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Smoking Ban and Early saver, A Twist.


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But, please do not judge other people until you have spent just one day living our lives. I can assure you, some of us make daily choices that I would hope no one else would ever have to make in their lives (again, with smoking ranking really low on that list).


I don't believe that was a judgment, it was a truth.

If you want to pull the woe-is-me thing, that's fine. It just is more honest if you own your addiction.


It does rule you, does it not?? Can you deny it?

That's all Diva is saying.

You say the 'rules' are what's a problem, they aren't. What's ruling you is what is the issue.

I am not in any way trying to belittle your feelings here, but for goodness sake at least be honest with yourself.

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Yes, we will smoke in our cabin when the weather is bad. And, afterwards, I will open the balcony door. We do not chain smoke anywhere (inside or outside).


Actually, on NCL you CAN smoke on your balcony and in your cabin if you wish. I double-checked that.


Due to various issues, we do not go to discos nor many bars on board. We spend most of our time on our balcony or the casino. Both of which are designated smoking areas. And, we LIKE Cigar Bars. That, for us, is a huge part of our cruising experience.


So, please check your facts before posting incorrect information.


Check your facts.....I posted the facts...yes you can smoke in your cabin and on the balcony, also in a small closed off cigar bar, in the disco and on one side of the deck on NCL and that is it


It really sounds like such a waste to sit in the cabin puffing away... and you say you both have health issues?? How sad


I also have to wonder??? about the "disability" issue here....nothing in the ADA says that "disabled" people should have special smoking rights


(*in fact, lets be honest...smoking could make just about any disability worse)

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I think I will be watching the rates on my 2 booked cruises extra close between now and June 30th.


Since others can cancel with no penalty and a few seem to be doing it, MAYBE I can get some OBC out of this!!!:D;)


How do you people are canceling?


It's along way from posting on Cruise Critic that you are canceling and really canceling.


Remember the board are opinion only and not facts.


I would think that a few non-smokers just might be booking Carnival

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OOPS....sorry I said "disco" on NCL>> it is the small closed off cigar bar and the casino


on Carnival you can smoke in the disco


you will have a blast on NCL ...puffing away inside the cabin...whatever floats your boat....JMO they will soon probably change when they have more cleaning costs due to smokers coming over to NCL


face facts...the world is changing

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Check your facts.....I posted the facts...yes you can smoke in your cabin and on the balcony, also in a small closed off cigar bar, in the disco and on one side of the deck on NCL and that is it


It really sounds like such a waste to sit in the cabin puffing away... and you say you both have health issues?? How sad


I also have to wonder??? about the "disability" issue here....nothing in the ADA says that "disabled" people should have special smoking rights


(*in fact, lets be honest...smoking could make just about any disability worse)


If you would really like to know, I am allergic to the sun. It's an awful thing to have. Also, I am going blind. No doctors have helped.

I can assure you that smoking does not impact sun allergies nor blindness.


So, whine or moan or whatever. My days of cruising are very limited indeed. So, if I need to have a place inside that does not hurt my vision (such as the jazz club) to smoke, that is my issue. I will go to NCL and have a nice cigar room in which to have a cigar when I wish.


Let me finish my cruising, and days, in peace.


Be glad you do not have the prognosis I do.


And, BTW, I have NEVER said anyone should get special rights. and, I NEVER will.


I just would like people to think that there are a lot of reasons why others make decisions.

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Wow...so right...and I noticed that no smokers responded to that.



This is what I think you (and many others) are not getting.


Negative people will not ever be able to confine you to 4 walls. Your addiction is what confines you, and limits you.

You need to face this because your limitations are only going to expand.

Non smokers are not to blame for this. Your habit is to blame.

Deep down you all know it.


Wow Halos that was deep and very well said its a very scary addiction.

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If you would really like to know, I am allergic to the sun. It's an awful thing to have. Also, I am going blind. No doctors have helped.

I can assure you that smoking does not impact sun allergies nor blindness.


So, whine or moan or whatever. My days of cruising are very limited indeed. So, if I need to have a place inside that does not hurt my vision (such as the jazz club) to smoke, that is my issue. I will go to NCL and have a nice cigar room in which to have a cigar when I wish.


Let me finish my cruising, and days, in peace.


Be glad you do not have the prognosis I do.


And, BTW, I have NEVER said anyone should get special rights. and, I NEVER will.


I just would like people to think that there are a lot of reasons why others make decisions.


