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Back from AMAKatarina Moscow to St Petersburg


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Upon returning from our AMA (Amadeus, at the time) Amacello Danube Discovery cruise, I, too, wrote to AMA, citing our less than favorable experiences. I was very specific, honest and candid, offering constructive criticism, in the hope that AMA would be responsive and take action to correct what I felt to be serious shortcomings. It fell on deaf ears. Others have written AMA, only to have their comments completely ignored. The way to get the points accross to AMA should now be taking one's travel dollars elsewhere. There are a multitude of companies far more worthy of those dollars.


To bring such supplements and accessories on any trip; most specifically, one that is quite costly, is totally unacceptable.


At this late stage of the game, the focal point should be on the fascinating destination.

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Hi nyfeds,


Yes, we will be concentrating on this fascinating destination. Customer Service is a very important part of running a corporation and, from the very beginning, the customer service at AMA hasn't been a good experience for me. I have called their office from the very beginning and the responses have not been the kind that builds confidence in their product. So, I will take my business somewhere else.



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Hi Sheila,


At least you've gotten some excellent information, thanks to Leslie's honest review and assessment. Perhaps, there will be some welcome, unexpected experiences to the contrary. I certainly hope so. Safe travels. I look forward to your report upon your return.


And, yes, indeed - far better choices are out there, as you and I know :)

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I want to thank both of you for the very honest reviews of your separate river cruises on the AMAKatarina. They were both posted today on the Member Review section of this board. Now, we know exactly what to expect.


We will report back after our September 6th sailing from St. Petersburg.



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Please folks, try to remember that AMA is leasing the boat. They do not have much control of how things are run. They can make suggestions, but they signed a contract with Vodohod who owns and runs the ship and are stuck with it.


When complaining about AMAKatarina, complain about Vodohod and call the ship by its real name: Rostropovich. AMA might have done a dumb thing by signing a contract with Vodohod without being able to exercise more control, but let's put the blame where it belongs, on Vodohod. I'm pretty certain that AMA would have, at this point in the season, made changes if they could have. The reviews are killing future business. They are not stupid. They are in business to make a profit.


I was annoyed with AMA's inability to give me coherent responses to my questions before we left but when I boarded the ship and saw what little control AMA has over the ship, I understood better.


I can't reiterate this enough: The ship is chartered and the owners, who are Vodohod, call the shots.


Having said that, we had a great trip. Not a single person in our group complained of hunger pangs. There was always something to eat. The soups and salads were wonderful and many of the mains were quite tasty.


I hate to see all of you folks getting your undies into a knot because of what a few people reported. Relax, start to think about the wonderful friends you will make and the beautiful scenery and fabulous works of art.


Don't start a trip like this with anger and bad expectations. You will ruin your own enjoyment and start the ball rolling for a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Think positive and have a great time!

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This is the first review I have done - just published today.




It is too bad that one has to pack and carry extra items, but forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes, and I was glad for all the tips provided by previous cruisers.



I read your review. Do you think it was fair of you to make comments about the cabin when you have never taken a river cruise before?


I have taken other river cruises and there was nothing about the cabin I had on that ship that in any way resembled a "motel 6" I've stayed in motel 6 when traveling with my dog and there is no comparison. The cabin on the Rostropovich was much nicer and very typical for a river ship. The cabins on that ship are much larger than most of the other vessels sailing that itinerary. I fault your travel agent for not explaining in advance that river cruising is not ocean cruising.


I don't disagree with all your comments about the food. We did not have a welcome aboard snacks as we were late getting in from the airport, but even though we arrived close to 9 PM, there was a hot meal waiting for us in the dining room. I thought that was very accommodating.


Other than the over-cooked food, I think you would have had a better experience if someone would have informed you of what to expect on a river cruise.

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Please folks, try to remember that AMA is leasing the boat. They do not have much control of how things are run. They can make suggestions, but they signed a contract with Vodohod who owns and runs the ship and are stuck with it.


When complaining about AMAKatarina, complain about Vodohod and call the ship by its real name: Rostropovich. AMA might have done a dumb thing by signing a contract with Vodohod without being able to exercise more control, but let's put the blame where it belongs, on Vodohod. I'm pretty certain that AMA would have, at this point in the season, made changes if they could have. The reviews are killing future business. They are not stupid. They are in business to make a profit.


