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Spirit 2/27/05 Review: Day Four


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Day Four: We rose early, quite refreshed from a good night sleep and very much looking forward to Roatan. We have scheduled the Canopy and Tabyana Beach Tour after much help and information is provided through Cruise Critic friends. As a side note, I had read many positive reviews in advance of the cruise which really peaked my interest in this particular excursion. I shared this with DH but as I mentioned earlier, we typically do not plan too many tours, preferring to do things on our own. His response was, “well maybe“. But knowing this tour would only be an option thru NCL, I pushed the issue further and a few days later and after he too had read the reviews, he said book it and book it quick so we don’t miss out. All of a sudden reality hits and I am thinking, what did I get myself into, what in the world was I thinking…I am terrified of heights. None the less, I decided I couldn’t back out and would somehow find the courage to go. After all, wasn’t I the one who pushed this particular tour with DH. Surprisingly the day of the tour, I am not having too many jitters and in fact, I am really anticipating a positive challenge. As we are getting ready for our day, a new appreciation for a Penthouse is realized when again Arnie delivers our breakfast. Because we are due to be in the Moulin Rouge at 9:15 to meet our tour group, being able to have a leisurely breakfast delivered, prevents us from having to fight the crowds in the buffet or get up quite early to go to Windows. We enjoy our breakfast while I am secretly taking extra cups of coffee, hoping that the caffeine might give me some courage to face my fear of heights.


We arrive to the meeting spot, faced with the typical challenges of large groups of people congregating all for one purpose, getting off the ship. We sit for about 45 minutes, waiting for clearance from the local authorities. While waiting, we have the opportunity to check out towels, purchase Crack Its, underwater cameras, Dive-In T-Shirts and bottles of water. Since the day will be long and the weather looks sunny and hot, we buy the water for $3.00, which turns out to be a good decision. Finally, we are cleared and they begin to call various tours. Ours was near the top with many others, so off we go to proceed to wait in the stairwell with the multitude of others. Some are complaining, some are not. We just see it as the way things are in trying to move large groups of people through hallways, stairwells, room card swipes and doors. No big deal. We step off the ship to find what looks like chaos. There are native singers and dancers to greet us along with what feels like hundreds of people yelling and screaming at us to take their tours. It is quite confusing as they all are holding signs with tours that seem like ours. And yet, there is a fenced area, keeping out many more people also promoting their tours. Somehow, we just continue walking and luckily find where we are suppose to be. A quick form to fill out, signing away liability and we are on the bus ready to go. A 40 minute drive through mountainous-like beautiful countryside, we arrive at our destination, The Canopy Tour. My heart is beating fast as we are fitted with the appropriate gear which includes harnesses, gloves and helmets. Most members of our group are happy with anticipation. Three others are already backing out at first glance of the first run. Two of the three are eventually convinced to go with a guide, the other says “no way” as she heads for the bus. We are given a short explanation as to how to do it and to get the most out of each run. I go ahead of my DH and OH MY, is this fun. There is no way to describe the initial ride, other than amazing. I find myself scared, but in a good kind of way. My husband follows up with me at the first canopy. He looks at me and says O.K.?, and I respond with, “I love it“. The look on his face explains it all, there’s no need to ask if he is enjoying himself. There are 13 or so different segments, each unique, each fun. About half way down, one of our group that is with a guide is begging to walk down the rest of the way. One look down from the top of the tree is a good indicator that the request would not be granted. The guide is excellent and eventually she makes it all the way down. It was a thrilling tour and one we are glad not to have missed. Would I do it again, in a heartbeat!


