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Advice on Kindle please


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I am thinking of purchasing a Kindle. My questions are:

1) Is this the best choice?

2) Should I get the model with Wifi and 3G?

3) Is there a good range of Aussie books available?

Any other comments or advice would be appreciated.



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I have a Kindle II, and love it for traveling and reading at home. I would get the 3G/phone version as it provides much more versatility (obviously with the International capability if you are in Australia). As far as Aussie books are concerned, you would have to look on Amazon to see what they have for you.


I think it is a bit easier to use than the Nook, and so far has more books available. The e-ink system makes it very readable in bright light, though you do need some light to read by. For reading, I think it is better than the iPad, but the iPad has much more capability in other areas. I have tried the Sony reader and didn't like the feel of it at all.


I have so many books in my Kindle that I need to take a couple of round-the-world cruises to finish them all!

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I also have a Kindle 2 and love it. I would not get the wifi model even though it is cheaper. Get the 3G one. You can go onto Amazon's website even if you don't already have a Kindle and check out the books. There are tons so I'm sure you will find something you like- lots of free books too.

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I'm also thinking about a Kindle or a Nook. When I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday I was drooling over their new color Nook that has web access and email.


How exactly do you go about hooking up and connecting to internet with those?



They have either 3G or wifi depending on which model you choose.

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I am thinking of purchasing a Kindle. My questions are:

1) Is this the best choice?

2) Should I get the model with Wifi and 3G?

3) Is there a good range of Aussie books available?

Any other comments or advice would be appreciated.




1) "Best" is subjective. Kindle owners tend to love Kindle, Nook owners tend to love Nook, IPad owners tend to love Ipad. Sounds like they are all good. However, devices with color will drain the battery faster than ones in black/white. For any device, the battery lasts longer if you turn off the wifi. If you plan to read in bright sunshine, chose a device that will serve that purpose.


The e-readers can be used for email, games, photo storage, etc. but most of us have devices that do these things better than e-readers.


2) Depends on how YOU plan to purchase books. We have wifi in the house, and I do all my purchases here. Thus 3G would be a waste.


3) You can start researching available books (both free and for purchase) now. Are you looking for Aussie authors or books set in Australia? I have several Nevil Shute books on my Kindle.


Try this site listing resources offering free books for kindle. Project Gutenberg may be the biggest. Here are PG's most popular free downloads. Died and gone to library heaven.


There are sites that offer a free e-book of the day. Also look at Pixel of Ink. If you love to read, you will love your e-reader.

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I have a Kindle and an iPad. I love my Kindle for reading, and the iPad for everything else. I don't love the iPad for reading because it is backlit, and will strain my eyes after a while.


I have the wifi (non-3G) version of Kindle, and that's fine for me, since I can load it up before I travel. If you will want to buy books whilst you are travelling, get the 3G version.

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This part is cool -- I can purchase a book from Amazon once and have it delivered to any or all of these devices:


my kindle

my husband's kindle

my pc

my netbook

my Ipod touch

my Android phone

my Xoom tablet


The Ipod and phone obviously don't work well for reading (teensy, weensy words) but the capability is there. There's a kindle app for just about everything. But not the microwave............yet.

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While I do not own a Kindle, have owned a Nook since they first came out and last month purchased an Ipad2. While I enjoyed the Nook, the bezel (side of the ereader where you'd press to turn pages) kept cracking. When the bezels on my third Nook cracked, decided enough was enough. I will say Nook has now come out with the color Nook and they show folks touching the screen to turn the pages and not pressing the bezels. My Nook had both wifi and 3g and was wonderful. Always had connectivity of some kind. My Ipad2, all I can say is I'm in love!!!! I have to best of all worlds with my Ipad. I have the Nook app on the Ipad and was able to continue with my Nook library and also 'loan' books to to others and also have the Ibooks apps. All the books cost about the same. Nook did have 'free Fridays', but for me, not that many books to get excited about. On my Ipad, I can read, or if I want, open my HBOgo app, Xfinity app and/or ABC app and watch movies/tv shows,not to mention the movies, etc offered through Itunes. I can access Google, read my mail, send mail, chat with either Skype or facetime, just to mention a few wonderful features. The Ipad only has wifi, for 3g you need to purchase the time. I've not had to do this yet. I've really noticed I don't use my iphone as much as I used to, the screen/print is too small!