While I am sorry to hear of your problems, it is not fair for you to impose the smell on others....you expect people to care about your allergy but you obviously don't care about those with asthma...or people like me who simply don't like the smell


FYI : smoking cigars inside the cabin or on the balcony was never really permitted on Carnival anyhow....I can only imagine that some times the stewards had to deep clean your cabin after you left....your habit impacts the next people who are in that cabin...and FYI : it does impact us, I had a cabin deep cleaned...have to stay out when ozone is on, had to stay out while carpet cleaned....so it does impact people


I don't see why you would go to sunny places only to sit in a dark cabin and puff away???

You don't care how it affects or annoys others..yet you seem to want others to care about you>


JMO>>> NCL does send out questionaires and does listen more....so my guess is they may also change their policy. I really didn't see many smokers or smell smoke on NCL and that was even on the 3 night "party" boat Sky


times are changing

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Very well said Isp... you nailed what most non smokers are thinking. They can STILL light up. My response has been let em' cancel. The handful that have canceled or will cancel will not even be a blip on carnivals radar. I'm a non smoker who has never had a problem with smokers but hey, if they keep canceling I get an even more smoke free enviroment.

I just don't get it.people are cancelling because of the smoking policy change?????? that seems a little crazy to me, there are still places to go have a cig, I am a smoker and I do not have a problem, taking my rump up on deck to smoke.

The change does not bother me at all, it's not like they a banning it everywhere on the ship.

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its a very scary addiction.


A mighty powerful one. I lost my father ..ironically sort of smoking related...Denial related for sure.


My dad was one of the chip-on-the-shoulder smokers. Always ranting about his right to do what he pleased with his body. We fought over it constantly.

Long story short, he started having these 'attacks' of shortness of breath...got scared, never told anyone BUT decided to quit smoking (funny how when fear of death struck...not being able to breathe is quite an attitude adjuster.) and went cold turkey...also never telling anyone.

Well, the shortness of breath was caused by pieces of a clot breaking off and traveling to his lungs. He wound up dying when the entire clot let lose. He was 53.

I'll be 49 this coming week...can't imagine leaving my physical life at this age. He died in 1993 and I am still pissed off at him.

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While I applaud the fact that you have absolutely no "nasty addiction" to anything that controls where you go, when you go or how long you stay in a place, there are others who do have "nasty addictions".


These can run a wide gamut of things and can definitely be life controlling. Trust me, I live it (and, no, smoking is not it and it is not any illegal addictions - just problems that control my life and how I must live it).


So, if you and your smoking DH don't make any decisions at all based on his ability, or inability, to have a cigarette. That is truly wonderful for you.


But, please do not judge other people until you have spent just one day living our lives. I can assure you, some of us make daily choices that I would hope no one else would ever have to make in their lives (again, with smoking ranking really low on that list).


I'm sorry but you are the one that will not sail on Carnival because of the new smoking policy so therefore yes smoking is controlling your life.:rolleyes:

And there is no reason for my DH to even think about smoking when we make our decisions for vacations or anything else....why? Because there are always places where he can smoke. Even smoke free resorts have designated areas. And please don't relate what I said about addictions to health problems.....that is a complete cop out IMHO.

I know nobody wants to be addicted to anything and it is hard to stop any addiction but when it starts controlling your life you really have to step back and ask yourself is this really how you want to live? I know some of these people that are cancelling their cruises have children. What do they tell their children? Sorry mommy and daddy cancelled our vacation because mommy can't smoke in her cabin:confused: And some smokers think that smoking only affects themselves:rolleyes:

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I just don't get it.people are cancelling because of the smoking policy change?????? that seems a little crazy to me, there are still places to go have a cig, I am a smoker and I do not have a problem, taking my rump up on deck to smoke.


The change does not bother me at all, it's not like they a banning it everywhere on the ship.



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I don't think they will eventually ban it all together, didn't they have at once a non smoking ship before, and from what I understand that did not go well.

I don't know of any places that really allow smoking indoors anymore so when we go to non smoking places at home, we have to go outside to smoke.

I understand that people who do not smoke do not want to smell smoke from others, I smoke and I hate being enclosed in a smokey place or someones smoke blowing in my face.

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The Paradise started off as a non-smoking ship. I think it was for about five years and didn't make it so converted it to smoking.

I can se the hand writing on the walllllllllll..........


