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Take your pet cruising on Carnival with you !!

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Hmm, intimidation due to stigmatization of society. That makes sense. You are reassuring my point. If he is in "harms way" perhaps he needs to stay home when not feeling up to the task. Call me names if you must. Some things just need to be pointed out. Don't get all excited, but if you do they must have a medication for that, or some kind of certified emo pet.


...would seriously love to see a SPECT scan of your brain.

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Alli: Thank you for your kind words. My love and respect for Service Dogs, especially my Brenda is undying. I will forever be grateful for the love she has given me and life that she has led me to.

I hope that one day we'll have the opportunity to meet onboard a glorious cruise ship. If we do, please come over and say hello!


Roz & Brenda


Would absolutely love to cruise with you and Brenda Roz :) That bizarre Tripper10 thing...Not so much

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Sorry about your crappy luck. I know how difficult it can be to have your entire life changed by a car accident and it sucks...As to the "judgers" Rent the wheelchair...why should you suffer unneedlessly to make someone else feel better.


Thank you. I actually was pretty lucky. A guy looked down to mess with something in the passengers seat and swerved cutting across a median and we hit head on at about 50 mph. Had I been wearing my seat belt I would have walked away with nothing. But stupidly I wasn't. Considering the condition that my car was in, I felt VERY lucky and take every chance I get to tell people to wear their seatbelt.

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Thank you. I actually was pretty lucky. A guy looked down to mess with something in the passengers seat and swerved cutting across a median and we hit head on at about 50 mph. Had I been wearing my seat belt I would have walked away with nothing. But stupidly I wasn't. Considering the condition that my car was in, I felt VERY lucky and take every chance I get to tell people to wear their seatbelt.


Your welcome:). I was wearing mine but didn't help as I was rear-ended. Sorry you got injured but very glad that you lived to tell about it :)

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ROFLMAO...I'm not excited. I thought for a second there I felt pity for you as you truly have no life but it turned out to be contempt for you and "your kind" who believe that if you are not perfect then you shouldn't be in public. I assume you think folks with mental retardation and/or downs syndrome should be in institutions as well? You probably think that anyone over the age of 40 should be shoved into a nursing home hidden away until they die. You can point out whatever you want but all you are really pointing out is the fact that despicable human beings inhabit our fine planet.



Yeah, no, I don't think any of what you just said is true. Including our "fine" planet. I don't think the planet going in a "fine" direction but thats a different topic. I assure you I do have a life. One that you would probably consider fruitful. You make strange assumptions but people like you (stereotype) usually do. Lets not bore the Cruise Critic members with our back and forth. I have made my point, if you don't understand who and what I'm speaking about then ask someone else, as I don't want to explain to you anymore.

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Would absolutely love to cruise with you and Brenda Roz :) That bizarre Tripper10 thing...Not so much


EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE has a "cross" to bare. We each have something that we MUST learn to live with.......How we choose to live with our "cross" is what makes us who we are. Tripper has been given a lot of negative "stuff" to make him/her feel and respond in the way he/she does.

Life has a way of making us see the "TRUTH" and read between the lines of words on a computer screen. Be careful, read between the lines of "Tripper" and you'll see the fear. How he/she deals with that fear will see him/her through it.

Certainly not us!!!!!!!!

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EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE has a "cross" to bare. We each have something that we MUST learn to live with.......How we choose to live with our "cross" is what makes us who we are. Tripper has been given a lot of negative "stuff" to make him/her feel and respond in the way he/she does.


Life has a way of making us see the "TRUTH" and read between the lines of words on a computer screen. Be careful, read between the lines of "Tripper" and you'll see the fear. How he/she deals with that fear will see him/her through it.


Certainly not us!!!!!!!!



Rationalize it how ever make you feel good. "Tripper" is annoyed at all the people taking advantage of the system and not taking responsibility to correct whatever their individual problem is by actually fixing the problem. Not just covering it up and leeching off society with drugs, a parking sticker or emotional aid animal on a cruise. I choose not to feel bad and cater to people like this. I say it again, if this is not you, then you should not feel upset if you utilize these services.

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Yeah, no, I don't think any of what you just said is true. Including our "fine" planet. I don't think the planet going in a "fine" direction but thats a different topic. I assure you I do have a life. One that you would probably consider fruitful. You make strange assumptions but people like you (stereotype) usually do. Lets not bore the Cruise Critic members with our back and forth. I have made my point, if you don't understand who and what I'm speaking about then ask someone else, as I don't want to explain to you anymore.


