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Live from Voyager Venice to Monte Carlo--Sept 29-Oct 10


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Answers to a couple of questions:


I will try to poke around and find out about Signatures. Good question! And one I would like to know the answer to myself.


As far as tipping gondoliers, I actually didn't tip ours. And I don't think anyone in our group did either. When we got finished with the tour, there was a guy on the dock helping everyone out (6 people per gondola) and scooting you up off the landing area as it is pretty tippy also. The gondoolier wasn't where you could give him any tip--he was still on the back of the gondola keeping it balanced. But he didn't look like he expected one at all.


Ours didn't sing, and actually I didn't hear any singing from the ones we passed. A friend of mine who has been to Venice previously said that theirs offered to sing but it is an extra fee.


Poss, I will try to be clearer (HAHA). At the airport, there is a booth right to the left as soon as you come out of customs where you pick up your already purchased vaporreto passes. This is also where you can buy Alilaguna tickets if you have not prepurchased on line. If you have prepurchased on line, you exchange your voucher for the Alilaguna tickets at a booth at the pier.


You walk out of the airport and turn left, going down a paved covered sidewalk quiet a long ways. It is totally flat. You cross several streets. It is clearly signed, but I would say a 8-10 min walk if you are pulling luggage. You end up at the dock for the water taxi and the Alilaguna water bus--water taxis are closer than the Alilaguna. The guys at the water taxi or the Alilaguna will get your luggage on and off the boat, but you have to be fit enough to pull them the distance from the airport to the dock.


Yes, obviously, to use either of these options effectively, your hotel needs to accessable right from the water. We saw many poor people hauling luggage all over the streets of Venice and on the vaporetto (no help getting on and off these). I would really research the accessibility of the hotel before reserving.


The Hilton is right smack on the water--Alilaguna stop to front door of hotel is maybe 20 ft. And the bellman is right there and can help if you have trouble with the luggage there.


When you get to the port (quite large), it is a bit confusing as there is no signage where the Alilaguna lets you off. And I wasn't able to see our ship. But there was a lady there who pointed us in the right direction (no English, but I showed her our Regent luggage tags). Again quite a walk from the Alilaguna stop to the ship--probably about the same distance as the airport, but again is flat and paved.


The water taxis drop you at roughly the same spot, so they are not going to be any great advantage at the port. I think land taxis can drive right up to the ship, but land taxis can only take you from the airport to the port, not from any Venice hotels that I know of unless you could find a hotel directly by the Piazzale Roma. That might be a possibility if you could find a decent hotel there.


Entertainment last evening was the Swing Show. I went even though I had been before to see if it had changed at all. It had not, so was again disappointing, the problem being that there are only 2 swing dances or songs in the entire show. The rest is a bunch of modern dance which, while I am sure some people like, is not swing dance and not what I like at all. A lot of people left mid show.

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Great sharp response. I think even Botticelli would have laughed at that one. :D




To add a little to Rachel's comprehensive reply to the stuation at Marco Polo. Though the walk slong the short cut from the airport exit to the water taxi/ Alilaguna dock is as she described, there is also a free shuttle bus which we used on our return trip once. Running continually, it is only a 10 minute or so wait.

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Awoke to another glorious sunny day. Temps in the mid 80s by afternoon, but mostly very pleasant as the town is positioned to catch the breeze.


This is a tender port, and they really seem to now have their act together regarding getting everyone off on excursions efficiently. They have the theater entrances arranged with someone standing there to direct traffic, and you go in on way to the front to exchange your ticket. Sit down till your number is called, the exit from another way, so no crowding or people milling around. The later in the day tours met on the dock (my idea a couple of years ago--I am glad they employed it as it saves time).


Anyway, GE and I had an afternoon tour but wanted to do some exploring on our own. We were able to get on the first tender. Independents have to get a tender ticket in the theater too, but I think everyone who wanted on the first tender got on.


We walked all over, out of town a bit and along the beach. Korcula is so quiet and beautiful. One of my favorite places. We stopped for a lunch of pizza and salad. Pizza was outstanding, on a wood burning fire. GE had some Korcula beer, and I had a glass of the local wine, which wasn't bad.


Afternoon walking tour was just ok. Our guide was good, but it was hard to hear her at times due to other tour groups and some persistant musicians. We went in two churches and the museum. Some interesting paintings and a big coin collection. One of the churches has a picture of the Last Supper which features a bunny rabbit as the main course (hum?) complete with its head and ears still attached.


It was pretty hot after the tour and was 3 anyway (last tender at 4:30), so we headed back to play trivia. We did not win, but were in the top 4. If I had persisted with 2 of my answers, we would have won, but I allowed myself to be over ruled. Oh, well, today is another day.