Huge yawn about the Paradise...that has been brought up so many times...it was ahead of it's time...and the total no smoking policy kept groups/families from booking


as long as there is a place (SOME place) for people to smoke on the ship things will be fine


The hand writing is on the wall...and it says that times have changed


Please do NOT say you are 80 years old and disabled so you should be able to smoke.....that is beyond ridiculous. Just think....you probably rode your kids on your lap in cars, no car seats....no seat belts....not even "shatter resistant" glass....

you grew up when they had asbestos in buildings....and lead paint...

and when pregnant women were given Thalidomine to prevent morning sickness...


let's get real here....times have changed


A friend of mine who is sadly addicted to cigarettes has been trying to quit...."nodules" on her lungs didn't stop her....a "stent" in her heart only stopped her for a short while...she just had to have emergency bowel surgery....the surgery was a success but she didn't "heal">> NO surgeon want to operate on smokers, especially not "major" stomach/flap surgery...


she has been in a nursing home for 6 weeks now.....with a huge unhealed hole in her stomach...wound care, hyperbaric chambers....and so on...very sad....


6 weeks without a cigarette at least cause she can't smoke in there...that is the only good thing I guess

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I am not saying i should have extra privileges because i am a handicap person and a smoker, that is not my handicap BTW.

My point is that i am paying over $2000,00 for a week for a home away from home and paying that kind of money for seven days i feel i should be able to smoke in MY cabin. That is my point.

Not asking for other places.

I have been on the LIDO in bad weather and been almost blown off of my scooter cause the weather was so bad so i want a place inside where i can enjoy my "Addition"

I keep my door shut all of the time. Rules say they want the doors closed at all times cause if not it messes up the A/C. (read the rules)

How many do that and i mean balcony doors as well and no bungee cords to keep them open.

Yes i know things have changed a great deal since i was young and i realise that they will continue to do so.

I have changed with them, doen't mean i always agree but i do it anyway. I know it is the times we live in. Soap boxes and sueing people is the norm now and it is sad.

I am sorry about your friend, No one should have to go through things like that.

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The Paradise started off as a non-smoking ship. I think it was for about five years and didn't make it so converted it to smoking.

I can se the hand writing on the walllllllllll..........


but the tolerance for smoking indoors and most outdoor venues has changed considerablly since then..thus the reason for the way overdue increased smoking restrictions on ships.


Realistically...and eventually...there will be no smoking indoor on any ship..including the Casino and the Cigar Bars will be non existant...and the only smoking areas will be on some portion of an open top deck...away from crowds....



Believe what you want...but look at the changes around you...and face it...things we all said would never happen..have happened.....


Just statin' what I see and read and hear all around me...

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I am a smoker, DH is an ex smoker. Personally I'm pretty pleased that Carnival has changed their rules. We have been booking mainly Carnival Cruises since DH finally gave in to my begging to cruise and became and addict...and on principal wanted to cruise on a line that was the most comfortable for BOTH of us, Carnival fit the bill by letting me relax in my room with my morning coffee and smoke. Now that they no longer do, and are in line of most of the other major cruiselines we might as well see what else is out there. While we won't cancel our Magic BC5 cruise...the other 3 or 4 cruises will probably be on other lines where we will get a little more bang for our buck. Even if NCL goes to non smoking cabins..their suite perks more than make up for the "inconvenience" ...Carnival has no such perks. Right after the announcement DH booked our anniversary cruise (which would have been the Valor) on Rockwall of the seas (RCI's Freedom of the seas) and I am so excited as i've been wanting to try this line for ages. (went once on RCI many years ago on a 3 day with my mom but don't remember much about it lol). So...we will not say we will NEVER cruise Carnival again, we just won't be booking 4 or 5 a year with them...maybe 1 a year maybe never ..depends on destinations and other things now.


If it ever gets to the point where we can't even smoke on Balconies....then it will be time to stop cruising and I'll be doing my vacations in Vegas or Laughlin lol...till then ..Cruise on!

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It is not that I cannot find a place to smoke, it is the principal of the matter for me. Call me anal if you want, but I spend my hard earned money too, I want CCL to get a clear message that smokers are customers too.


I am not a smoker, but just curious before this policy went into effect aside from the dining room and Lido restaurant, was smoking allowed everywhere onboard?

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My :guess: would be the policy in place when you board the ship would remain for the duration of your cruise.


Absolutely true. I got off the Freedom this morning and part of the new policy went into effect during my cruise. Those boarding this morning will only be able to smoke in part of the casino and not in the piano bar - however during my cruise, that policy did not apply.

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For those canceling their cruise on principle, I was wondering if you patronize the businesses that do not allow smoking and wonder what is the difference?:confused:


Since the state of Ohio went non-smoking I have not given any of my money to any business. When the casinos are built I will still go to a neighboring state to gamble. So I guess there is no difference.

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