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Live from Voyager Venice to Monte Carlo--Sept 29-Oct 10


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Good report Rachel. My next cruise will have a lot of the same ports so I love hearing about your excursions. I agree that Michael, the cruise consultant, is an interesting guy - perhaps because he is a Canadian? I have met him on several cruises. Elsie

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My frustration is with all of the heresay, quotes and other misinformation. The latest rumor is that the announcement will be this Wednesday. I understand that it is difficult to keep information to yourself when you believe it to be true. However, when I have heard information from management or officers on board the ship, I state that this is something I heard and do not name the person I heard it from. Some things I have heard have come to pass -- others have not.




Still looking forward to the big announcement on Wednesday. . . . or will it be Sunday the 16th. . . . or :confused:



If you had carefully read what I wrote about Wednesday, you would not have written what you did that I quoted above. I'm the one who mentioned Wednesday and NOT that there would be any announcement. Wednesday is simply when the first Concierge cruise can be booked for non-concierge passengers and I stated that we should find out then about the 10% discount pricing at that time if the people who are on this board as well as onboard that cruise post what their pricing is for the extra cost excursions. Absolutely nothing has been posted about any announcement on Wednesday.

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One problem that I have seen on the boards for the last six months has been information reportedly said by Mark Conroy that was not accurate. Months ago, "Dreps" posted that, per Mark Conroy, Gold and above would be able to make dining and excursion reservations even if they are not in a concierge class suite.


It is certainly possible that these posters have spoken and/or received emails from Mr. Conroy. However, until the information is released publically by Regent (or Mr. Conroy or their Public Relations representative), it is merely heresay.


My frustration is with all of the heresay, quotes and other misinformation.


Sorry, TC, but I don't see it the way you do. You label the information Dreps posted from Mark Conroy as "not accurate". You complain that the change didn't happen at a certain time, but the information he posted did not contain a timeframe. You assumed the changes in the SSS program had to occur by the time the first concierge cruises opened for excursion booking, but that wasn't part of what Dreps posted from Mark Conroy.


In fact, all the indications -- a leading Regent travel agent reports on what Regent announced at a conference of travel agents; SSS Gold-level customers booked on upcoming cruises report Regent is making changes in the website pushing their booking dates earlier -- are that the promised changes are soon to come to fruition.


It's certainly your right to remain skeptical until Regent formally announces/makes changes. However, I find your labeling of postings from CC members who have received emails from Mark Conroy as "hearsay" to be insulting. They're not saying they heard from a friend whose travel agent reportedly heard from someone at Regent about a change; that would be hearsay. But someone who writes to the CEO and gets an email reply from the CEO, which they helpfully post here to quell concerns or answer questions we've been discussing, is not hearsay. When you repeatedly call it hearsay, and repeatedly say "reportedly said by Mark Conroy", you are accusing the posters of fabricating the emails they've received. In my opinion, that is uncalled for and distasteful.


Do you remember when Mark Conroy posted occasionally on CC? It would take him the same amount of time to post a one liner on CC as it would be to respond to an email.


Not really. As I noted in my previous post on this subject, people would reply to his one line posts -- and expect him to respond to answer, justify, explain, etc. If he didn't reply, the cries would grow louder. It puts him in a no-win situation; spend more and more time replying, because he is seen as open and accessible, or receive grief over his failure to reply to questions and challenges posted to him. As I noted other CEOs have done, he has chosen to occasionally provide information to a customer, knowing it will be passed on here without him having to reply directly to every follow-up post.


Finally, my apologies to Rachel for jumping into this thread of her informative sea reports to debate these Regent policy issues; I'll now bow out of discussing those issues in this thread.


-- Eric

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Rachael's postings are so refreshing. and I do wonder why this thread was used to post Mark Conroy musings. I love that the "new" restaurant is being talked about on the Voyager as well as the possibility of a new ship and the delay of 2013 itineraries. I appreciate Rachael's open and honest postings and,of course the detail of the ship, food, service and the ports she visits.


Hope my postings from the Middle East can be half as good as Rachael's. The key seems to be ignoring posts that encourage bickering. I should have done that with cruiseej posts. Sorry that this thread got off track. It's back on now.

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Not in Monemvasia--sorry Wendy, that must be Mariner. Jamie Logan was there on the cruise prior to this one, but it is not on our itinerary. Too bad, as it sounds very interesting.


