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Kathy, my computer has been doing funny things and is very slow so I am taking it in tomorrow after Zumba. Hopefully I will be able to get it back in a day or so.


How are you and Bill doing? Is your back better and his toe better? Luckily we have been doing pretty good health wise for a little while now.


Bill's DD and her DD are coming in from Ohio on Friday, I think we will probably see them on Sat. They are leaving right away again on Sunday morning. It will be a quick trip, but that is what she usually does. This is the DD that I thought was staying with us last time and didn't, so this time I didn't do anything special as she will probably stay at her sisters house anyway. Bill's son from northern WI is coming in also, but will stay at a motel. All of us try to get together for dinner and that will be on Sat.


I might be able to get on here with my tablet if I don't get my computer back. Its just harder to type because it has such a sensitive "virtual" keyboard. My computer guy yelled at me for opening things in my e-mail he says thats where I pick up the viruses, but thats what I like to do. I think I might not take it to him after this time.


Ok have a good weekend, Sharon

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Sharon, I have had the same problem at work for my computer as well. I got a virus and just got my computer back form the guy who fixes our computers. I was not able to gain access to anything. How annoying is that?


My back is better however we are going to schedule an MRI to see just what is going on to play it safe. As far as Bill goes, he will get his stitches out on Monday and so far he has been doing OK.


Kind of a gloomy day here today. Bill has been working on the outside getting all of the summer stuff put away in preparation for winter. As it is not far off. Sunday it will be getting dark earlier with the time change.


Hope all is well with you and Bill.



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Sharon, have you gotten your PC back and working? I also lost most of my programs at work and am trying to get everything back to where it was. These darn virus can ruin everything very quickly.


It is a nice sunny day, and yesterday was nice as well. I hope you have a nice weekend.




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I got it back yesterday afternoon, some stuff wasn't there and he charged me again for putting on Excel, word and power point. I told him he charged me last time too, but he said he didn't have the "key" to put them back without getting it again. He also wanted me to call before I came to pick it up, I did and told him it would take about a half an hour to get there. When I got there, he said I had gotten him out of bed and he was soooo tired. Well, I let him know I was coming so how come he went to bed in the first place in the middle of the afternoon! Then when he started it up it wouldn't work so he deleted and reinstalled Malware. When I got home it wouldn't work again so I called him and he had me delete the Malware again. I told him, last time he told me to buy it and I did and now he wants me to take it off. I'm getting tired of him, I think he's charging me too much and not doing as good a job any more. Next time I'll take it somewhere else and let him sleep.


We worked outside today and are pooped! Bills DD and her daughter are here somewhere but didn't come to our house. His other daughter called and left a message while we were outside saying we were all meeting at the restaurant tonight at 7pm for prime rib. Guess they have been visiting all day. Well, it doesn't bother me, and Bill doesn't seem upset, and we got lots done and didn't have to entertain them so alls good.


Did you have your test yet or just get it scheduled for your back? Hope you are able to enjoy the day, its been pretty nice out.


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Sharon, I remember last year when they came and you had everything ready for them to stay, and they never came. So it is probably good that you just went out to eat with them. As far as your computer goes, I would definitely find someone else as this guy soul way out there, a strange person.


A nice day here today just a bit on the windy side. I have my ultra sound scheduled for Wednesday. I am waiting for the paperwork to arrive from the Dr so I can schedule the MRI for my back and neck.


Enjoy the rest of the day.




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We had a good time last night, huge prime ribs, I didn't want one so I ordered the queen filet, it was good but almost a little too done. It was nice to see everyone again, Bill's DD's daughter is beautiful. She works as a clothes designer for Selena Gomez. But she says that she never comes in someone else runs the place. If you don't know, Selena is Justin Beiber's girlfriend, probably in her very early 20's! Guess she has to put her money somewhere. I took some pictures and will see if I can get one on here, I always forget how I did it the time before.


Sounds like you will have everything medical taken care of next week, thats good!


Heard there is a really big marathon in NY today, bet you are glad not to be part of it, having already done it.