The second leg of the tour is spending the afternoon at the lovely Tabyana Beach. The water is crystal clear and is the color that no words can do justice to. The skies are clear, the temperature is very hot. We are offered a lunch that we decide to pass on. Instead we shop at two very small souvenir shops, talk with some natives who are weaving palm fronds and eventually find a cool spot to relax and reflect on the Canopy Tour. We wait for the first bus at 1:30 to take us back to the ship as we are anxious to spend some time in town, just outside of the port area. The bus drops us off inside the gated area by the ship and we immediately leave to walk the very short distance to the main shopping area. We are interested in buying as authentic as possible, mahogany items. We quickly search out a lovely large salad bowl, complete with six individual bowls and salad tongs. At $30.00 for the set, each bowl is made of one piece of wood and is quite consistent in wood grain and very beautiful. We are quite happy with the purchase despite the weight that we are anticipating carrying home. We also manage to find some more souvenirs for our girls which include bracelets, a woven basket and small woven purse. And while walking the streets of Coxen Hole, amidst the poor adults and children alike, I keep thinking of Cruise Critic Member, Coka and her native friend Darren. But specifically, I can’t help but to remember their story while wondering how many people have passed Darren’s necklace on to someone else who is “ REALLY down on their luck”, and to sweet Darren who said it best, “for those who believe, good things will come their way“. Furthermore, my thoughts were with the CSI Orphanage in Roatan. Despite some attempts to visit the Orphanage, we would not make it there this trip so we tried our best to share in our good fortune in tribute to CSI and Darren, to people who appeared to need it most.


After spending an hour or so in town, my DH is becoming anxious to get back to the ship. The temperature is very high, our Minnesota skin is still not use to the sun and by now we are quite hungry and a trip back to Blue Lagoon is in order. I have a lovely, fresh tossed salad, hot dog and fries while DH has tomato soup and a hot dog. While it was very good, in hind sight, I wish I could have one more bowl of the delicious fried rice that I had a day or two earlier.


After we have nourished our bodies with food, it’s time to visit the Bier Garten to quench our thirst. I need to have at least one Pina Colada and DH has a beer on his mind. We sit in the shade and relax, reflecting on the day and what lies ahead for the evening as we have been invited to a V.I.P. Suite, Private Party with the Captain. Deciding it is going to be a later than normal evening, we eventually make it back to our room, turn our dial to the “do not disturb” position, put on some soft music and head for relaxation time in the Whirlpool.


The excitement builds as we get ready for the Captain’s Party which begins at 7:00. We arrive to the Disco and are initially greeted by Claudio and then escorted into the party to be introduced, or in our case re-introduced to the Captain and several Officers. We quickly scope out, Rob the Food and Beverage Director whom we enjoyed talking with earlier and spend almost the entire hour with him and the main chef. It was very engaging conversation while being served a multitude of appetizers and any desired drink we asked for. The party is naturally ending at 8:00 which is good as our reservation for Le Bistro is also at 8:00.


Arriving at Le Bistro, we are escorted to our table where we are again greeted by Rob. We chat very quickly and he leaves, wishing us a good meal. Promptly the Hostess arrives with a wine menu and we are told that complements of Rob, he would like us to select a wine or as many bottles as we desired for our meal. We are most grateful and appreciate his gift and we select a very good French Merlot. Our favorite meal follows which is not much different than our first visit to Le Bistro, except we opt for the Forest Mushroom Soup as opposed to the French Onion. We relish what we know will be our last Chocolate Fondue, at least for this cruise and knowingly skip the Comedian Show to instead enjoy every minute of our romantic dinner together. We wrap up the evening on our balcony, star gazing and thinking of the irony of our life to the lives of the people of Roatan… being forever grateful for having experienced these wonderful and friendly Hondurans who willingly share their country. We say a prayer for their mere existence and hope that someday we will return.



To those following my day by day review, I will tomorrow (Sunday) be taking a break from writing, enjoying some family time but will be back at it on Monday. See you then!

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I actually got a little teary eyed.


Me and my DB are skippng the tours next month on our cruise and are taking lots of supplies to CSI.


Can't wait to read the next installment.