Anyway, Sorrento--yet another beautiful sunny warm day. A tender port, but in a lovely location. And yet again beside Silversea Silver Spirit.


We tendered off to catch a little bus to take us up to a bigger bus for our tour. Sorrento is built on a cliff, so regular busses can't go down to the dock. Regent had a shuttle running all day for those who were on their own, as they also did in Corfu. Or there are stairs if you are really energetic. It would be quite a climb.


Our tour took us to 2 villas that were destroyed the same time as Pompeii. I chose this because I had been to both Pompeii and Capri before. And GE said I could pick.


The villas, particularly the 2nd, Villa San Marco, are very impressive. Larger than any buildings at Pompeii (San Marco is 16,000 sq feet) and still being excavated. They have a lot more of the frescoes and mosaics intact than Pompeii, and they are in very good condition. Our guide there was a very earnest young American girl who is excavating, so she has a lot of knowledge but doesn't really know how to move the group along. However, I definitely rec going there.


Then we went to the Sorrentino winery which is on the side of Mt Vesuvius. This is a family run commercial winery. The owner (father) showed us around. He is clearly very proud of his operation, as he should be. Beautiful vineyards, and we got to taste the grapes. Then inside where we had a 4 course meal made by his wine accompanied by wines from the vineyard for all 4 courses. Bruschetta and fresh olives 1st, then pasta with roasted zucchini, then eggplant parmesan with roasted tomatoes and fresh cheese, finally dessert which was an apricot tarte. All produce was from their farm and so good because so fresh.


Back to the ship just in time for trivia. Again lost by 1 point. GRRR.


The evening was spectacular. They had turned the pool deck and jogging track into a mini-Venice complete with a gondola and a bridge made by the engineering guys. Lots of singing by the opera people on board, but they sang more than opera. A mask parade by the staff. Lots of people wearing masks. I was a cat and GE was a Roman soldier. Our masks were among the best I think as they really were from Venice. I am actually going to use them later in a decorating project at home, so was able to spend a bit more on the purchase.


Food was mostly Italian, with a big antipasto station like La Veranda, a pasta station (freshly made), a salad station, guys grilling all different meats, a whole roast pig, Italian cured meats. And sushi! Lots of different desserts.


Sorrento was in the background with a beautiful sunset. Couldn't ask for a more perfect evening. This was one where you just have to think how truly blessed you are to be able to be healthy and well-off enough to enjoy things like this, because it is truly special.


In answer to TC's ? about the menu in CR, there is one item from Prime 7 and one from Signatures under the main courses every night. This is in addition to what they already had on offer. So there are essentially 2 extra choices for your main.

I have also noticed an extra under the appetizers at times, so 1 more appetizer choice most times.

No one should have trouble finding anything to eat.

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Rachel, thanks for the wonderful reports, keep them coming, and have a wonderful time!


(And to others: can we keep the carping and bickering out of this thread please?)


I don' think that is possible with any of these threads. Regardless of the original subject.

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Rachel..enjoying your post especially since we'll be visiting some the same ports in June. When we met last (British Isles) I was cruising with my daughter and this next time I convinced my hubby. I've been reading your post to him in order for him to get more excited about the trip. Sounds like you're having a fantastic time.

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Lovesatq, glad to hear from you, and happy to be of service in helping get your husband excited about the trip. It really is great.


Another bright sunny warm day--they have all been great so far, but our guide today says they get over 300 days of sun here per year, so I guess it is the norm.


We had just slowly meandered down to Amalfi during the night since it is only 24 miles from Sorrento. Beautiful views from the ship. And another tender port, but only a short ride.


We took the boat excursion to Positano and back. The guide gave us a little commentary in Positano and in Amalfi, but mostly we were on our own, which is what we often like. Hiked up to the top of Positano and back down, looking in some shops and just wandering. I had spent a week here several years ago, so am familiar with the stairways and streets. They wind all over, so you sometimes don't end up where you think you are going. But it is a hauntingly beautiful place.


Then lunch in Amalfi on our own. We went up to the paper museum where they show old paper making out of linen and cotten. They still make some, and it is an excellent gift for people at home as it is very unique, easy to pack, and not expensive. We also bought lemoncello, being very careful to get properly sealed bottles.


Went back to the ship at about 3:30 as we were all walked out. And besides, we had to get ready for trivia. It was a terrible defeat at the regular game, but then they had opera trivia. I only knew 2 answers which I think was about average, but we had recruited a ringer--a British lady who knew tons about opera. And we won! Again, not through much help of mine though I did know one question that she didn't.