I make strange assumptions? This comment from someone who will judge another with a 2 second glance and make an assumption? You are one that assumes if someone is capable of walking then they shouldn't have a handicap plate. What if they have COPD or a heart condition and can only walk short distances? You assume that anyone without a physical disability that you can see that has a service dog has them for emotional support. In reality an emotional support dog is not a service dog as they do not perform a service however a dog that alerts to seizures is a service dog. You assume that anyone that has a motorized scooter but can walk doesn't need it but what if they are diabetic and walking for longer than an hour causes them issues. In other words you ASSUME people are scamming the system if you can't physically see their disability...pot meet kettle

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I make strange assumptions? This comment from someone who will judge another with a 2 second glance and make an assumption? You are one that assumes if someone is capable of walking then they shouldn't have a handicap plate. What if they have COPD or a heart condition and can only walk short distances? You assume that anyone without a physical disability that you can see that has a service dog has them for emotional support. In reality an emotional support dog is not a service dog as they do not perform a service however a dog that alerts to seizures is a service dog. You assume that anyone that has a motorized scooter but can walk doesn't need it but what if they are diabetic and walking for longer than an hour causes them issues. In other words you ASSUME people are scamming the system if you can't physically see their disability...pot meet kettle



And you assume everyone needs a poodle or a cart etc. /yawn

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And you assume everyone needs a poodle or a cart etc. /yawn


The poodle? If they are on a cruise ship...you bet. I need a wheelchair if I have to be on my feet longer than 6 hours but I look perfectly capable of walking most of the time. To Assclowns like you I am "scamming" the system. I can't medically fix my feet but you sure can fix your affliction. Then again maybe not as you can't fix stupid

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And you assume everyone needs a poodle or a cart etc. /yawn



Your tone is quite cynical and bitter and you seem to think the world is out to screw the system when in reality it is a few rotten apples that spoil the barrel. It is no different than considering someone guilty until proven innocent. The number of people who need special services far outweighs the number of people who are trying to milk the system. I am curious if you have had a personal experience with someone trying screw the system (with a service animal or scooter, etc) or have you just jumped to a baseless conclusion? I think you probably have been taught from the time you were young that you can never judge a book by it's cover.

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The poodle? If they are on a cruise ship...you bet. I need a wheelchair if I have to be on my feet longer than 6 hours but I look perfectly capable of walking most of the time. To Assclowns like you I am "scamming" the system. I can't medically fix my feet but you sure can fix your affliction. Then again maybe not as you can't fix stupid



Sensitive much? and yes if you have a handicap sticker for your car, imo, you are not deserving. There arn't any 6 hour walks to the car. You can make it. Leave the handicap spaces for people who REALLY need them.

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The poodle? If they are on a cruise ship...you bet. I need a wheelchair if I have to be on my feet longer than 6 hours but I look perfectly capable of walking most of the time. To Assclowns like you I am "scamming" the system. I can't medically fix my feet but you sure can fix your affliction. Then again maybe not as you can't fix stupid


Gem, you're so right. But clearly this is just a bad case of ignorance. If he feels like this about service animals, can you imagine his outlook on politics? He would really dislike me, being a liberal from Boston! :D

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Sensitive much? and yes if you have a handicap sticker for your car, imo, you are not deserving. There arn't any 6 hour walks to the car. You can make it. Leave the handicap spaces for people who REALLY need them.


Nope...just don't care much for people that dis the disabled and the elderly. And where in my post did I mention a handicap plate. I said I use a wheelchair not a handicapped plate. Like I said can't fix stupid.

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Your tone is quite cynical and bitter and you seem to think the world is out to screw the system when in reality it is a few rotten apples that spoil the barrel. It is no different than considering someone guilty until proven innocent. The number of people who need special services far outweighs the number of people who are trying to milk the system. I am curious if you have had a personal experience with someone trying screw the system (with a service animal or scooter, etc) or have you just jumped to a baseless conclusion? I think you probably have been taught from the time you were young that you can never judge a book by it's cover.


My tone, is my tone but I have said it numerous time that if someone NEEDS the service they should have and deserve it. It's people stealing the services for personal laziness or the love of their animal that is incorrect behavior. People who can do activities for 6 hours don't need special parking.

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Gem, you're so right. But clearly this is just a bad case of ignorance. If he feels like this about service animals, can you imagine his outlook on politics? He would really dislike me, being a liberal from Boston! :D


Me? I'm never right LOL. I'm not a flaming liberal but I do lean severely to the left so I am sure you and I could get along just fine

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My tone, is my tone but I have said it numerous time that if someone NEEDS the service they should have and deserve it. It's people stealing the services for personal laziness or the love of their animal that is incorrect behavior. People who can do activities for 6 hours don't need special parking.


Buddy, please. Stop. I will take the liberty to speak for most of the people on this thread and say that you REALLY sound ignorant. Take this as an eye opening opportunity to see that your outlook on this issue may be skewed and perhaps you may be wrong. Perhaps you could swallow your "pride" on this issue and see things from another perspective.