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Well, once again, you have written a lovely, calming, enchanting review. You HAVE A GIFT!!! What is your first name? I would like to address you by your first name if I may.......

When I read your review, I get this sense that you and your DH are like at the center of a hurricane, where it is calm and lovely :), (that is where you two put yourselves during this trip), while the "Animal House" was whirling about you:eek:........(referring to the other reviewer's take on ALL THE STUDENT'S (mischief and mayhem) on this cruise........)

ON your previous posting you mentioned a CD of "Andrea Boccelli", I lOVE that CD, I WILL have to get one for this trip, I had one in casette form but it broke. Of course my DD will be like, "WHAT'S THIS JUNK????!!!".

Can't wait to read your final "installments"!!! AND, so when's your next cruise???? TTFN



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When I read your review, I get this sense that you and your DH are like at the center of a hurricane, where it is calm and lovely :), (that is where you two put yourselves during this trip), while the "Animal House" was whirling about you:eek:........(referring to the other reviewer's take on ALL THE STUDENT'S (mischief and mayhem) on this cruise........)



I would say it's much easier to put yourself in a "calm lovely" place when you have a beautiful suite to "escape" to. Joe Blow in the inside cabin didn't have that option. No cd player, no whirlpool, no balcony, no butler, etc etc....


I'm not saying I'm not happy they had a good time, if ever there was a time to pay extra for a suite, it was on the Animal House cruise. However, many people such as my 74 year old mother book an inside cabin because they don't intend to be there very much.

Can't see sweet gentle Mom enjoying the "mayhem", also can't see her sitting in her inside cabin without all those nice amenities.... I think it would be much more difficult to find that "place" in an inside on deck 5. JMHO

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Hi, cruisinfromMN!


Hope you're enjoying your day off from entertaining all of us with your fabulous reviews!


We spent our Roatan day with the dolphins, followed by the beach party. For anyone who has dreamed of sharing the water with a dolphin, this excursion may be for you. Don't expect to swim with these beautiful creatures, but you will get to do the following: (1) be in the water with the dolphin; (2) be taught how to pet the dolphin; (3) hold the dolphin; (4) kiss the dolphin; (5) let the dolphin kiss you; (6) watch the dolphin play and leap and twirl and swim all around you.


The professional photographer takes beautiful pictures. You have plenty of opportunities to take your own pictures as well. The dolphin always looks great.


I cringed when I saw myself in the pictures - must really wage a war on my weight!! My husband and I have dubbed our "holding the dolphin picture": The Dolphin, the Whale, and the Walrus.


My favorite dolphin picture is of the dolphin "talking in my ear." Maurey (our female dolphin) is beautiful, and I am mostly submerged.


For those who like to snorkel, a gorgeous reef is close to the shore of the NCL private beach. I had such a ball exploring that I lost sight of the NCL beach. I could still see land, people, and buildings. I could still hear the music. Just didn't recognize anything!


I turned on my back to save energy and began the process of using my fins to propel myself toward land. (Obviously, I am a total beginner when it comes to snorkeling! My first experience was the previous day off Grand Cayman. But, I have been swimming since the age of three.)


Anyway, when I got to shore, I was somewhere called "Pearle Beach." I asked for directions and was able to walk back to the NCL private beach. So, don't do what I did. Pay attention and stay with a buddy!


Our friends did the Jungle/Canopy Adventure, and they had a thrilling time!


On another note: There were plenty of chairs both in the shade and out in the sun for everyone at the beach party. It was all so much fun!


Your fans are looking forward to your next installment. Thank you for working so hard to document the good things that happened on this cruise!

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My goodness, you certainly do put the "Critic" in "Cruise Critic"..... We all are entitled to our own opinions, but, when I wrote that "cruisinginMN" was in a "calm and lovely place", I was NOT referring to their cabin, I was referring to their "State Of Mind"..... I am quite sure that they WOULD have had the same happy memories if they were in an inside cabin. Why do I think that, well, just read any multiple reviews of ANY ship, some people are happy, some are not, I do believe it is your "state of mind", some people look on the bright side some don't. That's just life...... Everybody is different......

