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Carinval Glory - NYC to New England... A Memoir

Delta Hotel

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Well, I must admit that I've read this one comment about 20-30 times trying to extract the subtle meaning.


Here are two of the possible meanings, as I see them.


"Can't read it, not enough paragraphs." Could possibly mean:


1. You have a personal standard for reading reviews or memoirs, and anything that has less than 500 paragraphs in total is too small of a review, and therefore not worth reading. Of course, the number of paragraphs could vary depending on your personal taste. I just picked 500 out of the blue. Since I don't have a speedy way of counting the paragraphs, I have no idea how many actual paragraphs there are. This isn't one of the statistics that I was tracking.


2. You prefer to have more breaks in the writing to help you keep your place in the text. I personally hate it when I'm reading text on a large monitor and the auto-wrapping text seems to go on forever, and then when you finally get to the next line, you've lost your place and have to start over again. In this case, I would recommend that you resize your internet browser window until the width of the window is approximately 1,000 - 1,200 pixels wide. That seems to be a common and comfortable reading width. If you're reading on a phone, iPad, or small tablet, you may not have this choice. Oh well.


Well, thanks for stopping by anyway!




Ok ...so I'm no paragraph "expert" ... But to me it seems like you have a normal amount of paragraphs! :)



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Ok ...so I'm no paragraph "expert" ... But to me it seems like you have a normal amount of paragraphs! :)




Oh good. I was hoping for some kind of validation like this. I'm no paragraph expert, either, but I was starting to feel a little insecure about my possible lack of paragraphness. No man ever wants to feel (even a hint) that he's lacking in the paragraph department. Thanks, JennG.



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Aw, thank you! We're well, thanks. We'll be cruising next month and, who knows? Maybe DH will get the urge to write a "review" about that cruise.:p


Well, that would be just great! :D! Something else to possibly look forward to! ;).

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I just found this review thanks to that post about your favorite reviews. You richly deserve to be in the top five. Took me several days to read it all but every time I had Free moment I was going back to it on my ipad. I am sailing on the Glory to Canada and New England in September and your perspectives give me things to look for. I have done this cruise before but it was on the Triumph a couple of years ago. Have a great time on the Pride next month. I have sailed on the Pride 3 times myself and always enjoy it. It is convenient as I live in south central Pennsylvania. You have a lovely family and you both have a great sense of humor.

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[quote name='lulu13']I just found this review thanks to that post about your favorite reviews. You richly deserve to be in the top five. Took me several days to read it all but every time I had Free moment I was going back to it on my ipad. I am sailing on the Glory to Canada and New England in September and your perspectives give me things to look for. I have done this cruise before but it was on the Triumph a couple of years ago. Have a great time on the Pride next month. I have sailed on the Pride 3 times myself and always enjoy it. It is convenient as I live in south central Pennsylvania. You have a lovely family and you both have a great sense of humor.[/quote]

Awww, shucks, now I'm blushing.:o That is so sweet, thank you! Have a wonderful cruise!
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I started reading this in the afternoon & I love the review. I was in N.S. the first year my husband & I were together (that was 1997 & he was then my boyfriend). I wanted to go through that fort so bad but he had already done that when he was in the Navy & didn't want to do it again :(

I made it to page 10 but I will get through this whole thread! Thanks for the great review & wonder humor.
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[quote name='gladimhere']first are you an author? we are going on a cruise in jan and im really excited and nervous my daughter and i have cruised once my mom and son have never cruised and its great to read you review and see pictures[/quote]

Welcome to "the memoir" thread! To answer your first (and only) question - it would depend on your definition of "author" I suppose. I'm not trying to get smart with you, I'm just not sure exactly what you mean. I've never written anything that was published, I've never been commissioned to write anything, and this memoir is, by far, the longest piece of semi-cohesive writing that I've ever done. So I would guess that by most people's definitions, no, I am not an author.

Congratulations on your upcoming cruise!

