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That is a very pretty cover up!


Yeah, I know...there just aren't that many options for Nassau that either don't cost a lot of money or aren't worth the hassle. I'm sure you'll come up with something though. We took the boys to Atlantis...I hated it!!! The DH was okay with it. The boys loved it. It was expensive and way, way overcrowded. Ugh! I just know that you guys are going to have a fun time whatever you decide to do. I agree that with your big move and all you really do need to just kick back and relax. I totally understand the financial part too, that's why we are just doing a 3-dayer and not our normal 7-day cruise. But I'm happy to take what I can get. LOL!


I've already got three outfits planned in my head. This weekend we have the DH's cousin and his wife visiting from NY. After this weekend I'll start making out my chart of outfits. The DH thinks I'm nuts...he's like, "What, just throw in a couple of swimsuits and some shorts." I'm like, he doesn't even notice that I don't wear shorts! Men! LOL!

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I wanted so badly to post yesterday, but I was saving my phone battery life. We had some pretty bad storms going through the area last night, but the tornado missed us. We did go without power for a number of hours though.


Nassau I've been to twice. I'm about to go a third time this fall. We are thinking of looking for a tour type excursion to the Queen's Staircase and so forth. Otherwise, we will grab lunch at Senor Frog's and that is about it. I have contemplated a resort day pass, but since we will be in Cococay the day before, I'm not really looking for a beach. We haven't figured out what to do yet either. If you book something on your own, you will save a great deal of money. The downside is that when you don't book through the ship, they don't wait for you if something comes up and you're not back on board on time. Another thing is, research the company/place well so that you know what you are dealing with.


We ziplined on Labadee, which is RCI's private island in Haiti. It was fantastic. In Grand Cayman, we booked a swim with the stingrays. By doing it on our own, it was less crowded and way less expensive. The excursion was longer and much more personal. We made sure we checked up on the company, but it was literally half price for more.


I guess there is no one right answer. But Nassau isn't the best port. I have had no issues with drug pushers, but everyone is always looking to get you to buy stuff. That has happened absolutely everywhere I've gone, except Bermuda. If you are interested, try googling walking tour of Nassau. I recall a really neat map you can follow to catch all the high points.


Mousey is absolutely right about the heat there. Where the most comfortable things you have. It's very hot there.


I love the cover up. I am very drawn to things like that, although they aren't the most flattering for me. I just love how that shirt has interest, and is summery like. What color would you choose to make it in? Two colors came to mind immediately - a tea stained off white/beige tone and olive green. I'll bet you could do that in a chocolate brown too. It would warm up your outfit, since the bottoms are likely black, right? you mentioned yoga pants and those are so hard to find in any color but black.


I'm already figuring out my outfits for November. I'm thinking about next May too! But since I have something to plan for much closer, I'm going to concentrate on that.


I am looking at maybe that new green dress, once altered, for formal night. A 4 day cruise is bound to be more casual than a longer cruise. That isn't certain though, since I have a great green formal dress that I have only worn once so far. Remember this?




I have fixed the shoulders. It still has the train. I'm going to give the train one more try.


I have a coral jersey dress that was planned out for the cruise in May, until I decided I wanted a more casual option. Then there is my purple dress. It made it into the luggage, but at the end of the cruise, I just didn't want to wear my most fitted dress. As you can see, I have 3 of 4 nights covered.


I was thinking this dress again, for some reason. I've had my mind set that I shouldn't have worn something with a higher neckline, but I really like the dress, now that I've gotten away from the picture for a bit and am seeing it with a fresh mind.




Gee, now I just need my day time outfits and my day at Kennedy Space Center!


Anita, I felt like I didn't want to dress for my changing shape as well. I really had no choice with work. We have a dress code, and there are expectations on how you should look. I just realized one day that I didn't like looking in the mirror wearing things I didn't like, or that didn't fit right. I really, really wanted to look the best I could, and that meant dressing for the shape I have now. I probably wouldn't be half as bothered if I wasn't so big chested. At least when I'm smaller, it doesn't seem so out of proportion to look at as it does when I'm bigger.