Had the gold, plat, titanium event which was a sailaway cocktail party in the balcony off Horizons. Nothing special except it was a pretty sailaway, and it was nice talking to others. We didn't stay long because we wanted to catch the first part of Crew Capers which was held tonight because of the long days the next 2 days. Great as usual.


Then we had cocktails in the Observation Lounge with our TA's son and daughter-in-law and several others who use the same TA. Very fun.


Tonight at dinner in CR, I tried the steak from P7 just to see how it would turn out in CR. It was great, every bit as good as in P7, so they are able to maintain the quality.


Skipped the show as we were really tired from all the partying. GE says cruising is strenuous work, and he is right. Only for the fit, or at least fit at heart.


Some lady won $6000 playing the slots in the casino.

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Thanks, Wes for the info from Mark...


I am very glad Signatures will (a) stay Signatures and (b) stay French as long as it is proper French cuisine and not some "fusion"...


I think it complements Prime 7 very well. And I really thought that Latitudes was a restaurant in search of an identity all its existence. So French, for me anyway, is good news!! I suppose the only one thing better would have been to persuade Vineet Bhatia to open a Rasoï on board!!

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WOW! Rachel - what an evening. And how lovely... when you first (some time ago) mentioned the masks I thought - oh no!. But now "all is revealed it really sounds like an incredible evening. All that trouble to make the gondola etc. You must have some great photos of this event? if so can you share them with us all?


A note to Jackie: When I said that Mark Conroy told me that the announcement about the new benefits would be made in a "few days" - he did. He has my e mail address and I have his. I believe I said at the time or shortly afterwards that I didn't think the timing of it would be his decision... But maybe now he has told Wes a specific date it will be "for real". As we say here - on verra!

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Rachel: Your posts are so winning in every way. I wish that $6,000 were yours!


Hambagahle: Sant' Angelo looks like a terrific place, but Al Ponte Mocenigo (#1 on Trip Advisor:can't remember the exact name) is about half the cost, so I think we'll book Al Ponte. Or: I need to find some slots.

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That seemed to be a wonderful evening in an Italian sunset on a superb cruise ship. I have been looking hard for a cat and a Roman soldier mask but without success. When you've seen the pics, Rachel, please tell me if you are in them and where you are.

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Nope, Tom, not in any of those pics. They had tables set up on the jogging track up on deck 12, and that is where we were--best seats in the house in my opinion as it was a perfect warm night. We were able to see the show but also see the beautiful view of Sorrento. But Jamie's blog has some great pics of the event.


Another perfect, warm sunny day. I didn't really want to go into Rome, so had signed us up for the Countryside and Catacombs tour. Big mistake! We would have been better off just taking the train into Rome and doing our own thing. But if you look at the description of the tour on the Regent website, it sounds really nice, and it says nothing about riding around in a bus for 5 1/2 hrs of a 9 hr tour. I hardly ever complain, but this was a big disappointment. To be perfectly fair, the description that they give you after you board the ship did include all the stuff about driving, but I book ahead of time so didn't have that info. I have never had a problem with the tour driving time description on the website before, but now I will recheck once on board.


Anyway, we boarded a bus--34 for us--for the Catacombs. We drove on the freeway about 40 min then stopped at a truck stop--why?? Nobody needed to use the restroom that soon, and the Catacombs had perfectly good restrooms. The driver made everyone get off the bus, whether they wanted to or not. Spent 10 min looking at stuff in the truckstop, then reboarded for another 40 min.


Catacombs were interesting, but with only 1 guide for 34 people and having to go through single file, you didn't get any commentary unless you were at the front of the line. I had been to some similar ones before so was explaining stuff to those around me. Spent less than an hr at the Catacombs.


Back on the bus to Castel Gandolfo. This is where the Pope's summer residence is, and it is just a quiet little town. Not anything to see here except the exterior of the pope's residence, a pretty lake and a church. There was a wedding in the church, so that was my entertainment, esp when the driver of the Rolls Royce limo couldn't get it started and had to run for jumper cables. Otherwise nothing to do here unless you wanted to eat lunch (which was to be our next stop) or buy really cheap souveniers or pictures of the pope.