Either chose you make, you'll love what you have and wonder why you didn't purchase an ereader sooner.

Be sure and download any books you purchase prior to going on a trip/cruise, otherwise you won't be able to access your books or you'll have to purchase wifi time on the ship to download the books.


Hope this helps.

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I am thinking of purchasing a Kindle. My questions are:

1) Is this the best choice?

2) Should I get the model with Wifi and 3G?

3) Is there a good range of Aussie books available?

Any other comments or advice would be appreciated.




I read my ebooks in two ways, on my ipod touch (kindle app) and on my kindle (wifi version.) I think which ebook reader you buy really depends on what you want to use it for. When I bought my ipod touch, I actually did so because I wanted to be able to replace my music player and I loved the idea that I could read books on it (the other plus on the ipod touch were also a nice selling point too of course.) I don't own a ipad, but they are by nature very similar.


I bought a kindle because I love to read outside, and I found it near impossible to do that on my ipod touch. I also found that the back lighting bothered my eyes in long periods. I adore my kindle, but as a fast reader I find the way that the "ink" on my kindle rearranges itself on the pages to be a bit of a pain. Because I read at such a fast rate I see it more regularity then some readers might - I got used to it, but it bugged me a lot at first.


I love my kindle and I use it and read more books on it then I do anywhere else these days (and I love the audiobook feature! ..even if it is a computerized voice.) I think if you are looking for a ereader you can use in all light situations (you will need a booklight in low lighting) the kindle is a great choice. Unless you need to buy books on the fly or want internet access anywhere you have 3g access I think you won't miss the more expensive 3g option. (You can however surf the internet a little and check your email on the kindle so if you do like to do that the 3g option may be a nice feature to have.) IMO, I think you are considering something back lit like the nook - I'd sooner go with the ipad. With the ipad you can buy any of the books amazon sells and read them on their free app - and apple has a relatively good selection of books as well. You'd also have access to a huge amount of applications for the ipad which makes it possible to do almost anything.


Like the others have said, it may depend on what you mean by Aussie books. Amazon has a really great selection - I suggest you long on there and just browse and see if you like their selection. They also have a nice selection of free books (both classics, as well as a revolving amount of promotional free books.) So far I have over 205 books on my kindle and I have not bought a book yet - and a lot of them have been really great reads.

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I'm an Aussie Kindler and extremely happy with my choice. I bought the 3G and wifi version and have been able to download books while cruising overseas (on ship when in port on a recent South American cruise) and waiting in airport terminals without any problems.


I've also found some independent Aussie writers I hadn't come across before whose books you can't find in the stores but have been released in Kindle editions - plus most of our mainstream authors. More books come online all the time for Aussie readers.

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I'm a happy Aussie Kindle fan too. It's a fantastic being able to travel with dozens of books without the bulk and weight of the real thing! Availability of Aussie authors can be a bit hit and miss so check the Amazon lists. They have the mainstream stuff in most cases. I'm a technotard but the wifi downloads while cruising in Asia recently worked perfectly. Don't forget to turn off the wifi when not in use as it does chew up battery life.


I only use my Kindle for reading - all the other clever bells and whistles stuff I leave to my laptop/phone.


It's not the same as reading a 'real' book and takes a short while to get used to but as a travel companion it's absolutely invaluable.

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Thankyou for all your very informative and useful responses. I just love the info that is available on these type of websites. Sooo useful!!

I am assuming that the Kindle 1 is the wifi version, Kindle 2 is the wifi and 3G and Kindle 3 is the larger model???

