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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Hi all, I have been on WW for years, actually reached my goal, but am now over again.........35lb. I am going to Alaska in July and want to try to lose some of that, I know 35 in that time is not really possible, but?

Anyway, weighed in today, gained .2. I started back to WW in January and just can't seem to get into it, it seems harder now. First time around on points, I lost like 26lbs in one month, now I have only lost 10ls in 4 months!!!

I am just starting Zumba on the Wii, anyone else doing that? I need all the encouragement and help I can get. I will try to help too. Together we can do it.

Also, I Have been on 4 cruises while on WW. It is not too bad, lots of choices and easy to stay on plan if you want to. 2 Cruises I stayed the same, 2 others, I gained 2-3 lbs, so? Not too bad.

Anyway, not only trying to lose for the cruise, but for health mostly.

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WI was yesterday, had a gain of .4 of a pound but instead of being discouraged, I'm that more determined to get on track . Ate too many cup cakes at my grand daughter's birthday party and way too much Mexican food at a dinner over the weekend. But I'm back on track today.


Congrats for your attitude and getting back up quick!:D


Welcome, Malibubaby and thank you all for your help.


I just know it's the frozen fruit- it's too easy to eat. I will use it only for "emergencies" and one small bowl of the frozen crack at night. It IS really good as a means of redirecting me from VBT (Very Bad Things) but I am sure this is what is holding me up.


The funny thing is: when I am not dieting I am probably taking in 4,000 calories a day, and on a cruise? I can't even imagine how many points and I don't want to think about it. I pack it in. Then for weeks after the cruise I continue to pack it in. So you would think that a couple of bowls of fruit at 90 calories per 3/4 cup would be negligible. Then again, it's more than a couple. But the shock to my system of actually eating like a normal person :eek:- you would think the pounds would be flying off.


If I had done Medifast I would have lost 15-20 by now, but I would be gaining it back very, very soon.


My thing, submitted for your advice, is that I get ravenous when I get home from work (usually around 4). So I have been eating mini carrots while I cook dinner. The fact that I have been able to do this is nothing short of a miracle, trust me. So then dinner comes and I play it cool, a cup of pasta, 5 points of chicken, veggies upon veggies. Sometimes no starch. I can have an entire dinner that is 5 points. So then.... 7 or 8 rolls around and I find myself eating 3 Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, or 100 calorie choc covered pretzel packs, and then a couple of bowls of frozen mango or peach slices. I finish the day at par or maybe a point under, but it has basically been party time all night, nonstop eating. I need something to direct myself, food wise, because "do not eat at this time of day" is not a successful plan. Neither is "more carrots, this time with celery". I am taking quite a hit with popcorn- WTH? It used to be almost free. Now it's 5 or 6 points. I air pop it and spray it with I Can't Believe..... .


So I am within points but...


I think the WPA is for emergencies, so you don't give up entirely if you screw up. "Oops, I just had two pieces of pizza, I can't believe I did that, oh well, I'm still within my WPA." I try not to use them but at least I know they are there if I go off the rails.


Thank you so much for your help and please keep it coming, please. I used to be on the WW boards but found them cliquey beyond belief. Also, they triggered eating if I didn't actively ignore half the posts. CC is my home. I am just turning 50, have five kids, and a stressful job as a custody lawyer. This is it for me. I have been so down about my weight- I have isolated myself from a lot of experiences. Then again, this will be my fourth cruise in a year (not my plan! Coincidence.) and the eating has never been more out of whack.


I need to confess that I went back to old school WW points. I am using the old method of counting with 18 points. It worked better for me years ago, and it worked this week. All of the old points are still in my head because I was on WW for so long. I still have the older book and numbers, so it's all good. My WW leader thinks I should give the new program some more time, but I know what has worked for me....and the newer points do not work as well. I am also adding Benefibre to everything. It helps to make me feel full and gives me the other benifits. I wish you the best of luck and happy training!




Hi all. Going on our first cruise in a few weeks. Does anyone make any effort to calculate Points while cruising? Or do you just say forget it,and eat eat eat? How much weight do people usually gain on a cruise?


