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Looking for a WL buddy... sailing Feb 2012


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Whoo hooo missguy - how exciting to have a November cruise lined up! :D I am anxiously awaiting our February cruise...LOL. Congrats on the anniversary too.


Good for you Bobblefrog! I'm glad you are feeling re-motivated. The change of weather seems to give me a boost too, I've been walking but haven't been too good on watching what I eat. Still those darn chips n salsa! :rolleyes:


We are definitely in fall here, temps dropped a lot the past 2 days. My grandson had a football game this evening and while pulling out some of my fall clothes to try and find something warmer to wear, I found that very little still fits - which is good, I'm not complaining - but it means I will need to do some serious shopping, and I'm not overly fond of "must" shopping trips. I enjoy it when I'm just browsing for good bargains, but not when I have the pressure that I HAVE to buy something. LOL I did find some good bargains at Kohl's last night, but they didn't have my size in the things I picked out. :( So I left with a couple of Christmas gifts but no fall clothes! haha


Have a great weekend everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate when I can't find things - I love Kohls but have always had a hard time finding things that fit. Not sure why? It's like so many things aren't quite "right" even if they are in my size. We've been trying to get a new client to sign with us for over a month now. When they do I am going to give myself a little shopping trip. We have a couple of consignment stores here where I can usually find nice things.


I haven't been dieting per se - just upping the exercise (walking more) and trying to watch what I eat (more fiber and mineral water) and I have managed to not gain, and maybe lose a little. So I am feeling pretty good. I'm not going to be thin for my trip - but if I could lose another dress size before we go, I think I'd feel pretty good. I'm thinking of trying the couch to 5k thing...anyone ever done that? My BF runs and I thought maybe if I could get myself in a semblance of shape by the first of the year I could surprise him by being able to go with him. Well, maybe not as far as HE runs, but little neighborhood jogs.


Here all is good - rainy, but I'm enjoying the beginnings of fall - many of the trees here are already starting their color.


How is everyone else doing??

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I'm thinking of trying the couch to 5k thing...anyone ever done that? My BF runs and I thought maybe if I could get myself in a semblance of shape by the first of the year I could surprise him by being able to go with him. Well, maybe not as far as HE runs, but little neighborhood jogs.



DO IT!!! I didn't follow the actual program, but I have read it... a couple years ago I started not even being able to run even a half mile, and now just last night I went 9 miles!!! Granted, I go relatively slow but regardless it is still excellent and effective exercise. I started just going as far as I could without going crazy or overdoing it.. But each time just push myself to go a little farther. Like.. I'm going to make it to that driveway. I'm going to make it to that lightpost. I'm going to make it to the park down the street. I'm going to make it to that street.. etc. Just a little farther each time. If you need to stop and walk to catch your breath do it! You do have to push yourself but you know your body and if you feel like you are pushing too hard, back off/slow down a little, or walk. You WILL lose more weight and inches too. For every mile you jog/run you burn approx 100 calories :) Also.. don't start off trying to go every day if you are feeling any pain or soreness. Let your feet/legs heal and then try again. I wish I could go with my hubby... but he likes to run 1 fast mile and I just can't run that fast. If I go faster, my feet also pound the pavement harder which makes my shins hurt more. So I much prefer slower and farther. :)


Also.. your BF can probably give you some tips, but a couple of basic things I learned which are pretty helpful.. when you're running, try to maintain good posture - it is easier to breathe if you're maintaining good posture rather than slouching or slumping over. Also don't flail your arms around when you start to get tired, cuz you'll just be wasting energy and get even more tired! Also a good pair of shoes is important. If you're serious about starting, invest in a good pair of shoes from a running store. The clerk can help you to determine if you pronate or not and will help pick the best shoe. Also.. take the plunge and actually register for a 5k, to give yourself that goal to really commit to and work toward. You can do it!!!


My 1/2 marathon is in just 19 days! I'm getting nervous! Hoping to get one more long run in.. Gonna go for 11 miles this weekend!! :)


Hope everyone is having a good week so far. We leave for our trip in just 135 days :eek: I'm getting so excited! We've been having some rainy days here, but today is nice so far... I am loving these fall temperatures. We took our first trip to the cider mill this past weekend, even.

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@brokenglass...I'm sailing on 2/12/12 also...what ship are you going to be on? I have been dieting (1000 cals) for about 1 month now (I track with MyNetDiary on my smartphone) and have only lost 4lbs. I also started walking and using my TotalGym and hope that will help. I need to lose 30lbs total (not necessarily for cruise but hoping to reduce my cholesterol so I don't need to take pills). Any and all suggestions are welcome!!