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To summarise:


  • This thread started because someone saw a small dog on board a ship and thought that it could not be a legitimate service dog.
  • Pets are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Cruisers with first-hand experience of taking a service dog on board cruise ships posted factual information.
  • Emotional support dogs are not service dogs and are not included in the recent update to ADA regulations.
  • Emotional support dogs are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Service cats, horses, pigs etc are not included in the recent update to ADA regulations and are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Taking a service dog on board a cruise ship requires a lot of advance paperwork, so much that it is unlikely that a "fake" service dog will be allowed on board.
  • Service dogs come in all shapes and sizes. They perform many services and their duties are not just confined to helping people with sight or hearing problems.
  • While some people passing off a pet as a service dog may be a problem on land, it is extremely difficult to get a genuine service dog on a cruise ship. You should therefore consider any dog you see on board to be a genuine service dog.
  • You cannot tell why a person needs a service dog.
  • You do not have the right to ask why a person needs a service dog. You can only ask what service the dog performs.
  • Even if you fully believe that a dog on board is not a service dog, it is not your right or responsibility to do anything about it, or to judge the owner.

And, finally, from me - you have a right to live your life as you choose. You do not have the right to impose your life philosophy on others.


Can we please have an end to the senseless bickering that has developed on this thread?

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Nope...just don't care much for people that dis the disabled and the elderly. And where in my post did I mention a handicap plate. I said I use a wheelchair not a handicapped plate. Like I said can't fix stupid.



Let me help you one last time. I said "if you have a handicap sticker" and I'm not talking about all disabled or elderly. I'm talking about people who take advantage of the elderly and disabled services who don't deserve them. Example: having a animal for emotional reasons on a cruise. Get it?

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Let me help you one last time. I said "if you have a handicap sticker" and I'm not talking about all disabled or elderly. I'm talking about people who take advantage of the elderly and disabled services who don't deserve them. Example: having a animal for emotional reasons on a cruise. Get it?


How many times do you have to be told? Emotional support dogs are not covered by the ADA regulationa and are not allowed on cruise ships.


So, please take your soap box elsewhere. It is off-topic for this thread.

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To summarise:


  • This thread started because someone saw a small dog on board a ship and thought that it could not be a legitimate service dog.
  • Pets are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Cruisers with first-hand experience of taking a service dog on board cruise ships posted factual information.
  • Emotional support dogs are not service dogs and are not included in the recent update to ADA regulations.
  • Emotional support dogs are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Service cats, horses, pigs etc are not included in the recent update to ADA regulations and are not allowed on cruise ships.
  • Taking a service dog on board a cruise ship requires a lot of advance paperwork, so much that it is unlikely that a "fake" service dog will be allowed on board.
  • Service dogs come in all shapes and sizes. They perform many services and their duties are not just confined to helping people with sight or hearing problems.
  • While some people passing off a pet as a service dog may be a problem on land, it is extremely difficult to get a genuine service dog on a cruise ship. You should therefore
    consider any dog you see on board to be a genuine service dog.
  • You cannot tell why a person needs a service dog.
  • You do not have the right to ask why a person needs a service dog. You can only ask
    what service the dog performs.
  • Even if you fully believe that a dog on board is not a service dog, it is not your right or
    responsibility to do anything about it, or to judge the owner.

And, finally, from me - you have a right to live your life as you choose. You do not have the

right to impose your life philosophy on others.


Can we please have an end to the senseless bickering that has developed on this thread?


Actually I believe miniature horses are included in the new ADA regulations but I could be mistaken. Nice summary and yep I will happily swallow my "pride" now on this subject and move on. Thanks for the prod and have a wonderful evening :)

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To continue further, I wonder what the liability insurance is for the cruise lines and a company like Disney to allow the motorized scooters for rent or to operate on their ships or property? Not saying I agree or disagree with the comments on this thread, but some of the people driving these things need to be a bit more responsible. Saw many potential accidents on my cruise last month in the lido area. After my cruise, at Disney, I witnessed someone driving one right into the back of a young woman's legs. She had a pretty severe leg injury and was taken away on a stretcher. I had two instances, one within a few inches of taking out both of my legs from behind. Had it been a small child they could have been severly injured. I agree with Tripper on the point that there are some abuses of the system. I have never seen so many in one place as I did at the Magic Kingdom, with huge crowds. I don't profess to know the solution, nor am I saying ban scooters, but this needs to be looked at. I said to another in our party that the scooters were an accident waiting to happen and it did, right in front of me.

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To continue further, I wonder what the liability insurance is for the cruise lines and a company like Disney to allow the motorized scooters for rent or to operate on their ships or property? Not saying I agree or disagree with the comments on this thread, but some of the people driving these things need to be a bit more responsible. Saw many potential accidents on my cruise last month in the lido area. After my cruise, at Disney, I witnessed someone driving one right into the back of a young woman's legs. She had a pretty severe leg injury and was taken away on a stretcher. I had two instances, one within a few inches of taking out both of my legs from behind. Had it been a small child they could have been severly injured. I agree with Tripper on the point that there are some abuses of the system. I have never seen so many in one place as I did at the Magic Kingdom, with huge crowds. I don't profess to know the solution, nor am I saying ban scooters, but this needs to be looked at. I said to another in our party that the scooters were an accident waiting to happen and it did, right in front of me.


I don't know about Disney cruise lines but I do know Ncl and royal carribean don't rent scooters or wheelchairs you have to bring your own. As for the Disney theme parks, the last time I went all they had was normal wheelchairs that you had to push

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