AMA has been doing business with Vodohod for the past 5 years that I know of (not sure if longer). They knew exactly what they were doing when they resigned their contract. It is AMA that doesn't openly disclose that Vodohod is operating the ship. If reviews are killing their business - maybe they should advertise their product "accurately".

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AMA has been doing business with Vodohod for the past 5 years that I know of (not sure if longer). They knew exactly what they were doing when they resigned their contract. It is AMA that doesn't openly disclose that Vodohod is operating the ship. If reviews are killing their business - maybe they should advertise their product "accurately".


People are booking with AMA, based on AMA's presentation of the product. Their expectations are based on what AMA is telling and selling. Who cares who actually owns the boat? What people want is value for their hard earned dollars - if they don't feel they've gotten it, then it's completely acceptable to tell others how they feel.


For $5-$6k for these trips - it's not unreasonable to feel like the experience should be above and beyond.


Your advice (kelliepoodle) about going in with positive thoughts is good though - the only thing that can ruin a trip is a bad attitude....

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We are past cruisers with AMA and gave avid recommendations to others, saying our cruises with AMA were just wonderful. Really great!


I agree with Hibiscus13 completely. This is not a new cruise for AMA!!! They have been doing this cruise since 2005!!!! Nothing is different including the same CD. The only new addition is the new boat. AMA assured me last January when I booked the cruise that this was the finest cruise on the Volga and, in comparison to the other boats, it may be. Questioning the problems with the quality of the food on past trips, I was specifically informed that an American chef was now onboard. I enjoy diversity in food but I expect well cooked meals and I felt assured that this problem had been fixed with the acquisition of the new boat. AMA is marketing and selling this, not Voodohod!!!! If AMA is loosing money on their bookings for next year, then they have only themselves to blame. I don't care at this point who owns it, it's AMA's product, it is up to AMA to fix it, change their marketing and maybe answer my questions fully and correctly. It was a problem for Kellie Poodle before her trip and nothing seems to have changed.


Certainly customer service has been awful this time and we are leaving on this cruise next week with a great deal of negative anticipation. I didn't need information to be given to me incorrectly and then recinded so that they could "surprise" me. Will I have a great trip? Yes I will because we will be traveling with good friends. I will hold my thoughts until I return.

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"Please folks, try to remember that AMA is leasing the boat. They do not have much control of how things are run. They can make suggestions, but they signed a contract with Vodohod who owns and runs the ship and are stuck with it.


When complaining about AMAKatarina, complain about Vodohod and call the ship by its real name: Rostropovich. AMA might have done a dumb thing by signing a contract with Vodohod without being able to exercise more control, but let's put the blame where it belongs, on Vodohod. ...


Think positive and have a great time."


Kellie - While I entirely agree with your last sentence and am certain that we would have an acceptable cruise on the AmaKatarina, all things considered, we have decided that it is not a decent value.


Any assertions that one should accept the myriad faults of the boat simply because it is leased are simply preposterous when one considers that it is marketed and sold as an AMA product, not a Vodohod product. AMA may be "stuck with it"; but clients who trust in AMA's excellent reputation should not be "stuck" with anything so manifestly substandard, including mediocre to bad food, poor cabin and bathroom design, flimsy towels that are changed only once per day, or bathroom amenities that are peculiar at best. None of these flaws exist on the other AMA products in Europe or on the Mekong River.


It does indeed appear that AMA made a poor contract with Vodohod. So what? AMA is certainly not offering any cruise discounts based on some special "Incompetent and Pathetic Contract Negotiation with Vodohod" promotion, is it?


It is not conceivable that AMA could not correct at least some of the problems that have been consistently reported over this summer season, by bringing in better towels and bathroom amenities, negotiating a higher per diem for food service, etc. Yes, this might in fact cost AMA some $$$; but the alternative is that AMA will continue to deliver a product that is distinctly inferior to the product that it is selling.


If I have a problem with a hotel, whether it's a Holiday Inn or a Ritz-Carlton, I don't blame the actual owner of the building. I consider the company whose name is on the property and who takes my money to be responsible for the product delivered.


