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Passport Dilemma. Be forewarned!!!!!


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I am almost calm tonight. My fingernails have all but disappeared. I have used up a bottle of antacid. I have no more tears to shed. My anger, if not dissipated, at least is leashed.


Oh, who am I kidding? I have been through the most frustrating week of my life. I hope it never happens to anyone else. I hope it ends well for me.


Most of all, I hope I am on that airplane I have scheduled next Saturday week to Rio to start a South American cruise. I may not be, and the travel insurance which I purchased will not cover my problem.


In a nutshell, my passport is lost in the mail, and the post office cannot find it, and I am not sure I can get replacements back in time.


It started back in January when I applied for a new passport, and paid extra for expedited service. My passport would not expire until August, but to get a Visa for Brazil, it had to be valid for six months after entry (on March 36)


I get the new one back, and fix up all the paper work and the $110 in fees and send it to the Brazilian consulate. I waited,and I waited and I waited, and finally I got antsy and sent an e-mail. No answer. Two more. No answer. I called my TA and got him to call. He couldn't get tothe right person, who was out with flu or something, but he did the number for me. I wasted three days trying to call her, only to find out they had never received my application.


Oh wow! Now I started calling the post office, postal officials in Washington, everyone I could think of. No trace of it. Then I started calling the National Passport office, the Houston regional office and finally, when all else was drawing blanks (friendly people but loads of misinformation) I called my Congressman. OK, I didn't vote for him, but he still represents me, so let him do his job.


His local staff is great, but it took them two days to get all the info together. Upshot, I had to go to the downtown courthouse, fill out lost passport forms, apply for a new one. Along the way get new photos made, get money from the bank, get special Expediting mailers from the post office, etc.


Why? All I had to do in January was to mail everything in. Because. No good reason except I had a Valid Passport in My Possession then, and now I had only a cancelled one. No mind that you can mail up to five years after expiration. This is different. No VPIMP. Oh, and bring along a birth certificate?


A what? I put that thing up years ago in safekeeping, but who knows where safe is today.


By this time it is Friday afternoon, and my granddaughter bucked commuter traffic to get me 17 miles to the courthouse. We got around no birth certificate with lots more forms, but then I have to have a photo ID. I showed them my recently cancelled passport (which was going into this big envelope of stuff.) Nope, cancelled. It got me thorugh a dozen airports and ships and two dozen foreign countries, but not thorugh the courthouse!


How about a driver's license? Ok, but it recently expired, and since I no longer drive I did not renew it. An expired license is not acceptable. Two pix, two sigs, not enough. Finally, they let my teenage granddaughter, who had a driver's license, sign some papers that she has known me all her life!


Now this is frustrating enough. Comes the real kicker.

"This will be back in two weeks," she tells me. Two weeks! I have only 13 days! Why does she think I just paid more than $100 for expedited service? And then it has to go back to the Brazilian consulate for a visa.


"Your congressman's staff can put on a rush on it," she said. Right.


I reached for the package. Sorry. I am not allowed to touch it now. MY money, my cancelled passport, MY photos, MY applications, but under presesnt bureaucratic rules I can no longer touch it. The courthouse pickup already has left for the day, so it will go out Monday afternoon!


Three days???? I have only 13 days for all this turnaround and my application is going to spend three days in the cottonpicking Tulsa courthouse???? The post office is across the street, for goodness sake, couldn't somebody just amble over there with it? Nope.


Yep, that is what has happened. Too late in the afternoon for me to call in a supervisor, the sheriff, a federal judge. Rules are rules. Period.


I think it is some kind of stupid Homeland Security regulation. Why I could be trusted in January to handle all this by mail myself, and now I CAN't , WHO KNOWS??? After all, I am a little old grayhaired lady that gets full body search each time I go through airport security. I must look like a terrorist.


So, I was not going to let them see me cry. I turned around and came home. I woke up off and on during the night, anger boiling out of my chest. OVER $200 this was costing me, and a helluva lot more if I can't get on that plane!!! Or get off it.


And the feds are screwing me up. First the post office, then the passport division.


My congressman's staff called Houston passport division Tuesday morning and asked them to rush it through. The lady at the Brazilian consulate says she will personally walk my application through if and when it gets to her. Promises. I can only hope.


Moral: Guard your passport with your life!!!! Don;'t get snarled in government red tape. It is too tangling.


And pray for me. Cry with me. Or laugh with me.




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Joan, I will add you to my prayers tonight and hope all will go well. Please let us know if you get the passport in time. I work for the state government in New Jersey and I know in our department we would have walked it over to the mail room ourselves. Hopefully they are never in your position and someone treats them like they treated you.