Wow, your move is already here! I hope everything goes smoothly for you, Anita. As Mousey said, we'll be here waiting!


Mousey, I know you are newer to the earth palette. Are you bringing any earth colors with you on your cruise?

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We went to Kennedy Space center last month .It was great . There is so much to see . Make sure you take the free bus tour to the launch sites . The Imax movie about the Hobble telescope was really interesting .

A fun thing to do in Nassau is the horse drawn carriage tours .

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I love both those dresses. Is that shorter dress "black"?


Yes, I am going to wear an outfit with Earth colors. It's a pair of tomato red capri pants with a cream colored top and an infinity scarf that has various earth colors in it such as tan, olive, a pretty earth blue, and some tomato red.


However, I'm still taking a black/white outfit. I'm trying to wear all my new black/white things at least once or twice before I donate them. I have to confess that I'm addicted to the black/white palette and it's so hard to give it up. :(:o


I'm planning to put together another couple of Earth-colored outfits. I have a couple of maxi skirts and tops in Earth colors that I'm thinking about.


Sailor Sally,


I forgot about that excursion. I've never done it but it might be an option if I ever sail to Nassau again. Do you know the ballpark figure for that excursion? Have you done it before, and if so, how did you like it?

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So one thing that I definitely want to do in Nassau. As weird as this is...but it's not really. Anyway, I took home all of Kim's fabric that she bought in Africa. She brought it to our meet and I took it home with plans for what we are going to make out of it.


And it's just such an awesome idea. IF there is fabric that is made in a place...to get some!


Guess what is made in the Bahamas? Androsia fabric!! It's a kind of batik wax fabric. We will definitely be hitting one or more stores that carry the fabric. Here's some info:




There are several stores in Nassau. One says that it has clothing and fabric downtown. I think that's close to the pier.


I'm also considering just taking a look at the British Colonial Hilton. That is one of my favorite styles of interior decorating. It's the bringing of heritage pieces in a tropical environment. If the hotel is still well kept, I think I might enjoy soaking up the atmosphere there. I'm posting this here so I don't lose it. Ever find something and think you'll find it again? but you can't?

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Just a quick note for you,Mousey. I only have a pair of black pants that I wear maybe every other month. I'm waiting for them to wear out! The dress is satin so the flash made it look rather blackish. However it is a dark chocolate brown. 😏



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Just a quick note for you,Mousey. I only have a pair of black pants that I wear maybe every other month. I'm waiting for them to wear out! The dress is satin so the flash made it look rather blackish. However it is a dark chocolate brown.



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ooh, I love chocolate brown! That's a very chic dress...love it!


I have a lot of black/white stuff to wear out.:o


By the way...I'm glad the tornado missed you and didn't do any damage to your property.

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I was just on the Carnival board and found this posted by a CC member regarding Nassau. Maybe you can get some ideas from it.



"We've been to Nassau several times on land vacations and love it.


My suggestions:


Pirate Musuem - downtown. Cheap. Kind of cheesy, but where better to see pirate stuff?!


Hard Rock café downtown.


Blue Lagoon Island. Ticket includes ferry ride. Takes about 20 min. We saw lots of cruise passengers when were there. Easy to catch a ferry back. They have a beach day pass and dolphin swims, etc


Segway Tour. (bestonbahamas.com)


Straw market.


Carriage rides around downtown (about $10 each)


Self guided walking tour. Scubagirl on tripadvisor has one posted. Lots of parliament buildings, etc. Queen's staircase is neat.


Poop Deck at the base of the toll bridges is really good. Sit outside & watch the local boats. "

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I just got back from a week in Michigan and wanted to pop in and say hi. I've been super busy, but I'm really enjoying the conversation.


I just wanted to point out that I visited Nassau when DH had a conference at the Atlantis. When I used to travel with him for work things I would have a lot of time on my own. I spent part of a day shopping and wandering in Nassau by myself. Granted, I had my "city face" on and was watchful, but I never felt unsafe. Mostly I was just pestered to buy stuff, but that happens in every big cruise ship port. Dark glasses and ignoring go a long way in managing that.

