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Chair Hog pictures... post 'em here!

cruzn buckeye

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I love laying in the sun, reading, napping or just people watching (yeah some of you are hilarious) but I don't like doing it around the pool, I'm not there to swim or get wet so I just go to a upper deck and never have a problem finding a chair.


That's where I've gone, and never had a problem either.

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Just off the Liberty New Year's Cruise 2011-12. Thank goodness we only had 2 sea days, the 1st and last days of the cruise.

On the 1st day I was up at 8am went on deck got my 2 chairs on the non-smoking sign by the sign that says "no smoking". By 9am there wasn't a single chair without anything on it. The row in front of us had 6 chairs with plates (all empty but one with fruit) I watched as the man put them down (never sat down) by 10:30 a women came over with security and secuity took the plates and gave her 2 seats. An hour later the guy came yelling at her that they were his seats, security came and told the man who was not happy but still his family didn't come and sit till after 12.


The last sea day at 8am no chairs available only about 20 people out on deck. I waited by the bar for 30 minutes and watched the area I wished to sit in. After I asked secuity if they could do something because there still was no one out. He put me in one seat and the people came back 15 minutes later, I said I was sorry and I would move but he still thru a fit at security saying they had no right to touch his stuff (was 45 minutes). There were another 5 chairs in that row and the entire row behind it saved with towels and not a single person (now well over an hour) so security took 2 towels and said sit. This man who finally showed up 2 hours later was so nasty, with name calling and abusive remarks. Security had to get his supervisor. The sad part is they gave in to the man and got me seats somewhere else. As we looked over throughout the day half of their seats were never used and to top it off they were smoking in front of the "no smoking sign" I wish I had my camera!


Carnival if you are going to post no saving seats then you need to enforce it!!!!!!!


@QM. This is the root of the problem. Security does not and usually (not always) will not tell the chair hog that they do not get their chairs (in your examples all of the saved chairs should have been made available to others). I am pretty sure that if CCL would enforce the policy consistently, that the number of people trying and getting away with it would go down over time.





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I believe if you are in the intermediate area (ie. pool, waterslide) then your not hogging chairs.


No argument here. Someone posting earlier made it sound like if you were not physically in the chair every second, you were a chair hog.

God forbid you should stand up to pluck a wedgie or straighten your towel.:p

Myself I prefer away from the main pool are, but my DH prefers just the opposite.

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My son, such a clever young man, came up with a couple of solutions to the chair hog problem.



Watch for chairs vacant for 45 minutes or longer, consider all belongings on the seats abandoned and collect them, then...


#1: Turn the items into lost and found. Then leave a note on each chair from which belongings were collected: "Congratulations! While you were away, you were chosen to participate in our shipwide scavenger hunt. Watch your FunTimes for clues. The items found on these deck chairs are the prizes. We wish you the best of luck. Signed, Your Fellow Passengers"


#2 Hold a garage sale in your cabin (Carnival towels and robes for $10; all other towels, sunglasses, books, shoes, beach bags for $2; and sun lotion, T-Shirts and flip flops for $1). You could offer complimentary fruit and copies of the funtimes to people who come to shop. You will want to make your signs at home to be posted around the ship. This could easily pay off your sail and sign balance.

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OMG..I have been away from my little favorite city 3 plus years now...I will not hit the quote and double the photo on that..LOL..I forgot all about Spencer's..would have been heaven to my nephew's..Sarah..LOL Big Craig..geez

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No argument here. Someone posting earlier made it sound like if you were not physically in the chair every second, you were a chair hog.

God forbid you should stand up to pluck a wedgie or straighten your towel.:p

Myself I prefer away from the main pool are, but my DH prefers just the opposite.



Just wanted to throw that out!


The wife and I when we hit the pool we grab 2 chairs. She is more a suning person and im more the lay in the pool and drink type!

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Ok...I will warn you- if you watch this video, you may never want to sit in a chair on the Lido deck ever again! :eek: I saw this on an episode of World's Dumbest- on TruTV.

I don't think this girl had to worry about anyone calling her a chair hog or wanting her seat...:( Please don't watch if you have a weak stomach (although it is pretty darn funny!)


Ok- don't say I didn't warn you...;)


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I have never moved a towel either, but yes, many times would have liked to. I am wondering if anyone HAS moved the towel and the Hog came back and chewed them out.


