough that we had to have the professionals come into to dry out the house and dehumidify it all. We had to all move into a hotel for several nights. We even had to take our cats with us. That was ridiculous because the hotel had a pipe break and our floor was flooded at the hotel! We had to move from that room that we were in. I'll never forget how our cat Toby had been hiding out under the bed because he wasn't loving being in a new space and the poor thing...I had to drag him out from under the bed because the entire suite was flooded with over an inch or two of water. He was soaking wet all on his tummy etc. We moved and I held him in my arms like a baby while we blew the warm hair dryer on him! He LOVED that...seriously. He LOVED that warm air.


Margaret...keeping you in my prayers.


And to all...yes. It's beyond anything to finally close the door on our house in Texas. Big, big relief.

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You know, I always have trouble with the work Christmas party. You've heard all about the weather in winter in Central New York...I often have a similar problem because my work clothes and weekend wardrobe don't cut it for the Christmas party. Right now I have one dress that really works.


How cold is it there for you, Anita? It was about 60 today but very windy. The sun started to set when I was going to the store and it had already dropped to 45.


I'm sorry to hear that you need to move. It seems like you just got to Georgia! I admit that I've always lived in the same area so it's hard for me to know what that must be like for you. If it's much of a move, I hope it is someplace warmer!


I really want to pack but it is too early. Besides I have A lot of other things to plan for first. It's busy and fun both.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we got through a very busy graduation weekend! It was fun and emotional all at once. It's all good though.


We're trying to catch up on things at home this week, but I know I will have to bring home some things from work in between. I'm behind there too! This coming weekend, we move my daughter back home from Albany.


After that, it's time to get ready for the cruise!


I wore that red/orange dress one of the days this weekend. I will look to post a picture shortly. The other day, I wore a purple dress that I don't normally wear on cruises - I hold it for other events. I've always felt it looked a bit work like for a cruise, but after wearing it this weekend, I think I might bring it along on one of our upcoming cruises. It's jersey knit, so it doesn't wrinkle and washes fantastic. It was quite easy to wear.


So how is everyone? Margaret, I hope your dad is coming along.

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Here are the dresses...this is the red/orange one that I said seems to be more of a fire color, although it has some muted qualities to it. I think it looks better in real life than in the picture. I just wish I didn't always get a gap on sleeveless dresses in that same underarm area.




Here is the purple dress. I should have had a picture taken from farther back.



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Love the dresses! Your daughter is adorable!:D




Hope your dad is doing better.


Well, I'm off tomorrow to go pickup the DS and bring him home from college for the summer. I'm so excited, I get to have him home until end of Aug. :D

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I'm having some second thoughts about the red/orange dress now. Sometimes, I get so frustrated with clothing. But you know what? I'm going to do my best to choose the best items, and then I'm going to have a wonderful cruise. Wish me luck on the luggage weight!! :D:D

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Laurie, you are so close!


That purple dress is lovely. Such a flattering style. That's a go to dress style, IMO. That lovely neckline and the gathers...it would help me feel more at ease on those days when I'm feeling so bloated.


I have issues with straps too, like you do with the red/orange dress. I think Mom does too...straps are almost always too long...it's like I don't have the length from the top of my shoulders to my bust line that they expect me to have? I need to take out an inch or more from the length of the strap. So annoying. I have this issue with some of my nighties, which is really, really annoying...but I found a little band that pulls the straps together like a racer back in the back, which effectively shortens them. Unless I want to alter dresses like yours that are more fitted...I only get loose fitting tank style dresses...but then I have to watch the gap under the armpit. Again, so annoying.


I say to only take those things that make you feel good without reservations. Feel at ease and comfortable in your skin, if you KWIM.


We have several cruises on the books now. The big question is whether or not we are going to be able to go on any of them! We have ones set for Thanksgiving 2014, Spring Break 2015, September 2015, and February 2016. Oh my! It's highly unlikely that we would be able to go on them all...but things are a bit up in the air right now.


I'm moving! Right now, I'm just moving up the street. Literally. Only the house number is changing on our address. It was a shocker to have our landlord say that he needed to move back into his house...but in the end...it's going to be a tremendous blessing. The house we are moving into was a foreclosure purchased over a year ago by a couple that is planning their retirement income from their rental properties. They already own more than a dozen rentals. The husband works for the same company as DH.


Anyway...they've spent the past YEAR fixing up this house. It's basically a new house inside. For example, the kitchen has new tile floor, new quartz counters, new glass mosaic tile backsplash, new undermount sink (super deep), new faucet, new lightfixtures, new gas stove, new microwave...Oh, new paint too. The entire house is like this. The rent is the same that we are currently paying...a few less helps...I need to provide my own fridge, laundry machines, and yard work. But the difference will be worth it for sure.


And we're moving next door to one of DS' classmates! She's a girl and she is involved in many of the same things as DS. Her Mom is great. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.


So this move starts on June 20. We'll be done by the end of June. School starts August 4. It's going to be a test of planning to salvage the summer in the midst of the move. As we've talked about with many though...good grief, we have enough moving experience...it should be old hat by now.