AMA does not own the lovely AMA-marketed riverboat La Marguerite, on which we'll be cruising the Mekong River soon. However, from every review I've read, the experience on that boat is absolutely worthy of the AMA name. Not one of the many reviews I've read suggests that if anything is not up to snuff, then one should simply absolve AMA of any responsibility and look to Indochina Sails (the actual owner) for relief. The CEO of AMA on the AMA-produced videos describes La Marguerite as a marvelous AMA experience, not as something which AMA leases and for which AMA takes no particular responsibility.


Is it unreasonable to ask that AMA do the same for AmaKatarina? A modest proposal, perhaps.


Cheers, Fred

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Fred, thank you for your thoughtful response and analysis of KelliePoodles post. You have mirrored my thoughts and replied far better than I would have.


I am tired of the lame excuses for AMA's Russian misadventures.


My attitude toward the trip and Russia is still very positive and I am determined to have a wonderful time. I will deal with AMA later if the situation warrants it.



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Of course it is fair of me to comment on the cabin! People have different standards of what is acceptable - I happen to have higher ones than many, but that is why I booked a Marinsky "suite" and not a smaller cabin. I've seen photos, etc. of other Russian river boats, that I would never book. I knew going in that a river cruise is different from an ocean cruise. AMA's advertising of "strict control" over the refurbishment led me to believe the ship would be better.


It is totally fair and people should be encouraged to post their opinions - it is a service to those looking to make decisions on a future trip. You can discount my impressions based on your acceptable standards, but it is certainly reasonable for me to describe the cabin as I see it.


That said, I think my review overall was balanced and believe that the next group to go will benefit from having more information and I am sure, despite the less than stellar aspects of the ship and food, they will enjoy the overall experience.

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People are booking with AMA, based on AMA's presentation of the product. Their expectations are based on what AMA is telling and selling. Who cares who actually owns the boat? What people want is value for their hard earned dollars - if they don't feel they've gotten it, then it's completely acceptable to tell others how they feel.


For $5-$6k for these trips - it's not unreasonable to feel like the experience should be above and beyond.


Your advice (kelliepoodle) about going in with positive thoughts is good though - the only thing that can ruin a trip is a bad attitude....


When I booked the trip, I thought I was going with AMA, just as everyone else did. I agree that our experience regarding the food was not at all up to our expectations. Our cabin was fine, the staff were excellent and very accommodating and eager to please and the tours and cultural information was great.


Even after sorting through and weeding out my 4GB worth of photos, I have almost 400 on my slide show. I couldn't have had so many photos If I had a rotten time. ;)


I had never been in Russia before and I was completely aware that I was not going to get in a huge amount of detailed sightseeing on a river cruise. What I got was a fabulous introduction to Russia, her people, her art and culture and some of her scenic beauty.


As a result of that trip, we hope to return to St Petersburg one day on a Baltic cruise and use one of the private tour companies to see the things we missed.

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Fred, thank you for your thoughtful response and analysis of KelliePoodles post. You have mirrored my thoughts and replied far better than I would have.


I am tired of the lame excuses for AMA's Russian misadventures.


My attitude toward the trip and Russia is still very positive and I am determined to have a wonderful time. I will deal with AMA later if the situation warrants it.




I'm dealing with it my own way. My next river cruise will be with Uniworld or Tauck or anyone but AMA :)


I still can't believe that they can change the food situation. I think they would have done it by now because of all the bad press. It's a very poor business practice to ignore it.


My major concern is that people here are going to go on this trip with a suitcase full of anger and negative expectations and it will ruin their trip much more than a lack of gourmet dining.

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Hi Kellie,


I'm not going with any other attitude but looking forward to having a good time. In spite of it all, we will enjoy ourselves. We are just disappointed to spend so much money on a trip that should have been less expensive. We just booked a Crystal Cruise for 12 days and it is less than what we paid AMA.



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Just went to AMA's website and out of 14 2012 sailings, 7 are sold out. My sailing of next week and the last two for the year are still open for booking. I checked the internet and APT says they have an exclusive with booking the ship. I believe APT is an Australian company. Am I right? Also, one of the sites I visited said that the ship featured "indulgent toiletries". I looked up the definition of indulgence and it said "gratify desires". Maybe, I can leave my own shower gel, shampoo and conditioner home.


I'm just astonished by the bookings. I can't believe that people don't check out comments on line. After we booked this river cruise, I keep calling AMA and looking for any photos for the forthcoming "luxury" ship. Even after the first sailing, I couldn't get any answers until the first bad review. By then, I couldn't cancel without losing a lot of money.