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Joan, I just said a little prayer for you, and my heart goes out to you. I have some idea how you must feel about guarding your passport with your life! When my husband & I first went to apply for our passports years ago, I had NO CLUE how much red tape I'd run into because I was ADOPTED, of all things! I won't go into the whole saga, but I was one woman in total suspense until I finally had that passport in my hot little hands!


I do hope that this is all resolved for you very, very soon. You need to be getting all excited about your cruise, not freaking out about the passport/visa problem!!!

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Thanks, everybody, for your kind words.


This would be funny if it were not so cruise-threatening!


In fact, a friend and I sat down lastnight and went over everything that had happened and we laughed until I cried all over again.


May as well laugh. All I can do is sit and wait and shrivel myself into a prune until I won't even enjoy the cruise if I get on the boat!


love to all


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Joan, I really hope the passport goddesses, the post office goddeses and the Brazilian visa issuing goddesses start talking together and accomplish something favourable in time for you. (Yes, I used goddesses on purpose -- we know that if you want something done right and on time you ask a busy woman. :D)

My prayers and all my Irish saints are with you.



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I hope, you receive your passport in time!


Is there no possibility to get a new "fast" passport? You can arrange something like that in Germany, it is not valid for entry in all countries (for example United States - because you need a amchine readable passport for US) but it is OK for most countries of the world and you can have this passport in 1 hour....


Wish you all the best



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Hugs, Joan.........hope that all works out well for you! Even tho you started out early to get things done....good lesson for all of us!!!!! Make sure your PP is up to date. In our state, even if you dont drive, you can still get a photo ID at the DOT but in some places that wont suffice.

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Hi Joan,

Deep breath girl. I know it's sooooooooo fustrating. You know what I am going through with my identity problem. I know you will make the cruise. I feel very positive about that.I'll tell you one thing, the passport people, the Post office and everyone envolved are lucky they weren't dealing with Gail..Maybe you should let her handle it..heads will roll....and you will have plenty of breadsticks to boot :). You will look back at this as you are having dinner aboard ship and laugh about it. Just remember to leave all your assault weapons home this time so you don't get stopped at the airport this time :D.

You will have a great time!!


Luv ya,

Jeff and Kevin

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I can imagine how frustrated you must be! I will say a few prayers as well, but like Jeff (or is it Kevin?) I just have a feeling this is all going to work out fine and you'll laugh about it at sail away.


Keep your cool, stay on the phone and then pack your bags, I'm sure it will all work out!

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I hope all this gets done in time. It sounds like you have done everything that YOU can and that can bring you some solice. This story sure argues for small government!


What I and my daughter found out recently is that "first class" mail is surely not "first class." It can not be tracked or traced. She ordered something and was really upset when it was lost in the mail and the post office said since it wasn't insured that they had no idea where it could be and they had to liability. I never knew that.


Your story convinces me to use FedEx for every important transaction in the future!



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On that point (Fedex) I agree. Our renewals were sent using USPS Express Mail and we were "guaranteed" delivery next day at the US Passport Office.


Nope. Didn't arrive. Didn't show up in the tracking system either. I had receipts (had to mail mine and my wife's in two separate packages) and filed a claim two days after mailing at my local PO. Thankfully they found the packages. They never left the clerk's window.


I asked for a refund of the postage (it was guaranteed next day delivery, you know) and was told that the guarantee didn't count unless the packages were actually sent!


When I asked for the packages back so I could Fedex them instead, they refused. They said once it's in the "system" mail cannot be returned to anyone. ("How do we know you were the one that mailed these packages?")


At least the Passport Office received the packages the next day after my visit and all went well thereafter.


My advice (besides the usual "don't wait till the last minute") is to go directly to a Passport Office if at all possible, even if it means a trip to a major city. The process is worth the money, IMO.

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Joan, You know that we are all in your corner and now we have the goddesses working with us.


It is unfortunate timing since our Homeland Security Act has gotten the backs of the Brazil government up and it has made it soooo much tougher.


However, we are all hoping that someone along the line hears the voice of reason and we will be expecting a full review on your return from another wonderful cruise!

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I will gladly review this SA cruise if I EVER get on it!!!!

This has been a nightmre for ten days now, and likely to continue right up through time to board that plane.


You will hear screaming from Oklahoma to Wisconsin, believe me, if things don't work out. You think these boards have been acting up lately? They will be rocking with my anger and frustrating, as though a hurricane had descended. An Oklahoma tornado, that is!!!


