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Chair Hog pictures... post 'em here!

cruzn buckeye

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It took some searching but i finally found the picture with the orange being used to save a chair!:rolleyes:


You should have replaced it with a larger orange so they could see how much it grew while they were gone. Or a rotten one !!!!

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First day of my cruise the pool attendant left a towel and a book I hadn't read yet on my chair.

The second day he left a towel and a pair of sunglasses on my chair. Wow!

Third day he left a fresh towel and a pair of flip flops ... they didn't fit me but I appreciated the gesture.

Love those Carnival pool attendants... leave a big tip! :cool:

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I hope in the future that those passengers who wait 1 hour for a chair cut that down to about 30 seconds. A simple "is anybody using this chair?" should suffice and after about 5 seconds of waiting for a response "Voila!" You may have a seat!!


What if the person is legitimate and has a chair that they are actually using, but they are on the slide/in the pool/etc with their child. Or God forbid, just by themselves and having a good time. I don't care for someone to use a chair ALL DAY if they are using it. I have no more right over that chair than they do. Even if they are in a pool a lot, if they are going back to the chair to sun that is their right and that is what the chairs aroun the pool are for. It is the people that claim a chair and don't use it that are the problem. There is no way to know for sure without waiting to see if the chair is actually being left empty. Your thinking potentially makes you just as much of a problem as chair hogs. You don't have to be the crazy guy/gal with a stop watch but EVERYONE should at least use some sense and not be as rude as the people you are ranting about on a forum. Just a thought:rolleyes:

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i have read every post...and i still believe...yep, i'll move your stuff if i want a chair and you are hogging. i'll even tell you i did it. i'll be happy to refer you to the rules or security if there's further explaining needed.


but i have never used the pool...but this coming cruise, i bet i do as my ds-7 will be with me. so maybe now i can have some fun with the chair hogs...have waterproof camera-will travel to poolside for funny chair hog pics. :cool:


what's that you say watson?

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Here's my little story from my 12/2010 Christmas cruise with the family.... it still makes me laugh


Just got back from Christmas cruise on Valor and boy do i have a story. The cruise was great but the real excitement started on the last sea day. My wife, myself and son and daughter were up at 7:00am to do breakfast then enjoy the pools and hot tubs. No problem with getting chairs as we sat down. The kids were playing and having fun, wife and i in our chairs.

Three chairs beside us had towels on them when we got there. After about an hour (9:00) our friends who cruised with us came up and removed two of the towels on the chairs next to us and sat down. So there we were, all six of us, sitting in the chairs enjoying the morning and up walks a woman (40s) and her two daughters (16-17) and told our friends that they were sitting in their chairs. Our friends told them they had been empty for two hours and there was no saving chairs.

The lady and her daughters were not happy at all. She pulled the one chair in front of our friends and sat down and her daughters sat down on the deck. They were shooting us looks and making comments about the b*&ches who stole their chairs.

Our friend got up to turn one of the chairs around and one of the girls immediately sat down on the end of his chair. He sat back down and asked her to move. At this point she lost her mind and started telling us to "F" off.

I told her to read the sign which was about 10 feet away about empty chairs and she told me it was none of my business and to "F" off. She said that her dad made more money than all of us!! ( in hindsight i should of immediately given up the chairs because her daddy made more money than us )

So now the one daughter is yelling at us that we are pieces of "F"ing trash and we should "F" off every time we tried to speak. Her mother now spoke up and told us that she hoped our plane went down on the trip home and she hoped none of us fell over board ! At this point our friend went and got security. The daughter went off to get her daddy.

When security came the family continued yelling the "F" word and going off. Security handled the situation very well telling them that they could not save chairs but that just made them even madder. At this point here comes daddy who pushes by the security guy and told our friend that if he wanted to pick on someone to pick on him and he would handle it.

Security took down there names and room number and told them all to leave the area. We did not see them again as it was our last day at sea (christmas day). I imagine it ruined their day. It didn't ruin ours. We stayed for another couple hours on deck then left.

Everyone in the area witnessed these people losing there minds and were happy when they left. They all told us after that we were in the right and did nothing to inflame the situation.

I think the plane crashing and falling over board were a little much though!!