I have checked out some of the websites suggested and found that there are some aussie books like Bryce Courteney. I am a slow reader so I am sure the variety of books available will not be a problem. I really think that the kindle will be useful for travelling so that you don't have to lug numerous heavy books around and that it will fit into a handbag easily. Is Amazon the best place to buy from as far as price goes?

Thanks again to everyone.

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I am assuming that the Kindle 1 is the wifi version, Kindle 2 is the wifi and 3G and Kindle 3 is the larger model???

I have checked out some of the websites suggested and found that there are some aussie books like Bryce Courteney. I am a slow reader so I am sure the variety of books available will not be a problem. I really think that the kindle will be useful for travelling so that you don't have to lug numerous heavy books around and that it will fit into a handbag easily. Is Amazon the best place to buy from as far as price goes?

Thanks again to everyone.


Kindle 1 and 2 refer to earlier models and the current model is called the Kindle 3 and comes in two versions - one with 3G and WiFi and the other with WiFi only. The other larger Kindle available is the DX.


In Australia we can only buy Kindles through Amazon (make sure you get the international version for Australia) and four of my colleagues have bought one each in the last 3 weeks and had them all delivered to Sydney in less than a week from the US!


I've had mine since last September and now prefer reading it to books:D

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Thankyou for that simple explanation... it all makes sense now. Do I need to purchase the aussie power adaptor, light, case, headphones??? or can I get these here. I don't want to get a case that is clumsy and heavy which some of them seem to be from the reviews I have read. Did you or your colleagues get the 3g version or just the straight wifi version?

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You will love the Kindle. I definitely agree with the other posters, get the 3G one. I bought my mother the WiFi one for Christmas, and should have paid the extra money and bought her the 3G one. But she is also computer challenged.


My husband uses the cover from Amazon but I got mine from Oberon Design. I prefer the Oberon. Not only is it prettier I like that I can just stick my hand in the cover and don't even have to hold the Kindle. Lazy I know, but it's great.



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Thankyou for that simple explanation... it all makes sense now. Do I need to purchase the aussie power adaptor, light, case, headphones??? or can I get these here. I don't want to get a case that is clumsy and heavy which some of them seem to be from the reviews I have read. Did you or your colleagues get the 3g version or just the straight wifi version?


Headphone wise - its a normal size standard jack so any normal headphones will fit. There are lights that are made to fit in certain cases - but amazon also has their own case which had a built in light (and it runs off the kindle batter so as long as that is charged your light works.) I have an m edge GO! cover and it really is pretty slim. I wanted a harder cover to give it more protection, but a lot of people love the softer ones. Between the kindle and the cover its about the size of a slim wider paperback. I did buy the light the company recommends since it is suposed to fit in with the cover but was sorely disappointed with it. Its nice to hold (just like a book) but I wish I had gone and paid more and just bought Amazon's version. I recommend you spend some time looking at covers and decide what features you want. Some are true covers others are more like sleeves.


You should be able to get everything you need for your kindle on Amazon.

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Sharon, I will offer one thing you may wish to consider. The no-glare screen on my Kindle is great for reading in the sun (like on deck). I don't know a lot about the other devices, but you may want to check on that when making your decision.


Hope that helps some,


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I love love love my Kindle, got the wifi not 3G. Not sure about where you live but my understanding of the 3G is that it is free in the US only and being from Canada that wouldn't have served me any purpose. I have my own wifi connection anyway ... something to consider.


I researched a long time and I think the thing I love the most about the Kindle, aside from the no glare screen both inside and out in the sun, is the ease of purchasing the books from Amazon. One click and the book is purchased and with my Kindle connected wireless it downloads to the Kindle as soon as it is turned on. Someone I know had a Sony and she found getting the books to the device a pain and after seeing mine and my praising it she just converted and purchased a Kindle. Also got my mom, another friend, and her mom all get one within two weeks of seeing mine. I should have gotten a commission LOL

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Do I need to purchase the aussie power adaptor, light, case, headphones??? or can I get these here. I don't want to get a case that is clumsy and heavy which some of them seem to be from the reviews I have read. Did you or your colleagues get the 3g version or just the straight wifi version?