Of course, the boards have nothing to do with my woes. It is just that no one understands better than other cruisers what is going on.


I am checking into flights to Houston now, where my visa would come from. I may hop a Southwest plane and see if I can hand carry it through. I have a good friend in Houston who will help me get around, I hope.


I am thinking only positive thoughts. It will arrive. It will arrive. IT WILL arrive!




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What a nightmare! I'd be ranting and raving and on that plane to Houston! (Well, Miami in my case) You're right to focus now on positive thoughts...and I'll keep you in my thoughts and send you oodles of positive energy.

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Was a passport ofice anywhere in a couple hours drive that could process it the same day. Know in our area Conn. has an office for an extra fee they will process it while you wait(took 2-3 hrs, but was worth the hassle, etc)

Also, I noticed that you applied for a Brazilian Visa.........is it needed if cruising Rio? Also how much is it? We are doing SA next year

Hope all goes well


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If you want to set foot in Brazil, yes, you must have a valid passport in your possession stamped with a visa. Thevisa costs a $100 "reciprocity fee" (because the US charges that for them) plus a $10 processing fee, payable in postal money orders only. The passport must be valid for at least six months AFTER your arrival in Brazil, which is where I got into trouble. Mine was not, so I had to get a new passport which I could not do until after I had returned from a cruise in December.


Nearest passport office for me is Houston, Texas, a 15 hour drive from Tulsa,OK. Since my passport did not arrive today, I have booked a flight on Southwestern for Tuesday. When it gets here, I will hand carry to the consulate in Houston.


I swear I am not going to be a nervous wreck, but I am, I am. If I ever get on that ship, my bar tab may amount to more than my ticket costs. That is, if I have anything left after all this.




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What a story! Can you get an appt at the passport office in Houston that fast?

I know in Miami they won't let you in the building without an appt. Then they let you in 10 or 15 minutes prior to your appt. Thanks 911!


It will all work out. Have you thought about calling a consumer person like Clark Howard? Get a little publicity going. They love making the govt look bad! LOL!


Keep a good thought.



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When my husband & I first went to apply for our passports years ago, I had NO CLUE how much red tape I'd run into because I was ADOPTED, of all things!


Usha mentions that an adoption created a problem with obtaining a passport. I am getting ready to prepare my husband's passport application. He was adopted at birth. Is there anything I should be prepared for? Fortunately, I have 5 months before our cruise. I don't want any snags.






Sun Princess to Alaska - 8/29/05

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Usha mentions that an adoption created a problem with obtaining a passport. I am getting ready to prepare my husband's passport application. He was adopted at birth. Is there anything I should be prepared for? Fortunately, I have 5 months before our cruise. I don't want any snags.






Sun Princess to Alaska - 8/29/05



Get birth certificate and adoption papers in hand.

You probably should call the National Passport Service or find their website to determine exactly what you need.


The first time I went for a passport, I found my birth certificate was not acceptble. I was named only "Baby." Fortunately, my parents were still living then and could sign affidavits that Baby and Joan were one and the same. Then I had to have my birth certificate amended and refiled before I got passport.


When it came up for renewal, I had planned a hurried up ripo to Spain, with return only days before expiration. Unfortunately, I got caught in a cloudburst in the Costa del Sol and ended up with pneumonia, and could not get on the plane home. Had to get it renewed through the consulate in Madrid, -- took about four weeks. I was staying with my nephew and his wife so it not break the bank.


I almost missed the renewal for that one too. Had to get hellp from my sister in law who was field secretary for a congressman. That's how I knew to call the local office for help this time.


This time I thought would be easy. Right.


Thanks to all of you for the support and prayers.




P.S. Yeah, Jeff, if Gail had been around, believe me,I probably would have called her to help me out. Usually I can do a pretty good job of standing up for myself, but when you face a bureaucrat -- well, they don't back down. They just don't budge.





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I had an identical experience two years ago,also needed a Brazilian visa. I sent my valid passport via an agency (told to do this by Cruise line), I sent it recorded First class by USPS. WRONG THING TO DO Agency never received it, Post Office then told me "There is no way to track this" me "It was recorded delivery, I have a number and was supposed to get a signature" Absolutely no interest from USPS.


Like you I had to go through all the red tape at Govnt offices. I got a new passport, took my cruise, then about 6 weeks later USPS returned the missing package. as "Undeliverable" It was soaked with what looked like COFFEE, and completely ruined.

obviously some worker had spilled the contents of theit coffee cup/pot over it. Did I get an apology? You know I did not.

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