Any stories on that one?


three weeks ago on the carnival Valor. Its the first at sea day around 9am and the lido deck is starting to build up. I sat in an empty chair, but the two next to me had a single bath robe tied into the headrest of both of them. I sat there for about 30 minutes before my mom and my wife showed up. Seeing that the chair hog hadnt appeared, I untied the robe and put it on the ground behind the chair so my party could sit down. An hour later a man and woman in their 60's showed up and said they "reserved these chairs before breakfast" I told them its against the rules to reserve chairs. they picked up their robes (unfortunately it was wet behind our chairs and the robes were soaked) and they left.


Score one for the little guy:)

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ok...i will warn you- if you watch this video, you may never want to sit in a chair on the lido deck ever again! :eek: I saw this on an episode of world's dumbest- on trutv.

I don't think this girl had to worry about anyone calling her a chair hog or wanting her seat...:( please don't watch if you have a weak stomach (although it is pretty darn funny!)


ok- don't say i didn't warn you...;)



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A few questions, thoughts and observences.

First: I wantched the video, One question strikes me, WHY did she pull her suit down?? Don't get me wrong, I would never pee in a chair, public place, etc.... but if you are willing to pee there, WHY waste pulling your suit down? just pee then jump in the pool or hot tub to wash off. No I am not saying I do that, simply observing that if you are willing to do that, you would be willing to rinse off in public waters as well.

Second: I have 2 kids. DH and I will save 2 seats total, for 4 of us, and save one seat while the others get food to bring out, then sqeeze everyone onto two seats, knowing that the kids won't use them once they are done eating. So, I guess I hog??? I do save my family of four, two seats to return to. Sometime I put my things on it, sometimes DH and I people watch, sometimes I or DH or both play with kids in pool, (although I don't do this for very long... (maybe 30 mins.) ) But I feel like this is MY right. We go out early with two kids in tow, and we "claim our base" then enjoy the pool area. I claim two seat total, for four people, and if we plan on leaveing the pool deck for longer then grabbing an ice cream, we take our stuff. I don't think anyone has the "right" to take our things off of our chairs. If you want the chairs, get up like I do! It's not 12 chairs, it's two. And I do want the prime location due to the children's interests in the pools and slides. But again, if at anytime we plan on leaving the area, we LEAVE the area with our stuff. This seems like a reasonable thing???

Third: Why would you throw a fit over losing a chair??? It's a chair people, not a room! You will occupy it for a very short period of your life... You never know, you may find that had you stayed, a lady next to you would have pulled her suit down and peed on your things!

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@QM. This is the root of the problem. Security does not and usually (not always) will not tell the chair hog that they do not get their chairs (in your examples all of the saved chairs should have been made available to others). I am pretty sure that if CCL would enforce the policy consistently, that the number of people trying and getting away with it would go down over time.


I agree with you. The problem is that no one has ever enforced any policy regarding saving/reserving/hogging chairs, so many people have come to expect that they can do anything they want. If Carnival would develop and enforce a consistent policy, and simply have a pool attendant present at all times to enforce the policy and remove unattended items, then I think people would quickly adapt to the policy and follow the rules. They just need to enforce it consistently and make the rules crystal clear to everyone.


Most people would agree that if a chair is not occupied by a human being for 30 minutes to an hour, then it should be up for grabs to a person who is actually present and wants to use it. I don't think this is unreasonable. Carnival should enforce such a policy.


Can you imagine going to a local hot spot, picking a primo spot right at the bar or in front of the stage, putting an orange on it, and expecting that seat to be left vacant, awaiting your whim, for the rest of the night? NOone would give a darn about your silly orange "saving" your seat. They would take the orange AND the seat. Why do we have all this drama about seats on a cruise ship?

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A few questions, thoughts and observences.

First: I wantched the video, One question strikes me, WHY did she pull her suit down?? Don't get me wrong, I would never pee in a chair, public place, etc.... but if you are willing to pee there, WHY waste pulling your suit down? just pee then jump in the pool or hot tub to wash off. No I am not saying I do that, simply observing that if you are willing to do that, you would be willing to rinse off in public waters as well.

Second: I have 2 kids. DH and I will save 2 seats total, for 4 of us, and save one seat while the others get food to bring out, then sqeeze everyone onto two seats, knowing that the kids won't use them once they are done eating. So, I guess I hog??? I do save my family of four, two seats to return to. Sometime I put my things on it, sometimes DH and I people watch, sometimes I or DH or both play with kids in pool, (although I don't do this for very long... (maybe 30 mins.) ) But I feel like this is MY right. We go out early with two kids in tow, and we "claim our base" then enjoy the pool area. I claim two seat total, for four people, and if we plan on leaveing the pool deck for longer then grabbing an ice cream, we take our stuff. I don't think anyone has the "right" to take our things off of our chairs. If you want the chairs, get up like I do! It's not 12 chairs, it's two. And I do want the prime location due to the children's interests in the pools and slides. But again, if at anytime we plan on leaving the area, we LEAVE the area with our stuff. This seems like a reasonable thing???