I am scared to gain weight on my cruise in 2.5 weeks:(. I have already planned some changes from my cruise routine. No martini and No wine tasting ( it's ok, cause I already know I like the taste:p). I LOVE cosmos, so I ordered a bottle of vodka to our room and I am bringing my 10 cal. crannberry juice with me. I have reservations each night for specialty dining and I already know what I will order. I have a healthy plan for each morning and lunch is easy to manage on the ship. I will try 3 bites of everything if I can get the chef's table.

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WI today but missed the meeting

lost 3.3 that led to Pretty 5% sticker and 10 lbs!

I met my activity goal this week


SW 152.7

CW 142.1

GW 129.0


Weightloss goal for this week is 1.5 lbs

walk/jog 5 miles a day Thusday, Sunday

walk/jog 10 miles Wednesday

Walk/jog 15 miles Saturday

train 3x circuit Thusday, Sunday, Tuesday


56 miles walked this week

35 miles goal this week

211/250 miles walked


My short term pre cruise goal weight to fit in my clothing was 139. 3 lbs in two weeks is do-able, but I am going to have to really work hard at it!

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Hi all,

I started, again, in January. Down 21 lbs in 16 weeks--slow but steady. Been here, done this many, many times: points, "core", old school exchange program. Seen it all. It all works (if you stay with it).


I find I am most successful when I track EVERYTHING, even when I go over DP and WP. It keeps me honest, even if I'm not on track. And sometimes when I see in black and white how far off program I've strayed on a binge, it's a reminder that tomorrow, I start all over again with a brand new set of DP. For me, that's comforting... Sort of forgive, forget, move on.


Anyway, sailing in 52 days... hope to be down another 10 by then. I actually did not have a hard time last year while cruising staying on track. There are so many non-food activities kind of forgot about eating except at meals.


Good luck to everyone on your road to success!

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WI this morning. I lost 1.6 pounds. Wasn't on the treadmill much, but did do spring cleaning and a little gardening. It all counts!!! I have lost a total of 11.5 p# since end-January. And if I count the 3 that I lost 2 or 3 times I am happy with the loss. I will soon meet with my leader to set a goal forWW, but my goal will be a few pounds less as I know where I want to be by cruise time. This time I want to do the maintainance plan and remind myself that this plan is for life. A few pounds added means fewer points to track until I am back where I want. And I mean a few ( no more than 3). I am determined to be vigilant. My doctor told me I can start reducing my diabetes medication and perhaps eliminate it. What a great incentive that is!



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Congrats to all that have lost!! :D


I am struggling big time. Mind over matter is my mantra right now. Trying to remember one of my favorite quotes right now. " Being Overweight is HARD, Losing Weight is HARD and Maintaining weight is HARD. We just need to choose OUR HARD."



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Hi all. Went to WW and meeting this morning. Scale at home showed about 1/2 down, but WI was down 2 pounds! Woo hoo! I'm down 28.4 total and want to lose about 75 total. Cruising in October so probably can't get all the way but will do my best.


Congrats to everyone on this week's losses and your great attitudes and encouraging posts. Just like the meetings, it helps to have support.


I have been mowing the lawn (takes me 2+ hours), but now I like the exercise and the activity points!


I wish you all a great and successful weekend!

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I heard a story on the radio this morning... some company did a study and found that on average people gained one pound per day on a cruise. Apparently it was based on 14-day cruises. Then, of course, the announcer followed that up with a comment about 24-hour buffets, which they always do and which always tells me this person has never ever cruised before.


Here's the article:



I guess the thing to take away from this is, don't do what they did! While I'm sure none of us wants to be highly restrictive on holiday, don't gorge yourself either.


Have a happy healthy day!

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I need to confess that I went back to old school WW points. I am using the old method of counting with 18 points. It worked better for me years ago, and it worked this week. All of the old points are still in my head because I was on WW for so long. I still have the older book and numbers, so it's all good. My WW leader thinks I should give the new program some more time, but I know what has worked for me....and the newer points do not work as well..