Beautiful sail away on top deck. No formal party, so we made our own. Really so scenic it is impossible to describe.


Dinner was in CR and was outstanding. Carlos, my fav sommolier, greeted us with hugs. He is so great--knows his wine and jjust an outstanding person as well. This is probably my 5th cruise with him. He took good care of us in the wine dept. Food was great also.


The entertainment last evening was an opera singer from the UK--Fiona Jessica Wilson. Opera is really not my thing, but I thought we would give it a chance. Boy, am I glad we did. She was outstanding. Her redition of "Ave Maria" sent chills down my spine. GE said it almost made him cry, and he never cries at anything.


And she said this Spanish song about a baby dying that was in Spanish but was probably the single saddest song I have ever heard. But very beautiful.


All in all, a great day.


Tom, thanks for the tip about the shuttle bus at the Venice airport. That would have been good to know rather than having to lug our suitcase that distance.

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Posss -


A suggestion for a really nice hotel in Venice, on the Grand Canal. Palazzo Sant'Angelo, right at the vaporetto stop of the same name. We stayed there last year when we went to see the "Regata Storica". And were totally satisfied with everything, including the price. (I reviewed it on TA so you could check that). Water taxi from the Tronchetto where we parked our car to the hotel was €80. I would think it would be about the same to the Cruise Terminal IF that is where you board. Quite a bit less if you board at the other little dock near the Zatterre.


Rachel - glad you are having such great weather. Hope it continues for you. And keep these grat posts coming!!

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Grazie mille, Rachel! And many thanks to Orp and Ham as well!

Palazzo Sant'Angelo looks like a fine place indeed. My taste doesn't run to those heavy reds and golds, but, hey, when in Venice....

Al Ponte Mocenigo also looks like a pleasant place-- plus no doubt there are ways to find availability at the Hilton as well.

I wish I knew which of the three might be more pleasant and more quiet. (We'd probably not get a canal view room, both because of the added expense and bec. I suspect they'd be somewhat more noisy.)

Thanks again for all the help. And, Rachel, Im so happy that the weather gods and all others are smiling upon you.

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If he sings like Bocelli, who will steer the boat? :D:D


As my grandson Callaghan, then 6. told his first grade teacher when she told him he couldn't listen to her instructions and talk to his friends at same time:



"My Dad taught me to multitask!"

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Another perfect sunny day with temps in the mid 80s.


This was a port where we were actually docked. We had a good time watching the entertainment as a local dog "helped" the dock workers tie up the ship. He was very cute and funny, and the guys who were working were nice to him.


Off the ship for our 4x4 drive right on time. The pier is pretty long here, so they had a shuttle bus to take you to the end. Then we went a short ways on another bus to get our 4x4's which held 4 people with one being the driver. You were supposed to bring your driver's license if you were going to drive, but the guys never checked them. I guess it would only be a problem if you had a wreck.


There were 13 4x4s in our convoy. We went way up up up in the hills on little tiny roads that in the US would be one lane. Great fun if you met someone. GE was driving and did a great job. We made a couple of stops for pics and then a snack which was pretty substantial--tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, local sausages, bread, homemade olive oil, homemade red wine, and for those not driving ouzo.


We made it back to the pier about 1 1/2 hrs before we had to embark, but it was really hot by then. We tried to get a taxi to take us to old town, but none of the drivers seemed to want such a short fare, and we didn't have enough time to walk there and back and eat.

So we ate lunch on the pool deck. Taxi drivers loss--if I were one, I would snag every fare I could.


Trivia was outstanding--we were victorious this time. Even though I let myself be talked out of one correct answer, and I talked the others out of another.


Dinner in CR. I had my veggie curry--great as usual. Quick service for our table for 6 as we wanted to see Cirque Voyager.


Cirque Voyager was totally different than the Cirque Navigator show, and way better. They got rid of the silly story line, and mostly just performed the aerobatics. The girl in the specialty couple is strong as an ox--she could pick up her partner, and he has to out weigh her by at least 50 lbs. We enjoyed it very much.


Couple of observations--cigarette smoke: only place I have smelled any is down by the Voyager Lounge, casino and cigar room, and it always smells there. Then up one floor in the stairwell. Computer room and Prime 7 are fine.


Vibration seems to be significantly less than before. Some people have complained about it who have suites toward the rear of the ship. All I can say is they don't have anything to compare it too. It is definitely less in Signatures and the Horizon Lounge than it used to be. I would consider one of the Horizon suites now, though I think my husband would still be annoyed by it.

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That sounded like a fun day. Topped with veggie cury too. You made two very interesting notes which occupy a lot of first time cruisers thoughts and I hope they will be reassured about the cigarette smoke and the vibration.