I also am sure that if I were on that cruise I would NOT have been happy, (BUT, I WOULD HAVE found the bright side of the cruise, like, BEING ON A CRUISE!!! I am sure we would have found OUR "calm and lovely place", just being together.....) I would not want to have spent thousands of dollars and have hundreds of drunken College students roaming about, that truly is the fault of NCL, there were other passengers onboard besides college students. I do think that people inquiring about any cruises SHOULD be told, "By the way, we have most of this ship chartered for XYZ....", people SHOULD have information that may impact their trip.

Then again, being a college student does not give you a liscense to act stupid, rude, etc..... I went to College (a long time ago...) and I was not rowdy, maybe being a non-drinker helped, but, whatever, NCL SHOULD have "reigned" in the "partying" BEFORE it became out of control.

That said, I STILL think that a "state-of-mind" helps in most things in life. Some of us are "Optimists" some of us are "Pessimists"....



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:) Hi Sandpebbles..... Your sound as if you had a GREAT time on your cruise, I am glad. You said you had an excellent time snorkeling at Great Stirrup Cay, just in case it is "up and running" next month on our cruise, did you sign up for the snorkeling all day "excursion" or did you just snorkel on your own? Also, when you snorkel, you can't go under water, right? You just swim along the surface of the water, right? Did you bring your own snorkel stuff or did you rent? Do you think you NEED swim fins when you snorkel or can you just have bare feet?




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but when I read your reply, I thought YOU were being critical of other reviewers and their mention of the trouble they had on this cruise. Cruisin from MN added her opinion to those reviews, so I understand and appreciate her focus on the best parts of this cruise, it just seemed you were minimizing the experience of others...

Sooo, if that was not your intent, I apologize.


ps we'll just agree to disagree that everything wouldn't be just a little bit better, and a little more romantic, if you were in a suite on this cruise....:)

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Thanks for the info on the dolphin excursion. My kids said yesterday they wanted to do this, but I think they think this will be like their cousin's Make a Wish trip to Discovery Cove. We have a beautiful picture of them with the dolphins. I now can tell them exactly what to expect thanks to you.:)

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I'm probably the last person who should be giving snorkel advice, but I'll share with you what I learned.


First, you should know that we signed up for the combination of "reef snorkeling" AND Stingray City AND lunch when we were at Grand Cayman. I don't remember exactly how that excursion was named in the literature.


I grew up one block from the ocean and am very comfortable (euphoric actually) while swimming in it. However, as a kid, I never surfed or used swim fins or wore a mask. I just would go into the water and swim. Now, I live far from the sea so getting back into the water felt like home.


I tell you all the above so you will know how little expertise I have when it comes to snorkeling.


Here is what I learned while snorkeling off Grand Cayman. (Experienced folks, please feel free to correct me if I'm going wrong somewhere.)


- I found that it was not a good idea to put any kind of waterproof sunscreen around my eyes. In addition to being bothered by the stinging, I came out of the water with eyes that looked like roadmaps!

- If the mask fogs, take it off and spit into it. Someone else said he rubbed toothpaste inside his mask. Hope I understood that tip correctly.

- Wearing the fins felt really odd at first, but I did get the hang of it. At one point, I got back on the boat because I thought our time was up. It turned out we had 20 more minutes. When I went back in the water, I swam barefoot and did just fine.

- Even though I bought a mask that had a snorkel tube, I didn't bother with the tube. I just took deep breaths and swam freely. Others were using the snorkel tube (gosh - that's probably not what it's called), and they were quite happy.


You don't have to buy your own things. The excursion crew provides masks, snorkel tubes, and fins. You will also be given an inflatable vest that will be explained to you by the guides.