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I've never used the pool, and I can remember sitting in two deck chairs over two cruises, so this has never been an issue for me. I will say, if I was using the pool, I'm in the pool. If I'm going down the slide, I'm going down the slide. When I am done I can find a chair. If there isn't one I am SOL. If I wanted a chair, I should have gotten one and sat in it. If someone wants to sit in a chair and there isn't a physical person in it, they should have the chair. If I get to the deck, find the chair and then decide I should have brought my sunglasses, when I get back and the chair is occupied, I should have remembered my glasses the first trip. The mentality of people who think they're entitled to a chair an hour or two or three AFTER they're done eating/swimming/dressing or whatever is selfish and ridiculous. It's like someone paid to go on a cruise to have "that" chair, and if they don't, their trip is ruined. Get over yourself for two seconds. Oh, and if I'm with my sister, and she wants to "hold" one chair for me while I get my glasses, if I take longer than ten minutes, someone else should be welcome to it. It's a vacation, and not just yours. There's a couple thousand other people on the same vacation. That a chair would truly bring out a person's worst side, they probably wouldn't react that vehemently if someone picked on their kid at school. Good lord. Goes to show you what kind of spoiled selfish brats people are. No wonder kids behave the way they do, if this is how their parents act, and when the kids do, the parents let them! The first time my kid dropped an F bomb I'd a knocked their teeth out and been humiliated beyond recognition because that's a reflection on my parenting.

It's a chair. Get in it, if you're doing something else don't worry about someone else using it.

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Last April, my family of 5 cruised RCCL's Radiance of the Seas. On all of the pool decks, there was at least one RCCL employee, dressed in white uniform, patrolling that particular area. When they saw just towels, they would ask the surrounding people, if those towels where theirs? If not, they would put a "stickie" note, which noted the time it was placed. In 30 minutes, they would return, and if no sign of life or action, they would confiscate the towels, and also some belongings. They left notes where the person could retrieve their stuff. It was being held at the information desk. It was Spring Break, and there were people having to put their towels on the deck to have a place to sun. I appreciated their efforts, and it prevented any passengers from having confrontations. They warned in signs all over the deck, as well as in the nightly letters, that you could only leave your stuff unattended for 30 minutes. I found they never bothered me, when I was saving my daughter's chair, when she went swimming or something else. It was mainly the large groups of chairs being saved and no one around to claim them. I thought this was an excellent idea! What do you all think?

I do too...if they could enforce.,.i personally have not had problems but know possible..I do go to a local very casual but nice hot springs pool place with very few chairs..I just sit in them if see there is stuff there over an hour..only for a few minutes to gather myself but it is a exercise/therapeutic place and a cheap tourist find for many who show no respect...the chairs are for said purpse not like a ship chair or apres-ski long lounge, floors are always like hot spa messy and wet but clean and of course place is mostly indoors..one outside pool...Sarah


I do think cubbies for stuff in all places like this and on ship would help a million issues on the big busy ships...Sarah

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First day of my cruise the pool attendant left a towel and a book I hadn't read yet on my chair.

The second day he left a towel and a pair of sunglasses on my chair. Wow!

Third day he left a fresh towel and a pair of flip flops ... they didn't fit me but I appreciated the gesture.

Love those Carnival pool attendants... leave a big tip! :cool:


This made my morning. LOL!!!!

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I've never used the pool, and I can remember sitting in two deck chairs over two cruises, so this has never been an issue for me. I will say, if I was using the pool, I'm in the pool. If I'm going down the slide, I'm going down the slide. When I am done I can find a chair. If there isn't one I am SOL. If I wanted a chair, I should have gotten one and sat in it. If someone wants to sit in a chair and there isn't a physical person in it, they should have the chair. If I get to the deck, find the chair and then decide I should have brought my sunglasses, when I get back and the chair is occupied, I should have remembered my glasses the first trip. The mentality of people who think they're entitled to a chair an hour or two or three AFTER they're done eating/swimming/dressing or whatever is selfish and ridiculous. It's like someone paid to go on a cruise to have "that" chair, and if they don't, their trip is ruined. Get over yourself for two seconds. Oh, and if I'm with my sister, and she wants to "hold" one chair for me while I get my glasses, if I take longer than ten minutes, someone else should be welcome to it. It's a vacation, and not just yours. There's a couple thousand other people on the same vacation. That a chair would truly bring out a person's worst side, they probably wouldn't react that vehemently if someone picked on their kid at school. Good lord. Goes to show you what kind of spoiled selfish brats people are. No wonder kids behave the way they do, if this is how their parents act, and when the kids do, the parents let them! The first time my kid dropped an F bomb I'd a knocked their teeth out and been humiliated beyond recognition because that's a reflection on my parenting.

It's a chair. Get in it, if you're doing something else don't worry about someone else using it.


You can't be sunbathing, get in the pool for a few minutes (maybe 10) to cool off and not expect to come back to the same chair?

