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Do you pre-tip your cabin steward?


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When I was in college, way back in the late 70's, I worked for an Italian restaurant as a pizza delivery person. Not a big chain, just one restaurant in the suburbs of Tampa.

All I'll say is this, we would run several pizzas each delivery run, sometimes 4 or 5 at a time. And if I knew that one of the deliveries was a consistently good tipper, you can believe that I delivered that pizza first.

I was always polite and friendly to all my customers, and nobody got a cold pizza, but some people got theirs just a little faster, and just a little hotter.
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Money is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. Some use it to their benefit some do not.

I've never had anybody upset with offering them money beforehand (Great Britain excepted). It tells them I'm serious in seeking what I want. I am of the opinion it actually saves me money by saving me time.

If you don't want to do this, simply DON'T.

Nest time you meet your steward for the first time ask him if he would be offended if you gave him fifty bucks...

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[quote name='ib4cruzn']...

If this bothers you to the point of having to denigrate another for your benefit, well, it DOES brighten my day a bit.


Re-read my post and feel free to retract your comment about "denigrating" (alternatively, look up "denigrate" if you think you might need a refresher).

All I did was provide you with some free advice (which I would provide to anyone because I think it is good advice) and contemplated the state of mind of certain other cruise critic members (but not you).

Seems like this is a sensitive point here for you and I think it is pretty easy to figure out why.
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[quote name='T. Advisor King']Re-read my post and feel free to retract your comment about "denigrating" (alternatively, look up "denigrate" if you think you might need a refresher).

All I did was provide you with some free advice (which I would provide to anyone because I think it is good advice) and contemplated the state of mind of certain other cruise critic members (but not you).

Seems like this is a sensitive point here for you and I think it is pretty easy to figure out why.[/QUOTE]

Denigrate: to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.

Have an adult help you with the big words.

Your advice is worth every cent.

Edited to add: ;-) Dude, if you don't want to pre-tip then don't. Feel free to continue to wallow in your own sense of self worth or lack thereof. Honestly, it's not my fault! Have a GREAT day!
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[quote name='TallTwosome']When I was in college, way back in the late 70's, I worked for an Italian restaurant as a pizza delivery person. Not a big chain, just one restaurant in the suburbs of Tampa.

All I'll say is this, we would run several pizzas each delivery run, sometimes 4 or 5 at a time. [B][U]And if I knew that one of the deliveries was a consistently good tipper, you can believe that I delivered that pizza first.[/U][/B]

I was always polite and friendly to all my customers, and nobody got a cold pizza, but some people got theirs just a little faster, and just a little hotter.[/QUOTE]

That's great & I don't doubt that you did.. But was it because they tipped you BEFORE you brought them the pizza?
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[quote name='T. Advisor King'] I'm guessing that most posters on this thread might guess from the tone of your posts that the characteristics I mention above aren't in your usual repertoire.[/QUOTE]

Denigrate: to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.

Where's Tommy Smothers when you need him?
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[quote name='Starzend'][B]Hi,
My wife & I always tip our cabin steward on embarkation day and on disembarkation day.
If its a back-to-back cruise we also tip on turnaround day.
We do it to simply make sure everything goes smooth, & we always let the steward know more $$ will be coming their way.
Sorry if this sounds cliche, or actually the acronym: [U][COLOR=Red]T[/COLOR]o [COLOR=Red]I[/COLOR]nsure [COLOR=Red]P[/COLOR]rompt [COLOR=Red]S[/COLOR]ervice.[/U]
[/B][B]Leaving your auto-tip on & not adjusting it, do you pre-tip your cabin steward?

LOL! Starzend, I hope you got your answer! Some do, some don't. For some English isn't their native language (apparently). Do what works for you and scr3w the rest.

Fair winds!
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[quote name='cruisenanny']That's great & I don't doubt that you did.. But was it because they tipped you BEFORE you brought them the pizza?[/QUOTE]

I think the analogy is good service for good tippers. One who tips at the beginning may be viewed as a good/bad/average tipper. Those of us that wait until the end may be viewed as "unknown."
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[quote name='Starzend'][B][COLOR="Red"]Original question[/COLOR]
[/B][B]Leaving your auto-tip on & not adjusting it, do you pre-tip your cabin steward?