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Ugh! We're having a hard time getting affordable tickets for our cruise. The prices shot up this morning!:eek: But we're going...just have to keep checking around.


Hope everyone has a nice weekend!:D


How's that moving going Anita?

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Here's a daytime outfit I forgot to post. My husband took these out on the balcony, in general and we found that many of them didn't come out too well. Come to find out, going from inside to outside, the camera lens was fogging up.





Laurie, I really like this look with the ivory shoes. I'm with Anita, I don't usually wear light shoes (mostly because in the city they just get so dirty so fast) but with this outfit I think they give it a nice balance and interest.


Your fuddy duddy comment is funny. I ask myself that question all the time. :)

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I agree with Anita. I think the color is beautiful on you and after you get it altered and add your jewelry...you will be set for formal night. :D


I agree, this is lovely even before the alterations etc., and from what I see on Princess this would totally work for formal night. Bonus = easy to pack!


I'm like you Laurie, I totally obsess about planning vacations and wardrobe. I think it is a stress outlet for me. We probably won't cruise again until late 2015 or early 2016, but I'm already looking at prices and reading about the ports!


What you all said about working and motherhood and respecting choices was beautiful. In my experience, men don't seem to agonize so much about the choices they make, or get judged so harshly for them. It's a shame that we have to spend so much time thinking and worrying about it and second-guessing ourselves.


I'm the opposite of Anita - I work and don't have kids. The issue for me is that people seem to think that when I'm not at work I sit at home doing my nails and watching movies or something, as though there is no laundry, or grocery shopping, or home maintenance, or cooking, or name 100 other things I'm responsible for. Also, sometimes they think that because DH makes much more than me that my job is like playtime, or optional, or trivial. I can't even describe how angry that makes me. The thing is, whatever our commitments are, we feel strongly about them or we wouldn't do them. They take up all our time and we go to bed tired!


And mousey - you should totally try a Zumba class. I was doing the treadmill and the bike for literally years without losing weight, and Zumba has been a life-saver for me. I have two bad knees so I'm not supposed to jump or twist, and I manage in Zumba just fine. Anita's advice about trying Zumba Gold first is good, but as she said it is very instructor-dependent so if you don't like the first class just try a different teacher. I'm a really social person and I enjoy being in a class so much more than exercising alone. It's very fun and the hour goes by so quickly! Plus I've lost over 30 pounds since I started, which means I got to buy lots of new clothes. :)


Anita, please please take pictures of the things you make from Kim's fabric. We would love to see them. I have a friend who brought me some damask sari fabric from Sri Lanka that is still in the closet. I couldn't bring myself to make anything from it while I was "big." I would love to make either a dressy suit or a formal out of it when I hit my target weight.

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Anita, I hope your move went smoothly and you like your new digs. We'll be missing you here until you're back online. How did your cat take to the new place? We just got ours a Thundershirt for riding in the car, and it seems to work well. It's gray, so it looks good on her since she's an AIR. :)

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Hey Ladies!


So good to hear from you Margaret!


Just checking in to tell you my unbelievable moving story...


The overall plan was for DH and I to move a lot of our stuff and then hire movers to move the really heavy stuff. We moved 4 loads on a 20' truck! Three on Thursday...and one on Friday morning.


Friday morning I was stuck at the new house waiting for the cable guy and the fridge delivery. Success.


Now we were scheduled for movers on the second shift on Friday. It was what was available. I explained to the guy that I needed STRONG men because I was moving some very, very heavy furniture. VERY. He said he would assign an experienced team and one that had a short job in the morning. There was a bit of a communication break down. They didn't get started until 3:30 pm. I have to tell you...DH and I were observing the helper (there's always the lead and then the helper with a two man crew) and that helper dude was having a hard time. We were wondering if he was going to be able to unload the truck.


Seriously. I was having serious doubts as to his ability to see the day through. It was HOT yesterday too. So here we go...we are down to 5 pieces left on the truck...the HEAVIEST pieces. And the helper dude's body fails. He falls down. He can't get back up. Then he's unconscious. Then he's snoring. Then he's MOANING. DH is calling 911.