For me, on a similar time zone, it is great to get up in the morning, switch on the computer, make a cup of coffee and read your posts before my daily chores begin. Thanks for taking the time to write.

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Poss -

when we stayed at the Sant'Angelo we took a room with "garden" view, in the back. it was totally quiet. AND the AC was very good. No noise at all. Plus they kindly upgraded us to a Junior Suite. (Reds and golds aren't my thing either - we have Scandinavian at home! - but as you say, when in Venice...


Rachel - I am SO glad they dropped that stuid story with le Cirque and focus on the acrobats. It would make all the difference in the world. As you said it does. Too bad about the vibration, but a ship is a ship and it moves. Or at least, you hope it does! Keep enjoying your cruise!! And your curries!!

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Ah, I've never met a complimentary upgrade that I didn't love. Did you happen to see any of the "ordinary" rooms? I wonder if some of them might look onto the "garden." (Why in quotes? not really a garden? Actually I scarcely care what the view is so long as it's not unpleasant AND so long as the room is quiet.) I've been reading reviews and looking at the website-- looks like a very pleasant hotel. Btw, did you book directly? I know that so many people book through Expedia or whatever, but I never have.

IMPT. QUESTION: Is it ok for me to be asking all these questions on Rachel's post? I will cease and desist if it's inappropriate; just say the word anyone.

Meanwhile, thank you.

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Gerry, just heard from Mark Conroy reference Signatures, pls see below:


Yes Signatures will stay French with a redesigned menu.





Mark S. Conroy │ President


Regent Seven Seas Cruises │ 1000 Corporate Drive, Suite 500, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334

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Rachel: If you have info., I'd love to hear what others may have enjoyed on Corfu. And glad you enjoyed your choice.


Wes: Thank you. If it couldn't be terrific Asian cuisine, I'm happy that it's staying French.

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Really wish Mark Conroy would post on CC instead of people posting for him. However, if the poster is correct, it sounds as if Le Condon Bleu does not own the name "Signatures" and the restaurant can continue after the contract runs out as long as the menu is not the same. It is sad to see the wonderful Le Condon Bleu classes disappear. They were truly memorable.

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Really wish Mark Conroy would post on CC instead of people posting for him...


What difference does it make? We're still getting word from the man at the top. (You may not intend it this way, but it comes off sounding like you're annoyed because Col. Wes has an inside line to Mark Conroy.) If he posted here, people would reply, ask questions, make suggestions, offer complaints, etc. -- he could use up half of each day responding to the issues that come up on this forum! And people would complain when he, inevitably, didn't reply to every issue.


Conroy's not the only chief executive who sometimes answers questions indirectly. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was famous for sometimes replying to emails from the public, usually in one line replies, which he and the company obviously knew would get passed on to and posted on websites which follow Apple in the same close way this forum follows Regent.


it sounds as if Le Condon Bleu does not own the name "Signatures" and the restaurant can continue after the contract runs out as long as the menu is not the same.


That may be, but I'm not sure Conroy's response makes that conclusive. "Yes Signatures will stay French with a redesigned menu" could mean that "the current Signatures restaurants will stay French with a redesigned menu" -- which leaves open whether the name will change or not. It would obviously save Regent some money not to have to change many things large and small on all the ships by retaining the name; on the other hand, they might want to signify a change and new beginning by changing the name. But the main thing anyone wanted to know is what type of restaurant there will be onboard, and now we have an answer; the name really isn't important whether its retained or changed.


-- Eric

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I really don't care if Wes or anyone else has inside information. One problem that I have seen on the boards for the last six months has been information reportedly said by Mark Conroy that was not accurate. Months ago, "Dreps" posted that, per Mark Conroy, Gold and above would be able to make dining and excursion reservations even if they are not in a concierge class suite.


Last week Wes posted that, per Mark Conroy, the big announcement would be the first week of October. A few posts later, Wes said that, per Mark Conroy, the big announcement would be Sunday, October 16th.


It is certainly possible that these posters have spoken and/or received emails from Mr. Conroy. However, until the information is released publically by Regent (or Mr. Conroy or their Public Relations representative), it is merely heresay.


My frustration is with all of the heresay, quotes and other misinformation. The latest rumor is that the announcement will be this Wednesday. I understand that it is difficult to keep information to yourself when you believe it to be true. However, when I have heard information from management or officers on board the ship, I state that this is something I heard and do not name the person I heard it from. Some things I have heard have come to pass -- others have not.


In terms of Signatures, Mark Conroy reportedly said that the contract with Le Cordon Bleu was ending and the name "Signatures" can no longer be used (said during a meeting on board the Mariner in March). There was also a lot of talk on the boards about what type of restaurant would replace Signatures. When I read an official statement from Regent about Signatures it will go from rumor status to reality.