[quote name='BIG_Steve']I think the analogy is good service for good tippers. One who tips at the beginning may be viewed as a good/bad/average tipper. Those of us that wait until the end may be viewed as "unknown."[/QUOTE]

Assuming the auto-tips are left on, the "unknown" factor is kind of taken away, wouldn't you say? The auto-tips themselves are technically tipping up front, putting those who leave them on somewhere in the "average" category of tippers, I would think..
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[quote name='ib4cruzn']Denigrate: to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.

Have an adult help you with the big words.

Your advice is worth every cent.

Edited to add: ;-) Dude, if you don't want to pre-tip then don't. Feel free to continue to wallow in your own sense of self worth or lack thereof. Honestly, it's not my fault! Have a GREAT day![/quote]

Given that I didn't comment about you (I merely commented about what I thought others thought), It's pretty certain that I neither "sullied" nor "defamed".

But thanks for helping make my point with the tone of your reply.
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Exactly!!!!! A good steward will do just about anything you ask, if he can.. Extra ice, chocolates, towels, ashtrays. Tips on ports, etc. etc... And a bad one (rare) isn't gonna do much extra no matter what.

IMHO, pre-tipping on top of the auto tips is one of three things.

The nicest one being just a generous heart giving a gift to someone they feel compassion for. These are the folks that feel sooo bad for the crew being away from their families, working long hours, etc.

The second reason is usually just a newbie misconception, based on things they have read or heard. They think they won't even get fresh towels if they don't pre-tip.

The third reason is the ROTTEN one & is a minor character/ego flaw. It pathetically screams "look at me, I am more important than the rest of the people you will take care of this week. Here is some money ahead of time, so please realize just how nice & special I really am. I want more than everyone else will get, give me things"

Just how I see it.


Might I suggest glasses then. Went a little of the edge with paragraph above don't you think. If people want to pre-tip to ensure they get what they want then let them. Does that make them ego maniacs? I think not. You do seem to be a bit bitter however.

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Might I suggest glasses then. Went a little of the edge with paragraph above don't you think. If people want to pre-tip to ensure they get what they want then let them. Does that make them ego maniacs? I think not. You do seem to be a bit bitter however.


LOL I'm not bitter at all, however you do seem a bit over sensitive. I said it was IMHO & just how I see it. if you think my opinion was "of the edge" (whatever that means??), then that is your opinion, not a problem at all. Last I checked this was a discussion board..

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LOL! Starzend, I hope you got your answer! Some do, some don't. For some English isn't their native language (apparently). Do what works for you and scr3w the rest.


Fair winds!


LOL Ib4cruzn!!:D

Oh my goodness! Yes... But with a sigh also.

I could not believe the annoying bitter attitudes,

the twisting & picking apart words that 3 or 4 members did within the thread here, over & over if they did not agree with something.

Clearly they are against pre tippin', but gee-whiz, did they have to crap all over the thread??? They certainly left their stink everywhere.

Why did they have to disagree time & time again, coming back to wipe their butt all over this thread.

It baffles me that they do not see how they conducted themselves here.

I hope to never be on a ship with them, wow..

They need a vacation..:cool:

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LOL Ib4cruzn!!:D

Oh my goodness! Yes... But with a sigh also.

I could not believe the annoying bitter attitudes,

the twisting & picking apart words that 3 or 4 members did within the thread here, over & over if they did not agree with something.

Clearly they are against pre tippin', but gee-whiz, did they have to crap all over the thread??? They certainly left their stink everywhere.

Why did they have to disagree time & time again, coming back to wipe their butt all over this thread.

It baffles me that they do not see how they conducted themselves here.

I hope to never be on a ship with them, wow..

They need a vacation..:cool:


HEH?? Did you read your own posts early on? You are just precious, really..

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LOL I'm not bitter at all, however you do seem a bit over sensitive. I said it was IMHO & just how I see it. if you think my opinion was "of the edge" (whatever that means??), then that is your opinion, not a problem at all. Last I checked this was a discussion board..


I have a feeling you know I meant over the edge. Just a hunch. Not over sensitive at all, IMHO your opinion was harsh. Thanks for the lesson though:D

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We always tip over what is expected. We have 3 small children so I always tip well. We don't tip extra the first day because I want to make sure they deserve an extra tip before giving it. If they do something deserving (even if it is something they should do anyway but they do it with a smile or great attitude) we will tip. I remember 1 guy at Disney World (luggage porter) asked me 2X if I wanted ice in our bucket as he brought in our luggage. This guy I will always remember because of his attitude. We didn't want ice but I gave him an extra $20 (already tipped him $3.00 per bag which we do for all porters) just because he was so nice. It's not always about WHAT they do but more their attitude while doing it.