Our guide said it would be 15 min to the place where we were having lunch. We proceeded to drive, and drive, and drive. After about 45 min, the driver got lost. Had to stop for directions twice. Finally arrived at the "countryside" which was actually in the middle of the suburbs of Rome. We never got out in the country at all. Lunch was ok, but not outstanding. As it was 3:00 by the time we started eating, we were really hungry, so would have pretty much eaten anything.


Then we boarded the bus for a 2 hr ride back to the ship. When we arrived, all the crew were out to welcome us back on board, which would have been so nice except everyone was in a bad mood from our terrible tour.


I did make complaint to the tour desk and filled out a form. We will see if anything comes of it.


We had reservations in Signatures for 6:30. We got back at 6:30, and we weren't all that hungry, but we hated to waste our reservations. So we cleaned up really quickly and went down. Actually, the food was so good that I ended up eating more. Salmon was perfect, and my son had the steak topped with the world's largest portion of fois gras. No way he could finish. Wines were a white burgundy and a chateauneuf du pape.


Evening entertainment was the Broadway show, and it was good as usual. It is probably my favorite show (other than the new cirque voyager show).


Sorry for such a negative post. I will try to do better tomorrow.

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Rachel, even your "negative" posts have a gentleness and humor about them-- and I thank you once more for all the valuable details. Do you happen to know whether any of the other non-Rome tours from Civ. were more enjoyable?

Btw, I'm not much of a meat eater usually, but I ordered the steak/foie gras at Signatures. Superb! (I also ordered foie gras again in CR. Each time felt "bad," but oh, so good!)

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.....didn't really want to go into Rome, so had signed us up for the Countryside and Catacombs tour. Big mistake! We would have been better off just taking the train into Rome and doing our own thing. But if you look at the description of the tour on the Regent website, it sounds really nice, and it says nothing about riding around in a bus for 5 1/2 hrs of a 9 hr tour. I hardly ever complain, but this was a big disappointment. To be perfectly fair, the description that they give you after you board the ship did include all the stuff about driving, but I book ahead of time so didn't have that info. I have never had a problem with the tour driving time description on the website before, but now I will recheck once on board.


Anyway, we boarded a bus--34 for us--for the Catacombs. We drove on the freeway about 40 min then stopped at a truck stop--why?? Nobody needed to use the restroom that soon, and the Catacombs had perfectly good restrooms. The driver made everyone get off the bus, whether they wanted to or not. Spent 10 min looking at stuff in the truckstop, then reboarded for another 40 min.


Catacombs were interesting, but with only 1 guide for 34 people and having to go through single file, you didn't get any commentary unless you were at the front of the line. I had been to some similar ones before so was explaining stuff to those around me. Spent less than an hr at the Catacombs.


Back on the bus to Castel Gandolfo. This is where the Pope's summer residence is, and it is just a quiet little town. Not anything to see here except the exterior of the pope's residence, a pretty lake and a church. There was a wedding in the church, so that was my entertainment, esp when the driver of the Rolls Royce limo couldn't get it started and had to run for jumper cables. Otherwise nothing to do here unless you wanted to eat lunch (which was to be our next stop) or buy really cheap souveniers or pictures of the pope.


Our guide said it would be 15 min to the place where we were having lunch. We proceeded to drive, and drive, and drive. After about 45 min, the driver got lost. Had to stop for directions twice. Finally arrived at the "countryside" which was actually in the middle of the suburbs of Rome. We never got out in the country at all. Lunch was ok, but not outstanding. As it was 3:00 by the time we started eating, we were really hungry, so would have pretty much eaten anything.


Then we boarded the bus for a 2 hr ride back to the ship. When we arrived, all the crew were out to welcome us back on board, which would have been so nice except everyone was in a bad mood from our terrible tour.


Funnily enough we ducked out of this tour at the last minute in favour of a relaxing day on-board the Mariner because it sounded like a lot of bus-riding to see not very much - now we're even more pleased we did so! ;)

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Bus driver and/or Tour Guide most likely get 5% from the Autostrada stop on anything sold to the group. NOT a reason to do it and between Civitavecchia and Rome totally unnecesary. Glad you told the Tour Desk, Rachel. Someone's figers need rapping! This is not a "Regent" kind of thing to happen.

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Funnily enough we ducked out of this tour at the last minute in favour of a relaxing day on-board the Mariner because it sounded like a lot of bus-riding to see not very much - now we're even more pleased we did so! ;)



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