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kathydeux! Thanks for the great advice and encouragement. I haven't started yet though :-( Maybe this week as it's finally a little cooler here. If Rick were here I probably would already be doing it. I think a buddy would be a help here! I was always the one that didn't want to get out and exercise because of the unwanted attention (thin you get wolf whistles and fat you get jeers!). I have to get over that! And say who cares :-)


blue1956 - good for you! I have heard the slower the weight comes off the "more permanent it is" so don't be disheartened. Check to make sure you aren't eating too few calories and throwing your body into that zone where your metabolism slows down trying to conserve? There's a lot of discussion about this on diet forums where actually boosting calories can get better results. That seems so illogical though doesn't it?


I've been slowly trying to change my eating habits to more mediterranean style (again, like we've all talked about, a lifestyle change rather than a diet). And I've had some success finding veggie dishes to make that are quick. I just really don't have the patience to cook! I have started poaching rather than frying my morning egg though, so I consider that a good change.


Hope everyone else is doing well!

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@brokenglass...I'm sailing on 2/12/12 also...what ship are you going to be on? I have been dieting (1000 cals) for about 1 month now (I track with MyNetDiary on my smartphone) and have only lost 4lbs. I also started walking and using my TotalGym and hope that will help. I need to lose 30lbs total (not necessarily for cruise but hoping to reduce my cholesterol so I don't need to take pills). Any and all suggestions are welcome!!


I would up your calories. If you set your calorie limits too low, it'll slow your metabolism.


Try this site to see what you should aim for:


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Hi everyone, I'm going to join in starting today. DH and I cruise on Feb 4, 2012 and I need to lose at least 30 lbs by then. On our last cruise I had lost 35 lbs but have slowly gained it back and then some! I REFUSE to buy more cruise clothes, I can and will get into the ones I wore last year.


DH lost over 100 lbs over the course of 2 years and he looked fabulous on our last cruise, me, not so much... I hate to say it but now I weigh more than him!:eek: That's hard to admit and totally embarrassing.


I'm actually afraid to weigh myself and see how much I've gained back. Besides the Feb cruise we're also booked for 2 weeks on the Splendor to Hawaii in Jan 2013. There is no excuse for me not to be at my goal weight by then. I really want to have 80 lbs gone for that cruise and it's totally doable.


So I need support and someone to be accountable to. Thanks for letting me vent, already feel like I've lost a load of weight! :) I'll be checking in daily and posting my weight loss weekly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Myself and three other girls are cruising on the Victory, Feb. 12th. 2012.

I too do not want to buy anymore cruise outfits. This will be my 17th trip up the gang plank and we all want to party in style.

I have a job that I can't eat at regular times, and when I get home late at night....I'm starving. I have lost 16 lbs so far...but nothing in the last two weeks. Late night snacking is the culprit!! I think I have to cut up some veggie sticks and keep them in the fridge!

Also the weather is getting colder and there is less gardening happening, and more curling up to the TV.......Help!!:eek:

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Hi czez! We are on the same cruise, yeahhhhh buddy! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it, lol. Can't wait!!!


I ran my half-marathon yesterday! It was hard but a very rewarding experience and I'm so glad I did it. My hubby came to support/watch/take photos... He says maybe he will start training and we can do it together next year! I'm hoping to do another one in the spring and then this one again next fall. It really was just awesome! The best part besides crossing the finish line, was running across the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit into Canada.. very neat, also very cold and windy lol. Anyway.. I was really happy about it so couldn't help but share. Today I can hardly walk, lol.


The lbs are coming off SOOOOO slowly it seems but ah well. Still have over 3 months to go. I hope everyone is doing great!! Did everyone have a good weekend? Any amazing healthy recipes anyone wants to share?

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Yes..Kathy......I did notice that, after reading all the posts. I am sooooo looking forward to this trip as well. Living in Ottawa, and working in an ice arena all fall,winter and spring....I need some fun in the sun. Feb. is our coldest month! :eek: Going on a cruise kind of breaks up the season.

I am seeing a dietician to get myself on the right track. She recommended writing down everything you put into your mouth in a day....and review. I know it can be tedious at times.......but you really hold yourself accountable.

When I get home after the game tonight....I will try real hard and just have my hot herbal tea, and go to bed.

Hopfully I will have good news to report to you all on Thursday!

Go Sens Go!!!


Love the Rats and Stars!!!:p

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I haven't been on in a while but am happy to report that so far I've lost 6 lbs. My goal is 2 lbs per week and 3 lbs every 3rd or 4th week.


One thing that has helped me with late night munchies, I fix sugar-free jello. You can pig out on the entire bowl and have only eaten 20 calories!