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Oh, that is a shame, you never had a cabin steward say, "Take some soda"..

Or, "what else do you need", and not be charged??

We had cabin steward bring her trolly into our cabin & say, take what ya want, lol..

I love the way some of you treat your new members, geez..


No, and I highly doubt you did either in real life.


This is simply not true. Like I said previously, Justify not doing it however you like!


Those that reap the rewards for doing it will, obviously, not stop doing it. The rest will be stuck in line so it really doens't matter.


Like a "pre-tip" is any different than a "promised tip."


I am wondering why you are trying to get people to pre tip these workers. What could your reasons be to dangle carrots of the benefits you supposedly have gotten for you supposedly pre tips?


I am always polite, friendly and respectful. My job demands it.


It seems you are preaching to the choir.


I use my tools to attain what I desire. Never have I been disrespectful or condescending. All parties part company happy with what they've received.


If this bothers you to the point of having to denigrate another for your benefit, well, it DOES brighten my day a bit.




Who knew room stewards had so much pull?


A little extra cash in the right hands "might" get you extra previllages, but I highly doubt your room steward is that person.


I don't care if you pre tip or toss your money over the side, but I will tell you this, I do not believe one thing you have typed about your "extra" perks by giving your room attendant a pre tip.

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Hi Skylock,

I am certain this is a waste of time typing an answer to you because

I have read through many of your (replies to posts) and

they are filled with a "Don't Care Attitude' and a

"You Need To' attitude... with an attitude...


Anything I would type would never squeeze into that type of a one way, narrow minded view..

That said, I find it very comical that you feel as if

people that pre-tip are trying to persuade others to do the same.

Some of the pre tippers have been trying to explain themselves after

every word of their replies are being picked apart

by non-pre tippers, and you see that as them trying to persuade?


I can't believe some of the bitter harsh attitudes I have seen here.

I gotta stay away from here, mainly because I haven't cruised with Carnival yet (can't wait to) and the attitudes I am seeing is actually turning me off of Carnival..


I love cruising.. I have never been turned off of a particular cruise line due to reading message boards, ever!

Cruise Critic has always been an excellent resource of info. But sadly & clearly, there is an attitude here on the Carnival Section that simply leaves a bad taste in someones mouth..


No reply is needed from anyone, the attitudes I have seen here

and in MANY other Carnival threads have chased me off and will not be returning.


Do yourselves a favor, loosen up your attitudes, let this post die off. This topic is too hot to have a NORMAL discussion in THIS section.


There are many

people that just read this site without becoming a member,

they use it for 1st hand advice, experience & knowledge.

Don't turn them off of Carnival with the embarrassing attitudes I have witnessed here...









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Hi Skylock,

I am certain this is a waste of time typing an answer to you because

I have read through many of your (replies to posts) and

they are filled with a "Don't Care Attitude' and a

"You Need To' attitude... with an attitude...


Anything I would type would never squeeze into that type of a one way, narrow minded view..

That said, I find it very comical that you feel as if

people that pre-tip are trying to persuade others to do the same.

Some of the pre tippers have been trying to explain themselves after

every word of their replies are being picked apart

by non-pre tippers, and you see that as them trying to persuade?


I can't believe some of the bitter harsh attitudes I have seen here.

I gotta stay away from here, mainly because I haven't cruised with Carnival yet (can't wait to) and the attitudes I am seeing is actually turning me off of Carnival..


I love cruising.. I have never been turned off of a particular cruise line due to reading message boards, ever!

Cruise Critic has always been an excellent resource of info. But sadly & clearly, there is an attitude here on the Carnival Section that simply leaves a bad taste in someones mouth..


No reply is needed from anyone, the attitudes I have seen here

and in MANY other Carnival threads have chased me off and will not be returning.


Do yourselves a favor, loosen up your attitudes, let this post die off. This topic is too hot to have a NORMAL discussion in THIS section.


There are many

people that just read this site without becoming a member,

they use it for 1st hand advice, experience & knowledge.

Don't turn them off of Carnival with the embarrassing attitudes I have witnessed here...










to sum it up, most experienced cruisers don't believe you, which is fine.


we don't have to.


just don't expect your first carnival cruise to be frought with freebies abounding because you choose to pre tip. there are many of us that believe this is a waste, and still get superior service without the bribe.

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