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My Trip on the Ecstasy 4/25-4/30


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Little background before we get started on my lengthy tale. I went on this cruise with my best friend Dianna. We are two former soldiers in our mid 30’s who are now married to soldiers. We met while our husbands were deployed. We have been trying, unsuccessfully, to get our husbands on vacation. But between Army duties and obligations, it has been darn near impossible. So we decided to take each other on a cruise, leaving our husbands to fend for themselves and watch our children. Although all our children are pretty much self-sufficient teenagers; how much watching do they really need?


This isn’t really a review but a slightly edited version of the emails I sent my husband. It’s wordy. Its my vacation tale. Enjoy!



April 24-

I waited until the last minute to pack. As par usual. But in my defense, work has been a killer. Babies were falling from the sky, I tell ya! Definitely making me earn my vacation.


Di and I decided to go ahead and spend the night in Galveston before our cruise. Since it is a 4.5 to 5 hour drive from our house and me being in the not thrilled to wake up early category. Awesome decision on our part. The drive down was not rushed and was filled with us being huge dorks with singing, giggling and enjoying the adventure ahead of us.


We checked into the La Quinta on Seawall Blvd. Note to self, this place is right across the street from the ocean and my car was constantly bathed in salt water from the high winds leaving a lovely white crust on the mighty Kia. Di and I walked across the street to gaze upon the angry green waters of the Gulf. I marveled at the unfriendly look of it and she took some pictures.


I also have the gayest cold ever. Seriously, who gets a cold when you are on vacation??? This girl apparently. We stopped at this quaint place called Ye Olde Walmart where I picked up some OTC meds. A nice steady rotation of Airborne, Nyquil and Dayquil should do the trick. Since my nose was running like a faucet, we decided not to subject the kind citizens of Galveston to the musical stylings of my nose blowings and just order some food to be delivered to our room in the hotel. Pizza and beer. Sweet! That will make the Nyquil all the more effective.


We’re watching Wizard of Oz on TV. The combo of Nyquil and beer has me making up my own dialogue and lyrics to the Wizard of Oz. I think I am hilarious. Not sure what Di thinks. I am a rockstar in my own head. And pretty sure I passed out by 8pm. I party hard.

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April 25-

We got up at a decent hour; I consider that quite an achievement after a night of beer and Nyquil. Goooo Team Fer! 0800 Continental breakfast in the hotel lobby. Lots of cruisers in search of some free continental grub before heading to the port. They have DIY waffles. In the shape of Texas. The panhandle was quite yummy with syrup and butter.


We made another run to Walmart to pick up lotion and a few other small things that we forgot. Di picked up a pair of cheap $5 sunglasses. I brought at least 3 pairs with me because I practically hemorrhage sunglasses on vacation.


Then it was off to Lighthouse parking. We wanted to get to the Port of Galveston before all the local hotel shuttles did. The guys at lighthouse were awesome. We paid online and saved $5. At 0900 we were the only ones on the shuttle going to the port. But there were alot getting on the bus when we got off.


By 0930 we had dropped off our bags and headed to the terminal. We were 3 & 4 to enter the terminal. We affectionately dubbed the two people before us in line 1 & 2. We chit chatted, watched Inception on my iPad and waited as the room slowly filled up with our fellow travelers until they let us go through xray and check in. We had our S&S cards by 1030. It's almost time! Bounce… Bounce… No wait... Gotta look cool… Chill…


We sat down in the per-boarding area to await our time to board the ship. We were now in place to be the 1st & 2ndpeople to board the ship after the VIPs. We met some pretty cool people sitting across from us. J and B. I know our mothers taught us not to talk to strangers, but I don’t think the rule ever took with Di or me. Cause we love talking to strangers. We’d make friends with a doorknob if you left us alone long enough. Although I do believe the conversation starter was our footwear choices. Five finger shoes by Vibram. So comfy but very odd looking to most people. Either they are really excited about them or repelled by them lol. You can google them… I’ll wait.


Finally the ship was ready for her new passengers to board. Di was bouncing and practically running up the gangway. Her excitement was catchy. And I found myself moving at a faster pace than I would be on vacation mode. Fast. Up hill. Me. I know, what are the odds? I am going to state for the record that it was the lure of a nice froo froo drink in my hands that was my incentive and not goobery “OMG I am on vacation squees” that had me movin. That’s my story. Yep. Nod.