No sun, and very windy, but no SNOW, so we're still good!


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Sharon, I am glad you had a nice time dining out yesterday. How long are they staying or have they already gone back. Yes, today and for the next few days it will be wet and gloomy. Also this week I have all of my tests scheduled. Wednesday I have the ultra sound and on Friday I have the MRI.


Yesterday we ended going out to eat at Aurello's in the next town for a double B-Day celebration. One for my daughter's boy and the other for Bill's son's boy. So it was good to see them all. We just about have everything all put away for the winter. There is just a few more things and Bill should have it all wrapped up this week when the weather gets better.


Is your computer all fixed or do you still have some issues?




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My computer is supposed to be all fixed, but it still seems slow. It is probably 5 or 6 years old so I might just get a different one if something goes wrong again with this one. I hate to wait for things to come up.


Everyone has gone back, they all left Sunday morning. So we only got to see the two from out of town on Sat night at dinner. The others are all pretty much local.


We worked on getting things put away for the winter and getting the snow blower up to the attached garage from the pole building on Sat afternoon also. I keep hearing rain maybe mixed with snow, and one of these days its going to really do it. Would like it to hold off as long as possible, it is a long cold season once it starts.

Did you hear about the earthquake in OK? I read in the paper they ususally have around 50 a year but after 2009 its increased and last year they had 1,047. I didn't even know that OK got earthquakes, just tornados.


Going to get a few tulip bulbs put in the ground yet today, before the rain hits. They took all the corn out around us last night and today so its looking pretty open.

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Sharon, I did hear about the earthquake in OK. But I never knew that they got so many each year, what a surprise. Rain all day today and not good tomorrow. Don't you just hate to see winter arrive. Kind of depressing.


Well last night at weigh-in I gained 1 pound. So now for the first time in over a year I had to pay last night as I was over my goal. So needless to say I was not happy at all. Going all of that time and maintaining and now falling off the wagon. So now with the weather and now this I am really depressed.




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I bet you get if off for next week, I have gained 2 pounds from the weekend, so working on that too. Yes I hate to see winter come, don't like to drive in the snow at all. It's really cold and windy today feels like it could snow tonight, hope not.


Well I think Nancy Grace should be the one to go tonight, she just is not the quality dancer that the others are, but there is still Hope and the Kardashin guy that needs to go also. It will be between Ricky and Jr I think. He should be the one to get it though he is so good.


Time for dinner, I'm heating up (yes we like leftovers ha ha) some pea soup that I made yesterday. Also got a loaf of crusty bread to go with it.


Didn't do much exercise at all today, hope its nicer out tomorrow, but don't think its supposed to be.


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It was a rough trip downtown this morning. Traffic was real bad. I was home yesterday at 3:30 as we lost power at the store and it never came back on until night time. So I sent everyone home, we could not really see as it was too dark, and yesterday was a gloomy day as well. Today it is very windy and it was really blowing the car around on the way home. I think a lot of the leaves will be off the trees after today.


We will have to get up real early on Friday as I have to be downtown at 6:30. We sure got a lot of rain yesterday and today. Lucky it is not cold outside otherwise we would have an ice rink. I hope you are having a good day today.




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Well it finally happened, we had snow flurries this afternoon! Nothing is sticking so far...


Was glad to see that Nancy Grace got booted off the DWTS last night, now I wonder who will be next the Kardashian guy or Hope?


We will be watching the CMA awards tonight, hope its a good show.


How did the ultra sound go, did they tell you anything or make you wait for the Dr to tell you? Don't know why they can't just say right away!


We have had a lot of rain too, but its supposed to clear up for the weekend. I have a Zumbathon to go to on Friday night so I'm taking Bill with and then we will eat dinner afterwards. It starts at 6:30 pm, its a benefit for diabetes and veterans, funny combination isn't it.


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Sharon, wow snow your way. It is a lot warmer here so only rain for us. The ultra sound went OK. Of course they did not tell me anything. I have to wait to hear it from the Dr. Since I have a history of cancer in my family that is why he ordered the ultra sound.