I wish! I have the iphone tracker app and the ipad tracker and kitchen companion. it is sooo easy- without it, I would have given up by now. I have tried all the other non-WW fitness and calorie counting apps but I don't stay with them. I can't imagine carrying the little booklet around again and besides- I have one booklet/tracker left over from the olden days, that's it. I wish I could go back to the old points system on the apps! I am just trying to cut out more than one piece of fruit unless I am absolutely going off the rails.


Yesterday I ate what I wanted due to a couple of reasons. I just wiped out a week's worth of WPA's and started fresh today. Of course the scale showed me four pounds less than yesterday- it always does that, for reasons unknown to me. So if today's weight is "real", that will be 9 down in three weeks and change. I'll take it!


Good luck to you all today!

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I am happy for all the weight we have lost, and especially because it is so wonderful to get the great encouragement from others. Whether we lose, gain, or stay the same, we can feel the joy that others are sending our way. Thanks for this as it is helping us to stay on track.



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I was worried about weigh in this week because I knew I didn't eat so well. Luckily the flexibility of points means I still managed to decrease another pound even though I was largely off program! Back to tracking tomorrow.

Edited by lotusbogardi
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OT! Hope it doesn't go as long as Rangers?Caps last night---can't do that 2 nights in a row.


I will not stay up for a 3rd OT because tomorrow is a big day....who am I kidding yes I will:p

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Down 1.6 this week! And I bought a jean skirt size 4 last night for my birthday!!! (and it fits!) Yay! What a wonderful day to be alive, fit, a healthy weight and in my 40's still looking and feeling great!


Congratulations to everyone else too. It was a great week all around, I think.


Happy weekend!

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Down 1.6 this week! And I bought a jean skirt size 4 last night for my birthday!!! (and it fits!) Yay! What a wonderful day to be alive, fit, a healthy weight and in my 40's still looking and feeling great!


Congratulations to everyone else too. It was a great week all around, I think.


Happy weekend!


Size 4!:D Congrats!!!

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WOW!! Look at all you losers! ( I bet you never thought that being called a Loser would be a compliment) Love seeing all the great news!


I didn't show a WL this week but I saw a maintain and I can't complain. Been struggling. Today though I am in such a better mind set. I got my grocery list prepared and my goal for this week is to eat more protein ,more veggies, fruit, less white carbs and minimalize the frozen meals. I eat veggies and do eat fruit but I don't believe I have been getting enough. I am going to increase protein, hoping that will curb appetite and did I mention I am not buying any sweets? I am hoping to break the cravings. So probably in a few days I will be very grumpy but I will just have to hit the fruit a little more. We'll see. If it gets too hard I will buy something sweet that comes in small doses. I am not going to torture myself. LOL!

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Hey everybody! Frustrated as I flit between three pounds down and no pounds down. Yesterday: -3. Today: -0. It's been like this for days. I know why- the usual: water retention. And yet, I can spend an entire day eating no added salt and staying away from known sodium culprits, and the next day I'll be up two pounds! Anyway, significant NSV's happening, even though two days in a row I went off track by 5 pm. Today I am back in the game.


In my ongoing quest to find out the effects of having zero point fruit I found this: http://www.sugarstacks.com/fruits.htm. Interesting.


Have a good day everyone!!

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WI today--down 3.4. I am so happy with that. Used all but 5 of my weekly points this week (35 last Saturday!!) But, tracked everything, including the healthy checks. When you stick to plan, it actually works.

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Hey everybody! Frustrated as I flit between three pounds down and no pounds down. Yesterday: -3. Today: -0. It's been like this for days. I know why- the usual: water retention. And yet, I can spend an entire day eating no added salt and staying away from known sodium culprits, and the next day I'll be up two pounds! Anyway, significant NSV's happening, even though two days in a row I went off track by 5 pm. Today I am back in the game.


In my ongoing quest to find out the effects of having zero point fruit I found this: http://www.sugarstacks.com/fruits.htm. Interesting.


Have a good day everyone!!


Have you tried cherry stem tea? I works well for me after I work out to help with the water.

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wi today--down 3.4. I am so happy with that. Used all but 5 of my weekly points this week (35 last saturday!!) but, tracked everything, including the healthy checks. When you stick to plan, it actually works.


:d wtg!!

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