Third: Why would you throw a fit over losing a chair??? It's a chair people, not a room! You will occupy it for a very short period of your life... You never know, you may find that had you stayed, a lady next to you would have pulled her suit down and peed on your things!


this issue isn't what your doing, the issue is saving a chair and NOT USING it for well over and hour or hours. What you do totally sounds reasonable to me. I agree, if i'm in the pool cooling off, i should have my chair when I return. but again, this is not what the "big" issue of chair hogs is about. And the ppl throwing fits are basically being childish. Like that one who sat there and cussed up a storm. the other where even the security gave in, which was TOTALLY wrong

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A few questions, thoughts and observences.

First: I wantched the video, One question strikes me, WHY did she pull her suit down?? Don't get me wrong, I would never pee in a chair, public place, etc.... but if you are willing to pee there, WHY waste pulling your suit down? just pee then jump in the pool or hot tub to wash off. No I am not saying I do that, simply observing that if you are willing to do that, you would be willing to rinse off in public waters as well.

Second: I have 2 kids. DH and I will save 2 seats total, for 4 of us, and save one seat while the others get food to bring out, then sqeeze everyone onto two seats, knowing that the kids won't use them once they are done eating. So, I guess I hog??? I do save my family of four, two seats to return to. Sometime I put my things on it, sometimes DH and I people watch, sometimes I or DH or both play with kids in pool, (although I don't do this for very long... (maybe 30 mins.) ) But I feel like this is MY right. We go out early with two kids in tow, and we "claim our base" then enjoy the pool area. I claim two seat total, for four people, and if we plan on leaveing the pool deck for longer then grabbing an ice cream, we take our stuff. I don't think anyone has the "right" to take our things off of our chairs. If you want the chairs, get up like I do! It's not 12 chairs, it's two. And I do want the prime location due to the children's interests in the pools and slides. But again, if at anytime we plan on leaving the area, we LEAVE the area with our stuff. This seems like a reasonable thing???

Third: Why would you throw a fit over losing a chair??? It's a chair people, not a room! You will occupy it for a very short period of your life... You never know, you may find that had you stayed, a lady next to you would have pulled her suit down and peed on your things!


I think the majority of the people are talking about certain persons that save multiple chairs and leave for hours on end.


I see this way if you are useing the pool area then its fine.

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Yes the problem is not leaving a chair for a short time, but those who think they can save them for not only serverl hours, but in deed the entire length of the cruise. And of course those who see an empty chair and assume it has been that way for hours. On one cruise my wife and I decided tostay on board on a port day. We went up on deck about 7 am sat down in a couple of pool side chairs, only to have a "lady" tell us we had to move. Those were two of the chairs her and her friends had been using the whole cruise. And she was here to save them for when they back on board. On another cruise we were sitting pool side, I got up went the men's room, when I got back apx. 10 mins. later a man was arguing with my wife that if I went to the men's room that was my bad luck he was taking the chair.

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On the magic last week they were enforcing the no chair hog policy EXCEPT in the spa! There were chair hogs! In the first warm steam room with the warm lounges. Saw several "ladies" arguing over saved lounges. Ridiculous. And then one tried to take my robe which was hanging up by the steam room. I told her she was mistaken, that was mine and she proceeded to give me the stink eye. I told her to get an attendant if she had a problem. I also noticed many were very loud in the spa, I went out and spoke with the manager and suggested a quiet please sign... She agreed and said it was an ongoing issue. I am also sending my suggestion to corporate. I guess some of these people had never been to a spa.

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This family actually printed out cards with their name and attached to the chairs...my friend and I removed all the towels and name tags after another family said they had not seen anyone there for at least 30 minutes. When the chair hogs came to "their chairs" ..they were pissed and said"we had our kids come out here at 6am to reserve these chairs"..I just pointed to the sign above us that said something to the fact of no reserving deck chairs :)


Hey, I was on this cruise. My husband and I were sitting next to you. We had already removed 2 of the signs. Remember when she came back, she yelled at us and asked where her precious signs were LOL Too funny. I still tell that story to everyone. What nerve!

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