On the ship and eating on the Lido deck by 1143! I’m on vacation!!!!! First drink of the Day went down smoothly. But I was wanting something a little familiar so I started with the beer. Better get my Shiner now cause it won’t be available once we leave Texas waters.


We had a couple of beers and wandered about the Lido deck and hung out by the pool. Still dragging our carry-on bags with us. Mine had my allowed wine and 12 pack of soda (well 6 pack coke 6 pack Red Bull) and coffee creamer. Our rooms wouldn’t be ready until around 1300. When we came aboard we noticed that they had staff waiting by the hallways to the rooms, so there was no sneaking by.


Around 1400 or so, we finally got the chance to dump our stuff in our room. Yay!!! We rush into our cabin like giddy schoolgirls. Right out onto our super fantastic Aft balcony! I am making plans to stand out here naked and stare at the open sea in the near future.


Our check in bags were waiting for us. Awesome-sauce. Being unencumbered by our carry ons, we were free to wander footloose and fancy free. We headed back up to the deck overlooking the pool and parked our butts on some deck chairs, got a bucket of beer and just drank and people watched. We saw 1 & 2. We also hooked up with J and B. Yay! These two are pretty awesome. B and Di hit it off with camera nerd talk and J and I talked about anything and everything. I’m having the time of my life! And we haven’t even left Galveston yet!


The safety briefing was around 1530. No more drinks of the day served until after the briefing. I guess this used to be muster drill. I remember being on the Conquest and we had to bring our life jackets to the muster station and hear the spiel there. Not anymore. So we sat in the Starlight Lounge watched as the crew members demonstrate the safety features. The exits are located to the front, side and rear of the aircraft… whoops wrong travel apparatus. Too many DoD me thinks :P


Around 1630, The Husband called to tell me that we hadn’t left yet; he was watching the port cam. Good thing, cause I had no idea. I’m on a ship. I don’t care that we’re not moving yet. Although eventually around 1700 we did get underway. We cheered as the pilot boat sailed alongside us and the pilot hopped aboard a moving target. What a rockstar. By the time the pilot boat lead us out of the harbor, we were ten sheets to the wind. We danced and sang and used our outside voices and had a good time.


Eventually the wind drove our drunken butts inside to get ready for dinner. Note to self... Being drunk in the shower on a swaying cruise ship is pretty tough for this graceful chick and is one of those "ha ha hee hee" inducing moments. Di and I purtied our faces up and went to dinner. Had our picture taken fourteen brazillion times. Di was quite the diva. But she can get away with it.


We sat with two other ladies about our ages, T1 and T2. They seemed pretty nice. There were two empty seats at the table (and they never showed up the entire cruise). Eventually the swaying of the ship started bugging me in the dining room. Mostly because I could not see the ocean outside. I was a little green around the gills and just wanted to lay my head down for an hour or so.


Well a nap turned into a sleep and I woke up around 5am. Go go party animal!

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26 April-

This morning, we took showers; I am still having issues standing in the shower. Trying to shave my legs is comical. I have pretty much learned to back my butt up against the wall to keep from falling over. After showers, we put on our bathing suits and cover ups and headed to the lido deck for breakfast buffet and then to the spot we hung out on the night before on the deck above the pool. We hung out in the sun all morning and even though I liberally applied my sun block early and often, I am sure I got some color added to my otherwise normally pasty white skin. A side effect of being a nightshift worker, I guess. The sunlight!!! It burns the precious!!!!


Then off to lunch at the Lido buffet. It was yummy. Here's where the swaying started to get to Di. And our cure all for the swaying is… nap time. I love sleeping in our aft balcony cabin. The rocking puts you to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. After our nap, we ordered room service. I got the New York Strip sandwich and Di got grilled cheese. I got some crazy caramel creme thing which reminded me alot of flan. Yummy tasting but crazy texture. Di had cheesecake. She shared, cause she’s cool like that.


After filling up on room service we were off 'splorin the ship. I definitely would rather be walking about outside on the open deck than indoors. The inside gets me green. Di took pictures or stuff at weird angles. I am sure it will look all cool and photography and we shall oooh and ahhh accordingly later.