You should get over yourself.;)

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Chair hogging is chair hogging no matter the excuse/reasoning. No reason for anyone to use a chair to do nothing but hold their items. I personally would have just picked an empty chair and yes it may have been rude of him. Chair hogging (or any act occupying a chair by personal items and no person) is either right or wrong. Maybe everyone that hogs chairs just says "there are more" or "this is the only way I can get a chair".


And where do you suggest I put my belongings? On the ground so people can step on the beautiful white sun hat I bought on the ship? Or shred my book as it's being kicked down the way? I have no problem with someone using a chair next to them for personal items if there are plenty of unoccupied chairs around. Besides...he didn't want to sit next to me anyway! I SNORE REAL LOUD!!!

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And where do you suggest I put my belongings? On the ground so people can step on the beautiful white sun hat I bought on the ship? Or shred my book as it's being kicked down the way? I have no problem with someone using a chair next to them for personal items if there are plenty of unoccupied chairs around. Besides...he didn't want to sit next to me anyway! I SNORE REAL LOUD!!!


My comment was not a knock. I just think it as to be a black or white issue. People have too much room if you make a grey area. To answer your question, put your stuff under the chair. If you don't want it to get dirty wear it. If you don't want to wear it you don't need it wit you. The chairs could fill up while you were sleeping. I wouldn't want to risk it, but I don't carry a sense of entitlement.


Sorry for any errors. Typing on an iPod:(

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I don't know if this is a tricky scenario or not. But I'd appreciate any thoughts from kind CC posters.


I like to get up early and sit at Serenity, read, watch the sky, etc. It also helps greatly if I'm feeling queasy to breathe in the salty air and look at the horizon. My husband...he'd rather sleep in. So is it bad manners for me to grab a double lounge chair or a clam shell lounge so that when my husband comes out in, let's say an hour or two, he can sit next to me? Or should I grab a single lounge chair and hope there will be another one next to me for my husband when he surfaces? I don't want to get dirty looks if i'm all by myself on a seat made for two.

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I don't know if this is a tricky scenario or not. But I'd appreciate any thoughts from kind CC posters.


I like to get up early and sit at Serenity, read, watch the sky, etc. It also helps greatly if I'm feeling queasy to breathe in the salty air and look at the horizon. My husband...he'd rather sleep in. So is it bad manners for me to grab a double lounge chair or a clam shell lounge so that when my husband comes out in, let's say an hour or two, he can sit next to me? Or should I grab a single lounge chair and hope there will be another one next to me for my husband when he surfaces? I don't want to get dirty looks if i'm all by myself on a seat made for two.


I'm not sure where you are on the ship doing this. I've never seen a lot of people on any of the decks NOT by the pool or slides. So if you're settling a queasy stomach by watching the horizon, go to a deck that isn't heavily frequented, and that would solve any problem with someone thinking they had to be right next to you, since those aren't busy places. I am getting the idea that this is a problem where someone is watching their kids in the pool or on the slides, or there is something going on at the lido deck, and there are lots of people around. I'd been on a few decks that although not prime hangouts, plenty of room. There were still chairs stacked, come to think of it. But I'm reading stories of a table of card players getting mad because someone wants to sit on one of several chairs they have saved a few feet away? Either use them or let someone else. That's just rude.

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It took some searching but i finally found the picture with the orange being used to save a chair!:rolleyes:


When I saw this I laughed but I was also thinking you should have replaced the orange with an orange peel.. lol

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You know, Carnival is missing out! They would make a FORTUNE selling copies of the "no saving" signs in their gift shop so people could buy them and leave them on the "saved" chairs that have been empty for hours!

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You can't be sunbathing, get in the pool for a few minutes (maybe 10) to cool off and not expect to come back to the same chair?

You should get over yourself.;)


I believe if you are in the intermediate area (ie. pool, waterslide) then your not hogging chairs.

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I love laying in the sun, reading, napping or just people watching (yeah some of you are hilarious) but I don't like doing it around the pool, I'm not there to swim or get wet so I just go to a upper deck and never have a problem finding a chair.

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I was on a 14 day cruise and of course every morning bright and early I would go and get some food at the health bar. Almost everyday there would be every chair with hats, books, glasses or other paraphernalia sitting there waiting for its owner to decide to take ownership. 1 or 2 people at the pool and empty chairs. I dont hang out by the pool for more than an hour but alas there was no place to sit. I thought you got to be kidding me.


I really believe if everybody quit being such selfish jerks and saving chairs that they may or may not use... in the next hour or 10, there would be plenty of chairs for everyone. Most cruisers dont spend all day at the pool (although there are a few that will and I have no issue with them using the chair all day).