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Just went to AMA's website and out of 14 2012 sailings, 7 are sold out. My sailing of next week and the last two for the year are still open for booking. I checked the internet and APT says they have an exclusive with booking the ship. I believe APT is an Australian company. Am I right? Also, one of the sites I visited said that the ship featured "indulgent toiletries". I looked up the definition of indulgence and it said "gratify desires". Maybe, I can leave my own shower gel, shampoo and conditioner home.


Yes - APT is an Australian company and it is very possible that they have decided to book (charter) the entire ship. They have done this with various AMA ships. We traveled with some Australians on our sailing and they were told the whole ship would be Australians.


A few years ago when AMA released their European itineraries, many were upset because the day of release, the ship said "sold out" and people later found out APT had control of the entire ship.




Shoshona - I felt the same way you do. They advertised the Tolstoy (former ship) as luxurious - my brochure says "Named after the famous author Leo Tolstoy, this unique ship is the most luxurious and comfortable cruise ship ever built for Russian rivers. Constructed in Austria using high quality materials and at a much higher cost than other ships, The Tolstoy was designed for high ranking Kremlin officials and to host foreign dignataries. Today, she is still one of the top ships in Russia, with luxurious decor, large, well-appointed cabins, elegant public areas and wide circular stairs.


I feel embarrassed to complain as I got a pretty good deal on my cruise compared to todays pricing and I used FF miles for air so I wasn't out that much money. On the other hand, I felt cheated. I had so looked forward to my return to Russia after several years and the trip was disappointing on many levels. For example - I was mislead into thinking we had 3 days in Moscow, we had 1.5 days. I would never have booked this trip if I had known that. My tours (while those who went this year have said positive things), they were inferior compared to my previous cheap high school trip. We wasted so much time on this trip - it was pathetic. Ironically, I was not disappointed in the boat itself as I can deal with minimal rooms and the ship was clean but was hugely disappointed in the food. Especially when I knew food in Russia is good from previous experience and my friends on Viking thought their food was quite good. Others just assumed that all Russian food was bad and they were being served normal Russian food. I felt cheated as my return trip to Russia was so inferior compared to my previous trip and I am not sure when I am going to have a chance to return.


When reports were coming in about the food being bad - I knew it would not improve the rest of the season. It was the same the year I went with the same American (Anthony) over-seeing the food. He could care less about the complaints.


Unfortunately when I booked - there had not been anything on CC about AMA Tolstoy. I thought I had done my research and thought AMA would be so much better than Viking. It turned out the year I went, Grand Circle had the best trip as they used hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In retrospect, I really didn't gain that much from the cities/towns on the Volga as much as I love Moscow and St. Petersburg. They were fine but I would have given up those ports to have more time in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I would have been better doing what we did in high school. Spend time in St. Petersburg and take the train to Moscow and spend time there and then fly home.


I made the best of the trip and I came back with wonderful pictures and am glad I returned. I just wish I would have returned in a different way.

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Just went to AMA's website and out of 14 2012 sailings, 7 are sold out. My sailing of next week and the last two for the year are still open for booking. I checked the internet and APT says they have an exclusive with booking the ship. I believe APT is an Australian company.


I vaguely remember a PR several years ago about AMA and APT having some type of relationship and found an article that talks about it:




OK - the link didn't work - type in cruises . com in the above address where the stars are with no spaces.


An excerpt: In Europe, through its partnership with AmaWaterways, APT has invested in the building of eight luxury river ships, valued at around $200 million. The newest of these, the ms Amadolce and ms Amalyra, are due for launch this year, joining Europe's most luxurious and state-of-the-art fleet. This is currently comprised of the ms Amadante (2008), ms Amacello (2008), ms Amalegro (2007), and ms Amadagio (2006).


This is why APT has control of so many sailings of AMA's ships (not just in Russia).

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I would say about half the passengers on our August trip were Australian and part of an APT group - they were assigned to their own buses as well. They had a special deal where their gratuities were included, which was mentioned during the end of cruise briefing. We also heard on-board that APT was an investor in AMA.


As far as the toiletries go, they are very strongly scented - especially the cherry pie soap. They give you one bar of soap, so even if you like it (one of my friends did), if you don't want to transfer it to and from the shower stall then you might want to bring an additional small bar of soap.

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