We went up to the very top deck at the front of the ship. Kinda by accident. We were all turned around. Thought we were going aft. Guess we should have noticed which direction we were going by the direction the water was going. But alas, being observant was not for me this day. I’m on vacation; paying attention to detail is for the rest of the time…We head up this flight of stairs and immediately upon reaching the top, my sunglasses come flying off. The wind was so crazy. Just about blew Di's dress off her body. It was hysterical. There was some guy sitting on a bench kinda out of the way that got quite a show. Creeper. We LOLed quite a bit over that.


We were hoping to slide down the water slide but every time we thought about it, either it was closed due to the wind or we were too inebriated to even dare to try.


We ended up on the Serenity deck. Adults only. It is only 2 decks above our room. And OMG it is so awesome and quiet. No kids. Yay! We hung out there for the rest of the day. More Drinks of the Day. We both got Coconut Monkey Head mugs that turn into piggy bank.


Back in the cabin to get ready for dinner. Elegant night. I get to be all pretty and stuff. I’m totally wearing a dress! But before I get all elegantified, I make a make a mad dash from the shower and streak past Di and onto the balcony. “I’M KING OF THE WORLD!!!!” Being naked on the balcony is fun. I recommend it to everyone at least once.


We ran into J and B getting their pictures taken. J looked pretty handsome in his tux. We took their pics and they returned the favor and arranged to meet up after dinner. Our table mates didn’t make it to dinner this night, so we had the table and our waiter’s attention all to ourselves. Di had the Lobster and I had Prime Rib. The Pumpkin soup I had for an appetizer what the best thing ever. I could eat that every day. I need to find the recipe.


After dinner we met up with J & B in the Chinatown bar. Listened to ‘really terrible in an awesome kinda way’ karaoke. Then went to two R rated comedy shows. Then we went to a sing along piano bar. It was really fun. We closed it down. And plan on coming back tomorrow, I mean tonight. Hit up some pizza from the 24hour pizzeria. And hung out on the balcony and ate. Guess I should get some sleep. Progreso in a few hours.

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27 April-


Right now I am sitting on our balcony on the aft of the ship, facing the Progreso port. Watching all the people return to the ship. They told us to be back at 1430. It's 1425 and people are still meandering their way back. Today Di and I woke up around 0600 when the Ecstasy started slowing down and pulling into port. We watched as we pulled into Progreso and drank coffee on the balcony. People watching and chilaxing until all the people with excursions departed. Then its showers and breakfast on the lido mmmm.


We chose to fly by the seat of our pants at this port. And I am super glad we did. Took the free shuttle down the four mile long pier. Did you know that it is the longest pier in the world? I didn't either lol. We took the $3 double decker bus thru town. Power lines! Duck! It was short, fun and informative. Di got tons of pictures. After the bus tour, we went for massages. Going rate was $20 for an hour massage. It was the best $20 I ever spent. I am sure I could have haggled the price down but I didn't care. This massage was way better and cheaper than I could get at home.


Once we were sufficiently jellified, we headed to the beach. Covered in baby oil. Probably not the best decision I've made thus far. However, I did come to my senses and took a dip in the ocean to rinse off and then reapplied a thick coat of SPF five million and a half ;) We headed to Buddy's, a small bar on the beach and had beers and Mexican food. They brought around free tequila shots. Di does not get along with tequila, so me being the super awesome friend that I am, graciously drank them for her. Oh the sacrifices I make.


We hung out at Buddy's for a spell then went shopping. Di got some good deals by haggling. I watched her. I hate shopping and I really hate haggling. Put the freaking price on your stuff and be done with it. I’ll determine whether or not I want to spend that much. I don’t wanna talk about it. Cause its only gonna make me feel worse when I find out that the price on the same exact item is way less a few stores down.


We headed back to the ship and showered the sea and sweat off of us. Which brings us back to me sitting on the balcony, writing this. It's 1445 and there is still a steady stream of passengers walking to the ship. I’m missing the husband and the spawn, I mean my lovely teenagers… a little… but luckily I have plenty of froo froo drinks to help me cope.


Everyone finally made it back onto the ship and we took off again. Goodbye Progreso! Hello Cozumel! Time to take my daily siesta. I love being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. After the siesta, showers and off to dinner. Our tablemates T1 & T2 made it to dinner tonight. They said they were watching shows last night and missed dinner. Whoops.