Here comes the first response. Firetruck. EMS. Another vehicle. Flashing lights all parked in front of our house.


Here come the neighbors. Some of our friend neighbors are driving by, kind of freaking out, worried that it is one of us.


The helper dude has been lying down IN the moving truck during all this. They wheel him out on a stretcher. We can here him in agony in the emergency vehicle. Finally...they drive him away.


Still aren't entirely sure what went wrong, except to know that he was cramping badly. He had pain in his chest/abs. He was drinking Gatorade and water AND 5 hour energy. OMG. DO NOT drink 5 hour energy on a hot day!!


DH helped the lead mover take DS' mattress up so that we all had something to sleep on. And the truck left with the last of our things so that they could come back in the morning and finish the unload. He left at 8:30 pm.


It was nuts.


Anyway...that's my moving story so far. We are done with all the big stuff and now it is car loads back and forth on the street...master closet, bathrooms, kitchen, pantry...and cleaning.


First though...some rest. I agreed to take over the Saturday morning Zumba class at Curves and today was first one! OMG. It felt good to move my sore and stiff body...but now...again, I'm having issues with being sore and stiff.


Mr Toby is doing okay. Last night...OMG...DH and I bolted upright in bed...it was like we were under attack. The SOUND. Was is shot? What the heck? It was like someone was going to town on bubble wrap. I said, WHAT is that? DH finally said...it's the litter box. Well...the accoustics in the empty house...Toby was scratching away in his litter box and it was echoing in the empty laundry room and throughout the foyer area. With all our video games...we felt like we were under attack! What time is it? 4:44. Sigh.


Then Toby heads out and starts meowing. Not sad howling...more like experimental sound with the echo. It's like he's a little kid, "ECHO!!" "Heee-lllooooo!" "WOW!" What time is it now? 6:18. Sigh.


Then he headed back to play with the litter box sound...








Toby has found a serious hidey hole for when all the workers have come and gone. Two days here. Two days of workers. Not a normal day yet. But he seems to be getting more comfy. Yesterday he was doing the sneak around and slink around and explore. Today he's more confident as he checks stuff out. Now he's on a chair he likes grooming himself. We'll see how tonight goes...

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Margaret, it's great to hear from you! It is probably nice to have some "normal" time for yourself.


I think we are a great bunch here on this thread. We are all different, and have a lot of respect for each other. You know, I think that whatever choices we make, we always wonder if we made the right choice.


Sometimes I feel guilty that I've started to go on more vacations. But you know what? I never went on vacation until 2008. I didn't even go on a honeymoon. But that year, I had been saving money in a new account I called my vacation fund and a friend of mine convinced me that a cruise was the way to go. I can't even begin to explain how that changed my life, and how I realized that we all need balance in our lives. We live once, and I want to be able to look back and have wonderful memories that consist of more than closing a record number of loans a month, or how I finally found the perfect paint color for the living room.


So, with the kids getting older, I've made it a hobby to really get into the planning aspect. It too find it enjoyable and relaxing, and when the time comes to start the vacation, it feels so simple and stress free.


I was pretty excited about Quantum sailing from Bayonne, NJ because we can drive to the port. It's a good sized drive (5 to 5 1/2 hours) but I love the idea of something different. However, now that is going to go to Asia, and I guess I can wait for Anthem. The prices are crazy though. It may be quite a while before I get to that.


For now, I'm excited about our 4 day cruise on Enchantment, and I think I've already got a few spread sheets ready, lol.


Funny how it is about cats and changes...my dog is very, very attached. He has such a rough time when we break from routine. I'm not sure how he would adjust to a move. We have this small sleeper sofa in the garage right now (hopefully it sells at the garage sale!) and if he jumps on it, he gets right back off. I sat on it with him for a while today, and he actually curled up in my lap and went to sleep. That is huge for him.