The next day, off Roatan, I put on the swim fins and tried to walk forward into the water from the beach. Please do not do this because it doesn't work. You also look like an idiot. (Aren't you glad you asked someone with my vast experience for advice?) Fortunately, my friends were with me in the water and "set me straight" so to speak. I was told to "walk backwards" until the water was deep enough for me to start swimming. Of course, you know the rest of the story. Once I started swimming, I forgot to keep my eye on my friends or the beach. Because I was totally caught up in the enchanting underwater sights, I literally got carried away!


As soon as I found the NCL beach again, I went to the water's edge and stood there until my friends could see me. As I suspected, they weren't in a panic about me, but they were a little concerned. Not staying with your buddies can give them a bit of a scare. My husband was relaxing on a beach chair the whole time so he was totally oblivious to the fact that I had ended up somewhere called "Pearle Beach."


I'm sure those with more experience will give you sage advice. All I can say is those who haven't snorkeled before, jump in the water and go! I'm in my 50's, and I had a ball! :)

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:) lovemylife, I do agree with you that staying in a suite (on ANY ship) is/does probably make your cruise experience quite different from all the other passengers, because of the very nice amenities, such as more space, bigger bathrooms, more storage, the Butler, etc..... You will be a bit more pampered. BUT, you will also be paying MORE for that luxury, EVERYONE who books a cruise HAS the opportunity to have a Penthouse Suite, it just boils down to money and how much people want to spend for their cruise.

For some people the goal is to spend as little as possible for other people they want at least a balcony and for other people they want a bit more luxury and space. It just depends on "how high" you want to go (figuratively speaking and fianacially speaking.....)

BUT, even if you have a Penthouse Suite, you still will be sharing the ship with everyone else, the SAME restaurants, the SAME excursions, the SAME entertainment, the SAME crew and staff, the SAME EVERYTHING!!! Just your acomodations will be different, which, if it is important to you, will/might make your cruise a bit more enjoyable......Which any passenger could also experience if they spent MORE $$$$........Right???

And, I also was not downplaying or ignoring the fact that that cruise was an "Animal House", I actually was horrified, 1. Because people pay good money for a cruise and are expecting a lovely, relaxing cruise experience and should NOT have it ruined by drunken, ill-behaved, disordely college students, 2. That NCL WOULD book ALL those young college students and NOT expect problems!! 3. I wonder about my cruise next month, although I think that that cruise will PROBABLY have like a THOUSAND KIDS onboard, that being a Spring break week AND a cruise that stops at Port Canaveral.... Which will be very interesting to see how it turns out, I am hoping my DD makes a friend or two!!

I was just happy that "cruisinginMN" WAS able to find joy in a cruise that sounded, well, like an out-of-control frat party. That is where "state-of-mind" comes into play........And personally, I think that NCL SHOULD have given some kind of a discount or a coupon on money off their next NCL cruise, people should NOT have to put up with or be expected to put up with such behavior!!!! Do you think they did or will?? Make if you individually write a letter to the head of NCL.........

Sandpebbles, Thank You for your snorkeling advice, I can't wait to try it myself next month!!!




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Cruising from MN, I would like to understand what the Canopy Tour is all about ... I have never heard of that! It sounds like something i WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THE GUTS TO DO (BUT PROBABLY WOULD never FIND THE GUTS ...!)

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SuesanJean, like I said, I'll agree to disagree.... We leave for the Spirit very soon, so I'm not in a debating "place" I'm in a cruising "place"!!

My daughter has a 103 fever and we leave for Florida a week from Wednesday, so I'm not sweating the small stuff...

Sounds like maybe we are onboard right before you, (if my little girl gets

better:eek: ) I'll try to save you a little sunshine!!:)

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Well, once again, you have written a lovely, calming, enchanting review. You HAVE A GIFT!!! What is your first name? I would like to address you by your first name if I may.......