Did you watch ABC last night when they were talking to all of the country singers and the group where the stage collapsed? So tonight the CMA should be a good thing to watch. Yes, a strange combination for Veterans Day. But a good thing that Bill will go with you. Enjoy and have a great time.


You spoke of that NYC Marathon this past Sunday. Bill ran that a while back and his marathon running days are over now only coaching. I love NYC, I went shopping while he was running. A great way to pass the time.




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I have never been to NY, wouldn't know where to go or what to even see! But Bill's DGD said if we ever get there she will show us around, so that would be nice.


Your Bill was so active, other than coaching the marathon runners does he do anything else to keep in shape? I had Zumba this morning and it was a good class. It was really hot so one of the girls opened the door and the wind came roaring in. I went through one song like that then told her it was too cold, she said she was thinking the same thing. Three of the gals are losing weight, two of them down around 20 pounds the other one just started she said Oct 28 and down 11 pounds. They are all taking Calcium Pyruvate. The two are going to medically supervised weight loss clinics and the last one just joined WW on line and the health club. I guess I've got to step it up a little more or I'll be the heaviest one there! How are you doing getting the extra pound off?


Praying for you to get good news on your ultra sound, it is probably just a preventitive thing so you can put your mind at rest.


We have sunshine and clouds today, everytime a cloud goes over we have snow flurries with it!


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Sharon, what a change in the weather. Yesterday, that wind just went right through you. The man came and closed down our pond for the winter. However that means he puts in heaters to keep 2 holes in the ice. Takes out the UV lights and pulls out the filters. The pond waterfalls stay running all winter. Now that the water temp goes below 50 degrees the fish stop eating. So the only thing we have to do is drop in baking soda to keep the PH from dropping too much.


When we go to NYC we fly into Newark and then take the Penn Station train to the WTC (World Trade Center) and our hotel is right there. Then we take the subway into the city. We both have a membership to a local health club. I have not gone once and Bill goes in the mornings.


It sounds like the gals from Zumba are doing very well with their weight-loss. I don't know how I am doing. With all of the stress I have been under this week. Stress has a lot to do with gains.


We got another $1200 knocked our cruise as the price dropped once again.




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You mean the koi don't eat all winter long? I would think they would have to eat something just to keep alive. Funny, when the weather dips below 50 degrees, I don't quit eating, ha ha


I think you did tell me awhile back that you had joined the health club. I bet if you didn't work everyday you would be going too. When you get home from work you are probably beat. Can't remember if I asked before, but does Bill have dinner ready for you when you get home or do you have to cook?


That cruise is going to be free pretty soon! Lucky you!!


None of the snow stuck to the ground but its really cold today.


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Sharon, the Koi in the winter kind of go into hibernation. They stay all together on the bottom and don't really move around that much. That is why there is very little to do during the winter months except put boxes of baking soda every month. The fish as well as many species that are cold blooded go into a different mode during the winter months.


A few times a week we go to eat at our club, other days we get take out, and yet other days we cook outside on our grill. We don't really make a big production for dinner as we do not really eat that much. I also heard that in Mc Henry County that there is a breakout of whooping cough, be careful.




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I had a hot sweaty time at the Zumbathon last night, it was about an hour and a half all together. But poor Bill, he came along to watch, many other men where there also as it was a benefit for diabetes and veterans, but it was cold in there if you were just sitting. His hands were like ice and he was sneezing and sneezing. We got in the car and turned on the seats and heater on high! Don't know what we will do tonight, haven't decided yet.


Thats nice that you don't have to make a big meal, I usually do, but I think Bill would be just as happy with a sandwich and soup or something easy. We are wondering what to do for Thanksgiving, we could go out or make dinner here and invite his sister over, still have a little time to decide.


Yes in the paper today they said there was one case in here in town, but seems most town around here have several cases. I thought it had been wiped out, guess thats what happens when people don't get their kids vacinated when they are young like they are supposed to. Hope our many years old imunizations are still good, sure wouldn't want to get that. Also heard that people are getting chicken pox laced lollipops for their kids so they get it an get over it, stupid!