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Delta and Shaky, I read this memoir last year when you wrote it and since it resurfaced yesterday, I spent the better part of today reading through it again. It is a classic--thanks for the entertainment. I was wondering if you wrote a memoir after your January cruise this year on the Pride.
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[quote name='nodogkisses']Delta and Shaky, I read this memoir last year when you wrote it and since it resurfaced yesterday, I spent the better part of today reading through it again. It is a classic--thanks for the entertainment. I was wondering if you wrote a memoir after your January cruise this year on the Pride.[/quote]
I was confused about it to start with, until I saw it was from last year:confused: My confusion was how this ship could be from New York and Boston at the same time.
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[quote name='nodogkisses']Delta and Shaky, I read this memoir last year when you wrote it and since it resurfaced yesterday, I spent the better part of today reading through it again. It is a classic--thanks for the entertainment. I was wondering if you wrote a memoir after your January cruise this year on the Pride.[/quote]

You here that, DH? It's a classic!:D

Thank you, nodogkisses, that's very sweet of you to say.

No, DH has not written a review since this one. We both kinda think the cruises we take as a couple (without the kids and DH's wonderful in-laws) would make for boring reading.:rolleyes::o Maybe he'll write another after our next family cruise (maybe Spring 2013). But I don't foresee him writing another before that.
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I have thouroughly enjoyed reading this memoir of absolute hilarity. I also came across this review in the Best Reviews thread and enjoyed reading about your family adventure even though I would probably never take a cruise that went to Canada as a destination.

Nothing against Canadians mind you.

I told DBF (aka The Andrew aka CC name fromthebus) about your memoir and for 3 days I was ignored while he read start to finish. He does NOT read books unless it has completely captivated and mesmerized him. That's what you have done. You mesmerized my boyfriend. :cool: Thanks?

All the while, I have been unable to read your review for myself until today because the I.T. gods have our internet restricted to 10 minute bursts for only 60 minuts a day. But I got to finish it today and I have to say that you are a sensational writer and delightfully quirky. You have set the bar high for inspiring my next review which will be a 7 day.

I like you and ShakeyBeef's banter and after almost 9 years together DBF and I have similar conversations. Also, thanks for the recipe for Shakey Beef. The Andrew is quite the chef and we may just make an attempt at this.

Also, I am the same way about hand dryers. I am not sure where I heard about the germs inside those things but I also will wipe my hands on my clothes if that is all that is available.
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  • 1 month later...
Thank you so much for this review! I'm going to be going on the Glory in February (albeit to the Caribbean) and I've been reading everything I can on these forums! And, as a bonus, I'm from Saint John. You can actually see the building my boyfriend works in in the picture where your daughter is pushing the stroller up the hill.

About the picture of the church - did you happen to look up? I'm pretty sure that's the one that has a GIANT fish for a weather vane. It looks small from the ground, but my Dad did the lighting upgrades years ago and he said it's like 6 feet long.

Oh, and that high school is still a high school. I didn't go to it, but some of my friends did.

You also managed to walk straight past the Delta Hotel, Delta Hotel. You were on the other side of the street though.

I hope you write another review at some point - I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
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[quote name='Paraveina']Thank you so much for this review! I'm going to be going on the Glory in February (albeit to the Caribbean) and I've been reading everything I can on these forums! And, as a bonus, I'm from Saint John. You can actually see the building my boyfriend works in in the picture where your daughter is pushing the stroller up the hill.

About the picture of the church - did you happen to look up? I'm pretty sure that's the one that has a GIANT fish for a weather vane. It looks small from the ground, but my Dad did the lighting upgrades years ago and he said it's like 6 feet long.

Oh, and that high school is still a high school. I didn't go to it, but some of my friends did.

You also managed to walk straight past the Delta Hotel, Delta Hotel. You were on the other side of the street though.

I hope you write another review at some point - I thoroughly enjoyed this one.[/quote]

Hey Paraveina!
Actually, I DID! (referring to the church). I didn't include in in the memoir, but I took a picture of it and didn't even realize it.