After some more ship wandering, we went up to poolside for the deck party. And ran into T1 and T2. I drank something that looked like Windex. *Blorf*. Decided I wanted pina coladas. Ahhh brain freeze. Dianna discovered that the Cruiser was her favorite drink. I am still trying everything the waiters suggest. Probably not a good idea on my part. But I am on vacation. And mixing alcohol is just part of my ‘Poor Decisions and Lack of Judgment’ package. We ended up at Stripes Disco with T1 and danced the night away.


Not sure how or when we got back to our cabin. Only that we made it there and apparently had a good time getting there. I do recall the loooooooooong hallway of doom. The ship is swaying. I am swaying. Ok staggering. But it’s alright, cause I AM ON VACATION!

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28 April-


Just docked in Cozumel. This time the forward part of the ship is facing port. So we are drinking our coffee and staring out at the deep blue sea. Still not a bad way to wake up. Today we are headed to Mr. Sanchos for an all inclusive beach break. It’s a little overcast but the temp is perfect!


Put on our five fingers and headed out. Ran into B and J shopping in port and snapped a quick picture. Hopped in a cab and headed out to Mr. Sanchos.


All you can eat/drink. Di was drinking sex on the beach. Which lead to much hilarity every time she ordered one. With the waiters thinking she was propositioning them. I have found a new favorite drink. The dirty monkey. Piña colada with banana and kaluaha (prob spelt wrong but I am so nice and toasty drunk that the rules of spelling and grammar no long apply to me. Muahahahahaha!)

Di and I definitely got our money's worth. There is a cool pool (check it, I made a rhyme) with a swim up bar. Our waiters Hector and Alberto took awesome care of us. It was very relaxing. If I ever come thru Cozumel again, I am hitting this place up. We made some friends along the way, as par usual for us.

We came back to the port kinda early (around 1400) because we wanted to hit up some shops. Scratch that, Di wanted to go shopping. I would rather get a root canal. What? A woman who hates to shop!?! Oh the horror of it all!


I picked up some tequila for The Husband. The guy said it was the best kind for sipping. I also got him a big ass thing of vanilla. Well it's actually for me. My husband makes the best banana pancakes with it. ***** nom nom. Grabbed a few trinkety things for the spawn. And back in the room for a siesta. Got to rest up for another night of fun. Gonna meet up with T1, T2, B and J at the sing along piano bar.


Well the piano bar (which is actually called the Neon Bar. It has a lot of Neon signs) was too smokey for everyone. So we headed to Chinatown to listen to the Ecstasy show band. Then we followed Gary, the asst cruise director to the Starlight Lounge for the “Liars Club” and the adult scavenger hunt “Quest”.


I finally got to see the cruise director in person, Steve Cassel. His looks so didn’t match his radio announcer personality voice. But a really nice guy. I was always soothed by his very chill announcements over the ship’s intercom. I bet if the ship was sinking he would manage to make it sound like the Event. You. Need. To. See! I missed him in the Extreme Country show. I hear he played a mean fiddle. But Di and I never really managed to get to the front part of the ship much. I think the dress blowing off incident scarred us from meandering in that direction.


Gary was a hoot and a half. Did you know that Gary has been cruising for 11 years? And in that time he has met some pretty interesting people and been to all sorts of exotic locations? I didn’t either before Liars Club. Did you know you can lick someone else’s wenis but never your own? There was one of the entertainment staff, which I have affectionately dubbed Skippy, because the boy skips and practically bounces from place to place.


Quest was definitely for adults only. I never laughed so hard in my life. We had to split up into 3 to 5 man teams. No problem. There was five of us (B, J, T1, Di and myself). J was so abused being the only male on the team. I about died laughing when they asked for two ladies bras. T1 and Di were running up on stage taking their bras off as they ran. They wanted to see a piercing that wasn’t on the head. The girl in the team next to us ran up, said she had a belly button piercing, the judges needed to see it and she just lifts her dress up. It was pretty funny. Its amazing what inebriated people will do in the spirit of competition. Some poor bald man ended up with a bunch of women leaving lipstck kisses on his head. J ended up parading around the stage in Di’s shoes and bra, carrying T1’s purse, wearing lipstick. He was such a good sport about it. And we won first place.