I watched this lady put her towel down and leave 5 days in a row. I timed her on day 4. After 3 hours she had never made it back to the chair. Why do some people feel this is something they must do?????? On day 5 I moved her stuff and enjoyed the chair.


By day 7 of the cruise the cruise ship decided that they need to take charge of these empty seats and started scooping up the items. They did not leave you a note, but did make announcements throughout the day letting you know that they would be removing items left to long on the deck chairs. I think all the cruise lines should do this. Maybe a wall of shame would be nice..LOL


My idea would be that maybe those of us that get there early and see empty hot tubs and pools and lots of chairs being held, take 5 mins, and remove all the stuff from the held chairs and put them on 1 chair so someone else can enjoy their morning relaxing. Just a thought...

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Here's my little story from my 12/2010 Christmas cruise with the family.... it still makes me laugh


Just got back from Christmas cruise on Valor and boy do i have a story. The cruise was great but the real excitement started on the last sea day. My wife, myself and son and daughter were up at 7:00am to do breakfast then enjoy the pools and hot tubs. No problem with getting chairs as we sat down. The kids were playing and having fun, wife and i in our chairs.

Three chairs beside us had towels on them when we got there. After about an hour (9:00) our friends who cruised with us came up and removed two of the towels on the chairs next to us and sat down. So there we were, all six of us, sitting in the chairs enjoying the morning and up walks a woman (40s) and her two daughters (16-17) and told our friends that they were sitting in their chairs. Our friends told them they had been empty for two hours and there was no saving chairs.

The lady and her daughters were not happy at all. She pulled the one chair in front of our friends and sat down and her daughters sat down on the deck. They were shooting us looks and making comments about the b*&ches who stole their chairs.

Our friend got up to turn one of the chairs around and one of the girls immediately sat down on the end of his chair. He sat back down and asked her to move. At this point she lost her mind and started telling us to "F" off.

I told her to read the sign which was about 10 feet away about empty chairs and she told me it was none of my business and to "F" off. She said that her dad made more money than all of us!! ( in hindsight i should of immediately given up the chairs because her daddy made more money than us )

So now the one daughter is yelling at us that we are pieces of "F"ing trash and we should "F" off every time we tried to speak. Her mother now spoke up and told us that she hoped our plane went down on the trip home and she hoped none of us fell over board ! At this point our friend went and got security. The daughter went off to get her daddy.

When security came the family continued yelling the "F" word and going off. Security handled the situation very well telling them that they could not save chairs but that just made them even madder. At this point here comes daddy who pushes by the security guy and told our friend that if he wanted to pick on someone to pick on him and he would handle it.

Security took down there names and room number and told them all to leave the area. We did not see them again as it was our last day at sea (christmas day). I imagine it ruined their day. It didn't ruin ours. We stayed for another couple hours on deck then left.

Everyone in the area witnessed these people losing there minds and were happy when they left. They all told us after that we were in the right and did nothing to inflame the situation.

I think the plane crashing and falling over board were a little much though!!




Couldn't you just imagine what the little sweetheart told her daddy to make him confront you like that! I'm sure she said nothing about her foul mouth :rolleyes:.

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Just off the Liberty New Year's Cruise 2011-12. Thank goodness we only had 2 sea days, the 1st and last days of the cruise.

On the 1st day I was up at 8am went on deck got my 2 chairs on the non-smoking sign by the sign that says "no smoking". By 9am there wasn't a single chair without anything on it. The row in front of us had 6 chairs with plates (all empty but one with fruit) I watched as the man put them down (never sat down) by 10:30 a women came over with security and secuity took the plates and gave her 2 seats. An hour later the guy came yelling at her that they were his seats, security came and told the man who was not happy but still his family didn't come and sit till after 12.


The last sea day at 8am no chairs available only about 20 people out on deck. I waited by the bar for 30 minutes and watched the area I wished to sit in. After I asked secuity if they could do something because there still was no one out. He put me in one seat and the people came back 15 minutes later, I said I was sorry and I would move but he still thru a fit at security saying they had no right to touch his stuff (was 45 minutes). There were another 5 chairs in that row and the entire row behind it saved with towels and not a single person (now well over an hour) so security took 2 towels and said sit. This man who finally showed up 2 hours later was so nasty, with name calling and abusive remarks. Security had to get his supervisor. The sad part is they gave in to the man and got me seats somewhere else. As we looked over throughout the day half of their seats were never used and to top it off they were smoking in front of the "no smoking sign" I wish I had my camera!


Carnival if you are going to post no saving seats then you need to enforce it!!!!!!!

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