Margaret...thinking about you often and hoping your Dad is improving and that you are holding up well also in the stress of the situation. Big hugs to you.

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It's funny that you mention shoulders as that orangey red dress was adjusted big time at the shoulders. The dress is actually loose and it doesn't look that way in the picture.


I like to iron everything before I pack it. I really mean everything, right down to every top and pair of shorts. They seem to stay neater that way. All my daytime stuff is chosen but that dress in question isn't a definite yet.


I am actually typing this from the passenger seat of a moving truck. It's time to move my daughter back from Albany!


My mind is in cruise mode. The household stuff is all under control but I will likely spend some extra time at the office this week. I'm behind.


Anita, it must be good to stay right in the same neighborhood. It's great that it is all updated for you too. It's one less thing to worry about.


Mousey, it is always fun to bring your kids home. Sadly, I am pretty sure that my daughter will have a job in place after vacation that is out of the area. It's in Brooklyn and that is 5 or more hours away. We shall see.


Margaret, I'm thinking of you and your family.



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The DH and I had lunch with him today and he's downstairs right now talking to the DH who just made him one of him famous tuna melts!


Margaret, hope your dad's doing better.


Laurie, I've got my fingers crossed for you luggage weight.


Anita, congratulations on your new move. Hope it's all you'd like it to be.


My Boy's home for the summer and wants to go on a 4-day Mexican cruise. More details about that later! I'm so happy!:D:D:D

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I dragged in the luggage today! I ironed all my clothes. I only packed the stuff I don't have to worry about - shoes, pajamas, undergarments, bathing suites. The rest is ready for packing but I didn't want to get things all wrinkled after all that work.


So far, my husband has committed to two shirts. :rolleyes: He plans to pick the rest so I can make sure they are ironed, and then I will just separate them in the closet so they are ready to pack. Other than a few warm days last week, it's been too cold to wear warm weather attire so it all seems to need freshening up.


I got to thinking about how much more we will be in the water than usual. I'm going to pick up one those waterproof disposable cameras for that purpose. I'm not a very good swimmer, so I am normally only in shallow water. Part of our stingray excursion is for snorkeling in slightly deeper water, and I've been told that I would be fine doing this. I'm not positive if I will be, but I want to have a camera for that, just in case.


I narrowed down the shoes too. That can be really hard. I did pretty good this time. The only thing is, we are ziplining in Labadee, and they require a closed toe shoe or sneaker. So, I packed those and was surprised to see how much room they take up. Still, I can readily see that I have plenty of room for everything.


I have this new shirt I really like, and I was thinking of changing one of my outfits just to bring along this shirt. Isn't that silly? My daughter told me to wear it for our flight down to Orlando, and then wear it again when we are coming home.


My daughters are so excited about packing too. My older daughter doesn't work until 2:30, and my younger daughter is the one who just graduated college, so they were talking about starting theirs tomorrow.

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I just had to take a moment to tell you all this, because it is pretty funny.


Here I am worried about how much I am packing for a 7 day cruise, when my wonderful husband decides to get his clothing out today. So far, we have 9 short sleeved shirts, three long, a suit, a sports jacket, 3 pairs of casual pants and two pairs of dress pants. Just wait until he starts getting out the socks!


And I worry about bringing too much???? It's just too funny. Should we place bets on how many ties? Never mind, he is only bringing three dress shirts so that should mean about 5 ties, lol.


I guess he is really excited too!!!

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I'm excited for all of you too!:D


Have you given a thought to wearing the heavier pair of shoes that you are taking for the zip line on the plane or however you're going to be traveling to the ship?


If I bought a new shirt...I'd want to wear it right away so, no, I don't think that's silly at all.


Your DH sounds like my DH...they want to look good just as much as we do. And, thank goodness for that!:D


If I haven't said it before, Congratulations to your daughter on her college graduation. You and your family must be awful proud of her. I can't believe my DS has just finished his first year of college...it just seems to have flown by!


Good news! He wants to cruise with us and a couple of his friends (friends will pay their own way). So, we're looking at some 4-day cruises out of CA to Mexico as the only 7-day cruises this time of year here in CA are sailing to Alaska. Yippie! I may get to cruise this year after all. I don't care if it is only for 4 days! :).

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Laurie, I hope you have a fabulous cruise! I have a pile of pictures in red that I keep meaning to post as a birthday present for you. :) When you get back, they'll be waiting.


Congratulations on your daughter's graduation. You all look beautiful and happy.


Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Dad is doing ok but not nearly his old self. We are playing a waiting game to see how much or if he improves. I am happy that I'll have a weekend at home this week. The one weekend in May that I was home, I had a horrible sinus cold, and someone hit my car.:eek: No one was hurt, thankfully. I'm looking forward to some down time with no drama!


I have to say I'm so thankful that I found this board. With all the travel I'm doing, it's nice to have some capsule collections that I can throw in a bag on Thursday morning and not have to think too much. I get lots of compliments on my clothes back in MI.

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Just a quick post here but we are on sunny Florida resting up at our hotel. We sail away tomorrow!! It was 94 here earlier. Talk about a change from home! It was in the low 50s yesterday.



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