Being victorious we took our champagne prize and headed back to Chinatown to celebrate and to finish up the last of the Ecstasy show band's set. They were pretty awesome. Had three rules for requesting songs. 1. If they know it, they will play it. 2. If only a few of them know it, they will attempt to play it. And 3. if no one knew the song, we were out SOL for the request. We saw/heard alot of rule 2. in progress. The show band was done but our merry band of drunks was not, so we scooted on over to Club Stripes for some more fun. As it was the only place open for a party. Our waiter, Percy was fantastic and such a sweetheart. He was like a magical elf the constantly brought us what seemed to be a never ending supply of froo froo drinks.


I am noticing that most of the late night music is either in the forms of hip hop or country. I am not really a fan of either. However, I can cut a rug to just about any tune cause I am usually dancing to the beat of my own drum anyways. J and B cut out early to go to bed. But Di, T1 and I stayed to dance a little while longer before wanting to move the party elsewhere. That elsewhere being the 24 hour pizzeria on the Lido deck. Nothing like freshly made pizza at 2am. We finished up our pizza and made plans to do some sun worshipping later today.


I will still be busting out my SPF five million and a half. I have quite the collection of uneven burn lines. Di manages to take slightly reddened skin and turn it into a tan over the span of a few hours. While I, continue to build a nice lobster-esque color. I no longer have the same bronze-ish relationship with the sun like I did when I was a teenager. Di is still snoring and muttering in her sleep (lucky!) and I am pondering venturing forth in search of some caffeine. For if it weren't for caffeine, I would have no personality what-so-ever. True story.

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April 29-

Ahhhh a relaxing day at sea. You know where I am typing this??? On the Serenity deck. Discovered that the stairs right outside our cabin lead right up here! Would have been happier to know that a few days ago. Well good to know for next time :) went to lido buffet this am. It was super yummy. I must look like a girl that could use some bacon lovin because the guy gave me enough bacon to give me 4 heart attacks.


We've been out on the Serenity deck since about 10am. Leaving only to go pee and grab a bite to eat. I was completely mesmerized by the wake. I watched the ocean churn behind us for hours.


T1 and Trisha showed up around 1230, T1 took a sip of her DoD and laid her head back and was completely knocked out and slept for two hours. Woke up with the word ‘Carnival” tattooed on her chest from laying on the carnival logo on her towel. Ha ha.


Guess what? We saw a few dolphins playing off the back of the ship. Was pretty cool. All is right in nature now. Plans are to go to dinner and catch a few shows.


After hanging out on serenity all day, I managed to get a nice and sporadic sunburn. My skin is so warm, I could heat a small village in Russia during winter. Nothing that a little aloe won't cure, right?

We went to the room to get cleaned up and went to the comedy show before dinner. The guy was funny, but it was the family show and I noticed that I enjoyed his adult comedy a little better.

Dinner with T1 and T2, we drank Di's bottle of Moscato. Very sweet and bubbly. William, our waiter, who was also very sweet and bubbly, didn't even charge us the corkage fee. The food in the dining room was always great. I got to try a lot of things that I never had before. It was amusing to watch T1, this in shape hot chick by the way, order almost every appetizer every night. The staff sang to us and waved us goodbye. We took some pics with our fantastic table mates and waiters.


After dinner we made plans to go to the adult comedy shows, but we were so freaking exhausted from our long day of lazing about all day under the sun on serenity. We decided to just go ahead and call it a night. We packed our bags so that they would be ready for pick up by midnight. Ok Di carefully packed her bags, I stuffed all my crap into whatever configuration would allow me to close the zipper. Filled out our customs forms and luggage tags. And put our heads on our chocolate mint scented pillows. ZONK! Out like a light.

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April 30-

Woke up as we were turning towards the harbor. Around 5am. But just lounged in bed til about 0745. We got our sign & sail bill slipped under our door. I managed to walk away pretty unscathed with a $386 alcohol bill. Di had $438. I think if the boat wasn't making me wanna puke half the time, my bill would have eclipsed hers. But alas, no. Maybe next time.

We stopped by the Stripes bar to pick up our purchased tequila. It didn't take very long. And then we headed up to the Lido for our last meal. Ate breakfast in the exact spot we ate when we first got on the ship. Watched as people from the deck above were feeding the birds. Those guys weren't messing around. Very cutthroat for a piece of toast. Caw caw!