Mousey, keep looking for a good cruise price! Royal is having a sale, and prior to that, the prices shot through the roof. I booked the first day of their buy one, get one half price sale, and they've done nothing but go up since. My theory is, I don't care about the gimmicks. Is the overall price good? Then I will book. Then, I check daily. If the price drops, I contact my travel agent and he gets me the new rate. I do what I can to get a good deal!

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Anita, we were posting at the same time yesterday.


Cats are funny, and very nocturnal. Ours loves to play at all times of the night. Invert fortunate to not hear, but my husband hears it all! I am very sensitive to vibration though so I feel it. I think there is an intruder and it's just the cat playing with something.


I hope the mover is okay. Sounds like heat exhaustion or something? Our weather has been odd. It goes back and forth between warm and cool. Other than he day of the tornado watch, it has been just barely warm enough for shorts. Many days, it's capris or pants/jeans for me.



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Hi ladies!


Wow, Anita, what an adventure! I too hope the "moving guy" turns out to be okay. You're right, who the heck drinks 8-hr energy drinks in the heat!:eek: Your cat story was funny!:D


Yeah, we sure do have a nice group of people on this thread and I've really come to enjoy checking in everyday to see how everyone is doing and sharing our plans and experiences. This is my favorite thread. We have no negative posters here, we're just a bunch of positive women that support and encourage each other. I love that! ;)


Yea! We're booked, the Boarding Passes and Luggage tags are printed, and we're ready to cruise! I'm so excited! It's just a 3-dayer, but I'm all up for it. The DH's cousin and wife have left to go back to Las Vegas so as soon as I finish posting this...I'm going to start my "fashionista chart"...LOL!

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Your moving story is pretty funny, I do hope the moving guy is ok too though. Glad you are making progress.


It's funny reading about some of you being meticulous planners for traveling. I (and my family) thought I was the only one :D the planning and research are a major part of the trip to me. Southern Tanzania is coming up next month. I'm really excited but already a little sad that it will all be over soon.


Margaret, I hope your family situation is improving or at least stabilizing.


Laurie, I have the same guilty feelings sometimes about traveling now that our kids are gone from home. We could never have afforded Africa for our entire family!


Mousey, have fun on your cruise.

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Hello hello!


The garage is empty of the boxes (the boxes exist still...they've just been moved to the appropriate rooms) and my car is now back in the garage. I have a THING about this...I need my car in the garage. DH can get his in too. That was my big goal for today. Taking a break from the back and forth moving action and working what has already been brought over...


mousey, when is your cruise again?


I am a total planner, too. Usually, I'm very happy to have done all my research. I only had one bad experience with too much planning. One trip to Disney felt a little bit like deja vu vacation...I had literally done so much thinking about it all, and having been there before, since I could really visualize everything...when we actually went on the vacation, it was a little bit like I had lived through the vacation already. I was having a hard time being in the moment.


Do you experience that? I find myself either in the past or in the future a lot. I have a hard time with being in the present and just enjoying the moment. And I'm a busy person too...I have a hard time just being still...I like to be DOING something...not necessarily physical...reading...computer...my brain needs to be engaged. I tend to double task when watching a movie or the tv because that is so mindless.


So sewing...


I'm hoping to be able to make some headbands for Kim before she leaves on her trip! It shouldn't be a complicated project and I'm excited to start there because it will help me get a feel for the fabric for working on the skirts, etc. Kim and I will definitely share...I'll have to talk to her about that...I don't want to share before she receives them! She gets to see first! LOL!!


I set up my formal living room and dining room today. It might be more accurate to call it the library room and a dining room. Neither is very formal except for the fact that there are no electronics in those rooms. They are analog, LOL. I think I might even be able to leave them as is! I do tend to rearrange furniture a lot...but I think I got the best arrangement right off the bat! Woot woot!


Does anyone else obsess about their furniture arrangements?




It's probably just a side effect of all the moving...


Anyhoo...my fingernails and fingers are trashed from the move...I can't wait to be done with all this and get them back into shape. Mom said she bought me a new color!! What color is everyone wearing right now?


I was wearing Mud Pie...an Ulta color.



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Hi Anita,


Sounds like you're moving right along with your decorating and getting the house set up.