We all bought the 3G + WiFi version - it means I can download on the train going to work, overseas etc without having to rely on being near a WiFi hotspot. The 3G version lets you download anywhere in the world where there is coverage. I'm taking mine to Africa in a few months and from the coverage maps I've checked I'll be able to download in most areas, including some of the game reserves.


Also, most of us bought the Amazon lighted cover - it's excellent and it means you can hold the Kindle like a book plus the light is great for reading in a darkened room, on a plane, etc. As somone mentioned, with the cover the Kindle is still only the thickness of an average paperback but the cover also gives good protection if (and when!) you drop it.


I haven't bothered with headphones but I did buy the aussie power adaptor at the same time as I bought the Kindle and got it on special for $4.95. I have read some reports that you can use a USB power adaptor from Dick Smiths but I haven't bothered trying that. Search on the Amazon Kindle discussion forums and you'll find which brands suit Aussie users.

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If you're just reading, the Kindle is a great device, and I'd go with Wi-fi only. I do prefer the Nook, however for a few reasons:


1. It is ePub which means other ebook stores can work with it, including public libraries (library support is coming to the Kindle, though)

2. B&N's store makes it easier to find the free books

3. B&N lets you read in store for an hour a day, any book, which is a nifty feature.


The Nook Color is a different game though, since it's a color screen (which means GLARE IN THE SUN!), internet access, video playback, and more. I'm tempted to get one of these for travel since it does more than just read, but the glare is a serious problem if you do outdoor reading by a pool, on a ship deck, etc.


I hope this helps!

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Thanks so much for all your useful advice on my proposed birthday present to myself. After much research and following advice here I have ordered the Kindle 3g/wifi version with the Amazon leather case with the light, the anti glare screen, the international AC charger kit and the Bose headphones. I think that should cover most aspects I hope. Now the fun will start checking out the books. Its amazing how much time you can spend/waste doing all this!! Thanks again.

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Thanks so much for all your useful advice on my proposed birthday present to myself. After much research and following advice here I have ordered the Kindle 3g/wifi version with the Amazon leather case with the light, the anti glare screen, the international AC charger kit and the Bose headphones. I think that should cover most aspects I hope. Now the fun will start checking out the books. Its amazing how much time you can spend/waste doing all this!! Thanks again.


When you browse the book section, there is a a "free ebook collection" link in your left hand hand (its usually under popular features.) There are tons of classics (click the most popular classics link in the paragraph) and a bunch of promotional books that change every so often. Check 'em out! There are a lot of great stuff out there. You can start purchasing books now (so if you see free ones you like pick them up asap as they may not be free for long) if you download the kindle for pc program (or any of the other platforms.) When you get your kindle you can update your account and they will appear there too. Some of the authors you'll see on the promotional offers aren't always big time ones, often self-published one but I have read some really wonderful stories that way and have gone back to purchase some of their other works. The lovely thing about kindle is I can pick up any free book that sounds interesting I can pick it up and carry it around with me, and if its terrible I haven't really taken up any space.


Have fun browsing books!

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Thanks so much for all your useful advice on my proposed birthday present to myself. Now the fun will start checking out the books. Its amazing how much time you can spend/waste doing all this!! Thanks again.


I'm sure you'll be delighted with your birthday present. If you check out the Amazon Kindle discussion forum, free books are listed each day and you'll also find links to other free book sites. A feature I particularly like is being able to download a sample, usually the first 3 chapters of a book, and this has given me a feel for the writer's style, which has saved me money when I've found that some bestsellers didn't appeal to me after all! Some of the free books have helped me find unknown authors and I've gone on to purchase more of their books because I've enjoyed their style.

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