After breakfast we headed to poolside to wait to disembark. And this is where we shall remain until they kick us off. Poop. Is our vacation really over? I cry big fat sad panda tears.

Just ran into T1 and T2. They went to the adult comedy show last night and said it was pretty good. They didn’t get their S&S bill yet. I bet its because they couldn’t shove a bill that thick under the door. I am curious to know how much T1's bar tab is. I bet it is impressive and I can only strive to be that cool.

Pondering on looking for a place to stowaway somewheres on the ship. I don't wanna go back to reality.

Having hooked up with T1 and T2 again, we decided to hang out poolside and skip out on our debark number of 9 so that we could go down with them at 24. We chit chatted and reminisced about the fantastic time we had until Gary, the asst cruise director, put out the announcement that it was closing time on the Ecstasy. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Hey, did you know that Gary has been cruising for 11 years? And in that time he has met some pretty interesting people and been to all sorts of exotic locations? Inside joke. Had to be there.

So we busted out our sign and sail cards for the last time. And around 1030 they 'boinged' us off the ship. We followed the long ramp to customs and reality. At the bottom of the ramp, all the luggage for the zones was lined up under their debark number. Di and my bags were sitting all alone under 9. So it was easy to find even without my neon pink duct tape on my suitcase.

We grabbed our bags and hopped in line, passports in hand. Apparently that is the ticket that will bypass the big line of the non-passport holders and head straight to customs. So we were out of there fairly quickly. We were loaded onto the bus for lighthouse parking and back to the car around 11. My car had a lot of salt on it. So we decided to get some gas and get the car washed off before heading home.

My family was sure glad to see me. My daughter was getting ready to go to prom. And need a little more help getting ready than my husband was able to provide. I think it was the Army camouflage face paint that had her quaking with fear. I have to say with absolutely no bias what-s-ever that she sure is the most beautiful girl in the world.

As I sit here, typing this last post, I am still feeling the sway of the ship. This morning when I took my shower, I still backed my butt up against the wall when I was trying to shave my legs. I wonder when I will get my land legs back. I had a blast this cruise. I really wish it could go on longer. Next time, I am bringing the husband, cause if there is anyone who is in dire need of a vacation, it's him.


They say, all good things come to an end. *le sigh* So... That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'd like to say that names were changed to protect the innocent, but we all know I would be lying since none of us were anywhere close to innocent. Muahahahaha! True story

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Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll get pics up as soon as I can. been working alot.

@br7210- We were in E257.

This is a video I made of the balcony with my ipad.

@arush5268d- I was told by a bartender that I couldn’t get Shiner once we left Texas. I never really tried again after the 1st day.

@wailtaillover- thank you for your thanks. The guys work really hard. Couple more years and he can retire.

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It was highly inappropriate to use the term "gayest"! That was not only rude but can't you keep that to your self? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE it is offensive!:mad::mad::mad:


It's only offensive if you let it be. Get over yourself and don't let such a minor / insignificant thing bother you. "Gay" has many meanings.

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It's only offensive if you let it be. Get over yourself and don't let such a minor / insignificant thing bother you. "Gay" has many meanings.


Whenever you have a friend you gets teased everyday because they are "gay" it has a significant meaning! Back off!

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Chick - YOU ROCK (but I'm sure it's a curse you live with, LOL). Thoroughly enjoyed your review! Great Read!

I hope your beautiful spawn had a great time at Prom. Of course, she can't be the most beautiful spawn in the world, because MINE is the most beautiful spawn in the world! (Ya, I know - every old crow thinks theirs is the blackest). haha.


Thanks again!

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Whenever you have a friend you gets teased everyday because they are "gay" it has a significant meaning! Back off!


I'm sorry that your friend chooses the life of a martyr or choses to be the victim. It doesn't sound like this is your cross to carry....bless you for holding the weight of the whole world on your shoulders. I have many gay friends - they call each other all sorts of names that I'm sure you would deem offensive. I'm not afraid to admit that I participate in it too. Do you know why? Because it's not intended to be offensive when I call a gay guy friend of mine "princess" or something like that. They know very well that I'm not trying to offend them.

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Whenever you have a friend you gets teased everyday because they are "gay" it has a significant meaning! Back off!



The OP refers to her daughter as "spawn." I bet that offends you too :rolleyes:

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