I also find that if I drink hot coffee in the mid-afternoon it really fills me up and I don't crave the sweets or chocolates that time of day. It also helps that it's just me and DH at home and I do all the shopping. If the food isn't in the house then the temptation is gone.


Hope everyone is having success. Stick with it even when the scale won't budge. Eventually you'll get over the hump, you just have to be determined.

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Hi all! Kathydeux - congrats on the marathon - what an accomplishment!!!!! whoooeeee!!!


I'd love to report I'd lost weight - but I just can't seem to stay motivated. I think I'm glad just not to be gaining. I'm heavier than my BF, too - but heck he's skinny as a rail :p Okay, okay - that's no excuse - if anything I should have gone for a teddybear type so I'd look skinny in comparison. It's all in the right accessories, right ladies??? Grin!


Well we just hit double digits - 99 days - so maybe I can reignite. I know I'd feel better if I lost 20 lbs before our sail date. By biggest problem continues to be the wine. I'm stressed out during the day, drink wine 2-3 nights a week - AND then I completely nosh out.


Sugar free jello - that's a great idea - what did I find lately that was surprisingly low in calories - oh, don't laugh, but sunsweet orange essence prunes. Am I getting old that I LIKE prunes???!!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning everyone! Just checking in to report I've now lost 8 lbs. Very happy even though I'm a little behind on where I want to be. Hey, it's coming off and that's what counts.


We fly out 3 months from today for our next cruise, the ticker will change to 92 days at 5pm. With the weather we had yesterday I'm ready to go NOW! :D




Try soaking in a hot tub or shower when you get home to relax you, then maybe you won't want so much wine. Have you tried something like a wine spritzer using diet 7up? That'll cut half the calories.


Good luck all, keep up the hard work!!!

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Hi everyone!!

I would like to join this thread because I'll be having a wedding and honeymoon during a February cruise :D


I've lost about 10 pounds since August (3 months) I have about 3 more months to go, but would like to lose 10 more pounds-- it doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm in my healthy range and losing the final arm and belly jiggle is SO slow and hard!!


My main motivators are looking good in wedding photos and being able to wear a bikini (with confidence) on my honeymoon :p I also bought a wedding dress 2 sizes smaller than my original dress size, which is a HUGE motivator :rolleyes:


My biggest pitfall is in-office snacking. There are always cookies around and since I teach elementary school, it's so easy to grab cookies during EVERY break for a energy boost. But I managed to keep my hands out of the snack basket today because I was busy reading this thread! Keep up the posts, it's my inspiration :)

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Welcome jangng!


Congrats on your up-coming wedding! Are you getting married on the ship or at a destination?


Sounds like you've had some good results with your weight loss so far. Try taking your own snacks with you so you don't go for the cookies. I love Quaker rice cakes in the chocolate flavor. They have two sizes and really take care of my chocolate/sweet cravings.


Another great option are the new Nature Valley Granola Thins. I've had the chocolate and OMG! Heaven.....


Good luck to everyone, have a great weekend!

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I am sailing in december for a christmas cruise. I would love to lose at least 10 pounds before the cruise. I to love my wine. I am into golf which we did today, probably for only a couple of more weeks due to weather in ontario. I walk at least 8 k a day, run on my treadmill 3 miles every day, plus do some weights. I have tried the jorge cruze diet which is similar to the atkins. I will drink my 2 glasses daily and hope to cut that out during the week. My start weight is 134. I would love to even get down to under 130.

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Welcome jangng!


Congrats on your up-coming wedding! Are you getting married on the ship or at a destination?


Sounds like you've had some good results with your weight loss so far. Try taking your own snacks with you so you don't go for the cookies. I love Quaker rice cakes in the chocolate flavor. They have two sizes and really take care of my chocolate/sweet cravings.


Another great option are the new Nature Valley Granola Thins. I've had the chocolate and OMG! Heaven.....


Good luck to everyone, have a great weekend!


Thank you, YB Nrml! I'll be having the wedding on the ship at port :)

The two snacks you mentioned sound delicious! I will look for some the next time I'm at the store -- I try to keep almonds at my desk but a chocolate cookie or chips is 10 times more appealing :rolleyes: I need to work on self-control.


I'm up 1.5 pounds because we've been eating out way too often this week. Very disappointed when I stepped on the scale today. I will try to add a 30 minute walk each day before the weather gets too cold. Hope that helps.


Does anyone have any good tips on supplements (or in general)? I've been taking at least 1000mg of calcium and probiotic everyday for good digestion... don't know how much effect it has on weight-loss, but I do feel slim when I wake up in the morning. Different story when I start eating though HAHA


I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to their cruise! February is coming fast!!