I never move furniture around. My mom used to be good at that. I pretty much have all my furniture in the same place we put it when we moved in 15 years ago next month!


I don't have a problem being in the moment just because I want to take advantage of every minute I have with the DS. He's so precious to me. It's a long story, which I won't bore everyone with, but it took me 10 years before he was born. It was full of pain...physical, mental, and especially emotional. Infertility is a horrible thing to go through. But we persevered and now that I have my DS...I want to enjoy every single second that I have with him...the good, the bad, and the ugly. But mostly, it's been beautiful. The DS is just such a great kid and I love him dearly. I'm extremely proud of who he is and what he's accomplished so far in his life. The DH adores him. We're a very tight, loving family and are very happy in our lives right now. My elderly parents seem to be doing okay (late 80s), we are all in relatively good health, the DS is doing great in college and they love him at his new job. Here's a cute story, one of the 5 yr. old boys that the DS is teaching Karate to made him a "trophy" because as he told my DS..."I like you!" Isn't that sweet? The DS has a picture of the little trophy (two small Styrofoam cups that the child clued together, painted gold, and wrote "You're No. 1" on it) on his iphone.


As to our 3-dayer to Mexico...it sets sail on Fri., July 18th, out of Long Beach, CA. It's on the Carnival Inspiration...I know, I know, it's going to be what's called a "Booze Cruise" with a bunch of party people all over the place. We already know that going in but we don't care. We're up for a party and we are all going to have a blast together. It'll be the DH, DS, two of DS's friends (one boy/one girl), and me. We are the same group that partied in Cabo last year for the DS's high school graduation trip so I know what to expect from these kids and it's all good and fun. They've all been friends for years. We're all looking forward to this trip and having a good time.


Saturday I bought the tickets, and today I confirmed the room that the kid's will be staying in. It was a guaranteed inside cabin that hadn't been assigned when I bought the cruise on Sat. but today they posted the Cabin No. The kid's will be two cabins down from us. Close but not too close. LOL!


Today I've started putting outfits together. I've had some ideas rolling around in my head about what I wanted to wear since we made the final decision to do this cruise. I lay one outfit on the bed and then pick out the shoes and jewelry and any other accessories (like a hat, belt or scarf). Then I write everything down on a legal pad that I've made columns on for day and night outfits (depending on what we're doing each day). Then I hang the outfit up and put the accessories in a plastic baggy which I label so I know which outfit it goes with. The shoes get put into the bottom of the suitcase. Then I put together another outfit and on down the line. I also try everything on to make sure I like everything together. I don't want to be on the cruise and then find out something doesn't fit or what I thought would look good together doesn't. Many times though I'll get on the ship and change my mind and start changing the outfits or I'll buy something in the Fun Shops or in port and wear those new items instead of something that I had planned to wear. I love fashion so I'm always playing around and tweaking things. I've loved fashion since I was a very little girl. My mom says from the time I was about 4 I was drawing and designing outfits on paper. She really thought I would end being a fashion designer one day. LOL! But no, I just love to wear the clothes. :D


So that's what I'm up to today, putting outfits together. I'll be playing with stuff and tweaking and changing everything until the last minute when I'll invariably throw something into the suitcase at the last possible second! The DH thinks it's hilarious and doesn't care as long as it's not over 45 lbs. as he always likes to leave a 5 lb. margin. But we're not flying to port this time soooo. LOL! No, I won't be going over anyway, I'll be good. Don't want the DH to strain anything. Ha! Ha!

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I don't do my fingernails because they are so short, but on my toes I'm wearing Where Did Suzi's Man-go from OPI:




mousey it sounds like you're having fun planning your outfits! And you have a good attitude about your 3-dayer, it's going to be so fun.


My furniture hasn't moved since we moved here in '97. We did have to buy a small dining set because our last apartment didn't have a dining room. The sad thing is, some of our furniture has never really fit well, and some is just decrepit we've had it so long. We've been planning a major bathroom reno and new furniture, but every time we get close something comes up and we have to put it off. It totally disturbs my sense of order to live this way!