When I read your review, I get this sense that you and your DH are like at the center of a hurricane, where it is calm and lovely :), (that is where you two put yourselves during this trip), while the "Animal House" was whirling about you:eek:........(referring to the other reviewer's take on ALL THE STUDENT'S (mischief and mayhem) on this cruise........)

ON your previous posting you mentioned a CD of "Andrea Boccelli", I lOVE that CD, I WILL have to get one for this trip, I had one in casette form but it broke. Of course my DD will be like, "WHAT'S THIS JUNK????!!!".

Can't wait to read your final "installments"!!! AND, so when's your next cruise???? TTFN




Hi Suesan, Thank you for all your wonderful comments thru my day by day review. Now that I am almost done with them, I want to take time to go back and address specific questions.


You really must bring along Andrea on your next cruise... it was a nice boost to an already great atmosphere.


Our next cruise is July 31, 2005 on the Star to Alaska. We will be bringing our two children and my parents. My parents have never sailed before so we are very much looking forward to showing them the cruising world. Also, can't wait to create many memories for our children of traveling with Grandma and Grandpa. A new experience we are tossing into this trip is that we will be taking the train, in Deluxe Sleeping Cars from Minnesota to Seattle. Being on the train for two nights, one way should make it quite comfortable and interesting.


Your description of mischief and mayheim is a good one of what the conditions of the ship were like outside of our Penthouse. Truly, you could not even walk the hallways without experiencing rude behavior. For meals, we are grateful that we only encountered problems in the Buffet and our last night in the Teppanyaki Room. We did comment many times that we were very fortunate to have a beautiful room to retire to. We were also glad that our children and my DH's parents (who travel frequently with us) were not along to witness it.


My best to you... oh, and my name is Tami but I would prefer that you not use it in future postings.

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I would say it's much easier to put yourself in a "calm lovely" place when you have a beautiful suite to "escape" to. Joe Blow in the inside cabin didn't have that option. No cd player, no whirlpool, no balcony, no butler, etc etc....


I'm not saying I'm not happy they had a good time, if ever there was a time to pay extra for a suite, it was on the Animal House cruise. However, many people such as my 74 year old mother book an inside cabin because they don't intend to be there very much.

Can't see sweet gentle Mom enjoying the "mayhem", also can't see her sitting in her inside cabin without all those nice amenities.... I think it would be much more difficult to find that "place" in an inside on deck 5. JMHO


Lovemylife - You are absolutely correct (and so is Suesan Jean)!

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Cruising from MN, I would like to understand what the Canopy Tour is all about ... I have never heard of that! It sounds like something i WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THE GUTS TO DO (BUT PROBABLY WOULD never FIND THE GUTS ...!)


Greenie, I will point you to the Roatan Boards and there you will find a ton of information about The Canopy Tour. Find the Guts, you can do it! Not today, but tomorrow I will post of picture of me suspended, sliding down the cable.

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lovemylife, OK, OK, TRUCE!!!! I DO hope you have an EXCELLENT cruise!!! I DO hope that your DD gets well soon and is ready to have a GREAT cruise too!!! AND, I DO hope that when you get back from your cruise, you DO write a review for us all to share your cruise experience.:)

cruisingfromMN, again, I just want you to know how much I enjoyed reading your daily reviews. I will look forward to reading AND enjoying any and ALL your reviews on your future cruises. THANK YOU for for ALL your wondefull words...:)



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Greenie, I will point you to the Roatan Boards and there you will find a ton of information about The Canopy Tour. Find the Guts, you can do it! Not today, but tomorrow I will post of picture of me suspended, sliding down the cable.



Thank you! I will check out those boards. Although, I have to tell you that after I posted my question, I thought "Well, DUH, Greenie--just go to Google and type in 'canopy tour'", which I did. And BOING my eyes bugged out--I'm only just now gettin' them suckers back in my head! :eek: No way! I have trouble with a step ladder! LOL. But my, how I admire you that you did it--it must have been awesome.



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