Do you go to NY very often? Sounds like you sure have getting there and getting around down pat.


Supposed to rain later tonight and maybe tomorrow, hope not,


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Sharon, I forgot to tell you that I went to Brown County Indiana this weekend. I went with my sister and my daughters and nice's. I just got back a little while ago. We try to go to NY once a year. Bill gets free flights as he is retired from UAL. He just has to pick the right flights to go for as we fly stand-by.


Did you find a good place to eat in WI on Friday? It was a nice day yesterday and even better today in Indiana. I will go to the orthopedic specialist on Thursday to see just what the MRI said.




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Yes, I was surprised too at how mild the weather was yesterday, but that wind was really blowing! On Friday we went before the Zumbathon to Chili's. They had entre's that were free for veterans, but we chose to just get a bowl of soup and a half order of Texas Cheese fries and of course I had a strawberry margarita. Thank goodness we went early so I wasn't so full by the time the zumba started. Didn't do much yesterday, but sounds like you had a great time with everyone in in Indiana. Did you shop or go to some show?


Today very dark, supposed to rain, but it was supposed to Sat night and Sun too and didn't so maybe it won't today either. Just doing laundry and straigtening up the house today.


You are lucky with the free flights, even though you have to make sure you can get on, saves alot of money and opens up the opportunity to travel.


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Sharon it has been raining here since this morning. I would think that with eating before hand that you might not feel as good during your exercises. Yes, that is what we were doing over the weekend, shopping and eating. It looks like I gained 3 pounds over the weekend. So needless to say I am not going to weigh-in tonight.


Your poor Bill having to just sit and wait all of that time. But it sounds like he may have had some company form the other men there. Did you do anything else over the weekend?




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Isn't it terrible how fast the pounds can come back on, seems you have to be ever vigil or there they are right back! I have been feeling like that lately too, all those other gals are doing so good and I can't seem to get back at it.


Hope the dr can maybe just give you some exercises to do that will help your back. I have spinal stenosis and a disc problem but honestly since I have been doing zumba it is better. When I used to be on the riding mower for several hours it really hurt, but now I don't even notice. So I guess active can help with some problems, hope it helps with yours.


Did you ever find out the results of your other test? I'm guessing (and hoping) everything is good.


Thursday already tomorrow, I have the zumba class then I'm going up to Best Buy with my tablet, somehow I've lost my e-mail on it and can't figure out how to get it back.



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Sharon, I just got back form the Dr and I am going to get a shot in my neck area to help with the pain. Then he gave me a collar to wear for bed. Then a prescription and PT. All in a effort to relieve the tension and pain. So we will see what happens.


You are right in saying that exercises are the best thing for us. They have these PT places as most people will not do the things they need to do themselves. Those PT places force you to do the exercises that you need to do. Wow what a change in temps.


The ultra sound checked out OK and the rest of the tests are OK as well.


Well time to get back to the grind. Have a good day.




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Sounds like the Dr is getting you all fixed up, hope everything working together does the trick.


Zumba was fun this morning then I went to Best Buy and got a wireless mouse and a flash drive. I was thinking when I take my computer to that jerk to fix, it has my financial stuff on it. So I want to be able to put it on this little scan thing and off my computer. Then when I get it back I can put the stuff back on. I have quite a few formulas in the program and don't want to have to create them all over again. It will be interesting to see if I can figure out how to do it (or not).


The idiot guy who farms around our property was picking up tree branches and dumping them over and some times on top of our fence last night...after dark. But I saw him and went and looked this afternoon, its a mess in several places. Not only are the logs on top of the fence but in some places knocked the fence down. I've already had it in with him in the spring about "trees" but I guess he thinks he can do what he wants.


Almost the weekend, there is another zumbathon at the Grand Geneva but not sure I'll go or not, Bill will probably want to go dancing, there is also a really good group at the Lodges of Geneva Ridge both Friday and Saturday night.


Supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow!


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