When we moved in, I knew where everything would go. I think it's the choreographer in me. Also, when you live in an apartment, sight-lines from room to room are really important, and so is what you see when you first walk in. So that dictates for me what goes where too. I don't want to walk into a room and see a TV first thing, KWIM?


Laurie, you're so right that it feels good to have some normal time. This weekend DH and went water skiing in NJ and it was glorious. The fact that I can barely move my arms and legs today is a small price to pay. :)


I am so stressed about my parents and their situation. I think about it all the time because I want to fix things that can't be fixed. I'm trying to be philosophical about it all but it's so hard from a distance.

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I can relate to your stress about your parents. Mine are in their middle and late 80s and not only do I miss them desperately most of the time, I worry about their health and welfare constantly. I do have a brother and two nephews that live nearby but still, I really wish I could live closer to them as I would be there everyday to help them out. They are doing fine right now...it's just a matter of when the next crisis will be. My mom has Type 2 diabetes and it's very bad, she takes insulin shots 3 times a day. My dad has been living with 2 types of cancer (he has a small tumor on his left kidney and has been operated on twice for bladder cancer). Also, my dad's left knee gives him a great deal of pain but the doctor doesn't want to operate on him because he's 88 1/2 years old and the recovery is a killer. It's a bummer to live so far away from them but I made that choice over 30+ years ago. I do go home to visit about 3 times a year. Once in the spring, fall, and at Christmas. I usually stay for 2 weeks on each trip.

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There are so many good things being discussed here.


My nails are a mess since the cruise. I was having a lot of trouble with them breaking before the cruise, and opted to keep them all a shorter length. It looks funny when some are long and some aren't. They weren't super short, but shorter than I would like. Well, I got a gel manicure. My nails are usually a mess after that until it all grows out.


I have a wedding this weekend and I would really like them to look nice. I suppose a coat of lighter polish would look presentable. It's a black tie optional wedding.


As you all know, I love to dress up. The problem is, I know that the majority of people going don't plan on being that formal. It makes it hard to know what to wear. I've settled on wearing my red dress. It's satiny, and a dressy pair of sandals should create a nice look.


I think there are a lot of planners out there. I tend to stick with the outfits I plan, but I like that if you stick to your colors, things are interchangeable. I don't really need a list, although I think it is helpful for a 7 day cruise, just in case I get a bit confused or off track. On the shorter cruises though, I don't even blink. I wear things exactly as I planned them out.


One thing though....if I opt to bring a scarf, then I will have a necklace too for an alternative. Even in November, it gets hot!


Alaska will be fun with the layers, but that is on the calendar for July or August 2016. I got to doing some thinking, and maybe I will plan it around our anniversary. It won't be a milestone anniversary, but it doesn't need too. Being married to someone you love to be with is worth celebrating every year.


Joby, one of my daughters is 25 and lives at home. She works two part time jobs, so there is no paid vacation time. She planned far enough ahead to go on vacation with us this year, but sometimes I feel bad that she isn't able to go with us all the time. I know though that it's good for her to have things to work towards, and right now, she really wants to be able to do these things so she is looking for a better, full time job with benefits.


I love, love, love to rearrange furniture. However, in the house that we are currently in, I have few options. What I do instead is rotate pictures and the dust collectors, as we affectionately call them. I also change out pillows and throws to change things up.


For the longest time, the only room where we were able to change the furniture around was in the living room. But, we saved for a few years to put in a fireplace with built ins, so we can no longer do that. This is where the dust collectors come in. We have some great family items, and I move them to different shelves and then change out other things. It's the best I can do!


Anita, while you are looking to make clothes, I am looking at making new drapes. I'm not finding what I want. I don't thing I want to do the massive picture window in the living room, but I can make the drapes for other rooms, as long as I'm not using a traverse rod. That is way too thick and heavy for a regular sewing machine, I think.


I made pillows and a throw for my old living room set. I may do something like that for the newer set I have now.


Margaret, I know what you mean about wanting to fix something and feeling like you have no control. I went through similar things with both my parents. In my case, they were both terminally ill with cancer, but both handled the process so much differently.