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Hello everyone! I've been debating using "accountability" as a weight loss motivator with the group of friends I'm crusing with in February, but I just can't share this journey with them yet- I'm afraid I'll fail and then they'll know about it. So the accountability will come from all of you, I hope!


I'd love to share my starting weight, but I don't even know it right now. All I know is I tried to fit into my backup, they-always-fit black party pants last weekend....and they wouldn't zip up the whole way. I was MORTIFIED! I was planning on taking them on the cruise, and now even they don't fit?? So I've set goals. 1) Drink more water and cut back on diet soda. 2) No more eating snacks and food I don't bring with me while I'm at work 3) The gym and/or exercise more days than not in a week 4) Using a tool on my phone, track my calories every day and stay in a 1200-1400 per day range 5) No beer and very little alcohol. My only goal before the cruise in February is to fit into those stupid pants with room to spare, and to look good in at least one swimsuit I already own but that is too small for me right now. I've been good so far this week...but it's the weekend. Here's to willpower and smaller sizes in February :)

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I hear you loud and clear. Unfortunatley accountability is half the battle. I don't like it...but if you write everything down that goes into your mouth, you would be surprised at the end of the day what you eat. It really works and at times is a shocker! Sure, I cheat now and then.....but get right back to it. I also have a stationary bike with a beautiful TV in front and a dvd player. I put on my fav. movie...and before you know it....I've done 25 miles!!!

Good luck and keep it going!!!;)

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Morning all! Haven't been on in a while so thought I'd check in. I've lost a pound a week lately, not my goal at all. :( I injured my foot and really couldn't get in a good workout but it's all healed now so I'm ready to get going again. At least I've lost and haven't stalled or gained.


Good luck to everyone this week, keep up the good work!

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I made it through the weekend with only a minor craft beer/wine binge on Friday night- otherwise I stuck to my plans. Didn't get to the gym this weekend but got plenty of exercise working in the yard! The plan today is spin class and yoga, and making it to the gym 3-4 days this week. I'm still keeping track of everything I eat, which helps. It also helps to think about things one day at a time. I don't have to think about not eating and drinking what I want for weeks and months until I cruise- I only have to be good TODAY. And if I'm not, it's over and tomorrow's a new day. :)

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Just read this thread all the way through and I am inspired by all of your ups and downs; makes me realize I'm in good company. Cruising on 2/11/12 and like some of you I have a smaller amount of weight to lose and I am struggling with the post age 50 metabolism. As many of you have experienced I have found it's easier to lose weight at the beginning of a large weight loss goal (I once was 50 pounds overweight and I never want to be there again!), but it gets harder as one gets closer to their goal.

I have been exercising consistently for 5 weeks, going to the gym at least 4 days per week, sometimes more. Last week I complained to one of the trainers that I have only lost 2 pounds and there has been no change in my clothing fit. She gave me a work out that includes kettle balls and weights in a manner that keeps me working at an aerobic level (that means I start on a treadmill/elliptical/bike for a total of 40 mins then do this weight workout in a circuit that keeps my heart rate up). I so hope this starts to work because it's otherwise pretty frustrating. I did some calorie tracking in the beginning and I was really surprised at how much I was eating; I cut back and I need to track a few days again. I have a weakness for wine in the evening and if I overindulge I will snack too much and well, y'all KNOW the end of that, LOL :rolleyes: I hope to be supportive of all of you and in return to get a kick in the butt from you to get to my goal.

Here's my stats: I want to lose a total of 9 pounds before the cruise and I have lost 2 in my first 5 weeks of effort. I also want to change the shape of my abdomen and thighs so that there is no bulge in the front of my evening dresses and my legs look better in my bathing suit. I own a whole bunch of "Spanx" undergarments; this year I want it to be all me :D Thanks for creating this group! Laurie

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Welcome Laurie, glad to have you join us. Sounds like you've been very dedicated with your workouts. I bet the results WILL happen just keep on keepin' on.


I lost another pound this past week. Also started a new job and my hours are all over the place so fitting in a work out is a challenge. I'll figure it out though. Don't want to cruise with all my "cruise clothes" still at home in the closet.


Everyone keep up the good work! Feb is coming up fast...

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And I'm encouraged by my willpower this time around. Positives: I DID NOT DRINK at a tailgate party this past weekend! I managed to stay within my calorie count for the second straight week. And I tried a resistance training class at the gym (after a 45 min spin class) that was really hard, but I will certainly try to attend several times a week as the cruise gets closer. Negatives: I only made it to the gym once last week. And I did have a few beers last night...'tis the season. My goal this week: don't slip so far that I lose all the ground I've gained in the last 2 weeks and try to stay active, even if that means not getting to the gym- it's a strange week with the holidays, traveling, odd work hours, ect. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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