Someone else told us about the Delta Hotel after we came back - and I've decided that if we ever make it back to Saint John, I definitely have to go there and get a few pictures of me in front of it with my Delta Hotel t-shirt!
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Awesome! I love telling people about that fish. I don't have a clue why they picked a fish for the weather vane originally but I imagine it's because we're on the Bay. I didn't notice that someone else had mentioned the Delta to you - I was trying to finish reading this late last night and ended up skimming the posts by everyone else in order to go faster :D
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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote name='Delta Hotel'][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=black] “So Son-In-Law, I’ve always wanted to do one of those Panama Canal cruises… what procedure do I have to get done in order to get a Panama Canal cruise?” To which I responded, “An autopsy.”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]<End misty memory flashback>[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[SIZE=3]I'm laughing out loud even the second time I read this statement! :D[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Jana60'][SIZE=3]I'm laughing out loud even the second time I read this statement! :D[/SIZE][/quote]


Good times.:)

We have so many similar, warm and fuzzy family memories thanks to DH's and Mom's wonderful relationship.:o
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[quote name='Delta Hotel'][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=black][Still walking down the street][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]The restaurant’s name was “The Bicycle Thief.” We didn’t eat there; I’m sure it was good. I did take a picture of it, though.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]


That Restaurant owner either had an interesting start in life or has a risky hobby. ;) Enjoying your review but must sleep so I look forward to reading more tomorrow.
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[quote name='mizlorinj'][COLOR=indigo]Enjoying the memoir! [/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo]Note to others: the CAD to US$ currency conversion mentioned is not accurate (I think writer was kidding about $12.99CAD = $57 USD?!); US$ is almost the same as CAD. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#4b0082]Happy sailing![/COLOR][/quote]

We had to pay more for food when using USD in the airport when preparing to fly home from Vancouver but admittedly not that much more.;)
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  • 5 months later...
[quote name='ShakyBeef']Yes, this is really how he is all the time. :cool: His sarcastic / dry sense of humor and dead-pan delivery sometimes makes people think he's either crazy or stupid (or both). Life with him is interesting, to say the least.:rolleyes::p[/quote].

His review is being circulated to this day and I just started reading it.
As Ann Bancroft said when she was asked what it was like to be married to Mel Brooks:
"never a dull minute".

Being a curious sort, i have had a number of interns do some intensive research to find out who Delta Hotel actually is.

Turns out he is the love child of De Barry
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I read this thread when it was originally posted and remembered it because of its humor and detail. This week I booked the 5-day Canadian cruise on the Glory, and I'd been searching for this thread so I could reread it. I was having no luck using the search feature for some reason. Just now found it on the first page of the Carnival board. Thanks, juliang, for reviving it and, of course, Delta Hotel for writing his memoir in the first place! :D
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Awww, look at that - this old thing has popped back up again.:) I was just talking to a cruise buddy about it yesterday (hi, to the 'First Delta';) if you ever read this far), and here it is again.

[quote name='juliang'].

His review is being circulated to this day and I just started reading it.
As Ann Bancroft said when she was asked what it was like to be married to Mel Brooks:
"never a dull minute".

Being a curious sort, i have had a number of interns do some intensive research to find out who Delta Hotel actually is.

Turns out he is the love child of De Barry[/quote]

Ah, the great Mel Brooks! I can only imagine what life with him must be like.:rolleyes: And I thought I had it rough!:p

Um, at the risk of sounding dumb (for possibly the 387th time on these boards alone:rolleyes:) who's De Barry? Did you mean Dave Barry? 'Cause if so, that's kinda funny. But I don't know, maybe him being the lovechild of this De Barry is even funnier.

[quote name='jenesaisquoi']I read this thread when it was originally posted and remembered it because of its humor and detail. This week I booked the 5-day Canadian cruise on the Glory, and I'd been searching for this thread so I could reread it. I was having no luck using the search feature for some reason. Just now found it on the first page of the Carnival board. Thanks, juliang, for reviving it and, of course, Delta Hotel for writing his memoir in the first place! [/quote]

So glad you found it again! You probably couldn't find it because the dork spelled Carnival wrong in the title.:cool: Enjoy your cruise! Here's wishing you weather as lovely as what we had. : )
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[QUOTE]So glad you found it again! You probably couldn't find it because the dork spelled Carnival wrong in the title.:cool: Enjoy your cruise! Here's wishing you weather as lovely as what we had. : )[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Shaky! I was searching for "Carnival Glory Canada cruise review with photos," so maybe that's why I couldn't find it. lol I didn't even notice that Carnival was misspelled in the title. I'm hoping that our weather is as beautiful as yours. I am preparing myself for fog and rain, just in case, though. Let DH know that I first became interested in a Canada cruise because of his "blog." :)
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