If Regent wants to make an announcement about any of the above items, I would think that they would do so (well, maybe.. . . . if they improve communication a bit). My issue has simply been posters repeating what Mark Conroy said and having the information be not quite what was posted.


Still looking forward to the big announcement on Wednesday. . . . or will it be Sunday the 16th. . . . or :confused:


P.S. Do you remember when Mark Conroy posted occasionally on CC? It would take him the same amount of time to post a one liner on CC as it would be to respond to an email.

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Again, perfect sunny warm but not hot day. Awoke as we were anchoring in the harbor alongside a Silversea ship.


Quite a rough tender ride but not a long one. A few people looked a bit queasy.


I have been to Taormina before on a land trip and stayed just inside the Catania gate, so very familiar with the town. Thus I had a plan. We signed up for the Greek theater tour as this would get us into town. We followed along with the tour through town. Some accurate and some inaccurate info by the guide, but she was a nice lady. Then went into the Greek theater with the group and toured there. Then when she gave the offer of free time, we broke off and advised her we would get back to the ship on our own so they wouldn't be looking for us.


The Greek theater is very interesting, amazingly sited. Was redone for gladiator battles by the Romans. You can see Mt. Etna from the seats.

Apparently it erupted a few weeks ago during an opera performance. That would have been quite a sight.


We walked all over town on our own then up to the Saracen Fort ruins. This is the ruined fortress you see up on the hill above the town. A good hike. We get up there, and it is closed, but the views were still great. As we have found a lot in southern Europe, things close on no particular schedule. And it was Monday.


Hiked back down catching the breeze and stopping to take pics. We ate lunch at a pizza restaurant that I remembered from previous trip. Pizza was great as usual, but there were 2 screaming German kids at the table next to us. They obviously were just very tired, but their parents should have had enough sense to take them for a nap instead of trying to eat lunch in a sit down restaurant. (BTW, there are NO kids on the ship at all. GE and a couple of other girls about his age are the youngest, and that is mid 20s.)


Went to the public gardens and looked around, very pretty.


Took a taxi back to the port for 25 euro. Amazingly FAST drive!


Trivia--we lost by one point. Questions were too easy though. Almost everyone got most of them.


Repeat cruisers cocktail party in the theater. Not as many repeats as on most of the cruises I have been on. Lots of caviar and real champagne.


Dinner was with Michael, the cruise consultant. He is a pretty interesting guy. Also the chief concierge, a German lady, who is very nice and seems like she would be the one to go to to get things done.


Info gleaned at dinner: 2013 schedule will most ikely NOT be out on Oct 16. They are having some issues, so new date is first week of Nov (and that is hopefully).

Signatures may stay French, may be Italian (not sure why with La Veranda). Didn't discuss whether the name would stay the same or not.

New ship plans exist, but they will not pull the trigger to start building until the economy improves. They are expecting that might not happen for 2 more years. That is even though this year and last year were the 2 best years they have ever had. It will NOT have pods.


Wendy, I don't know what they did to lessen the vibration, but they apparently did something. They did some work on the pods, so don't know if that makes a difference.


Poss, we loved our 4x4 trip. Our friends went to the Acheillon Palace and downtown and enjoyed their tour. They said the guide was very interesting. Didn't talk to anyone on the biking tour. I had considered it, but it said it was mostly uphill. Hills in Corfu are pretty steep, so I chickened out. I can do a little hill on a bike, but I had a bad bike accident a few years back which has shyed me away from steep.

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We were in Corfu a couple years ago, and we loved walking around the old town - there were some narrow scenic alley ways and we found the old synagogue that was full of memorabilia from WW2. We took a tour that went to the Monastery/Church that was very beautiful.

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Really enjoying your posts. Today's was a particular newsy one.


Have you noticed items on the Compass Rose menu from Prime 7 or Signatures? Not sure if that is suppose to occur this year or not. I'd love to see P-7 crab on the menu in CR one night.


Not too surprised to hear that the 2013 itineraries will be delayed. Just happy they will be out in the near future. It's never too early to book a cruise:)

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Gerry, just heard from Mark Conroy reference Signatures, pls see below:


Yes Signatures will stay French with a redesigned menu.





Mark S. Conroy │ President


Regent Seven Seas Cruises │ 1000 Corporate Drive, Suite 500, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334

That is a useful bit of information, Wes. I, at least, am grateful to you for passing it on. Thanks.

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Eric, +1..your very welcome Tom...warmest regards to Barbara..am sure u both are getting ready for your Mariner crossing next month. Poss, thanks for another robust

"seamail" if u have time pls pass Ida and my warm regards to Michael.

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