You know what, I need some jewelry to go with that new green dress!!!!

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Laurie, I can't wait to see what you pick to go with your new dress.


mousey, my sister (who is in her late 40s) just adopted a baby after years and years of trying to have her own. It is so wonderful to see her so happy after experiencing her struggle through some very hard times. She is in Seattle so we are already talking about taking an Alaska cruise together when my nephew is old enough. :)


As for packing and planning, I really think that cruise length and weather are the limiting factors in whether you can chart each day's outfit or not. Our longest was almost three weeks of winter weather, and by the end of the first week everyone on board had seen everything in each other's wardrobes (and we didn't even care). In contrast, for Costa Rica I had a chart with every activity for every day, and what I was going to wear. In a small cabin like the Wind Spirit one, it saved a lot of time and mess to be that organized. I hate hunting for things, it's such a waste of valuable vacation time!


Last month I saw this tiny picture and thought, hmm, there are some interesting clothes:





So I went to the website and found these lovely things. The designer is Leonard-Paris:








I like the Monet-like quality of the prints, and I think the muted color palette gives the current floral trend an adult vibe. For more: http://www.leonard-paris.com/collection/defile/5/fall-winter-2014.html


I've been mad at myself for letting my diet and exercise get off track. I'm disappointed because I've gained 4 pounds and it's just enough that my summer clothes are a bit snug. I hate that. I'm off to the gym.

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Hello Ladies...


I had to rush my Toby kitty to the vet yesterday. Long story short, he went in for emergency surgery for bladder stones which had stopped him up and made it so that he couldn't physically urinate. Poor thing. He's a male neutered cat...and when he was 3 years old, he got crystals which did the same thing. But we didn't know that he wasn't able to go the bathroom, so to speak, so that was a big mess. This time...I caught it so fast, his blood work showed that his body didn't even know he was having a problem.


It was outpatient surgery and so we could bring him home last night. And now he is a miserable little thing with that collar around his head so that he doesn't lick at and mess with his stitches.


The vet saved a few of the stones so that we could see them...they were about the size of couscous, very small...and she said there were 100s of them. He should be okay now. The vet said she couldn't believe he was 14 years old...his blood work showed that he's amazingly healthy. We just have to get through this.


Which is all kinds of fun in the midst of moving! :eek:


So I didn't really get anything done yesterday to further the move along...


I need to buy more shelves for the cabinets in the kitchen. They are 42" cabinets and one of them has ONE shelf! (In addition to the bottom of the cabinet)...and I need to do that before I transfer over everything from the kitchen...


Line of sight is really important to me too. This house isn't really an open concept (that's Mom's house) but certain rooms are open to each other...like the formal living/dining and open to each other and the informal area is too. My big thing in furniture arrangement is what I've learned from reading about feng shui...things that relate to what makes a room more comfortable to be in. The way a chair or sofa feels grounded and protected so that you don't feel anxious sitting there. Bed placement too. I've found that these things to make a difference.


And the balance of a room...the proportions...the height of the furniture...the placement of the artwork to help with the balance. And the traffic patterns...having enough space to walk around or through the room. We've lived in houses where there have been several bottle necks to traffic and you find yourself "yielding" a lot so that you or the other person can pass.


Margaret...I feel for you. I find myself thinking about you at random times. I can't even imagine your situation. I think I would be the same way. Frustrated that you can't REALLY do anything because you want to so badly. And trying to find that right mindset to deal with it all.


Laurie...I find myself struggling to figure out what is appropriate to wear to different things. I like to dress up too and so do DH and DS, but it feels like the world in general doesn't want to. Everyone wants to be comfortable and the fact is that dress clothing isn't the MOST comfortable, not that it has to be UNcomfortable...but little compares to broken in blue jeans (or yoga pants) and tee and tanks. For a formal wedding...I think your red dress sounds great!


mousey, you and Kim are leaving on the same day! Exciting!


I think Mom needs to start talking about what she is having to do to prepare for her trip. OMG. We were laughing so hard yesterday!

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